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Cell and Tissue Research - The distribution, form variability and organization of two types of encapsulated mechanoreceptors, the Grandry and the Herbst corpuscles, were studied in the beak of...  相似文献   

Cyclosporine A (CsA), a potent immunosuppressive drug, has been found to induce glucose intolerance through its toxic effect on the endocrine pancreas. It is not exactly known whether CsA has a direct effect on the endocrine pancreas or induces its effect indirectly. The present study was therefore undertaken to examine the function and morphology of isolated pancreatic islets when they are directly exposed in vitro to CsA. Pancreatic islets were isolated from adult male Lewis rats using collagenase ductal perfusion technique. The islets were separated with the discontinuous Ficoll gradient technique and further purified by hand picking of the non-islet tissue. The islets were cultured in RPMI-1640, pH 7.4 and maintained at 37 degrees C in a humid atmosphere of 5% (v/v) carbon dioxide in air. Cyclosporine was added to the culture medium to give a final concentration of 1 microg/ml (therapeutic dose), 5 microg/ml (toxic dose), or vehicle (control). Islets were harvested at 1, 4 and 10 days of culture and processed for functional or histological study. The functional study of the islets cultured with 1 microg/ml CsA showed insulin and C-peptide contents similar to those of the control islets. The islets cultured with 5 microg/ml CsA showed a marked decrease in insulin and C-peptide contents. Glucose-dependent insulin release was variable. C-peptide release was lower than that of the control following both the therapeutic and toxic doses of CsA. Phase contrast microscopy showed that the islets cultured with 1 microg/ml CsA were mostly normal looking with a well-defined regular periphery; a few islets had ill-defined or irregular peripheries. The islets cultured with 5 microg/ml CsA had ill-defined irregular peripheries at 1 day, and were dense and forming clumps at 4 and 10 days following culture. There was a decrease in the islet number following the therapeutic dose; the decrease was more following the toxic dose of CsA. The islet diameters increased after the therapeutic dose, but slightly decreased following the toxic dose of CsA. Islets showed a weakly positive immunoperoxidase reaction for insulin that was weaker following the toxic dose of CsA. It is concluded that CsA has a direct effect on B-cells that was proved by the functional and morphological changes seen in the pancreatic islets cultured in vitro.  相似文献   


Ommastrephid squid produce some of the smallest cephalopod hatchlings, whose feeding behavior has not been observed. The present study aimed at indirectly filling this knowledge gap by describing ontogenetic changes in beak morphology and morphometry and integrating these results with published datasets on Illex argentinus arm crown morphology and gut contents. Individuals [0.7–15 mm mantle length (ML)] were measured, weighed, and had their buccal mass extracted. Jaw measurements were correlated with ML to determine whether jaw development occurred linearly with ML. For a 10 mm increment in ML, weight increased 430-fold. The jaws of hatchlings were rudimentary, but in larger paralarvae the rostrum protrudes and the jaw features (teeth, slit, groove) disappear. Increases in ML were predicted by beak robustness indices and rostrum protrusion, with growth discontinuities pointing to faster growth in individuals ≤ 2 mm ML. Morphological changes in the beak and arm crown are in synchrony with a transitional event in the feeding ecology of paralarvae: the onset of active predation on crustaceans and masticating their exoskeletons for ingestion. Integration of the results with published data has led to the proposal of a hypothesis of four size-differentiated developmental stages in the feeding ecology of I. argentinus rhynchoteuthions.


