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We have established the use of a primer extension/mass spectrometry method (the PinPoint assay) for high-throughput SNP genotyping of the human Y chromosome. 118 markers were used to define 116 haplogroups and typing was organised in a hierarchical fashion. Twenty multiplex PCR/primer extension reactions were set up and each sample could be assigned to a haplogroup with only two to five of these multiplex analyses. A single aliquot of one enzyme was found to be sufficient for both PCR and primer extension. We observed 100% accuracy in blind validation tests. The technique thus provides a reliable, cost-effective and automated method for Y genotyping, and the advantages of using a hierarchical strategy can be applied to any DNA segment lacking recombination.  相似文献   

Hong SP  Shin SK  Lee EH  Kim EO  Ji SI  Chung HJ  Park SN  Yoo W  Folk WR  Kim SO 《Nature protocols》2008,3(9):1476-1484
We describe a matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry (MS)-based assay for human papillomavirus (HPV) genotyping--the restriction fragment mass polymorphism (RFMP) assay, which is based on mass measurement of genotype-specific oligonucleotide fragments generated by TypeIIS restriction endonuclease cleavage after recognition sites have been introduced by PCR amplification. The use of a TypeIIS restriction enzyme makes the RFMP assay independent of sequence and applicable to a wide variety of HPV genotypes, because these enzymes have cleavage sites at a fixed distance from their recognition sites. After PCR amplification, samples are subjected to restriction enzyme digestion with FokI and BtsCI and desalting using Oasis purification plates, followed by analysis by MALDI-TOF MS. Overall, the protocol is simple, takes approximately 4-4.5 h and can accurately detect and identify at least 74 different HPV genotypes.  相似文献   

Single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are the most common type of genetic polymorphisms. Despite the progress in sequencing and postgenomic technologies, targeted SNP genotyping continues to be in highest demand in the approach to human and medical genetics. In this work, we describe the application of multiple SNP genotyping by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry for analysis of genetic diversity of immune response genes in human populations. It was shown that MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry is a rapid, accurate, and efficient method of medium-scale SNP genotyping. Allele frequencies of 56 SNPs in 41 genes implicated in the regulation of immune response were similar in four populations studied (Russians, Komi, Khanty, and Buryats). These populations had similar levels of genetic diversity and were clustered according to their geographic location. The cost efficiency of MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry was evaluated compared to real-time PCR technology.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) are believed to contribute strongly to the genetic variability in living beings, in particular their disease or drug side effect predispositions. Mutation-induced sequence variations are playing an important role in the development of cancer, among others. From this, it is clear that SNP and mutation discovery is of great interest in today's Life Sciences. Currently, such discovery is often performed utilizing electrophoresis-based Sanger Sequencing. Discovery of SNPs can also be performed by multiple sequence alignment of publicly available sequence data, but recent studies indicate that only a small percentage of SNPs can be discovered using this approach and, in particular, that SNPs with low frequency are often missed. Other SNP discovery methods only indicate the presence of a SNP in a sample region, but fail to resolve its characterization and localization. RESULTS: We present a method to discover mutations and SNPs using base-specific cleavage and mass spectrometry. An amplicon of known reference sequence with length usually between 100 and 1000 nt is amplified, transcribed, and cleaved using base-specific endonucleases such as RNAse A or T1. The resulting cleavage products (or fragments) are analyzed by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry and, comparing the measured spectra with those predicted in-silico, the goal is to discover and pinpoint sequence variations of the sample sequence compared to the reference sequence. A time-efficient algorithm for discovering sequence variations is presented that enables fast analysis of such variations even if the sample sequence differs significantly from the reference sequence.  相似文献   

A photocleavable o-nitrobenzyl CE phosphoramidite building-block was synthesised and incorporated within oligonucleotides. After allele-specific primer extension, desalting was performed using genostrep purification plates. Release of the SNP information containing part through photocleavage created shortened molecules that are easily accessible for MALDI-TOF analysis. Additionally, incorporation of mass modified nucleosides enables flexible design of multiplex genotyping.  相似文献   

Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) time-of-flight (TOF) mass spectrometry (MS) has developed during the past decade into a versatile tool for biopolymer analysis. The aim of this review is to summarize this development and outline the applications, which have been enabled for routine use in the field of nucleic acid analysis. These include the anlaysis of mutations, the resequencing of amplicons with a known reference sequence, and the quantitative analysis of gene expression and allelic frequencies in complex DNA mixtures.  相似文献   

In the future, analysis of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) should become a powerful tool for many genetic applications in areas such as association studies, pharmacogenetics and traceability in the agro-alimentary sector. A number of technologies have been developed for high-throughput genotyping of SNPs. Here we present the simplified GOOD assay for SNP genotyping by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI). The simplified GOOD assay is a single-tube, purification-free, three-step procedure consisting of PCR, primer extension and phosphodiesterase II digestion followed by mass spectrometric analysis. Due to the application of charge-tag technology, no sample purification is required prior to the otherwise very impurity-sensitive MALDI analysis. The use of methylphosphonate containing primers and ddNTPs or α-S-ddNTPs together with a novel DNA polymerase derived from Thermotoga maritima for primer extension allow the fluent preparation of negatively charge-tagged, allele-specific products. A key feature of this polymerase is its preference for ddNTPs and α-S-ddNTPs over dNTPs. The simplified GOOD assay was run with automatic liquid handling at the lowest manageable volumes, automatic data acquisition and interpretation. We applied this novel procedure to genotyping SNPs of candidate genes for hypertension and cardiovascular disease.  相似文献   

