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The aim of the present study was to assess whether the whole meiotic process of spermatogenic cells is able to take place in vitro. Fragments of seminiferous tubules from 20- to 22- or 28-day-old rats were seeded in medium containing 0.2% fetal calf serum in bicameral chambers and then cultured for 4 weeks in a chemically defined medium. The differentiation of meiotic germinal cells was followed by four criteria: (i) ultramicroscopic examination of the different types of germ cells present in the cell layer throughout the culture period; (ii) determination of the changes in DNA content per nucleus of the cell population seeded with time in culture; (iii) assessment of the ability of germinal cells to transcribe genes expressed after completion of meiosis; and (iv) monitoring the fate of BrdU-labeled leptotene spermatocytes. The ultrastructural study showed that the overall organization of the cells in the culture well recalls that of the seminiferous epithelium throughout the culture period. Moreover the identification of young round spermatids 21 days after seeding suggested that these spermatids had been formed very recently in culture. Determination of DNA content per nucleus showed that a 1C cell population could be observed after several days of cultures reaching 6 to 10% of total cells. An exponential-like increase in the amounts of the mRNAs encoding for TP1 or TP2 occurred from the time when 1C cells appeared in the culture until the end of the experiment. Finally, BrdU-labeled leptotene spermatocytes differentiated into pachytene spermatocytes and then into secondary spermatocytes, and BdrU-labeled round spermatids were observed from Day 21 of culture onward. Taken together these results indicate that the whole meiotic process from leptotene spermatocyte to round spermatid can indeed occur in vitro under the present culture conditions.  相似文献   

Microsporocytes sometimes undergo an achiasmatic meiosis when placed into culture early in the season at a time after premeiotic S but prior to leptonema. Trillium meiocytes were examined by light and electron microscopy to analyze the frequency of cells in various stages of meiotic prophase and the occurrence of the synaptonemal complex at different times of culture. On the basis of the results, a hypothesis is proposed that suggests there is a tripartite sensitive period that occurs between S phase and leptonema. Where the cells are in this sensitive period at the time of transplantation into culture determines whether the cells do not enter meiotic prophase, enter but produce achiasmatic division figures, or enter and develop normally.This work was supported in part by grants from the National Science Foundation (GB 5173X and GB 6476) and the National Institute of Health (GM 16882)  相似文献   

The toxic effects of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) on spermatogenic cells undergoing meiotic division were investigated in vitro. Toxicity was assayed as alterations in cell nucleus morphology and cell survival and by DNA flow cytometry. Benzo[a]pyrene (BP) and 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA) inhibited the progression of spermatocytes through meiotic division and were highly cytotoxic at concentrations higher than 1 microM. These results were obtained upon addition of a drug-metabolizing system, indicating that the seminiferous tubules lack the enzymes required for the initiation of PAH metabolism. The spindle poisons, e.g., vincristine and Colcemid, a group of direct-acting agents, affected spermatogenesis during meiotic division in a manner similar to that observed with PAH. In contrast, adriamycin did not inhibit meiotic division, although it did induce the formation of meiotic micronuclei as a result of chromosome breakage. It is concluded that low concentrations, i.e., 0.1 microM of PAH, strongly inhibit meiotic division, presumably after metabolic activation to reactive molecules functionally resembling direct-acting alkylating agents. High concentrations of PAH are cytotoxic.  相似文献   

