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Relaxation measurements of side-chain 13CH2-groups of uniformly 13C labeled human ubiquitin were performed at 600 MHz and 800 MHz magnetic field strength at 30°C. Dipole-dipole cross-correlated relaxation effects in T1 experiments were suppressed by the combination of radio-frequency pulses and pulsed field gradients during the relaxation delay leading to monoexponential relaxation decays that allow a more accurate extraction of the 13C T1 relaxation times. Heteronuclear 1H-13C NOEs obtained by using different proton saturation schemes indicate that the influence of cross-correlation is small. The experimental T1 and NOE data were interpreted in a model-free way in terms of a generalized order parameter and an internal correlation time.  相似文献   

Summary Sections processed through the first part of the Barrnett and Seligman (1958) procedure, which is considered to be selective for side-chain carboxyl groups of proteins, are fluorescent when exposed to incident blue light. The results of a number of tests suggest that the fluorescence can be ascribed principally to binding of 2-hydroxy-3-naphthoic acid hydrazide (HNAH) by mixed acid anhydride derivatives of side-chain carboxyl groups of proteins. Thus, the procedure appears to be a fluorescent counterpart of the bright-field method of Barrnett and Seligman.  相似文献   

The problem of protein side-chain packing for a given backbone trace is investigated using 3 different prediction models. The first requires an exhaustive search of all possible combinations of side-chain conformers, using the dead-end elimination theorem. The second considers only side-chain-backbone interactions, whereas the third neglects side-chain-backbone interactions and instead keeps side-chain-side-chain interactions. Predictions of side-chain conformations for 11 proteins using all 3 models show that removal of side-chain-side-chain interactions does not cause a large decrease in the prediction accuracy, whereas the model having only side-chain-side-chain interactions still retains a significant level of accuracy. These results suggest that the 2 classes of interactions, side-chain-backbone and side-chain-side-chain, are consistent with each other and work concurrently to stabilize the native conformations. This is confirmed by analyses of energy spectra of the side-chain conformations derived from the fourth prediction model, the Independent model, which gives almost the same quality of the prediction as the dead-end elimination. The analyses indicate that the 2 classes of interactions simultaneously increase the energy difference between the native and nonnative conformations.  相似文献   

We present here a simple method for deprotecting p-methoxybenzyl groups and acetamidomethyl groups from the side-chains of cysteine and selenocysteine. This method uses the highly elecrophilic, aromatic disulfides 2,2'-dithiobis(5-nitropyridine) (DTNP) and 2,2'-dithiodipyridine (DTP) dissolved in TFA to effect removal of these heretofore difficult-to-remove protecting groups. The dissolution of these reagents in TFA, in fact, serves to 'activate' them for the deprotection reaction because protonation of the nitrogen atom of the pyridine ring makes the disulfide bond more electrophilic. Thus, these reagents can be added to any standard cleavage cocktail used in peptide synthesis.The p-methoxybenzyl group of selenocysteine is easily removed by DTNP. Only sub-stoichiometric amounts of DTNP are required to cause full removal of the p-methoxybenzyl group, with as little as 0.2 equivalents necessary to effect 70% removal of the protecting group. In order to remove the p-methoxybenzyl group from cysteine, 2 equivalents of DTNP and the addition of thioanisole was required to effect removal. Thioanisole was absolutely required for the reaction in the case of the sulfur-containing amino acids, while it was not required for selenocysteine. The results were consistent with thioanisole acting as a catalyst. The acetamidomethyl group of cysteine could also be removed using DTNP, but required the addition of > 15 equivalents to be effective. DTP was less robust as a deprotection reagent. We also demonstrate that this chemistry can be used in a simultaneous cyclization/deprotection reaction between selenocysteine and cysteine residues protected by p-methoxybenzyl groups to form a selenylsulfide bond, demonstrating future high utility of the deprotection method.  相似文献   

