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Tritium-hydrogen isotope exchange techniques have been employed to study the effect of tri-N-acetylglucosamine binding on the conformational dynamics of hen egg white lysozyme. Numerical Laplace inversion of the data provides exchange rate probability density functions that reveal three overlapping peaks for both the free enzyme and (GlcNAc)3-enzyme complex. Binding of (GlcNAc)3 decreases the exchange rates of all protons to some extent with by far the largest effect being observed for the slow exchanging protons. These have been located, by comparison with neutron diffraction results (Mason, S. A., Bentley, G. A., and McIntyre, G. J. (1984) in Neutrons in Biology (Schoenborn, B. P., ed) pp. 323-334, Plenum Press, New York), within the beta-sheet structure and on helices (8-13), (28-34), and (89-97), that define the edges of the so-called "hydrophobic box" in lysozyme. The regions of the protein that are most affected by binding (GlcNAc)3, as revealed by hydrogen exchange, are found to be quite distinct from the regions observed to undergo conformational changes by x-ray diffraction. Most of these segments of the protein are located at some distance from the (GlcNAc)3-binding site itself. Two segments (the beta-sheet and helix (28-34)) are closely associated with the two active-site carboxylate groups. These results suggest that exchange-stable regions having strong, highly organized hydrogen bonding may have an important role in catalytic function and the differential propagation of conformational and dynamic perturbations caused by ligand binding at distant sites on the protein.  相似文献   

A [3H]Dalargin preparation with a molar radioactivity of 52 Ci/mmol was obtained by the high temperature solid-state catalytic isotope exchange (HSCIE) of tritium for hydrogen at 150°C. This tritium-labeled peptide was shown to completely retain its biological activity in the test of binding to opioid receptors from rat brain. The dissociation constant of the Dalargin-opioid receptor complex was found to be 4.3 nM. The dependences of the chemical yield and the molar radioactivity on the reaction time and temperature of HSCIE were determined. The activation energy of the HSCIE reaction for the peptide was calculated to be 32 kcal/mol. The amino acid analysis showed that tritium is distributed between all the amino acid residues of [3H]Dalargin at the HSCIE reaction, with the temperature growth significantly increasing the total tritium incorporation and, especially, enhancing the radioactivity incorporation into aromatic residues.  相似文献   

A [3H]Dalargin preparation with a molar radioactivity of 52 Ci/mmol was obtained by the high temperature solid-state catalytic isotope exchange (HSCIE) of tritium for hydrogen at 150 degrees C. This tritium-labeled peptide was shown to completely retain its biological activity in the test of binding to opioid receptors from rat brain. The dissociation constant of the Dalargin-opioid receptor complex was found to be 4.3 nM. The dependencies of the chemical yield and the molar radioactivity on the reaction time and temperature of HSCIE were determined. The activation energy of the HSCIE reaction for the peptide was calculated to be 32 kcal/mol. The amino acid analysis showed that tritium is distributed between all the amino acid residues of [3H]Dalargin at the HSCIE reaction, with the temperature growth significantly increasing the total tritium incorporation and, especially, enhancing the radioactivity incorporation into aromatic residues.  相似文献   

The effect of the three-dimensional structure of polypeptides and proteins on their ability to undergo isotopic exchange under the action of spillover hydrogen (SH) in the high temperature solid state catalytic isotope exchange reaction (HSCIE) was theoretically and experimentally studied. The HSCIE reaction in the beta-galactosidase protein from Thermoanaerobacter ethanolicus (83kDa) was studied. The influence of the beta-galactosidase structure on isotopic exchange as peptide fragments with spillover tritium was studied. The most accessible peptide fragment, which does not contribute to alpha-helix and beta-strand formations (KEMQKE215-220), had the largest relative reactivity. The one located in the contact area between the subunits (YLRDSE417-422) showed the smallest relative reactivity. The relative reactivities of these peptides differ more than 150 times. Data collected during a study devoted to the HSCIE reaction of the beta-galactosidase protein indicate that the HSCIE reaction might be employed for acquiring information about their three-dimensional structure and protein-protein interactions. The results of ab initio calculations have shown that alpha-helix formation in polypeptides decreases the reactivity in HSCIE. Hydrogen exchange in the alpha-helical fragment Trp1-Leu8 of zervamycin IIB was also analyzed using theoretical methods. It was shown by ab initio quantum-chemical calculations that the high degree of substitution of C(alpha)H for tritium in Gln3 might be associated with the participation of electron donor O and N atoms in transition state stabilization in the HSCIE reaction.  相似文献   

