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Dispersal distances of 17 species of butterflies in tropical Singapore were significantly greater in forest than in urban habitat. Butterflies in urban plots frequently moved within suitable habitat (park/grassland) patches but rarely crossed non-habitat patches suggesting potential isolation and a need for urban corridors.  相似文献   

The species‐area relationship (SAR) has proven to be one of the few strong generalities in ecology. The temporal analog of the SAR, the species‐time relationship (STR), has received considerably less attention. Recent work primarily from the temperate zone has aimed to merge the SAR and the STR into a synthetic and unified species‐time‐area relationship (STAR) as originally envisioned by Preston (1960). Here we test this framework using two tropical tree communities and extend it by deriving a phylogenetic‐time‐area relationship (PTAR). The work finds some support for Preston's prediction that diversity‐time relationships, both species and phylogenetic, are sensitive to the spatial scale of the sampling. Contrary to the Preston's predictions we find a decoupling of diversity‐area and diversity‐time relationships in both forests as the time period used to quantify the diversity‐area relationship changes. In particular, diversity‐area and diversity‐time relationships are positively correlated using the initial census to quantify the diversity‐area relationship, but weakly or even negatively correlated when using the most recent census. Thus, diversity‐area relationships could forecast the temporal accumulation of biodiversity of the forests, but they failed to “back‐cast” the temporal accumulation of biodiversity suggesting a decoupling of space and time.  相似文献   

Parasites profoundly influence the lives of their hosts, yet the dynamics of host–parasite interactions are poorly understood – especially in reptiles. We examined the ecological correlates of parasitism by ixodid ticks in an assemblage of 10 snake species in tropical Australia. In total, we recorded 3803 ticks on 1841 individual snakes of six species (no ticks were found on the other species). Molecular analyses confirmed the tropical reptile tick (Amblyomma fimbriatum: Ixodidae) to be the most common snake tick at our study site, with inter‐ and intraspecific variation in tick prevalence and intensity. Tick attachment sites were random on most snake species, but both male and female ticks congregated on the heads of the colubrid snake Boiga irregularis and the python Simalia amethistina. In these same species, tick loads were higher on snakes captured in woodland than in rainforest. Females of two python species (Aspidites melanocephalus and S. amethistina) had higher tick loads than did males. In B. irregularis, individuals captured in the dry season had higher tick loads than those captured in the wet season. In most parasitized snake species, larger individuals had greater tick loads. Data from snake recaptures confirmed individual tick burdens frequently varied, with little correlation between tick loads on the same snake at successive captures (except for B. irregularis). Finally, tick intensity was not correlated with (and thus, presumably did not influence) the body condition of any snake species in our study. Use of specific types of refuge sites may strongly influence tick loads on snakes in this system.  相似文献   

While African leopard populations are considered to be continuous as demonstrated by their high genetic variation, the southernmost leopard population exists in the Eastern and Western Cape, South Africa, where anthropogenic activities may be affecting this population's structure. Little is known about the elusive, last free‐roaming top predator in the region and this study is the first to report on leopard population structuring using nuclear DNA. By analyzing 14 microsatellite markers from 40 leopard tissue samples, we aimed to understand the populations' structure, genetic distance, and gene flow (Nm). Our results, based on spatially explicit analysis with Bayesian methods, indicate that leopards in the region exist in a fragmented population structure with lower than expected genetic diversity. Three population groups were identified, between which low to moderate levels of gene flow were observed (Nm 0.5 to 3.6). One subpopulation exhibited low genetic differentiation, suggesting a continuous population structure, while the remaining two appear to be less connected, with low emigration and immigration between these populations. Therefore, genetic barriers are present between the subpopulations, and while leopards in the study region may function as a metapopulation, anthropogenic activities threaten to decrease habitat and movement further. Our results indicate that the leopard population may become isolated within a few generations and suggest that management actions should aim to increase habitat connectivity and reduce human–carnivore conflict. Understanding genetic diversity and connectivity of populations has important conservation implications that can highlight management of priority populations to reverse the effects of human‐caused extinctions.  相似文献   

To date, the implications of the predicted greater intra‐annual variability and extremes in precipitation on ecosystem functioning have received little attention. This study presents results on leaf‐level physiological responses of five species covering the functional groups grasses, forbs, and legumes in the understorey of a Mediterranean oak woodland, with increasing precipitation variability, without altering total annual precipitation inputs. Although extending the dry period between precipitation events from 3 to 6 weeks led to increased soil moisture deficit, overall treatment effects on photosynthetic performance were not observed in the studied species. This resilience to prolonged water stress was explained by different physiological and morphological strategies to withstand periods below the wilting point, that is, isohydric behavior in Agrostis, Rumex, and Tuberaria, leaf succulence in Rumex, and taproots in Tolpis. In addition, quick recovery upon irrigation events and species‐specific adaptations of water‐use efficiency with longer dry periods and larger precipitation events contributed to the observed resilience in productivity of the annual plant community. Although none of the species exhibited a change in cover with increasing precipitation variability, leaf physiology of the legume Ornithopus exhibited signs of sensitivity to moisture deficit, which may have implications for the agricultural practice of seeding legume‐rich mixtures in Mediterranean grassland‐type systems. This highlights the need for long‐term precipitation manipulation experiments to capture possible directional changes in species composition and seed bank development, which can subsequently affect ecosystem state and functioning.  相似文献   

