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The muscle-fiber architecture of 29 muscles from six rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) was measured in order to describe the muscular properties of this cursorial animal, which possesses several specific skeletal adaptations. Several muscles were placed into one of four functional groups: hamstrings, quadriceps, dorsiflexors, or plantarflexors, for statistical comparison of properties between groups. Antagonistic groups (i.e., hamstrings vs. quadriceps or dorsiflexors vs. plantarflexors) demonstrated significant differences in fiber length, fiber length/muscle length ratio, muscle mass, pinnation angle, and number of sarcomeres in series (P less than .02). Discriminant analysis permitted characterization of the "typical" muscle belonging to one of the four groups. The quadriceps were characterized by their large pinnation angles and low fiber length/mass ratios, suggesting a design for force production. Conversely, the hamstrings, with small pinnation angles, appeared to be designed to permit large excursions. Similar differences were observed between plantarflexors and dorsiflexors, which have architectural features that suit them for force production and excursion respectively. Although these differences were not absolute, they represented clear morphological distinctions that have functional consequences.  相似文献   

江豚鼻道肌的解剖和构筑研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
江豚的鼻部肌共分为后外肌、前外肌、后内肌、前内肌和深肌5层,无间肌和大小内肌较退化,无对角膜肌。通过测定各肌的肌重、平均肌纤维长、平均肌小节长以及肌纤维角度,计算了各肌的生理横截面积,估计最大强直张力和肌鲜重对估计最大强直张力之比值等指标。鼻部肌各肌的相对肌纤维长度相似。各鼻部肌的肌纤维角度均为零。前部肌比后部肌具有较大的收缩速度和收缩位移优势,后部肌则具有较强的张力产生能力。着于额隆和唇部吻肌的张力产生能力很强。  相似文献   

Force, velocity, and displacement properties of a muscle are determined in large part by its architectural design. The relative effect of muscle architecture on these physiological variables was studied by determining muscle weight, fiber length, average sarcomere length, and approximate angle of pinnation for 24 cat hind limb muscles. Muscle lengths ranged from 28.3 to 144 mm, whereas fiber lengths ranged from 8.4 to 105.5 mm. Generally, fiber to muscle length ratios were similar throughout a muscle. Estimated angles of pinnation of muscle fibers varied from 0 to 21° with most having an angle of less than 10°. The cross-sectional area of the knee extensors was similar to the knee flexors (16.43 vs. 16.83 cm2) whereas the cross-sectional area of the ankle extensors was more than six times greater than the ankle flexors (18.59 vs. 2.83 cm2). There was a 6.7-fold difference in the maximal force between muscles, when normalized to a constant weight, that could be attributed to architectural features. Rations of wet weight to predicted maximal tetanic tension for each muscle and group were calculated to compare the relative priority of muscle force versus muscle length-velocity for a given mass of muscle. These ratios varied from 0.4 to 4.84. The ratios suggest that velocity and/or displacement is a priority for the hamstrings, whereas force is a priority for the quadriceps and lower leg muscles. As much as a 12.6-fold difference in maximal velocity between muscles can be attributed to differences in fiber lengths. This can be compared to approximately a 2.5-fold difference in maximal velocity reported to occur as a result of biochemical (intrinsic) differences.  相似文献   

Muscle architecture, moment arms, and locomotor movements in the distal limb segments of the procyonids Nasua (coati) and Procyon (raccoon) are analyzed with reference to patterns of muscle fiber length. This study addresses the hypothesis that relative fiber lengths among muscles in a muscle group can be predicted on the basis of correlates of muscle tension. The results include the following: consistent patterns of fiber length of muscles in a muscle group exist within and between the two genera. Differences in fiber length between muscles can be accounted for by two principal correlates of muscle excursion--length of a muscle's moment arm about a joint and joint-angle excursion. Muscle fiber pinnation permits increased tendon excursion, but this effect is relatively small in comparison to the effects of moment-arm length and joint-angle excursion. Corollary action between two or more joints (or lack thereof) is an important factor in determination of fiber lengths.  相似文献   

