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Epidermal growth factor (EGF)-dependent transfer of radiolabeled phosphate from [gamma-32P]ATP to 160-kDa EGF receptor solubilized from human epidermoid carcinoma A431 cell surface membranes was stimulated up to 3-fold by addition of 3',5'-cAMP and purified cAMP-dependent protein kinase. Phosphorylation of EGF receptors was stimulated to the same extent when cAMP-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit was substituted for 3',5'-cAMP and cAMP-dependent protein kinase. Phosphoamino acid analysis revealed that the extent of phosphorylation of EGF receptor at tyrosine residues was the same regardless of whether cAMP-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit was present in or omitted from the system. Increased EGF receptor phosphorylation occurring in response to cAMP-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit was accounted for by phosphorylation at serine or threonine residues. In samples phosphorylated in the presence of cAMP-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit, phosphate was present in tyrosine, serine, and threonine in a ratio of 32:60:8. Two-dimensional mapping of radiolabeled phosphopeptides produced from EGF receptors by digestion with trypsin revealed the generation of one additional major phosphoserine-containing peptide when cAMP-dependent protein kinase was present with EGF in the EGF receptor kinase system. Degradation of 160-kDa EGF receptors to a 145-kDa form by purified Ca2+-activated neutral protease produced a 145-kDa fragment with phosphoserine content increased over that present initially in the 160-kDa precursor.  相似文献   

The down-regulation of the epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor is critical for the termination of EGF-dependent signaling, and the dysregulation of this process can lead to oncogenesis. In the present study, we suggest a novel mechanism for the regulation of EGF receptor down-regulation by phospholipase C-epsilon. The overexpression of PLC-epsilon led to an increase in receptor recycling and decreased the down-regulation of the EGF receptor in COS-7 cells. Adaptor protein complex 2 (AP2) was identified as a novel binding protein that associates with the PLC-epsilon RA2 domain independently of Ras. The interaction of PLC-epsilon with AP2 was responsible for the suppression of EGF receptor down-regulation, since a perturbation in this interaction abolished this effect. Enhanced EGF receptor stability by PLC-epsilon led to the potentiation of EGF-dependent growth in COS-7 cells. Finally, the knockdown of PLC-epsilon in mouse embryo fibroblast cells elicited a severe defect in EGF-dependent growth. Our results indicated that PLC-epsilon could promote EGF-dependent cell growth by suppressing receptor down-regulation.  相似文献   

Three site-directed mutants of human epidermal growth factor, Leu-26----Gly, Leu-47----Ala, and Ile-23----Thr, were examined for their ability to stimulate the protein-tyrosine kinase activity of the epidermal growth factor receptor. The receptor binding affinities of the mutant growth factors were 20- to 50-fold lower, as compared to wild-type growth factor. At saturating concentrations of growth factor, the velocities of the phosphorylation of exogenously added substrate and receptor autophosphorylation were significantly lower with the mutant analogs, suggesting a partial 'uncoupling' of signal transduction. The mutant analogs were shown to compete directly with the binding of wild-type, resulting in a decrease in growth factor-stimulated kinase activity.  相似文献   

