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Summary The pelvic ganglia supply cholinergic and noradrenergic nerve pathways to many organs. Other possible transmitters are also present in these nerves, including peptides. Multiple labelling immunofluorescence techniques were used in this study of the male rat major pelvic ganglion (MPG) to examine: (1) the peptides present in noradrenergic (tyrosine hydroxylase (TH)-positive) and non-noradrenergic (putative cholinergic) neurons, and (2) the types of peptide-containing nerve fibres closely associated with these two groups of neurons. The distribution of the peptide galanin (GAL) within the MPG was also investigated. All of the TH-neurons contained neuropeptide Y (NPY), but none of the other tested peptides. However, many NPY neurons did not contain TH and may have been cholinergic. TH-negative neurons also displayed vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP), enkephalin (ENK) or GAL. VIP and NPY formed the most common types of putative cholinergic pelvic neurons, but few cells contained both peptides. Many ENK neurons exhibited VIP, NPY or GAL. Varicose nerve terminals surrounding ganglion cells contained ENK, GAL, somatostatin (SOM) and cholecystokinin (CCK). These peptide-immunoreactive fibres were more often associated with the non-noradrenergic (putative cholinergic) than the noradrenergic neurons; two types (SOM and CCK) were preferentially associated with the non-noradrenergic NPY neurons. GAL was distributed throughout the MPG, in small neurons, scattered small, intensely fluorescent (SIF) cells, and both varicose and non-varicose nerve fibres. The nerve fibres were concentrated near the pelvic and penile nerves; most of the varicose fibres formed baskets surrounding individual GAL-negative somata.  相似文献   

The pelvic ganglia are mixed ganglia containing both sympathetic and parasympathetic neurons that receive spinal input via the hypogastric (lumbar cord) and pelvic nerves (sacral cord), respectively. A recent study has utilised immunohistochemistry against synaptophysin (a protein associated with small vesicles) to visualise the preganglionic terminals in these ganglia. By selectively cutting the hypogastric or pelvic nerves and allowing subsequent terminal degeneration, the populations of parasympathetic and sympathetic preganglionic terminals, respectively, can be visualised. The present study has used this method in conjunction with retrograde labelling of pelvic neurons from the distal colon and double label immunofluorescence against tyrosine hydroxylase and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) to identify and characterise the sympathetic and parasympathetic neurons projecting to the distal colon from the major pelvic ganglia of the male rat. Approximately equal numbers of distal colonic-projecting pelvic neurons are sympathetic and parasympathetic. Almost all noradrenergic neurons are sympathetic. Of the VIP neurons that project to the distal colon approximately one third are sympathetic, one third parasympathetic and the remaining third are possibly innervated by both the lumbar and sacral cord. Extrapolation from our results also suggests that the majority of non-noradrenergic neuropeptide Y neurons (which are known to comprise the remainder of the neurons) are parasympathetic. These studies have demonstrated that the pelvic ganglia are a major source of sympathetic innervation to the distal bowel and have further shown that the distal colon is another target for the non-noradrenergic sympathetic neurons of the pelvic ganglia.  相似文献   

Summary In male rats a large number of the postganglionic neurons which innervate the pelvic organs are located in the major pelvic ganglion. In the present study we have identified the location within this ganglion of neurons which project to either of three pelvic organs, the penis, colon or urinary bladder. Two fluorescent retrogradely-transported dyes, Fast Blue and Fluoro-Gold, were used. For most animals one dye was injected into the cavernous space of the penis, the wall of the distal colon or the wall of the urinary bladder. In a small number of animals two organs were injected, each with a different dye. One to six weeks after injection the major pelvic ganglia were fixed in buffered formaldehyde. The distribution of fluorescent dye-labelled cells was observed in whole mounts of complete ganglia and, in most cases, also in small accessory ganglia located between the ureter and the prostate. The studies showed a unique pattern of distribution for each organ-specific group of neurons. Most of the colon neurons are located in the major pelvic ganglion near the entrance of the pelvic nerve, whereas almost all of the penis neurons are near or within the penile nerve. Bladder neurons are relatively evenly distributed throughout the ganglion. These results demonstrate a distinct topographical organization of organ-specific neurons of the major pelvic ganglion of the male rat, a phenomenon which has also been observed in other peripheral ganglia.  相似文献   

