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Sequences flanking the initiator codon in eukaryotic mRNAs are not random. Out of 153 messages examined, 151 have either a purine in position -3, or a G in position +4, or both. Thus, [A/G]XXAUGG emerges as the favored sequence for eukaryotic initiation sites. Nucleotides flanking nonfunctional AUG triplets, which occur in the 5'-noncoding region of a few eukaryotic messages, are different from those found at most functional sites. Whereas most authentic initiator codons are preceded by a purine (usually A) in position -3, most nonfunctional AUGs have a pyrimidine in that position. The observed asymmetry suggests that purines in positions -3 and +4 might facilitate recognition of the AUG condon during formation of initiation complexes. To test this idea, in vitro binding studies were carried out with 32P-labeled oligonucleotides. Binding of AUG-containing oligonucleotides to wheat germ ribosomes was significantly enhanced by placing a purine in position -3 or +4. The scanning model, which postulates that 40S ribosomal subunits attach at the 5'-end of a message and migrate down to the AUG codon, is discussed in light of these new observations. A modified version of the scanning mechanism is proposed.  相似文献   

M Kozak 《Cell》1986,44(2):283-292
By analyzing the effects of single base substitutions around the ATG initiator codon in a cloned preproinsulin gene, I have identified ACCATGG as the optimal sequence for initiation by eukaryotic ribosomes. Mutations within that sequence modulate the yield of proinsulin over a 20-fold range. A purine in position -3 (i.e., 3 nucleotides upstream from the ATG codon) has a dominant effect; when a pyrimidine replaces the purine in position -3, translation becomes more sensitive to changes in positions -1, -2, and +4. Single base substitutions around an upstream, out-of-frame ATG codon affect the efficiency with which it acts as a barrier to initiating at the downstream start site for preproinsulin. The optimal sequence for initiation defined by mutagenesis is identical to the consensus sequence that emerged previously from surveys of translational start sites in eukaryotic mRNAs. The mechanism by which nucleotides flanking the ATG codon might exert their effect is discussed.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic ribosomal proteins constituting the binding site for the initiator codon AUG on the ribosome at the translation initiation step were investigated by UV-induced cross-linking between protein and mRNA. The 80S-initiation complex was formed in a rabbit reticulocyte cell-free system in the presence of sparsomycin with radiolabeled Omega-fragment as a template, which was a 73-base 5'-leader sequence of tobacco mosaic virus RNA having AUG at the extreme 3'-terminal end and extended with 32pCp. Two radioactive peaks were sedimented by sucrose gradient centrifugation, one being the 80S initiation complex formed at the 3'-terminal AUG codon, and the other presumably a "disome" with an additional 80S ribosome bound at an upstream AUU codon, formed when Omega-fragment was incubated with sparsomycin [Filipowicz and Henni (1979) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 76, 3111-3115]. Cross-links between ribosomal proteins and the radiolabeled Omega-fragment were induced in situ by UV-irradiation at 254 nm. After extensive nuclease digestion of the complexes, ribosomal proteins were separated by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Autoradiography identified the proteins S7, S10, S25, S29, and L5 of the 80S initiation complex and S7, S25, S29 and L5 of that in the disome as 32P-labeled proteins. Together with the results of cross-linking experiments of other investigators and recently solved crystal structures of prokaryotic ribosomes, the spatial arrangement of eukaryotic ribosomal proteins at the AUG-binding domain is discussed.  相似文献   

Namy O  Hatin I  Rousset JP 《EMBO reports》2001,2(9):787-793
The efficiency of translation termination is influenced by local contexts surrounding stop codons. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, upstream and downstream sequences act synergistically to influence the translation termination efficiency. By analysing derivatives of a leaky stop codon context, we initially demonstrated that at least six nucleotides after the stop codon are a key determinant of readthrough efficiency in S. cerevisiae. We then developed a combinatorial-based strategy to identify poor 3′ termination contexts. By screening a degenerate oligonucleotide library, we identified a consensus sequence –CA(A/G)N(U/C/G)A–, which promotes >5% readthrough efficiency when located downstream of a UAG stop codon. Potential base pairing between this stimulatory motif and regions close to helix 18 and 44 of the 18S rRNA provides a model for the effect of the 3′ stop codon context on translation termination.  相似文献   

F Morle  J Starck    J Godet 《Nucleic acids research》1986,14(8):3279-3292
We previously hypothesized that a 2 nucleotide deletion, causing a A-greater than C change at position -3 preceding the ATG initiation codon of alpha globin gene, reduced translation efficiency of alpha globin mRNA and was responsible for a form of alpha + thalassemia displayed by an Algerian patient. We presently show that this deletion leads to a 30-45% reduction in translation efficiency of synthetic alpha globin mRNA in rabbit reticulocyte lysate. In other experiments, we constructed alpha/G gamma hybrid globin genes in which the 3' end of normal or mutated alpha globin genes downstream to the ATG initiation codon was substituted by the 3' part of a G gamma globin gene. COS cells transfected with either of these 2 hybrid genes were shown to synthesize a similar amount of alpha/G gamma hybrid mRNAs but 50% less G gamma globin when transfected with the alpha/G gamma hybrid gene carrying the deletion. These results definitively establish that the 2 nucleotide deletion reduces translation efficiency by 30-50%. This contrasts with the 93% reduction induced by a similar A-greater than C change at position -3 in the different nucleotide context preceding the ATG codon of the rat preproinsulin gene.  相似文献   