Epidermal growth factor (EGF), after binding to its receptor, activates a tyrosine-specific protein kinase which phosphorylates several substrates, including the EGF receptor itself. The effects of a photoaffinity analogue of ATP, 3'-O-(3-[N-(4-azido-2-nitrophenyl)amino]propionyl)adenosine 5'-triphosphate (arylazido-beta-alanyl-ATP) on the EGF-dependent protein kinase in A431 human tumour cell plasma membrane vesicles was investigated. This analogue was capable of inactivating the EGF-receptor kinase in a photodependent manner. Partial inactivation occurred at an analogue concentration of 1 microM and complete inactivation occurred at 10 microM when a 2 min light exposure was used. Arylazido-beta-alanine at 100 microM and ATP at 100 microM were incapable of inactivating the enzyme with 2 min of light exposure. The photodependent inactivation of the enzyme by the analogue could be partially blocked by 20 mM-ATP and more effectively blocked by either 20 mM-adenosine 5'-[beta gamma-imido]triphosphate or 20 mM-guanosine 5'-[beta gamma-imido]triphosphate, indicating nucleotide-binding site specificity. Arylazido-beta-alanyl-[alpha-32P]ATP was capable of labelling membrane proteins in a photodependent manner. Numerous proteins were labelled, the most prominent of which ran with an apparent Mr of 53000 on polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis. A band of minor intensity was seen of Mr corresponding to the EGF receptor (170000). Immunoprecipitation of affinity-labelled and solubilized membranes with an anti-(EGF receptor) monoclonal antibody demonstrated that the Mr 170000 receptor protein was photoaffinity labelled by the analogue. The Mr 53000 peptide was not specifically bound by the anti-receptor antibody. The affinity labelling of the receptor was not enhanced by EGF, suggesting that EGF stimulation of the kinase activity does not result from changes in the affinity of the kinase for ATP. These studies demonstrate that arylazido-beta-alanyl-ATP interacts with the ATP-binding site of the EGF-receptor kinase with apparent high affinity and that this analogue is an effective photoaffinity label for the kinase. Furthermore, these studies demonstrate that the EGF receptor, identified by using monoclonal antibodies, contains an ATP-binding site, providing further confirmation that the EGF receptor and EGF-dependent protein kinase are domains of the Mr 170000 protein.  相似文献   

Summary We have established a multipotent clonal cell line, named MEB5, from embryonic mouse forebrains after the infection of a retrovirus carrying E7 oncogene of human papillomavirus type 16. MEB5 cells proliferated in serum-free, epidermal growth factor (EGF)-supplemented medium. They expressed markers for neural precursor cells (nestin, A2B5, and RC1) and did not express markers for neurons (class III β-tubulin), astrocytes (glial fibrillary acidic protein), and oligodendrocytes (galactocerebroside). MEB5 cells were stably maintained in an undifferentiated state with a diploid karyotype in the presence of EGF. When they were deprived of EGF, about 50% of the cells died due apoptosis within 24 h. The remaining cells differentiated into neurons, astrocytes, or oligodendrocytes within 2 wk. The newly developed cells with neuronal morphology were immunoreactive for γ-aminobutyric acid and exhibited neuronal electrophysiological properties. When MEB5 cells were treated with leukemia inhibitory for 7 d, they were induced to differentiate exclusively into astrocytes. These results inducate that MEB5 is a cell line with characteristics of EGF-dependent, multipotent neural precursor cells. This cell line should provide a good model system to study the mechanisms of survival, proliferation, and differentiation of the multipotent precursor cells in the central nervous system.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO*) strongly inhibits the proliferation of human A431 tumour cells. It also inhibits tyrosine phosphorylation of a 170-kDa band corresponding to the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and induces the phosphorylation at tyrosine residue(s) of a 58-kDa protein which we have denoted NOIPP-58 (nitric oxide-induced 58-kDa phosphoprotein). The NO*-induced phosphorylation of NOIPP-58 is strictly dependent on the presence of EGF. Phosphorylation of NOIPP-58 and inhibition of the phosphorylation of the band corresponding to EGFR are both cGMP-independent processes. We also demonstrate that the p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (p38MAPK) pathway is activated by NO* in the absence and presence of EGF, whereas the activity of the extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase 1/2 (ERK1/2) and the c-Jun N-terminal kinase 1/2 (JNK1/2) pathways are not significantly affected or are slightly decreased, respectively, on addition of this agent. Moreover, we show that the p38MAPK inhibitor, SB202190, induces rapid vanadate/peroxovanadate-sensitive dephosphorylation of prephosphorylated EGFR and NOIPP-58. We propose that the dephosphorylation of both NOIPP-58 and EGFR are mediated by a p38MAPK-controlled phosphotyrosine-protein phosphatase (PYPP). Activation of the p38MAPK pathway during nitrosative stress probably prevents the operation of this PYPP, allowing NOIPP-58, and in part EGFR, to remain phosphorylated and therefore capable of generating signalling events.  相似文献   

