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Branch capture reactions: effect of recipient structure.   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Branch capture reactions (BCR) contain two DNA species: (i) a recipient restriction fragment terminating in an overhang and (ii) a displacer-linker duplex terminating in a displacer tail complementary to the overhang as well as contiguous nucleotides within the recipient duplex. Branched complexes containing both species are captured by ligation of the linker to the recipient overhang. Specificity depends upon branch migration and is increased by substitution of bromodeoxycytidine for deoxycytidine in the displacer. BCR rates and specificities were determined for recipient overhangs that were (i) 5' and 3', (ii) 3 and 4 nucleotides long, and (iii) 0-100% G+C. Model systems permitted independent determination of G+C and branching effects on ligation rates and verification of rapid equilibrium between the branched complex and its component species. With all 4-base overhangs, recipient duplexes permitting extensive branch migration became saturated with displacer-linker duplexes. With increasing G+C, increasing ligation at competing sites led to decreased BCR specificity. BCR may be used to label a DNA fragment prior to electrophoresis, mark a fragment for affinity chromatography, or introduce a new overhang sequence compatible with a restriction endonuclease site in a cloning vector. A protocol was confirmed for mapping restriction sites in cloned DNA.  相似文献   

Direct sequencing by thermal asymmetric PCR.   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文

Dual asymmetric PCR: one-step construction of synthetic genes.   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
We have developed a one-step process for constructing synthetic genes. Four adjacent oligonucleotides 17-100 bases in length having short overlaps of 15-17 bases are used as primers in a PCR mixture. The quantity of the two internal primers is highly limited, and the resultant reaction causes an asymmetric single-stranded amplification of the two halves of the total sequence due to an excess of the two flanking primers. In subsequent PCR cycles, these dual asymmetrically amplified fragments, which overlap each other, yield a double-stranded, full-length product.  相似文献   

A method to detect viable Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts was developed. Polyclonal immunoglobulin G against C. parvum oocyst and sporozoite surface antigens was purified from rabbit immune serum, biotinylated, and bound to streptoavidin-coated magnetic particles. C. parvum oocysts were captured by a specific antigen-antibody reaction and magnetic separation. The oocysts were then induced to excyst, and DNA was extracted by heating at 95 degrees C for 10 min. A 452-bp fragment of C. parvum DNA was amplified by using a pair of C. parvum-specific primers in PCR. The method detected as few as 10 oocysts in purified preparations and from 30 to 100 oocysts inoculated in fecal samples. The immunomagnetic capture PCR (IC-PCR) product was identified and characterized by a nested PCR that amplified a 210-bp fragment, followed by restriction endonuclease digestion of the IC-PCR and nested-PCR products at the StyI site and a nonradioactive hybridization using an internal oligonucleotide probe labeled with biotin. PCR specificity was also tested, by using DNAs from other organisms as templates. In the control experiments, inactivated oocysts were undetectable, indicating the ability of this method to differentiate between viable and nonviable oocysts. Thus, this system can be used to specifically detect viable C. parvum oocysts in environmental samples with great sensitivity, providing an efficient way to monitor the environment for C. parvum contamination.  相似文献   

A series of new fine-tunable monodentate phosphite and phosphoramidite ligands based on carboranes have been synthesized and used for asymmetric Rh-catalyzed hydrogenation of prochiral olefins with the result of up to 99.8% ee. Dependence of the enantioselectivity on the electron-withdrawing or electron-donating properties of the carboranyl substituent has been studied.  相似文献   

The biological ion channel gramicidin A (gA) was modified by synthetic means to obtain the tail-to-tail linked asymmetric gA-derived dimer compound 3. Single-channel current measurements for 3 in planar lipid bilayers exhibit an Eisenman I ion selectivity for alkali cations. The structural asymmetry does not lead to an observable functional asymmetry. The structure of 3 in solution without and with Cs cations was investigated by 1H-NMR spectroscopy. In CDCl3/CD3OH (1 : 1, v/v), 3 forms a mixture of double-stranded beta-helices. Upon addition of excess CsCl, the double-stranded species are converted completely into one new conformer: the right-handed single-stranded beta-helix. A combination of DQF-COSY and TOCSY was used for the assignment of the 1H-NMR spectrum of the Cs-3 complex in CDCl3/CD3OH (1 : 1, v/v). A total of 69 backbone, 27 long-range, and 64 side-chain distance restraints were obtained from NOESY together with 25 phi and 14 chi1 torsion angles obtained from coupling constants. These data were used as input for structure calculation with dyana built in sybyl 6.8. A final set of 11 structures with an average rmsd for the backbone of 0.45 A was obtained (PDB: 1TKQ). The structure of the Cs-3 complex in solution is equivalent to the bioactive channel conformation in the membrane environment.  相似文献   

