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The canopies of large broad‐leaf trees exhibit significant heterogeneity in both micro‐environmental conditions and leaf morphology. Whether the visible differences in the size and shape of leaves from the top and bottom of the crown are determined prior to bud break or result from different patterns of leaf expansion is not known. Analysis of ontogenetic changes of both the degree of lobing and vein density in Quercus rubra demonstrates that leaves throughout the crown are identical in size and shape at the time of bud break. Morphological adaptation to the local micro‐environment takes place during the expansion phase and starts after the determination of the vascular architecture has been completed. Leaves from the bottom of the crown undergo greater expansion in the tissue close to the main veins than occurs either in the more peripheral tissue of the same leaf or anywhere in leaves from the top of the crown. This results in a water transport system that is well suited to the low evaporative rates near the bottom of the crown, but inadequate for the conditions found at the top of the tree. Acclimation of leaf form and function based upon differential expansion may be entirely driven by the local hydraulic demand during the expansion phase, resulting in leaf size and vein density being determined during development by the same hydraulic properties which will constrain the size of leaf that can be functionally supported at maturity.  相似文献   

根系水分导度(Lpr)是表示根系吸收和运输水分能力的生理指标,文章介绍Lpr的研究进展。  相似文献   

The permeability of leaf tissue to water has been reported to increase under illumination, a response reputed to involve aquaporins. We studied this ‘light response’ in red oak (Quercus rubra L.), the species in which the phenomenon was first detected during measurements of leaf hydraulic conductance with the high‐pressure flow meter (HPFM). In our HPFM measurements, we found that pre‐conditioning leaves in darkness was not sufficient to bring them to their minimum conductance, which was attained only after an hour of submersion and pressurization. However, pre‐conditioning leaves under anoxic conditions resulted in an immediate reduction in conductance. Leaves light‐ and dark‐acclimated while on the tree showed no differences in the time course of HPFM measurement under illumination. We also studied the effect of light level and anoxia on rehydration kinetics, finding that anoxia slowed rehydration, but light had no effect either in the lab (rehydration under low light, high humidity) or on the tree (acclimation under high light, 10 min of dark prior to rehydration). We conclude that the declines in conductance observed in the HPFM must involve a resistance downstream of the extracellular air space, and that in red oak the hydraulic conductivity of leaf tissue is insensitive to light.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to quantify the effect of aluminum and calcium on membrane permeability. The influence of Ca2+ (0.2-3.7 millimolar) and Al3+ (0-3.7 millimolar) on the permeability of root cortical cells of Quercus rubra was measured using three nonelectrolytes (urea, methyl urea, and ethyl urea) as permeators of progressively increasing lipid solubility. Water permeability was also measured. Al3+ (a) increased membrane permeability to the nonelectrolytes, (b) decreased the membrane's partiality for lipid permeators, and (c) decreased membrane permeability to water. Ca2+ had effects on permeability that were opposite to those of Al3+. When Al3+ and Ca2+ were tested in combination, these opposite effects counteracted each other. The results suggest that Al3+ altered the architecture of membrane lipids.  相似文献   

Growth and Nutrient Status of Quercus rubra L. in Response to Al and Ca   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Northern red oak (Quercus rubra L.) seedlings were grown for63 d in a complete nutrient solution (pH 3.8) containing oneof three concentrations of Al (0, 0.75 or 2-0 mol m–3)and either 10 or 250 mmol m–3 Ca. Of all solution variables,the In of (Al3+)/(Ca2+), the solution activities ratio, wasmost closely correlated with declines in shoot and root growth.Ln (Al3+)/(Ca2+) also most closely predicted leaf and root [Mg],[Al], and [Al]/[Ca]. These three variables in turn were closelyrelated to growth. Toxic levels of (Al3+) and (Al3+)/(Ca2+)in solution are compared to levels in forest soils. Key words: Al phytotoxicity, Al x Ca interaction, Quercus rubra  相似文献   