The evolutionary distance between two sets of proteins was estimated using the techniques of Miyata and Yasunaga (1980) and Kimura (1980). Human beta 2-microglobulin was compared with the homologous murine molecule, while human and equine alpha-globin were similarly treated. It was found that a large amount of molecular evolution has occurred in beta 2-microglobulin since its divergence from the common ancestor of mice and humans. Kimura's estimate of evolutionary distance, K, is 0.353, while those of Miyata and Yasunaga are KS = 0.708 and KA = 0.171. The respective values for human and equine alpha-globin are 0.152, 0.293, and 0.084. In spite of this molecular evolution, it is shown that murine beta 2-microglobulin can effect the expression of HLA class I antigens on the surface of human-mouse hybrid cells and that the tertiary structures of human and equine deoxyhemoglobin are nearly identical. These observations are discussed in the light of Kimura's theory of neutral allelic drift.  相似文献   

Unlike mammals, where the males produce huge quantities of tiny spermatozoa, insects, and Drosophila in particular, exhibit a wide range of reproductive strategies. Sperm gigantism in Drosophila deviates from the rules that normally govern anisogamy, i.e. differences in the size and quantity of male and female gametes. Sperm gigantism has driven anatomical, physiological and cytological adaptations that affect the correlated evolution of the male and female reproductive systems, and has led to the evolution of a new structure, the roller, located between the testis and the seminal vesicle, and to sperm coiling to form pellets. The diversification of sperm strategy is investigated in the light of sexual selection processes that occur in the female genital tract after copulation. These processes, which bias paternity, result from interactions either between spermatozoa from different males, or between the spermatozoa and the environment within the female reproductive tract. In Drosophila, increased sperm size does not confer any reproductive advantage on the male. The evolution of sperm gigantism does not seem to be attributable to competition between spermatozoa from different males, as has been shown to occur in some vertebrate species. Alternative mechanisms, such as interactions between spermatozoa and the female reproductive system, are therefore currently viewed as being more likely explanations. In particular, the impact of sperm size on female reproductive physiology is being investigated to find out whether having large spermatozoa increases the likelihood of male reproductive success. Correlated adaptations of the spermatozoa and female storage organs also seem to be a major factor in determining sperm success, and their role in male-female conflicts is discussed briefly.  相似文献   

Osteostraci and Galeaspida are stem-gnathostomes, occupying a key phylogenetic position for resolving the nature of the jawless ancestor from which jawed vertebrates evolved more than 400 million years ago. Both groups are characterized by the presence of rigid headshields that share a number of common morphological traits, in some cases hindering the resolution of their interrelationships and the exact nature of their affinities with jawed vertebrates. Here, we explore the morphological and functional diversity of osteostracan and galeaspid headshields using geometric morphometrics and computational fluid dynamics to constrain the factors that promoted the evolution of their similar morphologies and informing on the ecological scenario under which jawed vertebrates emerged. Phylomorphospace, Mantel analysis and Stayton metrics demonstrate a high degree of homoplasy. Computational fluid dynamics reveals similar hydrodynamic performance among morphologically convergent species, indicating the independent acquisition of the same morphofunctional traits and, potentially, equivalent lifestyles. These results confirm that a number of the characters typically used to infer the evolutionary relationships among galeaspids, osteostracans and jawed vertebrates are convergent in nature, potentially obscuring understanding of the assembly of the gnathostome bodyplan. Ultimately, our results reveal that while the jawless relatives of the earliest jawed vertebrates were ecologically diverse, widespread convergence on the same hydrodynamic adaptations suggests they had reached the limits of their potential ecological diversity—overcome by jawed vertebrates and their later innovations.  相似文献   