A 154-bp PCR product amplified from human female DNA mapped onto the Y chromosome under high-stringency in situ hybridization conditions. The female DNA sequence revealed an 89% homology with the HSDYZ1 sequence. When the same primers were used to amplify male DNA, a 154-bp DNA fragment was also obtained, showing a 98% homology with HSDYZ1. However, although the HSDYZ1 sequence is widely distributed along the long arm of the Y chromosome, both of these particular PCR products are di-regionally localized within this distal block of constitutive heterochromatin. In situ hybridization under lower stringency showed that these 154-bp sequences map both onto the autosomes and the Y chromosome. Overall, this paper shows (i) a new class of DNA sequences shared by the autosomes and the Y chromosome; and (ii) a substructured organization of some DNA repeats within the DYZ1 family that forms a large part of the constitutive heterochromatin of the Y chromosome.  相似文献   

In order to reduce the effects of inhibitors present in DNA extracts from lignified apple tissues, a magnetic capture-hybridisation PCR (MCH-PCR) technique was developed forNectria galligena using the ITS 1 region of the rRNA gene repeats as target. The trapping reagent used to coat the magnetic beads was an 81 bp single-stranded DNA oligonucleotide biotin-labelled on the 5é-terminal and designed to be complementary to part of the rRNA gene ITS 1 region ofN. galligena. For specificity, the probe was located from 14 bp downstream from the 3é-terminal nucleotide of theN. galligena forward primer Ch1 to the last ITS 1 nucleotide immediately upstream of the 5.8S rRNA gene. Following hybridisation in a total DNA extract of woody tissue, magnetic recovery of the bead-oligomer-template conjugate separated target template from other DNA species and inhibitory compounds. Magnetic capture-hybridisation was followed by PCR amplification with the previously designed species-specific primers, Ch1 and Ch2. Application of the MCH-PCR technique resulted in increased levels of sensitivity and reliability when compared to PCR without MCH when used on total DNA extracts from lignified tissues.  相似文献   

mRNA targeted by siRNA is endogeneously cleaved into a 5'- and a 3'-fragment and finally degraded in cells. Little is known about the relative stability and degradation kinetics of these 5'- and 3'-fragments after the siRNA mediated first cut. We present a qRT-PCR protocol which allows the determination of the optimal time point for mRNA analyses, helping to avoid the generation of false positive effects in downstream experiments, such as microarray analysis, which may be caused by undegraded fragments of a siRNA-targeted mRNA.  相似文献   

A method has been developed using the SMART system for the purification of single stranded DNA from a mixture containing single- and double-stranded DNA amplified using asymmetric PCR. The asymmetric PCR product was separated into single- and double-stranded DNA using an anion exchange column which took 15 min. Compared to another method in which biotinylated symmetric PCR products were applied to an immobilized streptavidin column, this method was simple and could purify single- and double-stranded DNA. © Rapid Science Ltd. 1998  相似文献   

Selective tosylation of 6,1′,6′-tri-O-tritylsucrose afforded the 2-O-tosyl derivative and not the 3-O-tosyl derivative as previously claimed. Treatment of the 2-tosylate with base afforded mainly (40%) the 2,3-manno-epoxide together with the 3,4-altro-epoxide which arose by migration of the epoxide ring. Ring-opening of the 2,3-epoxide with a variety of nucleophilic anions took place exclusively at C-3 to give altropyranosyl derivatives, whereas reaction of the epoxide with ammonium thiocyanate afforded the 2,3-allo-episulphide. Ring-opening of the 2,3-manno-epoxide with lithium iodide in ether gave 37% of the 3-deoxy-3-iodomannopyranosyl isomer, which arose by prior rearrangement of the 2,3-epoxide to the 3,4-epoxide.  相似文献   

