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《Biophysical journal》2023,122(2):386-396
The type 2a sarco/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase (SERCA2a) plays a central role in the intracellular Ca2+ homeostasis of cardiac myocytes, pumping Ca2+ from the cytoplasm into the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) lumen to maintain relaxation (diastole) and prepare for contraction (systole). Diminished SERCA2a function has been reported in several pathological conditions, including heart failure. Therefore, development of new drugs that improve SERCA2a Ca2+ transport is of great clinical significance. In this study, we characterized the effect of a recently identified N-aryl-N-alkyl-thiophene-2-carboxamide (or compound 1) on SERCA2a Ca2+-ATPase and Ca2+ transport activities in cardiac SR vesicles, and on Ca2+ regulation in a HEK293 cell expression system and in mouse ventricular myocytes. We found that compound 1 enhances SERCA2a Ca2+-ATPase and Ca2+ transport in SR vesicles. Fluorescence lifetime measurements of fluorescence resonance energy transfer between SERCA2a and phospholamban indicated that compound 1 interacts with the SERCA-phospholamban complex. Measurement of endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ dynamics in HEK293 cells expressing human SERCA2a showed that compound 1 increases endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ load by enhancing SERCA2a-mediated Ca2+ transport. Analysis of cytosolic Ca2+ dynamics in mouse ventricular myocytes revealed that compound 1 increases the action potential-induced Ca2+ transients and SR Ca2+ load, with negligible effects on L-type Ca2+ channels and Na+/Ca2+ exchanger. However, during adrenergic receptor activation, compound 1 did not further increase Ca2+ transients and SR Ca2+ load, but it decreased the propensity toward Ca2+ waves. Suggestive of concurrent desirable effects of compound 1 on RyR2, [3H]-ryanodine binding to cardiac SR vesicles shows a small decrease in nM Ca2+ and a small increase in μM Ca2+. Accordingly, compound 1 slightly decreased Ca2+ sparks in permeabilized myocytes. Thus, this novel compound shows promising characteristics to improve intracellular Ca2+ dynamics in cardiomyocytes that exhibit reduced SERCA2a Ca2+ uptake, as found in failing hearts.  相似文献   

The cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration of calcium-tolerant rat myocytes has been measured by the null point titration technique using arsenazo III as a Ca2+ indicator and digitonin to permeabilize the plasma membrane. The mean value obtained for 8 separate preparations was 270 +/- 35 nM. The distribution of releasable calcium between the mitochondrial and sarcoplasmic reticular compartments was measured by the successive additions of uncoupler and A23187 to cells pretreated with ruthenium red. The relative distribution of calcium in each pool was independent of the cell calcium content up to the maximum value of releasable calcium investigated (4.5 nmol/mg of cell dry weight) and was distributed in the approximate ratio of 2:1 in favor of the sarcoplasmic reticulum. The cells contained 1 nmol of calcium/mg of cell dry weight in a form nonreleasable by A23187, which was independent of the total cell calcium content as measured by atomic absorption spectroscopy. It is calculated that the calcium content of mitochondria in heart under physiological conditions is about 5 nmol/mg of mitochondrial protein. At this level, the mitochondria are likely to provide effective buffering of the cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration of quiescent heart cells. The corresponding intramitochondrial free Ca2+ is in a range above values needed to regulate the activity of Ca2+-dependent enzymes of the citric acid cycle in heart. The physiological calcium content of the sarcoplasmic reticulum in heart cells is estimated to be about 2.5 nmol/mg of cell dry weight, which is at least 5-fold greater than the amount of calcium release calculated to cause maximum tension development of cardiac muscle.  相似文献   

