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The cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 gene encodes an inducible prostaglandin synthase enzyme that is overexpressed in adenocarcinomas and other tumors. Deletion of the murine Cox-2 gene in Min mice reduced the incidence of intestinal tumors, suggesting that it is required for tumorigenesis. However, it is not known if overexpression of Cox-2 is sufficient to induce tumorigenic transformation. We have derived transgenic mice that overexpress the human COX-2 gene in the mammary glands using the murine mammary tumor virus promoter. The human Cox-2 mRNA and protein are expressed in mammary glands of female transgenic mice and were strongly induced during pregnancy and lactation. Female virgin Cox-2 transgenic mice showed precocious lobuloalveolar differentiation and enhanced expression of the beta-casein gene, which was inhibited by the Cox inhibitor indomethacin. Mammary gland involution was delayed in Cox-2 transgenic mice with a decrease in apoptotic index of mammary epithelial cells. Multiparous but not virgin females exhibited a greatly exaggerated incidence of focal mammary gland hyperplasia, dysplasia, and transformation into metastatic tumors. Cox-2-induced tumor tissue expressed reduced levels of the proapoptotic proteins Bax and Bcl-x(L) and an increase in the anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-2, suggesting that decreased apoptosis of mammary epithelial cells contributes to tumorigenesis. These data indicate that enhanced Cox-2 expression is sufficient to induce mammary gland tumorigenesis. Therefore, inhibition of Cox-2 may represent a mechanism-based chemopreventive approach for carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

Pathogenic strains of Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato carrying the avrRpt2 avirulence gene specifically induce a hypersensitive cell death response in Arabidopsis plants that contain the complementary RPS2 disease resistance gene. Transient expression of avrRpt2 in Arabidopsis plants having the RPS2 gene has been shown to induce hypersensitive cell death. In order to analyze the effects of conditional expression of avrRpt2 in Arabidopsis plants, transgenic lines were constructed that contained the avrRpt2 gene under the control of a tightly regulated, glucocorticoid-inducible promoter. Dexamethasone-induced expression of avrRpt2 in transgenic lines having the RPS2 gene resulted in a specific hypersensitive cell death response that resembled a Pseudomonas syringae-induced hypersensitive response and also induced the expression of a pathogenesis-related gene (PR1). Interestingly, high level expression of avrRpt2 in a mutant rps2–101C background resulted in plant stress and ultimately cell death, suggesting a possible role for avrRpt2 in Pseudomonas syringae virulence. Transgenic RPS2 and rps2 plants that contain the glucocorticoid-inducible avrRpt2 gene will provide a powerful new tool for the genetic, physiological, biochemical, and molecular dissection of an avirulence gene-specified cell death response in both resistant and susceptible plants.  相似文献   

A chimeric gene encoding a ribozyme under the control of the cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 35S promoter was introduced into transgenic tobacco plants. In vivo activity of this ribozyme, which was designed to cleave npt mRNA, was previously demonstrated by transient expression assays in plant protoplasts. The ribozyme gene was transferred into transgenic tobacco plants expressing an rbcS-npt chimeric gene as an indicator. Five double transformants out of sixteen exhibited a reduction in the amount of active NPT enzyme. To measure the amount of ribozyme produced, in the absence of its target, the ribozyme and target genes were separated by genetic segregation. The steady-state concentrations of ribozyme and target RNA were shown to be similar in the resulting single transformants. Direct evidence for a correlation between reduced npt gene expression and ribozyme expression was provided by crossing a plant containing only the ribozyme gene with a transgenic plant expressing the npt gene under control of the 35S promoter, i.e. the same promoter used to direct ribozyme expression. The expression of npt was reduced in all progeny containing both transgenes. Both steady-state levels of npt mRNA and amounts of active NPT enzyme are decreased. In addition, our data indicate that, at least in stable transformants, a large excess of ribozyme over target is not a prerequisite for achieving a significant reduction in target gene expression.  相似文献   