Sympatric hybridizing oak species provide a model system for studying local adaptation. Disjunct populations of Quercus rubra L. and Quercus ellipsoidalis E. J. Hill at the northern edge of their distribution may harbor important reservoirs of adaptive genetic variation. Genic (expressed sequence tag- simple sequence repeat?=?EST-SSR) and non-genic nuclear microsatellite (nuclear SSR?=?nSSR) markers were used to estimate neutral and potentially adaptive genetic variation in these two supposedly interfertile oak species showing different adaptations to drought. Eleven populations of putative Q. rubra and Q. ellipsoidalis located in the Western Upper Peninsula of Michigan were characterized using seven EST-SSRs and eight nSSRs. Bayesian cluster analysis revealed two distinct groups corresponding to each species with evidence of low levels of potential introgression. A comparison of the genetic structure of adult trees and seedlings revealed no evidence for selection against hybrids. Overall, similar levels of genetic variation and differentiation between populations and species were found at both EST-SSRs and nSSRs indicating that most EST-SSRs chosen reflect neutral variation. Two loci, 3A05 (nSSR) and GOT021 (EST-SSR, putative histidine kinase 4-like), were identified as putative outlier loci between species showing largely reduced variation in Q. ellipsoidalis. Future analyses of an increased number of EST-SSRs located in functional genes will allow the identification of genes involved in the reproductive isolation between both species.  相似文献   

A better understanding of the mechanisms of water uptake by plant roots should be vital for improving drought resistance and water use efficiency (WUE). In the present study, we have demonstrated correlations between root system hydraulic conductivity and root characteristics during evolution using six wheat evolution genotypes (solution culture) with different ploidy chromosome sets (Triticum boeoticum Bioss., T. monococcum L.: 2n = 2x = 14; T. dicoccides Koern., T. dicoccon (Schrank) Schuebl.: 2n = 4x = 28;T. vulgare Vill., T. aestivum L. cv. Xiaoyan No. 6: 2n = 6x = 42). The experimental results showed that significant correlations were found between root system hydraulic conductivity and root characteristics of the materials with the increase in ploidy chromosomes (2x→6x) during wheat evolution. Hydraulic conductivity of the wheat root system at the whole-plant level was increased with chromosome ploidy during evolution, which was positively correlated with hydraulic conductivity of single roots, whole plant biomass,root average diameter, and root growth (length, area), whereas the root/shoot ratio had an inverse correlation with the hydraulic conductivity of root system with increasing chromosome ploidy during wheat evolution. Therefore, it is concluded that that the water uptake ability of wheat roots was strengthened from wild to modern cultivated species during evolution, which will provide scientific evidence for genetic breeding to improve the WUE of wheat by genetic engineering.  相似文献   

Changes in Root Hydraulic Conductivity During Wheat Evolution   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A better understanding of the mechanisms of water uptake by plant roots should be vital for improving drought resistance and water use efficiency (WUE). In the present study, we have demonstrated correlations between root system hydraulic conductivity and root characteristics during evolution using six wheat evolution genotypes (solution culture) with different ploidy chromosome sets (Triticum boeoticum Bioss., T. monococcum L.: 2n=2x=14;T. dicoccides Koern., T. dicoccon (Schrank) Schuebl.:2n=4x=28;T. vulgare Vill., T. aestivum L. cv. Xiaoyan No. 6:2n=6x=42). The experimental results showed that significant correlations were found between root system hydraulic conductivity and root characteristics of the materials with the increase in ploidy chromosomes (2x→6x) during wheat evolution. Hydraulic conductivity of the wheat root system at the whole-plant level was increased with chromosome ploidy during evolution, which was positively correlated with hydraulic conductivity of single roots, whole plant biomass,root average diameter, and root growth (length, area), whereas the root/shoot ratio had an inverse correlation with the hydraulic conductivity of root system with increasing chromosome ploidy during wheat evolution. Therefore, it is concluded that that the water uptake ability of wheat roots was strengthened from wild to modern cultivated species during evolution, which will provide scientific evidence for genetic breeding to improve the WUE of wheat by genetic engineering.  相似文献   


Drought treatments in holm-oak (Quercus ilex) seedlings induce variations in total root length, number of root apices, shoot/root dry weight, and root electrolyte leakage. When drought treatments last for more than 50 days a considerable number of fine lateral roots die, irrespective of branching order or distribution within the root system. Scorching of drought-treated seedlings induces a transient stimulation of root growth. These results indicate that root turnover is deeply affected during treatments, with survival of seedlings being entrusted to the tolerance of a number of roots situated in the deeper region of the root system. Activity of the meristematic tissue present within the apices of these surviving roots supports regeneration of above-ground lost organs during recovery. Knowledge of the mechanisms ensuring the survival of Mediterranean tree seedlings following drought and fire is useful for developing models of vegetation dynamics.  相似文献   