The effect of histamine on intracellular free Ca2+ levels ([Ca2+]i) in HA22/VGH human hepatoma cells were evaluated using fura-2 as a fluorescent Ca2+ dye. Histamine (0.2-5 microM) increased [Ca2+]i in a concentration-dependent manner with an EC50 value of about 1 microM. The [Ca2+]i response comprised an initial rise, a slow decay, and a sustained phase. Extracellular Ca2+ removal inhibited 50% of the [Ca2+]i signal. In Ca2+-free medium, after cells were treated with 1 microM thapsigargin (an endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ pump inhibitor), 5 microM histamine failed to increase [Ca2+]i. After pretreatment with 5 microM histamine in Ca2+-free medium for 4 min, addition of 3 mM Ca2+ induced a [Ca2+]i increase of a magnitude 7-fold greater than control. Histamine (5 microM)-induced intracellular Ca2+ release was abolished by inhibiting phospholipase C with 2 microM 1-(6-((17beta-3-methoxyestra-1,3,5(10)-trien-17-yl)amino)hexyl)-1H-pyrrole-2,5-dione (U73122), and by 5 microM pyrilamine but was not altered by 50 microM cimetidine. Together, this study shows that histamine induced [Ca2+]i increases in human hepatoma cells by stimulating H1, but not H2, histamine receptors. The [Ca2+]i signal was caused by Ca2+ release from thapsigargin-sensitive endoplasmic reticulum in an inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate-dependent manner, accompanied by Ca2+ entry.  相似文献   

Antoni FA 《Cell calcium》2012,51(3-4):260-266
Calcium ions and cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) are virtually ubiquitous intracellular signaling molecules in mammalian cells. This paper will focus on the cross-talk between Ca(2+) and cAMP mobilizing signaling pathways and summarize the underlying molecular mechanisms. Subsequently, workings of adenohypophyseal corticotrope cells will be reviewed to highlight the physiological relevance of a Ca(2+) cAMP interactions in neuroendocrinology.  相似文献   

Addition of Ca2+ ionophore (A23187) to the medium stimulated the Na+-independent leucine transport in Chang liver cells, increasing the cytoplasmic free Ca2+ concentration, irrespective of the presence or absence of extracellular Ca2+. Anticalmodulin drugs, such as chlorpromazine, trifluoperazine, and W-7, significantly inhibited the leucine transport in the cells. The stimulatory effect of A23187 on leucine transport was completely blocked in the presence of the anticalmodulin drug. Two microtubule disrupting drugs, colchicine and colcemid, significantly stimulated leucine transport. On the other hand, taxol, a microtubule stabilizing agent, decreased the stimulatory effect of colchicine on the leucine transport. These results strongly suggest the involvement of Ca2+ and calmodulin in regulation of Na+-independent leucine transport, possibly through control of assembly and disassembly of the microtubule network.  相似文献   

