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野生灵长类夜宿地的利用方式可以明确地反映一个物种特有的生境利用方式和生存之道。2003年12月至38兽2004年10月,我们利用可自动脱落GPS无线电项圈对云南省丽江市金丝厂的一个滇金丝猴(Rhinopithecus bieti)群体的活动进行了持续跟踪记录。本研究着重于对所研究猴群夜宿树的选择和夜宿地的利用方式的考查,并结合可能影响夜宿地选择和利用的环境因素,比如天气、季节、日均温度等做了系统分析。研究群计有180余只个体,家域面积约27.8 km2。GPS项圈记录到夜宿树的有272个夜晚,由此我们确认了131个夜宿地。其中70个(54.3%)夜宿地仅利用了一次,剩余的则不同程度地多次利用(2~9次)。在这些重复利用的夜宿地中,持续利用同一夜宿点的情形共发生了19次,其中连续3个夜晚在同一夜宿地过夜的现象出现了3次,剩下的16次是连续利用同一夜宿地2次。这种连续利用同一夜宿地的情况占重复利用同一夜宿的7.0%,发生频率不高,而且几乎都出现在冬季(84.0%)。滇金丝猴对于同一夜宿地的重复造访的时间间隔约50 d。一旦发生连续重复利用的情况,猴群当天的移动距离显著缩短(527 m vs...  相似文献   

韩家亮  胡刚 《兽类学报》2012,32(4):362-367
因昼行性灵长类动物一天中相当一部分时间在其夜宿地度过,其夜宿行为在一定程度上影响着它们的活动方式与行为特点(Anderson,1998).对夜宿行为的观察可收集白天无法收集到的灵长类社会活动和社会关系的信息,如夜宿地分布(sleeping site)、睡眠时间(time)、睡眠抱团组成(huddling)等(Takahashhi,1997;Ogawa etal.,2007;黎大勇,2010),灵长类夜宿行为的研究对于分析了解其白昼活动方式与行为适应特点具有重要的启迪作用(Anderson,1998).  相似文献   

太原市城区及近郊冬季麻雀种群动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
麻雀(Passer montanus)与人类经济活动有着密切的关系,在城市和农业生态系统中日益引起重视。1983和1984年的冬季(当年10月—翌年3月),我们在太原市城区及近郊,对麻雀冬季种群动态进行了初步观察,现将结  相似文献   

西藏红拉雪山滇金丝猴的夜宿地与夜宿树选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
树栖灵长类动物要在夜宿地度过半生以上的时光,因此选择合适的夜宿地及夜宿树对其存活尤为关键。影响夜宿地以及夜宿树选择的主要因素是逃避天敌捕食,但对于栖息在温带森林的灵长类而言,还必须面对低 温以及食物缺乏等因素的影响。2003 年6 月至2005 年3 月,采用跟踪猴群,记录夜宿地并依据地面粪便颗粒数确定夜宿树,在西藏红拉雪山自然保护区对小昌都滇金丝猴的夜宿地及夜宿树进行了研究。结果表明:在主要 研究时间段196 d 夜宿地记录中猴群使用了101 个夜宿地,使用2 次以上的夜宿地有67 个,夜宿162 d。夜宿地全部位于针叶林中,冬季夜宿地主要分布在向阳、背风和低海拔处。比较重复利用夜宿次数多与夜宿次数少的树发现:夜宿多的树高大,底枝长,而与底枝高没有差异。比较夜宿和不过夜的树发现:夜宿树高大、底枝长。这些特点表明小昌都猴群夜宿地及夜宿树的选择可能受到逃避天敌和体温调节的影响。  相似文献   

朱鹮(Nipponia nippon)是世界濒危物种,中国Ⅰ级重点保护动物。为了进一步扩大其种群分布范围,2018年7月将20只朱鹮从陕西洋县朱鹮救护饲养中心引入到北戴河国家湿地公园开展野化饲养。为了解朱鹮对该地模拟自然环境的野化适应效果,于2018年7-10月对朱鹮在大网笼中的行为和栖息地利用进行了观察。野化训练过程中,朱鹮在训练笼中快速获得良好的飞行技巧,飞行中能够避免碰撞野化网笼软网。持续飞行时间从观察初期的(106.8±93.4)s,增长至后期的(145.8±118.1)s。野化训练第1天,有70%个体在树上夜宿,其他个体在地面及栖杠上夜宿;30 d时间内,朱鹮全部获得树上夜宿能力。野化训练后期和前期相比,觅食时间从55.4%提高至58.3%,并显著提高了对浅水觅食地的利用率。后期显著提高了警戒行为的时间比例,并表现出对猛禽等天敌的防御反应。通过87d的野化训练,试验个体的行为和生境利用发生较大变化并趋于稳定,表明其已基本适应了当地的新环境。为了进一步适应放飞后的野外环境多样性,建议在今后的野化训练中改变朱鹮的投食策略,增加觅食难度,并开展当地特有食物的投喂试验。  相似文献   