Protamine was investigated for its utility as a protein displacer in cation-exchange systems. Although the protamine solution contained several variants of the molecule, the high affinity of all of the components in this heterogeneous biopolymer enabled it to act as an efficient protein displacer. To facilitate parameter estimation of the protamine, a preliminary purification was carried out by preparative elution chromatography. Chromatographic parameters of both the feed proteins and protamine displacer were obtained for use in a multicomponent steric mass action ion-exchange displacement model. Model simulations were compared to displacement results under both moderate and intense induced salt gradient conditions. In both cases, excellent agreement was obtained between the displacement experiments and theoretical predictions. In addition, these studies serve to dramatize the importance of induced salt gradients in ion-exchange displacement systems.  相似文献   

Mannose-derived hexacoordinated phosphate anions, prepared in as few as two steps from methyl-alpha-D-mannopyranoside and tris(dimethylamino)phosphine, are chiral anionic auxiliaries with broad asymmetric efficiency. These chemically robust anions are effective NMR chiral solvating agents and efficient asymmetry-inducers, able to control the configuration of conformationally labile C2-symmetric monomethinium cations (organic, helical, charge 1+, P or M enantiomers) and D3-symmetric iron(II) trisdiimine complexes (metallo-organic, octahedral, charge 2+, Delta or Lambda enantiomers). Diastereomeric control with often unmatched selective levels was achieved with the help of mannopyranoside backbone of the anions and the substituents on the [1,3]dioxane ring that play a key role in the recognition process, something not obvious at first sight.  相似文献   

We have developed a simple gene quantification system using the competitive polymerase chain reaction (CPCR) followed by microtiter format analysis. CPCR is carried out using a mutant competitor with the same size as the target DNA product, and a minimal base exchange to insure the same amplification kinetics. One primer is aminated at the 5' end to produce PCR products that are captured onto carboxylated wells of microtiter plates through peptide bond formation. The non-aminated DNA strands are stripped off from the wells by alkali washing, and the remaining aminated strands are hybridized with either a digoxigenin-labeled wild type-specific oligonucleotide probe or a competitor-specific probe. To standardize the hybridization conditions of the probes, a DNA construct containing wild type and mutant competitor sequences in tandem is captured at different concentrations, hybridized with the probes, and used to generate a standard curve. Bound probes are detected by anti-digoxigenin antibody conjugated with peroxidase and chromogen. Optical densities are recorded with a conventional microtiter plate reader and converted to concentrations according to the standard curves. The ratios of wild type DNA to mutant competitor are used to determine the initial amounts of wild type DNA in the samples. This method was used successfully to quantify human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) env gene in human lymphocytes. It only requires a thermal cycler and a conventional microtiter plate reader, and can be readily done on a large scale. Potential applications include detection of other pathogens, diagnosis of genetic disorders and studies of gene expression.  相似文献   

A new method for specific reamplification of DDRT-PCR products is presented. After transient ligation of the primary DDRT-PCR fragments into a T-vector, the cDNAs of interest were reamplified by hemi-nested PCR and thermally asymmetric cycles. In contrast to the originally described protocol, this method of reamplification is specific, sensitive, reproducibly gives a high yield of DNA and allows direct sequencing of the reamplified product without purification or cloning.  相似文献   

We describe a general method for random mutagenesis of cloned genes by error-prone PCR or DNA shuffling that eliminates the need for post-amplification subcloning following each cycle of mutagenesis. This method exploits the highly efficient and recombinogenic nature of DNA uptake during natural transformation in the Gram-positive bacterium Bacillus subtilis and the Gram-negative bacterium Acinetobacter calcoaceticus. Plasmid systems were designed that allow capture of PCR-amplified DNA fragments by marker-replacement recombination with a structurally similar helper plasmid resident in the transformation recipient. This recombination event simultaneously transfers the amplified sequences into the helper plasmid and restores the integrity of a drug resistance gene, thereby affording a direct selection for fragment capture. Although this strategy was sufficiently effective to permit recovery in B. subtilis of up to 10(3) transformants/microgram of PCR product, equivalent plasmid systems were approximately 100 times more efficient in A.calcoaceticus. Acinetobacter calcoaceticus also offers the advantage of essentially constitutive transformation competence in ordinary complex broth, such as LB, in contrast to two-step growth in semi-synthetic media required for optimal transformation of B.subtilis.  相似文献   

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