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One of the most evident and direct effects of roads on wildlife is the death of animals by vehicle collision. Understanding the spatial patterns behind roadkill helps to plan mitigation measures to reduce the impacts of roads on animal populations. However, although roadkill patterns have been extensively studied in temperate zones, the potential impacts of roads on wildlife in the Neotropics have received less attention and are particularly poorly understood in the Western Amazon. Here, we present the results of a study on roadkill in the Amazon region of Ecuador; a region that is affected by a rapidly increasing development of road infrastructure. Over the course of 50 days, in the wet season between September and November 2017, we searched for road‐killed vertebrates on 15.9 km of roads near the city of Tena, Napo province, for a total of 1,590 surveyed kilometers. We recorded 593 dead specimens, predominantly reptiles (237 specimens, 40%) and amphibians (190, 32%), with birds (102, 17%) and mammals (64, 11%) being less common. Recorded species were assigned to three functional groups, based on their movement behavior and habitat use (“slow,” “intermediate,” and “fast”). Using Ripley's K statistical analyses and 2D HotSpot Identification Analysis, we found multiple distinct spatial clusters or hotspots, where roadkill was particularly frequent. Factors that potentially determined these clusters, and the prevalence of roadkill along road segments in general, differed between functional groups, but often included land cover variables such as native forest and waterbodies, and road characteristics such as speed limit (i.e., positive effect on roadkill frequency). Our study, which provides a first summary of species that are commonly found as roadkill in this part of the Amazon region, contributes to a better understanding of the negative impacts of roads on wildlife and is an important first step toward conservation efforts to mitigate these impacts.  相似文献   

Roadways may pose barriers to long-distance migrators such as some ungulates. Highway underpasses mitigate wildlife-vehicle collisions and can be an important management tool for protecting migration corridors. In northern California, 3 underpasses were built on United States Route 395 (Route 395) in Hallelujah Junction Wildlife Area (HJWA) in the 1970s for a migratory mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) herd that had been negatively affected by highway traffic. To determine whether these underpasses were still reducing mule deer mortalities >40 years after construction, we investigated deer use of the underpasses from 2006–2019 using cameras, global positioning system (GPS) collars, and roadkill records. We used occupancy models, approximations of GPS-collared mule deer movement paths, and roadkill locations to estimate the highway crossing patterns of deer. From camera data, there was higher use of the underpasses by deer during migration (spring [Mar–Jun], fall [Oct–Dec]) than in summer (Jul–Sep), when only resident deer were present. Higher underpass usage occurred in the spring compared to fall migrations. Eleven of 21 GPS-collared migrating mule deer crossed Route 395. We estimated 30% of the crossings (by 7 of the 11 deer) occurred south of the underpasses where deer could easily access the highway because of short (1-m high) and deteriorating highway fencing. Roadkill data confirmed that deer-vehicle collisions were occurring south of the underpasses and at the underpasses. This was likely due to deteriorating infrastructure at the underpasses that allows wildlife access to the highway. Overall, our study indicated that although underpasses can provide safe passage for migratory deer decades (>40 yr) after their construction, deteriorating infrastructure such as fencing and gates can lead to wildlife mortalities on highways near underpasses. © 2021 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

