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Summary We investigated how far competitive interactions influence the use of habitats and relative abundance of two species of Microtus in the southwestern Yukon. We worked in the ecotone between alpine tundra and subalpine shrub tundra where populations of singing voles (Microtus miurus) and tundra voles (M. oeconomus) overlap little.We removed tundra voles from shrub tundra on one live-trapping area to look at the effect on the contiguous population of singing voles in alpine tundra. The removal of tundra voles did not affect the distribution or relative abundance of singing voles. The spatial distribution of these species and their movements within habitats suggest that they have a strong habitat preference.Populations of small mammals in the area are extremely dynamic and the relative importance of competitive interactions may change as density varies. At present we have no evidence that competition affects habitat use in M. miurus.  相似文献   

Satellite remote sensing data have indicated a general ‘greening’ trend in the arctic tundra biome. However, the observed changes based on remote sensing are the result of multiple environmental drivers, and the effects of individual controls such as warming, herbivory, and other disturbances on changes in vegetation biomass, community structure, and ecosystem function remain unclear. We apply ArcVeg, an arctic tundra vegetation dynamics model, to estimate potential changes in vegetation biomass and net primary production (NPP) at the plant community and functional type levels. ArcVeg is driven by soil nitrogen output from the Terrestrial Ecosystem Model, existing densities of Rangifer populations, and projected summer temperature changes by the NCAR CCSM4.0 general circulation model across the Arctic. We quantified the changes in aboveground biomass and NPP resulting from (i) observed herbivory only; (ii) projected climate change only; and (iii) coupled effects of projected climate change and herbivory. We evaluated model outputs of the absolute and relative differences in biomass and NPP by country, bioclimate subzone, and floristic province. Estimated potential biomass increases resulting from temperature increase only are approximately 5% greater than the biomass modeled due to coupled warming and herbivory. Such potential increases are greater in areas currently occupied by large or dense Rangifer herds such as the Nenets‐occupied regions in Russia (27% greater vegetation increase without herbivores). In addition, herbivory modulates shifts in plant community structure caused by warming. Plant functional types such as shrubs and mosses were affected to a greater degree than other functional types by either warming or herbivory or coupled effects of the two.  相似文献   

In the foothills of the Brooks Range, Alaska, different glaciation histories have created landscapes with varying soil age. Productivity of most of these landscapes is generally N limited, but varies widely, as do plant species composition and soil properties (e.g., pH). We hypothesized that the projected changes in productivity and vegetation composition under a warmer climate might be mediated through differential changes in N availability across soil age. We compared readily available [water-soluble NH4 +, NO3 ?, and amino acids (AA)], moderately available (soluble proteins), hydrolyzable, and total N pools across three tussock-tundra landscapes with soil ages ranging from 11.5k to 300k years. The effects of fertilization and warming on these N pools were also compared for the two younger sites. Readily available N was highest at the oldest site, and AA accounted for 80–89 % of this N. At the youngest site, inorganic N constituted the majority (80–97 %) of total readily available N. This variation reflected the large differences in plant functional group composition and soil chemical properties. Long-term (8–16 years) fertilization increased the soluble inorganic N by 20- to 100-fold at the intermediate-age site, but only by twofold to threefold at the youngest site. Warming caused small and inconsistent changes in the soil C:N ratio and AA, but only in soils beneath Eriophorum vaginatum, the dominant tussock-forming sedge. These differential responses suggest that the ecological consequences of warmer climates on these tundra ecosystems are more complex than simply elevated N-mineralization rates, and that the responses of landscapes might be impacted by soil age, or time since deglaciation.  相似文献   

