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We have examined the physiological properties of transmission at newly formed synapses between sympathetic preganglionic neurons and sympathetic ganglion neurons in vitro. Chick neurons were labeled with fluorescent carbocyanine dyes before they were placed into culture (Honig and Hume, 1986), and were studied by making intracellular recordings during the first 2 weeks of coculture. Evoked monosynaptic excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) were not observed until 48 h of coculture. Beyond this time, the frequency with which connected pairs could be found did not vary greatly with time. With repetitive stimulation, the evoked monosynaptic EPSPs fluctuated in amplitude from trial to trial and showed depression at frequencies as low as 1 Hz. To gain further information about the quantitative properties of transmission at newly formed synapses, we analyzed the pattern of fluctuations of delayed release EPSPs. In mature systems, delayed release EPSPs are known to represent responses to single quanta, or to the synchronous release of a small number of quanta. For more than half of the connections we studied, the histograms of delayed release EPSPs were extremely broad. This result suggested that either quantal responses are drawn from a continuous distribution that has a large coefficient of variation or that there are several distinct size classes of quantal responses. The pattern of fluctuations of monosynaptic EPSPs was consistent with both of these possibilities, and was inconsistent with the possibility that monosynaptic EPSPs are composed of quantal subunits with very little intrinsic variation. Although variation in the size of responses to single quanta might arise in a number of ways, one attractive explanation for our results is that the density and type of acetylcholine receptors varies among the different synaptic sites on the surface of developing sympathetic ganglion neurons.  相似文献   

In this series of three papers, we describe electrophysiological and pharmacological studies on sympathetic principal neurons developing in cell culture. This paper is concerned with the methods for growing and recording from the neurons and with observations on some of their electrical properties. The succeeding papers are concerned with functional synapses which the neurons form with one another. Superior cervical ganglia of newborn rats were dissociated into single cells and small cell clusters, and the resulting cell suspension of principal neurons and a much smaller number of non-neuronal cells was cultured at low density in medium containing nerve growth factor (D. Bray, 1970, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA.65, 905–910;R. E. Mains and P. H. Patterson, 1973a, J. Cell Biol.59, 329–345). As in the previous studies the multiplication of the non-neuronal cells could be controlled so that the neurons grew in the presence of an increasing number of non-neuronal cells or in the virtual absence of other cell types. Another method for obtaining mixed cultures was to plate the initial cell suspension onto a preexisting layer of cells dissociated from some other tissue (e.g., heart). Neurons grown for 3 weeks or longer in the presence of non-neuronal cells had resting potentials, passive electrical properties, and action potentials generally similar to those reported for principal neurons of the superior cervical ganglia of adult rats. Through the use of tetrodotoxin, tetraethylammonium, and cobalt, evidence was obtained for the presence of potential-sensitive sodium, potassium, and calcium channels. Frequently the action potential was followed by a prolonged after-hyperpolarization whose properties suggested the presence of potassium channels controlled by calcium ions. When the neurons were grown in the absence of non-neuronal cells, the action potentials were similar, but the prolonged after-hyperpolarization was rarely seen, and the neurons usually discharged repetitively in response to a steady depolarization.  相似文献   

We have examined the physiological properties of transmission at newly formed synapses between sympathetic preganglionic neurons and sympathetic ganglion neurons in vitro. Chick neurons were labeled with fluorescent carbocyanine dyes before they were placed into culture (Honig and Hume, 1986), and were studied by making intracellular recordings during the first 2 weeks of coculture. Evoked monosynaptic excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) were not observed until 48 h of coculture. Beyond this time, the frequency with which connected pairs could be found did not vary greatly with time. With repetitive stimulation, the evoked monosynaptic EPSPs fluctuated in amplitude from trial to trial and showed depression at frequencies as low as 1 Hz. To gain further information about the quantitative properties of transmission at newly formed synapses, we analyzed the pattern of fluctuations of delayed release EPSPs. In mature systems, delayed release EPSPs are known to represent responses to single quanta, or to the synchronous release of a small number of quanta. For more than half of the connections we studied, the histograms of delayed release EPSPs were extremely broad. This result suggested that either quantal reponses are drawn from a continuous distribution that has a large coefficient of variation or that there are several distinct size classes of quantal responses. The pattern of fluctuation of monosynaptic EPSPs was consistent with both of these possibilities, and was inconsistent with the possibility that monosynaptic EPSPs are composed of quantal subunits with very little intrinsic variation. Although variation in the size of responses to single quanta might arise in a number of ways, one attractive explanation for our results is that the density and type of acetylcholine receptors varies among the different synaptic sites on the surface of developing sympathetic ganglion neurons.  相似文献   

