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Properties of two marine bacteriophages   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Chen, Peter K. (Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.), Ronald V. Citarella, Omar Salazar, and Rita R. Colwell. Properties of two marine bacteriophages. J. Bacteriol. 91:1136-1139. 1966.-Various properties have been determined for two bacteriophages, NCMB 384 and 385, and their host, NCMB 397, a Cytophaga sp., isolated from the marine environment. The purified bacteriophages have been subjected to serological analysis, results of which indicate a high degree of relatedness. Purified, highly polymerized deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) prepared from the host strain showed an overall base composition of 37 moles% guanine + cytosine (buoyant density of 1.696 g/cc). The bacteriophage DNA, in the native configuration, from NCMB 384 and 385 banded at 1.691 g/cc in a CsCl gradient and the denatured bacteriophage DNA demonstrated a bimodal peak. Stability tests of the bacteriophages in various buffers and diluents suggest a requirement for inorganic cations, most likely Na(+) and Mg(++), for retention of viability.  相似文献   

Vertebrates mount a strong innate immune response against viruses, largely by activating the interferon system. Double-stranded RNA (dsRNA), a common intermediate formed during the life cycle of many viruses, is a potent trigger of this response. In contrast, no general inducible antiviral defense mechanism has been reported in any invertebrate. Here we show that dsRNA induces antiviral protection in the marine crustacean Litopenaeus vannamei. When treated with dsRNA, shrimp showed increased resistance to infection by two unrelated viruses, white spot syndrome virus and Taura syndrome virus. Induction of this antiviral state is independent of the sequence of the dsRNA used and therefore distinct from the sequence-specific dsRNA-mediated genetic interference phenomenon. This demonstrates for the first time that an invertebrate immune system, like its vertebrate counterparts, can recognize dsRNA as a virus-associated molecular pattern, resulting in the activation of an innate antiviral response.  相似文献   

It has been previously demonstrated that luciferase synthesis in the luminous marine bacteria, Beneckea harveyi and Photobacterium fischeri is induced only when sufficient concentrations of metabolic products (autoinducers) of these bacteria accumulate in growth media. Thus, when cells are cultured in liquid medium there is a lag in luciferase synthesis. A quantitative bioassay for B. harveyi autoinducer was developed and it was shown that many marine bacteria produce a substance that mimics its action, but in different amounts, (20–130% of the activity produced by B. harveyi) depending on the species and strain. This is referred to as alloinduction. None of the bacteria tested produced detectable quantities of inducer for P. fischeri luciferase synthesis. These findings may have significance with respect to the ecology of B. harveyi and P. fischeri.Non-Standard Abbreviation AB medium autoinducer bioassay medium  相似文献   



Massive occurrences of interstitial loss of heterozygosity (LOH) likely resulting from gene conversions were found by us in different cancers as a type of single-nucleotide variations (SNVs), comparable in abundance to the commonly investigated gain of heterozygosity (GOH) type of SNVs, raising the question of the relationships between these two opposing types of cancer mutations.


In the present study, SNVs in 12 tetra sample and 17 trio sample sets from four cancer types along with copy number variations (CNVs) were analyzed by AluScan sequencing, comparing tumor with white blood cells as well as tissues vicinal to the tumor. Four published “nontumor”-tumor metastasis trios and 246 pan-cancer pairs analyzed by whole-genome sequencing (WGS) and 67 trios by whole-exome sequencing (WES) were also examined.


Widespread GOHs enriched with CG-to-TG changes and associated with nearby CNVs and LOHs enriched with TG-to-CG changes were observed. Occurrences of GOH were 1.9-fold higher than LOH in “nontumor” tissues more than 2 cm away from the tumors, and a majority of these GOHs and LOHs were reversed in “paratumor” tissues within 2 cm of the tumors, forming forward-reverse mutation cycles where the revertant LOHs displayed strong lineage effects that pointed to a sequential instead of parallel development from “nontumor” to “paratumor” and onto tumor cells, which was also supported by the relative frequencies of 26 distinct classes of CNVs between these three types of cell populations.


