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  • 1 Morphometrics, the study of the variation and change in form amongst organisms, serves as a basic methodological tool in various fields of biological research, including systematics. Because it includes information about spatial relationships amongst anatomical landmarks, geometric morphometrics is more suitable for analyzing morphometric variation than methods based on distance measurements.
  • 2 Geometric morphometrics allows us to answer general ecological and evolutionary questions about shape.
  • 3 In this paper, landmark‐based methods are described and illustrated, based on a dataset of measurements from 295 Apodemus mandibles, and the applications of such methods in the systematics of insectivores (Eulipotyphla) and rodents (Rodentia) are summarized.

Knowledge on how landscape heterogeneity shapes host–parasite interactions is central to understand the emergence, dynamics and evolution of infectious diseases. However, this is an underexplored subject, particularly for plant–virus systems. Here, we analyse how landscape heterogeneity influences the prevalence, spatial genetic structure, and temporal dynamics of Pepper golden mosaic and Pepper huasteco yellow vein begomoviruses infecting populations of the wild pepper Capsicum annuum glabriusculum (chiltepin) in Mexico. Environmental heterogeneity occurred at different nested spatial scales (host populations within biogeographical provinces), with levels of human management varying among host population within a province. Results indicate that landscape heterogeneity affects the epidemiology and genetic structure of chiltepin‐infecting begomoviruses in a scale‐specific manner, probably related to conditions favouring the viruses' whitefly vector and its dispersion. Increased levels of human management of the host populations were associated with higher virus prevalence and erased the spatial genetic structure of the virus populations. Also, environmental heterogeneity similarly shaped the spatial genetic structures of host and viruses. This resulted in the congruence between host and virus phylogenies, which does not seem to be due to host‐virus co‐evolution. Thus, results provide evidence of the key role of landscape heterogeneity in determining plant–virus interactions.  相似文献   

In the United States, Bayou virus (BAYV) ranks second only to Sin Nombre virus (SNV) in terms of hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS) incidents, having been confirmed in cases from Texas and Louisiana since its discovery in 1994. This study on BAYV infection among sympatric, non‐oryzomyine rodents (“spillover”) in Freeport, TX, is the first to link patterns of hantavirus interspecific spillover with the spatiotemporal ecology of the primary host (marsh rice rat, Oryzomys palustris). Mark‐recapture and/or harvest methods were employed from March 2002 through May 2004 in two macrohabitat types. Rodent blood samples were screened for the presence of IgG antibody to BAYV antigen by IFA after which Ab‐positive blood, saliva, and urine were analyzed for the presence of viral RNA by nested RT‐PCR. From 727 non‐oryzomyine captures, five seropositive (but not viral RNA positive) individuals were detected: one each of Baiomys taylori, Peromyscus leucopus, and Reithrodontomys fulvescens; and two Sigmodon hispidus. Spillover hosts were not associated with macrohabitat where O. palustris abundance, density, or seroprevalence was highest. Rather, spillover occurred in the macrohabitat indicative of greater overall disturbance (as indicated by grazing and exotic plant diversity) and overall biodiversity. Spillover occurred during periods of high seroprevalence detected elsewhere within the study region. Spillover locations differed significantly from all other capture locations in terms of percent water, shrub, and grass cover. Although greater habitat and mammal diversity of old‐fields may serve to reduce seroprevalence levels by tempering intraspecific contacts between rice rats, greater diversity also may create an ecologically opportunistic setting for BAYV spillover. Impacts of varying levels of disturbance and biodiversity on transmission dynamics represent a vastly uncharacterized component of the evolutionary ecology of hantaviruses.  相似文献   

In two sister species of leaf beetles with overlapping host associations, Chrysochus auratus and C. cobaltinus, we established diet breadth and food preference of local populations for evaluation together with genetic differentiation between populations. While C. auratus turned out to be monophagous on the same plant wherever we collected the beetles, the studied populations of C. cobaltinus fed on three different plant species in the field. Plant preference and ranking of the potential host plants significantly differed between these populations. The amount of genetic differentiation between populations was measured by a polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) assay of a 1300 bp mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence. In addition, the dominant genotypes of all populations were sequenced. No genetic differentiation between the populations of C. auratus could be detected in the RFLP assay and sequence divergence was low (= 0.3%). In C. cobaltinus, on the other hand, genetic differentiation between populations was high, revealing a lack of gene flow over a much smaller scale and a maximum of 1.3% sequence divergence. C. cobaltinus thereby has the prerequisites for host race formation on different plants from the original host spectrum. Our sequence-based phylogeny estimate allows us to reconstruct historical diet evolution in Chrysochus. Starting from an original association with Asclepiadaceae, the common ancestor of C. auratus and C. cobaltinus included Apocynaceae in its diet. The strict specialization on Apocynum and the loss of acceptance of Asclepiadaceae observed in C. auratus could have resulted from a process similar to that displayed by C. cobaltinus populations.  相似文献   