The male rat major pelvic ganglion contains both sympathetic and parasympathetic neurons that supply the lower urinary and digestive tracts, and the reproductive organs. The aim of this study was to describe the distribution and identify potential targets of sensory and intestinofugal axons in this ganglion. Two putative markers of these projections were chosen, substance P for primary sensory axons and bombesin for myenteric intestinofugal projections. Varicose substance P-immunoreactive axons were associated only with non-noradrenergic (putative cholinergic) somata, and most commonly with those that contained vasoactive intestinal peptide. Immunoreactivity for substance P was also present in a small group of non-noradrenergic somata, many of which were immunoreactive for enkephalins, neuropeptide Y or vasoactive intestinal peptide. Bombesin immunoreactivity was found only in preterminal and terminal (varicose) axons, the latter of which were exclusively associated with non-noradrenergic somata that contain neuropeptide Y-immunoreactivity. Some varicose axons containing either substance P-or bombesin-immunoreactivity were intermingled with clumps of small, intensely fluorescent cells. These studies indicate that substance P-and bombesin-immunoreactive axons are likely to connect with numerically small, but discrete, populations of pelvic neurons.  相似文献   

The locus coeruleus (LC) or superior cervical ganglion (SCG) of neonatal rats were co-cultured either with the pineal organ or cerebral cortex (CX) to investigate the innervating capacity of central and peripheral catacholamine neurons under these experimental conditions. After 2 weeks of co-culturing, cultures were fixed for tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) immunohistochemistry to examine the distribution of catecholamine neurons and their fibers. Glial fibrillary acidic protein and fibronectin immunohistochemistry was performed to determine the cell types proliferating around the explants. In LC/CX co-cultures, numerous astrocytes spread between the two explants, and TH-immunoreactive neurites were generally seen to invade CX explants. In contrast, neurite extension from LC to pineal explants occurred only when a glial cell sheet grew between the two explants, and when the pineal explants were not surrounded by a tight fibronectin-positive cell layer. Neurites of the SCG usually invaded both CX and pineal explants, regardless of the existence of glial or non-glial cell layer. These results indicate that central and peripheral catecholamine neurites have the potential of invading both the cortex and pineal, although they are distributed only in particular regions of the intact brain. The distribution of LC neurites, however, seems to be profoundly affected by the cell types spreading around the explants; glial cells appear to support LC neurite extension, whereas non-glial cells appear to inhibit it.  相似文献   

Summary By use of the indirect immunofluorescence technique a small group of large somatostatin-positive neurons is described in the subependymal area of the anterior paraventricular thalamus of the male rat. Retrograde-tracing experiments suggest that they project to areas outside the blood-brain barrier.  相似文献   

Summary Pieces of fetal midbrain raphe containing serotonergic and dopaminergic neurons were transplanted into the leptomeningeal tissue (see Fig. 3) of adult host rats that had previously been denervated by treatment with 5,6-dihydroxytryptamine. One, 2 and 5 months after transplantation, the rate of neuronal survival in the grafted tissue and the extent of axonal outgrowth into the host brain were studied by use of serotonin and tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) immunohistochemistry. The survival rate of the grafts in the 1-month group was approximately 70%. Neurons containing either serotonin or catecholamine were demonstrated by means of immunocytochemical procedures in the grafts. Two and 5 months after transplantation, serotonin-immunoreactive nerve fibers were densely distributed throughout the graft tissue, while TH-immunoreactive fiber elements were restricted to an area near the somata of TH-positive neurons. Numerous serotonin-immunoreactive fibers derived from the transplant were found in the leptomeningeal tissue surrounding the graft, on the wall of neighboring blood vessels, and also in the adjacent parenchyma of the host brain. Outgrowing TH-immunoreactive nerve fibers were not observed in the host brain, although such elements occurred in the leptomeningeal tissue and the wall of the larger blood vessels. These results suggest that the serotonergic and catecholaminergic (dopaminergic) neurons located in transplants of the raphe nuclei show different patterns when reinnervating the host tissue.  相似文献   