The dynamics in isotopic solvents of selectively 13C labeled synthetic melittin and three analogues have been investigated by using NMR and fluorescence techniques both separately and in combination. In conjunction with the "model-free" approach to interpretation of NMR relaxation data [Lipari, G., & Szabo, A. (1982) J. Am. Chem. Soc. 104, 4546-4570], the availability of steady-state fluorescence anisotropy and lifetime data augment T1, T2, and NOE data to provide quantitative information about fluorophore dynamics in these peptides. A method is presented for using combined fluorescence and NMR data to obtain technique- and model-independent values for parameters describing local motion of 13C-labeled fluorophores in peptides and proteins. The dynamics of melittin and melittin analogues are found to be consistent with structural characteristics inferred from CD, fluorescence, and NMR spectral information presented in the preceding paper (Weaver et al., 1989). In particular, the mobility of the random coil peptide monomers is shown to be quite similar, while side-chain as well as peptide backbone motion in the aggregated or oligomeric species differs markedly among the analogues. For melittin itself, experimentally determined overall rotational correlation times for the monomer and tetramer agree very well with values predicted on the basis of solvent-accessible protein surface area. The local dynamics of selectively 13C-labeled Trp-19 and Gly-12 residues of melittin are also found to be consistent with peptide structure. In random coil melittin monomer, a specific model for the motion indicates that the Trp side chain moves through an approximate angle of +/- 71 degrees about the beta-gamma bond with a correlation time of 159 +/- 24 ps. In melittin tetramer, the indole moiety is spatially more confined with a flip angle of +/- 37 degrees, yet demonstrates an increased rate of motion with a correlation time of 56 +/- 8 ps. The constrained mobility of the Trp-19 side chain is consistent with motional constraints inferred from the X-ray structure of melittin tetramer. These results show that protein side-chain motion, even of moieties as large as indole, can occur on the picosecond time scale and that these motions are reasonably similar to those inferred from molecular dynamics simulations.  相似文献   

Bromelain isoinhibitor (bromein), a cysteine proteinase inhibitor from pineapple stem, has a unique double-chain structure. The bromein precursor protein includes three homologous inhibitor domains, each containing an interchain peptide between the light and heavy chains. The interchain peptide in the single-chain precursor is immediately processed by bromelain, a target proteinase. In the present study, to clarify the essential inhibitory site of bromein, we constructed 44 kinds of site-directed and deletion mutants and investigated the inhibitory activity of each toward bromelain. As a result, the complete chemical structure of Leu13 in the light chain was revealed to be essential for inhibition. Pro12 prior to the leucine residue was also involved in the inhibitory activity and would control the location of the leucine side chain by the fixed dihedral angle of proline. Furthermore, the five-residue length of the interchain peptide was strictly required for the inhibitory activity. On the other hand, no inhibitory activity against bromelain was observed by the substitution of proline for the N terminus residue Thr15 of the interchain peptide. In summary, these mutational analyses of bromein demonstrated that the appropriate position and conformation of Leu13 are absolutely crucial for bromelain inhibition.  相似文献   

We present a Bayesian statistical analysis of the conformations of side chains in proteins from the Protein Data Bank. This is an extension of the backbone-dependent rotamer library, and includes rotamer populations and average chi angles for a full range of phi, psi values. The Bayesian analysis used here provides a rigorous statistical method for taking account of varying amounts of data. Bayesian statistics requires the assumption of a prior distribution for parameters over their range of possible values. This prior distribution can be derived from previous data or from pooling some of the present data. The prior distribution is combined with the data to form the posterior distribution, which is a compromise between the prior distribution and the data. For the chi 2, chi 3, and chi 4 rotamer prior distributions, we assume that the probability of each rotamer type is dependent only on the previous chi rotamer in the chain. For the backbone-dependence of the chi 1 rotamers, we derive prior distributions from the product of the phi-dependent and psi-dependent probabilities. Molecular mechanics calculations with the CHARMM22 potential show a strong similarity with the experimental distributions, indicating that proteins attain their lowest energy rotamers with respect to local backbone-side-chain interactions. The new library is suitable for use in homology modeling, protein folding simulations, and the refinement of X-ray and NMR structures.  相似文献   

