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Bushey D  Locke J 《Genetics》2004,168(3):1395-1411
In Drosophila melanogaster, the w(+) transgene in P[lacW]ci(Dplac) is uniformly expressed throughout the adult eye. However, when other P elements are present, this w(+) transgene is randomly silenced and this produces a variegated eye phenotype. This P-element-dependent silencing (PDS) is limited to w(+) transgenes inserted in a specific region on chromosome 4. In a screen for genetic modifiers of PDS, we isolated mutations in Su(var)205, Su(var)3-7, and two unidentified genes that suppress this variegated phenotype. Therefore, only a few of the genes encoding heterochromatic modifiers act dose dependently in PDS. In addition, we recovered two spontaneous mutations of P[lacW]ci(Dplac) that variegate in the absence of P elements. These P[lacW]i(Dplac) derivatives have a gypsy element inserted proximally to the P[lacW]ci(Dplac) insert. The same mutations that suppress PDS also suppress w(+) silencing from these P[lacW]ci(Dplac) derivative alleles. This indicates that both cis-acting changes in sequence and trans-acting P elements cause a similar change in chromatin structure that silences w(+) expression in P[lacW]ci(Dplac). Together, these results confirm that PDS occurs at P[lacW]ci(Dplac) because of the chromatin structure at this chromosomal position. Studying w(+) variegation from P[lacW]ci(Dplac) provides a model for the interactions that can enhance heterochromatic silencing at single P-element inserts.  相似文献   

Seum C  Pauli D  Delattre M  Jaquet Y  Spierer A  Spierer P 《Genetics》2002,161(3):1125-1136
The Su(var)3-7 gene, a haplo-suppressor and triplo-enhancer of position-effect variegation (PEV), encodes a zinc finger heterochromatin-associated protein. To understand the role of this protein in heterochromatin and genomic silencing, mutations were generated by homologous recombination. The donor fragment contained a yellow(+) gene and 7.6 kb of the Su(var)3-7 gene inserted between two FRTs. The Su(var)3-7 sequence contained three stop codons flanking an I-SceI cut site located in the 5' half of the gene. Using two different screening approaches, we obtained an allelic series composed of three mutant alleles. The three mutations are dominant suppressors of PEV. One behaves as a null mutation and results in a maternal-effect recessive lethal phenotype that can be rescued by a zygotic paternal wild-type gene. A P transposon zygotically expressing a Su(var)3-7 full-length cDNA also rescues the mutant phenotype. One hypomorphic allele is viable and the pleiotropic phenotype showed by adult flies indicates that rapidly and late dividing cells seem the most affected by reduced amounts of Su(var)3-7 protein. All three mutants were characterized at the molecular level. Each expresses a portion of the Su(var)3-7 protein that is unable to enter the nucleus and bind chromatin.  相似文献   

The ability to repress P-element-induced gonadal dysgenesis was studied in 14 wild-type strains of D. melanogaster derived from populations in the central and eastern United States. Females from each of these strains had a high ability to repress gonadal dysgenesis in their daughters. Reciprocal hybrids produced by crossing each of the wild-type strains with an M strain demonstrated that repression ability was determined by a complex mixture of chromosomal and cytoplasmic factors. Cytoplasmic transmission of repression ability was observed in all 14 strains and chromosomal transmission was observed in 12 of them. Genomic Southern blots indicated that four of the strains possessed a particular type of P element, called KP, which has been proposed to account for the chromosomal transmission of repression ability. However, in this study several of the strains that lacked KP elements exhibited as much chromosomal transmission of repression ability as the strains that had KP elements, suggesting that other kinds of P elements may be involved.  相似文献   

Drosophila were genetically transformed with a hobo transgene that contains a terminally truncated but otherwise complete P element fused to the promoter from the Drosophila hsp70 gene. Insertions of this H(hsp/CP) transgene on either of the major autosomes produced the P transposase in both the male and female germlines, but not in the soma. Heat-shock treatments significantly increased transposase activity in the female germline; in the male germline, these treatments had little effect. The transposase activity of two insertions of the H(hsp/CP) transgene was not significantly greater than their separate activities, and one insertion of this transgene reduced the transposase activity of P(ry(+), Delta2-3)99B, a stable P transgene, in the germline as well as in the soma. These observations suggest that, through alternate splicing, the H(hsp/CP) transgene produces a repressor that feeds back negatively to regulate transposase expression or function in both the somatic and germline tissues. The H(hsp/CP) transgenes are able to induce gonadal dysgenesis when the transposase they encode has P-element targets to attack. However, this ability and the ability to induce P-element excisions are repressed by the P cytotype, a chromosomal/cytoplasmic state that regulates P elements in the germline.  相似文献   