Summary The pineal organ of neonatal rats was transplanted to the frontal part of the cerebral cortex or the cerebral interhemispheric fissure of an isogenic adult rat to determine whether pineal differentiation and pinealopetal innervation are affected by aberrant neuronal influences. Transplants were fixed for immunohistochemistry at 1, 2 and 6 months after transplantation. When treated with an anti-serotonin antibody, cells in transplants from both locations showed intense immunoreactivity and a morphology comparable to intact pinealocytes, indicating that the transplanted pinealocytes had differentiated normally. Tyrosine hydroxylase immunohistochemistry revealed that new catecholamine fibers of central nervous origin extended only into the periphery and not into the core of transplants grafted within the cortex. However, numerous catecholamine fibers were found in transplants placed in the interhemispheric fissure. These fibers were often accompanied by blood vessels, suggesting that they derived from sympathetic ganglia. Serotonin fibers, which are densely distributed in the cerebral cortex, were seldom found to enter transplants from both locations. These observations indicate that pineal cells express their characteristic properties even when transferred to a foreign milieu and that they do not receive novel innervation from the central nerves that normally do not innervate the intact pineal body; the transplant thereby retains the property of selective pinealopetal innervation.  相似文献   

A mechanical or chemical stimulus applied to the intestinal mucosa induces motility reflexes in the rat colon. Enteric neurons containing calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) have been suggested as intrinsic primary afferent neurons responsible for mediating such reflexes. In the present study, immunohistochemistry was performed on whole-mount stretch preparations to investigate chemical profiles, morphological characteristics and projections of CGRP-containing neurons in the myenteric plexus of the rat colon. CGRP-positive neuronal cell bodies were detected in preparations incubated with colchicine-containing medium, whereas CGRP-positive nerve fibres were found in colchicine-untreated preparations. These neurons had large oval or round cell bodies that were also immunoreactive for the calcium-binding protein calretinin and neurofilament 200. Myenteric neurons positive for both calretinin and neurofilament 200 had several long processes that emerged from the cell body, consistent with Dogiel type II morphology. Application of the neural tracer DiI to the intestinal mucosa revealed that DiI-labelled myenteric neurons each had an oval or round cell body immunoreactive for calretinin. Thus, CGRP-containing myenteric neurons are Dogiel type II neurons and are immunoreactive for calretinin and neurofilament 200 in the rat colon. These neurons probably project to the intestinal mucosa. This study was supported by a Waseda University Grant for Special Research Projects (2008A-889).  相似文献   

Colocalization of vasoactive intestinal peptide, neuropeptide Y, calcitonin gene-related peptide, substance P, and tyrosine hydroxylase, respectively, with NADPH-diaphorase staining in rat adrenal gland was investigated using the double labelling technique. All vasoactive intestinal peptide- and some neuropeptide Y-immunoreactive intrinsic neuronal cell bodies seen in the gland were double stained with NADPH-diaphorase. Double labelling also occurred in some nerve fibres immunoreactive to vasoactive intestinal peptide and neuropeptide Y in the medulla and cortex. No colocalization of calcitonin gene-related peptide, substance P or tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactivity with NADPH-diaphorase staining was observed. However, nerve fibres with varicosities immunoreactive for all the neuropeptides examined were closely associated with some of the NADPH-diaphorase-stained neuronal cell bodies. Thus, in rat adrenal gland, nitric oxide is synthesized in all ganglion cells containing vasoactive intestinal peptide and in some containing neuropeptide Y, but not in those containing calcitonin gene-related peptide, substance P or tyrosine hydroxylase.  相似文献   

