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A genetic linkage map for radiata pine (Pinus radiata D. Don) has been constructed using segregation data from a three-generation outbred pedigree. A total of 208 loci were analyzed including 165 restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP), 41 random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and 2 microsatellite markers. The markers were assembled into 22 linkage groups of 2 or more loci and covered a total distance of 1382 cM. Thirteen loci were unlinked to any other marker. Of the RFLP loci that were mapped, 93 were detected by loblolly pine (P. taeda L.) cDNA probes that had been previously mapped or evaluated in that species. The remaining 72 RFLP loci were detected by radiata pine probes from a PstI genomic DNA library. Two hundred and eighty RAPD primers were evaluated, and 41 loci which were segregating in a 11 ratio were mapped. Two microsatellite markers were also placed on the map. This map and the markers derived from it will have wide applicability to genetic studies in P. radiata and other pine species.  相似文献   

Powdery mildew of barley is caused by the obligate fungal pathogen Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei. Haploid conidia of B. graminis, landing on the barley leaf, germinate to form first a primary germ tube and then an appressorial germ tube. The appressorial germ tube differentiates into a mature appressorium from which direct penetration of host epidermis occurs. Here we present data on 4908 expressed sequence tags obtained from B. graminis conidia. The combined sequences represent 2676 clones describing 1669 individual genes. Comparison with sequences from other pathogenic and nonpathogenic fungi defines hypotheses on the genes required for pathogenicity and growth on the host. The putative roles of some of the identified genes are discussed.  相似文献   

The R1 allele confers on potato a race-specific resistance to Phytophthora infestans. The corresponding genetic locus maps on chromosome V in a region in which several other resistance genes are also located. As part of a strategy for cloning R1, a high-resolution genetic map was constructed for the segment of chromosome V that is bordered by the RFLP loci GP21 and GP179 and includes the R1 locus. Bulked segregant analysis and markers based on amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLP markers) were used to select molecular markers closely linked to R1. Twenty-nine of approximately 3200 informative AFLP loci displayed linkage to the R1 locus. Based on the genotypic analysis of 461 gametes, eight loci mapped within the GP21–GP179 interval. Two of those could not be seperated from R1 by recombination. For genotyping large numbers of plants with respect to the flanking markers GP21 and GP179 PCR based assays were also developed which allowed marker-assisted selection of plants with genotypes Rr and rr and of recombinant plants.  相似文献   

A genetic map of six chromosomes of rye, (all of the rye chromosomes except for 2R), was constructed using 77 RFLP and 12 RAPD markers. The map was developed using an F2 population of 54 plants from a cross between two inbred lines. A rye genomic library was constructed as a source of clones for RFLP mapping. Comparisons were made between the rye map and other rye and wheat maps by including additional probes previously mapped in those species. These comparisons allowed (1) chromosome arm orientation to the linkage groups to be given, (2) the corroboration of several evolutionary translocations between rye chromosomes and homoeologous chromosomes of wheat; (3) an increase in the number of available markers for target regions of rye that show colinearity with wheat. Inconsistencies in the location of markers between the wheat and rye maps were mostly detected by multi-copy probes.  相似文献   

The genetic map of Bremia lactucae was expanded utilizing 97 F(1) progeny derived from a cross between Finnish and Californian isolates (SF5xC82P24). Genetic maps were constructed for each parent utilizing 7 avirulence genes, 83 RFLP markers, and 347 AFLP markers, and a consensus map was constructed from the complete data set. The framework map for SF5 contained 24 linkage groups distributed over 835cM; the map for C82P24 contained 21 linkage groups distributed over 606cM. The consensus map contained 12 linkage groups with markers from both parents and 24 parent-specific groups. Six avirulence genes mapped to different linkage groups; four were located at the ends of linkage groups. The closest linkages between molecular markers and avirulence genes were 3cM to Avr4 and 1cM to Avr7. Mating type seemed to be determined by a single locus, where the heterozygote determined the B(2) type and the homozygous recessive genotype determined the B(1) type.  相似文献   

