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Understanding the drivers of plant-insect interactions is still a key issue in terrestrial ecology. Here, we used 30 well-defined plant-herbivore assemblages to assess the effects of host plant phylogenetic isolation and origin (native vs. exotic) on the species richness, composition and specialization of the insect herbivore fauna on co-occurring plant species. We also tested for differences in such effects between assemblages composed exclusively of exophagous and endophagous herbivores. We found a consistent negative effect of the phylogenetic isolation of host plants on the richness, similarity and specialization of their insect herbivore faunas. Notably, except for Jaccard dissimilarity, the effect of phylogenetic isolation on the insect herbivore faunas did not vary between native and exotic plants. Our findings show that the phylogenetic isolation of host plants is a key factor that influences the richness, composition and specialization of their local herbivore faunas, regardless of the host plant origin.  相似文献   

1. Colonization success of species when confronted with novel environments is of interest in ecological, evolutionary and conservation contexts. Such events may represent the first step for ecological diversification. They also play an important role in adaptive divergence and speciation. 2. A species that is able to do well across a range of environments has a higher plasticity than one whose success is restricted to a single or few environments. The breadth of environments in which a species can succeed is ultimately determined by the full pattern of its vital rates in each environment. 3. Examples of organisms colonizing novel environments are insect herbivores expanding their diets to novel host plants. One expectation for insect herbivores is that species with specialized diets may display less plasticity when faced with novel hosts than generalist species. 4. We examine this hypothesis for two generalist and two specialist neotropical beetles (genus Cephaloleia: Chrysomelidae) currently expanding their diets from native to novel plants of the order Zingiberales. Using an experimental approach, we estimated changes in vital rates, life-history traits and lifetime fitness for each beetle species when feeding on native or novel host plants. 5. We did not find evidence supporting more plasticity for generalists than for specialists. Instead, we found similar patterns of survival and fecundity for all herbivores. Larvae survived worse on novel hosts; adults survived at least as well or better, but reproduced less on the novel host than on natives. 6. Some of the novel host plants represent challenging environments where population growth was negative. However, in four novel plant-herbivore interactions, instantaneous population growth rates were positive. 7. Positive instantaneous population growth rates during initial colonization of novel host plants suggest that both generalist and specialist Cephaloleia beetles may be pre-adapted to feed on some novel hosts. This plasticity in host use is a key factor for successful colonization of novel hosts. Future success or failure in the colonization of these novel hosts will depend on the demographic rates described in this research, natural selection and the evolutionary responses of life-history traits in novel environments.  相似文献   

Many native herbivores are known to attack exotic plants, and we can expect these interactions to occur with increasing frequency in coming years as invasive plants become naturalized and new invaders arrive in native communities. In some cases, evolutionary biologists and ecologists have learned a great deal from insects adapting to novel hosts. However, there is more to be learned and we suggest that the ecological study of exotic host colonization by native insects has been impeded by a lack of focus in the questions being asked, and also from overlap with other areas of plant–insect ecology, including the study of specialization. In the present paper, a conceptual model is described for the colonization of a novel host‐plant, which focuses on the relationship between occupancy and availability. Occupancy is the fraction of patches of novel hosts that are utilized by an herbivore, and availability is the abundance or presence of a novel host on the landscape. Considering the slope of that relationship (between occupancy and availability), hypotheses are suggested that involve dispersal and, most important, population growth rate of an insect herbivore associated with an exotic host. A focus on the occupancy–availability relationship highlights the strengths and weaknesses of common experimental approaches, such as preference–performance experiments. Suggestions for future work are offered that include integration with evolutionary theory and exploration of more complex demographic and ecological scenarios.  相似文献   

