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Competition between two congeneric gobies, Rhinogobius sp. LD (large-dark type) and CB (cross-band type), for habitat was studied in a tributary of the Shimanto River, southwestern Shikoku, Japan. Habitat use by CB, measured by water depth, current velocity, and substrate, was compared between before and after the removal of LD. After the removal of LD, CB shifted their habitat use to coarser substrates than previously, suggesting a release from effects of LD. This result supports a hypothesis from our previous study that habitat partitioning between CB and LD is a consequence of interference effects of LD on CB.  相似文献   

Taraxacum officinala andTaraxacum laevigatum were grown in mixed stands at various plant densities and mixing ratios with various levels of soil moisture to formulate the effect of soil moisture on the competitive relationship between the species. In pure stands, the mean plant weight—plant density relation for each level of soil moisture could be described by the reciprocal equation of the crowding effect. On the other hand, the response of mean plant weight to soil moisture content followed the reciprocal equation for a repulsive growth factor at the respective levels of plant density. By introducing the density conversion factor, the results of mixed stands could be successfully formulated from similar reciprocal equations. The dependence of density conversion factor on soil moisture content was also formulated. From these relations, a comprehensive formula was developed to describe the effects of plant density and soil moisture content on the growth of two species in mixed stands. Changes in the biomass in mixed stands were, examined by means of calculations based on the experimental results.  相似文献   

Summary Honeydew is a sugary secretion of beech scale insects (Ultracoelostoma spp.). Two introduced species of wasps forage on the sugar droplets in New Zealand beech forests. We hypothesize that competition between them may explain whyVespula germanica has become locally extinct in beech (Nothofagus) forest invaded byV. vulgaris. Changes in behaviour of the two wasp species in response to changes in the honeydew resource were monitored. Foraging and rainfall separately and together reduced the honeydew standing crop. In response to the standing crop decreasing, more wasps were found on honeydew trees, they became less active, spent more time lapping the tree surface, and ingested drops of honeydew at a slower rate.V. vulgaris was more active, and obtained drops and energy at a higher rate thanV. germanica. These behavioural differences may lead to competitive advantages affecting queen size and possibly survival.  相似文献   

A glasshouse experiment was conducted to simulate the competition between artificially introduced Tuber melanosporum (Vitt.) and other symbionts, occurring on outplanted truffle-producing trees. Hazel (Corylus avellana L.) seedlings, previously inoculated with Tuber melanosporum, were rapidly infected with the competing truffle Tuber brumale (Vitt.), added to the soil as spores. Coexistence of both species on the root system was observed. Tuber melanosporum survived and continued to spread. Tuber brumale, which is naturally present in many truffle-orchard soils, protects the roots from other ectomycorrhizal symbionts. Although high water content is unfavourable for the development of T. melanosporum in the absence of other Tube species, Tuber brumale stimulates the development of T. melanosporum under these conditions.  相似文献   

Competitive interactions were compared under field and greenhouse conditions for three representative tallgrass prairie species, Echinacea purpurea, Panicum virgatum and Ratibida pinnata. These were planted in monoculture and in mixtures of two species using a replacement series design with groups of four or eight plants. Competition was determined from shoot dry weight data collected during 120days in the greenhouse and after 415days in the field. Yields declined with increased density of a single species in the greenhouse from 40days onward and in the field. Relative yields were up to 100% higher in mixtures than in monocultures for all species early on in the greenhouse experiment. Later in the experiment and in the field relative yields of E.purpurea decreased in the presence of P.virgatum and R.pinnata, whereas relative yields of these two species increased in the presence of E.purpurea. There were correlations in relative yield between the field and the greenhouse experiment at 80 and 120days. In the greenhouse P.virgatum maintained higher net assimilation rates than the other species. Relative growth rates of all species were higher in monoculture and in mixtures up to 40days, after which they declined, especially for E.purpurea in mixtures. In the field, higher light intensities occurred in pure stands of E.purpurea than in mixed stands with other species. The order of competitive ability that was apparent from these field and greenhouse studies, P.virgatum=R.pinnata>E.purpurea, could be partially explained by photosynthetic rates in relation to canopy light interception.  相似文献   

Hiroyuki T  Wichai S 《ZooKeys》2011,(89):57-70
Simulium (Nevermannia) maeaiensesp. n. is described on the basis of female, male, pupal and larval specimens collected from Chiang Mai Province, Thailand. This species is assigned to the feuerborni species-group of the subgenus Simulium (Nevermannia), and is distinctive among this species-group in having the female cibarium furnished with numerous dark minute conical processes on the lower part, the female genital fork with a strongly sclerotized horizontal bar on each arm, and six long pupal gill filaments arising nearly at the same level from the common basal stalk and lying in a horizontal plane. Identification keys to seven species of the feuerborni species-group reported from Thailand are provided for females, males, pupae and mature larvae.  相似文献   

