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Phospholamban (PLB) is a pentameric transmembrane protein that regulates the Ca(2+)-dependent ATPase SERCA2a in sarcoplasmic reticulum membranes. We previously described the computational design of a water-soluble variant of phospholamban, WSPLB, which reproduced many of the structural and functional properties of the native membrane-soluble protein. While the full-length WSPLB forms a pentamer in solution, a truncated variant forms very stable tetramers. To obtain insight into the tetramer-pentamer cytoplasmic switch, we solved the crystal structure of the truncated construct, WSPLB 21-52. This peptide has a heptad sequence repeat with Leu residues at a- and Ile at d-positions from residues 31-52. The crystal structure revealed that WSPLB 21-52 adopted an antiparallel tetrameric coiled coil. This topology contrasts with the parallel topology of an analogue of the coiled-coil of GCN4 with the same Leu(a) Ile(d) repeat. Analysis of these structures revealed how the nature of the partially exposed residues at e- and g-positions influence the topology formed by the bundle. We also constructed a model for the pentameric form of PLB using the coiled-coil parameters derived from a single monomer in the tetrameric structure. This model suggests that both buried and interfacial hydrogen bonds are important for stabilizing the parallel pentamer.  相似文献   

One of the classical DNA-binding proteins, bacteriophage lambda Cro, forms a homodimer with a unique fold of alpha-helices and beta-sheets. We have computationally designed an artificial sequence of 60 amino acid residues to stabilize the backbone tertiary structure of the lambda Cro dimer by simulated annealing using knowledge-based structure-sequence compatibility functions. The designed amino acid sequence has 25% identity with that of natural lambda Cro and preserves Phe58, which is important for formation of the stably folded structure of lambda Cro. The designed dimer protein and its monomeric variant, which was redesigned by the insertion of a beta-hairpin sequence at the C-terminal region to prevent dimerization, were synthesized and biochemically characterized to be well folded. The designed protein was monomeric under a wide range of protein concentrations and its solution structure was determined by NMR spectroscopy. The solved structure is similar to that of a monomeric variant of natural lambda Cro with a root-mean-square deviation of the polypeptide backbones at 2.1A and has a well-packed protein core. Thus, our knowledge-based functions provide approximate but essential relationships between amino acid sequences and protein structures, and are useful for finding novel sequences that are foldable into a given target structure.  相似文献   

Diiron proteins are found throughout nature and have a diverse range of functions; proteins in this class include methane monooxygenase, ribonucleotide reductase, Delta(9)-acyl carrier protein desaturase, rubrerythrin, hemerythrin, and the ferritins. Although each of these proteins has a very different overall fold, in every case the diiron active site is situated within a four-helix bundle. Additionally, nearly all of these proteins have a conserved Glu-Xxx-Xxx-His motif on two of the four helices with the Glu and His residues ligating the iron atoms. Intriguingly, subtle differences in the active site can result in a wide variety of functions. To probe the structural basis for this diversity, we designed an A(2)B(2) heterotetrameric four-helix bundle with an active site similar to those found in the naturally occurring diiron proteins. A novel computational approach was developed for the design, which considers the energy of not only the desired fold but also alternatively folded structures. Circular dichroism spectroscopy, analytical ultracentrifugation, and thermal unfolding studies indicate that the A and B peptides specifically associate to form an A(2)B(2) heterotetramer. Further, the protein binds Zn(II) and Co(II) in the expected manner and shows ferroxidase activity under single turnover conditions.  相似文献   

The capping efficiency of glycine on cavitand-based synthetic four-helix bundles was investigated. Glycine, a common C-capping amino acid, has always been included as a C-terminal residue in our de novo peptides, although the exact contribution of the glyince cap to the overall stability and structure of the caviteins had not previously been examined. The uncapped proteins were found to be less helical according to their CD spectra. In addition, the H/D exchange experiments suggested that the uncapped caviteins were more conformationally flexible. Capped and uncapped caviteins exhibited similar values of unfolding. Overall, it can be concluded that glycine caps are useful, as they reduce helical unravelling and enhance helicity, and thus, glycine will be included as a C-terminal residue in future de novo peptide sequences.  相似文献   