The growing wildland-urban interface is a frontier of human-wildlife conflict worldwide. Where natural and developed areas meet, there is potential for negative interactions between humans and wild animals, including wildlife-vehicle collisions. Understanding the environmental and anthropogenic factors leading to these collisions can inform transportation and habitat planning, with an objective of reducing animal mortality and human costs. We investigated spatial, temporal, and species-specific patterns of roadkill on Interstate-280 (I-280) in California, USA, and examined the effects of land cover, fencing, lighting, and traffic. The highway is situated just south of San Francisco, dividing a large wildlife refuge to the west from dense residential areas to the east, and therefore presents a major barrier to wildlife movement. Areas with a higher percentage of developed land east of I-280 and areas with more open space on the west side of I-280 were associated with an increase in overall roadkill, suggesting that hard boundaries at the wildland-urban interface may be zones of high risk for dispersing animals. This pattern was especially strong for raccoons (Procyon lotor) and black-tailed deer (Odocoileus hemionus). The presence of lighting correlated with increased roadkill with the exception of coyote (Canis latrans). Contrary to our expectations, we found weak evidence that fencing increases roadkill, perhaps because animals become trapped on roadways or because fencing is not sufficient to block access to the road by wildlife. Finally, we found strong evidence for roadkill seasonality, correlated with differences in movement and dispersal across life-history stages. We highlight the value of citizen-science datasets for monitoring human-wildlife conflict and suggest potential mitigation measures to reduce the negative effects of wildlife-vehicle collisions for people and wildlife. © 2019 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Fragmentation of wildlife habitat by road development is a major threat to biodiversity. Hence, conservation and enhancement of habitat connectivity in roaded landscapes are crucial for effectively maintaining long-term persistence of ecological processes, such as gene flow and migration. Using multivariate statistical techniques combined with graph theoretical methods, we investigated the influence of road-crossing habitat connectivity and road-related features on roadkill abundance of forest mammals in protected areas of South Korea. Because species have different dispersal abilities and thus connectivity would differ between them, we explored three different groups of road-killed mammals, categorized as small, intermediate, and large ones. We found that in all three mammal groups, roadkills are increased on roads that intersect high-connectivity routes. Furthermore, the effect of habitat connectivity on roadkill abundance was scale-dependent. The roadkill abundances of small, intermediate, and large mammals were related with connectivity measured at scales ranging between 100 and 300 m, between 5 and 7 km, and between 10 and 25 km, respectively. Our finding with regard to scale-dependency highlights the importance of maintaining movement and connectivity across roads at multiple scales based on the dispersal potential of different species when planning conservation strategies for forest mammalian roadkill mitigation.  相似文献   

We report 24 records of giant armadillo roadkill on Brazilian highways in the Cerrado, Pantanal and Amazon biomes illustrating that highways are a threat to this species. However, we also documented the species using underpasses, demonstrating that these structures could help to reduce the risk of roadkill for giant armadillos.  相似文献   

Previous assessments of wildlife road mortality have not used directly comparable methods and, at present, there is no standardized protocol for the collection of such data. Consequently, there are no internationally comparative statistics documenting roadkill rates. In this study, we used a combination of experimental trials and road transects to design a standardized protocol to assess roadkill rates on both paved and unpaved roads. Simulated roadkill were positioned over a 1 km distance, and trials were conducted at eight different speeds (20–100 km·h−1). The recommended protocol was then tested on a 100-km transect, driven daily over a 40-day period. This recorded 413 vertebrate roadkill, comprising 106 species. We recommend the protocol be adopted for future road ecology studies to enable robust statistical comparisons between studies.  相似文献   

Road mortality of animals (roadkill) threatens public safety and wildlife populations. As mitigation tools, predictive models of roadkill are becoming more common in the published literature; however, few models generalize across multiple taxa, and thus are less useful for management scenarios that account for multiple target species. Using a dataset of 653 vertebrate roadkills collected from 2 parks in southern Ontario, we constructed generalized linear mixed models to determine the simultaneous risk factors for bird, frog, mammal, five-lined skink (Eumeces fasciatus), snake, toad, and turtle hatchling roadkills from among a set of 8 potential predictor variables. Posted road speed limit was the dominant roadkill predictor (positive coefficient), followed by maximum daily temperature (positive), habitat diversity (positive), and distance from wetlands (negative). All else being equal, as road speed limits increase from 20 km/hr to 50 km/hr, the model predicted the season's mean roadkill probability for a given location to increase from less than 0.1 to 0.75. Conversely, roadkill probability declined from 0.55 to 0.29 as distance from wetland edges increases from 0 km to 1 km. Model diagnostics calculated from randomly resampled cross-validation datasets indicated that the best model formulation had an averaged predictive accuracy of 67.5% and an area under the curve (AUC) of 0.867. The best model also reflected seasonal patterns of animal behavior, including late-summer frog movements and fall turtle hatching events. The best model also compared favorably to single-taxon equivalent models. To reduce the incidence of vertebrate roadkill, we recommend that managers lower road speed limits, especially on roads near diverse habitats and near wetlands, and on warmer days if temporary signage is used. © 2012 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Transportation planners are increasingly incorporating roadway design features to mitigate impacts of highways on wildlife and to increase driver safety. We used camera and track surveys to evaluate wildlife use before and after construction of 3 wildlife underpasses and associated fencing on a new section of United States Highway 64 in Washington County, North Carolina, USA. We recorded 242 occasions of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) use of underpass areas before highway construction began. Following completion of the highway, we collected 2,433 photographs of 9 species with deer representing 93% of all crossings. Adjusting for differences in number of monitoring days, white-tailed deer use of underpass areas averaged 6.7 times greater after the new highway and underpasses were completed. We recorded 3,614 wildlife crossings of ≥20 species based on track counts, representing most medium and large mammals known to occur in the area and several reptiles and birds. After completion of the highway, we documented wildlife mortality due to vehicle collisions during a 13-month period and recorded 128 incidences representing ≥24 species. Within fenced highway segments, mortalities were lowest near underpasses and increased with distance from the underpasses. However, we also documented more mortalities in fenced areas compared with unfenced areas. With greater distance from an underpass, animals with smaller home ranges seemed less likely to reach the underpass and instead attempted to climb over or crawl under fencing. Based on collision reports from adjacent highway sections, the new section of United States Highway 64 experienced approximately 58% fewer wildlife mortalities (primarily white-tailed deer), suggesting underpasses and fencing reduced the number of deer-vehicle collisions. Continuous fencing between underpasses may further reduce the number of vehicle collisions for deer but additional design features (e.g., buried fencing) should be considered for other wildlife species.  相似文献   