Kim E  Lee S  Mian MF  Yun SU  Song M  Yi KS  Ryu SH  Suh PG 《The FEBS journal》2006,273(4):793-804
Vaults are highly conserved, ubiquitous ribonucleoprotein (RNP) particles with an unidentified function. For the three protein species (TEP1, VPARP, and MVP) and a small RNA that comprises vault, expression of the unique 100-kDa major vault protein (MVP) is sufficient to form the basic vault structure. To identify and characterize proteins that interact with the Src homology 2 (SH2) domain of Src and potentially regulate Src activity, we used a pull-down assay using GST-Src-SH2 fusion proteins. We found MVP as a Src-SH2 binding protein in human stomach tissue. Interaction of Src and MVP was also observed in 253J stomach cancer cells. A subcellular localization study using immunofluorescence microscopy shows that epidermal growth factor (EGF) stimulation triggers MVP translocation from the nucleus to the cytosol and perinuclear region where it colocalizes with Src. We found that the interaction between Src and MVP is critically dependent on Src activity and protein (MVP) tyrosyl phosphorylation, which are induced by EGF stimulation. Our results also indicate MVP to be a novel substrate of Src and phosphorylated in an EGF-dependent manner. Interestingly, purified MVP inhibited the in vitro tyrosine kinase activity of Src in a concentration-dependent manner. MVP overexpression downregulates EGF-dependent ERK activation in Src overexpressing cells. To our knowledge, this is the first report of MVP interacting with a protein tyrosine kinase involved in a distinct cell signalling pathway. It appears that MVP is a novel regulator of Src-mediated signalling cascades.  相似文献   

Addition of epidermal growth factor (EGF) to many cell types activates phospholipase C resulting in increased levels of diacylglycerol and intracellular Ca2+ which may lead to activation of protein kinase C. EGF treatment of cells can also lead to phosphorylation of the EGF receptor at threonine 654 (a protein kinase C phosphorylation site) which appears to attenuate some aspects of receptor signaling. Thus, a feedback loop involving the EGF receptor, phospholipase C, and protein kinase C may regulate EGF receptor function. In this report, the role of phosphorylation of threonine 654 of the EGF receptor in regulation of EGF-stimulated activation of phospholipase C was investigated. NIH-3T3 cells expressing the normal human EGF receptor or expressing EGF receptor in which an alanine residue had been substituted at residue 654 of the receptor were used. Addition of EGF to cells expressing wild-type receptor induced a rapid, but transient, increase in phosphorylation of threonine 654. EGF addition also caused the rapid accumulation of inositol phosphates in these cells. EGF-stimulated accumulation of inositol phosphates was significantly higher in cells expressing Ala-654 receptors compared to control cells. Treatment of cells with 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate (TPA), which stimulated phosphorylation of threonine 654 to a greater degree than EGF, completely inhibited EGF-dependent inositol phosphate accumulation in cells expressing wild-type receptor, but caused only a 20-30% inhibition in Ala-654 expressing cells. EGF stimulated phosphorylation of phospholipase C-gamma on serine and tyrosine residues in cells expressing wild-type of Ala-654 receptors. However, TPA treatment of cells inhibited EGF-induced tyrosine phosphorylation of phospholipase C-gamma only in cells expressing wild-type receptors. Similarly, TPA inhibited tyrosine-specific autophosphorylation of the EGF receptor and tyrosine phosphorylation of several other proteins in wild-type receptor cells, but not in Ala-654 cells. TPA treatment abolished high affinity binding of EGF to cells expressing wild-type receptors, while decreasing the number of high affinity binding sites 20-30% in Ala-654 cells. These data suggest that phosphorylation of threonine 654 can regulate early events in EGF receptor signal transduction such as phosphoinositide turnover, probably through a feedback mechanism involving protein kinase C. Subsequent dephosphorylation of threonine 654 could reactivate the EGF receptor for participation in later signaling events.  相似文献   