Most models of in vivo musculoskeletal function fail to take into account the diversity of force trajectories defined by muscle fiber architecture. It has been shown for many muscles, across species, that muscle fibers commonly end within muscle fascicles without reaching a myotendinous junction, and that many of these fibers show a progressive decline in cross-sectional area along the length of the muscle. The significance of these anatomical observations is that the tapering would seem to preclude forces generated at the largest cross-sectional area of the fibers being transmitted to the sarcomeres toward the ends of the tapered fiber. If all of the forces are transmitted via the sarcomeres arranged in series, those few sarcomeres at the smaller ends of the fibers must tolerate the stress exerted by the more numerous sarcomeres arranged in parallel at the portions of the fiber with larger cross-sectional areas. A logical alternative would be for forces to be transmitted laterally along the length of a fiber to the cell membrane and the extracellular matrix. Such a structural arrangement would permit an alternative force transmission vector and minimize the necessity for a precise level of force to be generated along the entire length of a fiber. There are cytoarchitectural and biochemical data demonstrating the presence of a subcellular network which is appropriately located to transmit forces from the active intracellular contractile elements to the extracellular intramuscular connective tissues. However, to fully comprehend how forces are transmitted from individual cross bridges to the tendon, it will be necessary to understand the interactions of all of the components of the muscle tendon complex from the molecular to the multicellular level. It is insufficient to know the physiology of the individual components in a restricted experimental paradigm and assume that these conditions account for the functional characteristics in vivo. Thus, the challenge is to understand how the sarcomeres and all of the associated structures transmit the forces of the whole muscle to its attachments.  相似文献   

Sarcomerogenesis, or the addition of sarcomeres in series within a fiber, has a profound impact on the performance of a muscle by increasing its contractile velocity and power. Sarcomerogenesis may provide a beneficial adaptation to prevent injury when a muscle consistently works at long lengths, accounting for the repeated-bout effect. The association between eccentric exercise, sarcomerogenesis and the repeated-bout effect has been proposed to depend on damage, where regeneration allows sarcomeres to work at shorter lengths for a given muscle-tendon unit length. To gain additional insight into this phenomenon, we measured fiber dynamics directly in the vastus lateralis (VL) muscle of rats during uphill and downhill walking, and we measured serial sarcomere number in the VL and vastus intermedius (VI) after chronic training on either a decline or incline grade. We found that the knee extensor muscles of uphill walking rats undergo repeated active concentric contractions, and therefore they suffer no contraction-induced injury. Conversely, the knee extensor muscles during downhill walking undergo repeated active eccentric contractions. Serial sarcomere numbers change differently for the uphill and downhill exercise groups, and for the VL and VI muscles. Short muscle lengths for uphill concentric-biased contractions result in a loss of serial sarcomeres, and long muscle lengths for downhill eccentric-biased contractions result in a gain of serial sarcomeres.  相似文献   

The embryo of a tarsonemid mite was found to be suitable for in vivo observations of muscle development by polarization microscopy. The four dorsal muscles of the metapodosoma each contain three sarcomeres, the anterior two of which can be seen clearly. These sarcomeres can be identified and followed during much of their development. Sarcomeres are about 2.5 micra long when first detected and increase in length until they are about 10 micra long. The change in length is associated with a slow, approximately constant rate of increase in the length of the A region, and an initially slow then much more rapid increase in the length of the I band. Preceding the period when the I band elongates rapidly there is an increase in the diameter of the muscle fibers and an increase in the retardation of the A band. A, I, Z, and H bands are visible during most of these changes. The change in A band length has been interpreted in terms of the growth of the A filaments which have been observed by electron microscopy in muscles of other animals. It is suggested that the exceptionally long sarcomeres in this mite result from the early fixing of the number of sarcomeres in a given muscle fiber.  相似文献   