SPECIALIZATION OF INSECT HERBIVORES TO ONE OR A FEW HOST PLANTS STIMULATED THE DEVELOPMENT OF TWO HYPOTHESES ON HOW NATURAL SELECTION SHOULD SHAPE OVIPOSITION PREFERENCES: The "mother knows best" principle suggests that females prefer to oviposit on hosts that increase offspring survival. The "optimal bad motherhood" principle predicts that females prefer to oviposit on hosts that increase their own longevity. In insects colonizing novel host plants, current theory predicts that initial preferences of insect herbivores should be maladaptive, leading to ecological traps. Ecological trap theory does not take into account the fact that insect lineages frequently switch hosts at both ecological and evolutionary time scales. Therefore, the behavior of insect herbivores facing novel hosts is also shaped by natural selection. Using a study system in which four Cephaloleia beetles are currently expanding their diets from native to exotic plants in the order Zingiberales, we determined if initial oviposition preferences are conservative, maladaptive, or follow the patterns predicted by the "mother knows best" or the "optimal bad motherhood" principles. Interactions with novel hosts generated parent-offspring conflicts. Larval survival was higher on native hosts. However, adult generally lived longer on novel hosts. In Cephaloleia beetles, oviposition preferences are usually associated with hosts that increase larval survival, female fecundity, and population growth. In most cases, Cephaloleia oviposition preferences follow the expectations of the "mothers knows best" principle.  相似文献   

One explanation for the widespread host specialization of insect herbivores is the 'Jack of all trades-master of none' principle, which states that genotypes with high performance on one host will perform poorly on other hosts. This principle predicts that cross-host correlation in performance of genotypes will be negative. In this study, we experimentally explored cross-host correlations and performance among families in four species (two generalist and two specialist) of leaf beetles (Cephaloleia spp.) that are currently expanding their diets from native to exotic plants. All four species displayed similar responses in body size, developmental rates and mortality rates to experimentally controlled diets. When raised on novel hosts, body size of larvae, pupae and adults were reduced. Development times were longer, and larval mortality was higher on novel hosts. Genotype × host-plant interactions were not detected for most traits. All significant cross-host correlations were positive. These results indicate very different ecological and evolutionary dynamics than those predicted by the 'Jack of all trades-master of none' principle.  相似文献   

Host plant cues are known to shape insect–host plant association in many insect groups. More pronounced associations are generally manifested in specialist herbivores, but little is known in generalist herbivores. We used a polyphagous native beetle from New Zealand, bronze beetle, Eucolaspis sp. ‘Hawkes Bay’ (Chrysomelidae: Eumolpinae) to explore the role of olfaction in locating host plants and local adaptation. We also tested the role of other cues in the degree of acceptance or rejection of hosts. Adult Eucolaspis beetles were attracted to fresh leaf volatiles from apple and blackberry (Rosaceae). Male and female beetles responded similarly to olfactory cues of host plants. An indication of evolutionary affiliation was observed in olfactory preferences of geographically isolated conspecific populations. We found that geographically isolated populations of the beetles differ in their olfactory responses and exhibit some degree of local adaptation. However, irrespective of geographical and ecological associations, blackberry was preferred over apple as a feeding plant, and another novel plant, bush lawyer (Rubus australis), was readily accepted by 53.25% of the tested beetles. We show that plant volatiles play an important role in host location by Eucolaspis, but the acceptance or rejection of a particular host could also involve visual and contact cues.  相似文献   

Here, we report the results of a species level phylogenetic study of Cephaloleia beetles designed to clarify relationships and patterns of host plant taxon and tissue use among species. Our study is based on up to 2088bp of mtDNA sequence data. Maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian methods of phylogenetic inference consistently recover a monophyletic Cephaloleia outside of a basal clade of primarily palm feeding species (the 'Arecaceae-feeding clade'), and C. irregularis. In all three analyses, the 'Arecaceae-feeding clade' includes Cephaloleia spp. with unusual morphological features, and a few species currently placed in other cassidine genera and tribes. All three analyses also recover a clade that includes all Zingiberales feeding Cephaloleia and most Cephaloleia species (the 'Zingiberales-feeding clade'). Two notable clades are found within the 'Zingiberales-feeding clade.' One is comprised of beetles that normally feed only on the young rolled leaves of plants in the families Heliconiaceae and Marantaceae (the 'Heliconiaceae & Marantaceae-feeding clade'). The other is comprised of relative host tissue generalist, primarily Zingiberales feeding species (the 'generalist-feeding clade'). A few species in the 'generalist-feeding clade' utilize Cyperaceae or Poaceae as hosts. Overall, relatively basal Cephaloleia (e.g., the 'Arecaceae clade') feed on relatively basal monocots (e.g., Cyclanthaceae and Arecaceae), and relatively derived Cephaloleia (e.g., the 'Zingiberales-feeding clade') feed on relatively derived monocots (mostly in the order Zingiberales). Zingiberales feeding and specialization on young rolled Zingiberales leaves have each apparently evolved just once in Cephaloleia.  相似文献   