朱鹮(Nipponia nippon)是世界濒危物种,中国Ⅰ级重点保护动物。为了进一步扩大其种群分布范围,2018年7月将20只朱鹮从陕西洋县朱鹮救护饲养中心引入到北戴河国家湿地公园开展野化饲养。为了解朱鹮对该地模拟自然环境的野化适应效果,于2018年7—10月对朱鹮在大网笼中的行为和栖息地利用进行了观察。野化训练过程中,朱鹮在训练笼中快速获得良好的飞行技巧,飞行中能够避免碰撞野化网笼软网。持续飞行时间从观察初期的(106.8±93.4) s,增长至后期的(145.8±118.1) s。野化训练第1天,有70%个体在树上夜宿,其他个体在地面及栖杠上夜宿; 30 d时间内,朱鹮全部获得树上夜宿能力。野化训练后期和前期相比,觅食时间从55.4%提高至58.3%,并显著提高了对浅水觅食地的利用率。后期显著提高了警戒行为的时间比例,并表现出对猛禽等天敌的防御反应。通过87d的野化训练,试验个体的行为和生境利用发生较大变化并趋于稳定,表明其已基本适应了当地的新环境。为了进一步适应放飞后的野外环境多样性,建议在今后的野化训练中改变朱鹮的投食策略,增加觅食难度,并开展当地特有食物的投喂试验。  相似文献   

野生朱鹮的种群数量和分布现状   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2012年9-10月,我们对野生朱鹮(Nipponia nippon)的分布区和潜在分布区进行了调查,共发现其游荡期夜宿地23个,其中20个有朱鹮夜宿,分布在洋县(16个)、宁陕县(3个)和城固县(1个)。对这些夜宿地进行了的同步调查,共统计到野生朱鹮1 090只,其中97.2%分布在洋县境内。最大的夜宿集群数量为184只,集群数量超过40只的夜宿地共11个,累计停歇的朱鹮占总数的91.7%,表明野生朱鹮在游荡期有趋于集结较大群体夜宿的习性。朱鹮野生种群中当年出生的幼鸟占19.0%,据此估算,截至秋季朱鹮幼鸟的存活率约为67.2%。加强对保护区以外,尤其是野生朱鹮新扩散地区的的保护管理,将促进野生朱鹮种群的扩散,进一步增加这一濒危物种抵御风险的能力。  相似文献   

白马雪山自然保护区格花箐滇金丝猴夜宿地的季节性选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2005年9月至2006年9月,在白马雪山自然保护区南端的格花箐,对一群(约250只)滇金丝猴的夜宿地选择与利用情况进行调查.整个调查历时13个月,确认研究群的夜宿点54个,共记录夜宿地的利用次数137次,提示研究群在其中一些地点多次夜宿.滇金丝猴夜宿地在平均海拔分布上存在明显的季节性差异:夏季猴群夜宿地的平均海拔为3 352 m,为一年中夜宿地分布最高的时期;春季猴群则多选择在低海拔地区夜宿,平均海拔在一年中最低(3 082 m).猴群夜宿地集中分布于3 200~3 400 m的海拔范围,随季节变化,不同海拔梯度上的夜宿地数量和利用频次差异明显.虽然猴群夜宿地主要位于针阔混交林中,但是不同季节猴群夜宿地植被的组成明显不同.猴群明显偏好在位于南坡面和西坡面的地点过夜,在夏季和秋季尚未发现北坡向的夜宿地.研究还表明,不同季节,猴群都会不同程度地在少数几个地点多次过夜,但大多数夜宿地在一年中仅利用一次.滇金丝猴为什么会对某些地点多次利用尚需进一步研究证实.  相似文献   

<正>2014年10月,在云南省普洱市思茅区、宁洱县等地多次发现集群的家麻雀(Passer domesticus),雌雄混群。雄鸟羽色与麻雀(P.montanus)相似,眼先、颏、喉部黑色,颊部灰白色,后颈部和颈侧栗褐色,翅上具两道淡色翼斑,下体棕白色。但家麻雀的雄鸟额部、头顶及枕部灰色,耳部无黑色斑块,上胸部黑色,与麻雀明显不同。  相似文献   

海南岛南湾半岛猕猴的活动习性   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
对海南岛南湾半岛野生猕猴种群的活动习性的观察表明,猕猴在日间大部分时间处于活动和觅食状态;上午7点至10点、下午3点至5点为两个活动觅食高峰。每天的活动路径约为1000~2300米,雨天其活动路径短些。有时一群猴子分成两个亚群觅食。每群猴子有几个稳定的夜宿点,猴群可在一个夜宿点住一晚或连续几晚。猴群为了防止同类的侵犯和天敌对其后代的威胁,通常有几种活动阵容。经过5年或者6年的生长后,猴群变大并逐步分成两个新群体。  相似文献   