One hundred and ten markers were analysed for linkage in 218 F2 plants derived from two divergent cultivars (Védrantais and Songwhan Charmi) of Cucumis melo (L.). Thirty-four RFLPs, 64 RAPDs, one isozyme, four disease resistance markers and one morphological marker were used to construct a genetic map spanning 14 linkage groups covering 1390 cM of the melon genome. RAPD and RFLP markers detected similar polymorphism levels. RFLPs were largely due to base substitutions rather than insertion/deletions. Twelve percent of markers showed distorted segregation. Phenotypic markers consisted of two resistance genes against Fusarium wilt (Fom-1 and Fom-2), one gene (nsv) controlling the resistance to melon necrotic spot virus, one gene (Vat) conferring resistance to Aphis gossypii, and a recessive gene for carpel numbers (3 vs 5 carpels: p).  相似文献   

During primary infection by conidia ofErysiphe graminis f. sp.tritici, three mechanisms of resistance operate in first leaves of 8-day-old seedlings of both resistant and susceptible wheats. The first mechanism, operating at the penetration site, is responsible for the failure of penetrations attempted by primary germ tubes (PGT). The second mechanism is concerned with the abortion of haustoria in normal-appearing host cells. The third mechanism relates to the abortion of haustoria and the hypersensitivity of the penetrated host cells.With the inoculum-level of 19–24 conidia/mm2, the three mechanisms together prevented 89.3 % of the attempted penetrations by PGT from producing normal haustoria in resistant wheat Purdue 5752C1-7-5-1 and 37.4 % in the susceptible wheat Vermillion. The first mechanism accounted for the prevention of 73.3 % of the attempted PGT penetrations on Purdue 5752C1-7-5-1 and 36 % on Vermillion. The second mechanism was responsible for stopping 19 % of all the successful penetrations in Purdue 5752C1-7-5-1 and 0.8 % in Vermillion. The third mechanism accounted for the failure of 41 % of all the successful penetrations in Purdue 5752C1-7-5-1 and 1.4% in Vermillion. Thirty-six hours after inoculation, 10.7% of all the attempted PGT penetrations appeared to be developing normally in first leaves of 8-day-old seedlings of resistant wheat Purdue 5752C1-7-5-1 as compared to 62.6 % in the susceptible wheat Vermillion.This appears to be the first report showing the relative effectiveness of various mechanisms of resistance concerning any powdery mildew fungus.  相似文献   

The genetic map for alfalfa presented here has eight linkage groups representing the haploid chromosome set of the Medicago species. The genetic map was constructed by ordering the linkage values of 89 RFLP, RAPD, isozyme and morphological markers collected from a segregating population of 138 individuals. The segregating population is self-mated progeny of an F1 hybrid plant deriving from a cross between the diploid (2n=2x=16) yellow-flowered Medicago sativa ssp. quasifalcata and the diploid (2n=2x=16) blue-flowered M. sativa ssp. coerulea. The inheritance of many traits displayed distorted segregation, indicating the presence of lethal loci in the heterozygotic parent plants. In spite of the lack of uniform segregation, linkage groups could be assigned and the order of the markers spanning > 659 centimorgans could be unambiguously determined. This value and the calculated haploid genome size for Medicago (1n=1x=1.0 x 109 bp) gives a ratio of < 1500 kb per centimorgan.  相似文献   

A genetic linkage map of papaya (Carica papaya L.) was constructed using randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers and a F2 population derived from a University of Hawaii UH breeding line 356 x Sunrise cross. A total of 596 10-mer primers were screened, and 96 polymorphisms were detected. At LOD 4.0, 62 of these markers mapped to 11 linkage groups comprising 999.3 cM. About 80% of the markers conformed to expected Mendelian segregation ratios. We have mapped the locus that determines sex to a 14-cM region flanked by RAPD markers. The results demonstrate the usefulness of RAPD markers for developing a basic genetic linkage map in papaya.Journal series No. 4146 of the Hawaii Institute of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources  相似文献   

Summary Linkage relationships are reported for 34 markers in celery (Apium graveolens L. var dulce) including 21 RFLP, 11 isozyme, and 2 morphological traits. The mapping was carried out in a cross between celery and an annual accession from Thailand, A143, and based on F2 segregation of 136 plants. A total of 318 centiMorgans (cM) are covered by the markers distributed in 8 linkage groups. Probes for the identification of RFLPs were isolated from a celery cDNA library and were also obtained from heterologous sources. EcoRV, EcoRI, and HindIII were the most useful restriction enzymes in uncovering polymorphism. In our cross, 18% of the cDNA probes were found to be polymorphic for at least one of the enzymes used. Six of the markers showed significant deviations from expected F2 ratios.  相似文献   

