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It is timely to re-examine the phenomenon of polyploidy in plants. Indeed, the power of modern molecular technology to provide new insights, and the impetus of genomics, make polyploidy a fit, fashionable and futuristic topic for review. Some historical perspective is essential to understand the meaning of the terms, to recognize what is already known and what is dogma, and to frame incisive questions for future research. Polyploidy is important because life on earth is predominantly a polyploid phenomenon. Moreover, civilization is mainly powered by polyploid food – notably cereal endosperm. Ongoing uncertainty about the origin of triploid endosperm epitomizes our ignorance about somatic polyploidy. New molecular information makes it timely to reconsider how to identity polyploids and what is a polyploid state. A functional definition in terms of a minimal genome may be helpful. Genes are known that can raise or lower ploidy level. Molecular studies can test if, contrary to dogma, the relationship between diploids and polyploids is a dynamic two-way system. We still need to understand the mechanisms and roles of key genes controlling ploidy level and disomic inheritance. New evidence for genome duplications should be compared with old ideas about cryptopolyploidy, and new views of meiosis should not ignore premeiotic genome separation. In practice, new knowledge about polyploidy will be most useful only when it reliably predicts which crops can be usefully improved as stable autopolyploids and which genomes combined to create successful new allopolyloids.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 82 , 411–423.  相似文献   

The ecological factors responsible for the evolution of individual differences in animal personality (consistent individual differences in the same behaviour across time and contexts) are currently the subject of intense debate. A limited number of ecological factors have been investigated to date, with most attention focusing on the roles of resource competition and predation. We suggest here that parasitism may play a potentially important, but largely overlooked, role in the evolution of animal personalities. We identify two major routes by which parasites might influence the evolution of animal personality. First, because the risk of acquiring parasites can be influenced by an individual's behavioural type, local parasite regimes may impose selection on personality traits and behavioural syndromes (correlations between personality traits). Second, because parasite infections have consequences for aspects of host 'state', parasites might induce the evolution of individual differences in certain types of host behaviour in populations with endemic infections. Also, because infection often leads to specific changes in axes of personality, parasite infections have the potential to decouple behavioural syndromes. Host-parasite systems therefore provide researchers with valuable tools to study personality variation and behavioural syndromes from a proximate and ultimate perspective.  相似文献   

Gardner MP  Gems D  Viney ME 《Aging cell》2006,5(4):315-323
Aging evolves as the result of weakened selection against late-acting deleterious alleles due, for example, to extrinsic mortality. Comparative studies of aging support this evolutionary theory, but details of the genetic mechanisms by which lifespan evolves remain unclear. We have studied aging in an unusual nematode, Strongyloides ratti, to gain insight into the nature of these mechanisms, in this first detailed examination of aging in a parasitic nematode. S. ratti has distinct parasitic and free-living adults, living in the rat small intestine and the soil, respectively. We have observed reproductive and demographic aging in parasitic adults, with a maximum lifespan of 403 days. By contrast the maximum lifespan of free-living adults is only 5 days. Thus, the two adults of S. ratti have evolved strikingly different rates of aging. Parasitic nematode species are frequently longer-lived than free-living species, presumably reflecting different extrinsic mortality rates in their respective niches. Parasitic and free-living female S. ratti are morphologically different, yet genetically identical. Thus, the 80-fold difference in their lifespans, the greatest plasticity in aging yet reported, must largely reflect evolved differences in gene expression. This suggests that interspecific differences in lifespan may evolve via similar mechanisms.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Plants endemic to areas covered by ice sheets during the last glaciation represent paradigmatic examples of rapid speciation in changing environments, yet very few systems outside the harsh arctic zone have been comprehensively investigated so far. The Galium pusillum aggregate (Rubiaceae) is a challenging species complex that exhibits a marked differentiation in boreal parts of Northern Europe. As a first step towards understanding its evolutionary history in deglaciated regions, this study assesses cytological variation and ecological preferences of the northern endemics and compares the results with corresponding data for species occurring in neighbouring unglaciated parts of Central and Western Europe.


DNA flow cytometry was used together with confirmatory chromosome counts to determine ploidy levels and relative genome sizes in 1158 individuals from 181 populations. A formalized analysis of habitat preferences was applied to explore niche differentiation among species and ploidy levels.

Key Results

The G. pusillum complex evolved at diploid and tetraploid levels in Northern Europe, in contrast to the high-polyploid evolution of most other northern endemics. A high level of eco-geographic segregation was observed between different species (particularly along gradients of soil pH and competition) which is unusual for plants in deglaciated areas and most probably contributes to maintaining species integrity. Relative monoploid DNA contents of the species from previously glaciated regions were significantly lower than those of their counterparts from mostly unglaciated Central Europe, suggesting independent evolutionary histories.


