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Abstract Nitrate limited growth of the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum in chemostat cultures produced marked changes in biochemical composition and a six-fold reduction in the specific growth rate. This was associated with a reduction in the carbon and chlorophyll a specific light saturated rates, with little effect on light limited photosynthesis. Variations in specific growth rate were quantitatively related to carbon specific net photosynthesis and maximum chlorophyll a specific light saturated rates were positively correlated with cell nitrogen contents. The correlation between nitrogen content and photosynthesis for P. tricornutum and the differential effect of nitrogen supply on the light response curve of photosynthesis is qualitatively and quantitatively similar to published results for terrestrial vascular plants. There was little change in the photon (quantum) yield of photosynthesis which was not significantly different from 0.125mol O2 mol photon-1 the theoretical upper limit based on the Z scheme, even under severe nitrate deficiency. The capacity to maintain a high photon yield under nitrate limitation is discussed in relation to the nitrogen requirements of the stromal and membrane components of the photosynthetic apparatus.  相似文献   

Mixotrophic growth of the eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)producing diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum UTEX640 was carried out in 1-L batch cultures under anexternal irradiance of 165 mol photons m-2s-1 by supplementing the inorganic culture mediumwith glycerol. The effect on the growth and the fattyacid profile was studied for different initialglycerol concentrations (0–0.1 M). The optimalglycerol concentration was 0.1 M.A lag phase was observed at high glycerolconcentrations. The present study also shows thatsuccessive additions of glycerol at 0.1M concentrationand using ammonium chloride as a nitrogen sourceremarkably increased the maximum biomass concentration(16.2 g L-1) and maximum biomass productivity(61.5 mg L-1 h-1). These values wererespectively 9 and 8-fold higher than in thephotoautotrophically grown control. The level ofsaponifiable lipids in mixotrophically cultured cellswas significantly higher than in photoautotrophicallycultured cells and increased with the glycerolconcentration in the medium. The concentration ofstorage lipids, saturated and monounsaturated fattyacids, were enhanced but the EPA content did notchange significantly. The EPA content was around 2.2%of biomass dry weight. The maximum EPA yield was33.5 mg L-1 d-1 and was obtained in aculture containing 0.1 M glycerol, supplementedperiodically by ammonium chloride. This productivitywas 10-fold higher than the EPA productivity obtainedunder mixotrophic conditions.  相似文献   

The effect of mechanical agitation on the microalgae Phaeodactylum tricornutum and Porphyridium cruentum was investigated in aerated continuous cultures with and without the added shear protectant Pluronic F68. Damage to cells was quantified through a decrease in the steady state concentration of the biomass in the photobioreactor. For a given aeration rate, the steady state biomass concentration rose with increasing rate of mechanical agitation until an upper limit on agitation speed was reached. This maximum tolerable agitation speed depended on the microalgal species. Further increase in agitation speed caused a decline in the steady state concentration of the biomass. An impeller tip speed of >1.56 m s–1 damaged P. tricornutum in aerated culture. In contrast, the damage threshold tip speed for P. cruentum was between 2.45 and 2.89 m s–1. Mechanical agitation was not the direct cause of cell damage. Damage occurred because of the rupture of small gas bubbles at the surface of the culture, but mechanical agitation was instrumental in generating the bubbles that ultimately damaged the cells. Pluronic F68 protected the cells against damage and increased the steady state concentration of the biomass relative to operation without the additive. The protective effect of Pluronic was concentration-dependent over the concentration range of 0.01–0.10% w/v.  相似文献   

Copper, Cd and Zn can be found at elevated concentrations in contaminated estuarine and coastal waters and have potential toxic effects on phytoplankton species. In this study, the effects of these metals on the intracellular production of the polypeptides phytochelatin and glutathione by the marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum were examined in laboratory cultures. Single additions of Cu and Cd (0.4 μM Cu2 and 0.45 μM Cd2+) to the culture medium induced the production of short-chained phytochelatins ((γ-Glu-Cys)n-Gly where n = 2–5), whereas a single addition of Zn (2.2 μM Zn2+) did not stimulate phytochelatin production. Combination of Zn with Cu resulted in a similar phytochelatin production compared with a single Cu addition. The simultaneous exposure to Zn and Cd led to an antagonistic effect on phytochelatin production, which was probably caused by metal competition for cellular binding sites. Glutathione concentrations were affected only upon exposure to Cd (85% increase) or the combination of Cd with Zn (65% decrease), relative to the control experiment. Ratios of phytochelatins to glutathione indicated a pronounced metal stress in response to exposures to Cu or Cd combined with Zn. This study indicates that variabilities in phytochelatin and glutathione production in the field can be explained in part by metal competition for cellular binding sites.  相似文献   