Aquatic food webs are subsidized by allochthonous resources but the utilization of these resources by consumers can be difficult to quantify. Stable isotope ratios of hydrogen (deuterium:hydrogen; δD) potentially distinguish allochthonous inputs because δD differs between terrestrial and aquatic primary producers. However, application of this tracer is limited by uncertainties regarding the trophic fractionation of δD and the contributions of H from environmental water (often called “dietary water”) to consumer tissue H. We addressed these uncertainties using laboratory experiments, field observations, modeling, and a literature synthesis. Laboratory experiments that manipulated the δD of water and food for insects, cladoceran zooplankton, and fishes provided strong evidence that trophic fractionation of δD was negligible. The proportion of tissue H derived from environmental water was substantial yet variable among studies; estimates of this proportion, inclusive of lab, field, and literature data, ranged from 0 to 0.39 (mean 0.17 ± 0.12 SD). There is a clear need for additional studies of environmental water. Accounting for environmental water in mixing models changes estimates of resource use, although simulations suggest that uncertainty about the environmental water contribution does not substantially increase the uncertainty in estimates of resource use. As long as this uncertainty is accounted for, δD may be a powerful tool for estimating resource use in food webs.  相似文献   

Experiments were carried out to measure the effect of concentrations of glycerol on H-exchange (HX) rates by using myoglobin as a test protein. Concentrated glycerol has only a small slowing effect on the HX kinetics of freely exposed amides, studied in a small molecule model (acetamide). Larger effects occur in structured proteins. The effect of solvent glycerol on different parts of the HX curve of myoglobin was studied by use of a selective "kinetic labeling" approach. Concentrated glycerol exerts an apparently reverse effect on protein H exchange; the faster exchanging "surface" protons are least affected, while the slower and slower amide NH is further slowed by larger and larger factors. These results seem inconsistent with solvent penetration models which generally visualize slower and slower protons as being placed, and undergoing exchange, farther and farther from the solvent-protein interface. On the other hand, the results are as expected for the local unfolding model for protein H exchange since concentrated glycerol is known to stabilize proteins against unfolding. In the local unfolding model, slower exchanging protons are released by way of higher energy and therefore generally larger, unfolding reactions. Larger unfoldings must be more inhibited by the glycerol effect.  相似文献   

We utilized electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) and hydrogen-deuterium exchange (HX) to detect unfolding of hen egg white lysozyme during salt-induced precipitation. Deuterated lysozyme was dissolved in protonated buffer at pH 2.16 and precipitated with ammonium sulfate, sodium chloride, and potassium thiocyanate. ESI-MS was used to detect mass differences in lysozyme due to the loss of deuterons for solvent protons, providing insight on the conformational history of the protein during the labeling experiment. Precipitation with ammonium sulfate and sodium chloride did not unfold lysozyme, consistent with the known stabilizing effects of kosmotropic salts. Potassium thiocyanate, an aggressive chaotrope, was an effective precipitant at 0.2 M, but also disrupted lysozyme structure and caused the formation of precipitate fractions that did not readily redissolve into aqueous solution without the use of a chemical denaturant. Precipitation with 1.0 M thiocyanate resulted in faster rates of unfolding and larger amounts of the insoluble precipitate. The unfolding kinetics were biphasic, exhibiting a slow phase after a few hours that presumably reflected a smaller propensity for lysozyme to unfold in the precipitated state. Bimodal mass distributions in the ESI-MS spectra for the thiocyanate precipitates indicate two states for lysozyme in this system, a native and a molten globule-like partially unfolded state. ESI-MS analysis of the insoluble precipitates indicated that they consisted primarily of protein molecules that had unfolded. Investigation of the HX behavior of lysozyme in a KSCN solution at low protein concentrations confirmed the destabilizing effect of the salt on the protein structure, even when there was almost no solid phase present. The HX/ESI-MS results provide insight into the mechanism combining precipitation and denaturation for such a system, both in terms of obtaining quantitative kinetic and stability information and the identification of the conformers present.  相似文献   