We present a field test of the genetically based performance trade‐off hypothesis for resource specialization in a population of the moth Rothschildia lebeau whose larvae primarily feed on three host plant species. Pairwise correlations between growth vs. growth, survival vs. survival and growth vs. survival across the different hosts were calculated, using families (sibships) as the units of analysis. Of 15 pairwise correlations, 14 were positive, 5 significantly so and none were negative. The same pattern was found using complementary growth and survival data from the laboratory. Overall, we found no evidence of negative genetic correlations in cross‐host performance that would be indicative of performance trade‐offs in this population. Rather, variation among families in performance appears to reflect ‘general vigour’ whereby families that perform well on one host perform well across multiple hosts. We discuss the implications of positive genetic correlations in cross‐host performance in terms of the ecology and evolution of host range. We argue that this genetic architecture facilitates colonization of novel hosts and recolonization of historical hosts, therefore contributing to host shifts, host range expansions, biological invasions and introductions, and host ranges that are regionally broad but locally narrow.  相似文献   

Two parasitoids,Pteromalus cerealellae (Ashmead) andAnisopteromalus calandrae (Howard) (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae), were compared for their ability to parasitize two important internally-developing insect pests of stored maize (Zea mays L.). Parasitism byP. cerealellae was greater on Angoumois grain moth,Sitotroga cerealella (Olivier), than on maize weevil,Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky, in no-choice experiments.Anisopteromalus calandrae parasitized more maize weevils than didP. cerealellae. The former parasitoid parasitized only a few Angoumois grain moths successfully in maize, but parasitized many in wheat if the hosts were younger than 3 weeks old. Thus, both host age and type of grain affect suitability for parasitism. The effects of parental host (species on which the female developed) and experimental host (species exposed to parasitism) on parasitism rate ofP. cerealellae were tested in a host-switching experiment. Parasitism by parasitoids reared on maize weevils was 23% lower than that of parasitoids reared on Angoumois grain moth. This effect was independent of which host the filial generation of parasitoids was tested on. However, the experimental host species had a much greater effect on parasitoid fecundity than the parental host species. Female progeny had smaller body sizes when emerging from maize weevil than from Angoumois grain moth, which may explain the parental host effect on fecundity. There was also a slight intergenerational effect of host species on parasitoid body size.  相似文献   

To examine putative specialization of a hemiparasitic plant to the most beneficial host species, we studied genetic variation in performance and trade-offs between performance on different host species in the generalist hemiparasite, Rhinanthus serotinus. We grew 25 maternal half-sib families of the parasite on Agrostis capillaris and Trifolium pratense and without a host in a greenhouse. Biomass and number of flowers of the parasite were the highest when grown on T. pratense. There were significant interactions between host species and R. serotinus seed-family indicating that the differences in performance on the two hosts and without a host varied among the families. However, we found no significant negative correlations between performance of R. serotinus on the host species or between performance on the two hosts and autotrophic performance. Thus, the genetic factors studied here are not likely to affect the evolution of specialization of R. serotinus to the most beneficial host.  相似文献   

Skinner BM  Griffin DK 《Heredity》2012,108(1):37-41
It is generally believed that the organization of avian genomes remains highly conserved in evolution as chromosome number is constant and comparative chromosome painting demonstrated there to be very few interchromosomal rearrangements. The recent sequencing of the zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata) genome allowed an assessment of the number of intrachromosomal rearrangements between it and the chicken (Gallus gallus) genome, revealing a surprisingly high number of intrachromosomal rearrangements. With the publication of the turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) genome it has become possible to describe intrachromosomal rearrangements between these three important avian species, gain insight into the direction of evolutionary change and assess whether breakpoint regions are reused in birds. To this end, we aligned entire chromosomes between chicken, turkey and zebra finch, identifying syntenic blocks of at least 250 kb. Potential optimal pathways of rearrangements between each of the three genomes were determined, as was a potential Galliform ancestral organization. From this, our data suggest that around one-third of chromosomal breakpoint regions may recur during avian evolution, with 10% of breakpoints apparently recurring in different lineages. This agrees with our previous hypothesis that mechanisms of genome evolution are driven by hotspots of non-allelic homologous recombination.  相似文献   