记述西藏自治区蚋属Simulium蚋亚属Simulium 1新种,以陈汉彬教授的名命名为汉彬蚋Simulium(Simulium) hanbini sp. nov.。该新种与Simulium (Simulium) jingfui Cai & An, 2008及Simulium (Simulium)liubaense Liu & An, 2009相似,但该蚋爪无基齿,拉氏器较长,食窦的形状也不同。模式标本保存在北京军事医学科学院医学昆虫标本馆。  相似文献   

The aquatic larvae of two simuliid species, Austrosimulium furiosum (Skuse) and Simulium ornatipes Skuse, which often occur together in Victorian streams, were shown in laboratory experiments to have preferences for different water velocities: larvae of A. furiosum preferred water velocities of 0.2–0.3 m s–1, and S. ornatipes preferred water velocities of 0.9–1.3 m s –1 . Final instar larvae of both species selected slow water speeds of less than 0.25 m s –1 prior to pupation. Flow patterns around a cylinder in a laboratory stream were mapped, and the distribution of A. furiosum larvae within the wake, paired vortices and horseshoe vortex was recorded. Larvae selected areas with suitable water velocities and aligned with the flow, providing flow visualization of micro-current speed and direction. The potential for micro-habitat partitioning is discussed in relation to benthic sampling strategies.  相似文献   

E. Fabiano  A. Arias 《Plant and Soil》1991,132(2):293-296
Field experiments were conducted to determine the influence of six commercial herbicides and of hand-hoeing on symbiotic parameters and grain yield of lentil (Lens culinaris Med.). The herbicides were sprayed at the pre-emergence stage. Number of nodules, nodule dry weight and nitrogenase activity were found to decrease with the use of Oxyfluorfen, Linuron, Metribuzin and Oxadiazon, whereas the effects of Terbutryn and Methabenzthiazuron were similar to that of hand-hoeing. Any harmful effect of herbicides on symbiotic parameters was less when seeds were inoculated with Rhizobium leguminosarum.  相似文献   

Two naturalized dandelions,Taraxacum officinale andTaraxacum laevigatum, were grown in mixed stands at various plant densities and mixing ratios with various levels of fertilizer supply until seeds were produced. The effect of fertilizer supply on the competitive relationship for seed production between the species was analyzed. In pure stands, the simultaneous effects of plant density and fertilizer supply on mean plant weight were formulated for each species. By introducing the density conversion factor, the results of plant weight growth in mixed stands were formulated successfully.T. laevigatum produced more seeds thanT. officinale at the same plant weight. The relationship between mean plant weight and mean number of mature seeds produced per plant was also formulated for each species. Ratio diagrams were predicted with these formulas. The density conversion factors showed thatT. officinale was always dominant overT. laevigatum for plant weight growth within a generation. The ratio diagrams showed thatT. officinale became dominant overT. laevigatum for seed production with repeating generations at higher levels of fertilizer supply, but that the species with a larger ratio of plant density became dominant over the other species at lower levels of fertilizer supply.  相似文献   

Interspecific competition for spawning sites between two gobiid fishes, Bathygobius fuscus and Eviota abax, was studied on a rocky shore. Large males (LM: 55–80mm in standard length: SL) and small males (SM: 34–52mm SL) of B. fuscus acted as nest holders and sneakers, respectively, in the early spawning season (July). The sympatric male E. abax (22–33mm SL) was smaller than SM B. fuscus, and synchronically used rocky holes much smaller than those of LM B. fuscus. In this season, aggressions between the two species were rarely observed. In late season (August), as the number of the LM decreased, the SM converted their tactics to nest holding, occupying nests of a sizes similar to those of E. abax. Eviota abax males were dispossessed by SM and shifted their nest sites to cavities between cobbles and sandy bottom, which might be poorer nest sites than rocky holes.  相似文献   