Alphaviruses, particularly Sinbis virus and Semliki Forest virus, are proving to be useful vectors for the expression of heterologous genes. In infected cells, these self-replicating vectors (replicons) transcribe a subgenomic mRNA that codes for a heterologous protein instead of the structural proteins. We reported recently that translation of the reporter gene lacZ is enhanced 10-fold when the coding sequences of this gene are fused downstream of and in frame with the 5' half of the capsid gene (I. Frolov and S. Schlesinger, J. Virol. 68:8111-8117, 1994). The enhancing sequences, located downstream of the AUG codon that initiates translation of the capsid protein, have a predicted hairpin structure. We have mutated this region by making changes in the codons which do not affect the protein sequence but should destabilize the putative hairpin structure. These changes caused a decrease in the accumulation of the capsid-beta-galactosidase fusion protein. When these alterations were inserted into the capsid gene in the context of the intact Sindbis virus genome, they led to a decrease in the rate of virus formation but did not affect the final yield. We also altered the original sequence to one that has 12 contiguous G.C base pairs and should form a stable hairpin. The new sequence was essentially as effective as the original had been in enhancement of translation and in the rate of virus formation. The position of the predicted hairpin structure is important for its function; an insertion of 9 nucleotides or a deletion of 9 nucleotides decreased the level of translation. The insertion of a hairpin structure at a particular location downstream of the initiating AUG appears to be a way that alphaviruses have evolved to enhance translation of their mRNA, and, as a consequence, they produce high levels of the structural proteins which are needed for virus assembly. This high level of translation requires an intracellular environment in which host cell protein synthesis is inhibited.  相似文献   

The importance to in vivo translation of sequences immediately upstream of the Drosophila alcohol dehydrogenase (Adh) start codon was examined at two developmental stages. Mutations were introduced into the Adh gene in vitro, and the mutant gene was inserted into the genome via germ line transformation. An A-to-T substitution at the -3 position did not affect relative translation rates of the ADH protein at the second-instar larval stage but resulted in a 2.4-fold drop in translation of ADH at the adult stage. A second mutant gene, containing five mutations in the region -1 to -9, was designed to completely block translation initiation. However, transformant lines bearing these mutations still exhibit detectable ADH, albeit at substantially reduced levels. The average fold reduction at the second-instar larval stage was 5.9, while at the adult stage a 12.5-fold reduction was observed.  相似文献   

The secondary structure and sequences influencing the expression and selection of the AUG initiator codon in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae were investigated with two fused genes, which were composed of either the CYC7 or CYC1 leader regions, respectively, linked to the lacZ coding region. In addition, the strains contained the upf1-Δ disruption, which stabilized mRNAs that had premature termination codons, resulting in wild-type levels. The following major conclusions were reached by measuring β-galactosidase activities in yeast strains having integrated single copies of the fused genes with various alterations in the 89 and 38 nucleotide-long untranslated CYC7 and CYC1 leader regions, respectively. The leader region adjacent to the AUG initiator codon was dispensable, but the nucleotide preceding the AUG initiator at position ?3 modified the efficiency of translation by less than twofold, exhibiting an order of preference A>G>C>U. Upstream out-of-frame AUG triplets diminished initiation at the normal site, from essentially complete inhibition to approximately 50% inhibition, depending on the position of the upstream AUG triplet and on the context (?3 position nucleotides) of the two AUG triplets. In this regard, complete inhibition occurred when the upstream and downstream AUG triplets were closer together, and when the upstream and downstream AUG triplets had, respectively, optimal and suboptimal contexts. Thus, leaky scanning occurs in yeast, similar to its occurrence in higher eukaryotes. In contrast, termination codons between two AUG triplets causes reinitiation at the downstream AUG in higher eukaryotes, but not generally in yeast. Our results and the results of others with GCN4 mRNA and its derivatives indicate that reinitiation is not a general phenomenon in yeast, and that special sequences are required.  相似文献   

Effect of structure of the initiator codon on translation in E. coli   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A set of plasmids carrying different initiator codons--either AUG, or GUG, or UUG, or CUG (as a control) in the hybrid gene lacIZ--was constructed by using synthetic oligonucleotides. GUG and UUG codons were demonstrated to be 2-3 times less effective than AUG in translation initiation. Furthermore, the correlation between the efficiencies of different initiator codons in translation initiation proved to vary, depending on the phase of bacterial growth. The rarely occurring usage in nature of the initiator codons GUG and UUG is supposed to be due to the particular role played by the initiator triplets in regulation of gene expression.  相似文献   