Calcareous corpuscles are a characteristic structure found in larval and adult stage cestodes. These corpuscles are known to contain several protein components and to possess protein-binding activity. However, the proteins bound to calcareous corpuscles in situ have not been studied. The present study was undertaken to identify the proteins on calcareous corpuscles. Calcareous corpuscles were purified from the plerocercoids (= spargana) of Spirometra erinacei, and serially dissolved using 0.1 M sulfamic acid solution. Collected supernatants were examined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and silver staining. The results showed that only the fraction remaining after the 19th dissolved fraction contained proteins. A total of 20 protein molecules were detected in gel, with major bands at 56, 53, 46, 40, 35, 29, 28, 24.5, 21, 19, 16, 13, 10 and 8 kDa. In particular, the proteins corresponding to the 21 and 16 kDa bands were most abundant. Our results demonstrated for the first time the protein contents of the calcareous corpuscles of spargana. Further studies on the functions of these proteins are required.  相似文献   

Field pennycress (Thlaspi arvense L.) is being domesticated as a new winter cover crop and biofuel species for the Midwestern United States that can be double-cropped between corn and soybeans. A genome sequence will enable the use of new technologies to make improvements in pennycress. To generate a draft genome, a hybrid sequencing approach was used to generate 47 Gb of DNA sequencing reads from both the Illumina and PacBio platforms. These reads were used to assemble 6,768 genomic scaffolds. The draft genome was annotated using the MAKER pipeline, which identified 27,390 predicted protein-coding genes, with almost all of these predicted peptides having significant sequence similarity to Arabidopsis proteins. A comprehensive analysis of pennycress gene homologues involved in glucosinolate biosynthesis, metabolism, and transport pathways revealed high sequence conservation compared with other Brassicaceae species, and helps validate the assembly of the pennycress gene space in this draft genome. Additional comparative genomic analyses indicate that the knowledge gained from years of basic Brassicaceae research will serve as a powerful tool for identifying gene targets whose manipulation can be predicted to result in improvements for pennycress.  相似文献   

Rahul Kaushik  Kam Y. J. Zhang 《Proteins》2020,88(10):1271-1284
The infinitesimally small sequence space naturally scouted in the millions of years of evolution suggests that the natural proteins are constrained by some functional prerequisites and should differ from randomly generated sequences. We have developed a protein sequence fitness scoring function that implements sequence and corresponding secondary structural information at tripeptide levels to differentiate natural and nonnatural proteins. The proposed fitness function is extensively validated on a dataset of about 210 000 natural and nonnatural protein sequences and benchmarked with existing methods for differentiating natural and nonnatural proteins. The high sensitivity, specificity, and percentage accuracy (0.81%, 0.95%, and 91% respectively) of the fitness function demonstrates its potential application for sampling the protein sequences with higher probability of mimicking natural proteins. Moreover, the four major classes of proteins (α proteins, β proteins, α/β proteins, and α + β proteins) are separately analyzed and β proteins are found to score slightly lower as compared to other classes. Further, an analysis of about 250 designed proteins (adopted from previously reported cases) helped to define the boundaries for sampling the ideal protein sequences. The protein sequence characterization aided by the proposed fitness function could facilitate the exploration of new perspectives in the design of novel functional proteins.  相似文献   