We have localized at light and electron-microscopic level the growth-associated protein GAP-43 in adrenal gland using single and double labelling immunocytochemistry. Clusters of GAP-43-immunofluorescent chromaffin cells and many immunofluorescent fibres were observed in the medulla. GAP-43-immunoreactive fibres also formed a plexus under the capsule, crossed the cortex and ramified in the zona reticulata. Double labelled sections showed the coexpression of GAP-43 with a subpopulation of tyrosine hydroxylase-and of dopamine--hydroxylase-immunoreactive chromaffin cells. Dual colour immunofluorescence for GAP-43 and calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) revealed that some of the GAP-43-immunoreactive fibres also express CGRP. Pre-embedding electron microscopy showed GAP-43 immunoreactivity associated with the plasma membranes and cytoplasm of noradrenaline-producing chromaffin cells, and with processes of nonmyelin-forming Schwann cells. Immunoreactive unmyelinated axons and terminals were also observed. The immunostained terminals made symmetrical synaptic contacts with chromaffin cells. Immunoreactive unmyelinated fibres and small terminals were present in the cortex. Our results show that GAP-43 is expressed in noradrenergic chromaffin cells and in various types of nerve fibres that innervate the adrenal. Likely origins for these fibres include preganglionic sympathetic fibres which innervate chromaffin cells, postganglionic sympathetic fibres in the cortex, and CGRP containing sensory fibres.  相似文献   

To identify neurochemical phenotypes of esophageal myenteric neurons synaptically activated by vagal preganglionic efferents, we immunohistochemically detected the expression of Fos, an immediate early gene product, in whole-mount preparations of the entire esophagus of rats following electrical stimulation of the vagus nerves. When electrical stimulation was applied to either the cervical left (LVN) or right vagus nerve (RVN), neurons with nuclei showing Fos immunoreactivity (IR) were found to comprise approximately 10% of the total myenteric neurons in the entire esophagus. These neurons increased from the oral toward the gastric end of the esophagus, with the highest frequency in the abdominal portion of the esophagus. A significant difference was not found in the number of Fos neurons between the LVN-stimulated and RVN-stimulated esophagus. Double-immunolabeling showed that nitric oxide synthase (NOS)-IR occurred in most (86% and 84% in the LVN-stimulated and RVN-stimulated esophagus, respectively) of the Fos neurons in the entire esophagus. Furthermore, the stimulation of either of the vagus nerves resulted in high proportions (71%-90%) of Fos neurons with NOS-IR, with respect to the total Fos neurons in each segment, in the entire esophagus. However, a small proportion (8% and 7% in the LVN-stimulated and RVN-stimulated esophagus, respectively) of the Fos neurons in the esophagus exhibited choline acetyltransferase (ChAT)-IR. The occurrence-frequency of Fos neurons with ChAT-IR was less than 4% of the total Fos neurons in any segment of the LVN-stimulated and RVN-stimulated esophagus. Some of the Fos neurons with ChAT-IR appeared to be innervated by numerous varicose ChAT-positive nerve terminals. The present results showing that electrical stimulation of the vagus nerves induces a high proportion of Fos neurons with NOS-IR suggests the preferential activation of NOS neurons in the esophagus by vagal preganglionic efferents. This connectivity between the vagal efferents and intrinsic nitrergic neurons might be involved in inhibitory actions on esophageal motility.This study was supported by Grant-in Aids for Scientific Research from Ministry of Education, Sports, and Culture of Japan to H.K. (no. 15500236) and to M.K. (no. 14570065).  相似文献   

The brain’s biological clock, located in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), is synchronised with the cyclic environment by photic and non-photic cues. Photic information to the SCN is mediated by pituitary adenylate-cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP)-containing retinal ganglion cells (RGCs), whereas non-photic input originates primarily from neuropeptide Y (NPY) cells in the ipsilateral thalamic intergeniculate leaflet (IGL). RGCs also seem to project to the IGL, indicating a role for this structure in the integration of photic and non-photic inputs related to the resetting of the biological clock. In the present study, we have used anterograde tracing from both eyes, bilateral eye enucleation, double-immunofluorescence histochemistry, high-resolution confocal laser scanning microscopy and three-dimensional computer analysis to show that (1) PACAP-containing RGCs project to the IGL and are the only source for the PACAP-immunoreactive fibres in the IGL; (2) a few NPY-containing neurons in the IGL are innervated by PACAP-containing retinal nerve fibres and the contacts are both axodendritic and axosomatic; (3) most enkephalin-immunoreactive neurons in the IGL are innervated by PACAP-containing retinal afferents and the contacts are mainly axodendritic; (4) light stimulation at various time points activates (as evidenced by c-Fos induction) enkephalin-positive neurons but not NPY-immunoreactive neurons. The findings suggest that PACAP-immunoreactive retinal afferents in the IGL primarily innervate enkephalin-immunoactive neurons and that the enkephalin-containing neurons, which project locally and to the contralateral IGL, are activated by light independent of diurnal time. This study was supported by the Danish Biotechnology Centre for Cellular Communication and The Danish Medical Research Council (no. 22-04-0667).  相似文献   