A clear understanding of the specific secondary structure and binding domain resulting from the interactions of proteins and peptides with lipid surfaces will provide insight into the specific functions of biologically active molecules. We have shown in earlier studies that the stationary phases used in reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography represent a model artificial lipid surface for the study of induced conformational states of peptides on lipid interaction. We have now used reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography to determine the binding domains of peptides and, by extension, of proteins to a lipid surface. This approach consists of performing chemical modifications of specific amino acid side-chain functionalities after the interaction of the peptides with the reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography C18 groups. The susceptibility to oxidation was also studied after binding of the same peptides to liposomes. Oxidation of a single methionine residue "walked" through an amphipathic alpha-helical 18-mer peptide was selected to illustrate this approach. The extent of oxidation was found to be clearly dictated by the accessibility of the methionine residue to the aqueous mobile phase. The binding domain found for the peptide in its lipid-induced conformational state was unequivocally the entire hydrophobic face of the amphipathic alpha-helix.  相似文献   

We report tryptophan fluorescence measurements of emission intensity, iodide quenching, and anisotropy that describe the environment and dynamics at X and Y sites in stable collagen-like peptides of sequence (Gly-X-Y)(n). About 90% of tryptophans at both sites have similar solvent exposed fluorescence properties and a lifetime of 8.5-9 ns. Analysis of anisotropy decays using an associative model indicates that these long lifetime populations undergo rapid depolarizing motion with a 0.5 ns correlation time; however, the extent of fast motion at the Y site is considerably less than the essentially unrestricted motion at the X site. About 10% of tryptophans at both sites have a shorter ( approximately 3 ns) lifetime indicating proximity to a protein quenching group; these minor populations are immobile on the peptide surface, depolarizing only by overall trimer rotation. Iodide quenching indicates that tryptophans at the X site are more accessible to solvent. Side chains at X sites are more solvent accessible and considerably more mobile than residues at Y sites and can more readily fluctuate among alternate intermolecular interactions in collagen fibrils. This fluorescence analysis of collagen-like peptides lays a foundation for studies on the structure, dynamics, and function of collagen and of triple-helical junctions in gelatin gels.  相似文献   

The dead-end elimination (DEE) theorems are powerful tools for the combinatorial optimization of protein side-chain placement in protein design and homology modeling. In order to reach their full potential, the theorems must be extended to handle very hard problems. We present a suite of new algorithms within the DEE paradigm that significantly extend its range of convergence and reduce run time. As a demonstration, we show that a total protein design problem of 10(115) combinations, a hydrophobic core design problem of 10(244) combinations, and a side-chain placement problem of 10(1044) combinations are solved in less than two weeks, a day and a half, and an hour of CPU time, respectively. This extends the range of the method by approximately 53, 144 and 851 log-units, respectively, using modest computational resources. Small to average-sized protein domains can now be designed automatically, and side-chain placement calculations can be solved for nearly all sizes of proteins and protein complexes in the growing field of structural genomics.  相似文献   

The intrinsic fluorescence of bovine platelet myosin was found to change upon addition of the substrate or its analogs in a manner similar to that of rabbit skeletal muscle myosin. The result suggests that the mechanism of ATP cleavage is analogous for myosins from diverse origins.  相似文献   

With the advance of experimental procedures obtaining chemical crosslinking information is becoming a fast and routine practice. Information on crosslinks can greatly enhance the accuracy of protein structure modeling. Here, we review the current state of the art in modeling protein structures with the assistance of experimentally determined chemical crosslinks within the framework of the 13th meeting of Critical Assessment of Structure Prediction approaches. This largest-to-date blind assessment reveals benefits of using data assistance in difficult to model protein structure prediction cases. However, in a broader context, it also suggests that with the unprecedented advance in accuracy to predict contacts in recent years, experimental crosslinks will be useful only if their specificity and accuracy further improved and they are better integrated into computational workflows.  相似文献   

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