These findings suggest that developing cancer cells undergo sequential changes that enable the “nontumor” cells to acquire a wide range of forward mutations including ones that are essential for oncogenicity, followed by revertant mutations in the “paratumor” cells to avoid growth retardation by excessive mutation load. Such utilization of forward-reverse mutation cycles as an adaptive mechanism was also observed in cultured HeLa cells upon successive replatings. An understanding of forward-reverse mutation cycles in cancer development could provide a genomic basis for improved early diagnosis, staging, and treatment of cancers.

Lead uptake in two marine phytoplankton organisms.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

  • 1.1. The sterol mixtures of two marine sedentary annelids, Chaetopterus variopedatus and Spirographis spallanzani (Phylum Annelida, class Polychaeta) were fractionated by argentation chromatography and were analyzed by combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, capillary GLC and coinjection with standards.
  • 2.2. C. variopedatus and S. spallanzani contain Δ5-sterols and cholesterol is the major component of the sterol mixtures. In addition to the Δ5-sterols C. variopedatus also contains five ring saturated sterols, cholestanol being the principal stanol present.

【背景】生物产生的天然色素在工业、农业和纺织工业上有潜在应用价值。【目的】通过对产色素海洋放线菌的分离与筛选,为开发细菌所产生的天然色素在纺织与食品工业中的应用奠定基础。【方法】筛选胞外产可溶性色素的放线菌,并通过16S rRNA基因序列测定和分析构建其系统发育树,并对影响色素产量的因素和色素稳定性进行实验。【结果】获得了一株产蓝色色素的放线菌Q2N-42和一株产黄绿色色素的放线菌X4C-5,16S rRNA基因序列分析表明它们分别与天蓝色链霉菌(Streptomycescoelicolor)或紫红链霉菌(Streptomycesviolaceoruber)和普拉滕斯链霉菌(Streptomyces pratensis)的16SrRNA基因序列存在较高的相似性。通过研究不同碳源和氮源对放线菌Q2N-42和X4C-5产色素的影响,发现甘油和硝酸钠能明显地增加天蓝色链霉菌(S. coelicolor) Q2N-42的色素产量,而淀粉和硝酸钠能明显地增加普拉滕斯链霉菌(S.pratensis)X4C-5的色素产量。这两种色素对不同浓度的氧化剂、还原剂、盐和pH都表现出良好的稳定性;色素的红外...  相似文献   