 The present study was conducted to investigate the distribution and immunohistochemical characteristics of ascending and descending projection neurons of the rat superior olivary complex (SOC), a group of interrelated brainstem nuclei. Ascending neurons were identified by injection of cholera toxin B subunit (CTB) into the central nucleus of the inferior colliculus (IC), descending neurons were labeled by application of Fluoro-Gold (FG) into the scala tympani of the cochlea, ipsilaterally to the IC injection. In accordance with the literature, we observed neurons innervating the IC located in the lateral superior olivary nucleus (LSO) and dorsal periolivary groups (DPO) on both sides, in the superior paraolivary nucleus (SPO) predominantly ipsilateral, as well as in the ipsilateral medial superior olivary nucleus (MSO) and the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body (MNTB). Cochlear projection neurons were found predominantly in the ipsilateral LSO as well as in the bilateral SPO, DPO, MSO and MNTB. In addition, a considerable population of neurons in the ipsilateral LSO and SPO were identified as being both ascending and descending. To further characterize these double-projecting neurons, brainstem sections were incubated in antisera directed against different neuroactive substances. The majority of ascending/descending cells in the LSO contained calcitonin gene-related peptide, but not substance P (SP), met-enkephalin (ENK) or tyrosine hydroxylase (TH). Some of these neurons apparently were contacted by ENK- or SP-immunoreactive fibers and terminals. In addition, we found TH-immunoreactive neurons in the lateral MNTB region. These neurons, which were labeled upon tracer injection into the cochlea (but not upon IC injection), probably belong to the C1 catecholaminergic cell group and may represent a division of the uncrossed olivocochlear bundle. The present results reveal the existence of a previously unknown subpopulation of SOC neurons that project to both the cochlea and the inferior colliculus. Their CGRP immunoreactivity and their uncrossed projection pattern provide evidence that they may belong to the cholinergic, putatively excitatory cell group. Received: 4 January 1999 / Accepted: 17 February 1999  相似文献   

Summary Serial cryostat and paraffin-embedded sections through the atrioventricular junction of the rat heart were studied at the light-microscopic level after indirect immunohistochemical staining (tyrosine hydroxylase, neuropeptide Y, C-terminal flanking peptide of neuropeptide Y immunoreactivities) or silver impregnation. The distribution of these immunoreactivities in the Hissian ganglion (Moravec and Moravec 1984) as well as the relationships of the Hissian ganglion cells with the surrounding structures have been studied to assess its function. The results suggest that the Hissian ganglion is composed of large multipolar neurons displaying both tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) and related peptide (neuropeptide Y, C-terminal flanking peptide of neuropeptide Y) immunoreactivities. The dendritic projections of these adrenergic cells penetrate the reticular portion of the atrioventricular node and the upper segments of the interventricular septum where they constitute sensory-like corpuscles. The hypothesis that the adrenergic neurons of the atrioventricular junction are involved in short proprioceptive feedback loops necessary for beat-to-beat modulation of cardiac excitability and intracardiac conduction can thus be suggested.  相似文献   

