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F E Evans  R A Levine 《Biopolymers》1987,26(7):1035-1046
The conformation of the sugar moiety of 8-(N-fluoren-2-ylamino)-2′-deoxyguanosine in solution has been examined as a function of temperature by 1H-nmr spectroscopy. Analysis of coupling constants shows that lowering the temperature to ?50°C in methanol shifts the conformational equilibrium of the sugar ring resulting in a C2′-endo conformation at a mole fraction of 0.97. The computed phase angle of pseudorotation and amplitude of pucker are 154° and 36°, respectively, with very little discrepancy between the five calculated coupling constants and coupling constants extrapolated from the temperature profiles. A computer program has been written enabling a three-state best-fit analysis. The three-state analysis indicates an equilibrium between C2′-endo, C3′-endo, and 04′-endo conformations. In aqueous solution, the computed mole fraction of the 04′-endo form is 0.18 at 30°C. The conformation associated with the sugar ring and the C4′? C5′ bond is compared to that of 2′-deoxyguanosine.  相似文献   

Molecular orbital calculations of proton-proton coupling constants are carried out for a number of nucleosides as a function of conformational characteristics of these compounds. The study of the role of the ring puckering and of the orientation of the exocyclic CH2OH group on the vicinal coupling constants of the ribose indicates the existence, in solution, of an equilibrium between several conformations. The influence of the torsion angle around the glycosidic bond on the vicinal and long range coupling constants is also examined.  相似文献   

N Zhou  S Manogaran  G Zon  T L James 《Biochemistry》1988,27(16):6013-6020
Exchangeable and nonexchangeable protons of [d(GGTATACC)]2 in aqueous cacodylate solution were assigned from two-dimensional nuclear Overhausser effect (2D NOE) spectra. With phase-sensitive COSY and double quantum filtered COSY (DQF-COSY) experiments, the cross-peaks resulting from deoxyribose ring conformation sensitive proton-proton vicinal couplings, i.e., all 1'-2', 1'-2", 2'-3', and 3'-4' couplings and six from 2"-3' couplings, were observed. From the cross-peak fine structure, the 2',2" proton assignments can be confirmed; coupling constants J1'2' and J1'2" and sums of coupling constants involving H2' and H2" for all residues and H3' for C8 were obtained. The DISCO procedure [Kessler, H., Muller, A., & Oschkinat, H. (1985) Magn. Reson. Chem. 23, 844-852] was used to extract individual 1'-2' and 1'-2" coupling constants. The sum of coupling constants involving H1' or H3' was measured from the one-dimensional spectrum where signal overlap is not a problem. Analysis of the resulting coupling constants and sums of coupling constants, in the manner of Rinkel and Altona [Rinkel, L. J., & Altona, C. (1987) J. Biomol. Struct. Dyn. 4, 621-649], led to the following conclusion: C2'-endo deoxyribose ring conformation is predominant for every residue, but a significant amount of C3'-endo conformation may exist, ranging from 14% to 30%.  相似文献   

The influence of conformational rearrangement of the furanose ring in DNA on its dipole moment is studied. The dipole moment of the deoxyribose molecule as a function of its puckered state is calculated by the quantum-mechanical method using the MINDO/3 approximation. The values of the dipole moment and its components are obtained at various magnitudes of the pseudorotation phase angle. The C3'-endo in equilibrium C2'-endo conformational transition of deoxyribose is shown to be accompanied by the change in the dipole moment up to 3D. The results obtained are used to explain the structural properties of the DNA hydration shell.  相似文献   


A graphical method is presented for the conformational analysis of the sugar ring in DNA fragments by means of proton-pro ton couplings. The coupling data required for this analysis consist of sums of couplings, which are referred to as Σ1′ (= J1′2′ + J1′2″), Σ2′ (= J1′2′ + J2′3′+J2′2″), Σ2″ (= J1′2″ + J 2″3′ + J2′2″) and Σ3′ (= J2′3′ + J2″3′ + J3′4′). These sums of couplings correspond to the distance between the outer peaks of the H1′, H2′, H2″ and H3′ {31P} resonances, respectively, (except for Σ2′ and Σ2″ in the case of a small chemical shift difference between the H2′ and H2″ resonances) and can often be obtained from 1H-NMR spectra via first-order measurement, obviating the necessity of a computer-assisted simulation of the fine structure of these resonances. Two different types of graphs for the interpretation of the coupling data are discussed: the first type of graph serves to probe as to whether or not the sugar ring occurs as a single conformer, and if so to analyze the coupling data in terms of the geometry of this sugar ring. In cases where the sugar ring does not occur as a single conformer, but as a blend of N-and S-type sugar puckers, the second type of graph is used to analyze the coupling data in terms of the geometry and population of the most abundant form.