Conversion of one P-derived transposon into another has already been shown to occur with a measurable frequency. However, the mechanism responsible for such replacements has remained controversial. We previously proposed a mechanism involving three partners. We assumed that after excision of the P-element inserted at the target site, the double-strand break was repaired using, first, the homologous P sequences on the sister chromatid, and second, a remote template, the donor P-derived transposon. However, two other mechanisms have been proposed. The first involves two partners only, the broken end and the remote template, while the second involves transposition of the donor into the target P-element, followed by a double recombination event. Here we describe the conversion of a defective P-element using as a remote template an enhancer-trap element that is itself unable to transpose because it lacks 21 bp at its 5' end. This result makes it possible to exclude the possibility that this conversion event occurred after transposition. The new allele was molecularly and genetically characterized. The occurrence of a polymorphism at position 33 of the P-element sequence and of an imperfect copy of the template on the 3' side of the converted transposon confirmed that the sister chromatid was absolutely necessary as a partner for repair. Our results show that targeting of a marked P-element is possible, even when this element is unable to transpose. This provides a means of improving recovery of conversion events by eliminating unwanted transpositions catalyzed by the P transposase.  相似文献   

Transposable P elements inserted in the heterochromatic Telomeric Associated Sequences on the X chromosome (1A site) of Drosophila melanogaster have a very strong capacity to elicit the P cytotype, a maternally transmitted condition which represses P element transposition and P-induced hybrid dysgenesis. This repressive capacity has previously been shown to be sensitive to mutant alleles of the gene Su(var)205, which encodes HP1 (Heterochromatin Protein 1), thus suggesting a role for chromatin structure in repression. Since an interaction between heterochromatin formation and RNA interference has been reported in various organisms, we tested the effect of mutant alleles of aubergine, a gene that has been shown to play a role in RNA interference in Drosophila, on the repressive properties of telomeric P elements. Seven out of the eight mutant alleles tested clearly impaired the repressive capacities of the two independent telomeric P insertions at 1A analyzed. P repression by P strains whose repressive capacities are not linked to the presence of P copies at 1A were previously found to be insensitive to Su(var)205; here, we show that they are also insensitive to aubergine mutations. These results strongly suggest that both RNA interference and heterochromatin structure are involved in the establishment of the P cytotype elicited by telomeric P elements, and reinforce the hypothesis that different mechanisms for repression of P elements exist which depend on the chromosomal location of the regulatory copies of P.Communicated by G. Reuter  相似文献   

P elements inserted at the left end of the Drosophila X chromosome were isolated genetically from wild-type P strains. Stocks carrying these elements were tested for repression of P-strain-induced gonadal dysgenesis in females and for repression of transposase-catalyzed P-element excision in males and females. Both traits were repressed by stocks carrying either complete or incomplete P elements inserted near the telomere of the X chromosome in cytological region 1A, but not by stocks carrying only nontelomeric X-linked P elements. All three of the telomeric P elements that were analyzed at the molecular level were inserted in one of the 1.8-kb telomere-associated sequence (TAS) repeats near the end of the X chromosome. Stocks with these telomeric P elements strongly repressed P-element excision induced in the male germline by a P strain or by the transposase-producing transgenes H(hsp/CP)2, H(hsp/CP)3, a combination of these two transgenes, and P(ry(+), delta2-3)99B. For H(hsp/CP)2 and P(ry(+), delta2-3)99B, the repression was also effective when the flies were subjected to heat-shock treatments. However, these stocks did not repress the somatic transposase activity of P(ry(+), delta2-3)99B. Repression of transposase activity in the germline required maternal transmission of the telomeric P elements themselves. Paternal transmission of these elements, or maternal transmission of the cytoplasm from carriers, both were insufficient to repress transposase activity. Collectively, these findings indicate that the regulatory abilities of telomeric P elements are similar to those of the P cytotype.  相似文献   