Previous studies on the reproductive biology of littorinid snails have focused on rocky shore species, investigating how these gastropods can achieve maximal reproductive success, as well as on processes of sexual selection. This study documented differences in the reproductive traits of two mangrove‐dwelling littorinids, Littoraria ardouiniana and L. melanostoma, in Hong Kong. Reproductive activity of both species was most intense during the summer months. Mating pairs of the two species generally occurred in the tree canopies. Few false mating pairs (same sex or heterospecific pairs: <10%) were recorded, and members of both species showed size‐assortative mating. Littoraria ardouiniana had a shorter reproductive season but a higher intensity of mating and higher seasonal fecundity, than did L. melanostoma. Members of both species showed bi‐lunar periodicities of egg or larval release, synchronized with spring tides. Fecundity showed a strong positive relationship with body size in L. ardouiniana, but not in L. melanostoma. Females of L. ardouiniana released entire broods of larvae in a single brief event, whereas females of L. melanostoma released fewer eggs over 1–8 d. Release of larvae in L. ardouiniana involved a series of short bursts and was much faster than the trickle release of eggs in L. melanostoma. The contrasting reproductive traits in these two species represent different strategies to optimize reproductive success in mangrove habitats.  相似文献   

Herbaceous competition and herbivory have been identified as critical barriers to restoration of native tree species in degraded landscapes around the world; however, the combined effects of competition and herbivory are poorly understood. We experimentally manipulated levels of herbivory and herbaceous competition and analyzed the response of tree seedling performance over three growing seasons as a function of species and habitat in north‐central West Virginia. Four native tree species were planted in old field and forest experimental plots: Castanea dentata (American chestnut), Quercus rubra (red oak), Acer saccharum (sugar maple), and Picea rubens (red spruce). Red spruce demonstrated the highest growth increment and greatest survival (64%) and most consistent results among treatments and habitats. Red spruce survival was not reduced in the presence of Odocoileus virginianus (white‐tailed deer) browse and herbaceous competition; however, growth was improved by suppression of herbaceous competition. We suspect that this deciduous forest landscape would regenerate to a red spruce dominated forest if seed source was available. In contrast, the other three species tested had very low survival when exposed to deer and were more responsive to competing vegetation and habitat type. American chestnut had low survival and growth across all treatments, suggesting basic climate limitations. Vigorous natural regeneration of Prunus serotina (black cherry) occurred in forest plots where both competing herbs and deer were excluded. Our results demonstrated the importance of testing multiple potential recruitment barriers and species at once and the need for species and habitat‐specific restoration treatments.  相似文献   

Die‐back disease caused by Phomopsis (Diaporthe) azadirachtae is the devastating disease of Azadirachta indica. Accurate identification of P. azadirachtae is always problematic due to morphological plasticity and delayed appearance of conidia. A species‐specific PCR‐based assay was developed for rapid and reliable identification of P. azadirachtae by designing a species‐specific primer‐targeting ITS region of P. azadirachtae isolates. The assay was validated with DNA isolated from different Phomopsis species and other fungal isolates. The PCR assay amplified 313‐bp product from all the isolates of P. azadirachtae and not from any other Phomopsis species or any genera indicating its specificity. The assay successfully detected the pathogen DNA in naturally and artificially infected neem seeds and twigs indicating its applicability in seed quarantine and seed health testing. The sensitivity of the assay was 100 fg when genomic DNA of all isolates was analysed. The PCR‐based assay was 92% effective in comparison with seed plating technique in detecting the pathogen. This is the first report on the development of species‐specific PCR assay for identification and detection of P. azadirachtae. Thus, PCR‐based assay developed is very specific, rapid, confirmatory and sensitive tool for detection of pathogen P. azadirachtae at early stages.  相似文献   