In view of the upcoming road network improvement and expansion in Ethiopia, specifically in Tigray, it is also necessary to understand the potential impacts of road accidents with wildlife vertebrate animals. Road mortality detection surveys were conducted from March 2013 to June 2014. We surveyed around 530 km using vehicle with special emphasis given to roads surrounded by wetlands, forests, rocky areas and rivers each month. Additional information was also collected using a standardized questionnaire. A total of twenty species, 143 individuals of amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals were recorded as road vehicular accidents in the surveyed area. Of all, mammals showed the highest species richness (80 individuals belonging to ten species) followed by birds (49 individuals belonging to eight species). The survey revealed most accidents happened during the early morning and late evening. This might be due to relatively high traffic and continued activity of wild animals at that time, besides the driver's inability to avoid accidents when it is dark. Wildlife underpasses during road construction, location of crossing structures, rules of wildlife conservation, improving driver's awareness are relevant in this context and may be the most important mitigation measures to reduce mortality of wildlife on the roads.  相似文献   

Few studies have investigated the factors that influence roadkill occurrence in developing countries. In 2013, we monitored a 100‐km section of the road (comprising the R572 and R521 regional highways and the D2662) that pass through the Greater Mapungubwe Transfrontier Conservation Area in South Africa, to assess the possible factors influencing roadkill. Over a period of 120 days, and across the three ecological seasons, we recorded 981 roadkills (rate = 0.08 roadkill/km/day) from four vertebrate taxonomic groups. We generated predictive models of roadkill from one combined data set that considered eight variables identified from the literature as potential correlates of roadkill. The model that included the distance of the fence from the road, habitat type adjacent to the road, and the presence of a hill in the road (i.e., elevation) or a bank on the side of the road best explained roadkill occurrence. More roadkill was predicted to occur in both open and dense mopane and dense mixed bushveld habitats, on a hill, when there was a bank on the side of the road, and as the distance between the road verge and a fence decreased. Our model provides some insight into the significant predictors of roadkill occurrence and is therefore a valuable tool in identifying sites of high‐potential roadkill frequency and formulating mitigation measures for reducing road mortalities.  相似文献   