It is shown that the latter type of analysis can be carried out on the basis of experimental values for merely Σ1′, Σ2′ and Σ2″, without any assumptions or restrictions concerning a relation between the geometry of the N- and S-type conformer. In addition, the question is discussed as to how insight can be gained into the conformational purity of the sugar ring from the observed fine structure of the H1′ resonance. Finally, a comparison is made between experimental coupling data reported for single-stranded and duplex DNA fragments and covalent RNA-DNA hybrids on the one hand and the predicted couplings and sums of couplings presented in this paper on the other hand.  相似文献   

We recently suggested that the sensitivity and range of a cluster of membrane receptors in bacteria would be enhanced by cooperative interactions between neighbouring proteins. Here, we examine the consequences of this "conformational spread" mechanism for an idealised one-dimensional system comprising a closed ring of identical allosteric protomers (protein molecules, or a group of protein domains operating as a unit). We show analytically and by means of Monte Carlo simulations that a ring of allosteric protomers can exhibit a switch-like response to changes in ligand concentration. We derive expressions for the sensitivity and cooperativity of switching and show that the maximum sensitivity is proportional to the number of protomers in the ring. A ring of this kind can reproduce the sensitivity and kinetics of the switch complex of a bacterial flagellar motor, for example, which is based on a ring of 34 FliM proteins. We also compare smaller rings of conformationally coupled protomers to classical allosteric proteins such as haemoglobin and show that the canonical MWC and KNF models arise naturally as limiting cases. Conformational spread appears to be a natural extension of the familiar mechanism of allostery: a physically realistic mechanism that should apply widely to many structures built from protein molecules.  相似文献   

A microcomputer reconstruction technique has been developed in order to permit a larger exploitation of stereomicroscopy. The microcomputer facility consists of a digitizing tablet, a microcomputer, a graphics terminal, a graphics plotter and a printer. The technique has been applied to the study of HVEM stereopairs, performed by recording two images of the same area of a specimen (thick section of araldite-embedded leech ganglion neurons), tilted relative to the beam axis through an angle 0/20 degrees. Coordinates of N conjugate points of interest, expressed in a common reference system were obtained with the help of a digitizing tablet and the misorientation between the two images was determined by a method based on a least square technique. New projections of the object on different planes are provided by the microcomputer facility. Also the microcomputer method permits to obtain new stereopairs drawings, in various orientations and slices from a three-dimensional reconstruction of the object oriented in any direction in space. The method permits to obtain computed anaglyph drawings, printed here, which are stereoviews of the same object.  相似文献   

Summary A statistical approach to the interpretation of data from gene assignment with somatic cell hybrids is presented. The observed data are analysed under a variety of hypotheses. The fit to the hypotheses is compared by means of the likelihood obtained under a given hypothesis. Two of these hypotheses are related to fundamental questions: is a gene responsible for the enzyme observation and if so, is that gene located on a specific chromosome or could it change its position and be sometimes on chromosome j and, in another hybrid line, on chromosome k? The other hypotheses concern the assignment of the gene to just one of the chromosomes.To improve the traditional data analysis approach we considered additional information: the uncertainties and possible errors of laboratory methods in all our calculations and the length of the donor chromosomes in connection with one specific hypothesis.This method allows us to account for the reliability of the investigation methods and the nature of the hybrid lines involved. Data can be evaluated at different error probabilities within a realistic range in order to compare and discuss results.  相似文献   