Over the past years, knowledge and evidence about the existence of crosstalks between cellular organelles and their potential effects on survival or cell death have been constantly growing. More recently, evidence accumulated showing an intimate relationship between endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and mitochondria. These close contacts not only establish extensive physical links allowing exchange of lipids and calcium but they can also coordinate pathways involved in cell life and death. It is now obvious that ER dysfunction/stress and unfolded protein response (UPR) as well as mitochondria play major roles in apoptosis. However, while the effects of major ER stress on cell death have been largely studied and reviewed, it becomes more and more evident that cells might regularly deal with sublethal ER stress, a condition that does not necessarily lead to cell death but might affect the function/activity of other organelles such as mitochondria. In this review, we will particularly focus on these new, interesting and intriguing metabolic and morphological events that occur during the early adaptative phase of the ER stress, before the onset of cell death, and that remain largely unknown. Relevance and implication of these mitochondrial changes in response to ER stress conditions for human diseases such as type II diabetes and Alzheimer's disease will also be considered. J. Cell. Physiol. 9999: XX–XX, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J. Cell. Physiol. 228: 1802–1818, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Diversity in organismal forms among taxa is thought to reflect distinct selection pressures across environments. The central assumption underlying this expectation is that taxa experiencing similar selection have similar response to that selection. However, because selection acts on trait function, taxa similarity in selection response depends crucially on the relationship between function and morphology. Further, when a trait consists of multiple parts, changes in function in response to selection can result from modification of different parts, and adaptation to the same environment might result in functional but not morphological similarity. Here, we address the extent to which functional and morphological diversity in masticatory apparatus of soricid shrews reflects a shared ecological characteristic of their diet type. We examine the factors limiting morphological variation across shrew species by assessing the relative contribution of trait function (biomechanics of the jaw), ecology, and phylogeny to species similarity in mandibular traits. We found that species that shared diet type were functionally but not morphologically similar. The presence of multiple semi-independently varying traits enabled functional equivalence of composite foraging morphologies and resulted in variable response to selection exerted by similar diet. We show that functional equivalence of multiple morphologies enabled persistence of differences in habitat use (e.g., habitat moisture and coverage) among species that specialize on the same diet. We discuss the importance of developmental and functional integration among traits for evolutionary diversification of morphological structures that generate equivalent functions.  相似文献   

Continuous microvascular endothelium constitutively transfers protein from vessel lumen to interstitial space. Compelling recent biochemical, ultrastructural, and physiological evidence reviewed herein demonstrates that protein transport is not the result of barrier "leakiness" but, rather, is an active process occurring primarily in a transendothelial vesicular pathway. Protein accesses the vesicular pathway by means of caveolae open to the vessel lumen. Vascular tracer proteins appear in free cytoplasmic vesicles within minutes; contents of transport vesicles are rapidly deposited into the subendothelial matrix by exocytosis. Caveolin-1 deficiency eliminates caveolae and abolishes vesicular protein transport; interestingly, exchange vessels develop a compensatory transport mode through the opening of a paracellular permeability pathway. The evidence supports the transcytosis hypothesis and the concept that transcytosis is a fundamental component of transendothelial permeability of macromolecules.  相似文献   

Single bovine adrenal medullary cells have been obtained by retrograde perfusion of adrenal medullae with a solution of 0.05% collagenase in Ca++-free Krebs Henseleit buffer. Chromaffin cells were obtained in high yield (5 X 10(6) cells/g medulla), and more than 95% of these were viable as shown by exclusion of trypan blue. The isolated cells were capable of respiring at a linear rate for a minimum of 120 min. Ultrastructural examination revealed that the cells were morphologically intact, and two distinct types of adrenal medullary cells were identified, on the basis of the morphology of their electron-dense vesicles, as (a) adrenaline-containing and (b) noradrenaline-containing cells. Biochemical analysis showed that the cells contained catecholamines and dopamine-beta-hydroxylase (DBH). The cells released catecholamines and DBH in response to acetylcholine (ACh), and this release was accompanied by changes in the vesicular and surface membranes observed at the ultrastructural level. The time-course of ACh-stimulated catecholamine and DBH release, and the dependence of this release on the concentration of ACh and extracellular Ca++ have been investigated. The isolated cells were pharmacologically sensitive to the action of the cholinergic blocking agents, atropine and hexamethonium.  相似文献   