The displacement of immature neurons from their place of origin in the germinal epithelium toward their adult positions in the nervous system appears to involve migratory pathways or guides. While the importance of radial glial fibers in this process has long been recognized, data from recent investigations have suggested that other mechanisms might also play a role in directing the movement of young neurons. We have labeled autonomic preganglionic cells by microinjections of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) into the sympathetic chain ganglia of embryonic rats in order to study the migration and differentiation of these spinal cord neurons. Our results, in conjunction with previous observations, suggest that the migration pattern of preganglionic neurons can be divided into three distinct phases. In the first phase, the autonomic motor neurons arise in the ventral ventricular zone and migrate radially into the ventral horn of the developing spinal cord, where, together with somatic motor neurons, they form a single, primitive motor column (Phelps P. E., Barber R. P., and Vaughn J. E. (1991). J. Comp. Neurol. 307:77-86). During the second phase, the autonomic motor neurons separate from the somatic motor neurons and are displaced dorsally toward the intermediate spinal cord. When the preganglionic neurons reach the intermediolateral (IML) region, they become progressively more multipolar, and many of them undergo a change in alignment, from a dorsoventral to a mediolateral orientation. In the third phase of autonomic motor neuron development, some of these cells are displaced medially, and occupy sites between the IML and central canal. The primary and tertiary movements of the preganglionic neurons are in alignment with radial glial processes in the embryonic spinal cord, an arrangement that is consistent with a hypothesis that glial elements might guide autonomic motor neurons during these periods of development. In contrast, during the second phase, the dorsal translocation of preganglionic neurons occurs in an orientation perpendicular to radial glial fibers, indicating that glial elements are not involved in the secondary migration of these cells. The results of previous investigations have provided evidence that, in addition to glial processes, axonal pathways might provide a substrate for neuronal migration. Logically, therefore, it is possible that the secondary dorsolateral translocation of autonomic preganglionic neurons could be directed along early forming circumferential axons of spinal association interneurons, and this hypothesis is supported by the fact that such fibers are appropriately arrayed in both developmental time and space to guide this movement.  相似文献   

Summary The quantitative aspects of the formaldehydeinduced fluorescence and the turnover of catecholamines in the sympathetic neuronal perikaryon of different sympathetic ganglia were studied after a blockade of the amine synthesis with -methyltyrosine. The concentration of catecholamines was determined by microfluorimetric quantitation method. The half-life of catecholamines in sympathetic neuronal perikarya was short and depended on the ganglion studied. The turnover rate of catecholamines in sympathetic neurons was highest in superior cervical and lowest in coeliac ganglion. Brightly fluorescent fibers were still seen five hours after the amine synthesis blockade, whereas almost all cell bodies had lost their fluorescence. Also small intensely fluorescent cells were still brightly fluorescent after the follow-up period. Microfluorimetrically determined turnover of catecholamines gave more detailed information about the turnover of catecholamines in sympathetic nervous system when compared to the biochemical methods used earlier.  相似文献   

Summary An investigation was made of the gross arrangement of the thoracic sympathetic rami, the histology and fine structure of their neurons, and of the light microscopy of thoracic spinal nerve roots in the rat. Sympathetic neurons were multipolar and were placed singly or in groups in the scanty stroma of collagen or among bundles of fine nerve fibers. Myelinated fibers in thoracic rami communicantes were either absent or occurred only in small numbers. Hence no white rami could be identified and thoracic preganglionic sympathetic fibers must have been unmyelinated. The few myelinated fibers in the sympathetic rami were probably somatic. Most sympathetic neurons were mononucleate and had a dense mottled nucleolus; a few binucleate neurons were observed. The nuclear envelope was always surrounded by a light perinuclear zone. The Nissl substance was usually arranged in distinct bodies which consisted of parallel, well-separated, and in some instances of closely packed layers of rough-surfaced cisternae; their membranes were occasionally fused. The sizes, shapes, texture, distribution and significance of dense bodies in the sympathetic perikaryon were described. A few whorls, onion or myelin-like structures were conjectured to be submicroscopic scars localizing presumptive minute areas of autolysis or necrosis. The satellite cell provided a fairly smooth and narrow coat around the sympathetic perikaryon, except where it contained the crenated nucleus or aggregates of cytoplasmic components. Axons and dendrites could not be classified according to the presence or absence of Nissl substance. Synaptic nerve endings, rarely placed as axo-somatic junctions at the sympathetic perikaryon, were usually observed at the neuronal processes, but their identification as axo-axonic or axo-dendritic endings could not be made. A comparison was made of the fine structure of sympathetic neurons in the rat, frog and man.This investigation was supported (in whole) by United States Public Health Service Grant NB-01879-07, Institute for Nervous Diseases and Blindness.  相似文献   