The relationship between published vicinal proton–proton coupling constants and the pseudorotation properties of the pyrrolidine ring in L -proline, 4-hydroxy-L -proline, 4-fluoro-L -proline, and several linear and cyclic model proline peptides is investigated. Compared to earlier studies, several important improvements are incorporated: (1) a new empirical generalization of the classical Karplus equation is utilized, which allows a valid correction for the effects of electronegativity and orientation of substitutents on 3JHH; (2) an empirical correlation between proton–proton torsion angles and the pseudorotational parameters P and τm is derived; and (3) the best fit of the conformational parameters to the experimental coupling constants is obtained by means of a computerized iterative least-squares procedure. Two pseudorotation ranges were considered, classified as type N (χ2 positive sign) and type S (χ2 negative sign). The conformational equilibrium is fully described in terms of four geometrical parameters (PN, τN, PS, τS) and the equilibrium constant K. The present results indicate that, in general, the geometrical properties found in x-ray studies of proline and hydroxyproline residues are well preserved in solution. Several novel features are encountered, however. It is demonstrated that the proline ring occurs in a practically 1:1 conformational equilibrium between well-defined N- and S-type forms. Introduction of an amide group at the C-terminal end has no observable effect on this equilibrium, but the formation of a peptide bond at the imino nitrogen site results in a pronounced, but not exclusive, preference for an S-type form which is roughly 1.1 kcal/mol more stable than its N-type counterpart. The hydroxyproline ring system in neutral or acidic medium displays a pure N-type state, but N-acetylation results in the appearance of a minor (S-type) conformation. Cyclic proline dipeptides similarly exist in a biased conformational equilibrium. The major form (77–88%) corresponds to the N-type conformer observed in the solid state; the minor S-form has not been observed before. In contrast, cyclic hydroxyproline dipeptides display complete conformational purity. Ranges of endocyclic torsion angles deduced for the various classes of pyrrolidine derivatives in solution are presented. Each torsion appears confined to a surprisingly narrow range, comprising about 4°–8° in most cases. In all, the proline ring is far less “floppy” than hitherto assumed.  相似文献   

A graphical method for the analysis of relaxation data is presented. It allows a fast estimation of the range of values of the components of the axially symmetric rotational diffusion tensor that are compatible with the experimental relaxation data. The graphical method clearly shows the contribution of different experimental relaxation parameters to the measured anisotropy. In particular, for proteins with moderate anisotropy, data from at least two N-H bonds forming angles close to 0° and 90° with respect to the principal axis of the rotational diffusional tensor are needed. For very anisotropic systems, combination of different relaxation parameters from a single residue is enough to characterize the local anisotropy.  相似文献   

Recent evidence suggests that DNA methylation changes may underlie numerous complex traits and diseases. The advent of commercial, array-based methods to interrogate DNA methylation has led to a profusion of epigenetic studies in the literature. Array-based methods, such as the popular Illumina GoldenGate and Infinium platforms, estimate the proportion of DNA methylated at single-base resolution for thousands of CpG sites across the genome. These arrays generate enormous amounts of data, but few software resources exist for efficient and flexible analysis of these data. We developed a software package called MethLAB (http://genetics.emory.edu/conneely/MethLAB) using R, an open source statistical language that can be edited to suit the needs of the user. MethLAB features a graphical user interface (GUI) with a menu-driven format designed to efficiently read in and manipulate array-based methylation data in a user-friendly manner. MethLAB tests for association between methylation and relevant phenotypes by fitting a separate linear model for each CpG site. These models can incorporate both continuous and categorical phenotypes and covariates, as well as fixed or random batch or chip effects. MethLAB accounts for multiple testing by controlling the false discovery rate (FDR) at a user-specified level. Standard output includes a spreadsheet-ready text file and an array of publication-quality figures. Considering the growing interest in and availability of DNA methylation data, there is a great need for user-friendly open source analytical tools. With MethLAB, we present a timely resource that will allow users with no programming experience to implement flexible and powerful analyses of DNA methylation data.  相似文献   

Two heteronuclear proton-carbon NMR experiments are applied to the DNA-octamer d(TTGGCCAA)2 with carbon in natural abundance. They lead to a complete assignment of the carbon resonances of the sugars and bases. In addition, several heteronuclear coupling constants, proton-carbon as well as proton-phosphorous and phosphorous-carbon, were determined. The information can be obtained in a reasonable measuring time and offers valuable information for a detailed picture of DNA structure.  相似文献   