The interactions between plant‐eating insects and their hosts have shaped both the insects and the plants, driving evolution of plant defenses and insect specialization. The leaf beetle Trirhabda eriodictyonis (Chrysomelidae) lives on two shrubs with differing defenses: Eriodictyon crassifolium has hairy leaves, whereas E. trichocalyx has resinous leaves. We tested whether these beetles have differentiated onto the two host plants, and if not, whether the beetles prefer the better host plant and prefer mates who are from that host plant. In feeding tests, adult beetles strongly preferred eating E. trichocalyx regardless of which host they came from. In addition, females laid more eggs if they ate E. trichocalyx than E. crassifolium. So, E. trichocalyx is generally the better host. However, beetle mate preference was not in line with food choice. Males did not prefer to mate with females from E. trichocalyx. Females from E. crassifolium did prefer males from E. trichocalyx over males from E. crassifolium, but did not lay more eggs as a result of these matings. We conclude that the beetle populations we studied have not differentiated based on their host plants and may not have even adapted to the better host. Although to humans these host plant defenses differ dramatically, signs that they have caused evolution in the beetles are lacking. The case of T. eriodictyonis stands counter to many other studies that have seen the differentiation of ecotypes and/or adaptive coordination of an herbivore's life cycle based on host plant differences.  相似文献   

Humans are altering the global distributional ranges of plants, while their co‐evolved herbivores are frequently left behind. Native herbivores often colonise non‐native plants, potentially reducing invasion success or causing economic loss to introduced agricultural crops. We developed a predictive model to forecast novel interactions and verified it with a data set containing hundreds of observed novel plant–insect interactions. Using a food network of 900 native European butterfly and moth species and 1944 native plants, we built an herbivore host‐use model. By extrapolating host use from the native herbivore–plant food network, we accurately forecasted the observed novel use of 459 non‐native plant species by native herbivores. Patterns that governed herbivore host breadth on co‐evolved native plants were equally important in determining non‐native hosts. Our results make the forecasting of novel herbivore communities feasible in order to better understand the fate and impact of introduced plants.  相似文献   

Aim Species richness of insect herbivores feeding on exotic plants increases with abundance as well as range size of the host in the area of introduction. The formation of these herbivore assemblages requires a certain amount of time, and the richness of insect faunas should also increase with the length of time an exotic plant has been present in the introduced range. Location Central Europe. Methods We analysed the variation in species richness of leaf‐chewing Lepidoptera larvae and sap‐sucking Auchenorrhyncha (Hemiptera) associated with 103 exotic woody plant species in Germany in relation to time since introduction, range size, growth form (trees versus shrubs), biogeographical origin (distance from Central Europe) and taxonomic isolation of the host plant (presence or absence of a native congener in the introduced area). Results Using simple correlation analyses we found for Lepidoptera and Auchenorrhyncha that species richness increased with time since introduction of the host plant. For the Lepidoptera the increase of species richness with time since introduction remained significant even after removing the effects of all other independent variables. Main conclusions Our results provide some evidence that assemblages of insects on exotic plants do not reach saturation within a time scale of few hundred years. This contrasts with previous findings for crop plants.  相似文献   

Leaf volatile chemicals are known to reduce herbivory rates by repelling or intoxicating insect herbivores and by attracting the predators and parasitoids of herbivores. However, leaf volatiles may also be used by insect herbivores as cues to locate their host plants. Leaf volatiles are suggested to be important host search cues for herbivores in structurally complex and diverse habitats, such as tropical rain forests. A group of insect herbivores, the rolled-leaf beetles (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Hispinae), have maintained a highly specialized interaction with Neotropical gingers (Zingiberales) for ca. 60 million years. In this study, we explored chemical attraction to host plants under controlled laboratory conditions, using four sympatric rolled-leaf beetle species, Cephaloleia dorsalis Baly, Cephaloleia erichsonii Baly, Cephaloleia fenestrata Weise, and Cephaloleia placida Baly. For each beetle species, we investigated (i) whether it was repelled or attracted by leaf scents produced by four host and four non-host plant species, including Neotropical gingers in the families Marantaceae, Costaceae, and Zingiberaceae; and (ii) its ability to use scents to detect its host plant. We found that rolled-leaf beetles can detect and are attracted by leaf volatiles from both host and non-host gingers. Additionally, when beetles were simultaneously exposed to leaf volatiles from host and non-host plants, three rolled-leaf beetle species were significantly more attracted by volatiles from their host plants than from non-hosts. Only one of the beetle species was not able to discriminate between host and non-host scents.  相似文献   