The aggregate of G. pusillum in Northern Europe represents an exceptional case with a geographically vicariant and ecologically distinct diploid/tetraploid species endemic to formerly glaciated areas. The high level of interspecific differentiation substantially widens our perception of the evolutionary dynamics and speciation rates in the dramatically changing environments of Northern Europe.  相似文献   

The behavioral ecology of threshold evolution in a polyphenic beetle   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Facultative expression of alternative male morphologies is thoughtto allow individual males to select the phenotype with the highestfitness gain given their competitive status relative to othermales with which they compete for females. Choice of, or switchingbetween, morphs commonly relies on developmental threshold responses.Evolutionary changes in developmental threshold responses arethought to provide an important avenue for phenotypic diversificationand the evolution of morphological and behavioral novelties.However, the extent to which alternative male phenotypes andtheir underlying threshold responses actually evolve in naturalpopulations is unclear. Likewise, the ecological factors thatshape the evolution of threshold responses in natural populationsare unexplored for most organisms, as are the consequences ofsuch modifications for patterns of morphological diversity.I examined the ecological basis of rapid threshold evolutionin exotic populations of the horn-polyphenic dung beetle Onthophagustaurus. Male O. taurus vary continuously in body size as a functionof larval feeding conditions. Only males that exceed a criticalthreshold body size develop a pair of long horns on their heads,whereas males below this threshold remain hornless. Populationsin two exotic ranges of this species, the eastern United Statesand western Australia, have diverged in the mean threshold bodysize, which has resulted in the evolution of highly divergentand novel horn length–body size allometries in these populations.Populations in a third and previously unstudied exotic rangeof O. taurus in eastern Australia exhibit threshold body sizesroughly intermediate between the eastern U.S. and western Australianpopulations. I tested three hypothesis to explain how differencesin ecological and demographic factors can drive allometric divergencesbetween populations, using data derived from comparative, standardizedsampling of a large number of populations in each exotic range.Results suggest that differences in the intensity of both intra-and interspecific competition have contributed to the evolutionof divergent thresholds in these populations. My results donot support the hypothesis that shifts in threshold body sizesto larger body sizes are a consequence of increases in the meanbody size of competing males. I discuss my results in the contextof Onthophagus mating systems and the evolutionary implicationsof threshold evolution.  相似文献   

Phenotypic integration refers to the study of complex patterns of covariation among functionally related traits in a given organism. It has been investigated throughout the 20th century, but has only recently risen to the forefront of evolutionary ecological research. In this essay, I identify the reasons for this late flourishing of studies on integration, and discuss some of the major areas of current endeavour: the interplay of adaptation and constraints, the genetic and molecular bases of integration, the role of phenotypic plasticity, macroevolutionary studies of integration, and statistical and conceptual issues in the study of the evolution of complex phenotypes. I then conclude with a brief discussion of what I see as the major future directions of research on phenotypic integration and how they relate to our more general quest for the understanding of phenotypic evolution within the neo‐Darwinian framework. I suggest that studying integration provides a particularly stimulating and truly interdisciplinary convergence of researchers from fields as disparate as molecular genetics, developmental biology, evolutionary ecology, palaeontology and even philosophy of science.  相似文献   

Trussell  Geoffrey C.  Etter  Ron J. 《Genetica》2001,(1):321-337
Temporal and spatial patterns of phenotypic variation have traditionally been thought to reflect genetic differentiation produced by natural selection. Recently, however, there has been growing interest in how natural selection may shape the genetics of phenotypic plasticity to produce patterns of geographic variation and phenotypic evolution. Because the covariance between genetic and environmental influences can modulate the expression of phenotypic variation, a complete understanding of geographic variation requires determining whether these influences covary in the same (cogradient variation) or in opposing (countergradient variation) directions. We focus on marine snails from rocky intertidal shores as an ideal system to explore how genetic and plastic influences contribute to geographic and historical patterns of phenotypic variation. Phenotypic plasticity in response to predator cues, wave action, and water temperature appear to exert a strong influence on small and large-scale morphological variation in marine snails. In particular, plasticity in snail shell thickness: (i) may contribute to phenotypic evolution, (ii) appears to have evolved across small and large spatial scales, and (iii) may be driven by life history trade-offs tied to architectural constraints imposed by the shell. The plasticity exhibited by these snails represents an important adaptive strategy to the pronounced heterogeneity of the intertidal zone and undoubtedly has played a key role in their evolution.  相似文献   