Background information. The IP3R (inositol 1,4,5‐trisphosphate receptor) is a tetrameric channel that accounts for a large part of the intracellular Ca2+ release in virtually all cell types. We have previously demonstrated that caspase‐3‐mediated cleavage of IP3R1 during cell death generates a C‐terminal fragment of 95 kDa comprising the complete channel domain. Expression of this truncated IP3R increases the cellular sensitivity to apoptotic stimuli, and it was postulated to be a constitutively active channel. Results. In the present study, we demonstrate that expression of the caspase‐3‐cleaved C‐terminus of IP3R1 increased the rate of thapsigargin‐mediated Ca2+ leak and decreased the rate of Ca2+ uptake into the ER (endoplasmic reticulum), although it was not sufficient by itself to deplete intracellular Ca2+ stores. We detected the truncated IP3R1 in different cell types after a challenge with apoptotic stimuli, as well as in aged mouse oocytes. Injection of mRNA corresponding to the truncated IP3R1 blocked sperm factor‐induced Ca2+ oscillations and induced an apoptotic phenotype. Conclusions. In the present study, we show that caspase‐3‐mediated truncation of IP3R1 enhanced the Ca2+ leak from the ER. We suggest a model in which, in normal conditions, the increased Ca2+ leak is largely compensated by enhanced Ca2+‐uptake activity, whereas in situations where the cellular metabolism is compromised, as occurring in aging oocytes, the Ca2+ leak acts as a feed‐forward mechanism to divert the cell into apoptosis.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND INFORMATION: The IP(3)R (inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor) is a tetrameric channel that accounts for a large part of the intracellular Ca(2+) release in virtually all cell types. We have previously demonstrated that caspase-3-mediated cleavage of IP(3)R1 during cell death generates a C-terminal fragment of 95 kDa comprising the complete channel domain. Expression of this truncated IP(3)R increases the cellular sensitivity to apoptotic stimuli, and it was postulated to be a constitutively active channel. RESULTS: In the present study, we demonstrate that expression of the caspase-3-cleaved C-terminus of IP(3)R1 increased the rate of thapsigargin-mediated Ca(2+) leak and decreased the rate of Ca(2+) uptake into the ER (endoplasmic reticulum), although it was not sufficient by itself to deplete intracellular Ca(2+) stores. We detected the truncated IP(3)R1 in different cell types after a challenge with apoptotic stimuli, as well as in aged mouse oocytes. Injection of mRNA corresponding to the truncated IP(3)R1 blocked sperm factor-induced Ca(2+) oscillations and induced an apoptotic phenotype. CONCLUSIONS: In the present study, we show that caspase-3-mediated truncation of IP(3)R1 enhanced the Ca(2+) leak from the ER. We suggest a model in which, in normal conditions, the increased Ca(2+) leak is largely compensated by enhanced Ca(2+)-uptake activity, whereas in situations where the cellular metabolism is compromised, as occurring in aging oocytes, the Ca(2+) leak acts as a feed-forward mechanism to divert the cell into apoptosis.  相似文献   

The effect of miconazole, an anti-fungal drug, on cytoplasmic free Ca2+ concentrations ([Ca2+]i) in human osteosarcoma cells (MG63) was explored by using the Ca2+-sensitive dye fura-2. Miconazole acted in a concentration-dependent manner with an EC50 of 75 microM. The Ca2+ signal comprised a gradual rise and a sustained elevation. Removal of extracellular Ca2+ reduced 50% of the signal. In Ca2+-free medium, the [Ca2+]i rise induced by 1 microM thapsigargin (an endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ pump inhibitor) was completely inhibited by pretreatment with 20 microM miconazole. Pretreatment with thapsigargin partly inhibited miconazole-induced Ca2+ release. The miconazole-induced Ca2+ release was not changed by inhibition of phospholipase C with 2 microM U73122. By using tetrazolium as a fluorescent probe, it was shown that 10-100 microM miconazole decreased cell proliferation rate in a concentration-dependent manner. Collectively, this study shows that miconazole induces [Ca2+]i rises in human osteosarcoma cells via releasing Ca2+ mainly from the endoplasmic reticulum in a manner independent of phospholipase C activity, and by causing Ca2+ influx. Furthermore, miconazole may be cytotoxic to the cells at higher concentrations.  相似文献   

Neutral carrier-containing Ca2+-selective microelectrodes were used to record the cytoplasmic free Ca2+ concentration [( Ca2+]i) in spinal cells in cats and in hippocampal cells of rats (in situ). The mean [Ca2+]i in motoneurons was close to 1 microM. Antidromic or direct stimulation for 30 s at 10 Hz increased [Ca2+]i by a mean of 90 nM. Such a small increase in [Ca2+]i and its slow decay (with a mean half-time of 23 (SD +/- 14.5) s) indicate very effective intracellular sequestration of Ca2+. Orthodromic stimulation consistently evoked smaller increases in [Ca2+]i. A much larger rise of interneuronal [Ca2+]i was evoked by stimulation of dorsal roots: by contrast intra-axonal recording (in motor or sensory fibres) failed to reveal any increase in [Ca2+]i in response to stimulation at 100 Hz. In the hippocampus, presumably because of poorer recording conditions, resting values of [Ca2+]i were higher (mean 8.5 microM). Repetitive stimulation of the fimbria--commissure at 5-20 Hz for 30 Hz, had variable effects on [Ca2+]i. Very large increases (to greater than 200 microM) were elicited repeatedly in some cells, either near the end of the tetanic stimulation or after a 20-30 s delay. Such major increases, which were associated with population cell discharges in bursts, may be related to long-term changes in hippocampal neuronal properties that are evoked by tetanic stimulation. Both in the spinal cord and the hippocampus, probable intraglial recordings showed relatively high mean levels of [Ca2+]i (about 30 microM).  相似文献   