The occurrence of glutamyl polyamines (PAs) and changes in activity and levels of transglutaminase (TGase, EC, the enzyme responsible for their synthesis, are reported during the progression of the hypersensitive reaction (HR) of resistant NN tobacco plants ( Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Samsun) to tobacco mosaic virus (TMV). Mature leaves of tobacco were collected over 0–72 h after inoculation with TMV or phosphate buffer (mock). In vivo synthesis of polyamine glutamyl derivatives (glutamyl PAs), catalyzed by TGase activity, was evaluated after supplying labeled putrescine (Pu, a physiological substrate of TGase) to leaves. Results show that, starting from 24 h, mono-( γ -glutamyl)-Pu and bis-( γ -glutamyl)-Sd were recovered in TMV-inoculated samples but not in mock-inoculated ones; 2 days later, in the former, the amount of glutamyl derivatives further increased. An in vitro radiometric assay showed that, in TMV-inoculated leaves, TGase activity increased from 24 h onwards relative to mock controls. An immunoblot analysis with AtPng1p polyclonal antibody detected a 72-kDa protein whose amount increased at 72 h in TMV-inoculated leaves and in the lesion-enriched areas. A biotin-labeled cadaverine incorporation assay showed that TGase activity occurred in S1 (containing soluble proteins), S2 (proteins released by both cell walls and membranes) and S3 (membrane intrinsic proteins) fractions. In S3 fraction, where changes were the most relevant, TGase activity was enhanced in both mock-inoculated and TMV-inoculated samples, but the stimulation persisted only in the latter case. These data are discussed in the light of a possible role of TGase activity and glutamyl PAs in the defense against a viral plant pathogen.  相似文献   

Rice hoja blanca virus (RHBV) is a major virus disease of economic importance affecting rice in northern South America, Central America and the Caribbean. This is the first report of transgenic resistance to RHBV and the transformation of an indica rice variety from Latin America. Rice transformed with the RHBV nucleocapsid protein ( N) gene had a significant reduction in disease development. Several reactions were observed that ranged from susceptible to completely resistant plants (immunity). The resistant reactions were characterized by the production of local lesions like a hypersensitive reaction or a recovery phenotype with the emergence of symptom-less new leaves. These transgenic RHBV-resistant rice lines expressed the N gene RNA at low levels that were below the detection limit by Northern blots and only resolved by RT-PCR. The nucleocapsid protein could not be detected in any of the transgenic plants either by Western or ELISA tests. These results suggest that the resistance encoded by the N gene in these plants appears to be mediated by RNA. When challenged with RHBV, the resistant transgenic lines showed a significant increased performance for important agronomic traits including the number of tillers, the number of grains per plant and the yield as compared to the susceptible control. Furthermore, upon inoculation some of the most-resistant transgenic lines showed agronomic traits similar to the uninoculated non-transgenic Cica 8 control. Using both agronomic traits and disease severity as criteria, several of the most-resistant lines were followed through the R(4) generation and demonstrated that the N gene and RHBV resistance was inherited in a stable manner. These transgenic rice lines could become a new genetic resource in developing RHBV-resistant cultivars.  相似文献   

Expression of tandem gene fusions in transgenic tobacco plants.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
We have studied the expression of four sets of tandem gene fusions in transgenic tobacco plants. This was to determine if the problem of between-transformant variability in expression of introduced genes could be overcome by using a linked reference gene as a co-ordinately expressed control. Tandem gene fusions containing identical 5' flanking regions (SSU301-ocs with either SSU301-cat or SSU301-SSU911) were not co-ordinately expressed in the transgenic tobacco plants whereas the tandem gene fusions containing similar but not identical 5' flanking regions (SSU301-ocs with SSU911-cat or SSU911-SSU301) were co-ordinately expressed. The lack of co-ordinate expression of some of the tandem gene fusions appears to be partially explained by absence of the corresponding genomic DNA segments in the transgenic plants.  相似文献   