Although the evolutionary drivers of genome size change are known, the general patterns and mechanisms of plant genome size evolution are yet to be established. Here we aim to assess the relative importance of proliferation of repetitive DNA, chromosomal variation (including polyploidy), and the type of endoreplication for genome size evolution of the Pleurothallidinae, the most species-rich orchid lineage. Phylogenetic relationships between 341 Pleurothallidinae representatives were refined using a target enrichment hybrid capture combined with high-throughput sequencing approach. Genome size and the type of endoreplication were assessed using flow cytometry supplemented with karyological analysis and low-coverage Illumina sequencing for repeatome analysis on a subset of samples. Data were analyzed using phylogeny-based models. Genome size diversity (0.2–5.1 Gbp) was mostly independent of profound chromosome count variation (2n = 12–90) but tightly linked with the overall content of repetitive DNA elements. Species with partial endoreplication (PE) had significantly greater genome sizes, and genomic repeat content was tightly correlated with the size of the non-endoreplicated part of the genome. In PE species, repetitive DNA is preferentially accumulated in the non-endoreplicated parts of their genomes. Our results demonstrate that proliferation of repetitive DNA elements and PE together shape the patterns of genome size diversity in orchids.  相似文献   

Crucifers (Brassicaceae, Cruciferae) are a large family comprisingsome 338 genera and c. 3,700 species. The family includes importantcrops as well as several model species in various fields ofplant research. This paper reports new genome size (GS) datafor more than 100 cruciferous species in addition to previouslypublished C-values (the DNA amount in the unreplicated gameticnuclei) to give a data set comprising 185 Brassicaceae taxa,including all but 1 of the 25 tribes currently recognized. Evolutionof GS was analyzed within a phylogenetic framework based ongene trees built from five data sets (matK, chs, adh, trnLF,and ITS). Despite the 16.2-fold variation across the family,most Brassicaceae species are characterized by very small genomeswith a mean 1C-value of 0.63 pg. The ancestral genome size (ancGS)for Brassicaceae was reconstructed as anc1C = 0.50 pg. Approximately50% of crucifer taxa analyzed showed a decrease in GS comparedwith the ancGS. The remaining species showed an increase inGS although this was generally moderate, with significant increasesin C-value found only in the tribes Anchonieae and Physarieae.Using statistical approaches to analyze GS, evolutionary gainsor losses in GS were seen to have accumulated disproportionatelyfaster within longer branches. However, we also found that GShas not changed substantially through time and most likely evolvespassively (i.e., a tempo that cannot be distinguished betweenneutral evolution and weak forms of selection). The data revealan apparent paradox between the narrow range of small GSs overlong evolutionary time periods despite evidence of dynamic genomicprocesses that have the potential to lead to genome obesity(e.g., transposable element amplification and polyploidy). Toresolve this, it is suggested that mechanisms to suppress amplificationand to eliminate amplified DNA must be active in Brassicaceaealthough their control and mode of operation are still poorlyunderstood.  相似文献   

While polyploidy (whole-genome multiplication) is generally considered rare in extant gymnosperms (with the exception of Ephedra, Ephedraceae), the occurrence of sporadic polyploid individuals belonging to various genera in the conifer family Cupressaceae has been reported in the literature. In addition, recent studies have revealed that polyploidy is not uncommon in the genus Juniperus (Cupressaceae), with tetraploid and hexaploid individuals reported in individuals collected from wild populations. Given these findings, we undertook a comprehensive screening of ploidy levels in 32 species belonging to the four genera that are phylogenetically closest to Juniperus (i.e.,Callitropsis, Hesperocyparis, Xanthocyparis, and Cupressus), referred to as the CaHXCu complex. In addition, we also determined the ploidy level of two accessions in the poorly studied tetraploid, Fitzroya cupressoides. Using flow cytometry together with published chromosome counts to assign ploidy levels, we show that all species of the CaHXCu complex are diploid except Xanthocyparis vietnamensis, which is tetraploid, with a genome size of 44.60 pg/2 C. This study opens up new opportunities for studying the impact and consequences of polyploidy on the evolution and adaptation of species in Cupressaceae.  相似文献   

Earlier experiments have shown that the evolution of postponed senescent populations can be achieved by selection on either demographic or stress resistance characters. Both types of selection have produced results in which survival characters (stress resistance and longevity) have apparently traded-off against early-life fecundity. Here we present the results of a series of experiments in which an environmental variable — the level of live yeast inoculate applied to the substrate — produces a qualitatively similar phenotypic response: longevity and starvation resistance are enhanced by lower yeast levels, at the expense of fecundity. For the starvation resistance versus fecundity experiments we show a negative and linear relationship between the norms of reaction for each character across a gradient of yeast levels. This phenotypic trade-off is stable across the 20 populations and 4 selection treatments reported on here, and its general agreement with earlier selection results suggests that the evolutionary response and the phenotypically plastic response may share a common physiological basis. However, an important discrepancy in the lifetime fecundity data between the selection response and the dietary manipulations preclude strict analogy. The results broadly conform to a simple “Y-model” of allocation, in which a limited resource is divided between survival and reproduction; here the characters are starvation resistance and longevity versus fecundity.  相似文献   