The effect of colchicine was followed up in the superior cervical ganglion of rats. An increase was observed in the number of autophagocytosis vacuoles in the neurons, especially three and four hours after the intraperitoneal injection of colchicine (0.05 mg/100 g.b.w.). These vacuoles presented very various ultrastructural characters due to their different content and stage of degradation. Their high number is explained by the action of colchicine upon cytoplasmic microtubules, the secondary inhibition of the intracellular movement, and the blockage or reduction of the fusion of primary lysosomes with the autophagic vacuoles, which are continuously formed in the neuron cytoplasms, as well as in other cells.  相似文献   

Principal neurons were dissociated from the superior cervical ganglia of newborn rats and grown in culture with several types of non-neuronal cells. As described in the second paper of this series, the neurons in such mixed cultures formed two types of excitatory synapses with each other, electrical and chemical. Evidence is presented here that transmission at the chemical synapses was cholinergic. Four nicotinic ganglionic blocking agents (curare, hexamethonium, tetraethylammonium, and mecamylamine) strongly attenuated or eliminated the excitatory postsynaptic potentials (e.p.s.p.'s) at moderate concentrations; atropine at relatively high concentrations also blocked transmission. Iontophoretic application of acetylcholine (ACh) to the surface of the neurons gave rise to depolarizations that could be made to resemble the e.p.s.p.'s in size and time course; the ACh potentials and the e.p.s.p.'s were then similarly affected by nicotinic blocking agents. The sensitivity to ACh was often distributed nonuniformly on the neuronal surface; it was common to find small, sharply localized regions of high sensitivity. Catecholamines (norepinephrine, epinephrine, and dopamine) had only inhibitory actions; in a few experiments adrenergic blocking agents (phenoxybenzamine, propranolol) were found to have no effect on the e.p.s.p.'s. These observations leave no doubt that the neurons released ACh and had ganglionic, nicotinic ACh receptors on their surfaces. The significance of the fact that a high proportion of the sympathetic neurons in mixed cultures formed cholinergic synapses is discussed.  相似文献   

Dissociated neurons from the newborn rat superior cervical ganglion were grown under conditions which lead to either adrenergic or cholinergic differentiation. Lectins and toxins were used to detect differences in the cell membrane associated with transmitter status, age of the neurons, or location on the neurons. These ligands were made visible in the light or electron microscope by coupling to rhodamine or colloidal gold. The density of binding sites for concanavalin A (Con A), ricin (RCA60), and wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) increased with age in culture on both adrenergic and cholinergic cells. Soybean agglutinin (SBA) binding increased about threefold on adrenergic axons, but failed to increase on neurons induced to become cholinergic by medium conditioned by rat heart cells (CM). The effect of CM on SBA binding paralleled previously described effects of CM on transmitter production; the CM binding pattern developed slowly and was not readily reversible. Mature adrenergic neurons also appeared to bind more WGA than neurons in CM cultures. Tetanus toxin gold binding was uniform, but low, on axons of adrenergic and cholinergic neurons at all ages. In contrast, cholera toxin binding decreased with age on adrenergic axons. Binding sites for SBA and tetanus toxin were found to be less numerous on the cell body surface than on the axonal surface. Thus growth in CM induces fundamental changes in the phenotype of developing sympathetic neurons involving the cell membrane as well as transmitter choice. Differences also appear with maturation and between axonal and somatic cell surface membranes.  相似文献   

Sympathetic neurons dissociated from superior cervical ganglia of newborn rats were grown in culture either alone or with non-neuronal cells, as described in the preceding paper. In the presence of the non-neuronal cells, but rarely in their absence, neurons formed functional synapses with each other de novo. The synapses were of two types, both excitatory. One type operated by nonrectifying electrical transmission and comprised only a few percent of the interactions; it was characterized by negligible synaptic delay and the transfer of steady depolarizations or hyperpolarizations from one cell to the other. At the second type of synapse which was chemical, there was a synaptic delay (minimum, 1 msec) and the amplitudes of the chemically mediated postsynaptic potentials (e.p.s.p.'s) were dependent on the concentrations of Ca2+ and Mg2+ in the extracellular medium. As described in the following paper, the e.p.s.p.'s were sensitive to nicotinic-cholinergic blocking agents. The incidence of chemical transmission increased markedly with age in culture. This increase was associated with the formation of networks in which the neurons were extensively connected to each other. In such cultures an action potential evoked in one neuron often gave rise in other neurons and in the stimulated neuron to a volley of synaptic activity (“complex wave”) which occurred nearly synchronously, though not identically, in each neuron. The complex waves depended on chemical transmission since they, like the simple e.p.s.p.'s, were abolished by nicotinic blocking agents.  相似文献   