1. As part of a whole-system study, the response of the heterotrophic microfaunal community colonizing artificial substrata (polyfoam units) to fertilization of an arctic tundra stream was followed for 6 weeks during the summer. 2. Dominant heterotrophic microfauna observed included amoebae (approximately 40% of colonizing biomass), rotifers (36% of biomass) and ciliates (25% of biomass). 3. Biomass of heterotrophic microfauna on artificial substrata was not significantly different in a control reach and an experimental reach fertilized with phosphorus (loading rate ten times ambient), but in a reach fertilized with both phosphorus and nitrogen (loading rates ten times ambient) biomass was double that of the control and phosphorus-fertilized reaches. The lack of response in the phosphorus reach was probably due to greater insect grazing as a result of previous phosphorus fertilization of this reach. 4. Abundance of microfauna on epilithic surfaces in the river was higher on rocks from pools than on rocks from riffle areas, but abundance on the artificial substrata was higher than on the natural rocks. 5. The results suggest that microfauna of arctic tundra streams are regulated by grazers and that their importance in transfers among trophic levels is greater in pools than in riffles.  相似文献   

Downslope fertilizer movement in arctic tussock tundra   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Slow release fertilizer pellets (NPK) were spread in June and July 1985, on the frost surface under an 8–20 cm thick layer of thawed tundra in the northern foothills of the Brooks Range, Alaska. The fertilizer was applied at a rate of 3.8 kg N, 1.2 kg P2O5, and 2.4 kg K to two, 10 × 0.75 m tussock bands. These bands were placed parallel to the contour lines in the middle of a uniform 10° slope. The purpose of the experiment was to test the hypothesis that fertilizer moves at a measurable rate downslope, affecting the vegetation in its course. The results support this hypothesis. One year after fertilizer application, plants collected 2 to 6 m downslope from the fertilizer band had significantly larger leaves and significantly higher nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations than those upslope from fertilizer application. It is concluded that nutrient-releasing tundra perturbations affect the downslope tundra vegetation.  相似文献   

Seasonal root growth in the arctic tussock tundra   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary The quantity of growing root tips per unit of soil volume was analyzed in a central Alaskan tussock tundra site. By June 10, the aboveground fraction of the vegetation had initiated the flush of spring growth and flowering while less than 5 active root tips cm-3 were found. By June 25 this value had increased to 30 root tips cm-3. Similar values in July were followed by a complete cessation of root growth after the first week of August. By then, leaf senescence had also become visible. In the spring, low root temperatures were responsible for the time lag between shoot growth initiation and the beginning of root growth. In early August, root growth stopped in spite of adequate soil temperatures and accumulated carbohydrate for root growth. It is proposed that use of reserve carbohydrate for root growth in August would compromise the flush of spring growth in the following year.  相似文献   

Indirect interactions in food webs can strongly influence the net effect of global change on ecological communities yet they are rarely quantified and hence remain poorly understood. Using a 22-year time series, we investigated climate-induced and predator-mediated indirect effects on grazing intensity in the tundra food web of Bylot Island, which experienced a warming trend over the last two decades. We evaluated the relative effects of environmental parameters on the proportion of plant biomass grazed by geese in wetlands and examined the temporal changes in the strength of these cascading effects. Migrating geese are the dominant herbivores on Bylot Island and can consume up to 60% of the annual production of wetland graminoids. Spring North Atlantic Oscillation, mid-summer temperatures and summer abundance of lemmings (prey sharing predators with geese) best-explained annual variation in grazing intensity. Goose grazing impact increased in years with high temperatures and high lemming abundance. However, the strength of these indirect effects on plants changed over time. Grazing intensity was weakly explained by environmental factors in recent years, which were marked by a sharp increase in plant primary production and steady decrease in grazing pressure. Indirect effects do not seem to be reversing the direct positive effect of warming on wetland plants. We suggest that cascading effects on plants may lag considerably behind direct effects in vertebrate dominated arctic communities, especially where key herbivore populations are strongly affected by factors outside of the Arctic [Current Zoology 60 (2): 189-202, 2014].  相似文献   