The synthesis of positively charged and mass tagged nucleosides containing a quaternary ammonium functionality within the penultimate position of a primer is described. Neutralization of the sugar/thiophosphate backbone by alkylation increases the detection sensitivity in the mass spectrometric analysis by a factor of at least 100. The variable introduction of these novel compounds within the extension primers enables flexible design of multiplex genotyping reactions.  相似文献   

Microarray-based analysis of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) has many applications in large-scale genetic studies. To minimize the influence of experimental variation, microarray data usually need to be processed in different aspects including background subtraction, normalization and low-signal filtering before genotype determination. Although many algorithms are sophisticated for these purposes, biases are still present. In the present paper, new algorithms for SNP microarray data analysis and the software, AccuTyping, developed based on these algorithms are described. The algorithms take advantage of a large number of SNPs included in each assay, and the fact that the top and bottom 20% of SNPs can be safely treated as homozygous after sorting based on their ratios between the signal intensities. These SNPs are then used as controls for color channel normalization and background subtraction. Genotype calls are made based on the logarithms of signal intensity ratios using two cutoff values, which were determined after training the program with a dataset of approximately 160,000 genotypes and validated by non-microarray methods. AccuTyping was used to determine >300,000 genotypes of DNA and sperm samples. The accuracy was shown to be >99%. AccuTyping can be downloaded from http://www2.umdnj.edu/lilabweb/publications/AccuTyping.html.  相似文献   

PepLine is a fully automated software which maps MS/MS fragmentation spectra of trypsic peptides to genomic DNA sequences. The approach is based on Peptide Sequence Tags (PSTs) obtained from partial interpretation of QTOF MS/MS spectra (first module). PSTs are then mapped on the six-frame translations of genomic sequences (second module) giving hits. Hits are then clustered to detect potential coding regions (third module). Our work aimed at optimizing the algorithms of each component to allow the whole pipeline to proceed in a fully automated manner using raw nucleic acid sequences (i.e., genomes that have not been "reduced" to a database of ORFs or putative exons sequences). The whole pipeline was tested on controlled MS/MS spectra sets from standard proteins and from Arabidopsis thaliana envelope chloroplast samples. Our results demonstrate that PepLine competed with protein database searching softwares and was fast enough to potentially tackle large data sets and/or high size genomes. We also illustrate the potential of this approach for the detection of the intron/exon structure of genes.  相似文献   

Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) time-of-flight (TOF) mass spectrometry (MS) has developed during the past decade into a versatile tool for biopolymer analysis. The aim of this review is to summarize this development and outline the applications, which have been enabled for routine use in the field of nucleic acid analysis. These include the analysis of mutations, the resequencing of amplicons with a known reference sequence, and the quantitative analysis of gene expression and allelic frequencies in complex DNA mixtures.  相似文献   

Li D  Fu Y  Sun R  Ling CX  Wei Y  Zhou H  Zeng R  Yang Q  He S  Gao W 《Bioinformatics (Oxford, England)》2005,21(13):3049-3050
SUMMARY: Research in proteomics requires powerful database-searching software to automatically identify protein sequences in a complex protein mixture via tandem mass spectrometry. In this paper, we describe a novel database-searching software system called pFind (peptide/protein Finder), which employs an effective peptide-scoring algorithm that we reported earlier. The pFind server is implemented with the C++ STL, .Net and XML technologies. As a result, high speed and good usability of the software are achieved.  相似文献   

Analysis of final products of radiation-induced transformations of galactocerebrosides (GalCer) in aqueous dispersions has been performed using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) and its combination of thin-layer chromatography (TLC). Ceramides were found to be the main products of GalCer gamma-radiolysis. From experimental results obtained in this study, as well as from the data available in the literature, an inference is made that the formation of ceramides occurs owing to fragmentation of radicals with an unpaired electron of the C2 atom of the carbohydrate moiety, formed from the starting compounds.  相似文献   

We have compared the accuracy, efficiency and robustness of three methods of genotyping single nucleotide polymorphisms on pooled DNAs. We conclude that (i) the frequencies of the two alleles in pools should be corrected with a factor for unequal allelic amplification, which should be estimated from the mean ratio of a set of heterozygotes (k); (ii) the repeatability of an assay is more important than pinpoint accuracy when estimating allele frequencies, and assays should therefore be optimised to increase the repeatability; and (iii) the size of a pool has a relatively small effect on the accuracy of allele frequency estimation. We therefore recommend that large pools are genotyped and replicated a minimum of four times. In addition, we describe statistical approaches to allow rigorous comparison of DNA pool results. Finally, we describe an extension to our ACeDB database that facilitates management and analysis of the data generated by association studies.  相似文献   

The killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIR) interact with major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I ligands to regulate the functions of natural killer cells and T cells. Like human leukocyte antigens class I, human KIR are highly variable and correlated with infection, autoimmunity, pregnancy syndromes, and transplantation outcome. Limiting the scope of KIR analysis is the low resolution, sensitivity, and speed of the established methods of KIR typing. In this study, we describe a first-generation single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)-based method for typing the 17 human KIR genes and pseudogenes that uses analysis by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry. It is a high-throughput method that requires minute amounts of genomic DNA for discrimination of KIR genes with some allelic resolution. A study of 233 individuals shows that the results obtained by the SNP-based KIR/MALDI-TOF method are consistent with those obtained with the established sequence-specific oligonucleotide probe or sequence-specific polymerase chain reaction methods. The added sensitivity of the KIR/MALDI-TOF method allowed putative novel alleles of the KIR2DL1, KIR3DL1, KIR2DS5, and KIR2DL5 genes to be identified. Sequencing the KIR2DL5 variant proved it was a newly discovered allele, one that appears associated with Hispanic and Native American populations. This KIR/MALDI-TOF method of KIR typing should facilitate population and disease-association studies that improve knowledge of the immunological functions of KIR-MHC class I interactions.  相似文献   



Runs of homozygosity are long, uninterrupted stretches of homozygous genotypes that enable reliable estimation of levels of inbreeding (i.e., autozygosity) based on high-throughput, chip-based single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotypes. While the theoretical definition of runs of homozygosity is straightforward, their empirical identification depends on the type of SNP chip used to obtain the data and on a number of factors, including the number of heterozygous calls allowed to account for genotyping errors. We analyzed how SNP chip density and genotyping errors affect estimates of autozygosity based on runs of homozygosity in three cattle populations, using genotype data from an SNP chip with 777 972 SNPs and a 50 k chip.


Data from the 50 k chip led to overestimation of the number of runs of homozygosity that are shorter than 4 Mb, since the analysis could not identify heterozygous SNPs that were present on the denser chip. Conversely, data from the denser chip led to underestimation of the number of runs of homozygosity that were longer than 8 Mb, unless the presence of a small number of heterozygous SNP genotypes was allowed within a run of homozygosity.


We have shown that SNP chip density and genotyping errors introduce patterns of bias in the estimation of autozygosity based on runs of homozygosity. SNP chips with 50 000 to 60 000 markers are frequently available for livestock species and their information leads to a conservative prediction of autozygosity from runs of homozygosity longer than 4 Mb. Not allowing heterozygous SNP genotypes to be present in a homozygosity run, as has been advocated for human populations, is not adequate for livestock populations because they have much higher levels of autozygosity and therefore longer runs of homozygosity. When allowing a small number of heterozygous calls, current software does not differentiate between situations where these calls are adjacent and therefore indicative of an actual break of the run versus those where they are scattered across the length of the homozygous segment. Simple graphical tests that are used in this paper are a current, yet tedious solution.  相似文献   

Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are now widely used for many DNA analysis applications such as linkage disequilibrium mapping, pharmacogenomics and traceability. Many methods for SNP genotyping exist with diverse strategies for allele-distinction. Mass spectrometers are used most commonly in conjunction with primer extension procedures with allele-specific termination. Here we present a novel concept for allele-preparation for SNP genotyping. Primer extension is carried out with an extension primer positioned immediately upstream of the SNP that is to be genotyped, a complete set of four ribonucleotides and a ribonucleotide incorporating DNA polymerase. The allele-extension products are then treated with alkali, which results in the cleavage immediately after the first added ribonucleotide. In addition, to obtain fragments easily detectable by mass spectrometry, we have included a ribonucleotide in the primer usually at the fourth nucleotide from the 3′ terminus. The method was tested on four SNPs each with a different combination of nucleotides. The advantage over other mass spectrometry-based SNP genotyping assays is that this one only requires a PCR, a primer extension reaction with a universal extension mix and an inexpensive facile cleavage reaction, which makes it overall very cost effective and easy in handling.  相似文献   

Recently, applications of mass spectrometry in the field of clinical proteomics have gained tremendous visibility in the scientific and clinical community. One major objective is the search for potential biomarkers in complex body fluids like serum, plasma, urine, saliva, or cerebral spinal fluid. For this purpose, efficient visualization of large data sets derived from patient cohorts is crucial to provide clinical experts an interactive impression of the data quality. Additionally, it is necessary to apply statistical analysis and pattern matching algorithms to attain validated signal patterns that may allow for later applications in sample classification. We introduce the new ClinProTools bioinformatics software, which performs all major steps of profiling, screening, and monitoring applications in clinical proteomics. ClinProTools is the data interpretation software of the mass spectrometry-based ClinProt solutions for biomarker analysis. ClinProTools performs data pretreatment, visualization, statistics, pattern determination, pattern evaluation, and classification of spectra. This article will focus on ClinProTool's powerful and intuitive visualization options for clinical proteomics applications.  相似文献   

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