Transgenic potato plants, cultivar Désirée, were produced that contained the coat protein gene of potato leafroll luteovirus (PLRV). The transformed potato plants expressed the PLRV coat protein (CP) RNA sequences but accumulation of coat protein in transgenic tissues could not be detected. Upon inoculation with PLRV, the PLRV CP RNA expressing potato plants showed a reduced rate of virus multiplication.  相似文献   

The presence of maltose induces MAL gene expression in Saccharomyces cells, but little is known about how maltose is sensed. Strains with all maltose permease genes deleted are unable to induce MAL gene expression. In this study, we examined the role of maltose permease in maltose sensing by substituting a heterologous transporter for the native maltose permease. PmSUC2 encodes a sucrose transporter from the dicot plant Plantago major that exhibits no significant sequence homology to maltose permease. When expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, PmSUC2 is capable of transporting maltose, albeit at a reduced rate. We showed that introduction of PmSUC2 restores maltose-inducible MAL gene expression to a maltose permease-null mutant and that this induction requires the MAL activator. These data indicate that intracellular maltose is sufficient to induce MAL gene expression independently of the mechanism of maltose transport. By using strains expressing defective mal61 mutant alleles, we demonstrated a correlation between the rate of maltose transport and the level of the induction, which is particularly evident in medium containing very limiting concentrations of maltose. Moreover, our results indicate that a rather low concentration of intracellular maltose is needed to trigger MAL gene expression. We also showed that constitutive overexpression of either MAL61 maltose permease or PmSUC2 suppresses the noninducible phenotype of a defective mal13 MAL-activator allele, suggesting that this suppression is solely a function of maltose transport activity and is not specific to the sequence of the permease. Our studies indicate that maltose permease does not function as the maltose sensor in S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

Tobacco plants were genetically engineered to express a detoxifying pathway for the herbicide phenmedipham. A gene fromArthrobacter oxidans strain P52 that encodes an enzyme catalysing the hydrolytic cleavage of the carbamate compound phenmedipham has recently been cloned and sequenced. The coding sequence was fused with a cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter and introduced into tobacco plants byAgrobacterium-mediated gene transfer. Transgenic plants expressing high levels of phenmedipham hydrolase exhibited resistance when sprayed with the herbicide at up to ten times the usual field application rate.  相似文献   

Summary The pat gene, coding for phosphinothricin acetyltransferase (PAT) from Streptomyces viridochromogenes, was cloned behind the par promoter of the hemoglobin gene from Parasponia andersonii, Introduction into tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) resulted in predominantly root specific PAT expression. Application of 5 l/ha BASTA® (herbicidal component: phosphinothricin) did not effect growth morphology and vigor of the plants. After application of 20 l/ha BASTA® the plants showed herbicide damage. Nevertheless, they all recovered by forming new undamaged leaves and resumed full growth despite virtually non-detectable expression of the PAT enzyme in the leaves.Abbreviations BAP 6-benzylaminopurine - CaMV Cauliflower Mosaic Virus - IAA indole-3-acetic acid - kb kilobases - LB Luria-Bertani - MS Murashige and Skoog - par Parasponia andersonii - PAT phosphinothricin acetyltransferase - ppt phosphinothricin - TCA trichloric acid  相似文献   

We have isolated a cDNA clone encoding a homeobox sequence from rice. DNA sequence analysis of this clone, which was designated as Oryza sativa homeobox 1 (OSH1), and a genomic clone encoding the OSH1 sequence have shown that the OSH1 gene consists of five exons and encodes a polypeptide of 361 amino acid residues. Restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis has shown that OSH1 is a single-copy gene located near the phytochrome gene on chromosome 3. Introduction of the cloned OSH1 gene into rice resulted in altered leaf morphology, which was similar to that of the maize morphological mutant Knotted-1 (Kn1), indicating that OSH1 is a rice gene homologous to the maize Kn1 gene. RNA gel blot analysis has shown that the gene is primarily expressed in the shoot apices of young rice seedlings. This finding is supported by results of transformation experiments in which the 5' flanking region of the gene directed expression of a reporter gene in the shoot apex, particularly in stipules, of transgenic Arabidopsis. To elucidate the biological function of the OSH1 gene product, the coding region was introduced into Arabidopsis under the control of the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter. Almost all transformants showed abnormal morphology. The typical phenotype was the formation of clumps of abundant vegetative and reproductive shoot apices containing meristems and leaf primordia, which did not form elongated shoots. Some transformants with a less severe phenotype formed elongated shoots but had abnormally shaped leaves and flowers with stunted sepals, petals, and stamens. The abnormal phenotypes were inherited, and the level of expression of the introduced OSH1 correlates with the severity of the phenotype. These findings indicate that the abnormal morphologies of the transgenic plants are caused by the expression of the OSH1 gene product and, therefore, that OSH1 is related to the plant development process.  相似文献   