Embryos of the brine shrimp, Artemia franciscana, are genetically programmed to develop either ovoviparously or oviparously depending on environmental conditions. Shortly upon their release from the female, oviparous embryos enter diapause during which time they undergo major metabolic rate depression while simultaneously synthesize proteins that permit them to tolerate a wide range of stressful environmental events including prolonged periods of desiccation, freezing, and anoxia. Among the known stress-related proteins that accumulate in embryos entering diapause are the late embryogenesis abundant (LEA) proteins. This large group of intrinsically disordered proteins has been proposed to act as molecular shields or chaperones of macromolecules which are otherwise intolerant to harsh conditions associated with diapause. In this research, we used two model systems to study the potential function of the group 1 LEA proteins from Artemia. Expression of the Artemia group 1 gene (AfrLEA-1) in Escherichia coli inhibited growth in proportion to the number of 20-mer amino acid motifs expressed. As well, clones of E. coli, transformed with the AfrLEA-1 gene, expressed multiple bands of LEA proteins, either intrinsically or upon induction with isopropyl-β-thiogalactoside (IPTG), in a vector-specific manner. Expression of AfrLEA-1 in E. coli did not overcome the inhibitory effects of high concentrations of NaCl and KCl but modulated growth inhibition resulting from high concentrations of sorbitol in the growth medium. In contrast, expression of the AfrLEA-1 gene in Saccharomyces cerevisiae did not alter the growth kinetics or permit yeast to tolerate high concentrations of NaCl, KCl, or sorbitol. However, expression of AfrLEA-1 in yeast improved its tolerance to drying (desiccation) and freezing. Under our experimental conditions, both E. coli and S. cerevisiae appear to be potentially suitable hosts to study the function of Artemia group 1 LEA proteins under environmentally stressful conditions.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s12192-015-0647-3) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The ribosomal protein HS23 from the 30S subunit of the extreme halophilicHaloarcula marismortui, belonging to the group of archaea, was isolated either by RP-HLPLC or two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The complete amino acid sequence was determined by automated N-terminal microsequencing. The protein consists of 123 residues with a corresponding molecular mass of 12,552 Da as determined by electrospray mass spectroscopy; the pI is 11.04. Homology studies reveal similarities to the eukaryotic ribosomal protein S8 fromHomo sapiens, Rattus norvegicus, Leishmania major, andSaccharomyces cerevisiae.Abbreviations H. marismortui Haloarcula marismortui - PVDF polyvinylidene difluoride - PTH phenylthiohydantoin - RP-HPLC reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography - TFA trifluoro acetic acid - TP30 total protein mixture from the 30S ribosomal subunit ofH. marismortui  相似文献   

A systematic characterization of lens crystallins from five major classes of vertebrates was carried out by exclusion gel filtration, cation-exchange chromatography and N-terminal sequence determination. All crystallin fractions except that of -crystallin were found to be N-terminally blocked. -Crystallin is present in major classes of vertebrates except the bird, showing none, or decreased amounts, of this protein in chicken and duck lenses, respectively. N-Terminal sequence analysis of the purified -crystallin polypeptides showed extensive homology between different classes of vertebrates, supporting the close relatedness of this family of crystallin even from the evolutionarily distant species. Comparison of nucleotide sequences and their predicted amino acid sequences between -crystallins of carp and rat lenses and heat-shock proteins demonstrated partial sequence homology of the encoded polypeptides and striking homology at the gene level. The unexpected strong homology of complementary DNA (cDNA) lies in the regions coding for 40 N-terminal residues of carp -II, rat 2-1, and the middle segments of 23,000- and 70,000-M r heat-shock proteins. The optimal alignment of DNA sequences along these two segments shows about 50% homology. The percentage of protein sequence identity for the corresponding aligned segments is only 20%. The weak sequence homology at the protein level is also found between the invertebrate squid crystallin and rat -crystallin polypeptides. These results pointed to the possibility of unifying three major classes of vertebrate crystallins into one // superfamily and corroborated the previous supposition that the existing crystallins in the animal kingdom are probably mutually interrelated, sharing a common ancestry.  相似文献   

Lysinibacillus sphaericus strain OT4b.31 is a native Colombian strain having no larvicidal activity against Culex quinquefasciatus and is widely applied in the bioremediation of heavy-metal polluted environments. Strain OT4b.31 was placed between DNA homology groups III and IV. By gap-filling and alignment steps, we propose a 4,096,672 bp chromosomal scaffold. The whole genome (consisting of 4,856,302 bp long, 94 contigs and 4,846 predicted protein-coding sequences) revealed differences in comparison to the L. sphaericus C3-41 genome, such as syntenial relationships, prophages and putative mosquitocidal toxins. Sphaericolysin B354, the coleopteran toxin Sip1A and heavy metal resistance clusters from nik, ars, czc, cop, chr, czr and cad operons were identified. Lysinibacillus sphaericus OT4b.31 has applications not only in bioremediation efforts, but also in the biological control of agricultural pests.  相似文献   

We describe patterns of DNA sequence diversity in a newly identified sex-linked gene, SlX9/SlY9, in Silene latifolia (Caryophyllaceae). The copies on both sex chromosomes seem to be functional, and each maps close to the respective X- and Y-linked copy of another sex-linked gene pair, SlCypX/SlCypY. The Y-linked copy has low diversity, similar to what has been found for several other Y-linked genes in S. latifolia, and consistent with the theoretical expectations of hitch-hiking processes occurring on a non-recombining chromosome. However, SlX9 has higher diversity than other genes on the S. latifolia X chromosome. We evaluate the hypothesis of introgression from the closely related species S. dioica as an explanation for the high sequence diversity observed.  相似文献   

A hypothetical protein is predicted to be expressed from an open reading frame without known experimental evidence of translation. They constitute a substantial fraction of proteomes. Domain extraction from these hypothetical sequences helps to search for protein coding genes for protein structural and functional annotation. We describe the analysis of prediction data in a sequence dataset of hypothetical protein orthologs of Pongo abelii (orangutan) and Sus scrofa (pig). It should be noted that these orangutan-pig orthologs are also non-homologous to human proteins. These predicted data find application in the genome wide annotation of proteins in poorly understood genomes.