Small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) measurements were performed on a solution of single-strand DNA, 5'-ATGCTGATGC-3', in sodium phosphate buffer solution at 10 degrees C temperature increments from 25 degrees C to 80 degrees C. Cylindrical, helical, and random coil shape models were fitted to the SANS measurements at each temperature. All the shapes exhibited an expansion in the diameter direction causing a slightly shortened pitch from 25 degrees C to 43 degrees C, an expansion in the pitch direction with a slight decrease in the diameter from 43 degrees C to 53 degrees C, and finally a dramatic increase in the pitch and diameter from 53 degrees C to 80 degrees C. Differential scanning calorimeter scans of the sequence in solution exhibited a reversible two-state transition profile with a transition temperature of 47.5 +/- 0.5 degrees C, the midpoint of the conformational changes observed in the SANS measurements, and a calorimetric transition enthalpy of 60 +/- 3 kJ mol(-1) that indicates a broad transition as is observed in the SANS measurements. A transition temperature of 47 +/- 1 degrees C was also obtained from ultraviolet optical density measurements of strand melting scans of the single-strand DNA. This transition corresponds to unstacking of the bases of the sequence and is responsible for the thermodynamic discrepancy between its binding stability to its complementary sequence determined directly at ambient temperatures and determined from extrapolated values of the melting of the duplex at high temperature.  相似文献   

磁珠法快速提取鉴定DNA的实验研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
探索用磁珠法进行动植物DNA的快速提取与电泳鉴定实验。操作简捷直观、降低了实验成本,提升了实验水平,使得高纯度DNA的提取实验今后可以在大学生、中学生的生物学、遗传学实验室进行,给更多的学生和教师、科研人员参与生命科学的研究提供了机会。  相似文献   

A semi-phenomenological model with spatially distributed parameters is suggested to describe the processes of conformational transitions induced with change of water content of wet DNA samples. It allows describing conformational dynamics of DNA molecules with heterogeneous primary structures. It has been shown that the process of cooperative conformational transition can be simulated as propagating front of a new conformation. The evolution of a conformational perturbation of DNA molecule has been described. It can collapse for finite time or occupy the whole molecule depending on the water content of the sample.  相似文献   

The conformations of the benzo[a]pyrene-7,8-quinone (BPQ) modified oligonucleotide were investigated using molecular dynamic simulation. In the initial structures, the central guanine base was modified with BPQ resulting in the formation of four structurally distinguishable 10-(N2-deoxyguanosyl)-9,10-dihydro-9-hydroxy benzo[a]pyrene-7,8-dione adducts (BPQ-G3,4). Each of the oligonucleotide adduct consisted of two conformers, namely syn and anti conformations, depending on the rotation around the glycosidic bond between BPQ and the guanine base. The results revealed that the BPQ moiety was located in the major groove for all four syn conformers. The relative energies of these conformers were high, and the backbone largely deviated from the B-form. On the other hand, BPQ was located in the minor groove with relatively low energies, and backbone was retained in all of the anti conformer cases. The most conceivable BPQ-modified double stranded oligonucleotide structure was proposed from the energy calculation and the structural analysis.  相似文献   

It has been established that a long DNA molecule exhibits a large discrete conformational change from a coiled state to a highly folded state in aqueous solution, depending on the presence of various condensing agents such as polyamines. In this study, T4 DNA labeled with fluorescent dyes was encapsulated in a cell-sized microdroplet covered with a phospholipid membrane to investigate the conformational behavior of a DNA molecule in such a confined space. Fluorescence microscopy showed that the presence of Mg2+ induced the adsorption of DNA onto the membrane inner-surface of a droplet composed of phosphatidylethanolamine, while no adsorption was observed onto a phosphatidylcholine membrane. Under the presence of spermine (tetravalent amine), DNA had a folded conformation in the bulk solution. However, when these molecules were encapsulated in the microdroplet, DNA adsorbed onto the membrane surface accompanied by unfolding of its structure into an extended coil conformation under high concentrations of Mg2+. In addition, DNA molecules trapped in large droplets tended not to be adsorbed on the membrane, i.e., no conformational transition occurred. A thermodynamic analysis suggests that the translational entropy loss of a DNA molecule that is accompanied by adsorption is a key factor in these phenomena under micrometer-scale confinement.  相似文献   

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