Abstract Photon requirements for growth (φg?1) of the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum were determined under nutrient-sufficient conditions at two photon flux densities corresponding to light limited and near-saturating conditions for growth. The value of φg?1 based on assimilated carbon was light-dependent and varied from 8.8 to 14.0 mol photon mol C?1 with the minimum value at the lowest photon flux density. These results are lower than might be predicted for microalgal growth based on the Z scheme of photosynthesis. Conversion of these values for carbon fixation to estimates based on oxygen evolution is problematical due to uncertainty over the appropriate assimilatory quotient (Qa= mol O2 mol C?1). Minimum values based on oxygen evolution rates ranged from 6.2 to 7.6 mol photon mol O2?1 using a Qa of 1.41 mol O2 mol C?1 obtained by Myers (1980). These estimates are similar to our previous measurements for photosynthesis and indicate a high efficiency for light energy transforming reactions during growth. The values of (φg?1 obtained in this work indicate a number of inadequacies in our understanding of the energetics of microalgal growth and are inconsistent with our present knowledge of photosynthetic energy coupling in plant cells.  相似文献   

Effects of copper at concentrations of 0.13 and 0.25 mg/l on content of photosynthetic pigments, growth, size characteristics, and cell shape of Phaeodactylum tricornutum (Bacillariophyta) microalga were studied. The inhibitory effect of copper on growth parameters was shown to become stronger with increasing concentration of copper in the growth medium. In spite of considerable retardation of cell growth, the concentrations examined had no effect on the content of photosynthetic pigments though affected some morphometric parameters.  相似文献   

Bosco MB  Aleanzi MC  Iglesias AÁ 《Protist》2012,163(2):188-203
Chloroplastidic phosphoglycerate kinase (PGKase) plays a key role in photosynthetic organisms, catalyzing a key step in the Calvin cycle. We performed the molecular cloning of the gene encoding chloroplastidic PGKase-1 in the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum. The recombinant enzyme was expressed in Escherichia coli, purified and characterized. Afterward, it showed similar kinetic properties than the enzyme studied from other organisms, although the diatom enzyme displayed distinctive responses to sulfhydryl reagents. The activity of the enzyme was found to be dependent on the redox status in the environment, determined by different compounds, including some of physiological function. Treatment with oxidant agents, such as diamide, hydrogen peroxide, glutathione and sodium nitroprusside resulted in enzyme inhibition. Recovery of activity was possible by subsequent incubation with reducing reagents such as dithiothreitol and thioredoxins (from E. coli and P. tricornutum). We determined two midpoint potentials of different regulatory redox centers, both values indicating that PGKase-1 might be sensitive to changes in the intracellular redox environment. The role of all the six Cys residues found in the diatom enzyme was analyzed by molecular modeling and site-directed mutagenesis. Results suggest key regulatory properties for P. tricornutum PGKase-1, which could be relevant for the functioning of photosynthetic carbon metabolism in diatoms.  相似文献   

The extracellular matrix of the ovoid and fusiform morphotypes of Phaeodactylum tricornutum (Bohlin) was characterized in detail. The structural and nanophysical properties were analyzed by microscopy. Of the two morphotypes, only the ovoid form secretes adhesive mucilage; light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy images showed that the mucilage was secreted from the girdle band region of the cell as cell‐substratum tethers, accumulating on the surface forming a biofilm. After 7 d, the secreted mucilage became entangled, forming adhesive strands that crisscrossed the substratum surface. In the initial secreted mucilage atomic force microscopy identified a high proportion of adhesive molecules without regular retraction curves and some modular‐like adhesive molecules, in the 7 d old biofilm, the adhesive molecules were longer with fewer adhesive events but greater adhesive strength. Chemical characterization was carried out on extracted proteins and polysaccharides. Differences in protein composition, monosaccharide composition, and linkage analysis are discussed in relation to the composition of the frustule and secreted adhesive mucilage. Polysaccharide analysis showed a broad range of monosaccharides and linkages across all fractions with idiosyncratic enrichment of particular monosaccharides and linkages in each fraction. 3‐linked Mannan was highly enriched in the cell frustule fractions indicating a major structural role, while Rhamnose and Fucose derivatives were enriched in the secreted fractions of the ovoid morphotype suggesting involvement in cell adhesion. Comparison of SDS‐PAGE of extracellular proteins showed two major bands for the ovoid morphotype and four for the fusiform morphotype of which only one appeared to be common to both morphotypes.  相似文献   

Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, 20:5n-3) was obtained from the microalgaPhaeodactylum tricornutum following a three-step process: fatty acid extraction by direct saponification of wet biomass, polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) concentration by formation of urea inclusion compounds and EPA isolation by preparative HPLC. Direct saponification of wet biomass was carried out with KOH-ethanol (96% v:v) (1 h, 60 °C), extracting 91% of the EPA. PUFAs were concentrated by the urea method with an urea/fatty acid ratio of 4:1 at a crystallization temperature of 28 °C using methanol as the urea solvent. An EPA concentration ratio of 1.5 (55.2/36.3) and recovery of 79% were obtained. This PUFA concentrate was used to obtain 95.8% pure EPA by preparative HPLC, using a reverse-phase column (C18, 4.7 cm i.d. × 30 cm) and methanol-water (1% AcH) 80:20 w/w as the mobile phase. Ninety-seven per cent of EPA loaded was recovered and 70% EPA present in theP. tricornutum biomass was recovered in a highly pure form by means of this three-step downstream processing. In each of the HPLC preparative runs, 635 mg PUFA concentrate were loaded, obtaining 326 mg of a highly concentrated EPA fraction (2.46 g d–1). Finally, a preliminary cost statement has been calculated.  相似文献   

以三角褐指藻(Phaeodactylum tricornutum)为研究材料,设置了5个磷营养限制处理:磷营养分量分别设为f/2培养基的1/20(P1)、1/10(P2)、1/8(P3)、1/4(P4)、1/2(P5),以f/2为对照(Pck),在磷限制胁迫下培养10d,然后均以相同密度(2.5×105cells·mL-1)接种在f/2条件下恢复培养16d,测定了三角褐指藻在磷限制胁迫下和恢复培养阶段的生长状况。结果表明,三角褐指藻在受到磷限制胁迫后,细胞密度、蛋白质和可溶性糖含量都显著低于对照(p<0.05);恢复阶段,P1、P2和P3处理组的细胞密度、平均相对生长率及生物量在恢复培养的中前期显著高于对照(p<0.05),最高平均相对生长率分别为0.73、0.70、0.68d-1,显著高于对照(0.55d-1)(p<0.05);P4处理组的细胞密度和生物量与对照无显著差异;P5处理组的细胞密度和生物量在恢复培养的中前期显著低于对照(p<0.05);随着培养时间的推移,各处理组与对照之间的差异逐渐缩小,处理组和对照的细胞密度、生物量、蛋白质和可溶性糖含量等均无显著差异。  相似文献   



Marine diatoms constitute a major component of eukaryotic phytoplankton and stand at the crossroads of several evolutionary lineages. These microalgae possess peculiar genomic features and novel combinations of genes acquired from bacterial, animal and plant ancestors. Furthermore, they display both DNA methylation and gene silencing activities. Yet, the biogenesis and regulatory function of small RNAs (sRNAs) remain ill defined in diatoms.


Here we report the first comprehensive characterization of the sRNA landscape and its correlation with genomic and epigenomic information in Phaeodactylum tricornutum. The majority of sRNAs is 25 to 30 nt-long and maps to repetitive and silenced Transposable Elements marked by DNA methylation. A subset of this population also targets DNA methylated protein-coding genes, suggesting that gene body methylation might be sRNA-driven in diatoms. Remarkably, 25-30 nt sRNAs display a well-defined and unprecedented 180 nt-long periodic distribution at several highly methylated regions that awaits characterization. While canonical miRNAs are not detectable, other 21-25 nt sRNAs of unknown origin are highly expressed. Besides, non-coding RNAs with well-described function, namely tRNAs and U2 snRNA, constitute a major source of 21-25 nt sRNAs and likely play important roles under stressful environmental conditions.


