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The variant cell line of Onobrychis viciaefolia Scop. (ONmetr) resistant to 80 mmol/L methionine was isolated from calli which was treated with NAN3. This ONmet cell line was induced to regenerate plantlets. After growing for 6 months on a medium without selection pressure, the ONmetr cell line was still highly resistant to methionine being 5.6-fold higher than that of the wild type. The variant cell line also expressed high level of cross-resistance to ethionine which was 6. b-fold higher than that of the wild type. The contents of total methionine (Met) ,lysine (Lys) ,threonine (Thr) in ONmetr calli were 4.00,1.09,1.50-fold respectively higher than those of the wild type. The contents of total Met、 Lys、 Thr、 Ile (isoleucine) in ONmetr regenerants were-2.0, 3.5,3. 5,2. 5-fold respectively higher than those of the wild type. Two new bands appeared in SDS-PAGE profile as well as in the superoxidase isoenzymes electrophoresis pattern of the soluble proteins of ONmetr calli, thus indicated that the variant had carried the products of the changed genes.  相似文献   

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Zum Geleit     

Zum Geleit     
《Journal of Ornithology》1960,101(1-2):3-6

Zum Vogelzuge     
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Zum Geleit     
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Zum Artbegriff     
Zusammenfassung Die von der Beobachtung des menschlichen Auges unabhängigen genetischen Relationen zwischen den Individuen sind für die Begründung des Artbegriffs das Wesentliche. Die Tatsache, dass die Systematiker in der Praxis meist rein morphologisch arbeiten und nur in wenigen Ausnahmefällen das Verhalten der Individuen einander gegenüber direkt studieren, ändert daran durchaus nichts.Es gibt zwei grundverschiedene Weisen die Individuen und deren genetische Relationen zu betrachten. Entweder man schaut horizontal, d.h. innerhalb einer kurzen Zeitspanne, oder man übersieht das Ganze vertikal, d.h. ohne zeitliche Begrenzung.Anhand einer Kombination von Abstammungslehre und Ergebnissen der Genetik wirde in Modell formiert, an dem die mögliche Modell-Objektivität von bestimmten Gruppierungen von Individuen zu Arten abgemessen wird.Bei der horizontalen Betrachtungsweise gibt es modell-objektive Arten nach der DefinitionMayr's (1940: 120): Species are groups of actually or potentially interbreeding natural populations, which are isolated from other such groups. Gruppe A ist so innerhalb der arbiträr begrenzten Periode p eine modell-objektive Art in der Relation zu Gruppe B.Vertikal sind keine modell-objektiven Gruppierungen von Individuen möglich. So müssen Arten einander gegenüber arbiträr abgegrenzt werden.Eine horizontale Art kann manchmal arbiträr in trinominal benannte Unterarten aufgeteilt werden, auf Grund von geographisch lokalisierten morphologischen Merkmalen. Eine analoge trinominale Benennung von stratigraphischen Rassen oder vertikalen Unterarten, nach zeitlich lokalisierten Merkmalen, ist sehr verwirrend. Es gibt keinen einzigen zwingenden Grund vertikal neben Arten, als eine spezielle Kategorie, auch noch Unterarten zu konstruieren.Den Herren Prof. Dr. L. D.Brongersma, Dr. L.van der Hammen, Prof. Dr. M.Jeuken und Prof. Dr. J. T.Wiebes bin ich für kritische Bemerkungen zum Manuskript zu grösstem Dank verpflichtet.  相似文献   

Protoplast fusion was induced between sainfoin and alfalfa by an improved polyethyleneglycol (PEG) method. The intergeneric somatic calluses were selected based on complementation of hydroxyproline-resistance of sainfoin and hormone autonomy growth of alfalfa transformation cell line. 17 somatic hybrid plantlets were regenerated. PEG could induce the tight agglutination of protoplasts. During diluting and washing process, cyclization of the linked membrane and formation of vesicle-like structures were observed, resulting in protoplast fusion. 5%–10% glycerol supplemented in the fusion inducing solution markedly increased the frequency of heterogeneous fusion. Better fusion results were obtained when mixed protoplast suspension was dripped in petri dishes in which PEG solution was previously placed. Chromosome number of regenerated hybrid buds varied from 30 to 60. The genome of hybrids included the small chromosome from sainfoin and two chromosomes with two clear constrictions from alfalfa. The hybridity of obtained hybrid calluses was confirmed by their isayrne banding patterns and their nopaline synthetase activity.  相似文献   

韩善华 《西北植物学报》2007,27(10):2009-2015
用透射电镜对红豆草根瘤侵入线的超微结构进行了观察研究.结果表明,(1)红豆草根瘤侵入线由胞间隙和胞间层细胞壁内陷形成,它们的体积较小,多为管状,基质丰富,含菌很少,常有分叉和1个以上的基质区,而且不同基质区的电子密度、细菌数量和侵入线壁厚度都不相同.(2)红豆草根瘤的侵入线十分丰富,它们不仅大量存在于根瘤分生细胞和幼龄侵染细胞中,也经常出现在发育成熟的侵染细胞内.(3)红豆草根瘤中有一种近似圆形的特殊结构,表面由一层膜包围,其内电子密度较低且无固定结构,且只位于侵染细胞的细胞质中,常在侵入线附近,从不出现在侵染细胞的液泡内和非侵染细胞里面.  相似文献   

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Protoplast fusion was induced between sainfoin and alfalfa by an improved polyethyleneglycol (PEG) method. The intergeneric somatic calluses were selected based on complementation of hydroxyproline-resistance of sainfoin and hormone autonomy growth of alfalfa transformation cell line. 17 somatic hybrid plantlets were regenerat-ed. PEG could induce the tight agglutination of protoplasts. During diluting and washing process, cyclization of the linked membrane and formation of vesicle-like structures were observed, resulting in protoplast fusion. 5%-10% glycerol supplemented in the fusion inducing solution markedly increased the frequency of heterogeneous fusion. Better fusion results were obtained when mixed protoplast suspension was dripped in petri dishes in which PEG solution was previously placed. Chromosome number of regenerated hybrid buds varied from 30 to 60. The genome of hybrids in-cluded the small chromosome from sainfoin and two chromosomes with two clear constrictions from alfalfa. The hybrid  相似文献   

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