This paper offers a model for the normalized length-tension relation of a muscle fiber based upon sarcomere design. Comparison with measurements published by Gordon et al. ('66) shows an accurate fit as long as the inhomogeneity of sarcomere length in a single muscle fiber is taken into account. Sequential change of filament length and the length of the cross-bridge-free zone leads the model to suggest that most vertebrate sarcomeres tested match the condition of optimal construction for the output of mechanical energy over a full sarcomere contraction movement. Joint optimization of all three morphometric parameters suggests that a slightly better (0.3%) design is theoretically possible. However, this theoretical sarcomere, optimally designed for the conversion of energy, has a low normalized contraction velocity; it provides a poorer match to the combined functional demands of high energy output and high contraction velocity than the real sarcomeres of vertebrates. The sarcomeres in fish myotomes appear to be built suboptimally for isometric contraction, but built optimally for that shortening velocity generating maximum power. During swimming, these muscles do indeed contract concentrically only. The sarcomeres of insect asynchronous flight muscles contract only slightly. They are not built optimally for maximum output of energy across the full range of contraction encountered in vertebrate sarcomeres, but are built almost optimally for the contraction range that they do in fact employ.  相似文献   

The present study examined the effects of elastase-induced emphysema on the structure of the external oblique and transverse abdominis muscles and a non-respiratory muscle, the extensor digitorum longus. Muscle structure was assessed from the cross-sectional area (CSA) and percent of individual fiber types in histochemically stained sections and from the number of sarcomeres arranged in series along the length of individual fibers. Data were obtained in eight hamsters with emphysema and nine saline-injected controls. In the normal (control) animals the external oblique was thicker but contained fewer sarcomeres than the transverse abdominis. Fiber size was similar in the two muscles. In the transverse abdominis the percents of fast-glycolytic and fast-oxidative fibers were greater and smaller, respectively, than in the external oblique. Lung volume of emphysematous hamsters was 168% of control values (P less than 0.001). In emphysematous compared with control animals, the CSA of fast-twitch fibers in the external oblique and transverse abdominis was significantly reduced. Fiber length and sarcomere number were significantly decreased in the transverse abdominis but not in the external oblique in emphysematous hamsters. In contrast, fiber size and composition of the extensor digitorum longus was similar in emphysematous and control animals. These data indicate that cellular responses of the ventilatory muscles to chronic hyperinflation and altered thoracic geometry induced by emphysema are not present in limb skeletal muscle. We speculate that changes in fiber length and CSA of fast fibers in the abdominal expiratory muscles reflect responses to chronic alterations in the mechanics of breathing that may affect muscle load, length, or the pattern of activity.  相似文献   

Muscle fiber deformation is related to its cellular structure, as well as its architectural arrangement within the musculoskeletal system. While playing an important role in aponeurosis displacement, and efficiency of force transmission to the tendon, such deformation also provides important clues about the underlying mechanical structure of the muscle. We hypothesized that muscle fiber cross section would deform asymmetrically to satisfy the observed constant volume of muscle during a contraction. Velocity-encoded, phase-contrast, and morphological magnetic resonance imaging techniques were used to measure changes in fascicle length, pinnation angle, and aponeurosis separation of the human gastrocnemius muscle during passive and active eccentric ankle joint movements. These parameters were then used to subsequently calculate the in-plane muscle area subtended by the two aponeuroses and fascicles and to calculate the in-plane (dividing area by fascicle length), and through-plane (dividing muscle volume by area) thicknesses. Constant-volume considerations of the whole-muscle geometry require that, as fascicle length increases, the muscle fiber cross-sectional area must decrease in proportion to the length change. Our empirical findings confirm the definition of a constant-volume rule that dictates that changes in the dimension perpendicular to the plane, i.e., through-plane thickness, (-6.0% for passive, -3.3% for eccentric) equate to the reciprocal of the changes in area (6.8% for passive, 3.7% for eccentric) for both exercise paradigms. The asymmetry in fascicle cross-section deformation for both passive and active muscle fibers is established in this study with a ~22% in-plane and ~6% through-plane fascicle thickness change. These fiber deformations have functional relevance, not only because they affect the force production of the muscle itself, but also because they affect the characteristics of adjacent muscles by deflecting their line of pull.  相似文献   