Apoptosis of male germ cells is a widespread but little-understood phenomenon in many animal species. The elucidation of its mechanisms could be useful in the understanding of male infertility. We have examined the distribution of dying cells with the terminal transferase-mediated nick-end labeling (TUNEL) method and by an electron-microscopic procedure in the testes of 10 mouse strains, viz., C57BL/10 (B10), SL/NiA (SL), C57BL/6 (B6), C3H/He (C3H), BALB/c (BALB), DBA2 (DBA), CBA/J (CBA), MRL/MpJ(-)+/+ (M+), MRL/MpJ-lpr/lpr (lpr), and wild-type NJL mice (Mus musculus musculus). In the testes of the B10, NJL, SL, B6, C3H, BALB, DBA, and CBA mice, very few TUNEL-positive cells are distributed in the seminiferous tubules, whereas in the testes of the M+ and lpr mice, many TUNEL-positive cells, which are restricted to stage XII seminiferous tubules, have been identified. The most important finding is that many metaphases of meiotic spermatocytes show a marked TUNEL-positive reaction. Some metaphases show apoptotic morphology electron-microscopically. These results suggest that the testes of MRL strains will provide a useful model for the study of the mechanism of metaphase-specific apoptosis in meiotic spermatocytes.  相似文献   

A. -M. Daub  M. Hauser 《Protoplasma》1988,142(2-3):147-155
Summary Addition of 0.1 to 10 M taxol to meiotic spindles in locust spermatocytes leads to a concentration dependent promotion of MT assembly at the centrosomes and depletion of MTs at the kinetochores, leading to the formation of prominent asters. In anaphase spindles, the equatorial region of the interzone becomes partly depleted of MTs, too. Microcinematographically, cytostatic effects are highly concentration/time dependent, being most rapid and nearly complete at 10 M taxol, but even in 0.1 M and 1 M taxol anaphase A movement is clearly affected. The drug strongly reduces the rate of chromosome-to-pole movement (anaphase A), leading to an insufficient separation of the chromosomes which indirectly hampers cytokinesis. Obviously, the chromosomal movement seems to be ratelimited by the compactness of the centrosomal asters reaching the equatorial plane in meta- and anaphase. Although the interzonal MT-number has become strongly reduced, anaphase B is not seriously affected but appears even slightly accelerated. Together with an occasional broadening of the cell equator (transverse elongation) instead of normal elongation, these results could be taken as an indication of the previously suggested active role of the cell's cortex in spindle pole separation during anaphase B (Daub andHauser 1986).Prof. Dr. K.-E.Wohlfarth-Bottermann on the occasion of his 65th birthday.  相似文献   

Summary Dispersed testicular cells prepared from 14-d-old rats were cultured on type 1 collagen gels using a medium composed of a 1∶1 mixture of Ham’s F12 medium and Leibovitz’s L15 medium (F12-L15 medium) containing 10% (vol/vol) fetal bovine serum. The viability of the spermatogenic cells was facilitated by supplementing a rat adrenal extract into the medium. The effective substance(s) (the survival factor) was purified from acid extracts of adrenals by molecular sieve high performance liquid chromatography and identified as epinephrine and norepinephrine. Both epinephrine and norepinephrine promoted the survival of the spermatogenic cells with a half saturating dose of 10 ng/ml. The spermatogenic cells, which could be cultured for 2 wk on a collagen gel by supplementing with the survival factor (epinephrine or norepinephrine), were subjected to Giemsa staining and to DNA flow cytometry. The following results were obtained: a) The spermatogenic cells from 14-d-old rats did not contain spermiogenic cells (lc-cells). b) During a culture period of 2 to 7 d the ratio of meiotic prophase spermatocytes (4c-cells) to premeiotic cells (2c-cells) increased. On Day 7, more than 90% of the surviving cells were meiotic prophase spermatocytes. c) On Day 10, spermatids (lc-cells) appeared for the first time. The time of the first appearance of spermatids in the culture was consistent with that in vivo. These results suggest that both epinephrine and norepinephrine facilitated the viability of meiotic prophase spermatocytes and that a part of the meiotic prophase spermatocytes completed the meiotic divisions in the testicular cell culture.  相似文献   