The snow melt food at Imnavait Creek takes place sometime between 12 May and 2 June and constitutes the single most important hydrological and geochemical event. Three years of study indicate this event spans 7 to 10 days and that peak discharge can be expected to be between 0.6 and 0.9 cu. mes. Ion concentrations peak during the first 15% of the event while pH is at a minimum. In all cases, ion concentrations in the spring runoff are 4 to 9 times those of the snow pack, Precipitaion, including dryfall, contributes significant amounts of Ca, Mg, K, Na, Cl and SO4. Postassium is present in surface waters only during melt-off and for a short time after. Calcium. Mg. suspended solids and electrical conductivity all reach broad, poorly defined peaks in mid-summer. Only pH shows a significant relationship to discharge. On a seasonal basis a substantial charge imbalance favoring cations occurs. It seems probable that the, as yet, unmeasured negative charge is associated with organic anions. No seasonal trends were recorded for Mg, K or Mn in subsurface flow in the surrounding slopes. Calcium. Fe and Al showed a late season peak, and the concentration of Na and Si decreased as the melt season progressed.  相似文献   

Productivity has long been argued to be a major driver of species richness patterns. In the present study we test alternative productivity–diversity hypotheses using vegetation data from the vast Eurasian tundra. The productivity–species pool hypothesis predicts positive relationships at both fine and coarse grain sizes, whereas the productivity–interaction hypothesis predicts unimodal patterns at fine grain size, and monotonic positive patterns at coarse grain size. We furthermore expect to find flatter positive (productivity–species pool hypothesis) or more strongly negative (productivity–interaction hypothesis) relationships for lichens and bryophytes than for vascular plants, because as a group, lichens and bryophytes are better adapted to extreme arctic conditions and more vulnerable to competition for light than the taller‐growing vascular plants. The normalised difference vegetation index (NDVI) was used as a proxy of productivity. The generally unimodal productivity–diversity patterns were most consistent with the productivity–interaction hypothesis. There was a general trend of decreasing species richness from moderately to maximally productive tundra, in agreement with an increasing importance of competitive interactions. High richness of vascular plants and lichens occurred in moderately low productive tundra areas, whereas that of bryophytes occurred in the least productive tundra habitats covered by this study. The fine and coarse grain richness trends were surprisingly uniform and no variation in beta diversity along the productivity gradient was seen for vascular plants or bryophytes. However, lichen beta diversity varied along the productivity gradient, probably reflecting their sensitivity to habitat conditions and biotic interactions. Overall, the results show evidence that productivity–diversity gradients exist in tundra and that these appear to be largely driven by competitive interactions. Our results also imply that climate warming‐driven increases in productivity will strongly affect arctic plant diversity patterns.  相似文献   

Abstract. We studied the relationship between plant N:P ratio, soil characteristics and species richness in wet sedge and tussock tundra in northern Alaska at seven sites. We also collected data on soil characteristics, above‐ground biomass, species richness and composition. The N:P ratio of the vegetation did not show any relationship with species richness. The N:P ratio of the soil was related with species richness for both vegetation types. Species richness in the tussock tundra was most strongly correlated with soil calcium content and soil pH, with a strong correlation between these two factors. N:P ratio of the soil was also correlated with soil pH. Other factors correlated with species richness were soil moisture and Sphagnum cover. Organic matter content was the factor most strongly correlated with species richness in the wet sedge vegetation. N:P ratio of the soil was strongly correlated with organic matter content. We conclude that N:P ratio in the vegetation is not an important factor determining species richness in arctic tundra and that species richness in arctic tundra is mainly determined by pH and flooding. In tussock tundra the pH, declining with soil age, in combination with Sphagnum growth strongly decreases species richness, while in wet sedge communities flooding over long periods of time creates less favourable conditions for species richness.  相似文献   