The three B genomes of Brassica contained in B. nigra, B. carinata and B. juncea were dissected by addition in B. napus. Using phenotypic, isozyme and molecular markers we characterized 8 alien B-genome chromosomes from B. nigra and B. carinata and 7 from B. juncea by constructing synteney groups. The alien chromosomes of the three different sources showed extensive intragenomic recombinations that were detected by the presence of the same loci in more than one synteny group but flanked by different markers. In addition, intergenomic recombinations were observed. These were evident in euploid AACC plants of the rapeseed phenotype derived from the addition lines carrying a few markers from the B genome due to translocations and recombinations between non-homoeologous chromosomes. The high plasticity of the Brassica genomes may have been an powerful factor in directing their evolution by hybridization and amphiploidy.  相似文献   

A genetic linkage map of Theobroma cacao L.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A linkage map of the cocoa genome comprising 193 loci has been constructed. These loci consist of 5 isozymes, 101 cDNA/RFLPs, 4 loci from genes of known function, 55 genomic DNA/RFLPs and 28 RAPDs. A population of 100 individuals derived from a cross between two heterozygous genotypes was used. Segregation analyses were performed with the JoinMap program. Ten linkage groups, which putatively correspond to the ten gametic chromosomes of cocoa, were identified. The map covers a total length of 759 cM with a 3.9 cM average distance between 2 markers. A small fraction (9%) of the markers deviated significantly from the expected Mendelian ratios.  相似文献   

A genetic map of Maritime pine based on AFLP, RAPD and protein markers   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
TheAFLP (amplified fragment length polymorphism) technique was adapted to carry out genetic analysis in maritime pine, a species characterized by a large genome size (24 pg/C). A genetic linkage map was constructed for one F1 individual based on 239 AFLP and 127 RAPD (randomly amplified polymorphic DNA) markers. Markers were scored on megagametophytes (1n) from 200 germinated F2 seedlings. Polymorphism rate, labour time and cost of both AFLP and RAPD techniques were compared. The AFLP technique was found to be twice as fast and three-times less costly per marker than the RAPD technique. Thirteen linkage groups were identified with a LOD score ≥6 covering 1873 cM, which provided 93.4% of genome coverage. Proteins were extracted from needles (2n) of the F2 progeny and revealed by 2-DE (two-dimensional electrophoresis). Thirty one segregating proteins were mapped using a QTL detection strategy based on the quantification of protein accumulation. Two framework maps of the same F1 individual are now available. The first map (Plomion et al. 1996) uses RAPD markers and the second map, presented in this study, uses mostly AFLP markers. Although the total genetic length of both maps was almost identical, differences among homologous groups were observed. Received: 11 February 1999 / Accepted: 29 April 1999  相似文献   

Segregation of 692 polymorphic AFLPTM (amplified fragment length polymorphism) fragments was determined in an F2 of the interspecific cross A. roylei x A. cepa. Two different enzyme combinations were used, PstI/MseIand EcoRI/MseI; in the latter one extra selective nucleotide was added to the MseI primer. The map based on A. cepa markers consisted of eight linkage groups with 262 markers covering 694 cM of the expected 800 cM. The map based on A. roylei markers comprised 15 linkage groups with 243 markers and had a length of 626 cM. The two maps were not integrated, and 25% of the markers remained unlinked. One of the alliinase genes and a SCAR marker linked to the disease resistance gene to downy mildew are present on this map. Of the AFLP markers, 50—80% were polymorphic between A. cepa and A. roylei; the level of polymorphic markers between different A. cepa accessions was4-8%. Received: 28 August 1998 / Accepted: 31 March 1999  相似文献   

The mouselpr gene, which is an autosomal recessive gene causing autoimmune disease with features of human systemic lupus erythematosus and eventually death from severe immune-complex glomerulonephritis, has been mapped on chromosome 19. To determine its exact chromosomal location, a three-point backcross was carried out by mating (MRL/MpJ-lpr/lpr × MOL-MIT)F1 × MRL/MpJ-lpr/lpr using the genesLy-44 (lymphocyte differentiation antigen-44) andTdt (terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase) as markers. The following order of genes is proposed, with the distances between genes given in parentheses: centromere-Ly-44 (19.3 cM)-lpr (6.1 cM)-Tdt-telomere. TheLy-44 a andTdt a alleles are found in all laboratory strains and in the wild Western European subspecies,domesticus andbrevirostris. In contrast, theLy-44 b andTdt b alleles are found in some Asian subspecies, Chinese mice of wild origin,yamashinai andmolossinus. Furthermore the thirdTdt allele,Tdt c , is detected incastaneus.Some of the data in this study were previously presented at the 4th Mouse Gene Mapping Workshop, Annapolis, Maryland, in November 1990.  相似文献   

