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Screening of a mutagenized strain carrying a multicopy ENO1-'lacZ fusion plasmid revealed a new mutation affecting several glycolytic enzyme activities. The recessive single nuclear gene mutation, named gcr3, caused an extremely defective growth phenotype on fermentable carbon sources such as glucose, while growth on respiratory media was almost normal. The GCR3 gene was obtained by growth complementation from a genomic DNA library, and the complemented strains had normal enzyme levels. GCR3 gene was sequenced, and a 99,537-Da protein was predicted. The predicted GCR3 protein was fairly acidic (net charge, -34). The C-terminal region was highly charged, and an acidic stretch was found in it.  相似文献   

Screening of a mutagenized strain carrying a multicopy ENO1-'lacZ fusion plasmid revealed a new mutation affecting most glycolytic enzyme activities in a pattern resembling that caused by gcr1: levels in the range of 10% of wild-type levels on glycerol plus lactate but somewhat higher on glucose. The recessive single nuclear gene mutation, named gcr2-1, was unlinked to gcr1, and GCR1 in multiple copies did not restore enzyme levels. GCR2 was obtained by complementation from a YCp50 genomic library; the complemented strain had normal enzyme levels, as did a strain with GCR2 in multiple copies. GCR2 in multiple copies did not suppress gcr1. A chromosomal gcr2 null mutant was constructed; its pattern of enzyme activities resembled that of the gcr2-1 mutant and, like the gcr2-1 mutant, its growth defect on glucose was only partial (in contrast to the glucose negativity of the gcr1 mutant). Northern (RNA) analysis showed that gcr2 and gcr1 affect ENO1 mRNA levels.  相似文献   

The intracellular concentrations of the polypeptides encoded by the two enolase (ENO1 and ENO2) and three glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (TDH1, TDH2, and TDH3) genes were coordinately reduced more than 20-fold in a Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain carrying the gcr1-1 mutation. The steady-state concentration of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase mRNA was shown to be approximately 50-fold reduced in the mutant strain. Overexpression of enolase and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase in strains carrying multiple copies of either ENO1 or TDH3 was reduced more than 50-fold in strains carrying the gcr1-1 mutation. These results demonstrated that the GCR1 gene encodes a trans-acting factor which is required for efficient and coordinate expression of these glycolytic gene families. The GCR1 gene and the gcr1-1 mutant allele were cloned and sequenced. GCR1 encodes a predicted 844-amino-acid polypeptide; the gcr1-1 allele contains a 1-base-pair insertion mutation at codon 304. A null mutant carrying a deletion of 90% of the GCR1 coding sequence and a URA3 gene insertion was constructed by gene replacement. The phenotype of a strain carrying this null mutation was identical to that of the gcr1-1 mutant strain.  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae general regulatory factor CP1, a helix-loop-helix protein that binds the centromere DNA element I (CDEI) of yeast centromeres, is required in yeast for optimal centromere function and for methionine prototrophy. Mutant alleles of CEP1, the gene encoding CP1, were generated by linker insertion, 5'- and 3'-deletion, and random mutagenesis and assayed for DNA binding activity and their ability to confer CP1 function when expressed in yeast. A heterologous CDEI-binding protein, TFEB, was also tested for CP1 function. The results suggested that DNA binding is required for both biological functions of CP1 but is not sufficient. A direct and quantitative correlation was observed between the chromosome loss and nutritional (i.e., Met) phenotypes of strains carrying loss of function alleles, but qualitatively the chromosome loss phenotype was more sensitive to decreased CP1 expression. The data are consistent with a model in which CP1 performs the same general chromatin-related function at centromeres and MET gene promoters and is normally present in functional excess.  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene MEC1 represents a structural homolog of the human gene ATM mutated in ataxia telangiectasia patients. Like human ataxia telangiectasia cell lines, mec1 mutants are defective in G2 and S-phase cell cycle checkpoints in response to radiation treatment. Here we show an additional defect in G1 arrest following treatment with UV light or gamma rays and map a defective arrest stage at or upstream of START in the yeast cell cycle.  相似文献   

Abstract The PIS gene for an enzyme phosphatidylinositol synthase having an increased K m for myo-inositol, was isolated from Saccharomyces cerevisiae . The mutant PIS gene contained a CAA codon at position 114 instead of the CAC codon observed in the wild-type gene, resulting in alteration of the amino acid from His to Gln. Oligonucleotide mediated site-directed mutagenesis of PIS at codon 114 revealed that mutant genes with codons for Ala, Thr and Leu could support yeast cell growth in vivo, but those for Asp, Lys and Tyr could not. All mutant enzymes when expressed in Escherichia coli showed greatly reduced in vitro activity.  相似文献   

