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Our knowledge of the general mechanisms controlling the formation of the vertebrate central nervous system has advanced tremendously in the last decade. Here, we discuss the impact of the combined use of cell manipulation, in vivo imaging and genetics in the zebrafish on recent progress in understanding how signaling processes progressively control regionalization of the central nervous system. We highlight the unresolved issues and speculate upon the fundamental role the zebrafish will continue having in answering them.  相似文献   

We show that complex visual tasks, such as position- and size-invariant shape recognition and navigation in the environment, can be tackled with simple architectures generated by a coevolutionary process of active vision and feature selection. Behavioral machines equipped with primitive vision systems and direct pathways between visual and motor neurons are evolved while they freely interact with their environments. We describe the application of this methodology in three sets of experiments, namely, shape discrimination, car driving, and robot navigation. We show that these systems develop sensitivity to a number of oriented, retinotopic, visual-feature-oriented edges, corners, height, and a behavioral repertoire to locate, bring, and keep these features in sensitive regions of the vision system, resembling strategies observed in simple insects.  相似文献   

Eye movements constitute one of the most basic means of interacting with our environment, allowing to orient to, localize and scrutinize the variety of potentially interesting objects that surround us. In this review we discuss the role of the parietal cortex in the control of saccadic and smooth pursuit eye movements, whose purpose is to rapidly displace the line of gaze and to maintain a moving object on the central retina, respectively. From single cell recording studies in monkey we know that distinct sub-regions of the parietal lobe are implicated in these two kinds of movement. The middle temporal (MT) and medial superior temporal (MST) areas show neuronal activities related to moving visual stimuli and to ocular pursuit. The lateral intraparietal (LIP) area exhibits visual and saccadic neuronal responses. Electrophysiology, which in essence is a correlation method, cannot entirely solve the question of the functional implication of these areas: are they primarily involved in sensory processing, in motor processing, or in some intermediate function? Lesion approaches (reversible or permanent) in the monkey can provide important information in this respect. Lesions of MT or MST produce deficits in the perception of visual motion, which would argue for their possible role in sensory guidance of ocular pursuit rather than in directing motor commands to the eye muscle. Lesions of LIP do not produce specific visual impairments and cause only subtle saccadic deficits. However, recent results have shown the presence of severe deficits in spatial attention tasks. LIP could thus be implicated in the selection of relevant objects in the visual scene and provide a signal for directing the eyes toward these objects. Functional imaging studies in humans confirm the role of the parietal cortex in pursuit, saccadic, and attentional networks, and show a high degree of overlap with monkey data. Parietal lobe lesions in humans also result in behavioral deficits very similar to those that are observed in the monkey. Altogether, these different sources of data consistently point to the involvement of the parietal cortex in the representation of space, at an intermediate stage between vision and action.  相似文献   

The visual and oculomotor systems in the brain have been studied extensively in the primate. Together, they can be regarded as a single brain system that underlies active vision—the normal vision that begins with visual processing in the retina and extends through the brain to the generation of eye movement by the brainstem. The system is probably one of the most thoroughly studied brain systems in the primate, and it offers an ideal opportunity to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the series of perturbation techniques that have been used to study it. The perturbations have been critical in moving from correlations between neuronal activity and behaviour closer to a causal relation between neuronal activity and behaviour. The same perturbation techniques have also been used to tease out neuronal circuits that are related to active vision that in turn are driving behaviour. The evolution of perturbation techniques includes ablation of both cortical and subcortical targets, punctate chemical lesions, reversible inactivations, electrical stimulation, and finally the expanding optogenetic techniques. The evolution of perturbation techniques has supported progressively stronger conclusions about what neuronal circuits in the brain underlie active vision and how the circuits themselves might be organized.  相似文献   

For more than 1,500 years, nerves were thought to function through the action of 'animal spirits'. In the seventeenth century, René Descartes conceived of these 'spirits' as liquids or gases, and used the idea to explain reflex action. But he was rapidly proven wrong by a young Dutchman, Jan Swammerdam. Swammerdam's elegant experiments pioneered the frog nerve muscle preparation and laid the foundation of our modern understanding of nerve function.  相似文献   