An increasingly important practical application of the analysis of spatial genetic structure within plant species is to help define the extent of local provenance seed collection zones that minimize negative impacts in ecological restoration programs. Here, we derive seed sourcing guidelines from a novel range‐wide assessment of spatial genetic structure of 24 populations of Banksia menziesii (Proteaceae), a widely distributed Western Australian tree of significance in local ecological restoration programs. An analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) of 100 amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers revealed significant genetic differentiation among populations (ΦPT = 0.18). Pairwise population genetic dissimilarity was correlated with geographic distance, but not environmental distance derived from 15 climate variables, suggesting overall neutrality of these markers with regard to these climate variables. Nevertheless, Bayesian outlier analysis identified four markers potentially under selection, although these were not correlated with the climate variables. We calculated a global R‐statistic using analysis of similarities (ANOSIM) to test the statistical significance of population differentiation and to infer a threshold seed collection zone distance of ~60 km (all markers) and 100 km (outlier markers) when genetic distance was regressed against geographic distance. Population pairs separated by >60 km were, on average, twice as likely to be significantly genetically differentiated than population pairs separated by <60 km, suggesting that habitat‐matched sites within a 30‐km radius around a restoration site genetically defines a local provenance seed collection zone for B. menziesii. Our approach is a novel probability‐based practical solution for the delineation of a local seed collection zone to minimize negative genetic impacts in ecological restoration.  相似文献   

Modern metabolomic approaches that generate more comprehensive phytochemical profiles than were previously available are providing new opportunities for understanding plant‐animal interactions. Specifically, we can characterize the phytochemical landscape by asking how a larger number of individual compounds affect herbivores and how compounds covary among plants. Here we use the recent colonization of alfalfa (Medicago sativa) by the Melissa blue butterfly (Lycaeides melissa) to investigate the effects of indivdiual compounds and suites of covarying phytochemicals on caterpillar performance. We find that survival, development time, and adult weight are all associated with variation in nutrition and toxicity, including biomolecules associated with plant cell function as well as putative anti‐herbivore action. The plant‐insect interface is complex, with clusters of covarying compounds in many cases encompassing divergent effects on different aspects of caterpillar performance. Individual compounds with the strongest associations are largely specialized metabolites, including alkaloids, phenolic glycosides, and saponins. The saponins are represented in our data by more than 25 individual compounds with beneficial and detrimental effects on L. melissa caterpillars, which highlights the value of metabolomic data as opposed to approaches that rely on total concentrations within broad defensive classes.  相似文献   

We evaluated growth responses to gap formation for juvenile individuals of three canopy rain forest species: Peltogyne cf. heterophylla, Clarisia racemosa and Cedrelinga catenaeformis. Gaps were formed during selective logging operations 7 yr before sampling in a Bolivian rain forest. We collected wood samples for tree‐ring analyses at different distances to the stump (<10, 10–40 and >40 m) and from trees with different diameters (5–30 cm diameter at breast height [dbh]). Tree‐rings width was measured in at least two radii and converted to average diameter growth. Changes in 7‐yr median diameter growth before and after selective logging were analyzed. Diameter growth rates significantly increased by 0.7–0.8 mm/yr after gap formation for P. heterophylla and C. catenaeformis, but not for C. racemosa. We applied a multiple regression analysis to explain variation in growth responses of P. heterophylla and C. catenaeformis by distance to logging gap and tree size. For P. heterophylla we found that growth increase occurring close to logging gaps was strongest for large juvenile trees (20–25 cm dbh) and almost absent in small juveniles. For C. catenaeformis, variation in growth responses was not related to tree size or distance to gaps. Our results show that growth responses to gap formation strongly differ across species and tree sizes. This finding calls for caution in the interpretation of growth releases in tree‐ring series, as gap formation does not necessarily invoke growth responses and if such growth responses occur, their strength is species‐ and size specific.  相似文献   

We used species‐area relationships (SARs) to investigate the effects of habitat loss on lemur biogeography. We measured species richness via visual surveys on line transects within 42 fragments of dry deciduous forest at the Ambanjabe field site in Ankarafantsika National Park, Madagascar. We measured human disturbance and habitat characteristics within 38 of the 42 fragments. We measured the distance between each fragment and the nearest settlement, continuous forest, and nearest neighboring fragment. We fit 10 candidate SAR models to the data using nonlinear least squares regression and compared them using Akaike's Information Criterion (AIC). To determine how habitat characteristics, as well as area, influenced species richness, we ran a hierarchical partitioning procedure to select which variables to include in generalized additive models (GAMs) and compared them using AIC. Contrary to expectations, we found that lemurs form convex SARs, without a “small island effect”, and with the power model being the most likely SAR model. Although we found that four variables (area, survey effort, and total human disturbance, and mean tree height) independently contributed greater than 10% of the variation in lemur species richness, only area was included in the most likely model. We suggest that the power model was the most likely SAR model and our inability to detect a “small island effect” are the result of Microcebus spp. being edge tolerant and capable of dispersing through matrix, scale issues in the study design, and low γ‐diversity in the landscape. However, more study is needed to determine what role human disturbance plays in influencing species richness in lemurs.  相似文献   