Murthy SN  Chung PH  Lin L  Lomasney JW 《Biochemistry》2006,45(36):10987-10997
This paper uses phospholipase Cepsilon as a model to demonstrate that lipids can act as ligands to bind to specific motifs and regulate protein activity via allosteric effects. Phospholipids such as phosphatidic acid and free fatty acids such as arachidonate are potent activators of PLCepsilon, increasing the rate of PI hydrolysis by 8-fold and 50-fold, respectively. The mechanism appears to be a reduction of K(m), as the substrate dependence curve is shifted to the left and K(m) is reduced 10-fold. The regulation of PLCepsilon by lipids appears to be physiologic, as reconstitution or cotransfection of either cPLA(2) or PLD with PLCepsilon leads to activation of phosphodiesterase activity. Additionally, TSA-201 cells transfected with PLCepsilon and fed arachidonic acid complexed with BSA had increased (4-5-fold) hydrolysis of polyphosphoinositides. This study demonstrates the ability of lipids to act as potent and direct mediators of protein function and identifies cross talk between different classes of phospholipase (PLD and PLA(2) with PLC) mediated via lipid products.  相似文献   

B Binas  R Grosse 《FEBS letters》1987,213(1):164-168
Epidermal growth factor and 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate increased the amount of 32Pi found as phosphoserine in a major, hitherto not described 58 kDa phosphoprotein (pp58) secreted by normal rat kidney fibroblasts. Platelet-derived growth factor, insulin, nerve growth factor and fibroblast growth factor did not affect pp58 while transforming growth factor beta decreased the accumulation of radioactivity into pp58. Cycloheximide, actinomycin D and ammonium chloride suppressed the labelling of pp58.  相似文献   

The capacity of epidermal growth factor (EGF) or transforming growth factor-alpha (TGF-alpha) to induce internalization and degradation of the EGF receptor was compared in NIH-3T3 cells expressing the human EGF receptor. This study was initiated following the observation that TGF-alpha was much less efficient relative to EGF in generating a Mr = 125,000 amino-terminally truncated degradation product from the mature EGF receptor (EGF-dependent generation of this degradation product is described in S.J. Decker, J. Biol. Chem., 264:17641-17644). Pulse-chase experiments revealed that EGF generally stimulated EGF receptor degradation to a greater extent than TGF-alpha. Both ligands induced EGF receptor internalization to similar degrees. However, recovery of [125I]-EGF binding following incubation with EGF or TGF-alpha was much faster for TGF-alpha treated cells. Recovery of [125I]-EGF binding after TGF-alpha treatment did not appear to require protein synthesis. Tyrosine phosphorylation of EGF receptor from cells treated with TGF-alpha decreased more rapidly following removal of TGF-alpha compared to cells treated similarly with EGF. These data suggest that EGF routes the EGF receptor directly to a degradative pathway, whereas TGF-alpha allows receptor recycling prior to degradation, and that tyrosine phosphorylation could play a role in this differential receptor processing.  相似文献   

Epidermal growth factor (EGF) protects the intestinal epithelial tight junctions from acetaldehyde-induced insult. The role of phospholipase Cgamma (PLCgamma) and protein kinase C (PKC) isoforms in the mechanism of EGF-mediated protection of tight junction from acetaldehyde was evaluated in Caco-2 cell monolayers. EGF-mediated prevention of acetaldehyde-induced decrease in transepithelial electrical resistance and an increase in inulin permeability, and subcellular redistribution of occludin and ZO-1 was attenuated by reduced expression of PLCgamma1 by short hairpin RNA. EGF induced a rapid activation of PLCgamma1 and PLC-dependent membrane translocation of PKCepsilon and PKCbetaI. Inhibition of PKC activity or selective interference of membrane translocation of PKCepsilon and PKCbetaI by RACK interference peptides attenuated EGF-mediated prevention of acetaldehyde-induced increase in inulin permeability and redistribution of occludin and ZO-1. BAPTA-AM and thapsigargin blocked EGF-induced membrane translocation of PKCbetaI and attenuated EGF-mediated prevention of acetaldehyde-induced disruption of tight junctions. EGF-induced translocation of PKCepsilon and PKCbetaI was associated with organization of F-actin near the perijunctional region. This study shows that PLCgamma-mediated activation of PKCepsilon and PKCbetaI and intracellular calcium is involved in EGF-mediated protection of tight junctions from acetaldehyde-induced insult.  相似文献   

