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Two plasmids containing the N-acetylneuraminate lyase (NALase) gene (nanA) of Escherichia coli, pNL1 and pNL4, were constructed. Immunoprecipitation analysis indicated that the 35,000-dalton protein encoded in pNL4 was NALase. The synthesis of NALase in E. coli carrying these plasmids was constitutive.  相似文献   

The bacteriophage C1 isolated in production cycle lysis belongs to the most common group of bacteriophages wide spread in nature and having the long noncontractile motile tail. Bacterial cells sensitivity to bacteriophage C1 is determined by functioning of the three different loci mapped in different regions of Escherichia coli map at 89, 75 and 61 min. The possibility of existence of a complex receptor for bacteriophage C1 is discussed.  相似文献   

The K1 antigen is an important virulence determinant of Escherichia coli strains and has been shown to be associated particularly with neonatal meningitis, bacteraemia and septicaemia. Thus, its detection seems to be useful, especially in the case of E. coli strains isolated from pregnant women and newborns. In this study, the sensitivity and specificity of the latex agglutination test (Pastorex Meningitis) for identification of E. coli serogroup K1 were assessed, using PCR as the gold standard. Our results showed that consistency of results between latex agglutination test and PCR amounted to 98.5 %. Therefore, Pastorex Meningitis is a good alternative to PCR and could be used for rapid K1 antigen detection, especially in local non-specialized laboratories with limited resources where PCR assay is not applied.  相似文献   

The genetic analysis of essential genes has been generally restricted to the use of conditional mutations, or inactivating chromosomal mutations, which require a complementing plasmid that must either be counterselected or lost to measure a phenotype. These approaches are limited because they do not permit the analysis of mutations suspected to affect a specific function of a protein, nor do they take advantage of the increasing abundance of structural and bioinformatics data for proteins. Using the dnaC gene as an example, we developed a genetic method that should permit the mutational analysis of other essential genes of Escherichia coli and related enterobacteria. The method consists of using a strain carrying a large deletion of the dnaC gene, which is complemented by a wild-type copy expressed from a plasmid that requires isopropyl-beta-d-thiogalactopyranoside for maintenance. Under conditions in which this resident plasmid is lost, the method measures the function of a dnaC mutation encoded by a second plasmid. This methodology should be widely applicable to the genetic analysis of other essential genes.  相似文献   

Genes can be classified as essential or nonessential based on their indispensability for a living organism. Previous researches have suggested that essential genes evolve more slowly than nonessential genes and the impact of gene dispensability on a gene’s evolutionary rate is not as strong as expected. However, findings have not been consistent and evidence is controversial regarding the relationship between the gene indispensability and the rate of gene evolution. Understanding how different classes of genes evolve is essential for a full understanding of evolutionary biology, and may have medical relevance in the design of new antibacterial agents. We therefore performed an investigation into the properties of essential and nonessential genes. Analysis of evolutionary conservation, protein length distribution and amino acid usage between essential and nonessential genes in Escherichia coli K12 demonstrated that essential genes are relatively preserved throughout the bacterial kingdom when compared to nonessential genes. Furthermore, results show that essential genes, compared to nonessential genes, have a significantly higher proportion of large (>534 amino acids) and small proteins (<139 amino acids) relative to medium-sized proteins. The pattern of amino acids usage shows a similar trend for essential and nonessential genes, although some notable exceptions are observed. These findings help to clarify our understanding of the evolutionary mechanisms of essential and nonessential genes, relevant to the study of mutagenesis and possibly allowing prediction of gene properties in other poorly understood organisms.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was comparison of the susceptibility to antibiotics of E. coli strains with K1 antigen (E. coli K1+) and non-K1 E. coli strains (E. coli K1-). This study included 67 of E. coli K1+ and 67 of E. coli K1- strains isolated in the time period from June to September of 2008 from pregnant women and newborns hospitalized at dr. J. Biziel University Hospital number 2 L. Rydygier Collegium Medicum in Bydgoszcz Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. Antimicrobial susceptibility of E. coli strains was tested by the disc-diffusion method, on the Mueller Hinton 2 Agar (Becton Dickinson). It was found that 64,2% of E. coli K1+ strains and 53,7% of E. coli K1-strains were susceptible to all tested antibiotics and chemioterapeutics. E. coli K1- strains were more often than E. coli K1+ nonsusceptible to at least one antimicrobial agent. The obtained results indicate that E. coli K1+ strains significant differed in the susceptibility to ampicillin/sulbactam (85,1% versus 95,5%) (p=0,041), cephalothin (70,1% versus 85,1%) (p=0,038) and tetracycline (91,0% versus 74,6%) (p=0,012) from E. coli K1-strains. All tested E. coli K1+ and K1-strains were sensitive to piperacillin/tazobactam, cefoperazone/sulbactam, cefotaxime, ceftazidime, cefepime, imipenem, amikacin, netilmicin and tigecycline. There weren't the ESBL-producing strains among tested E. coli K1+ and K1- rods.  相似文献   