P. tricornutum has evolved diversified sRNA pathways, likely implicated in the regulation of largely still uncharacterized genetic and epigenetic processes. These results uncover an unexpected complexity of diatom sRNA population and previously unappreciated features, providing new insights into the diversification of sRNA-based processes in eukaryotes.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-698) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

A general purpose transformation vector, designated pPha-T1, was constructed for use with the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum Bohlin. This vector harbors the sh ble cassette for primary selection on medium containing the antibiotic zeocin, and a multiple cloning site flanked by the P. tricornutum fcp A promoter. pPha-T1 was used to establish the utility of three selectable marker genes and two reporter genes for P. tricornutum transformation. The nat and sat-1 genes confer resistance to the antibiotic nourseothricin, and npt II confers resistance to G418. Each of these genes was effective as a selectable marker for identifying primary transformants. These markers could also be used for dual selections in combination with the sh ble gene. The reporter genes uid A and gfp were also introduced into P. tricornutum using pPha-T1. Gus expression in some transformants reached 15 μg·μg−1 of total soluble protein and permitted excellent cell staining, while GFP fluorescence was readily visible with standard fluorescence microscopy. The egfp gene, which has optimal codon usage for expression in human cells, was the only version of gfp that produced a strong fluorescent signal in P. tricornutum. The codon bias of the egfp gene is similar to that of P. tricornutum genes. This study suggests that codon usage has a significant effect on the efficient expression of reporter genes in P. tricornutum. The results presented here demonstrate that a variety of selectable markers and reporter genes can be expressed in P. tricornutum , enhancing the potential of this organism for exploring basic biological questions and industrial applications.  相似文献   

Phaeodactylum tricornutum is a widely studied diatom and has been proposed as a source of oil and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), particularly eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). Recent studies indicate that lipid accumulation occurs under nutritional stress. Aim of this research was to determine how changes in nitrogen availability affect productivity, oil yield, and fatty acid (FA) composition of P. tricornutum UTEX 640. After preliminary laboratory trials, outdoor experiments were carried out in 40‐L GWP® reactors under different nitrogen regimes in batch. Nitrogen replete cultures achieved the highest productivity of biomass (about 18 g m?2 d?1) and EPA (about 0.35 g m?2 d?1), whereas nitrogen‐starved cultures achieved the highest FA productivity (about 2.6 g m?2 d?1). The annual potential yield of P. tricornutum grown outdoors in GWP® reactors is 730 kg of EPA per hectare under nutrient‐replete conditions and 5,800 kg of FA per hectare under nitrogen starvation. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2017;114: 2204–2210. © 2017 The Authors. Biotechnology and Bioengineering Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

Microalgae cultures are receiving attention because of increasing biotechnological and biomedical production of active biomolecules. We evaluated various fertilizer-based culture media to scale up production of the marine microalga Phaeodactylum tricornutum for production of exocellular polysaccharides (EPS), soluble proteins, and cellular superoxide dismutase (SOD). The standard source of sodium nitrate was the same as that used in the synthetic f/2 culture medium and ammonium nitrate, urea, ammonium sulfate, and calcium nitrate as alternative sources of nitrogen. The maximum production of EPS was achieved in microalgae cells grown in the culture media containing 63 and 23% nitrogen from ammonium sulfate, and also in microalgae cells grown in the culture media containing 3% nitrogen from ammonium nitrate. The maximum production of cellular SOD was achieved in microalgae cells grown in the culture media containing 35 and 26% nitrogen from ammonium sulfate, and in the culture media containing 17% nitrogen from urea. The results suggest that it is possible to use a source of nitrogen, other than sodium nitrate, to scale up growth of P. tricornutum for production of EPS and SOD at reduced costs.  相似文献   

Summary iserum against two polypeptides of the major fucoxanthin-chlorophylla/c light-harvesting complex of the diatomPhaeodactylum tricornutum and heterologous antiserum against purified photosystem I particles of maize were used to localize these two complexes on the thylakoid membranes ofP. tricornutum. As in many chromophyte algae, the thylakoids are loosely appressed and organized into extended bands of three, giving a ratio of 21 for appressed versus non-appressed membranes. Immunoelectron microscopy demonstrated that the fucoxanthin-chlorophylla/c light-harvesting complex, which is believed to be associated with photosystem II, was equally distributed on the appressed and non-appressed thylakoid membranes. Photosystem I was also found on both types of membranes, but was slightly more concentrated on the two outer non-appressed membranes of each band. Similarly, photosystem I activity, as measured by the photooxidation of 3,3-diaminobenzidine, was higher in the outer thylakoids than in the central thylakoid of each band. We conclude that the thylakoids of diatoms differ from those of green algae and higher plants in their macromolecular organization as well as in their morphological arrangement.Abbreviations BSA bovine serum albumin - DAB 3,3-diaminobenzidine - FCPC fucoxanthin-chlorophylla/c light-harvesting complex - LHC light-harvesting complex - PBS phosphate-buffered saline - PS photosystem  相似文献   