Intracellular Ca2+ pools play an important role in the adjustment of cytosolic free Ca2+ concentrations. This review summarizes the recent knowledge on receptor-mediated Ca2+ release and Ca2+ uptake mechanisms in Ca2+ stores of exocrine cells taking the exocrine pancreas and the parotid gland as an example. The intracellular mediator for agonist-induced Ca2+ release is inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) which acts by opening Ca2+ channels from the endoplasmic reticulum or a more specialized organelle called 'calciosome'. This Ca2+ release is the major event to increase cytosolic free Ca2+ concentrations of exocrine glands from a resting level of approximately 10(-7) mol/l to approximately 10(-6) mol/l. Subsequently also Ca2+ influx from the extracellular fluid into the cell is increased which involves the action of inositol 1,3,4,5-tetrakisphosphate (IP4). Intracellular nonmitochondrial Ca2+ reuptake occurs into IP3-sensitive (IsCaP) as well as into IP3-insensitive Ca2+ pools Ca2+ pools (IisCaP). While Ca2+ uptake into the IisCaP is mediated by a vanadate-sensitive Ca2+ pump, Ca2+ uptake into the IsCaP is mediated by a Ca2+/H+ exchanger at the expense of an H+ gradient which is established by a vacuolar type H+ pump present in the same Ca2+ pool. During stimulation both Ca2+ pools, IsCaP and IisCaP, are probably connected, the nature of which has not yet been clarified. It is suggested that GTP and/or IP4 control Ca2+ conveyance between intracellular Ca2+ pools by forming Ca2+-carrying junctions between membranes. Other models propose that Ca2+, which is released by IP3, induces Ca2+ release from another Ca2+ pool. Taking into account that H+ transport is present in IP3-sensitive Ca2+ pools the possibility of pH-regulated Ca2+ channels in the IisCaP, located in close neighbourhood to the IsCaP, is also considered.  相似文献   

Changes in [Ca2+]i are essential in modulating a variety of cellular functions. In no other cell type does the regulation of [Ca2+]i reach the level of sophistication observed in cells of neuronal origin. Because of its physicochemical characteristics, the fluorescent Ca2+ indicator Fura-2 has become extremely popular among neuroscientists. The use of this probe, however, has generated a number of problems, in particular, extracytosolic trapping and leakage from intact cells. In the first part of this contribution we briefly discuss the practical application of Fura-2 to the study of [Ca2+]i in primary cultures of neurons and astrocytes. In the second part, we review some recent data (mainly from our laboratories) obtained in neurons and neuroendocrine cells, concerning the regulation of different types of Ca2+ channels and the role and mechanism of intracellular Ca2+ mobilization. The experimental evidence supporting the existence of a previously unrecognised organelle, the calciosome, that we hypothesize represents the functional equivalent in non-muscle cells of sarcoplasmic reticulum, will also briefly be discussed.  相似文献   

