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The Mdm2 protein is the major regulator of the tumor suppressor protein p53. We show that the p53 protein associates both with the N-terminal and with the central domain of Mdm2. The central p53-binding site of Mdm2 encompasses amino acids 235-300. Binding of p53 to the central domain is significantly enhanced after phosphorylation of the central domain of Mdm2. The N-terminal and central domains of Mdm2 act synergistically in binding to p53. p53 mutants that have mutations in the tetramerization domain and that fail to oligomerize do not show such an enhancement of binding in the presence of the other binding site.  相似文献   

Regulation of p63 function by Mdm2 and MdmX.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
p63, a p53-related protein, has been shown to activate p53-responsive genes and induce apoptosis in certain cell types. In this study, we examined the effects of Mdm2 and MdmX proteins on p63 transactivation, apoptosis, and protein levels. The isoforms of p63 most structurally similar to p53, p63gamma (p51A) and p63alpha (p51B), were chosen for study. Our results confirm earlier reports demonstrating that although both p63 isoforms can transactivate p53-responsive promoters and induce apoptosis, p63gamma has a stronger transactivation potential and is a more potent inducer of apoptosis than is p63alpha. In addition, both Mdm2 and MdmX were able to inhibit the transactivation induced by p63gamma and p63alpha. However, only Mdm2 overexpression led to a detectable decrease in p63-induced apoptosis. Although Mdm2 binding to p53 triggers ubiquitin-mediated proteosome degradation, p63 protein levels were unaltered by association with either Mdm2 or MdmX. Finally, immunofluorescence experiments showed that both p63 isoforms were localized in the nucleus and could be exported when coexpressed with Mdm2 but not with MdmX. These findings suggest that both Mdm2 and MdmX can downregulate p63 transactivation potential; however, only Mdm2 is capable of inhibiting the apoptotic function of p63 by removing it from the nucleus.  相似文献   

Regulation of Mdm2-Directed Degradation by the C Terminus of p53   总被引:12,自引:6,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
The stability of the p53 tumor suppressor protein is regulated by interaction with Mdm2, the product of a p53-inducible gene. Mdm2-targeted degradation of p53 depends on the interaction between the two proteins and is mediated by the proteasome. We show here that in addition to the N-terminal Mdm2 binding domain, the C terminus of p53 participates in the ability of p53 to be degraded by Mdm2. In contrast, alterations in the central DNA binding domain of p53, which change the conformation of the p53 protein, do not abrogate the sensitivity of the protein to Mdm2-mediated degradation. The importance of the C-terminal oligomerization domain to Mdm2-targeted degradation of p53 is likely to reflect the importance of oligomerization of the full-length p53 protein for interaction with Mdm2, as previously shown in vitro. Interestingly, the extreme C-terminal region of p53, outside the oligomerization domain, was also shown to be necessary for efficient degradation, and deletion of this region stabilized the protein without abrogating its ability to bind to Mdm2. Mdm2-resistant p53 mutants were not further stabilized following DNA damage, supporting a role for Mdm2 as the principal regulator of p53 stability in cells. The extreme C terminus of the p53 protein has previously been shown to contain several regulatory elements, raising the possibility that either allosteric regulation of p53 by this domain or interaction between this region and a third protein plays a role in determining the sensitivity of p53 to Mdm2-directed degradation.  相似文献   

The p53 tumor suppressor protein is normally restrained by the Mdm2 oncoprotein, which promotes p53 ubiquitination. In a recent issue of Science, report that p53 may face two alternative fates, depending on Mdm2 levels: high Mdm2 drives p53 polyubiquitination and degradation within the cell nucleus, whereas low Mdm2 promotes p53 monoubiquitination and nuclear exclusion.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation of Mdm2, in response to DNA damage, resulted in prevention of p53 degradation in the cytoplasm as well as reduction of its binding with monoclonal antibody (mAb) 2A10. Using a 15-mer phage-peptide library, we identified two 2A10-epitopes on human Mdm2 (hdm2): at positions 255-266 (LDSEDYSLSEEG) and 389-400 (QESDDYSQPSTS). Synthetic peptides corresponding to the above sites, inhibit the binding of mAb2A10 to Mdm2 with high (4.5 x 10(-9)M) and moderate affinity (1.1 x 10(-7)M), respectively. Phospho-derivatives of these peptides, and of single human Mdm2 mutations S260D or S395D resulted in a considerable reduction in their binding with mAb2A10. These results provide a molecular explanation for the observation that reactivity of Mdm2 with mAb2A10 is inhibited by phosphorylation.  相似文献   