The taeniasis/cysticercosis complex is included in the list of neglected zoonotic diseases by the World Health Organization due to its significant impact on public health in tropical areas. Cysticercosis is still endemic in many regions of Asia, Africa and Latin America. Long absent in Europe and in other developed countries, cysticercosis has recently re-emerged in the United States and Canada, due to immigration, travel and local transmission. This has encouraged the use of molecular data to understand better the influence of animal and human hosts on the emergence and spread of Taenia species. The increasing number of mitochondrial sequences now available from human tapeworms and recent advances in computational tools has enabled reconstruction of the biogeography and evolutionary history of these organisms. New molecular data have provided insights into the biogeography of T. solium, T. asiatica and T. saginata. A Bayesian statistical framework using variable evolutionary rates from lineage to lineage has allowed an improved timescale analysis of human tapeworms. The dates of divergence obtained were compared to the timing of evolutionary events in the history of their hosts, based on the hypothesis that Taenia spp. and their hosts share a common history. Herein, we review changes in the definitive and secondary hosts and human interactions that underlie the differentiation and evolution of tapeworms. Species diversification of Taenia seems to be closely linked with the evolution of intermediate hosts in response to climatic events during the Pleistocene. Different genotypes of T. solium emerged when European and Asian wild boar Sus spp. populations diverged. Taenia saginata emerged when wild cattle Bos primigenius evolved and when zebu Bos indicus and taurine Bos taurus ancestors separated. Humans through migrations and later with the development of farming and animal husbandry may have had a significant impact on the spread and diversification of tapeworms. Migrations of Homo erectus from Africa to Asia and later of Homo sapiens facilitated the diversification and dispersal of T. solium and T. saginata populations. The development of animal husbandry, making Sus scrofa and Bos taurus preferential intermediate hosts, led to the worldwide distribution of parasites. New molecular data combined with an innovative dating method allow us to explain the ways in which ancient human migrations promoted the emergence and spread of taeniasis and cysticercosis around the world. Another intriguing phenomenon explained better by our approach is the influence of human settlement on the spread of these parasites in recently inhabited areas. The diverse nature of T. solium currently observed in Madagascar may correspond to multiple imports of the parasite during Austronesian migrations, while in Mexico a recent influence of humans during the colonial period is more likely. Human activities, especially food preparation and husbandry methods, remain responsible for the transmission and persistence of these parasites.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic approaches to culture have shed new light on the role played by population dispersals in the spread and diversification of cultural traditions. However, the fact that cultural inheritance is based on separate mechanisms from genetic inheritance means that socially transmitted traditions have the potential to diverge from population histories. Here, we suggest that associations between these two systems can be reconstructed using techniques developed to study cospeciation between hosts and parasites and related problems in biology. Relationships among the latter are patterned by four main processes: co-divergence, intra-host speciation (duplication), intra-host extinction (sorting) and horizontal transfers. We show that patterns of cultural inheritance are structured by analogous processes, and then demonstrate the applicability of the host-parasite model to culture using empirical data on Iranian tribal populations.  相似文献   

A reduction in the strength of selection is expected to cause the evolution of reduced trait expression. Elimination of a parasite should thus cause the evolution of reduced resistance to that parasite. To test this prediction in nature, we studied the fourth- and eighth-generation descendants of guppies (Poecilia reticulata) introduced into four natural streams following experimental elimination of a common and deleterious parasite (Gyrodactylus spp.). After two generations of laboratory rearing to control for plasticity and maternal effects, we infected individual fish to assess their resistance to the parasite. Contrary to theoretical expectations, the introduced guppy populations had rapidly and repeatably evolved increased resistance to the now-absent parasite. This evolution was not owing to a resistance-tolerance trade-off, nor to differences in productivity among the sites. Instead, a leading candidate hypothesis is that the rapid life-history evolution typical in such introductions pleiotropically increases parasite resistance. Our study adds a new dimension to the growing evidence for contemporary evolution in the wild, and also points to the need for a re-consideration of simple expectations from host–parasite theory. In particular, our results highlight the need for increased consideration of multiple sources of selection and pleiotropy when studying evolution in natural contexts.  相似文献   