Soil nutrient-level and herbivory are predicted to have opposing effects on the allocation pattern of the competitive dominant plant species. Lower stem and higher leaf allocation are favoured when plants are grazed, whereas a higher stem allocation is favoured at high nutrient levels. Grazing by hares and geese can prevent invasion of the tall Elymus athericus, into short vegetation of Festuca rubra, at unproductive stages of salt-marsh succession but not at more productive stages. We hypothesise that the negative effect of herbivory on Elymus decreases due to increasing soil nitrogen levels and shifts the competitive balance towards this species. We tested how simulated grazing and nitrogen availability affected the competitive balance between adult plants of both grass species in a greenhouse experiment. Elymus had a higher above-ground biomass production, invested relatively more in stem and root tissue and had a larger shoot length than Festuca. The above-ground relative yield of Elymus in mixtures of both species increased with increasing nitrogen levels. This indicates that Elymus was the superior competitor at high soil fertility. Although clipping removed relatively more biomass from Elymus than from Festuca and exceeded the observed biomass removal in field conditions, it did not change the competitive balance between both species. Decreasing effects of herbivory due to increasing nitrogen levels are not a likely explanation for the invasion of Elymus in productive marshes. The results suggest that once Elymus has established it can easily invade vegetation dominated by Festuca irrespective of grazing by herbivores such as hares and geese. Herbivory by small herbivores may mainly retard the invasion of this plant by influencing establishment itself.  相似文献   

Summary Interspecific competition between the 3 principal larval parasitoids of the pine sawfly, Neodiprion sertifer, is of common occurrence when total larval parasitism, and hence multiple attack rates, are high. At the intrinsic level, the ectoparasitoid Exenterus abruptorius is superior to the 2 endoparasitoids, Lophyroplectus luteator and Lamachus eques, respectively, whereas L. luteator is superior to L. eques only. During mass outbreaks of the host competition between Exenterus and Lophyroplectus is most intense, whilst Lamachus fails to build up in the presence of its 2 competitors (Fig. 1). However, due to its superior host finding ability, Lamachus dominates in areas of low host densities where the 2 other species are less efficient (Table 1). L. luteator frequently sustains heavy losses in direct competition with E. abruptorius, but these can be largely compensated in the next generation because its fertility is about 5-times higher than that of Exenterus.  相似文献   

Larval polytene chromosome maps of Simulium (G.) asakoae and S. (G.) sp. g in the ceylonicum-group and S. (G.) angulistylum, S. (G.) decuplum and S. (G.) siamense in the batoense-group of the subgenus Gomphostilbia from Thailand are presented. These species have three pairs of chromosomes (2n = 6). Light stained centromeric bands were observed in the chromosomes of S. (G.) asakoae, S. (G.) sp. g, S. (G.) decuplum and S. (G.) siamense, whereas heavy dark centromeric bands were present in S. (G.) angulistylum. The best distinguishing character of Simulium species in the subgenus Gomphostilbia is the position of the nucleolar organizer in the short arm of chromosome I. The Ring of Balbiani and the double bubble are located in chromosome arm IIS in all species except for S. (G.) angulistylum, which showed these cytological markers in chromosome arm IIIS. A low chromosomal polymorphism was recorded in all species except for S. (G.) sp. g, which exhibited a standard polytene chromosome. Inversion polymorphisms found in this study conformed to Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium and were not associated with sex. These species have different specific markers and banding patterns although homologous banding sequences were found in chromosome arm IIS in S. (G.) asakoae, S. (G.) sp. g, S. (G.) decuplum and S. (G.) siamense and chromosome arm IIIS in S. (G.) angulistylum. Our results showed no evidence of a sibling species complex within any taxon.  相似文献   

Interspecific relations between wild bonobos (Pan paniscus) and two species of guenons (Cercopithecus wolfi andC. ascanius) were studied at Wamba in the Central Zaire Basin from September 1989 to January 1990. Data on the guenons were collected while following parties of bonobos or when searching for them. The guenons were observed directly 59 times during the study period. In about half of these observations, the guenons were found within 20 m from the bonobo parties. The encounters between the bonobos and the guenons sometimes lasted over an hour. The guenons mainly initiated the encounters by approaching the bonobos. During the encounters, no aggressive interactions were observed between the bonobos and the guenons. Evidence of hunting by wild bonobos has been restricted to small mammals, and there has been no evidence of hunting of primates by wild bonobos. These findings and the results of the present study strongly suggest that wild bonobos do not hunt sympatric primates.  相似文献   