The central problem in biological development is the understanding of epigenesis. The dominant theory of development in the last 80 years that also purports to explain epigenesis is induction theory. It suggests that development is driven by sequential inductions where each "induction" (in one sense of the word induction) is effected by the action of an inducing part of the embryo on a responding part of the embryo. The theory stems from Spemann and Mangold (W.Roux' Arch.f.Entw.d.Organis.u.mikrosk.Anat.100 (1924) 599) who transplanted a tissue from the dorsal blastopore lip of Triturus into the ventral ectoderm of another gastrula and thus initiated and "induced" (in another sense of the word induction) gastrulation and embryogenesis in the ventral side of the host that became a double embryo (siamese twins). We explain this induction, i.e. the formation of the double embryo, according to the Child theory and the Turing-Gierer-Meinhardt theory when it is also assumed that cAMP and ATP are the Turing activator and inhibitor, respectively. Spemann and Mangold (W.Roux' Arch.f.Entw.d.Organis.u.mikrosk.Anat.100 (1924) 599) also suggested that the ingressing mesoderm induces the overlying ectoderm to form the neural plate and neural tube. This 'neural induction', the 'primary embryonic induction', became the cornerstone of induction theory, i.e. of the sequential induction concept referred to above. But we argue that the metabolic gradients that precede and accompany neurulation, as obtained by Child, also for Triturus, arise through a Turing self-organization if it is assumed that cAMP and ATP are the Turing morphogens, and these gradients are the cause and primary event of neurulation. Thus there is no need to invoke the 'neural induction'. It is argued that fundamental events such as gastrulation and also organ formation are caused by the Turing-Child field and not by sequential induction. Similar principles, such as bud formation caused by a radial metabolic pattern that transforms to a longitudinal pattern, govern the formation, for example, of the mouth and the gut. The formation and localization of bottle cells is explained according to the Child-Turing field and modern biochemistry. The chemical metabolic pre-pattern precedes, and causes, morphogenesis and differentiation as envisaged by Turing. The Spemann and Mangold (W.Roux' Arch.f.Entw.d.Organis.u.mikrosk.Anat.100 (1924) 599) transplantation experiment when performed on a sea urchin duplicates not only the phenotype but also the metabolic (reduction) pattern. These experimental results, by Horstadius, predicted by Child, follow from the Turing-Gierer-Meinhardt theory if it is assumed that cAMP and ATP are the Turing morphogens. If the transplantation is performed not onto the whole sea urchin but onto only a part of it, that manifests only a part of the metabolic pattern, then from the part a phenotypic whole underlain by a normal and a whole metabolic pattern can be rescued. These experimental results of Horstadius follow from Turing theory if cAMP and ATP are the Turing morphogens. Understanding how to transform a part into a whole can be valuable in regenerative medicine. Unspecific induction of a secondary amphibian embryo is similar to the induction of posterior structures at the anterior pole of an insect, and the "double abdomen" (and Kalthoff's experimental results) of the midge Smittia resulting from UV irradiation of the anterior pole, can be explained by Meinhardt theory of unspecific induction if ATP is the Turing morphogen. When not working on regeneration, Child investigated intact living organisms and his observation method was not disruptive to normal development, whereas workers in induction theory work with pieces and in general disrupt normal development. We conclude that the Turing-Child field causes all development and explains epigenesis. Sequential induction does not explain epigenesis and does not exist in normal development. But induction in the sense of a transplantation leading to double embryo or rescuing a whole phenotype from a part is of interest.  相似文献   

Induction and early amphibian development   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Five general groups of morphogenetically aberrant mutants of Dictyostelium discoideum were isolated. Each group of mutants was characterized either by the absence of any fruiting structures or by the formation of abnormal fructifications. Among these developmental mutants were two aggregateless isolates, Agg-1 and Agg-2, that could be induced to form normal sorocarps under certain conditions. Sorocarps of the normal D. discoideum type were formed when growing myxamoebae from either of these mutants were allowed to come in contact with myxamoebae of the other mutants, wild-type D. discoideum, D. purpureum, or D. mucoroides. No sorocarps were formed when myxamoebae of Agg-1 and Agg-2 were paired. These two aggregateless mutants, while incapable of aggregating or fruiting when cultivated singly with Escherichia coli B/r on a glucose-salts medium, formed normal fruiting structures after being freed of what appeared to be a product of bacterial growth. The spores produced by Agg-1 and Agg-2 myxamoebae again gave rise to aggregateless clones of the original parental types.  相似文献   

Inorganic carbon acquisition in two green marine Stichococcus species   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The mechanism of inorganic carbon (C(i)) uptake was examined in the marine green microalgae Stichococcus cylindricus and Stichococcus minor. External carbonic anhydrase (CA) activity was not detected in either species, by potentiometric assay or by mass spectrometry. Photosynthetic characteristics of C(i) uptake indicate that both species have high apparent affinity for CO(2) with a low K(1/2) (CO(2)) of about 10 μm. The O(2) evolution rates in light exceeded the spontaneous CO(2) formation rate by 2.5-fold in both species, which thus have active bicarbonate uptake. Mass spectrometric monitoring of CO(2) and O(2) fluxes showed that rates of O(2) evolution exceeded those of CO(2) depletion by about three- and twofold in S. minor and S. cylindricus, respectively, and also showed, in cells photosynthesizing at pH 8.2, a rapid depletion of CO(2) upon illumination to a CO(2) compensation concentration of 15.42 and 12.03 μm in S. minor and S. cylindricus, respectively. Both species also exhibit active CO(2) uptake: addition of bovine CA at CO(2) compensation concentration caused a rapid rise in CO(2) as the CO(2) -HCO(3) (-) equilibrium was restored. Accumulation of unfixed C(i) by cells at pH 8.2 was calculated to be 84.33 mm in S. cylindricus, and 30.37 mm in S. minor to give internal accumulations of 23- and 8-fold, respectively, compared to the external C(i) concentration.  相似文献   