Specialization is common in most lineages of insect herbivores, one of the most diverse groups of organisms on earth. To address how and why specialization is maintained over evolutionary time, we hypothesized that plant defense and other ecological attributes of potential host plants would predict the performance of a specialist root-feeding herbivore (the red milkweed beetle, Tetraopes tetraophthalmus). Using a comparative phylogenetic and functional trait approach, we assessed the determinants of insect host range across 18 species of Asclepias. Larval survivorship decreased with increasing phylogenetic distance from the true host, Asclepias syriaca, suggesting that adaptation to plant traits drives specialization. Among several root traits measured, only cardenolides (toxic defense chemicals) correlated with larval survival, and cardenolides also explained the phylogenetic distance effect in phylogenetically controlled multiple regression analyses. Additionally, milkweed species having a known association with other Tetraopes beetles were better hosts than species lacking Tetraopes herbivores, and milkweeds with specific leaf area values (a trait related to leaf function and habitat affiliation) similar to those of A. syriaca were better hosts than species having divergent values. We thus conclude that phylogenetic distance is an integrated measure of phenotypic and ecological attributes of Asclepias species, especially defensive cardenolides, which can be used to explain specialization and constraints on host shifts over evolutionary time.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Introduced insects often incorporate native plants into their diets and might be expected to show a predilection for novel hosts that are phylogenetically related to their normal hosts. The lily leaf beetle, Lilioceris lilii (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), is an introduced pest of cultivated lilies. Oviposition behaviour, larval behaviour, and development of L. lilii was examined on a range of potential host plants, as well as on the normal host, Asiatic hybrid lilies Lilium sp.
2. Neonate larval feeding behaviour was quantified on 15 food plant species: 10 from the Liliales, three from the Asparagales and two eudicots. Larvae fed plants closely related to the genus Lilium were more likely to initiate feeding, less likely to abandon their food leaf, and consumed more leaf area.
3. In no-choice tests, females oviposited on the novel hosts Lilium philadelphicum , Medeola virginiana , Clintonia borealis , Streptopus amplexifolius , and Polygonatum biflorum ; however, all but L. philadelphicum received very few eggs. Non- Lilium novel hosts were not used for oviposition when presented along with Asiatic lilies in choice tests.
4. A single individual was reared to the adult stage on the novel host S. amplexifolius . Several larvae survived to the pupal stage on M. virginiana , although no adults emerged from those pupae. Larvae reared on the native wood lily L. philadelphicum performed equally well or better than on the Asiatic cultivar.
5. Our results indicate that the lily leaf beetle poses a threat to native Liliaceae. Several native Lilium species, including L. philadelphicum , are threatened or endangered in certain jurisdictions throughout their range; these species should be monitored closely for colonisation by the beetle.  相似文献   

1. The successful establishment of novel plant–insect interactions may depend on the availability of suitable hosts, which itself is influenced by the inherent flexibility of the herbivore for the native plants in its new range. The polyphagous beech leaf mining weevil, Orchestes fagi L., is a recent invader to eastern Canada, and while beech is a primary host, it remains unclear the extent to which it might also utilise co‐occurring secondary hosts, as has been observed in its native European range. 2. A combination of field and laboratory feeding trials were used to quantify weevil secondary host use. Based on its expansive native host range in Europe, it was predicted that American beech (Fagus grandifolia Ehrh.), as well as several additional plant species, would be susceptible to weevil damage. 3. Contrary to this prediction, weevil feeding was almost entirely exclusive to beech in both the field and laboratory feeding trials. This result is further supported by field observations that revealed an absence of weevils and eggs on species other than beech. In general, the lack of pre‐diapause feeding on any alternate host species represented an extreme departure from feeding habits observed within the native range. 4. Overall, this host‐use bottleneck suggests that the adoption of a novel primary host by O. fagi, in this case American beech, may remove the normal requirement for secondary hosts and suggests a significant departure from native feeding habits with possible consequences for related life‐history parameters such as overwintering survival and fecundity.  相似文献   