During the first meiotic division in crane-fly spermatocytes, the two homologs of a metaphase bivalent each bear two sister kinetochores oriented toward the same pole. We have previously reported treatments that increase the percentage of metaphase bivalents in which one or both homologs have bipolar malorientations: kinetochore microtubules] extending from a homolog toward both poles. The maloriented homologs lag at anaphase. Treatments that induce this behavior include: (a) recoverey from exposure to low temperatures or Colcemid or Nocodazole concentrations that prevent spindle formation but allow nuclear membrane breakdown, and (b) exposure to 6° C, a temperature that permits spindle assembly but slows progression through meiosis. Giemsa staining methods reveal two 0.5 m diameter dots at the centromeric region of each metaphase homolog; these often are more separated in maloriented homologs. This investigation was undertaken to assess whether this separation precedes the establishment of bipolar malorientation, and hence may be a cause of it, or is only a consequence of forces resulting from bipolar malorientation. Analysis showed that, in untreated cells, the average center-to-center distance between sister centromeric dots increases during the course of meiosis I. After the above-mentioned treatments, center-to-center distances similar to those normally seen in untreated half-bivalents at anaphase I were seen in bivalents, both after and before nuclear membrane breakdown. Longer exposure to temperatures that arrested meiosis increased the degree of dot separation. Based on our data, we conclude that normal orientation during the first meiotic division is aided by the close apposition of centromeric dots, and that a time-dependent maturation occurs causing centromeric dots to separate for the second meiotic division and facilitating orientation of sister kinetochores to opposite poles. If centromeric maturation occurs either prior to or during early stages of the first meiotic division, then it may contribute to persisting bipolar malorientation.  相似文献   

A J Solari 《Genetics》1969,61(1):Suppl:113-Suppl:120

Post pachytene stages of meiotic prophase in males of Ascaris suum have been analyzed with the electron microscope. No synaptonemal-like polycomplexes (PCs) have been observed in the nucleoplasm or cytoplasm during the period from pachytene to diakinesis. From Serially sectioned diplotene nuclei it was found that the bivalents are located near the periphery of the nuclei, the central part of the nuclei being vacant. Each nucleus contains one nucleolus. Up to 1 m long stretches of unpaired lateral elements (LEs) are found in some of the diplotene bivalents. These LEs are morphologically similar to unpaired LEs in early zygotene nuclei. Partial 3-dimensional reconstruction of two nuclei shows that the bivalents contain some small stretches of synaptonemal complex (SC) up to 1.9 m long. Some bivalents at diakinesis show remnants of SCs. At this stage chromosomes are fibrous, condensed, attached to the nuclear envelope and mostly with a rounded profile in cross section. The synchronous development of the spermatocytes and small bivalents at diplotene in A. suum make this system a good object for the study of localization of SC remnants.  相似文献   



The nuclear architecture of meiotic prophase spermatocytes is based on higher-order patterns of spatial associations among chromosomal domains from different bivalents. The meiotic nuclear architecture depends on the chromosome characteristics and consequently is prone to modification by chromosomal rearrangements. In this work, we consider Mus domesticus spermatocytes with diploid chromosome number 2n = 40, all telocentric, and investigate a possible modification of the ancestral nuclear architecture due to the emergence of derived Rb chromosomes, which may be present in the homozygous or heterozygous condition.


In the 2n = 40 spermatocyte nuclei random associations mediated by pericentromeric heterochromatin among the 19 telocentric bivalents ocurr at the nuclear periphery. The observed frequency of associations among them, made distinguishable by specific probes and FISH, seems to be the same for pairs that may or may not form Rb chromosomes. In the homozygote Rb 2n = 24 spermatocytes, associations also mediated by pericentromeric heterochromatin occur mainly between the three telocentric or the eight metacentric bivalents themselves. In heterozygote Rb 2n = 32 spermatocytes all heterochromatin is localized at the nuclear periphery, yet associations are mainly observed among the three telocentric bivalents and between the asynaptic axes of the trivalents.