Root protoplasts of Quercus rubra L. were isolated from 12 day old seedlings with an enzyme mixture containing Cellulase R1O + Rhozyme HP150 + Macerozyme R1O, supplemented with cysteine and bovine serum albumin.Protoplasts were purified by a Ficoll density gradient centrifugation and cultured at low density in a liquid medium. The modified woody plant medium, containing 2.2 M benzyladenine + 1.8; M zeatin + 5.3 M -naphthaleneacetic acid + 2.2 M dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, allowed sustained divisions and formation of microcalluses.Protoplast — derived microcallus developed into green and compact callus when transferred to an agarose solidified medium, supplemented with casein hydrolysate and indole 3-acetic acid (devoid of 2,4 dichlorophenoxyacetic acid) and placed under low illumination.Abbreviations IAA indole-3-acetic acid - IBA indole-3-butyric acid - BA benzyladenine - BSA bovine serum albumin - 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - FW fresh weight - GA3 gibberellic acid - MES 2-(N-morpholino) ethanesulfonic acid - MS medium Murashige and Skoog medium (1962) - NAA -naphthaleneacetic acid - WPM woody plant medium (Lloyd and Mc Cown, 1981)  相似文献   

氮磷亏缺对玉米根系水流导度的影响   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
在人工气候室水培条件下,从单根和整株根系两个层次研究了N、P营养与玉米(Zea mays L.)根系水流导度(root hydraulic conductivity,Lpr)间的关系。结果表明:表型抗旱的杂交种F1代户单4号和母本天四的单根水导和整株根系水导均高于不抗旱的父本478,其中天四的单根水导最高,而户单4号的整株根系水导最高。N、P亏缺均使玉米单根水导和整株根系水导降低,但与N亏块相比,P亏缺的植株具有较高的整株根系水导和较低的单根水导。整株根系的水导更能反映植物根系的输水性能。  相似文献   

MURMANIS  L. L. 《Annals of botany》1978,42(3):679-682
Formation and breakdown of end walls were studied in the vesselsof the secondary xylem of Quercus rubra L. The end walls inradially expanding vessel members were very thin but showeda three-layered structure— two peripheral layers and adarker central layer. When longitudinal walls of vessel membersformed secon dary walls, the end walls had thickened considerablyand acquired secondary walls on their periphery. The disintegrationof end walls occurred at about the same time as the disintegrationof the vessel proto plasm. Frequent observations of intermediatestages in the disintegrating end walls indicate that breakdownis a gradual process brought about by the activity of vesselmembers' protoplasm.  相似文献   

Quercus rubra is one of the most important timber and ornamental tree species from eastern North America. It is a widespread species growing under variable ecological conditions. Chloroplast DNA variation was studied by PCR-RFLP (polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism) in 290 individuals from 66 populations sampled throughout the natural range. A total of 12 haplotypes were detected, with one found in 75% of the trees. Population differentiation is relatively low (G(ST) = 0.46), even when similarities between haplotypes are taken into account (N(ST) = 0.50), pointing to a weak phylogeographical structure. Furthermore, no spatial structure of genetic diversity could be detected. The genetic differentiation increased northwards, reflecting the postglacial history of Q. rubra. The unusual aspect of this study was the low level of chloroplast DNA genetic differentiation in Q. rubra compared to that typically observed in other oak species. Palynological evidence indicates that during the last glacial maximum, Q. rubra had one major distribution range with populations located relatively far to the north, resulting in only modest movement northwards when climate improved, whereas European white oaks were largely restricted to the southern European peninsulas and experienced extensive movements during the postglacial period. The contrasted geographical features and levels of tree species richness of both continents might further explain why congeneric species sharing similar life history traits have genetic structures that are so different.  相似文献   

根系径向流的水力学性质主要是根的径向水流导度,它取决于径向水流通道的状况。利用改进的现有原位的测定根系径向水流导度的蒸腾计技术,设计了一个简便的4室吸水测定装置,可一次性获得根本质部水势和根径向水流导度,缩短测定时间10min,确保测定精度。然后用改进的装置测定了生长在不同水分条件下冬小麦(Triticum aestivumL.)根系的径向水流导度,结果显示根系的平均径向水流导度为4.63*10^  相似文献   