Abstract: The rfb gene cluster which determines the biosynthesis of the O2 O antigen has been cloned from an Escherichia coli O2: K1 strain isolated from a case of septicaemia in chickens. The region required for expression of the O antigen in E. coli K-12 was localised to a 10.7 to 14.15-kb segment which was shown to be chromosomal in origin with a close linkage to the gnd and his genetic loci.  相似文献   

The O-antigen, consisting of many repeats of an oligosaccharide, is an essential component of the lipopolysaccharide on the surface of Gram-negative bacteria. The O-antigen is one of the most variable cell constituents, and different O-antigen forms are almost entirely due to genetic variations in O-antigen gene clusters. In this paper, we present structural and genetic evidence for a close relationship between Escherichia coli O107 and E. coli O117 O antigens. The O-antigen of E. coli O107 has a pentasaccharide repeating unit with the following structure: →4)-β- d -Gal p NAc-(1→3)-α- l -Rha p -(1→4)-α- d -Glc p NAc-(1→4)-β- d -Gal p -(1→3)-α- d -Gal p NAc-(1→, which differs from the known repeating unit of E. coli O117 only in the substitution of d -GlcNAc for d -Glc. The O-antigen gene clusters of E. coli O107 and O117 share 98.6% overall DNA identity and contain the same set of genes in the same organization. It is proposed that one cluster was evolved from another via mutations, and the substitution of a few amino acids residues in predicted glycosyltransferases resulted in the functional change of one such protein for transferring different sugars in O107 ( d -GlcNAc) and O117 ( d -Glc), leading to different O-antigen structures. This is an example of the O-antigen alteration caused by nucleotide mutations, which is less commonly reported for O-antigen variations.  相似文献   

Genetic analysis and molecular cloning of the Escherichia coli ruv gene   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
Summary The genetic organisation of the ruv gene, a component of the SOS system for DNA repair and recombination in Escherichia coli, was investigated. New point mutations as well as insertions and deletions were generated using transposon Tn10 inserted in eda as a linked marker for site specific mutagenesis, or directly as a mutagen. The mutations were ordered with respect to one another and previously isolated ruv alleles by means of transductional crosses. The direction of chromosome mobilization from ruv:: Mud(ApR lac)strains carrying F42lac + established that ruv is transcribed in a counterclockwise direction. Recombinant phages able to restore UV resistance to ruv mutants were identified, and the ruv + region was subcloned into a low copy number plasmid. The ruv + plasmid was able to correct the extreme radiation sensitivity and recombination deficiency of ruv recBC sbcB strains.  相似文献   

The neuS-encoded polysialytransferase (polyST) in Escherichia coli K1 catalyzes synthesis of polysialic acid homopolymers composed of unbranched sialyl alpha 2,8 linkages. Subcloning and complementation experiments showed that the K1 neuS was functionally interchangeable with the neuS from E. coli K92 (S. M. Steenbergen, T. J. Wrona, and E. R. Vimr, J. Bacteriol. 174:1099-1108, 1992), which synthesizes polysialic acid capsules with alternating sialyl alpha 2,8-2,9 linkages. To better understand the relationship between these polySTs, the complete K92 neuS sequence was determined. The results demonstrated that K1 and K92 neuS genes are homologous and indicated that the K92 copy may have evolved from its K1 homolog. Both K1 and K92 structural genes comprised 1,227 bp. There were 156 (12.7%) differences between the two sequences; among these mutations, 55 did not affect the derived primary structure of K92 polyST and hence were synonymous with the K1 sequence. Assuming maximum parsimony, another estimated 17 synonymous mutations plus 84 nonsynonymous mutations could account for the 70 amino acid replacements in K92 polyST; 36 of these replacements were judged to be conservative when compared with those of K1 polyST. There were no changes detected in the first 146 5' or last 129 3' bp of either gene, suggesting, in addition to the observed mutational differences, the possibility of a past recombination event between neuS loci of two different kps clusters. The results indicate that relatively few amino acid changes can account for the evolution of a glycosyltransferase with novel linkage specificity.  相似文献   