Norway spruce (Picea abies Karst.) is a most important species among European forest trees for both economical and ecological reasons. However, this species has suffered from a lack of information on the genetic side due to the scarcity of linkage data. In this study we have used a population of 72 megagametophytes from a single tree in a natural Italian stand to produce a genetic linkage map by means of RAPD markers. Ninety-six random decamers used as primers yielded 185 polymorphic loci showing Mendelian inheritance. Analysis of the segregation by multipoint analysis allowed us to define 17 major linkage groups covering a total distance of 3584 cM, with an average spacing between markers of 22 cM. Possible uses of a genetic linkage map with respect to population ecology and genetics are discussed.  相似文献   

A high-density genetic map was developed from an F1-derived doubled haploid population generated from a cross between cultivated barley (Hordeum vulgare) and the subspecies H. vulgare ssp. spontaneum. The map comprises 1,000 loci, amplified using 536 SSR (558 loci) and 442 DArT markers. Of the SSRs, 149 markers (153 loci) were derived from barley ESTs, and 7 from wheat ESTs. A high level of polymorphism (∼70%) was observed, which facilitated the mapping of 197 SSRs for which genetic assignments had not been previously reported. Comparison with a published composite map showed a high level of co-linearity and telomeric coverage on all seven chromosomes. This map provides access to previously unmapped SSRs, improved genome coverage due to the integration of DArT and EST-SSRs and overcomes locus order issues of composite maps constructed from the alignment of several genetic maps. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

A linkage map for sugi was constructed on the basis of restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP), random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD), and isozyme loci using a three-generation pedigree prepared for genetic analysis of heartwood color. A total of 128 RFLP (123 cDNA and 5 genomic probes), 33 RAPD, 2 isozyme, and 1 morphological (dwarf) loci segregated in 73 progeny. Of the 164 segregating loci, 145 loci were distributed in 20 linkage groups. Of these loci, 91 with confirmed map positions were assigned to 13 linkage groups, covering a total of 887.3 cM. A clustering of markers with distorted segregation was observed in 6 linkage groups. In the four clusters, distortions with a reduction in the number of homozygotes from one parent only were found.Abbreviations MAS marker-assisted selection - PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - QTL quantitative traits of loci - RAPD random amplified polymorphic DNA - RFLP restriction fragment length polymorphism This work was supported by a Grant-in-Aid from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan (Integrated Research Program for the Use of Biotechnological Procedures for Plant Breeding) and by a Grant-in-Aid from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture of Japan (Cooperative Research, no. 04304017)  相似文献   

Two stripe-rust resistance genes, YrH52 and Yr15, derived from the Israeli wild emmer wheat, Triticum dicoccoides, have been located on chromosome 1B. The main objectives of the present study were to increase marker density in the vicinity of YrH52 gene by means of AFLP, RAPD and microsatellite markers, to improve the map of another T. dicoccoides-derived stripe-rust resistance gene Yr15 using microsatellite markers, and to preliminarily discriminate these two genes. Additional 26 marker loci comprising 20 AFLPs, three RAPDs, and three microsatellites were found to be linked to YrH52 gene. An updated genetic map consisting of 45 marker loci, in the region of YrH52 gene, was constructed with a total map length of 107.7 cm. The mean interval length was 0.96 cm in the region Xgwm359b–P55M53b carrying YrH52 gene. YrH52 was bracketed by Xgwm413 (Nor1 and UBC212a) and Xgwm273a (Xgwm273d) with map distance of 1.3 and 2.7 cm from either side, respectively. Eight additional microsatellite markers were found to be linked with Yr15, and the linkage map of Yr15 gene was thus obviously improved. In the YrH52-mapping population, no crossover was detected in the interval UBC212a (Xgwm413)–Yr15Nor1, and YrH52 was located distally outside this interval. It may suggest that YrH52 is different from Yr15 even though both of them are derived from T. dicoccoides and are mapped on chromosome 1BS. The large number of molecular makers revealed in the present study would be helpful for the marker-assisted introgression of the T. dicoccoides-derived YrH52 and Yr15 stripe-rust resistance genes into elite cultivars of wheat, and the high-density map would accelerate the map-based cloning of the two genes. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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