The last 20 years have seen a dramatic increase in efforts to mitigate the negative effects of roads and traffic on wildlife, including fencing to prevent wildlife-vehicle collisions and wildlife crossing structures to facilitate landscape connectivity. While not necessarily explicitly articulated, the fundamental drivers behind road mitigation are human safety, animal welfare, and/or wildlife conservation. Concomitant with the increased effort to mitigate has been a focus on evaluating road mitigation. So far, research has mainly focussed on assessing the use of wildlife crossing structures, demonstrating that a broad range of species use them. However, this research has done little to address the question of the effectiveness of crossing structures, because use of a wildlife crossing structure does not necessarily equate to its effectiveness. The paucity of studies directly examining the effectiveness of crossing structures is exacerbated by the fact that such studies are often poorly designed, which limits the level of inference that can be made. Without well performed evaluations of the effectiveness of road mitigation measures, we may endanger the viability of wildlife populations and inefficiently use financial resources by installing structures that are not as effective as we think they are. In this paper we outline the essential elements of a good experimental design for such assessments and prioritize the parameters to be measured. The framework we propose will facilitate collaboration between road agencies and scientists to undertake research programs that fully evaluate effectiveness of road mitigation measures. We discuss the added value of road mitigation evaluations for policy makers and transportation agencies and provide recommendations on how to incorporate such evaluations in road planning practices.  相似文献   

Road barrier effect is among the foremost negative impacts of roads on wildlife. Knowledge of the factors responsible for the road barrier effect is crucial to understand and predict species’ responses to roads, and to improve mitigation measures in the context of management and conservation. We built a set of hypothesis aiming to infer the most probable cause of road barrier effect (traffic effect or road surface avoidance), while controlling for the potentially confounding effects road width, traffic volume and road age. The wood mouse Apodemus sylvaticus was used as a model species of small and forest-dwelling mammals, which are more likely to be affected by gaps in cover such as those resulting from road construction. We confront genetic patterns from opposite and same roadsides from samples of three highways and used computer simulations to infer migration rates between opposite roadsides. Genetic patterns from 302 samples (ca. 100 per highway) suggest that the highway barrier effect for wood mouse is due to road surface avoidance. However, from the simulations we estimated a migration rate of about 5% between opposite roadsides, indicating that some limited gene flow across highways does occur. To reduce highway impact on population genetic diversity and structure, possible mitigation measures could include retrofitting of culverts and underpasses to increase their attractiveness and facilitate their use by wood mice and other species, and setting aside roadside strips without vegetation removal to facilitate establishment and dispersal of small mammals.  相似文献   

Highway underpasses are a common management tool used to lessen wildlife-vehicle collisions on roadways. Despite their widespread use, the effects of predator-prey interactions and human disturbances on wildlife within underpasses have not been well studied. To understand the effect of species interactions and human disturbances on wildlife traveling through underpasses, we analyzed camera data from 3 underpasses in Hallelujah Junction Wildlife Area, Sierra County, California, USA, from June 2017 to December 2018. We recorded 3,589 detections, which were predominately mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus), rodents, lagomorphs, California quail (Callipepla californica), bobcats (Lynx rufus), mountain lions (Puma concolor), and coyotes (Canis latrans). We used occupancy modeling and daily activity estimates to analyze species' spatial and temporal activity within the underpasses. Predator-prey interactions and human disturbances were among the most important factors that influenced wildlife travel through the underpasses. Mule deer avoided underpasses highly used by mountain lions, and mountain lions followed mule deer daily temporal activity patterns and seasonal activity patterns. These results indicate that predator-prey interactions influenced deer and mountain lion use of the underpasses. Coyotes favored underpasses and seasons with higher rodent and lagomorph presence, suggesting that the presence of prey was also important to coyote use of the underpasses. Coyotes, mountain lions, and bobcats all exhibited either temporal or spatial avoidance of human activity within the underpasses. California quail avoided predators within the underpasses and favored underpasses and times with high human activity. Our study suggests that underpass managers need to closely monitor the effect of predator-prey interactions and human activity on wildlife within underpasses to ensure these interactions do not discourage wildlife from using them. © 2019 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Vehicle collisions are a significant source of wildlife mortality worldwide, but less attention has been given to secondary mortality of roadkill scavengers, such as the golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos). We sought to quantify golden eagle winter use of roadkill mammal carcasses and eagle flushing from vehicles in Oregon, Utah, and Wyoming, USA, as proxies for strike risk, using motion-sensitive cameras. We monitored 160 carcasses and captured 2,146 eagle–vehicle interactions at 58 carcasses (1–240 observations/carcass) during winters of 2016–2017, 2017–2018, and 2018–2019. We used generalized linear mixed models, which suggested that eagle use of carcasses declined with time since camera deployment but increased with distance to road. Flushing from vehicles decreased with carcass distance to road but was higher in the morning, in response to larger vehicles and vehicles in the closest lane, and in the Oregon study area. We suggest that roadkill distance to road is the easiest factor to manipulate with the dual benefits of increasing food availability to golden eagles and decreasing flush-related vehicle strike risk. We recommend that roadkill be moved at least 12 m from the road to increase eagle use and decrease flushing 4-fold relative to behavior observed at the road edge. Because flushing from roadkill is believed to be the primary cause of eagle–vehicle strikes, informed roadkill management has the potential to reduce human-caused mortality of golden eagles.  相似文献   