Determining the year‐round distribution and behaviour of birds is necessary for a better understanding of their ecology and foraging strategies. Petrels form an important component of the high‐latitude seabird assemblages in terms of species and individuals. The distribution and foraging ecology of three sympatric fulmarine petrels (Southern Fulmar Fulmarus glacialoides, Cape Petrel Daption capense and Snow Petrel Pagodroma nivea) were studied at Adélie Land, East Antarctica, by combining information from miniaturized saltwater immersion geolocators and stable isotopes from feathers. During the breeding season at a large spatial scale (c. 200 km), the three species overlapped in their foraging areas located in the vicinity of the colonies but were segregated by their diet and trophic level, as indicated by the different chick δ15N values that increased in the order Cape Petrel < Southern Fulmar < Snow Petrel. During the non‐breeding season, the three fulmarines showed species‐specific migration strategies along a wide latitudinal gradient. Snow Petrels largely remained in ice‐associated Antarctic waters, Southern Fulmars targeted primarily the sub‐Antarctic zone and Cape Petrels migrated further north. Overall, birds spent less time in flight during the non‐breeding period than during the breeding season, with the highest percentage of time spent sitting on the water occurring during the breeding season and at the beginning of the non‐breeding period before migration. This activity pattern, together with the δ13C values of most feathers, strongly suggests that moult of the three fulmarine petrels occurred at that time in the very productive high Antarctic waters, where birds fed on a combination of crustaceans and fish. The study highlights different segregating mechanisms that allow the coexistence of closely related species, specifically, prey partitioning during the breeding season and spatial segregation at sea during the non‐breeding season.  相似文献   

Large‐seeded plants may suffer seed dispersal limitation in human‐modified landscapes if seed dispersers are absent or unable to disperse their seeds. We investigated dispersal limitation for the large‐seeded tree Virola surinamensis in a human‐modified landscape in southern Costa Rica. During two fruiting seasons, we monitored crop size, seed removal rates, the number of fruiting conspecifics within 100 m, and feeding visitation rates by frugivores at trees located in high and low forest disturbance conditions. Seed removal rates and the total number of seeds removed were high regardless of the disturbance level, but these parameters increased with tree crop size and decreased with the number of fruiting V. surinamensis trees within a 100 m radius. Trees at low disturbance levels were more likely to be visited by seed dispersers. Black mandibled toucans (Ramphastos ambiguus) and spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi) were the most important seed dispersers, based on visitation patterns and seed removal rates. Spider monkey feeding visits were more frequent at high disturbance levels, but the monkeys preferentially visited isolated trees with large yields and surrounded by a low number of fruiting Virola trees within 100 m. Toucan visitation patterns were not constrained by any of the predictors and they visited trees equally across the landscape. We suggest that isolated and highly fecund Virola trees are an important food resource for spider monkeys in human‐modified landscapes and that toucans can provide resilience against seed dispersal limitations for large‐seeded plants in human‐modified landscapes in the absence of hunting.  相似文献   

Aim To investigate whether trait–habitat relations in biological communities converge across three global regions. The goal is to assess the role of habitat templets in shaping trait assemblages when different assembly mechanisms are operating and to test whether trait–habitat relations reflect a common evolutionary history or environmental trait filters. Location Guiana Shield, South America; Upper Guinea Forest Block, West Africa; Borneo rain forests, Southeast Asia. Methods We compared large anuran amphibian data sets at both the regional and cross‐continental scale. We applied a combination of three‐table ordinations (RLQ) and permutation model‐based multivariate fourth‐corner statistics to test for trait–habitat relationships at both scales and used phylogenetic comparative methods to quantify phylogenetic signal in traits that enter these analyses. Results Despite the existence of significant trait–habitat links and congruent trait patterns, we did not find evidence for the existence of a universal trait–habitat relationship at the assemblage level and no clear sign for cross‐continental convergence of trait–habitat relations. Patterns rather varied between continents. Despite the fact that a number of traits were conserved across phylogenies, the phylogenetic signal varied between regions. Trait–habitat relations therefore not only reflect a common evolutionary history, but also more recently operating environmental trait filters that ultimately determine the trait composition in regional assemblages. Main conclusions Integrating trait–habitat links into analyses of biological assemblages can enhance the predictive power and general application of species assembly rules in community and macroecology, particularly when phylogenetic comparative methods are simultaneously applied. However, in order to predict trait composition based on habitat templets, trait–habitat links cannot be assumed to be universal but rather have to be individually established in different regions prior to model building. Only then can direct trait‐based approaches be useful tools for predicting fundamental community patterns.  相似文献   

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