Human language is unique among the communication systems of the natural world: it is socially learned and, as a consequence of its recursively compositional structure, offers open-ended communicative potential. The structure of this communication system can be explained as a consequence of the evolution of the human biological capacity for language or the cultural evolution of language itself. We argue, supported by a formal model, that an explanatory account that involves some role for cultural evolution has profound implications for our understanding of the biological evolution of the language faculty: under a number of reasonable scenarios, cultural evolution can shield the language faculty from selection, such that strongly constraining language-specific learning biases are unlikely to evolve. We therefore argue that language is best seen as a consequence of cultural evolution in populations with a weak and/or domain-general language faculty.  相似文献   

基因组序列k-mer的非随机使用规律及包含的生物学意义一直是人们关注的问题,目前还没有根本性进展。本文以七个物种的全部基因序列为样本,得到各物种基因组序列的8-mer频谱分布。发现狗和牛的频谱有三个峰,而斑马鱼、青鳉鱼、秀丽线虫和酿酒酵母的频谱只有一个峰,鸡的频谱分布形状介于两者之间。将8-mer集合按照XY二核苷含量分类,结果显示只有CG二核苷分类下0CG、1CG和2CG三类子集的频谱形成各自独立的单峰分布。对照随机序列,发现0CG模体是随机进化的,1CG和2CG模体是定向进化的,它们的使用频次远小于随机频次,且这种独立进化分离规律具有物种普适性。三个CG子集频谱之间的距离是产生单峰或多峰现象的根本原因。将七个物种基因组序列标准化到109bp,比较发现1CG和2CG子集频谱与物种进化显著相关,0CG子集频谱与物种进化无显著关系。可以认为三种CG模体各自执行着不同的生物学功能。基因组序列8-mer的独立分离规律为揭示基因组结构、基因组进化以及模体的生物功能提供了一种新的思维方式。  相似文献   

Evaluation of: Miotto O, Heiny AT, Albrecht R et al. Complete-proteome mapping of human influenza A adaptive mutations: implications for human transmissibility of zoonotic strains. PLoS ONE 5(2), e9025 (2010).

The emergence of an influenza pandemic is of great concern globally. It is, therefore, necessary to have a better understanding of the adaptation of influenza A viruses to humans. The mutation patterns affecting host tropism may provide information on the mechanisms and determinants of the host barrier. The work by Miotto et al. describes a catalog of mutations observed specifically in human influenza A viruses by analyzing almost 100,000 influenza A virus protein sequences. These sites may be important for host tropism and characteristic mutations of human influenza viruses may be required for efficient human-to-human transmission. The catalog can be used for genetic surveillance of zoonotic strains of the influenza A virus to determine their pandemic potential, as well as for basic research on the influenza A virus.  相似文献   

According to sympatric speciation theory, adaptation to different host plants is expected to pleiotropically lead to assortative mating, an important factor in the reduction of gene flow between the diverging subpopulations. This scenario predicts mating on and oviposition preference for the respective hosts in both the diverging subpopulations and recently originated species. Here, we test both predictions in the oligophagous Yponomeuta padellus (L.) and the monophagous Yponomeuta cagnagellus (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Yponomeutidae), two closely related small ermine moth species from the western European clade of Yponomeuta for which speciation in sympatry has been proposed. Mating location and adult host acceptance were evaluated under both semi-field (in a large outdoor cage with a choice of host and non-host plants) and field conditions. In the semi-field experiment, only Y. cagnagellus showed some preference for mating on its own host (16% of all mating pairs) over non-host plants (3% of all mating pairs). However, in both species, more than 80% of the mating pairs were not formed on a plant but instead on the cage itself. Further examination of the mating site of Y. cagnagellus in the field revealed no preference for host plants over non-host plants in the two consecutive years of observation. Yponomeuta padellus females, collected from and reared on Prunus spinosa L. (Rosaceae), showed an oviposition preference for the alternative host Crataegus monogyna Jacq. (Rosaceae) in the semi-field experiment. We thus found no evidence that host-plant fidelity (in terms of mating site) has been the driving force in the speciation process of these Yponomeuta species, nor did we find evidence of host race formation in the tested population of the oligophagous Y. padellus .  相似文献   