We have reported previously [6] that epidermal growth factor (EGF)-induced down regulation of EGF receptors in normal rat kidney (NRK) cells results in a selective decrease in the in vitro EGF-dependent 32P-phosphorylation of two membrane phosphoproteins of Mr I70K and Mr I50K. In this report, we further characterized the modulation of 32P-phosphorylation of the 170K- and 150K-dalton proteins by down regulation with EGF in NRK cells. While EGF binding to its receptors was a necessary condition to induce loss of EGF-dependent phosphorylation of the 170K- and 150K-dalton proteins, it was not sufficient. Thus, reduction in the temperature of the incubation of cells with EGF from 37°C to 4°C abolished the loss of EGF-dependent phosphorylation of the 170K- and 150K-dalton membrane proteins. When EGF was removed from the medium the EGF-dependent phosphorylation of the 170K- and l50K-dalton proteins was quickly replenished; by 3 hr one-half of the “down regulated” phosphorylation was restored. All EGF-dependent phosphorylating capacity of the 170K- and l50K-dalton protein bands returned by 6 hr after removal of the growth factor. The loss of EGF-dependent phosphorylation of the 170K- and I50K-dalton proteins occurred at physiological EGF concentrations (0.25–25 ng/ml) that span the concentration range which is mitogenic for NRK cells. Exposure of confluent nondividing NRK cells to 1 ng/ml EGF, followed by incubation for 5 hr at 37°C. led to a 50% reduction in the EGF-dependent phosphorylation of the 170K- and 150K-dalton proteins. Maximal reduction (~95%) in the EGF-dependent phosphorylation of the 170K- and 150K-dalton proteins was noted with 10 ng/ml EGF for 5 hr. The EGF-induced loss of EGF-dependent phosphorylation was specific: several other growth factors did not produce phosphorylation loss of the 170K-  相似文献   

Phospholipase C-gamma1 (PLC-gamma1) plays pivotal roles in cellular growth and proliferation through its two Src homology (SH) 2 domains and its single SH3 domain, which interact with signaling molecules in response to various growth factors and hormones. However, the role of the SH domains in the growth factor-induced regulation of PLC-gamma1 is unclear. By peptide-mass fingerprinting analysis we have identified Cbl as a binding protein for the SH3 domain of PLC-gamma1 from rat pheochromatocyte PC12 cells. Association of Cbl with PLC-gamma1 was induced by epidermal growth factor (EGF) but not by nerve growth factor (NGF). Upon EGF stimulation, both Cbl and PLC-gamma1 were recruited to the activated EGF receptor through their SH2 domains. Mutation of the SH2 domains of either Cbl or PLC-gamma1 abrogated the EGF-induced interaction of PLC-gamma1 with Cbl, indicating that SH2-mediated translocation is essential for the association of PLC-gamma1 and Cbl. Overexpression of Cbl attenuated EGF-induced tyrosine phosphorylation and the subsequent activation of PLC-gamma1 by interfering competitively with the interaction between PLC-gamma1 and EGFR. Taken together, these results provide the first indications that Cbl may be a negative regulator of intracellular signaling following EGF-induced PLC-gamma1 activation.  相似文献   