J. Connolly  P. Wayne 《Oecologia》1996,108(2):311-320
Despite extensive interest in the role of plant size in competition, few formal attempts have been made to quantify the magnitude of asymmetric competition, particularly for interactions between members of different species. This paper introduces the concept of asymmetric interspecific competition at the population livel (i.e. mean plant performance) in mixtures of species. It proposes an index of interspecific competitive asymmetry which allows for a progressively greater asymmetric effect as the average size differences between competing species increase, and allows for such an effect whether individuals of focal species are larger or smaller, on average, than competitors. This index of competitive asymmetry is evaluated in the study of interactions between two widely coexisting annuals of disturbed habitats, Stellaria media and Poa annua. An experiment was conducted in which the density, relative frequency and relative seedling sizes (emergence times) of Poa and Stellaria individuals were varied. The relative growth rate (RGR) for both species was measured over a 22-day period. An inverse linear model was fitted for each species, relating the RGR of the focal species to the initial biomass of each species. Each response model included an asymmetry coefficient () to assess whether the impact of a unit of initial biomass of the associate species changed with the relative sizes of seedlings of the two species. A zero value of implies symmetric competition between the two populations; i.e. the competitive effect of a unit of associate species biomass does not change with its initial seedling size. If is positive the smaller the initial relative size of seedlings of the associate species, the smaller their per unit biomass effect on the response of the focal species. The model fitted our data for Stellaria and Poa well and was validated by an alternative modelling approach. Asymmetry coefficients were estimated as 0.508 (P<0.05) for the effect of Poa in the Stellaria model, and 0.0001 (NS) for the effect of Stellaria in the Poa model; i.e. the effect of Poa on Stellaria was asymmetric while the effect of Stellaria on Poa was symmetric. Differences in interspecific species asymmetric competitive effects are discussed within the context of shoot architecture, and the relative importance of competition for light versus soil resources. Finally, we discuss the relationship of this model to earlier models of competitive asymmetry, and consider the implications of interspecific competitive asymmetry for a number of current theories of plant competition and community organisation.  相似文献   

The benthic macroinvertebrate riffle community of the Bushkill Creek (Northampton County, PA) was sampled monthly, December through May 1972–73 and 1976–77. Total precipitation in 1972–73 was 22.3 cm more than in 1976–77 and water and air temperatures were also higher. In April and May, community composition (dominant taxa and similarity indices) was less similar than in December, January and February. In April and May there were fewer Hydropsyche (Trichoptera) and Ephemerella (Ephmeroptera) and more Chironomidae (Diptera) and Antocha (Diptera) than in 1973. Total numbers and biomass were lower in 1977 than in 1973. The reduction in Hydropsyche, Ephemerella, biomass and total numbers in Spring 1977 may be due to the scouring effect of ice break up. Inspite of fluctuating environmental conditions the macroinvertebrate community exhibited stability.  相似文献   

Synopsis Crayfish are not native to the Colorado River basin (CRB), however they are now established in portions of the mainstem and in many tributaries. I used density manipulation experiments in a laboratory setting to determine intra- and interspecific competition for food between Orconectes virilis, an aggressive polytrophic crayfish now common in the CRB, and two native fishes: Gila chub, Gila intermedia, and flannelmouth sucker, Catostomus latipinnis. I tested each fish species in separate trials. Growth of Gila chub decreased when animal densities increased, however they were more affected by intraspecific competition than by crayfish presence. In contrast, growth of flannelmouth suckers was more affected by crayfish than by intraspecific competition. Crayfish growth was not significantly altered by presence of either fish. Crayfish thus reduced fish growth by competition for food, but the effect differed markedly between the two species. An erratum to this article can be found at .  相似文献   

Herbivory and intraspecific competition in a stream caddisfly population   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Summary Field experiments were conducted to assess the effects of different population densities of the herbivorous caddisfly Helicopsyche borealis on periphyton biomass and on its own growth rate in Big Sulphur Creek, a third-order stream in northern California, USA. Stream enclosures were used to vary grazer density from one-eighth to twice natural density (1/8X–2X) in two experiments (35 d and 60 d), which spanned the period of most rapid larval growth. Periphyton biomass and chlorophyll a were inversely related to grazer density. Grazer densities of 1/8X–1/2X moderately reduced periphyton when compared to an ungrazed control, whereas densities of 1X–2X greatly depleted periphyton. The growth rate of H. borealis larvae declined with increasing larval density. Growth rate was highest at densities of 1/8X–1/2X; larvae grew more slowly at 1X and showed no growth at 2X. Weekly supplementation of periphyton to 1/4X, 1X, and 2X densities significantly increased the final body mass of larvae at 1X and 2X (by 26% and 50%, respectively, compared to unsupplemented larvae) but did not change the body mass of larvae at 1/4X. These results suggest that periphyton is a limiting resource in Big Sulphur Creek and that H. borealis larvae compete exploitatively for that resource. Intraspecific competition may be an important, but often overlooked, feature of many herbivore populations in streams.  相似文献   

The fungus Harpella melusinae (Harpellales: Trichomycetes) is obligately associated with the midguts of larval Simuliidae (Diptera). The level of infestation of a population of Simulium ornatum by H. melusinae was monitored at a stream in Hampshire, England. Significant temporal changes in the level of infestation were recorded during monthly and weekly collections; a twenty-fold increase being recorded over a nine-day period. Possible mechanisms by which these changes occur are discussed.  相似文献   

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