Climatic effects on the decomposition rates of various litter types in different environments must be known to predict how climatic changes would affect key functions of terrestrial ecosystems, such as nutrient and carbon cycling and plant growth. We developed regression models of the climatic effects on the first‐year mass loss of Scots pine needle litter in boreal and temperate forests across Europe (34 sites), and tested the applicability of these models for other litter types in different ecosystems from arctic tundra to tropical rainforest in Canada (average three year mass loss of 11 litter types at 18 sites), the USA and Central America (four litter types at 26 sites). A temperature variable (annual mean temperature, effective temperature sum or its logarithm) combined with a summer drought indicator (precipitation minus potential evapotranspiration between May and September) explained the first‐year mass loss of the Scots pine needle litter across Europe with a higher R2 value than actual evapotranspiration (0.68–0.74 vs. 0.51) and with less systematic error for any sub‐region. The model with temperature sum and the summer drought indicator appeared best suited to the other litter types and environments. It predicted the climatic effects on the decomposition rates in North and Central America with least systematic error and highest R2 values (0.72–0.80). Compared with Europe, the decomposition rate was significantly less sensitive to annual mean temperature in Canada, and to changes in actual evapotranspiration in the USA and Central America. A simple model distinguishing temperature and drought effects was able to explain the majority of climatic effects on the decomposition rates of the various litter types tested in the varying environments over the large geographical areas. Actual evapotranspiration summarizing the temperature and drought effects was not as general climatic predictor of the decomposition rate.  相似文献   

The Alaskan tussock tundra is a strongly nutrient-limited ecosystem, where almost all vascular plant species are mycorrhizal. We established a long-term removal experiment to document effects of arctic plant species on ecto- and ericoid mycorrhizal fungi and to investigate whether species interactions and/or nutrient availability affect mycorrhizal colonization. The treatments applied were removal of Betula nana (Betulaceae, dominant deciduous shrub species), removal of Ledum palustre (Ericaceae, dominant evergreen shrub species), control (no removal), and each of these three treatments with the addition of fertilizer. After 3 years of Ledum removal and fertilization, we found that overall ectomycorrhizal colonization in Betula was significantly reduced. Changes in ectomycorrhizal morphotype composition in removal and fertilized treatments were also observed. These results suggest that the effect of Ledum on Betula 's mycorrhizal roots is due to sequestration of nutrients by Ledum, leading to reduced nutrient availability in the soil. In contrast, ericoid mycorrhizal colonization was not affected by fertilization, but the removal of Betula and to a lower degree of Ledum resulted in a reduction of ericoid mycorrhizal colonization suggesting a direct effect of these species on ericoid mycorrhizal colonization. Nutrient availability was only higher in fertilized treatments, but caution should be taken with the interpretation of these data as soil microbes may effectively compete with the ion exchange resins for the nutrients released by plant removal in these nutrient-limited soils.  相似文献   

Landscape patterns of free amino acids in arctic tundra soils   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:13  
Concentrations of free amino acids were measured in soils from four major ecosystem types in arctic Alaska. Total free amino acid concentrations were several-fold higher than ammonium (the major form of inorganic nitrogen) in water extracts of soils. The dominant free amino acids in these soils were glycine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, serine, and arginine. Concentrations of total amino acids ranged 5-fold across communities, being highest in tussock tundra and lowest in wet meadows. Incubation experiments indicate that the turnover of amino acids is rapid, which suggests high rates of gross nitrogen mineralization in these soils. The high concentrations and dynamic nature of soil free amino acids suggest that this nitrogen pool is a significant component of nitrogen cycling in these tundra ecosystems.  相似文献   