Growth cones of sympathetic neurons from the superior cervical ganglia of neonatal rats were studied using video-microscopy to determine events following contact between growth cones and other cell surfaces, including other growth cones and neurites. A variety of behaviors were observed to occur upon contact between growth cones. Most commonly, one growth cone would collapse and subsequently retract upon establishing filopodial contact with the growth cone of another sympathetic neuron. Contacts resulting in collapse and retraction were often accompanied by a rapid and transient burst of lamellipodial activity along the neurite 30-50 microns proximal to the retracting growth cone. In no instances did interactions between growth cones and either fibroblasts or red blood cells result in the growth cone collapsing, suggesting that a specific recognition event was involved. On several occasions, growth cones were seen to track other growth cones, although fasciculation was rare. In some cases, there was no obvious response between contacting growth cones. Growth cone-growth cone contact was almost four times more likely to result in collapse and retraction than was growth cone-neurite contact (45% vs 12%, respectively). These observations suggest that the superior cervical ganglion may be composed of neurons with different cell surface determinants and that these determinants are more concentrated on the surface of growth cones than on neurites. These results further suggest that contact-mediated inhibition of growth cone locomotion may play an important role in growth cone guidance.  相似文献   

Coiled bodies were investigated by means of ultrastructural cytochemistry. Preferential staining methods for localization of various proteins (ribonucleoproteins, basic proteins, phosphoproteins and glycoproteins) and DNA were applied. The results of cytochemical tests revealed that coiled bodies have a proteinaceous nature. They are composed of ribonucleoproteins, probably of nucleolar origin. They also contain phosphoproteins and glycoproteins but lack cytochemically detectable DNA. Coiled bodies present ultrastructural and cytochemical characteristics similar to the fibrillar part of the nucleous and to the interchromatin granules. The origin and possible functional role of coiled bodies are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Coiled bodies were investigated by means of ultrastructural cytochemistry. Preferential staining methods for localization of various proteins (ribonucleoproteins, basic proteins, phosphoproteins and glycoproteins) and DNA were applied. The results of cytochemical tests revealed that coiled bodies have a proteinaceous nature. They are composed of ribonucleoproteins, probably of nucleolar origin. They also contain phosphoproteins and glycoproteins but lack cytochemically detectable DNA. Coiled bodies present ultrastructural and cytochemical characteristics similar to the fibrillar part of the nucleous and to the interchromatin granules. The origin and possible functional role of coiled bodies are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

We describe culture systems for neurons of an adrenergic autonomic ganglion which: (a) permit cultivation of neurons without supporting cells, (b) permit separate harvest of somal and axonal material, and (c) permit direct access to the neuronal surface. The antimetabolites used to suppress supporting cell growth did not have demonstrable effects on neuronal polypeptide synthesis. Rapid neurite outgrowth, which characterized these cultures, was prevented by colchicine or cycloheximide and resumed promptly after their withdrawal. Axons separated from cell bodies showed no incorporation of label from leucine or fucose, but did exhibit incorporation of glucosamine. The major polypeptides present in this neuron, as demonstrated by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) analysis, are described. No major differences in polypeptide content were observed when soma and axons were compared. Likewise, there were no differences detected in polypeptides synthesized by neurons in suspension or neurons actively extending processes. Analysis of the polypeptides within the neurites after labeling with amino acids indicated transport at a number of different rates; certain of these polypeptides corresponded in size and transport characteristics to polypeptides observed in the rabbit optic nerve after labeling of retinal ganglion cells. Tubulin and actin have been definitively identified in this cell type (18); we found proteins similar in size and proportionate amounts to be among the rapidly transported soluble polypeptides. The prominent polypeptides observed after several methods of surface labeling are described.  相似文献   