1. All plants form symbioses with microfungi, known as endophytes, which live within plant tissues. Numerous studies have documented endophyte–herbivore antagonism in grass systems, but plant–endophyte–insect interactions are highly variable for forbs and woody plants. 2. The net effect of endophytes on insect herbivory may be modified by their interactions with higher trophic levels, such as predators. Including these multitrophic dynamics may explain some of the variability among endophyte studies of non‐grass plants, which are currently based exclusively on bitrophic studies. 3. The abundance of natural foliar endophytes in a Neotropical vine was manipulated and beetles were fed high or low endophyte diets. Experimental assays assessed whether dietary endophyte load affected beetle growth, leaf consumption, and susceptibility to ant predation. 4. Beetles feeding on high‐ versus low‐endophyte plants had almost identical growth and leaf consumption rates. 5. In a field bioassay, however, it was discovered that feeding on an endophyte‐rich diet increased a beetle's odds of capture by predatory ants nine‐fold. 6. Endophytes could thus provide an indirect, enemy‐mediated form of plant defence that operates even against specialist herbivores. We argue that a multitrophic approach is necessary to untangle the potentially diverse types of endophyte defence among plants.  相似文献   

Iridoid glycosides are plant defence compounds that are deterrent and/or toxic for unadapted herbivores but are readily sequestered by dietary specialists of different insect orders. Hydrolysis of iridoid glycosides by β‐glucosidase leads to protein denaturation. Insect digestive β‐glucosidases thus have the potential to mediate plant–insect interactions. In the present study, mechanisms associated with iridoid glycoside tolerance are investigated in two closely‐related leaf beetle species (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) that feed on iridoid glycoside containing host plants. The polyphagous Longitarsus luridus Scopoli does not sequester iridoid glycosides, whereas the specialist Longitarsus tabidus Fabricius sequesters these compounds from its host plants. To study whether the biochemical properties of their β‐glucosidases correspond to the differences in feeding specialization, the number of β‐glucosidase isoforms and their kinetic properties are compared between the two beetle species. To examine the impact of iridoid glycosides on the β‐glucosidase activity of the generalist, L. luridus beetles are kept on host plants with or without iridoid glycosides. Furthermore, β‐glucosidase activities of both species are examined using an artificial β‐glucosidase substrate and the iridoid glycoside aucubin present in their host plants. Both species have one or two β‐glucosidases with different substrate affinities. Interestingly, host plant use does not influence the specific β‐glucosidase activities of the generalist. Both species hydrolyse aucubin with a much lower affinity than the standard substrate. The neutral pH reduces the β‐glucosidase activity of the specialist beetles by approximately 60% relative to its pH optimum. These low rates of aucubin hydrolysis suggest that the ability to sequester iridoid glycosides has evolved as a key to potentially preventing iridoid glycoside hydrolysis by plant‐derived β‐glucosidases.  相似文献   

The tendency of insect species to evolve specialization to one or a few plant species is probably a major reason for the remarkable diversity of herbivorous insects. The suggested explanations for this general trend toward specialization include a range of evolutionary mechanisms, whose relative importance is debated. Here we address two potentially important mechanisms: (i) how variation in the geographic distribution of host use may lead to the evolution of local adaptation and specialization; (ii) how selection for specialization may lead to the evolution of trade‐offs in performance between different hosts. We performed a quantitative genetic experiment of larval performance in three different populations of the alpine leaf beetle Oreina elongata reared on two of its main host plants. Due to differences in host availability, each population represents a distinctly different selective regime in terms of host use including selection for specialization on one or the other host as well as selection for utilizing both hosts during the larval stage. The results suggest that selection for specialization has lead to some degree of local adaptations in host use: both single‐host population had higher larval growth rate on their respective native host plant genus, while there was no difference between plant treatments in the two‐host population. However, differences between host plant treatments within populations were generally small and the degree of local adaptation in performance traits seems to be relatively limited. Genetic correlations in performance traits between the hosts ranged from zero in the two‐host population to significantly positive in the single‐host populations. This suggests that selection for specialization in single host populations typically also increased performance on the alternative host that is not naturally encountered. Moreover, the lack of a positive genetic correlation in the two host‐population give support for the hypothesis that performance trade‐offs between two host plants may typically evolve when a population have adapted to both these plants. We conclude that although there is selection for specialization in larval performance traits it seems as if the genetic architecture of these traits have limited the divergence between populations in relative performance on the two hosts.  相似文献   

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