The Rb chromosomes pose sharp restrictions for interactions in the 2n = 24 and 2n = 32 spermatocytes, as compared to the ample possibilities for interactions between bivalents in the 2n = 40 spermatocytes. Undoubtedly the emergence of Rb chromosomes changes the ancestral nuclear architecture of 2n = 40 spermatocytes since they establish new types of interactions among chromosomal domains, particularly through centromeric and heterochromatic regions at the nuclear periphery among telocentric and at the nuclear center among Rb metacentric ones.  相似文献   

Lymphoid-specific helicase (HELLS; also known as LSH) is a member of the SNF2 family of chromatin remodeling proteins. Because Hells-null mice die at birth, a phenotype in male meiosis cannot be studied in these animals. Allografting of testis tissue from Hells(-/-) to wild-type mice was employed to study postnatal germ cell differentiation. Testes harvested at Day 18.5 of gestation from Hells(-/-), Hells(+/-), and Hells(+/+) mice were grafted ectopically to immunodeficient mice. Bromodeoxyuridine incorporation at 1 wk postgrafting revealed fewer dividing germ cells in grafts from Hells(-/-) than from Hells(+/+) mice. Whereas spermatogenesis proceeded through meiosis with round spermatids in grafts from Hells heterozygote and wild-type donor testes, spermatogenesis arrested at stage IV, and midpachytene spermatocytes were the most advanced germ cell type in grafts from Hells(-/-) mice at 4, 6, and 8 wk after grafting. Analysis of meiotic configurations at 22 days posttransplantation revealed an increase in Hells(-/-) spermatocytes with abnormal chromosome synapsis. These results indicate that in the absence of HELLS, proliferation of spermatogonia is reduced and germ cell differentiation arrested at the midpachytene stage, implicating an essential role for HELLS during male meiosis. This study highlights the utility of testis tissue grafting to study spermatogenesis in animal models that cannot reach sexual maturity.  相似文献   

At the leptotene stage of meiotic prophase in Locusta spermatocytes (2n=22 telocentric autosomes + X-chromosome), each chromosome forms an axial core. The 44 ends of the autosomal cores are all attached to the nuclear membrane in a small region opposite the two pairs of centrioles of the juxtanuclear mitochondrial mass. At later stages of meiotic prophase, the cores of homologous chromosomes synapse into synaptinemal complexes. Synapsis is initiated near the nuclear membrane, in the centromeric and the non-centromeric ends of the chromosomes. Homologous cores have their attachment points close together and some cores are co-aligned prior to synapsis. At subsequent stages of zygotene, the number of synaptinemal complexes at the membrane increases, while the number of unpaired axial cores diminishes. At pachytene, all 11 bivalents are attached to the membrane at both ends, so that there are 22 synaptinemal complexes at the membrane near the centrioles. Because each bivalent makes a complete loop, the configuration of the classic Bouquet stage is produced. The X-chromosome has a poorly defined single core at pachytene which also attaches to the nuclear membrane. These observations are based on consecutive serial sections (50 to 100) through the centriolar zone of the spermatocytes. Labeling experiments demonstrated that tritiated thymidine was incorporated in the chromatin of young spermatocytes prior to the formation of the axial cores at leptotene. It is concluded that premeiotic DNA synthesis is completed well in advance of pairing of homologous chromosomes, as marked by the formation of synaptinemal complexes.  相似文献   

Sun F  Handel MA 《Chromosoma》2008,117(5):471-485
The meiotic prophase I to metaphase I transition (G2/MI) involves disassembly of synaptonemal complex (SC), chromatin condensation, and final compaction of morphologically distinct MI bivalent chromosomes. Control of these processes is poorly understood. The G2/MI transition was experimentally induced in mouse pachytene spermatocytes by okadaic acid (OA), and kinetic analysis revealed that disassembly of the central element of the SC occurred very rapidly after OA treatment, before histone H3 phosphorylation on Ser10. These events were followed by relocalization of SYCP3 and final condensation of bivalents. Enzymatic control of these G2/MI transition events was studied using small molecule inhibitors: butyrolactone I (BLI), an inhibitor of cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) and ZM447439 (ZM), an inhibitor of aurora kinases (AURKs). The formation of highly condensed MI bivalents and disassembly of the SC are regulated by both CDKs and AURKs. AURKs also mediate phosphorylation of histone H3 in meiosis. However, neither BLI nor ZM inhibited disassembly of the central element of the SC. Thus, despite evidence that the metaphase promoting factor is a universal regulator of the onset of cell division, desynapsis, the first and key step of the G2/MI transition, occurs independently of BLI-sensitive CDKs and ZM-sensitive AURKs.  相似文献   