Parasites and hosts interact across both micro‐ and macroevolutionary scales where congruence among their phylogeographic and phylogenetic structures may be observed. Within southern Africa, the four‐striped mouse genus, Rhabdomys, is parasitized by the ectoparasitic sucking louse, Polyplax arvicanthis. Molecular data recently suggested the presence of two cryptic species within P. arvicanthis that are sympatrically distributed across the distributions of four putative Rhabdomys species. We tested the hypotheses of phylogeographic congruence and cophylogeny among the two parasite lineages and the four host taxa, utilizing mitochondrial and nuclear sequence data. Despite the documented host‐specificity of P. arvicanthis, limited phylogeographic correspondence and nonsignificant cophylogeny was observed. Instead, the parasite–host evolutionary history is characterized by limited codivergence and several duplication, sorting and host‐switching events. Despite the elevated mutational rates found for P. arvicanthis, the spatial genetic structure was not more pronounced in the parasite lineages compared with the hosts. These findings may be partly attributed to larger effective population sizes of the parasite lineages, the vagility and social behaviour of Rhabdomys, and the lack of host‐specificity observed in areas of host sympatry. Further, the patterns of genetic divergence within parasite and host lineages may also be largely attributed to historical biogeographic changes (expansion‐contraction cycles). It is thus evident that the association between P. arvicanthis and Rhabdomys has been shaped by the synergistic effects of parasite traits, host‐related factors and biogeography over evolutionary time.  相似文献   

Aim  To identify the factors that determine the geographical range sizes of ectoparasites with different degrees of host specificity.
Location  The study used data on the distributions of fleas of the genus Amphipsylla and their rodent hosts across the Holarctic.
Methods  All known points of occurrence of 32 flea species and 51 species of their rodent hosts were mapped. The shape and size of the geographical range of each species were estimated using a combination of the minimal convex polygon technique and modelling with the garp algorithm. Factors determining the geographical range sizes of the fleas were identified using stepwise multiple regression analysis.
Results  The geographical range size of fleas that are strongly host-specific across their entire ranges correlated positively with the geographical range size of the fleas' principal hosts, and negatively with the geographical range size of the fleas' potential competitors. The geographical range sizes of both (1) fleas that are locally host-specific but that shift their host preferences geographically, and (2) host-opportunistic fleas were positively correlated only with the area of the geographical ranges of their principal hosts. Strongly host-specific fleas occupied 0.2–80.0% of the geographical range of their principal hosts, whereas this figure was 0.9–83.7% in locally host-specific fleas and 16.6–63.7% in host-opportunistic fleas.
Main conclusions  The main determinant of the geographical range size of a flea species is the size of the geographical range of its hosts. The role of potential competitors in determining the geographical range size is stronger in host-specific than in host-opportunistic fleas. Cases in which the geographical range of a parasite is smaller than the geographical range(s) of its host(s) owing to narrower parasite environmental tolerances are much more frequent in host-opportunistic than in host-specific fleas.  相似文献   

Ancistrus is the most speciose genus of the tribe Ancistrini, with 58 valid species and many yet to be described. Cytogenetic studies were conducted on five apparently undescribed species from the Amazon basin, which showed different diploid numbers: Ancistrus sp. Purus (2n = 34); Ancistrus sp. Macoari (2n = 46); Ancistrus sp. Dimona (2n = 52); Ancistrus sp. Vermelho (2n = 42) and Ancistrus sp. Trombetas (2n = 38). All species possessed only one pair of NOR‐carrying chromosomes, but with extensive variation in both the location on the chromosome as well as in the position of the ribosomal sites on the karyotype. The karyotypic evolution of Ancistrus species seems to be based on chromosomal rearrangements, with a tendency to a reduction of the diploid number. Two new instances of XX/XY sex chromosomes for Ancistrus species, based on the heteromorphism in the male karyotype, were also recorded. The large karyotypic diversity among Ancistrus species may be related to biological and behavioural characteristics of these fish that include microhabitat preferences, territoriality and specialized reproductive tactics. These characteristics may lead to a fast rate of fixation of chromosomal mutations and eventually speciation across the basin.  相似文献   

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