AUG is the only initiation codon in eukaryotes   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
An analysis of mutants of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae indicates that AUG is the sole codon capable of initiating translation of iso-1-cytochrome c. This result with yeast and the sequence results of numerous eukaryotic genes indicate that AUG is the only initiation codon in eukaryotes; in contrast, results with Escherichia coli and bacteriophages indicate that both AUG and GUG are initiation codons in prokaryotes. The difference can be explained by the lack of the t6 A hypermodified nucleoside (N-[9-(beta-D-ribofuranosyl)purin-6-ylcarbamoyl]threonine) in prokaryotic initiator tRNA and its presence in eukaryotic initiator tRNA.  相似文献   

The polyamines spermidine and spermine stimulate the readthrough of the UGA termination codon of rabbit beta-globin mRNA when it is translated in a rabbit reticulocyte cell-free system. The other major polyamine, putrescine, does not show this effect. The polyamine induced readthrough is specific for UGA as the UAA termination codon of alpha-globin mRNA is not read through and general translational misreading errors are not occurring in the presence of spermidine or spermine. The probable mechanism of this effect and some possible regulatory implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Compartmentation of intracellular nucleotides in mammalian cells   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The important role of nucleotides in cellular metabolism requires that serious consideration be given to the question of the homogeneity or inhomogeneity of nucleotide pools in cells. The purpose of this review is to summarize the existing evidence for compartmentation of nucleotide pools, discuss the limitations of this evidence, and to discuss the implications of compartmentation for the interpretation of nucleotide concentration measurements. Evidence for nucleotide compartmentation comes from the following types of evidence: compartmentation of RNA precursors; compartmentation of deoxynucleoside triphosphates; mitochondrial compartmentation; the existence of tightly bound nucleotides; pools derived from alternative synthetic routes; compartmentation in cyclic nucleotide metabolism; channeling in the synthesis of pyrimidine nucleotides; and others. The types of evidence adduced for compartmentation will be considered critically and in detail, and alternative explanations considered, as well. Implications of the data and hypotheses on nucleotide compartmentation for the interpretation of nucleotide pool measurements in various types of experiments will be discussed.  相似文献   

The initiation of translation on the positive-sense RNA genome of hepatitis C virus (HCV) is directed by an internal ribosomal entry site (IRES) that occupies most of the 341-nt 5' nontranslated RNA (5'NTR). Previous studies indicate that this IRES differs from picornaviral IRESs in that its activity is dependent upon RNA sequence downstream of the initiator AUG. Here, we demonstrate that the initiator AUG of HCV is located within a stem-loop (stem-loop IV) involving nt -12 to +12 (with reference to the AUG). This structure is conserved among HCV strains, and is present in the 5'NTR of the phylogenetically distant GB virus B. Mutant, nearly genome-length RNAs containing nucleotide substitutions predicted to enhance the stability of stem-loop IV were generally deficient in cap-independent translation both in vitro and in vivo. Additional mutations that destabilize the stem-loop restored translation to normal. Thus, the stability of the stem-loop is strongly but inversely correlated with the efficiency of internal initiation of translation. In contrast, mutations that stabilize this stem-loop had comparatively little effect on translation of 5' truncated RNAs by scanning ribosomes, suggesting that internal initiation of translation follows binding of the 40S ribosome directly at the site of stem-loop IV. Because stem-loop IV is not required for internal entry of ribosomes but is able to regulate this process, we speculate that it may be stabilized by interactions with a viral protein, providing a mechanism for feedback regulation of translation, which may be important for viral persistence.  相似文献   

We determined the in vivo translational efficiency of 'unleadered' lacZ compared with a conventionally leadered lacZ with and without a Shine–Dalgarno (SD) sequence in Escherichia coli and found that changing the SD sequence of leadered lacZ from the consensus 5'-AGGA-3' to 5'-UUUU-3' results in a 15-fold reduction in translational efficiency; however, removing the leader altogether results in only a twofold reduction. An increase in translation coincident with the removal of the leader lacking a SD sequence suggests the existence of stronger or novel translational signals within the coding sequence in the absence of the leader. We examined, therefore, a change in the translational signals provided by altering the AUG initiation codon to other naturally occurring initiation codons (GUG, UUG, CUG) in the presence and absence of a leader and find that mRNAs lacking leader sequences are dependent upon an AUG initiation codon, whereas leadered mRNAs are not. This suggests that mRNAs lacking leader sequences are either more dependent on perfect codon–anticodon complementarity or require an AUG initiation codon in a sequence-specific manner to form productive initiation complexes. A mutant initiator tRNA with compensating anticodon mutations restored expression of leadered, but not unleadered, mRNAs with UAG start codons, indicating that codon–anticodon complementarity was insufficient for the translation of mRNA lacking leader sequences. These data suggest that a cognate AUG initiation codon specifically serves as a stronger and different translational signal in the absence of an untranslated leader.  相似文献   

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