Natural populations can cope with rapid changes in stressors by relying on sets of physiological defence mechanisms. Little is known onto what extent these physiological responses reflect plasticity and/or genetic adaptation, evolve in the same direction and result in an increased defence ability. Using resurrection ecology, we studied how a natural Daphnia magna population adjusted its antioxidant defence to ultraviolet radiation (UVR) during a period with increasing incident UVR reaching the water surface. We demonstrate a rapid evolution of the induction patterns of key antioxidant enzymes under UVR exposure in the laboratory. Notably, evolutionary changes strongly differed among enzymes and mainly involved the evolution of UV‐induced plasticity. Whereas D. magna evolved a strong plastic up‐regulation of glutathione peroxidase under UVR, it evolved a lower plastic up‐regulation of glutathione S‐transferase and superoxide dismutase and a plastic down‐regulation of catalase. The differentially evolved antioxidant strategies were collectively equally effective in dealing with oxidative stress because they resulted in the same high levels of oxidative damage (to lipids, proteins and DNA) and lowered fitness (intrinsic growth rate) under UVR exposure. The lack of better protection against UVR may suggest that the UVR exposure did not increase between both periods. Predator‐induced evolution to migrate to lower depths that occurred during the same period may have contributed to the evolved defence strategy. Our results highlight the need for a multiple trait approach when focusing on the evolution of defence mechanisms.  相似文献   

Theory suggests that evolutionary branching via disruptive selection may be a relatively common and powerful force driving phenotypic divergence. Here, we extend this theory to social insects, which have novel social axes of phenotypic diversification. Our model, built around turtle ant (Cephalotes) biology, is used to explore whether disruptive selection can drive the evolutionary branching of divergent colony phenotypes that include a novel soldier caste. Soldier evolution is a recurrent theme in social insect diversification that is exemplified in the turtle ants. We show that phenotypic mutants can gain competitive advantages that induce disruptive selection and subsequent branching. A soldier caste does not generally appear before branching, but can evolve from subsequent competition. The soldier caste then evolves in association with specialized resource preferences that maximize defensive performance. Overall, our model indicates that resource specialization may occur in the absence of morphological specialization, but that when morphological specialization evolves, it is always in association with resource specialization. This evolutionary coupling of ecological and morphological specialization is consistent with recent empirical evidence, but contrary to predictions of classical caste theory. Our model provides a new theoretical understanding of the ecology of caste evolution that explicitly considers the process of adaptive phenotypic divergence and diversification.  相似文献   

Organisms can respond to fluctuating environments by phenotypic plasticity and rapid evolution, both occurring on similar timescales to the environmental fluctuations. Because each adaptation mechanism has been independently studied, the effects of different adaptation mechanisms on ecological dynamics are not well understood. Here, using mathematical modeling, we compared the advantages of phenotypic plasticity and rapid evolution under conditions where the environment fluctuated between two states on various timescales. The results indicate that the advantages of phenotypic plasticity under environmental fluctuations on different timescales depend on the cost and the speed of plasticity. Both the speed of plastic adaptation and the cost of plasticity affect competition results, while the quantitative effects of them vary depending on the timescales. When the environment fluctuates on short timescales, the two populations with evolution and plasticity coexist, although the population with evolution is dominant. On moderate timescales, the two populations also coexist; however, the population with plasticity becomes dominant. On long timescales, whether the population with phenotypic plasticity or evolution is more advantageous depended on the cost of plasticity. Moreover, our results indicate that the mechanisms resulting in the dominance of the plastic population over the population with evolution are different depending on the timescales of environmental fluctuations. Therefore, the timescales of environmental fluctuations deserve more attention if we are to better understand the detailed competition results underlying phenotypic variation.  相似文献   

Marine mammals are important models for studying convergent evolution and aquatic adaption, and thus reference genomes of marine mammals can provide evolutionary insights. Here, we present the first chromosome‐level marine mammal genome assembly based on the data generated by the BGISEQ‐500 platform, for a stranded female sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus). Using this reference genome, we performed chromosome evolution analysis of the sperm whale, including constructing ancestral chromosomes, identifying chromosome rearrangement events and comparing with cattle chromosomes, which provides a resource for exploring marine mammal adaptation and speciation. We detected a high proportion of long interspersed nuclear elements and expanded gene families, and contraction of major histocompatibility complex region genes which were specific to sperm whale. Using comparisons with sheep and cattle, we analysed positively selected genes to identify gene pathways that may be related to adaptation to the marine environment. Further, we identified possible convergent evolution in aquatic mammals by testing for positively selected genes across three orders of marine mammals. In addition, we used publicly available resequencing data to confirm a rapid decline in global population size in the Pliocene to Pleistocene transition. This study sheds light on the chromosome evolution and genetic mechanisms underpinning sperm whale adaptations, providing valuable resources for future comparative genomics.  相似文献   

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