Road networks continue to expand globally with predictable effects on ecological systems. Research into the effectiveness of road underpasses and overpasses for wildlife has been concentrated in North America and Europe. In Australia, most studies of underpasses have been of relatively short duration and without reference sites to give context to the measured rates of use. We studied 5–7 road underpasses at two locations in eastern Australia over 2–3 years, comparing camera trap detections of animals in underpasses with those at nearby forest sites. Three species of large macropod (wallabies and kangaroos) were frequently detected in the underpasses, with some underpasses traversed 1–4 times per week, and in many cases exceeded detections in the forest. The lace monitor (Varanus varius) was detected in all underpasses, often once per week during spring and summer, and infrequently in the forest. At each location, a different small macropod species, including one regionally threatened, showed a higher probability of detection in one underpass compared with several of the forest sites. The vulnerable koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) was detected infrequently in underpasses and in the adjoining forest. The short‐beaked echidna (Tachyglossus aculeatus) had a high probability of detection in a single underpass. The “prey‐trap hypothesis” postulates that predators will exhibit increased activity at underpasses as a consequence of prey being funneled. We found the red fox (Vulpes vulpes) had high activity in some underpasses. However, its activity coincided less than expected with the activity of the mammals most at risk to it. Our results provide no consistent support for the “prey‐trap hypothesis.” Instead, our study confirms the generic value of underpasses for a range of medium‐large mammals as well as one large reptile. Habitat adjoining underpasses exert a strong influence on their use and require greater consideration to maximize underpass use.  相似文献   

In the Burwash area of north-central Ontario, Canada, expansion of the Trans-Canada highway from 2 to 4 lanes was accompanied by installation of a range of wildlife collision-mitigation infrastructure (e.g., exclusion fencing, underpasses). To assess the overall effectiveness of these measures, we monitored the spatial distribution and mortality rates of elk (Cervus canadensis) prior to and following highway expansion, distinguished by season (winter, snowfree) and corridor-type (highway, railway). We measured herd-level risk by the proportion of positions falling within 200-m railway and highway buffer zones using Bayesian methods. Spatial analysis confirmed that there was a distinct northward shift in the winter distribution of elk following construction, situating the elk past the north end of the exclusion fence. This increased the herd's exposure to highway traffic by 3.6 times (proportion of points before = 0.0041 ± 0.002 [SE], after = 0.0147 ± 0.003, P = 0.005), and resulted in a more than 2-fold increase in elk road mortality from 0.6 elk/yr/20 km during 8 years prior to implementation to 1.5 elk/yr/20 km during 8 years after implementation. Exposure to railways remained unchanged and consistently higher than highway exposure regardless of season (e.g., post-mitigation, winter proportion of points = 0.0453 ± 0.005), matched by consistently high mortality counts (proportion of points before = 6.4 elk/yr/20 km, after = 6.6 elk/yr/20 km). Our results demonstrate that while wildlife-vehicle collision mitigation is generally beneficial to wildlife and humans, failure to account for the local characteristics of wildlife populations can lead to suboptimal mitigation designs that reduce their effectiveness and lead to unintended wildlife impacts.  相似文献   