Changes of architecture of adult rat gastrocnemius medialis muscle (GM) due to growth were studied in relation to length-force characteristics. Myofilament lengths were unchanged, indicating constant sarcomere length-force characteristics. Number of sarcomeres within fibers was unchanged as a consequence of growth, allowing persistence of differences between proximal and distal fibers in all age groups. Distal fiber length at muscle optimum length was shorter for the 14- than for the 10- and 16-week age groups despite a lack of difference of number of sarcomeres. This is indicative of a shift of optimum length. Some evidence for the occurrence of distribution of fiber optimum lengths with respect to muscle optimum length was found in other age groups as well, albeit of a smaller magnitude. Muscle and aponeurosis length increased substantially with growth. Functional effects of increased aponeurosis lengths were increased contributions to muscle length changes by the aponeurosis, allowing smaller fiber contributions in older animals. Fiber angle increased approximately 5 degrees with growth. Despite the differences of architecture indicated above, muscle length range between optimum length and active slack length was constant. This was probably caused by widening of this length range in the youngest age group by variations of architecture within the muscle. It is concluded that adaptation of aspects of muscle architecture is an important mechanism for adult muscle growth in rat GM. Of these aspects regulation of muscle length seems a dominant factor.  相似文献   

The effects of inter- and extramuscular myofascial force transmission on muscle length force characteristics were studied in rat. Connective tissues at the bellies of the experimental synergistic muscles of the anterior crural compartment were left intact. Extensor digitorium longus (EDL) muscle was lengthened distally whereas tibialis anterior (TA) and extensor hallucis longus (EHL) were kept at constant muscle–tendon complex length. Substantial differences were found in EDL force measured at the proximal and distal tendons (maximally 46% of the proximal force). EDL with intact inter- as well as extramuscular connections had an increased length range between active slack and optimum length compared to EDL with extramuscular connections exclusively: optimum muscle length was shifted by more than 2 mm. Distal EDL lengthening caused the distal force exerted by TA+EHL complex to decrease (approximately 17% of the initial force). This indicates increased intermuscular myofascial force transmission from TA+EHL muscle complex to EDL muscle.

Finite-element modeling showed that: (1) Inter- and extramuscular myofascial force transmission leads to a substantial distribution of the lengths of the sarcomeres arranged in series within muscle fibers. Distribution of stress within the muscle fibers showed that the muscle fiber cannot be considered as a unit exerting equal forces at both ends. (2) Increased heterogeneity of mean fiber sarcomere lengths (i.e., a “parallel” distribution of length of sarcomeres among different muscle fibers) is found, particularly at high muscle lengths. This also explains the shift in muscle optimum length to higher lengths.

It is concluded that inter- and extramuscular myofascial force transmission has substantial effects on muscle length–force characteristics.  相似文献   

Fiber architecture of the extensor musculature of the knee and ankle is examined in two African guenon species—the semiterrestrial Cercopithecus aethiops, and the arboreal C. ascanius. Using histologic and microscopic techniques to measure lengths of sarcomeres, the original lengths of muscle fasciculi and angles of pinnation in quadriceps femoris and triceps surae are reconstructed from direct measurements on cadavers. Calculations of reduced physiological cross-sectional area, mass/predicted effective tetanic tension, maximum excursion, and tendon length/fasciculus + tendon lengths are correlated to preferred locomotor modalities in the wild. For both species, greater morphological differences occur among the bellies of quadriceps femoris—rectus femoris, vastus intermedius, v. lateralis, and v. medialis—than among the bellies of triceps surae—gastrocnemius lateralis, g. medialis, plantaris, and soleus. With regard to quadriceps femoris, few differences occur between species. Interspecific differences in the triceps surae indicate (1) redirection of muscle force to accommodate arboreality in which the substrate is less than body width; (2) muscles more suited for velocity in the semiterrestrial vervets; and (3) muscles used more isotonically in vervets and more isometrically in red-tailed monkeys. The inherent flexibility of muscle may be preadaptive to a primary species shift in locomotor modality until the bony morphology is able to adapt through natural selection. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Thin mandibles and small incisors found in New World monkeys as compared with Old World monkeys suggest that there may be differences in craniofacial loading patterns between these two groups, particularly in levels of mandibular corpus twisting (Hylander, 1975, 1979a; Eaglen, 1984; Bouvier, 1986a,b). This study examined the hypothesis that changes in the relative force contributions of the masticatory muscles were responsible for lowering torsion on the mandibular corpus in New World monkeys. Muscle weight and physiological cross-sections were compared using data from the literature (Schumacher, 1960: Turnbull, 1970; Cachel, 1979) as well as new data on adult male Cebus apella and Macaca mulatta. Both age and sex had an effect on muscle ratios. Mixed samples such as those used by Schumacher and Turnbull probably are not appropriate for drawing conclusions concerning species or group differences in muscle ratios. In addition, biomechanical conclusions based on muscle weight ratios alone to estimate muscle force may be misleading because fiber length inversely affects the amount of force a muscle can exert. A comparison of ratios based on physiological cross-section as an estimator of muscle force in New and Old World monkeys does not support the hypothesis that alterations in force contribution by individual masticatory muscles are responsible for minimizing mandibular corpus twisting in New World monkeys. Therefore, if twisting has been minimized in New World monkeys as suggested by their thin corpora, other changes in the craniofacial musculoskeletal complex, such as different muscle recruitment or pinnation patterns, may be responsible.  相似文献   