Since the late seventies the Sukuma ofnorthwest Tanzania have observed an increase inwitchcraft practice as well as an extension ofthe list of potential witches. Theyparticularly blame the Ujamaa resettlementprogram of the Tanzanian government, whichimposed mono-centric village structures uponthe agro-pastoral farmers. Suddenly gone werethe distances that used to be crossedsystematically as a token of solidarity betweenhomesteads. The national policy caused thebewitching curse called ``gaze' to intensify,while it deprived neighbors of their mainanti-dote to witchcraft suspicions. Thatanti-dote generally refers to an exchange ofgifts that disarms the reproaching gaze. Forlack of a better term I will call its effectexo-delic: the bewitched must transcendthe surrounding world, which has become toointrusive to manifest itself as an outside; heor she must make that world appropriable again,for example by appreciating its `exotic' side.Inflatory discourse on the occult manages to doso, in Sukumaland and far beyond. Collectivedrinking is equally effective in remedyingfeelings of bewitchment. Those remedies appearto draw their meaning from the one figure thatis anti-thetical to the witch: the dancer, whodefies the collective gaze. So I could observeon my journey to the invisible village ofGamboshi.  相似文献   

We inquire into the notions of 'boundary' and 'cluster' in the fields of medical genetics, pharmacogenetics, and population genetics. First we show that the two notions are not well discussed in literature. Then we propose a promising explication of them, in which we argue that clustering is always 'property laden', that is, fundamentally dependent on decisions about the properties to be taken into account. In particular we suggest three different kinds of properties (main properties, investigating properties, and catalyzing properties) that have a role in these decisions. That is, we conclude that boundaries and clusters among humans depend on our way of considering nature. Concepts of 'race' and 'ethnic group' are discussed too, since they are the most used clusters among humans.  相似文献   

Cognitive scientists have long been interested in the role that eye gaze plays in social interactions. Previous research suggests that gaze acts as a signaling mechanism and can be used to control turn-taking behaviour. However, early research on this topic employed methods of analysis that aggregated gaze information across an entire trial (or trials), which masks any temporal dynamics that may exist in social interactions. More recently, attempts have been made to understand the temporal characteristics of social gaze but little research has been conducted in a natural setting with two interacting participants. The present study combines a temporally sensitive analysis technique with modern eye tracking technology to 1) validate the overall results from earlier aggregated analyses and 2) provide insight into the specific moment-to-moment temporal characteristics of turn-taking behaviour in a natural setting. Dyads played two social guessing games (20 Questions and Heads Up) while their eyes were tracked. Our general results are in line with past aggregated data, and using cross-correlational analysis on the specific gaze and speech signals of both participants we found that 1) speakers end their turn with direct gaze at the listener and 2) the listener in turn begins to speak with averted gaze. Convergent with theoretical models of social interaction, our data suggest that eye gaze can be used to signal both the end and the beginning of a speaking turn during a social interaction. The present study offers insight into the temporal dynamics of live dyadic interactions and also provides a new method of analysis for eye gaze data when temporal relationships are of interest.  相似文献   

The present study asks when infants are able to selectively anticipate the goals of observed actions, and how this ability relates to infants’ own abilities to produce those specific actions. Using eye-tracking technology to measure on-line anticipation, 6-, 8- and 10-month-old infants and a control group of adults were tested while observing an adult reach with a whole hand grasp, a precision grasp or a closed fist towards one of two different sized objects. The same infants were also given a comparable action production task. All infants showed proactive gaze to the whole hand grasps, with increased degrees of proactivity in the older groups. Gaze proactivity to the precision grasps, however, was present from 8 months of age. Moreover, the infants’ ability in performing precision grasping strongly predicted their ability in using the actor’s hand shape cues to differentially anticipate the goal of the observed action, even when age was partialled out. The results are discussed in terms of the specificity of action anticipation, and the fine-grained relationship between action production and action perception.  相似文献   

The Dutch microbiologist/biochemist Albert Jan Kluyver (1888–1956) was an early proponent of the idea of biochemical unity, and how that concept might be demonstrated through the careful study of microbial life. The fundamental relatedness of living systems is an obvious correlate of the theory of evolution, and modern attempts to construct phylogenetic schemes support this relatedness through comparison of genomes. The approach of Kluyver and his scientific descendants predated the tools of modern molecular biology by decades. Kluyver himself is poorly recognized today, yet his influence at the time was profound. Through lens of today however, it has been argued that the focus by Kluyver and others to create taxonomic and phylogenetic schemes using morphology and biochemistry distorted and hindered progress of the discipline of microbiology, because of a perception that the older approaches focused too much on a reductionist worldview. This essay argues that in contrast the careful characterization of fundamental microbial metabolism and physiology by Kluyver made many of the advances of the latter part of the twentieth century possible, by offering a framework which in many respects anticipated our current view of phylogeny, and by directly and indirectly training a generation of scientists who became leaders in the explosive growth of biotechnology.  相似文献   