Iron propagation cages were settled on sand and/or rock beds in coastal areas of Hokkaido. The cage was oxidized by dissolved oxygen and the released Fe(II) diffused into the seawater around the cage. Fe(II) concentrations in the range of 10–50 nM were detected within a 20-m distance around the cage. For comparison, in the Japan Sea, the total iron concentration is less than 2 nM.Laminaria japonica was grown in an indoor semi-continuous culture system. The critical Fe level for maintaining maximum growth, and the subsistence Fe level for survival were measured. The concentrations obtained were 14–21 and 8 g Fe g–1 tissue, respectively. Iron found inL. japonica growing on rocks and/or rock beds in the Japan Sea was close to the subsistence level. However, the Fe level inL. japonica on the cage in the Japan Sea was considerably higher. The concentrations of chlorophyll-a and fucoxanthin collected from the cage were significantly higher for sporophytes, demonstrating that iron is a very important element for the growth of seaweeds.  相似文献   

B. N. Patel  M. J. Merrett 《Planta》1986,169(2):222-227
Air-grown cells of the marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum showed only 10% of the carbonic-anhydrase activity of air-grown Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Measurement of carbonic-anhydrase activity using intact cells and cell extracts showed all activity was intracellular in Phaeodactylum. Photosynthetic oxygen evolution at constant inorganic-carbon concentration but varying pH showed that exogenous CO2 was poorly utilized by the cells. Sodium ions increased the affinity of Phaeodactylum for HCO 3 - and even at high HCO 3 - concentrations sodium ions enhanced HCO 3 - utilization. The internal inorganic-carbon pool (HCO 3 - +CO2] was measured using a silicone-oil-layer centrifugal filtering technique. The internal [HCO 3 - +CO2] concentration never exceeded 15% of the external [HCO 3 - +CO2] concentration even at the lowest external concentrations tested. It is concluded that an internal accumulation of inorganic carbon relative to the external medium does not occur in P. tricornutum.Abbreviation Hepes 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethane-sulfonic acid  相似文献   

In the last few years, genome‐based studies in diatoms have received a major boost following the genome sequencing of the centric species Thalassiosira pseudonana Hasle et Heimdal and the pleiomorphic raphid pennate diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum Bohlin. In addition, molecular tools, such as genetic transformation, have been developed for both species. Despite these molecular advances, relatively little is known regarding the genetic diversity of the available strains of these diatoms. In this study, we have compiled a historical summary of the known P. tricornutum species resources and have provided a genetic and phenotypic overview of 10 different axenic strains. Examination of intraspecies genetic diversity based on internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) sequence and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analyses indicate four different genotypes. Seven strains are predominantly fusiform, whereas one strain is predominantly oval, and another is predominantly triradiate. Another is defined as a tropical strain because it appears better acclimated to growth at higher temperatures. Observations in the natural environment indicate that P. tricornutum is a coastal marine diatom that is able to adapt to unstable environments, such as estuaries and rock pools. Because it has rarely been noted in nature, we have developed specific primers to amplify ITS2 sequences and have successfully identified it in environmental samples. These resources should become useful tools for the diatom community when combined with the whole genome sequence and will open up a range of new possibilities for experimental investigations that can exploit the genotypic and phenotypic characteristics described.  相似文献   

The main impacts of cooling water from thermal (nuclear) power plants on aquatic organisms were caused by chlorination and temperature increase. In this study, we investigated the impacts of residual chlorine and short-term heat shocks on growth, pigment contents and photosynthesis of Phaeodactylum tricornutum. Growth of P. tricornutum was completely inhibited; Chlorophyll a and carotenoids contents deceased about 63.3% and 61.4% in 24 h treated with 0.2 mg L− 1 chlorine. The negative effects of chlorination increased with enhanced concentration and prolonged exposure time. Relative electrode transfer rate (rETR) of P. tricornutum was significantly suppressed when treated with 0.2 mg L− 1 residual chlorine for 24 h. Furthermore, the effective quantum yield (Fv'/Fm') decreased first but then recovered with prolonged exposure when residual chlorine ranged between 0.1 and 0.2 mg L− 1. The cells were less sensitive to heat shocks compared with chlorination: the rETR and Fv'/Fm' was suppressed only when the temperature exceeded 35 °C for 1 h. When P. tricornutum was exposed to chlorination combined with heat shocks, the rETR was further inhibited at 35 °C. It indicated that both chlorination and heat shocks had negative impacts on the primary producers living in discharging coastal waters; furthermore, there were synergistic effects of heat shocks on chlorination toxicity.  相似文献   

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