The present study examined the active and passive length-tension relationship of the abdominal expiratory muscles in vitro during electrically stimulated contractions. Studies were performed on isolated strips of transverse abdominis and external oblique muscle from nine adult hamsters with normal lung function. The effect of chronic hyperinflation on the two muscles was assessed in eight hamsters with elastase-induced emphysema. In normal animals the maximal active tension per cross-sectional area (Po) was equal in the two muscles. The absolute muscle fiber length at which Po occurred (Lo) was less for the external oblique than the transverse abdominis and the length-tension curve operated at shorter fiber lengths. However, the change in tension produced by an increase or decrease in muscle length expressed in relative terms (i.e., as %Lo) was greater for the transverse abdominis than the external oblique. Mean total lung capacity of emphysematous animals was 198% of control. Po of the transverse abdominis and external oblique were the same in emphysematous and control animals. However, Lo and the length-tension curve of the transverse abdominis occurred at shorter fiber lengths in emphysematous animals because of a reduction in the number of sarcomeres in series along the fiber. The length-tension curve and the number of sarcomeres in the external oblique was the same in emphysematous and control animals. These results in normal animals indicate that the magnitude of the change in active and passive tension produced by a change in muscle length differs in the transverse abdominis and external oblique. Moreover, chronic hyperinflation of the thorax produced by elastase injection alters the length-tension relationships of some but not all the expiratory muscles.  相似文献   

Recent experiments involving muscle force measurements over a range of muscle lengths show that effects of botulinum toxin (BTX) are complex e.g., force reduction varies as a function of muscle length. We hypothesized that altered conditions of sarcomeres within active parts of partially paralyzed muscle is responsible for this effect. Using finite element modeling, the aim was to test this hypothesis and to study principles of how partial activation as a consequence of BTX affects muscle mechanics. In order to model the paralyzing effect of BTX, only 50% of the fascicles (most proximal, or middle, or most distal) of the modeled muscle were activated. For all muscle lengths, a vast majority of sarcomeres of these BTX-cases were at higher lengths than identical sarcomeres of the BTX-free muscle. Due to such “longer sarcomere effect”, activated muscle parts show an enhanced potential of active force exertion (up to 14.5%). Therefore, a muscle force reduction originating exclusively from the paralyzed muscle fiber populations, is compromised by the changes of active sarcomeres leading to a smaller net force reduction. Moreover, such “compromise to force reduction” varies as a function of muscle length and is a key determinant of muscle length dependence of force reduction caused by BTX. Due to longer sarcomere effect, muscle optimum length tends to shift to a lower muscle length. Muscle fiber–extracellular matrix interactions occurring via their mutual connections along full peripheral fiber lengths (i.e., myofascial force transmission) are central to these effects. Our results may help improving our understanding of mechanisms of how the toxin secondarily affects the muscle mechanically.  相似文献   