Adrenergic sympathetic neurons were grown for 4 wk in submaximal and saturating concentrations of nerve growth factor (NGF) in the virtual absence of non-neuronal cells. In 0.2 or 5 microgram/ml 7S NGF, the neurons gradually decreased in number during the first week, although fewer neurons died at the higher level. No significant change in cell number was observed thereafter. Total neuronal protein, a measure of cell growth, increased linearly with age in both concentrations of NGF. At each age, neurons in high NGF exhibited greater growth per cell than those in low NGF. The ability of neurons to produce catecholamine (CA) increased dramatically during the second and third weeks in both concentrations of NGF, and along a similar time-course, although neurons in submaximal NGF developed a lesser capacity for CA production. As neurons developed in culture, they became less dependent on NGF for survival and CA production, but even in older cultures, approximately 50% of the neurons died when NGF was withdrawn.  相似文献   

The displacement of immature neurons from their place of origin in the germinal epithelium toward their adult positions in the nervous system appears to involve migratory pathways or guides. While the importance of radial glial fibers in this process has long been recognized, data from recent investigations have suggested that other mechanisms might also play a role in directing the movement of young neurons. We have labeled autonomic preganglionic cells by microinjections of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) into the sympathetic chain ganglia of embryonic rats in order to study the migration and differentiation of these spinal cord neurons. Our results, in conjunction with previous observations, suggest that the migration pattern of preganglionic neurons can be divided into three distinct phases. In the first phase, the autonomic motor neurons arise in the ventral ventricular zone and migrate radially into the ventral horn of the developing spinal cord, where, together with somatic motor neurons, they form a single, primitive motor column (Phelps P. E., Barber R. P., and Vaughn J. E. (1991). J. Comp. Neurol. 307:77–86). During the second phase, the autonomic motor neurons separate from the somatic motor neurons and are displaced dorsally toward the intermediate spinal cord. When the preganglionic neurons reach the intermediolateral (IML) region, they become progressively more multipolar, and many of them undergo a change in alignment, from a dorsoventral to a mediolateral orientation. In the third phase of autonomic motor neuron development, some of these cells are displaced medially, and occupy sites between the IML and central canal. The primary and tertiary movements of the preganglionic neurons are in alignment with radial glial processes in the embryonic spinal cord, an arrangement that is consistent with a hypothesis that glial elements might guide autonomic motor neurons during these periods of development. In contrast, during the second phase, the dorsal translocation of preganglionic neurons occurs in an orientation perpendicular to radial glial fibers, indicating that glial elements are not involved in the secondary migration of these cells. The results of previous investigations have provided evidence that, in addition to glial processes, axonal pathways might provide a substrate for neuronal migration. Logically, therefore, it is possible that the secondary dorsolateral translocation of autonomic preganglionic neurons could be directed along early forming circumferential axons of spinal association interneurons, and this hypothesis is supported by the fact that such fibers are appropriately arrayed in both developmental time and space to guide this movement.  相似文献   

In vitro and in situ experiments were conducted to evaluate the hypothesis that the nonclassical opioid peptide nociceptin acting on sympathetic preganglionic neurons (SPNs) inhibits spinal sympathetic outflow. First, whole cell patch recordings were made from antidromically identified SPNs from immature (12-16 day old) rat spinal cord slices. Nociceptin (0.1, 0.3, and 1 microM) concentration dependently suppressed the excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) evoked by focal stimulation and hyperpolarized a population of SPNs; these effects were naloxone insensitive. L-Glutamate-induced depolarizations were not significantly changed by nociceptin. Results from this series of experiments indicate that nociceptin inhibits the activity of SPNs by either a presynaptic or postsynaptic site of action, whereby the peptide reduces, respectively, the amplitude of EPSPs or the excitability of SPNs. Second, intrathecal injection of nociceptin (3, 10, and 30 nmol) to urethan-anesthetized rats dose dependently reduced the mean arterial pressure and heart rate; these effects were not prevented by prior intravenous administration of naloxone (1 mg/kg). Physiological saline given intrathecally was without appreciable effects. These results, together with earlier observations of the detection of nociceptin-immunoreactive nerve fibers and nociceptin receptor immunoreactivity in the rat intermediolateral cell column, raise the possibility that the opioid peptide, which may be released endogenously, reduces spinal sympathetic outflow by depressing the activity of SPNs.  相似文献   