Tissue-specific differences of p53 inhibition by Mdm2 and Mdm4   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
The function of the p53 tumor suppressor to inhibit proliferation or initiate apoptosis is often abrogated in tumor cells. Mdm2 and its homolog, Mdm4, are critical inhibitors of p53 that are often overexpressed in human tumors. In mice, loss of Mdm2 or Mdm4 leads to embryonic lethal phenotypes that are completely rescued by concomitant loss of p53. To examine the role of Mdm2 and Mdm4 in a temporal and tissue-specific manner and to determine the relationships of these inhibitors to each other, we generated conditional alleles. We deleted Mdm2 and Mdm4 in cardiomyocytes, since proliferation and apoptosis are important processes in heart development. Mice lacking Mdm2 in the heart were embryonic lethal and showed defects at the time recombination occurred. A critical number of cardiomyocytes were lost by embryonic day 13.5, resulting in heart failure. This phenotype was completely rescued by deletion of p53. Mice lacking Mdm4 in the heart were born at the correct ratio and appeared to be normal. Our studies provide the first direct evidence that Mdm2 can function in the absence of Mdm4 to regulate p53 activity in a tissue-specific manner. Moreover, Mdm4 cannot compensate for the loss of Mdm2 in heart development.  相似文献   

The p53 protein plays a key role in the cellular response to stress by inducing cell growth arrest or apoptosis. The polyproline region of p53 has been shown to be important for its growth suppression activity. p53 protein lacking the polyproline region has impaired apoptotic activity and altered specificity for certain apoptotic target genes. Here we describe the role of this region in the regulation of p53 by its inhibitor Mdm2. p53 lacking the polyproline region was identified to be more susceptible to inhibition by Mdm2. Furthermore, the absence of this region renders p53 more accessible to ubiquitination, nuclear export, and Mdm2-mediated degradation. This increased sensitivity to Mdm2 results from an enhanced affinity of Mdm2 toward p53 lacking the polyproline region. Our results provide a new explanation for the impaired growth suppression activity of p53 lacking this region. The polyproline region is proposed to be important in the modulation of the inhibitory effects of Mdm2 on p53 activities and stability.  相似文献   

Mdmx stabilizes p53 and Mdm2 via two distinct mechanisms   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The p53 protein maintains genomic integrity through its ability to induce cell cycle arrest or apoptosis in response to various forms of stress. Substantial regulation of p53 activity occurs at the level of protein stability, largely determined by the activity of the Mdm2 protein. Mdm2 targets both p53 and itself for ubiquitylation and subsequent proteasomal degradation by acting as an ubiquitin ligase, a function that needs an intact Mdm2 RING finger. For efficient degradation of p53 nuclear export appears to be required. The Mdmx protein, structurally homologous to Mdm2, does not target p53 for degradation, but even stabilizes both p53 and Mdm2, an activity most likely mediated by heterodimerization of the RING fingers of Mdm2 and Mdmx. Here we show that Mdmx expression leads to accumulation of ubiquitylated, nuclear p53 but does not significantly affect the Mdm2-mediated ubiquitylation of p53. In contrast, Mdmx stabilizes Mdm2 by inhibiting its self-ubiquitylation.  相似文献   

The p53 pathway is pivotal in tumor suppression. Cellular p53 activity is subject to tight regulation, in which the two related proteins Mdm2 and Mdm4 have major roles. The delicate interplay between the levels of Mdm2, Mdm4 and p53 is crucial for maintaining proper cellular homeostasis. microRNAs (miRNAs) are short non-coding RNAs that downregulate the level and translatability of specific target mRNAs. We report that miR-661, a primate-specific miRNA, can target both Mdm2 and Mdm4 mRNA in a cell type-dependent manner. miR-661 interacts with Mdm2 and Mdm4 RNA within living cells. The inhibitory effect of miR-661 is more prevalent on Mdm2 than on Mdm4. Interestingly, the predicted miR-661 targets in both mRNAs reside mainly within Alu elements, suggesting a primate-specific mechanism for regulatory diversification during evolution. Downregulation of Mdm2 and Mdm4 by miR-661 augments p53 activity and inhibits cell cycle progression in p53-proficient cells. Correspondingly, low miR-661 expression correlates with bad outcome in breast cancers that typically express wild-type p53. In contrast, the miR-661 locus tends to be amplified in tumors harboring p53 mutations, and miR-661 promotes migration of cells derived from such tumors. Thus, miR-661 may either suppress or promote cancer aggressiveness, depending on p53 status.  相似文献   