Fusions between the Drosophila hsp70 promoter and three different incomplete P elements, KP, SP, and BP1, were inserted into the Drosophila genome by means of hobo transformation vectors and the resulting transgenic stocks were tested for repression of P-element transposase activity. Only the H(hsp/KP) transgenes repressed transposase activity, and the degree of repression was comparable to that of a naturally occurring KP element. The KP transgenes repressed transposase activity both with and without heat-shock treatments. Both the KP element and H(hsp/KP) transgenes repressed the transposase activity encoded by the modified P element in the P(ry(+), Delta2-3)99B transgene more effectively than that encoded by the complete P element in the H(hsp/CP)2 transgene even though the P(ry(+), Delta2-3)99B transgene was the stronger transposase source. Repression of both transposase sources appeared to be due to a zygotic effect of the KP element or transgene. There was no evidence for repression by a strictly maternal effect; nor was there any evidence for enhancement of KP repression by the joint maternal transmission of H(hsp/KP) and H(hsp/CP) transgenes. These results are consistent with the idea that KP-mediated repression of P-element activity involves a KP-repressor polypeptide that is not maternally transmitted and that KP-mediated repression is not strengthened by the 66-kD repressor produced by complete P elements through alternate splicing of their RNA.  相似文献   

Seventeen highly-inbred lines of Drosophila melanogaster extracted from an M' strain (in the P/M system of hybrid dysgenesis) were studied for their cytotype and the number and chromosomal location of complete and defective P elements. While most lines were of M cytotype, three presented a P cytotype (the condition that represses P-element activity) and one was intermediate between M and P. All lines were found to possess KP elements and only eight to bear full-sized P elements. Only the lines with full-sized P elements showed detectable changes in their P-insertion pattern over generations; their rates of gain and of loss of P-element sites were equal to 0.12 and 0.09 per genome, per generation, respectively. There was no correlation between these two rates within lines, suggesting independent transpositions and excisions in the inbred genomes. The results of both Southern blot analysis and in situ hybridization of probes made from left and right sides of the P element strongly suggested the presence of a putative complete P element in region 1A of the X chromosome in the three lines with a P cytotype; the absence of P copy in this 1A region in lines with an M cytotype, favours the hypothesis that the P element inserted in 1A could play a major role in the P-cytotype determination. Insertion of a defective 2 kb P element was also observed in region 93F in 9 of the 13 M lines. The regulation of the P-element copy number in our lines appeared not to be associated with the ratio of full-length and defective P elements.  相似文献   

Polytene chromosomes of salivary glands of various Drosophila melanogaster strains containing two doses of the normal Su(UR)ES allele have a constant set of intercalary heterochromatin (IHC) sites. Their DNA is underreplicated, which leads to breaks and ectopic contacts emerging at a certain rate. Almost no underreplication, breaks, or ectopic conjugation are present in mutants lacking the normal Su(UR)ES gene product. It could be expected that an increase in the number of the Su(UR)ES+ gene doses would, in turn, drastically increase ectopic conjugation and breakage. To test this hypothesis, a strain of D. melanogaster was obtained with two additional doses of Su(UR)ES+ introduced into its genome. The flies with four gene doses exhibited a considerable increase in ectopic conjugation: both the proportion of regions participating in conjugation and the number of chromosomes with numerous contact nodes were increased. As a result, chromosomes that were straight and well-stretched in homozygotes for the mutation in Su(UR)ES became twisted and wound and contained many loops or nodes. Many chromosomes were wound too tightly for cytological analysis. Four doses of Su(UR)ES+ considerably increased the number of weak "points." For example, the 2R chromosome has only 3 weak points in strains with two doses of Su(UR)ES+ and as many as 22 weak points in the strain with four doses. In the transgenic strain, the frequency of breaks in previously known weak points increased, and new breaks appeared in 19 additional sites. All new break points appeared in the regions that were earlier described as regions of late replication in the S phase.  相似文献   

Cheng Y  Kwon DY  Arai AL  Mucci D  Kassis JA 《PloS one》2012,7(1):e30437
P-element vectors are commonly used to make transgenic Drosophila and generally insert in the genome in a nonselective manner. However, when specific fragments of regulatory DNA from a few Drosophila genes are incorporated into P-transposons, they cause the vectors to be inserted near the gene from which the DNA fragment was derived. This is called P-element homing. We mapped the minimal DNA fragment that could mediate homing to the engrailed/invected region of the genome. A 1.6 kb fragment of engrailed regulatory DNA that contains two Polycomb-group response elements (PREs) was sufficient for homing. We made flies that contain a 1.5 kb deletion of engrailed DNA (en(Δ1.5)) in situ, including the PREs and the majority of the fragment that mediates homing. Remarkably, homing still occurs onto the en(Δ1. 5) chromosome. In addition to homing to en, P[en] inserts near Polycomb group target genes at an increased frequency compared to P[EPgy2], a vector used to generate 18,214 insertions for the Drosophila gene disruption project. We suggest that homing is mediated by interactions between multiple proteins bound to the homing fragment and proteins bound to multiple areas of the engrailed/invected chromatin domain. Chromatin structure may also play a role in homing.  相似文献   