Recently, we identified a novel signaling pathway involving Epac, Rap, and phospholipase C (PLC)epsilon that plays a critical role in maximal beta-adrenergic receptor (betaAR) stimulation of Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release (CICR) in cardiac myocytes. Here we demonstrate that PLCepsilon phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate hydrolytic activity and PLCepsilon-stimulated Rap1 GEF activity are both required for PLCepsilon-mediated enhancement of sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ release and that PLCepsilon significantly enhances Rap activation in response to betaAR stimulation in the heart. Downstream of PLCepsilon hydrolytic activity, pharmacological inhibition of PKC significantly inhibited both betaAR- and Epac-stimulated increases in CICR in PLCepsilon+/+ myocytes but had no effect in PLCepsilon-/- myocytes. betaAR and Epac activation caused membrane translocation of PKCepsilon in PLCepsilon+/+ but not PLCepsilon-/- myocytes and small interfering RNA-mediated PKCepsilon knockdown significantly inhibited both betaAR and Epac-mediated CICR enhancement. Further downstream, the Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CamKII) inhibitor, KN93, inhibited betaAR- and Epac-mediated CICR in PLCepsilon+/+ but not PLCepsilon-/- myocytes. Epac activation increased CamKII Thr286 phosphorylation and enhanced phosphorylation at CamKII phosphorylation sites on the ryanodine receptor (RyR2) (Ser2815) and phospholamban (Thr17) in a PKC-dependent manner. Perforated patch clamp experiments revealed that basal and betaAR-stimulated peak L-type current density are similar in PLCepsilon+/+ and PLCepsilon-/- myocytes suggesting that control of sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ release, rather than Ca2+ influx through L-type Ca2+ channels, is the target of regulation of a novel signal transduction pathway involving sequential activation of Epac, PLCepsilon, PKCepsilon, and CamKII downstream of betaAR activation.  相似文献   

In a number of cell lines, epidermal growth factor (EGF) rapidly stimulates the breakdown of inositol phospholipids. Phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C (PLC), therefore, plays an important role in this biological response to EGF, but the mechanism by which EGF-receptor complexes modulate the activation of PLC is not understood. We have previously suggested that tyrosine phosphorylation of PLC or an unknown PLC-associated protein by the EGF receptor is involved in the activation process (Wahl, M. I., Daniel, T. O., and Carpenter, G. (1988) Science 241, 968-970) and have recently shown by immunoprecipitation that the addition of EGF to 32P-labeled cells increases tyrosine and serine phosphorylation of PLC-II (Wahl, M. I., Nishibe, S., Suh, P.-G., Rhee, S. G., and Carpenter, G. (1989) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 86, 1568-1572). In this communication we demonstrate that PLC-II (Mr = 145,000) purified from bovine brain can be phosphorylated in vitro in an EGF-dependent manner by the tyrosine kinase activity of the purified EGF receptor. While PLC-II is an efficient phosphorylation substrate for the purified EGF receptor, PLC-I is a poor substrate and PLC-III is not phosphorylated to any detectable extent. Though all three PLC isozymes possess typical tyrosine phosphorylation sequences, the EGF receptor is surprisingly selective in vitro for the phosphorylation of PLC-II. High performance liquid chromatography comparison of tryptic phosphotyrosyl peptides from PLC-II phosphorylated in vivo and in vitro indicated a similar pattern of multiple tyrosine phosphorylation sites. These findings show that the EGF receptor can directly phosphorylate PLC-II in an efficient and selective manner.  相似文献   

Cbl proteins function as ubiquitin protein ligases for the activated epidermal growth factor receptor and, thus, negatively regulate its activity. Here we show that Cbl-b is ubiquitinated and degraded upon activation of the receptor. Epidermal growth factor (EGF)-induced Cbl-b degradation requires intact RING finger and tyrosine kinase binding domains and requires binding of the Cbl-b protein to the activated EGF receptor (EGFR). Degradation of both the EGFR and the Cbl-b protein is blocked by lysosomal and proteasomal inhibitors. Other components of the EGFR-signaling complex (i.e. Grb2 and Shc) are also degraded in an EGF-induced Cbl-b-dependent fashion. Our results suggest that the ubiquitin protein ligase function of Cbl-b is regulated by coordinated degradation of the Cbl-b protein along with its substrate. Furthermore, the data demonstrate that Cbl-b mediates degradation of multiple proteins in the EGFR-signaling complex.  相似文献   

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