D. C. Seel 《Ibis》1968,110(3):270-282
Clutch-size, incubation and hatching success were studied in P. domesticus and P. montanus in 1961 and 1963–64 at Oxford. The most frequent clutch-size was four eggs in P. domesticus and five eggs in P. montanus . With one exception, colonies of P. domesticus showed no significant annual or local variations in its mean clutch-size; in P. montanus , however, there were significant annual variations in the mean clutch-size. Both species showed a seasonal increase followed by a decrease in their mean clutch-sizes.
Partial incubation occurred during the laying period of the clutch; sufficient incubation for continuous development of the embryo was apparently achieved when the last egg had been laid in clutches of two and three eggs in P. domesticus and in clutches of four eggs in P. montanus , but when the penultimate egg had been laid in larger clutches of both species. On average, hatching in P. domesticus occurred more or less synchronously in all eggs in clutches of two and three eggs, and in all eggs except the last one laid in larger clutches; the last egg in the larger clutches hatched up to a day after the others. It is suggested that this pattern of hatching was brought about by the pattern of incubation during the laying period.
P. domesticus had a lower hatching success than P. montanus , probably because fewer of its eggs were fertile.  相似文献   

We examined characteristics of roosting sites utilized by two flying fox species (Pteropus tonganus and P. samoensis) in American Samoa. The colonial roosting sites of P. tonganus were observed over a ten‐year period, including two years when severe hurricanes devastated bat populations and destroyed roost trees. Prior to the hurricanes, roosts were located on cliff faces above the ocean or steep mountainsides, locations that were either inaccessible to people or in protected areas where hunting was not allowed. In the years immediately following the hurricanes, P. tonganus colonies split into smaller groups that moved frequently to different locations. Four years after the second hurricane, colonies had coalesced and returned to many of the traditional roosting sites used before the hurricanes. Common tree species in upland and coastal forest were selected as roosts. The isolated locations selected for P. tonganus roosts were apparently the result of hunting pressure on the colonies. The solitary roosts of P. samoensis were observed during 29 months. Roosting bats were well concealed and hard to detect within the forest; even bats on exposed branches were cryptic. Mature primary forest was favored as roosting habitat. Individual bats used specific branches or trees as roosts and returned to them for up to 29 months. Unlike P. tonganus, people did not alarm roosting P. samoensis easily and some roosts were located near houses and along roads.  相似文献   

Previous phylogeographic studies of the great tit (Parus major) and the willow tit (Parus montanus) found a general absence of phylogeographic structure for both species and suggested that each species underwent range contraction during the last Ice Age and survived in relatively low numbers, P. major in southern Europe and P. montanus in southeastern Asia. However, prior studies did not sample the entire range of either species. We analyzed sequence data for the complete mitochondrial ND2 gene from 87 P. major and 139 P. montanus from 15 new Eurasian localities, both to test prior conclusions and to provide better coverage of each species' range. Our analyses confirmed the absence of phylogeographic structure in P. major and P. montanus and supported the prior refuge hypothesis for P. major. For P. montanus, we concluded that besides surviving the Ice Age in southeastern Asia, as previously hypothesized, it apparently sustained a relatively large population in northern Eurasian riverine thickets and then expanded eastward. Genetic diversity was low in P. major (pi = 0.0012, h = 0.64) and moderate in P. montanus (pi = 0.0021, h = 0.88), suggesting higher long-term effective population sizes and the older ages of populations in P. montanus. If molecular substitution rates are similar, P. montanus colonized its current Eurasian range earlier than P. major. Differences between prior studies and ours likely result from sampling gaps in earlier studies.  相似文献   

Little work has been done on the roosting behaviour of Corvidae, particularly the influence of light-intensity on its timing. This paper describes the effects of light-intensity on the roosting times of rooks (Corvus frugilegus) from a large roost during winter. Light intensity was measured and its influence on the departure of birds from the feeding grounds, arrival at the roost, entry into the roost and morning departure was found to be significant. Departure from feeding areas (and arrival at the roost) was earlier at lower light-intensities and later at higher light-intensities. Control of responsiveness to light-intensity by circadian rhythm for rooks from different feeding grounds was discussed.  相似文献   


The authors monitored five maternity colonies of Plecotus austriacus to obtain data about phenology, roosting, and emergence behaviour. The bats occupied their roosts between April and October, with maximum colony sizes in August. Roosting sites in the attic’s roof ridge and temperatures of 20–25°C were favoured. Also considering the small colony (maximum 59) and cluster sizes (maximum 13 bats), P. austriacus behaved less thermophilic than other attic-dwelling species. During low temperatures, the bats chose small crevice-like roosting sites to compensate for that; during daytime, many bats remained hidden in crevices. Emergence began approximately 30 min after sunset; the bats used multiple, preferably crevice-like openings. P. austriacus left its summer roosts comparatively late; renovation works should, therefore, not start before November. For monitoring purposes, we recommend two to three emergence countings outside the attics in early August during warm weather, alongside two attic inspections 1–2 h before emergence for offspring monitoring.