We studied hsBAFF activity in in vitro mouse splenic B cells. hsBAFF effects on intracellular free Ca(2+) concentration ([Ca(2+)](i)) were assayed, using a laser scanning confocal microscope with fluorescent probe, Fluo-3/AM. We showed that treatment of B cells with 0.5-5 microg/ml hsBAFF resulted in significantly higher [Ca(2+)](i) levels in a dose-dependent fashion at 12 and 24 h, respectively (p<0.05 or p<0.01 vs. control). Furthermore, we noticed that 2.5 microg/ml hsBAFF-treated cells were significantly resistant to decrease of cellular viability induced by thapsigargin (Tg), an endoplasmic reticulum (ER) Ca(2+)-ATPase inhibitor (p<0.05 hsBAFF plus Tg group vs. Tg group). Thus hsBAFF may promote B cell survival by direct upregulation of [Ca(2+)](i) physiological homeostasis contributing to prevention of [Ca(2+)](i) dysfunction. Using immunocytochemistry and Western blot analysis, we found that the activation of ERK1/2 due to hsBAFF was triggered by a [Ca(2+)](i) -dependent pathway, leading to elevation of B cell proliferation. This is supported by the findings that intracellular Ca(2+) chelator BAPTA/AM attenuated phosphorylated ERK1/2 expression and cell proliferation in hsBAFF-stimulated B cells. hsBAFF-stimulated B cell proliferation was obviously reduced by mitogen extracellular kinase 1/2 (MEK1/2, upstream of ERK1/2) inhibitor U0126. Taken together, the main finding of this study is that hsBAFF elicits higher but homeostatic [Ca(2+)](i) levels, which regulates ERK1/2 activity and cell proliferation in in vitro B cells.  相似文献   

Modulation of M-current by intracellular Ca2+   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
IM is a voltage- and time-dependent K+ current that is suppressed by muscarinic receptor activation. IM augmentation following agonist washout was blocked by heavily buffering [Ca2+]i using BAPTA. Although IM is not primarily Ca2+ dependent, small increases in [Ca2+]i by photolysis of the "caged" Ca2+ chelator nitr-5 or by evoking action potentials augmented, while larger increases inhibited, IM. Raising [Ca2+]i for prolonged periods, by nitr-5 photolysis, reduced its sensitivity to agonist, leaving a poorly reversible response. These results suggest that IM can be regulated by physiologically relevant changes in [Ca2+]i, placing IM in a unique position to modulate cell excitability.  相似文献   

The effect of histamine on intracellular free Ca2+ levels ([Ca2+]i) in Chang liver cells were investigated by using fura-2 as a Ca2+ dye. Histamine (0.2-50 microM) increased [Ca2+]i in a concentration-dependent manner with an EC50 value of 0.8 microM. The [Ca2+]i response comprised an initial rise, a slow decay, and a sustained phase. Extracellular Ca2+ removal inhibited 50% of the maximum [Ca2+]i signal and abolished the sustained phase. After pretreatment with 5 microM histamine in Ca2+-free medium for 4 min, addition of 3 mM Ca2+ induced a [Ca2+]i increase with a magnitude 7-fold greater than control. In Ca2+-free medium, after treatment with 1 microM thapsigargin (an endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ pump inhibitor), 5 microM histamine failed to increase [Ca2+]i. Histamine (5 microM)-induced intracellular Ca2+ release was abolished  相似文献   

Using fura-2-acetoxymethyl ester (AM) fluorescence imaging and patch clamp techniques, we found that endothelin-1 (ET-1) significantly elevated the intracellular calcium level ([Ca2+]i) in a dose-dependent manner and activated the L-type Ca2+ channel in cardiomyocytes isolated from rats. The effect of ET-1 on [Ca2+]i elevation was abolished in the presence of the ETA receptor blocker BQ123, but was not affected by the ETB receptor blocker BQ788. ET-1-induced an increase in [Ca2+]i, which was inhibited 46.7% by pretreatment with a high concentration of ryanodine (10 μmol/L), a blocker of the ryanodine receptor. The ET-1-induced [Ca2+]i increase was also inhibited by the inhibitors of protein kinase A (PKA), protein kinase C (PKC) and angiotensin type 1 receptor (AT1 receptor). We found that ET-1 induced an enhancement of the amplitude of the whole cell L-type Ca2+ channel current and an increase of open-state probability (NPo) of an L-type single Ca2+ channel. BQ123 completely blocked the ET-1-induced increase in calcium channel open-state probability. In this study we demonstrated that ET-1 regulates calcium overload through a series of mechanisms that include L-type Ca2+ channel activation and Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release (CICR). ETA receptors, PKC, PKA and AT1 receptors may also contribute to this pathway. Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 200830870910).  相似文献   

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