Yan CM  Dobie KW  Le HD  Konev AY  Karpen GH 《Genetics》2002,161(1):217-229
Approximately one-third of the human and Drosophila melanogaster genomes are heterochromatic, yet we know very little about the structure and function of this enigmatic component of eukaryotic genomes. To facilitate molecular and cytological analysis of heterochromatin we introduced a yellow(+) (y(+))-marked P element into centric heterochromatin by screening for variegated phenotypes, that is, mosaic gene inactivation. We recovered >110 P insertions with variegated yellow expression from approximately 3500 total mobilization events. FISH analysis of 71 of these insertions showed that 69 (97%) were in the centric heterochromatin, rather than telomeres or euchromatin. High-resolution banding analysis showed a wide but nonuniform distribution of insertions within centric heterochromatin; variegated insertions were predominantly recovered near regions of satellite DNA. We successfully used inverse PCR to clone and sequence the flanking DNA for approximately 63% of the insertions. BLAST analysis of the flanks demonstrated that either most of the variegated insertions could not be placed on the genomic scaffold, and thus may be inserted within novel DNA sequence, or that the flanking DNA hit multiple sites on the scaffold, due to insertions within different transposons. Taken together these data suggest that screening for yellow variegation is a very efficient method for recovering centric insertions and that a large-scale screen for variegated yellow P insertions will provide important tools for detailed analysis of centric heterochromatin structure and function.  相似文献   

Herein we demonstrate that Drosophila larvae possess a synthetic activity capable of converting phenylalanine to tyrosine. This system is readily extractable and displays many characteristics of phenylalanine hydroxylase systems described in other organisms, the most notable being that a tetrahydropteridine is required for full expression of activity. The level of phenylalanine hydroxylase activity present in the organism varies with the stage of development: from an undetected level of activity at the first larval instar, there is a rapid increase in phenylalanine hydroxylase activity which reaches a peak at the time of puparium formation, after which there is a rapid decrease again to an undetected level.  相似文献   

T J Lockett  D Lewy  P Holmes  K Medveczky  R Saint 《Gene》1992,114(2):187-193
We describe a new vector for the P-element-mediated introduction of gene constructs into the germ line of Drosophila melanogaster. The P-element vector carries 6.8 kb of genomic DNA containing the rough gene (ro) from D. melanogaster and a polylinker (MCS) containing ten unique cloning sites. To demonstrate its utility, we have cloned into the MCS of this vector, the firefly luciferase (Luc)-encoding gene (luc) under the control of the D. melanogaster hsp70 promoter and have transformed flies with the resultant P-element. Single insertions of this element, whether in the hemizygous or homozygous condition, completely rescued the ro- mutation and directed heat-inducible synthesis of Luc mRNA and enzyme.  相似文献   

In Drosophila melanogaster, transposition of the P element is under the control of a cellular state known as cytotype. The P cytotype represses P transposition whereas the M cytotype is permissive for transposition. In the long-term, the P cytotype is determined by chromosomal P elements but over a small number of generations it is maternally inherited. In order to analyse the nature of this maternal inheritance, we tested whether a maternal component can be transmitted without chromosomal P elements. We used a stable determinant of P cytotype, linked to the presence of two P elements at the tip of the X chromosome (IA site) in a genome devoid of other P elements. We measured P repression capacity using two different assays: gonadal dysgenic sterility (GD) and P-lacZ transgene repression. We show that zygotes derived from a P cytotype female (heterozygous for P (1A)/balancer devoid of P copies) and which inherit no chromosomal P elements from the mother, have, however, maternally received a P-type extra-chromosomal component: this component is insufficient to specify the P cytotype if the zygote formed does not carry chromosomal P elements but can promote P cytotype determination if regulatory P elements have been introduced paternally. We refer to this strictly extra-chromosomally inherited state as the “pre-P cytotype”. In addition, we show that a zygote that has the pre-P cytotype but which has not inherited any chromosomal P elements, does not transmit the pre-P cytotype to the following generation. The nature of the molecular determinants of the pre-P cytotype is discussed.  相似文献   

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