The microscale spatial distribution patterns of ectomycorrhizal (ECM) morphotypes of red oak (Quercus rubra L.) were analyzed over a 600 × 6 × 3 cm (length x width x depth) soil monolith. For this purpose, the soil monolith was divided into 2 × 2 × 1 cm cuboids. Each cuboid was assigned to an organic sublayer, namely the F- or H-layer. A new classification method was used to combine morphotypes with similar distribution patterns into five different groups. For identification of the ECM fungi, internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions from nuclear rDNA were sequenced and compared with sequences from the international GenBank. Twenty-eight ECM types were identified in the soil monolith. Using this new classification method, it was found that the majority of morphotypes (16) appeared in a scattered horizontal distribution and that only 5 morphotypes formed clusters. In addition, it was found that many morphotypes had a clear preference for a specific organic sublayer: 14 morphotypes preferred the F-layer, 5 the H-layer, and only 4 morphotypes showed no preference for a given layer. Analysis of the distribution patterns showed that ECM fungi either exclude each other or occur together. The most frequent morphotypes, Cenococcum geophilum and Tomentella spec. 01, were associated with the whole ECM community. In contrast, the frequent morphotype Tomentella terrestris showed the lowest degree of association among the identified morphotypes.  相似文献   

Maggio A  Joly RJ 《Plant physiology》1995,109(1):331-335
A pressure-flux approach was used to evaluate the effects of HgCl2 on water transport in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) roots. Addition of HgCl2 to a root-bathing solution caused a large and rapid reduction in pressure-induced root water flux; the inhibition was largely reversible upon addition of [beta]-mercaptoethanol. Root system hydraulic conductivity was reduced by 57%. There was no difference between treatments in the K+ concentration in xylem exudate. The results are consistent with the presence of a protein-mediated path for transmembrane water flow in tomato roots.  相似文献   

The constraints on water uptake imposed by individual root tissueswere examined forOpuntia ficus-indicaunder wet, drying, andrewetted soil conditions. Root hydraulic conductivity (LP) andaxial conductance (Kh) were measured for intact root segmentsfrom the distal region with an endodermis and from midroot witha periderm;LPwas then measured for each segment with successivetissues removed by dissection. Radial conductivity (LR) wascalculated fromLPandKhfor the intact segment and for the individualtissues by considering the tissue conductivities in series.Under wet conditions,LRfor intact distal root segments was lowestfor the cortex; at midroot, where cortical cells are dead,LRforthe cortex was higher and no single tissue was the predominantlimiter ofLR.LRfor the endodermis and the periderm were similarunder wet conditions. During 30d of soil drying,LRfor the distalcortex increased almost three-fold due to the death of corticalcells, whereasLRfor the midroot cortex was unaffected;LRforthe endodermis and the periderm decreased by 40 and 90%, respectively,during drying. For both root regions under wet conditions, thevascular cylinder had the highestLR, which decreased by 50–70%during 30d of soil drying. After 3d of rewetting, new lateralroots emerged, increasingLRfor the tissues outside the vascularcylinder as well as increasing uptake of an apoplastic tracerinto the xylem of both the roots and the shoot. The averageLRforintact root segments was similar under wet and rewetted conditions,but the conductivity of the tissues outside the vascular cylinderincreased after rewetting, as did the contribution of the apoplasticpathway to water uptake. Opuntia ficus-indica; prickly pear; root hydraulic conductivity; endodermis; periderm; apoplast; lateral root emergence  相似文献   

Root hydrogel, a hydrophilic polymer, has been used to improve transplanting success of bareroot conifer seedlings through effects on water holding capacity. We examined mechanisms by which Terra-sorb® Fine Hydrogel reduces damage that occurs when roots of 1-year old, dormant northern red oak (Quercus rubra L.) were subjected to short-term (1, 3, and 5 h) pre-transplanting desiccation and long-term (45 days) drought stress following transplanting in a controlled environment chamber or greenhouse conditions. Hydrogel-treated seedlings had 80% greater root moisture content than non-root dipped control seedlings following the pre-transplanting desiccation period. Hydrogel reduced root membrane leakiness by 31% 5 h after the desiccation exposure. Hydrogel-treated seedlings did not show greater differences in shoot length, plant dry mass, root volume, net photosynthesis, and stomatal conductance compared with control seedlings following the 45-day drought stress exposure. A reduction in mean number of days to bud break in hydrogel-treated seedlings, combined with delayed tissue moisture loss (linked to higher stem water potential), suggests that hydrogel may have provided stress protection to aid survival under short-term desiccation, which may be beneficial toward alleviating initial transplanting stress.  相似文献   

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