V. I. Skok 《Neurophysiology》1984,16(3):249-255
The basic properties of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors of the neurons of a sympathetic ganglion responsible for the performance by these receptors of their main function — initiation of an electric current through the postsynaptic membrane — and determining the particular features of the acetylcholine receptors of these neurons by contrast with receptors of other objects, are described. Stoichiometric relations of the recognition center of the acetylcholine receptors with the transmitter, the relative strength of various agonists, and the method of action of -bungarotoxin on this center are indicated; the "life-time" and conductance of the ion channel are described. On the basis of "life-time" two groups of acetylcholine receptors are distinguished: synaptic (long-living) and extrasynaptic (short-living). Selective blockers of acetylcholine receptors of ganglionic neurons, namely bis-ammonium compounds, have two types of effect (competitive and channel-blocking), caused by the action of the blocker on two different regions of the receptor molecule, respectively. Since the channel-blocking action develops at lower concentrations than the competitive, and since it correlates closely with the ganglion-blocking effect, it is concluded that it is the first of these which determines the properties of selective blockers of acetylcholine receptors.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 319–326, May–June, 1984.  相似文献   

In the preceding paper, we reported that embryonic rat sympathetic neurons formed axons, but not dendrites, when they were maintained in the absence of serum and nonneuronal cells. To assess the effects of serum-derived factors on cellular morphology, cultures were initially maintained in serum-free medium while nonneuronal cells were eliminated. Subsequently some cultures were chronically exposed either to fetal calf serum (10%) or to a high-molecular-weight ammonium sulfate fraction of serum (P40 material, 500 micrograms/ml). Phase-contrast microscopy revealed that serum and P40 material did not alter neuronal survival, but did cause flattening of the somata and fasciculation of processes. When neurons exposed to serum or P40 material were injected with Lucifer Yellow, it was found that the majority (greater than or equal to 90%) had local, tapered processes that could be identified as dendrites by light microscopic criteria. These local processes also exhibited other dendritic characteristics in that (1) they reacted with monoclonal antibodies to nonphosphorylated forms of the M and H neurofilament subunits and to microtubule-associated protein 2; and (2) they had substantial amounts of RNA as determined by [3H]uridine autoradiography. Quantitative measurements of the effects of serum and P40 material on dendritic morphology revealed that (1) an 8-day exposure caused most neurons (greater than 80%) to form dendrites; (2) neurons typically had more than one dendrite (mean of 4.1 +/- 0.2 dendrites/cell after a 28-day exposure); and (3) the dendrites were relatively short with the maximum extent of the dendritic arbor being 110 +/- 13 micron after 4 weeks. Serum and P40 material did not routinely cause the formation of supernumerary axons, did not alter radial axonal outgrowth from ganglion explants, and did not significantly increase [3H]leucine incorporation. Thus, serum contains a factor (or factors) which selectively stimulates the extension of dendrites, but not axons. If such a factor were operative in situ, it could play an important role in determining the morphology of sympathetic neurons. In examining the mechanism of serum-induced dendritic growth, we found that even high concentrations (5 micrograms/ml) of nerve growth factor failed to promote dendritic growth in the absence of serum; thus, nerve growth factor by itself is not a sufficient condition for the extension of dendrites.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) control neuronal functions via ion channel modulation. For voltage-gated ion channels, gating charge movement precedes and underlies channel opening. Therefore, we sought to investigate the effects of G protein activation on gating charge movement. Nonlinear capacitive currents were recorded using the whole cell patch-clamp technique in cultured rat sympathetic neurons. Our results show that gating charge movement depends on voltage with average Boltzmann parameters: maximum charge per unit of linear capacitance (Qmax) = 6.1 ± 0.6 nC/µF, midpoint (Vh) = –29.2 ± 0.5 mV, and measure of steepness (k) = 8.4 ± 0.4 mV. Intracellular dialysis with GTPS produces a nonreversible 34% decrease in Qmax, a 10 mV shift in Vh, and a 63% increase in k with respect to the control. Norepinephrine induces a 7 mV shift in Vh and 40% increase in k. Overexpression of G protein 14 subunits produces a 13% decrease in Qmax, a 9 mV shift in Vh, and a 28% increase in k. We correlate charge movement modulation with the modulated behavior of voltage-gated channels. Concurrently, G protein activation by transmitters and GTPS also inhibit both Na+ and N-type Ca2+ channels. These results reveal an inhibition of gating charge movement by G protein activation that parallels the inhibition of both Na+ and N-type Ca2+ currents. We propose that gating charge movement decrement may precede or accompany some forms of GPCR-mediated channel current inhibition or downregulation. This may be a common step in the GPCR-mediated inhibition of distinct populations of voltage-gated ion channels. ion channel modulation; G protein-coupled receptors; charge movement  相似文献   

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