The phylogeographic relationships of the trans-Palearctic Willow Tit assemblage were studied by obtaining sequence data from the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene from 34 specimens representing nine subspecies from across the species range. Four distinct genetic groups were identified: Parus montanus weigoldicus, P. m. affinis, P. m. songarus, and a clade containing six Eurasian subspecies (ssp. baicalensis, borealis, montanus, restrictus, rhenanus, and sachalinensis). P. m. weigoldicus, P. m. affinis, and P. m. songarus were reciprocally monophyletic and separated from each other and other subspecies by uncorrected genetic distances between 1.9 and 5.8%. The remaining six subspecies were closely related and shared mitochondrial haplotypes, despite marked morphological and acoustical differences, suggesting a rapid evolution of distinct vocalization patterns. The current classification splitting the species into the songarus and montanus subspecies groups is not concordant with our phylogeny. Also, the four regiolect groups, Lowland, Alpine, Siberian, and Sino-Japanese, are not fully mirrored in the phylogeny. Our data suggest that the mono-frequency song type may be ancestral and was retained over a long evolutionary time in certain populations, but was altered or camouflaged by learning processes in others.  相似文献   

Jaroslaw Wi?cek 《Biologia》2010,65(2):338-343
Mixed communal roosting of Montagu’s harrier Circus pygargus in the pre-laying period was observed on Calcareous Marshes in Eastern Poland from 1992 to 1995. To my knowledge, this behaviour was described in literature for the first time. The communal roosting in Montagu’s harrier during courtship can help in estimation of mate attraction and finally in mate choice. Harriers from communal roosts start egg laying earlier when compared to the outside roosts. Communal roosting as anti-predator behaviour can help with predator detection and provides benefits to all members of the group. The pair formation process has led to disintegration of communal roosting. Males were more common in the roosting places than females. The time of roosting was correlated with the photoperiod. The weather and predators impact delayed the formation of mixed roosting places.  相似文献   

D. C. Seel 《Ibis》1968,110(2):129-144
The breeding season of P. domesticus in 1961 and from 1963 to 1964. at Oxford began in April and ended in early August; that of P. montunus began slightly later and ended slightly earlier and this species also laid fewer clutches. In P. domesticus laying birds fell into two groups, namely "early-" and "late-starters", which, from a comparison with data obtained from birds of known age, appeared to be mostly females two or more years old, and females one year old, respectively. In P. montanus , however, it appeared that birds of all ages were beginning breeding at about the same time in the season. The laying of first clutches of the early-starting birds of P. domesticus and of the earlier starting members of the one group of P. montanus was correlated with the prevailing air temperature; it is estimated that P. domesticus began its laying at slightly lower air temperatures than P. montunus . It is suggested that laying is adapted to begin at a particular air temperature because at lower temperatures the adult would have insufficient energy available to produce and incubate a clutch.  相似文献   

Different habitats may be used for the needs of various aspects of an animal’s life. Southern Ground-Hornbill Bucorvus leadbeateri groups announce their presence within year-round territories by calling at dawn from their overnight roost sites. Knowledge on ground-hornbill roosting habits is limited. Groups roost in large trees, apparently close to where they end up after daily foraging. We investigated patterns of roost site selection and use for four Southern Ground-Hornbill groups in the Associated Private Nature Reserves, north-eastern South Africa, based on data from GPS-satellite transmitters. The number of roost sites used per month averaged 15.4 ± 4.7 across all groups, indicating little evidence of strong preferences for specific sites. This number was least when groups were breeding, decreasing throughout the early wet season (October–December) and was lowest during the late wet season (January–March) when actively breeding groups frequently roosted close to the nest (54–83% of roosts <1 000 m of the nest). As might be expected, the mean monthly number of nights per roost peaked during the breeding season (December–January). Riparian habitats were preferred for roosting during the breeding season, whereas disturbed areas, as well as Combretumand mopane-dominated habitats were preferred during the dry non-breeding season. Adequate large trees not only for nesting, but also for roosting, particularly in riparian habitats, may therefore be an important and potentially limiting factor for the successful reproduction of Southern Ground-Hornbills.  相似文献   

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