Activation enthalpies and entropies are reported for proton-deuteron exchange at 42 amide sites in T4 lysozyme and compared with activation volumes for the same residues obtained earlier [Hitchens, T. K., and Bryant, R. G. (1998) Biochemistry 37, 5878-5887]. There is no correlation found between activation volume and activation entropy or activation enthalpy. The activation enthalpy is linearly related to the activation entropy in part as a consequence of a relatively narrow sampling window for the rate constants that corresponds to a narrow range of activation free energy. A consequence of the entropy-enthalpy compensation is preservation of rank order of proton exchange. Variations in DeltaH, DeltaS, and DeltaV for residues that are structurally close together in the folded protein suggest that there may be a variety of energetically distinct pathways for the access of solvent to these structurally related exchange sites.  相似文献   

Reaction of a high-temperature solid-phase catalytic isotope exchange in peptides and proteins under the action of the catalytically activated spillover hydrogen was studied. The reaction of human recombinant insulin with deuterium and tritium at 120–140°C resulted in an incorporation of 2–6 isotope hydrogen atoms per one insulin molecule. The distribution of the isotopic label by amino acid residues of the tritium-labeled insulin was determined by the oxidation of the protein S-S-bonds by performic acid, separation of polypeptide chains, their subsequent acidic hydrolysis, amino acid analysis, and liquid scintillation counts of tritium in the amino acids. The isotopic label was shown to be incorporated in all the amino acid residues of the protein, but the higher inclusion was observed for the FVNQHLCGSHLVE peptide fragment (B1–13) of the insulin B-chain, and the His5 and His10 residues of this fragment contained approximately 45% of the whole isotopic label of the protein. Reduction of the S-S-bonds by 2-mercaptoethanol, enzymatic hydrolysis by glutamyl endopeptidase from Bacillus intermedius, and HPLC fractionation of the obtained peptides were also used for the analysis of the distribution of the isotopic label in the peptide fragments of the labeled insulin. Peptide fragments which were formed after the hydrolysis of the Glu-Xaa bond of the B-chain were identified by mass spectrometry. The mass spectrometric analysis of the isotopomeric composition of the deuterium-labeled insulin demonstrated that all the protein molecules participated equally in the reaction of the solid-phase hydrogen isotope exchange. The tritium-labeled insulin preserved the complete physiological activity.  相似文献   

Folding of lysozyme at pH 5.2 is a complex processes. After rapid collapse (<1 ms) kinetic partitioning into a slow and fast folding pathway occurs. The fast pathway leads directly to the native structure (N), whereas the slow pathway goes through a partially folded intermediate (I(1)) with native-like secondary structure in the alpha-domain. This mechanism is in agreement with data from a large number of spectroscopic probes, from changes in the radius of gyration and from measurements on the time-course of the populations of the different species. Results from pulsed hydrogen exchange experiments, in contrast, revealed that the secondary structure of I(1) and of N is formed significantly faster than changes in spectroscopic properties occur and showed large variations in the protection kinetics of individual amide sites. We investigated the molecular origin of the rapid amide protection by quantitatively simulating all kinetic processes during the pulse-labeling experiments. Absorbance and fluorescence-detected folding kinetics showed that the early events in lysozyme folding are accelerated under exchange conditions (pH 9.2) and that a change in folding mechanism occurs due to the transient population of an additional intermediate (I(2)). This leads to kinetic competition between exchange and folding during the exchange pulse and to incomplete labeling of amide sites with slow intrinsic exchange rates. As a result, apparently faster and non-exponential kinetics of amide protection are measured in the labeling experiments. Our results further suggest that collapsed lysozyme (C) and I(1) have five and ten-times reduced free exchange rates, respectively, due to limited solvent accessibility.  相似文献   