PML regulates p53 stability by sequestering Mdm2 to the nucleolus   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
The promyelocytic leukaemia (PML) tumour-suppressor protein potentiates p53 function by regulating post-translational modifications, such as CBP-dependent acetylation and Chk2-dependent phosphorylation, in the PML-Nuclear Body (NB). PML was recently shown to interact with the p53 ubiquitin-ligase Mdm2 (refs 4-6); however, the mechanism by which PML regulates Mdm2 remains unclear. Here, we show that PML enhances p53 stability by sequestering Mdm2 to the nucleolus. We found that after DNA damage, PML and Mdm2 accumulate in the nucleolus in an Arf-independent manner. In addition, we found that the nucleolar localization of PML is dependent on ATR activation and phosphorylation of PML by ATR. Notably, in Pml(-/-) cells, sequestration of Mdm2 to the nucleolus was impaired, as well as p53 stabilization and the induction of apoptosis. Furthermore, we demonstrate that PML physically associates with the nucleolar protein L11, and that L11 knockdown impairs the ability of PML to localize to nucleoli after DNA damage. These findings demonstrate an unexpected role of PML in the nucleolar network for tumour suppression.  相似文献   

Inhibition of p53 degradation by Mdm2 acetylation   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Wang X  Taplick J  Geva N  Oren M 《FEBS letters》2004,561(1-3):195-201

The Mdm2 oncoprotein regulates abundance and activity of the p53 tumor suppressor protein. For efficient degradation of p53, Mdm2 needs to be phosphorylated at several contiguous residues within the central conserved domain. We show that glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK-3) phosphorylated the Mdm2 protein in vitro and in vivo in the central domain. Inhibition of GSK-3 rescued p53 from degradation in an Mdm2-dependent manner while its association with Mdm2 was not affected. Likewise, inhibition of GSK-3 did not alter localization of p53 and Mdm2 or the interaction of Mdm2 and MdmX. Ionizing radiation, which leads to p53 accumulation, directed phosphorylation of GSK-3 at serine 9, which preceded and overlapped with the increase in p53 levels. Moreover, expression of a GSK-3 mutant where serine 9 was replaced with an alanine reduced the accumulation of p53 and induction of its target p21(WAF-1). We therefore conclude that inhibition of GSK-3 contributes to hypophosphorylation of Mdm2 in response to ionizing rays, and in consequence to p53 stabilization.  相似文献   

The product of the Mdm2 oncogene directly interacts with p53 and promotes its ubiquitination and proteasomal degradation. Initial biological studies identified nuclear export sequences (NES), similar to that of the Rev protein from the human immunodeficiency virus, both in Mdm2 and p53. The reported phenotypes resulting from mutation of these NESs, together with results obtained using the nuclear export inhibitor leptomycin B (LMB), have led to a model according to which nuclear export of p53 (via either the NES of Mdm2 or its own NES) is required for efficient p53 degradation. In this study we demonstrate that Mdm2 can promote degradation of p53 in the nucleus or in the cytoplasm, provided both proteins are colocalized. We also investigated if nuclear export is an obligate step on the p53 degradation pathway. We find that (1) when proteasome activity is inhibited, ubiquitinated p53 accumulates in the nucleus and not in the cytoplasm; (2) Mdm2 with a mutated NES can efficiently mediate degradation of wild type p53 or p53 with a mutated NES; (3) the nuclear export inhibitor LMB can increase the steady-state level of p53 by inhibiting Mdm2-mediated ubiquitination of p53; and (4) LMB fails to inhibit Mdm2-mediated degradation of the p53NES mutant, demonstrating that Mdm2-dependent proteolysis of p53 is feasible in the nucleus in the absence of any nuclear export. Therefore, given cocompartmentalization, Mdm2 can promote ubiquitination and proteasomal degradation of p53 with no absolute requirement for nuclear to cytoplasmic transport.  相似文献   

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