The muscles of three different arthropods, a mite, a fly, and an ostracod, show variations in the length of the A region within a given individual. There is no indication that the observed differences in A band length are related to the functional state of the muscle since little, if any, decrease in the length of the A bands was noted when sarcomeres shortened. The length of the A region was determined by polarized light microscopy and in the case of the mite and the ostracod this measurement was made on intact muscles. It is concluded that the size of the A filaments in an individual can vary in a manner unrelated to immediate functional changes. The I filaments may vary in size, but this could not be clearly demonstrated.  相似文献   

Residual force enhancement in myofibrils and sarcomeres   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Residual force enhancement has been observed following active stretch of skeletal muscles and single fibres. However, there has been intense debate whether force enhancement is a sarcomeric property, or is associated with sarcomere length instability and the associated development of non-uniformities. Here, we studied force enhancement for the first time in isolated myofibrils (n=18) that, owing to the strict in series arrangement, allowed for evaluation of this property in individual sarcomeres (n=79). We found consistent force enhancement following stretch in all myofibrils and each sarcomere, and forces in the enhanced state typically exceeded the isometric forces on the plateau of the force-length relationship. Measurements were made on the plateau and the descending limb of the force-length relationship and revealed gross sarcomere length non-uniformities prior to and following active myofibril stretching, but in contrast to previous accounts, revealed that sarcomere lengths were perfectly stable under these experimental conditions. We conclude that force enhancement is a sarcomeric property that does not depend on sarcomere length instability, that force enhancement varies greatly for different sarcomeres within the same myofibril and that sarcomeres with vastly different amounts of actin-myosin overlap produce the same isometric steady-state forces. This last finding was not explained by differences in the amount of contractile proteins within sarcomeres, vastly different passive properties of individual sarcomeres or (half-) sarcomere length instabilities, suggesting that the basic mechanical properties of muscles, such as force enhancement, force depression and creep, which have traditionally been associated with sarcomere instabilities and the corresponding dynamic redistribution of sarcomere lengths, are not caused by such instabilities, but rather seem to be inherent properties of the mechanisms of contraction.  相似文献   

The sliding filament and cross-bridge theories of muscle contraction provide discrete predictions of the tetanic force-length relationship of skeletal muscle that have been tested experimentally. The active force generated by a maximally activated single fiber (with sarcomere length control) is maximal when the filament overlap is optimized and is proportionally decreased when overlap is diminished. The force-length relationship is a static property of skeletal muscle and, therefore, it does not predict the consequences of dynamic contractions. Changes in sarcomere length during muscle contraction result in modulation of the active force that is not necessarily predicted by the cross-bridge theory. The results of in vivo studies of the force-length relationship suggest that muscles that operate on the ascending limb of the force-length relationship typically function in stretch-shortening cycle contractions, and muscles that operate on the descending limb typically function in shorten-stretch cycle contractions. The joint moments produced by a muscle depend on the moment arm and the sarcomere length of the muscle. Moment arm magnitude also affects the excursion (length change) of a muscle for a given change in joint angle, and the number of sarcomeres arranged in series within a muscle fiber determines the sarcomere length change associated with a given excursion.  相似文献   

Segments of the obliquely striated body muscle of Ascaris were fixed at minimum body length after treatment with acetylcholine and at maximum body length after treatment with piperazine citrate and then studied by light and electron microscopy. Evidence was found for two mechanisms of length change: sliding of thin filaments with respect to thick filaments such as occurs in cross-striated muscle, and shearing of thick filaments with respect to each other such that the degree of their stagger increases with extension and decreases with shortening. The shearing mechanism could account for great extensibility in this muscle and in nonstriated muscles in general and could underlie other manifestations of "plasticity" as well. In addition, it is suggested that the contractile apparatus is attached to the endomysium in such a way that the sarcomeres can act either in series, as in cross-striated muscle, or individually. Since the sarcomeres are virtually longitudinal in orientation and are almost coextensive with the muscle fiber, it would, therefore, be possible for a single sarcomere contracting independently to develop tension effectively between widely separated points on the fiber surface, thus permitting very efficient maintenance of isometric tension.  相似文献   

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