T Endo  T Ueda  H Yamada  T Imoto 《Biochemistry》1987,26(7):1838-1845
Nuclear magnetic resonance analyses have been made of the individual hydrogen-deuterium exchange rates of tryptophan indole N-1 hydrogens in native lysozyme and its chemically modified derivatives including lysozyme with an ester cross-linkage between Glu-35 and Trp-108, lysozyme with an internal amide cross-linking between the epsilon-amino group of Lys-13 and the alpha-carboxyl group of Leu-129, and lysozyme with the beta-aspartyl sequence at Asp-101. The pH dependence curves of the exchange rates for Trp-63 and Trp-108 are different from those expected for tryptophan. The pH dependence curve for Trp-108 exchange exhibits the effects from molecular aggregation at pH above 5 and from a transition between the two conformational fluctuations at around pH 4. The exchange rates for tryptophan residues in native lysozyme and modified derivatives are not correlated with the thermodynamic or kinetic parameters in protein denaturation, suggesting that the fluctuations responsible for the exchange are not global ones. The exchange rates for tryptophan residues remote from the modification site are perturbed. Such tryptophan residues are found to be involved in a small but distinct conformational change due to the modification. Therefore, the perturbations of the N-1 hydrogen exchange rates are related to the minor change in local conformation or in conformational strain induced by the chemical modification.  相似文献   

We summarize here information on the theoretical and experimental study of high-temperature (150–200°C) solid phase catalytic isotope exchange (HSCIE) carried out with amino acids, peptides, and proteins under the action of spillover hydrogen. Main specific features of the HSCIE reaction, its mechanism, and its use for studying spatial interactions in polypeptides are discussed. A virtually complete absence of racemization makes this reaction a valuable preparative method. The main regularities of the HSCIE reaction with the participation of spillover tritium have been revealed in the case of peptides and proteins, and the dependence of reactivity of peptide fragments on the spatial organization of their molecules has been studied. An important peculiarity of this reaction is that HSCIE proceeds at 150–200°C with a high degree of chirality retention in amino acids and peptides. This is provided by its reaction mechanism, which consists in a synchronous one-center substitution at the saturated carbon atom characterized by the formation of pentacoordinated carbon and a three-center bond between the carbon and the incoming and outgoing hydrogen atoms.Translated from Bioorganicheskaya Khimiya, Vol. 31, No. 1, 2005, pp. 3–21.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Zolotarev, Dadayan, Borisov.  相似文献   

We summarize here information on the theoretical and experimental study of high-temperature (150-200 degrees C) solid phase catalytic isotope exchange (HTSPCIE) carried out with amino acids, peptides, and proteins under the action of spillover hydrogen. Main specific features of the HTSPCIE reaction, its mechanism, and its use for studying spatial interactions in polypeptides are discussed. A virtually complete absence of racemization makes this reaction a valuable preparative method. The main regularities of the HTSPCIE reaction with the participation of spillover tritium have been revealed in the case of peptides and proteins, and the dependence of reactivity of peptide fragments on the spatial organization of their molecules has been studied. An important peculiarity of this reaction is that HTSPCIE proceeds at 150-200 degrees C with a high degree of chirality retention in amino acids and peptides. This is provided by its reaction mechanism, which consists in a synchronous one-center substitution at the saturated carbon atom characterized by the formation of pentacoordinated carbon and a three-center bond between the carbon and the incoming and outgoing hydrogen atoms.  相似文献   

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