Roads and associated traffic have significant impacts on wildlife, from direct mortality caused by vehicle collisions to indirect effects when wildlife avoid roads, restricting access to important resources. Road mitigation measures such as constructing wildlife passages over or under the road with directional fencing have proven effective at reducing wildlife vehicle collisions while also enabling wildlife to safely cross the road. Highway mitigation projects are led by transportation agencies with a primary purpose of improving motorist safety. More recently, through the discipline of road ecology, considerations have included safe wildlife passage through transportation corridors. To prioritize road sections for mitigation, data sources include animal vehicle collision data collected by transportation agencies and connectivity models generated by wildlife professionals. We used a third data source, pronghorn observations collected by citizen scientists, and demonstrated its value to prioritize potential wildlife mitigation sites. Our results clearly demonstrate a misalignment of road mitigation sites using animal-vehicle collision data and those of rarer species of interest.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Road mortality is often spatially aggregated, and there is a need for models that accurately and efficiently predict hot spots within a road network for mitigation. We surveyed 145 points throughout a 353-km highway network in New York State, USA, for roadkill of reptiles and amphibians. We used land cover, wetland configuration, and traffic volume data to identify features that best predicted hot spots of herpetofauna road mortality. We resampled 40 points an additional 4 times over 4 years to evaluate temporal repeatability. Both amphibian and reptile road mortality were spatially clustered, and road-kill hot spots of the 2 taxa overlapped. One survey provided a valid snapshot of spatial patterns of road mortality, and spatial patterns remained stable across time. Road-kill hot spots were located where wetlands approached within 100 m of the road, and the best predictor was a causeway configuration of wetlands (wetlands on both sides of the road). We validated causeways as predictors of road mortality by surveying 180 causeways and 180 random points across 5 regions (17,823 km2) of northeastern New York. Causeways were 3 times more likely than random locations to have amphibian and 12 times more likely to have reptile mortality present, and causeways had a 4 times higher total number of amphibian roadkill and 9 times higher reptile roadkill than did random points. We conclude it is possible to identify valid predictors of hot spots of amphibian and reptile road mortality for use when planning roads or when conducting surveys on existing roads to locate priority areas for mitigation.  相似文献   

Road fatalities are among the major causes of mortality for Strigiformes species and may affect the population’s survival. The use of mitigation strategies must be considered to overcome this problem. However, because mitigation along the total length of all roads is not financially feasible, the locations where Strigiformes roadkills are more frequent (i.e., road fatality hotspots) must be identified. In addition to hotspot identification, factors that influence the occurrence of such fatalities should be recognized to allow mitigation measures to be delineated. We used road fatality data collected from 311 km of southern Portugal roads over a 2-year period to compare the performance of five hotspot identification methods: binary logistic regression (BLR), ecological niche factor analysis (ENFA), Kernel density estimation, nearest neighbor hierarchical clustering (NNHC), and Malo’s method. BLR and ENFA modelling were also used for recognizing roadkill deterministic factors. Our results suggest that Malo’s method should be preferred for hotspot identification. The main factors driving owl roadkillings are those associated with good habitat conditions for species occurrence and specific conditions that promote hunting behavior near roads. Based on these factors, several mitigation measures are recommended.  相似文献   

Major roads can reduce bat abundance and diversity over considerable distances. To mitigate against these effects and comply with environmental law, many European countries install bridges, gantries or underpasses to make roads permeable and safer to cross. However, through lack of appropriate monitoring, there is little evidence to support their effectiveness. Three underpasses and four bat gantries were investigated in northern England. Echolocation call recordings and observations were used to determine the number of bats using underpasses in preference to crossing the road above, and the height at which bats crossed. At gantries, proximity to the gantry and height of crossing bats were measured. Data were compared to those from adjacent, severed commuting routes that had no crossing structure. At one underpass 96% of bats flew through it in preference to crossing the road. This underpass was located on a pre-construction commuting route that allowed bats to pass without changing flight height or direction. At two underpasses attempts to divert bats from their original commuting routes were unsuccessful and bats crossed the road at the height of passing vehicles. Underpasses have the potential to allow bats to cross roads safely if built on pre-construction commuting routes. Bat gantries were ineffective and used by a very small proportion of bats, even up to nine years after construction. Most bats near gantries crossed roads along severed, pre-construction commuting routes at heights that put them in the path of vehicles. Crossing height was strongly correlated with verge height, suggesting that elevated verges may have some value in mitigation, but increased flight height may be at the cost of reduced permeability. Green bridges should be explored as an alternative form of mitigation. Robust monitoring is essential to assess objectively the case for mitigation and to ensure effective mitigation.  相似文献   

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