The gaze behaviour of riders during their approach to a jump was investigated using a mobile eye tracking device (ASL Mobile Eye). The timing, frequency and duration of fixations on the jump and the percentage of time when their point of gaze (POG) was located elsewhere were assessed. Fixations were identified when the POG remained on the jump for 100 ms or longer. The jumping skill of experienced but non-elite riders (n = 10) was assessed by means of a questionnaire. Their gaze behaviour was recorded as they completed a course of three identical jumps five times. The speed and timing of the approach was calculated. Gaze behaviour throughout the overall approach and during the last five strides before take-off was assessed following frame-by-frame analyses. Differences in relation to both round and jump number were found. Significantly longer was spent fixated on the jump during round 2, both during the overall approach and during the last five strides (p<0.05). Jump 1 was fixated on significantly earlier and more frequently than jump 2 or 3 (p<0.05). Significantly more errors were made with jump 3 than with jump 1 (p = 0.01) but there was no difference in errors made between rounds. Although no significant correlations between gaze behaviour and skill scores were found, the riders who scored higher for jumping skill tended to fixate on the jump earlier (p = 0.07), when the horse was further from the jump (p = 0.09) and their first fixation on the jump was of a longer duration (p = 0.06). Trials with elite riders are now needed to further identify sport-specific visual skills and their relationship with performance. Visual training should be included in preparation for equestrian sports participation, the positive impact of which has been clearly demonstrated in other sports.  相似文献   

Stein Johansen 《Grana》2013,52(2):373-379
A survey of airspora collected on Jan Mayen, an isolated North Atlantic island (71°N, 8°30′W), using a Burkard seven-day volumetric trap from 24th April to 31th August, 1988, revealed only very small concentrations. A total of 10 different pollen types were recorded, constituting a seasonal sum of 29 pollen grains. The local pollen season was confined to July, with Oxyria digna and Salix as the most numerous pollen types recorded. Exotic pollen grains, namely Betula, Pinus and Castanea type, were recorded in three periods during June and July. Studies of back trajectories indicate North America and/or Iceland and Greenland as possible source areas for the Betula pollen. There were more diatoms than pollen in the local airspora. Fungal spores mainly occurred in late July and August. Cladosporium constituted less than 5% of the total seasonal sum of fungal spores, while basidiospores contributed nearly 12%. The highest diurnal average of Cladosporium was 27 spores m?3 air. The seasonal maximum of unidentified fungal spores reached a diurnal average of 639 spores m?1 air on 27th August.  相似文献   

Although it is generally accepted that visual information guides steering, it is still unclear whether a curvature matching strategy or a ‘look where you are going’ strategy is used while steering through a curved road. The current experiment investigated to what extent the existing models for curve driving also apply to cycling around a curve, and tested the influence of cycling speed on steering and gaze behavior. Twenty-five participants were asked to cycle through a semicircular lane three consecutive times at three different speeds while staying in the center of the lane. The observed steering behavior suggests that an anticipatory steering strategy was used at curve entrance and a compensatory strategy was used to steer through the actual bend of the curve. A shift of gaze from the center to the inside edge of the lane indicates that at low cycling speed, the ‘look where you are going’ strategy was preferred, while at higher cycling speeds participants seemed to prefer the curvature matching strategy. Authors suggest that visual information from both steering strategies contributes to the steering system and can be used in a flexible way. Based on a familiarization effect, it can be assumed that steering is not only guided by vision but that a short-term learning component should also be taken into account.  相似文献   

Boundaries in chromatin are often marked by the presence of insulator elements. New results in Drosophila have identified an insulator with a proven boundary function essential for development. Other studies suggest a connection between the activity of some insulators and Drosophila trithorax-Group and Polycomb-Group genes. Several examples of vertebrate insulators have now been found; their locations suggest important boundary functions. Enhancer-blocking studies in oocytes and position-effect studies in transformed cells shed new light on insulator mechanisms.  相似文献   

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