We examined whether there is any causative link between apoptosis and HIV gene expression elicited in response to ultraviolet light (UV) and ionizing radiation (IR). We found that both UV and IR activate HIV gene expression in human T lymphoblastoid 1G5 (HIVluc) cells, but with different kinetics and magnitudes. Treatment with either type of radiation resulted in increased apoptosis, which correlated closely with HIV gene expression. The involvement of caspases in the IR response was demonstrated by using zVAD-FMK and zDEVD-FMK caspase inhibitors; both apoptosis and HIV gene expression were inhibited to similar extent. Surprisingly, treatment of 1G5 cells with FAS antibody triggered apoptosis but did not increase HIV gene expression. A correlation between increased apoptosis and gene expression was also demonstrated in human carcinoma HIVcat/A549 cells with UV whereas IR triggered apoptosis but did not activate HIV gene expression. Most significantly, UV activation of HIV gene expression, and NF-kappa-B and p38 MAP kinase, both important for efficient HIV gene expression, were not affected by treatment with the zVAD-FMK and zDEVD-FMK inhibitors. Treatment of HIVcat/A549 cells with staurosporine or scrape-loading of cells with cytochrome c resulted in apoptosis but no increase in HIV gene expression. Altogether, a direct correlation exists between apoptosis and HIV gene expression in T-cells in response to both UV and IR but this is not the case in carcinoma cells. Triggering of apoptosis per se in either cell type does not necessarily result in increased HIV gene expression. Most importantly, the apoptotic and HIV gene expression responses elicited by UV are different to some extent and can be separated.  相似文献   

Jaagsiekte sheep retrovirus (JSRV) is the causative agent of ovine pulmonary adenocarcinoma (OPA). The expression of the JSRV envelope (Env) alone is sufficient to transform a variety of cell lines in vitro and induce lung cancer in immunodeficient mice. In order to determine the role of the JSRV Env in OPA tumorigenesis in sheep, we derived a JSRV replication-defective virus (JS-RD) which expresses env under the control of its own long terminal repeat (LTR). JS-RD was produced by transiently transfecting 293T cells with a two plasmid system, involving (i) a packaging plasmid, with the putative JSRV packaging signal deleted, expressing the structural and enzymatic proteins Gag, Pro, and Pol, and (ii) a plasmid which expresses env in trans for JS-RD particles and provides the genomes necessary to deliver JSRV env upon infection. During the optimization of the JS-RD system we determined that both R-U5 (in the viral 5' LTR) and the env region are important for JSRV particle production. Two independent experimental transmission studies were carried out with newborn lambs. Four of five lambs inoculated with JS-RD showed OPA lesions in the lungs at various times between 4 and 12 months postinoculation. Abundant expression of JSRV Env was detected in tumor cells of JS-RD-infected animals and PCR assays confirmed the presence of the deleted JS-RD genome. These data strongly suggest that the JSRV Env functions as a dominant oncoprotein in the natural immunocompetent host and that JSRV can induce OPA in the absence of viral spread.  相似文献   