Controls on production of bryophytes in an arctic tundra stream   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1. Two bryophyte taxa (Hygrohypnum spp. and, to a lesser extent, Fontinalis neomexicana) were abundant in riffles within phosphorus-fertilized reaches of the Kuparuk River (North Slope, Alaska), but were much less common in fertilized pools and virtually absent in unfertilized reaches of the river. We conducted field experiments using stems and clumps of both species and artificial bryophytes to test the hypotheses that bryophyte growth was strongly limited by low phosphorus concentrations in unfertilized reaches, and limited by epiphytes in fertilized pools. 2. Stem tips of Hygrohypnum spp. did not elongate when grown in unfertilized pool and riffle environments. In fertilized reaches, Hygrohypnum elongated significantly, although there was no significant difference in elongation of stem tips placed in pools [2.5 ± 0.9 cm (SD)] as opposed to riffles (2.8 ± 0.9 cm) for 32 days. 3. Stem tips of F. neomexicana elongated significantly in all sites. There was a significant difference in elongation of stem tips in control and fertilized riffles (2.1 ± 1.1 and 4.7 ± 0.1 cm, respectively) but not in tips grown in control and fertilized pools (2.8 ± 0.8 and 2.7 ± 0.9 cm, respectively). 4. Biomass increments in clumps of these same species followed similar patterns except in fertilized pools. Hygrohypnum spp. lost weight in control riffle environments and did not grow in pools, but accumulated 181 ± 44 and 335 ± 200% of initial biomass in fertilized riffles in 1992 (over 32 days) and 1993 (over 44 days), respectively. F. neomexicana accumulated 38 ± 39 and 98 ± 47% of initial biomass in 1992 in unfertilized and fertilized riffles, respectively. Total phosphorus concentrations of both bryophytes in 1992 were significantly greater when grown in fertilized riffles than control riffles. 5. Artificial mosses (untwisted, natural fibre rope) and clumps of Hygrohypnum spp. were used to assess effects of flow regime on derrital and epiphyte accumulation in the fertilized zone. Epiphyte and detrital mass was 4–4.5 times greater on average on artificial mosses in slow-flowing pool environments than in fast-flowing riffle environments. Epiphyte chlorophyll a was 4 times greater on Hygrohypnum clumps in pools than in riffles. This difference was probably brought about by increased detrital deposition and reduced grazing by invertebrates in pools. It is likely that both Hygrohypnum spp. and F. neomexicana could grow throughout the river, but are limited strongly by low phosphorus concentrations in unfertilized reaches and secondarily by detritus accumulation and interference competition with epiphytic algae in fertilized pools.  相似文献   

1 Oligonychus afrasiaticus, the old world date mite, is a serious pest of dates in North Africa and the Near East, including Israel. It attacks and rapidly develops when the fruit is young and green. Mite phenology is affected by date cultivar, but the relationship between fruit characteristics and mite population development is unknown. 2 We report that mite establishment on the main cultivars grown in Israel, ‘Medjool’, ‘Barhi’ and ‘Deglet Noor’, began only when the water content of the fruit increased to ≥ 84%. Fruit bunch architecture and resistance to penetration, as well as sugar composition and content, were not key factors in mite establishment. 3 Later in the season, when total sugar levels reached ≥ 150 mg/g fresh fruit weight, total soluble solids comprised 15% and water content decreased to ≤ 75%, mite populations declined. 4 Yearly climatic variations could be responsible for phenological asynchrony between the pest and fruit development.  相似文献   

Plant contributions to the nitrogen (N) cycle from decomposition are likely to be altered by vegetation shifts associated with climate change. Roots account for the majority of soil organic matter input from vegetation, but little is known about differences between vegetation types in their root contributions to nutrient cycling. Here, we examine the potential contribution of fine roots to the N cycle in forest and tundra to gain insight into belowground consequences of the widely observed increase in woody vegetation that accompanies climate change in the Arctic. We combined measurements of root production from minirhizotron images with tissue analysis of roots from differing root diameter and color classes to obtain potential N input following decomposition. In addition, we tested for changes in N concentration of roots during early stages of decomposition, and investigated whether vegetation type (forest or tundra) affected changes in tissue N concentration during decomposition. For completeness, we also present respective measurements of leaves. The potential N input from roots was twofold greater in forest than in tundra, mainly due to greater root production in forest. Potential N input varied with root diameter and color, but this variation tended to be similar in forest and tundra. As for roots, the potential N input from leaves was significantly greater in forest than in tundra. Vegetation type had no effect on changes in root or leaf N concentration after 1 year of decomposition. Our results suggest that shifts in vegetation that accompany climate change in the Arctic will likely increase plant‐associated potential N input both belowground and aboveground. In contrast, shifts in vegetation might not alter changes in tissue N concentration during early stages of decomposition. Overall, differences between forest and tundra in potential contribution of decomposing roots to the N cycle reinforce differences between habitats that occur for leaves.  相似文献   

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