The PRO1 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae encodes the 428-amino-acid protein gamma-glutamyl kinase (ATP:L-glutamate 5-phosphotransferase, EC, which catalyzes the first step in proline biosynthesis. Amino acid sequence comparison revealed significant homology between the yeast and Escherichia coli gamma-glutamyl kinases throughout their lengths. Four close matches to the consensus sequence for GCN4 protein binding and one close match to the RAP1 protein-binding site were found in the PRO1 upstream region. The response of the PRO1 gene to changes in the growth medium was analyzed by measurement of steady-state mRNA levels and of beta-galactosidase activity encoded by a PRO1-lacZ gene fusion. PRO1 expression was not repressed by exogenous proline and was not induced by the presence of glutamate in the growth medium. Although expression of the PRO1 gene did not change in response to histidine starvation, both steady-state PRO1 mRNA levels and beta-galactosidase activities were elevated in a gcd1 strain and reduced in a gcn4 strain. In addition, a pro1 bradytrophic strain became completely auxotrophic for proline in a gcn4 strain background. These results indicate that PRO1 is regulated by the general amino acid control system.  相似文献   

A number of genes have been shown to be transcribed specifically during sporulation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, yet their developmental function is unknown. The SPR1 gene is transcribed during only the late stages of sporulation. We have sequenced the SPR1 gene and found that it has extensive DNA and protein sequence homology to the S. cerevisiae EXG1 gene which encodes an exo-1,3-beta-glucanase expressed during vegetative growth (C. R. Vasquez de Aldana, J. Correa, P. San Segundo, A. Bueno, A. R. Nebrada, E. Mendez, and F. del Ray, Gene 97:173-182, 1991). We show that spr1 mutant cells do not hydrolyze p-nitrophenyl-beta-D-glucoside or laminarin in a whole-cell assay for exo-1,3-beta-glucanases. In addition to the absence of this enzymatic activity, spr1 mutant spores exhibit reduced thermoresistance relative to isogenic wild-type spores. These observations are consistent with the notion that SPR1 encodes a sporulation-specific exo-1,3-beta-glucanase.  相似文献   

A positive regulatory sequence of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae ENO1 gene   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
ENO1-'lacZ fusions with various lengths of the ENO1 5'-flanking region were constructed on various types of yeast plasmid vectors. The fully expressed level of beta Gal directed by ENO1-'lacZ fusions differed depending on the type of vector, but on any type of vector, beta Gal activity was not greatly influenced by the carbon source in the medium. The 86-bp DNA region of ENO1 at position -487 to -402 upstream of the initiation codon, in which we had previously delimited the positive regulatory region of ENO1 (Uemura, H., Shiba, T., Paterson, M., Jigami, Y., & Tanaka, H. (1986) Gene 45, 67-75), exerted its function without requiring precise location with respect to the TATA box. The action of the positive regulatory region was not affected by its orientation. In addition, the substitution of the UASs of PHO5, encoding repressible acid phosphatase, with the regulatory region of ENO1 changed the expression of PHO5-'lacZ gene to constitutive, irrespective of the concentration of inorganic phosphate in the medium. Furthermore, the GCR1 gene cloned in a multicopy plasmid increased the expression of the ENO1-'lacZ fused genes.  相似文献   

In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, many amino acid biosynthetic pathways are coregulated by a complex general control system: starvation for a single amino acid results in the derepression of amino acid biosynthetic genes in multiple pathways. Derepression of these genes is mediated by positive (GCN) and negative (GCD) regulatory genes. In this paper we describe the isolation and characterization of a previously unreported negative regulatory gene, GCD3. A gcd3 mutation is recessive to wild type, confers resistance to multiple amino acid analogs, and results in overproduction and partially constitutive elevation of mRNA levels for amino acid biosynthetic genes. Furthermore, a gcd3 mutation can overcome the derepression-deficient phenotype of mutations in the positive regulatory GCN1, GCN2, and GCN3 genes. However, the gcd3 mutation cannot overcome the derepression-deficient phenotype of a gcn4 mutation, suggesting that GCD3 acts as a negative regulator of the important GCN4 gene. Northern blot analysis confirmed this conclusion, in that the steady-state levels of GCN4 mRNA are greatly increased in a gcd3 mutant. Thus, the negative regulatory gene GCD3 plays a central role in derepression of amino acid biosynthetic genes.  相似文献   

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