A mutant of alfalfa mosaic virus (AMV), which in contrast to wild type (wt) can invade cowpea plants systemically, is replicated more efficiently in cowpea protoplasts than the wt. Mutant preparations isolated from infected cowpea protoplasts contained a higher amount of middle component (M, containing RNA 2) than wt preparations. Both in cowpea plants and in cowpea protoplasts a wt phenotype is obtained upon addition of wt M to this mutant, suggesting a correlation between the type of plant reaction evoked by the virus infection and the regulation of viral RNA synthesis.  相似文献   

Granule-bound starch synthase is the key enzyme in amylose synthesis. The regulation of this gene was investigated using a chimaeric gene consisting of a 0.8 kb 5 upstream sequence of the granule-bound starch synthase gene from potato and the -glucuronidase gene which was introduced into potato using an Agrobacterium tumefaciens binary vector system. The chimaeric gene was highly expressed in stolons and tubers, whereas the expression in leaves, stems or roots from greenhouse-grown plants was relatively low. However, leaves from in vitro grown plantlets exhibited an elevated GUS expression. The expression of the chimaeric gene was inducible in leaves by growth on relatively high concentrations of sucrose, fructose and glucose and was about 30- to 50-fold higher than in leaves from greenhouse-grown plants. The granule-bound starch synthase gene is expressed organ-specifically since stolons and tubers showed GUS activities 125- to 3350-fold higher than in leaves. The activities in these two organs are 3- to 25-fold higher than the expression of the CaMV-GUS gene. Histochemical analysis of different tissues showed that only certain regions of leaves and roots express high GUS activities. Stolons and tubers show high expression.  相似文献   

T Fukagawa  C Pendon  J Morris    W Brown 《The EMBO journal》1999,18(15):4196-4209
CENP-C is an evolutionarily conserved centromeric protein. We have used the chicken DT40 cell line to test the idea that CENP-C is sufficient as well as necessary for the formation of a functional centromere. We have compared the effects of disrupting the localization of CENP-C with those of inducibly overexpressing the protein. Removing CENP-C from the centromere causes disassembly of the centromere protein complex and blocks cells at the metaphase-anaphase junction. Overexpressed CENP-C is associated with an increase in errors of chromosome segregation and inhibits the completion of mitosis. However, the excess CENP-C does not disrupt the native centromeres detectably and does not associate with another conserved centromere protein, ZW10. The distribution of the excess CENP-C changes during the cell cycle. In metaphase, the excess CENP-C coats the chromosome arms. At the metaphase-anaphase transition, the excess CENP-C clusters, and during interphase it is present in large bodies which form around pre-existing centromeres which are also clustered. These results indicate that CENP-C is necessary but not sufficient for the formation of a functional centromere and suggest that the structure of CENP-C may be regulated during the cell cycle.  相似文献   

Bailey-Shrode L  Ebbole DJ 《Genetics》2004,166(4):1741-1749
The fl (fluffy) gene of Neurospora crassa encodes a binuclear zinc cluster protein that regulates the production of asexual spores called macroconidia. Two other genes, acon-2 and acon-3, play major roles in controlling development. fl is induced specifically in differentiating tissue during conidiation and acon-2 plays a role in this induction. We examined the function of fl by manipulating its level of expression in wild-type and developmental mutant strains. Increasing expression of fl from a heterologous promoter in a wild-type genetic background is sufficient to induce conidiophore development. Elevated expression of fl leads to induction of development of the acon-2 mutant in nitrogen-starved cultures, but does not bypass the conidiation defect of the acon-3 mutant. These findings indicate that fl acts downstream of acon-2 and upstream of acon-3 in regulating gene expression during development. The eas, con-6, and con-10 genes are induced at different times during development. Morphological changes induced by artificially elevated fl expression in the absence of environmental cues were correlated with increased expression of eas, but not con-6 or con-10. Thus, although inappropriate expression of fl in vegetative hyphae is sufficient to induce conidial morphogenesis, complete reconstitution of development leading to the formation of mature conidia may require environmental signals to regulate fl activity and/or appropriate induction of fl expression in the developing conidiophore.  相似文献   

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