Summary The localization and distribution of prolactinlike-immunoreactive perikarya and nerve fibers in the rat central nervous system have been studied by a preembedding immunoperoxidase method using well-characterized specific immunsera to rat prolactin. Although the localization of labeled neuronal structures in a number of brain areas correlates with the data of previous immunocytochemical studies, we found prolactin-immunoreactive neurons in various regions not previously reported. In untreated animals, the highest concentrations of prolactinfibers were observed: (i) in the external layers of the median eminence where they exhibited close contact with blood vessels, and (ii) in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis and in the central nucleus of the amygdala where they closely surrounded unlabeled perikarya. Dense networks of finely varicose prolactin fibers were also observed in the organum vasculosum of the lamina terminalis, in the subfornical organ, and in the dorsolateral regions of the medulla oblongata and the spinal cord. Lastly, a number of large, varicose, intensely immunoreactive fibers were found in the olfactory bulb, the cingulum, and the periventricular regions of the hypothalamus and central gray, whereas isolated fibers could be detected in the caudate nucleus and in the cerebral cortex. In animals treated with colchicine, prolactin-immunoreactive perikarya were essentially located within the periventricular and perifornical regions of the hypothalamus, and within the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis. Although corticotropin (ACTH 17-39)-immunoreactive fibers could be detected in several regions found to contain prolactin fibers, the distribution and organization of both fiber types clearly differed in numerous brain regions, and the regions containing the corresponding perikarya did not overlap. The ultrastructural organization of the prolactin-immunoreactive fibers revealed by electronmicroscopic immunocytochernistry in various brain regions, allowed the characterization of two main types of prolactinergic neurons including: (i) endocrine neurons, whose axons terminated in close vicinity to portal blood vessels in the external median eminence, and (ii) neurons projecting to extrahypothalamic regions, whose axons formed typical synaptic connections with unidentified neuronal units.  相似文献   

Summary The localization in the superior cervical ganglia (SCG) of small, intensely fluorescent (SIF) cells and of principal nerve (PN) cells innervating the pineal gland was examined in adult male Sprague-Dawley rats. PN cells were demonstrated by means of the retrograde neuron-tracing method using the fluorescent tracer Fluoro-Gold (FG) injected into the pineal gland. SIF cells were visualized by the formaldehyde-induced fluorescence method. Twentynine percent of the FG-labeled PN cells were found closely associated with SIF cells. In the rostral half of the ganglion, 43% of the SIF cells were situated in juxtaposition to one or several labeled neurons. The possible influence of SIF cells on the regulation of pineal metabolism is discussed with respect to their role as both local endocrine cells and interneurons.  相似文献   

the present immunohistochemical study demonstrates the ontogenetic appearance of aromatase-immunoreactive neurons in several discrete regions of the hypothalamus and limbic system in the rat brain, using a purified antibody against human placental aromatase cytochrome P450. Immunoreactive cells were first detected in the preoptic area on the 13th day of embryonic life (E 13), and additionally in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis on E 15. Labeled cells were also found in the medial amygdaloid nucleus and the ventromedial nucleus on E 16, and some were detected in the arcuate nucleus on E 19. As gestation progressed, the number and the immunoreactivity of these cells gradually increased and peaked within definite periods of perinatal life and there-after declined or disappeared. The immunoreactive cells were also found in the central amygdaloid nucleus and the lateral septal nucleus, and in the ventral pallidum, after the 14th day of postnatal life (P 14) and 30th day (P 30), respectively. The distribution of aromatase-immunoreactive neurons was similar between the sexes, while the immunoreactivity was higher in males than in females after late gestational days. No immunoreaction was detectable in other regions of the telencephalon or midbrain at any time periods studied. The aromatase-immunoreactive neurons in the specific regions may be involved in the sexual differentiation of the brain.  相似文献   

Summary The location, number and size of the motoneurons innervating the ischiocavernosus muscle, identified by means of horseradish-peroxidase (HRP) retrograde transport, were studied (1) in adult untreated male rats, (2) in adult male rats castrated before puberty, and (3) in adult male rats castrated before puberty and injected with testosterone from the day of castration. After injection of HRP into the ischiocavernosus muscle, labeled motoneurons were found in the dorsolateral and dorsomedial columns of the lamina IX, at the level of L6 and S1 segments of the spinal cord. Morphometric analysis demonstrated that prepubertal castration induces a statistically significant reduction in the somatic and nuclear areas (40% and 35%, respectively, if compared to those of the control rats) of both the dorsolateral and dorsomedial motoneurons, but does not affect their number. The effects of castration are prevented by exogenous testosterone.Preliminary results were presented at the International Conference on Hormones, Brain and Behaviour, Liège, Belgium, August, 1989  相似文献   

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