Felip A  Zanuy S  Carrillo M  Piferrer F 《Genetica》2001,111(1-3):175-195
The induction of triploidy and gynogenesis by chromosome set manipulation has traditionally been studied more intensively in freshwater than in marine fish. In the last years, however, several studies have applied these manipulations in about a dozen marine species, including mainly sparids, moronids and flatfishes. This paper focuses on the methodologies used to induce, verify, and assess performance of both triploids and gynogenetics of these marine species. Since many of them are batch spawners and have small and fragile eggs and larvae, peculiarities relating to broodstock management, gamete quality and mortality assessment during early larval stages are also taken into account. However, data show that if handling is correct and the treatments are optimized, triploid and gynogenetic rates of 100% can be easily achieved. Survival of triploids with respect to the controls is about 70–80%, whereas in gynogenetics it is generally low and more variable, depending on the species considered. In the marine fish investigated so far, triploidy has not resulted in significantly higher growth rates. On the other hand, the induction of gynogenesis has resulted in the production of both all-female and mix-sex stocks. Throughout the paper, special reference is made to the European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.), a species of both basic and applied interest, for which a comprehensive study has been carried out on the induction, verification and performance of triploids and gynogenetics.Author for correspondence  相似文献   

The life-history tactics of many Antarctic marine invertebrates suggest that the commonly observed slow rates of growth are adaptations to the pattern of food availability, and not due to low temperature per se. This implies that marine invertebrates have been able, over the course of evolutionary time, to compensate their rates of embryonic development for the effect of temperature. Data from north Atlantic copepods indicate that this is so. It is therefore suggested that the slow rates of embryonic development in many Antarctic marine invertebrates are the result of large egg size, and not the low temperature. Large, slowly developing eggs are part of a suite of tactics, often called K-strategies, which characterise many marine invertebrates in Antarctica.  相似文献   

The effect of size on the accumulation of Cd, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Fe and Zn in the muscle and viscera of the gastropodsMonodonta turbinata andCerithium vulgatum was investigated. The concentration of the essential metals Cr, Mn and Ni and the non-essential metal Cd decreased with increasing size in both of the species and tissues. The concentration of the essential metals Cu, Fe and Zn, showed a less constant relation with size.  相似文献   

Electrophoretic examination of a natural population sample of 332 mussels (Mytilus trossulus) revealed ten active allozyme alleles for the octopine dehydrogenase (Odh) locus and a statistically significant (P<0.005) departure from expected genotypic proportions caused by a deficiency of heterozygous genotypes. In vitro specific activity for octopine dehydrogenase (E.C. was determined for 207 mussels representing 17 different Odh genotypes. Odh heterozygotes had an average specific activity that was 19% greater than that of apparently homozygous genotypes, a significant (P<0.05) difference. Electrophoretic examination of a natural population sample of 209 oysters (Crassostrea virginica) revealed 23 active allozyme alleles for the leucine aminopeptidase-2 (Lap-2) locus and a non-significant (P>0.05) deficiency of heterozygous genotypes. In vitro specific activity for leucine aminopeptidase (E.C. 3.4.-.-) was determined for 89 oysters representing 19 different Lap-2 genotypes. Lap-2 heterozygotes had an average specific activity that was 56% greater than that of homozygous genotypes, a significant (P<0.0001) difference. Possible explanations for the apparent overdominance in enzyme specific activity and the deficiency of heterozygotes include null alleles, molecular imprinting and aneuploidy.  相似文献   

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