Goldfish are ideal vertebrates for the study of regeneration within the central nervous system. The present behavioural and neuroanatomical investigations after bilateral transection of the entire olfactory tracts of either lateral or medial subtracts have been designed (1) to examine the relationship between morphological changes and changes in the perception of spontaneously preferred chemosensory stimuli, (2) to investigate the animals' ability to qualitatively discriminate amino acids in olfactory concentrations (below taste threshold, 10-6–10-8 M), one of which had been rewarded preoperatively (specific regeneration), and (3) to examine the discriminative ability for amino acids at concentrations above taste threshold (> 10-5 M) in intact sham-operated, and in operated specimens at various time intervals before functional regeneration. Within 10–14 days after bilateral transection of the lateral olfactory tracts, specific regeneration was observed. After bilateral transection of the medial olfactory tracts, no immediate behavioural change was recorded for 1 week. Thereafter, goldfish behaviour became unstable and dropped to the chance level for 3–4 weeks. Subsequent to this time the goldfish returned to the preoperative level. Following bilateral crushing of the olfactory tracts and after total tractotomy, a specific regeneration was observed after 4 weeks and 6–8 weeks, respectively, post op. HRP studies showed that after bilateral lesioning a qualitative reinnervation of the respective nuclei within the forebrain by the medial and lateral olfactory subtracts was evident.Abbreviations FB funnel biting - FO funnel orientation - HRP horseradish peroxidase - LOT lateral olfactory tract - MOT medial olfactory tract  相似文献   

Morphological state of connective tissue (stromal) cells of the stomach mucous membrane has been studied in healthy persons, having a habitual regime of feeding. During digestive period in the stomach mucous membrane, certain changes develop, which are considered as a digestive reaction. Three stages of the digestive reaction, having strict morphological signs are determined, their connections being stated by means of morphometry and mathematical analysis. I stage (preparatory) is characterized with a moderate vascular reaction, degranulation of mast cells under the superficial++ epithelium of the mucous membrane, with a moderate neutrophilic leukopedesis and a moderate lymphocytic infiltration; II stage (developed) is distinguished as a definitely demonstrated reaction of the microcirculatory bed, intensive degranulation of mast cells at all levels of the mucous membrane, massive discharge of neutrophilic granulocytes and lymphocytes into stroma; III stage (restorative) is characterized with a predominance of fibroblasts and fibrocytes, with reparation of mast cells, with decreasing saturation of stroma with neutrophilic granulocytes, lymphocytes, an increased number of eosinophilic granulocytes takes place. The data obtained widen our knowledge on functional morphology of the stomach mucous membrane, normal and at gastroduodenal pathology.  相似文献   

Satellite cells represent a specific lineage of myogenic progenitors that allow skeletal muscle postnatal growth and repair. They have been described as being heterogeneous in nature, a characteristic associated with functional disparities. Here, we aimed at determining whether the morphometric characteristics of freshly extracted turkey muscle-derived cells (MDC) could represent a distinctive criterion between them and could also be associated with their behavioural features. Morphometric analysis showed that MDC displayed wide cell size diversity, from 4 to 10 μm. Lineage marker analysis was performed on MDC sorted by their size using counterflow centrifugal elutriation and showed that the cell size was associated with the specific expression of myogenic markers, revealing different commitment levels. In vitro, the smallest MDC exhibited limited myogenic activity while larger MDC displayed a myogenic potential that increased with their size. Ultrastructural analysis revealed that the smallest MDC shared quiescent cell features, whereas the other cells displayed metabolic activity that also increased as a function of their size. Collectively, our results demonstrate that the size of freshly extracted MDC is indicative of their respective progression towards myogenic differentiation lineage. This criterion could be useful for the early separation of more or less committed cells in the myogenic programme.Gregory Jouvion and Karl Rouger contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Islets were isolated from the pancreas of female rats by using the collagenase technique. After culturing for 4 days, the islets were taken for measurement of insulin release biosynthesis as well as glucose utilization in subsequent short-time incubations. A low glucose concentration was insufficient to maintain a glucose-stimulated insulin release in vitro. A high glucose concentration had a protecting and restoring effect on the insulin release: ultrastructurally, such islets showed signs of an active biosynthesis in the electron micrograph. The enhancement of Mg++ in the culture medium resulted in an improvement of insulin storage in the islets, accompanied by a well-preserved action of glucose in a subsequent incubation.  相似文献   

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