The central or peripheral distribution of condensed chromatin (CC) was studied in pachytene spermatocyte nuclei in Mus domesticus, 2n=40; Pudu puda, 2n=70; Ctenomys opimus, 2n=26 and Octodon degus, 2n=58. Species were chosen according to the morphological characteristics of their chromosomal complements and in particular, the terminal or medial chromosomal localisation of the pericentromeric constitutive heterochromatin. Counts were made by defining the areas corresponding to peripheral and central location in each nuclear section from a series. The null hypothesis (i.e. random distribution of CC) was rejected. In the nuclear sections of Mus domesticus and Pudu puda, 69% and 74% of CC, respectively, was found in the peripheral nuclear space, while in those of Octodon degus and Ctenomys opimus, 69% and 65% of CC, respectively, was found in the central nuclear space. We estimate that if the CC measured in spermatocyte nuclei corresponds mainly to pericentromeric constitutive heterochromatin, the distribution found is consistent with that expected in accordance with the nuclear architecture model for meiocytes (Fernández-Donoso, 1982; Fernández-Donoso & Berrios, 1985). This model proposes a peripheral nuclear localisation for pericentromeric heterochromatin of telocentric bivalents and a relatively central nuclear localisation for pericentromeric heterochromatin of metacentric bivalents. We also discuss some of the biological consequences that could arise from the conservation of such distributions. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Nek2 is a cell cycle regulator that is involved in diverse cell cycle events. The expression pattern and biochemical properties of Nek2 in mammalian male germ cells suggested its involvement on regulation of the meiotic cell cycle. To further investigate specific roles of Nek2 in meiosis, we generated transgenic mice in which the Nek2 transgenes were expressed specifically in spermatocytes using the Tcp10 promoter. The Nek2 transgenic mice did not reveal any significant defect in gross testicular anatomy as well as in fertility. However, we observed significant increases in defective spermatogenic cells, such as apoptotic cells and giant degenerating cells, in the Tcp10/Nek2 transgenic mice. These results revealed that even only slightly elevated production of the Nek2 protein disturbed the normal development of male germ cells, possibly in meiosis.  相似文献   

Mouse spermatocytes were labelled in situ with 3H-thymidine at successive stages of meiosis. Isolated mouse as well as human spermatocytes were similarly labelled under in vitro conditions. DNA synthesis was followed either by tracking radioactivities in Cs2SO4 gradients or by measuring reassociation kinetics. Mouse satellite DNA and the 3 satellites of human DNA are labelled during S-phase but not during pachytene. In the mouse genome, there is a preferential labelling of regions containing foldbacks (human spermatocytes were not analyzed in this respect). The absence of detectable pachytene synthesis in satellite DNA is consistent with genetic evidence on the absence of crossing-over in constitutive heterochromatin.  相似文献   

Methods are described for the attachment of isolated spermatocytes to glass slides and the subsequent hypotonic swelling and gradual fixation of the metaphase I and metaphase II cells. The methods minimize cell loss and cell disruption and meiotic metaphase chromosomes become spread within residual cytoplasm thus reducing artefactual chromosome loss. Metaphase II complements from mouse, rat and frog spermatocytes prepared by these procedures had relatively low frequencies of hypoploidy (0.5-1.6%). Bivalent loss was not detected in 916 metaphase I complements. Injection of 0.1 mg/kg demecolcine into mice increased the incidence of metaphase II hypoploidy 8-fold. The hypoploid and hyperploid frequencies here increased equally. The results suggest that the methods described may be useful for the analysis of mechanisms of meiotic aneuploidy including aneuploidy resulting from chromosome loss during meiosis I.  相似文献   

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