Summary A tranducing phage carrying some of the genes (men) defining the early stages of menaquinone biosynthesis was isolated from a pool of recombinant lambda phages that had been constructed from R.HindIII digests of E. coli DNA and the corresponding insertion vector. The lesions of menB and menC mutants were complemented by the phage but menD mutants were transduced either at low frequencies or not at all. This indicates that the transducing phage contains functional menB and menC genes but that only part of the menD gene had been cloned. The phage (G68) was accordingly disignated menCB(D). Studies with the transducing phage enabled earlier mapping data (Guest 1979) to be reinterpreted in favour of the gene order nalA.... menC..menB..menD.... purF. Restriction analyses established the presence of a bacterial DNA fragment (11.5 kb) linked by a R.HindIII target to the right arm of the genome but fused to the left arm of the vector. Hybridization studies confirmed that the cloned DNA was derived from a larger R.HindIII fragment (21 kb). A physical map of the men region was constructed and some flanking and overlapping fragments were identified.  相似文献   

Using a modified lambda phage as a vector and a procedure developed in Dr. C. Schnaitman's laboratory, we have cloned the structural gene for protein K from an Escherichia coli K1 strain to an E coli K-12 strain. The cloned inserts consist of two HindIII fragments, 4 kb and 6.5 kb in size. The protein produced by the insert is nearly identical to "authentic" protein K when chymotryptic peptides of 125I-labeled proteins are compared. Protein K was found to respond to changes in the osmolarity of the medium, being favored in trypticase soy broth (high osmolarity). This fluctuation was not dependent on a functional ompR gene. However, protein K was not expressed in strains carrying the envZ-473 mutation. Thus, protein K appears to be within a class of exported proteins whose expression is regulated by the envZ gene independent of the ompR gene.  相似文献   

Pantothenate (pan) auxotrophs of Escherichia coli K-12 and Salmonella typhimurium LT2 were characterized by enzymatic and genetic analyses. The panB mutants of both organisms and the pan-6 ("panA") mutant of S. typhimurium are deficient in ketopantoate hydroxymethyltransferase, whereas the panC mutants lack pantothenate synthetase. panD mutants of E. coli K-12 were previously shown to be deficient in aspartate 1-decarboxylase. All mutants showed only a single enzyme defect. The finding that the pan-6 mutant was deficient in ketopantoate hydroxymethyltransferase indicates that the genetic lesion is a panB allele. The pan-6 mutant therefore is deficient in the utilization of alpha-ketoisovalerate rather than the synthesis of alpha-ketoisovalerate, as originally proposed. The order of the pan genes of E. coli K-12 was determined by phage P1-mediated three-factor crosses. The clockwise order was found to be aceF panB panD panC tonA on the genetic map of E. coli K-12. The three-factor crosses were greatly facilitated by use of a closely linked Tn10 transposon as the outside marker. We also found that supplementation of E. coli K-12 auxotrophs with a high concentration of pantothenate or beta-alanine increased the intracellular coenzyme A level two- to threefold above the normal level. Supplementation with pantoate or ketopantoate resulted in smaller increases.  相似文献   

19 independent recombination-deficient mutants were isolated. 7 carried mutations that mapped near or in the recB and recC genes between thyA and argA. 10 mutants carried mutations cotransducible with pheA and exhibited no complementation with recA in temporary zygotic diploids.  相似文献   

Most of the his+ hybrids from crosses between the Escherichia coli donor Hfr45(O8:K27) and different E. coli O9 recipients expressed the donor O8 antigen specificity and produced the capsular antigen K27. Therefore these hybrids must have inherited the his-linked donor rfb region determining the synthesis of O8- specific polysaccharides as well as his-linked genes involved in K27 antigen synthesis. In the living state these hybrids were inagglutinable in O8 antiserum like the donor cells. However, when E. coli K12 and O8:K42- were used as recipients most of the his+ hybrids were agglutinable in O8 and K27 antisera. The amounts of K27 antigen present in these hybrids, designated as K27i (intermediate) forms, were sufficient to evoke the production of K27 antibodies in rabbits, but insufficient to inhibit O-agglutination of the respective cells. The additional transfer of the trp region of E. coli O8:K27 into such K27i forms frequently resulted in O-inagglutinable K27+ hybrids. This is attributed to the introduction of trp-linked genes which apparently play a role in the synthesis of K27 capsular antigen. Tus it is concluded that at least two gene loci, one close to his and the other close to trp, are required for the synthesis of the complete capsular antigen K27.  相似文献   

Leptospira interrogans serovar canicola DNA was cloned into the plasmid pBR322 and introduced into E. coli. Eight out of approximately 10,000 transformants were found to express antigens of canicola by ELISA including colony ELISA blot test using anti-canicola antiserum. The canicola antigens expressed in the transformants reacted with the antisera against the serovars belonging to Canicola serogroup and other serogroups of L. interrogans. They did not react, however, with the antiserum against L. biflexa (with only one exception) nor with the antiserum against Leptonema illini. Thus, the recombinant DNA technique may provide alternative possibilities for preparing antigens of leptospires.  相似文献   

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