PDB - Protein Data Bank, DEG - Database of Essential Genes, CDD - Conserved Domain Database, IUCN - International Union for Conservation of Nature.  相似文献   

A neogregarine parasite of the red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta, was discovered recently in Florida and tentatively placed in the Mattesia genus based on morphological characterization. S. invicta infected with this Mattesia species exhibited a characteristic yellowing of the cuticle which was designated Mattesia "yellow-head disease" (YHD). The 18S rRNA gene sequence from Mattesia YHD was elucidated and compared with the neogregarine pathogens, Mattesia geminata and Ophriocystis elektroscirrha. The sequence data support the previous conclusion that Mattesia YHD is a new species that infects S. invicta. Furthermore, high sequence identity between Mattesia YHD, M. geminata (95.7%), and O. elektroscirrha (86.2%) correctly place the YHD organism in the Mattesia genus and Neogregarinorida order. Oligonucleotide primer pairs were designed to unique areas of the 18S rRNA genes of Mattesia YHD and S. invicta. Multiplex PCR resulted in sensitive and specific detection of Mattesia YHD infection of S. invicta.  相似文献   

Polyploidy and allopolyploidy have played an important role in the evolution of many plants and crops. Several techniques exist to characterize allopolyploid varieties. Analyzing the consequences of genomic reorganization at the gDNA level is a prerequisite but a better insight into the consequences for the phenotype is also primordial. As such, protein polymorphism analysis is important in understanding plant and crop biodiversity and is a driving force behind crop improvement. Our strategy to analyze protein isoforms and to detect possible gene silencing or deletion in bananas was based on protein analysis. Bananas are a good representative of a complex allopolyploid and important crop. We combined two-dimensional electrophoresis (2DE) and 2D DIGE with de novo MS/MS sequence determination to characterize a range of triploid varieties. Via Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and hierarchical clustering we were able to blindly classify the different varieties according to their presumed genome constitution. We report for the first time the application of an automated approach for the derivatization of peptides for facilitated MS/MS de novo sequence determination. We conclude that the proteome does not always correspond to the presumed genome formulae and that proteomics is a powerful tool to characterize varieties. The observations at the protein level provide good indications for a more complex genome structure and genomic rearrangement in some banana varieties.  相似文献   

Gerhard Klebe 《Proteins》2012,80(2):626-648
Small molecules are recognized in protein‐binding pockets through surface‐exposed physicochemical properties. To optimize binding, they have to adopt a conformation corresponding to a local energy minimum within the formed protein–ligand complex. However, their conformational flexibility makes them competent to bind not only to homologous proteins of the same family but also to proteins of remote similarity with respect to the shape of the binding pockets and folding pattern. Considering drug action, such observations can give rise tounexpected and undesired cross reactivity. In this study, datasets of six different cofactors (ADP, ATP, NAD(P)(H), FAD, and acetyl CoA, sharing an adenosine diphosphate moiety as common substructure), observed in multiple crystal structures of protein–cofactor complexes exhibiting sequence identity below 25%, have been analyzed for the conformational properties of the bound ligands, the distribution of physicochemical properties in the accommodating protein‐binding pockets, and the local folding patterns next to the cofactor‐binding site. State‐of‐the‐art clustering techniques have been applied to group the different protein–cofactor complexes in the different spaces. Interestingly, clustering in cavity (Cavbase) and fold space (DALI) reveals virtually the same data structuring. Remarkable relationships can be found among the different spaces. They provide information on how conformations are conserved across the host proteins and which distinct local cavity and fold motifs recognize the different portions of the cofactors. In those cases, where different cofactors are found to be accommodated in a similar fashion to the same fold motifs, only a commonly shared substructure of the cofactors is used for the recognition process. Proteins 2012. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Maintenance of mitotically cycling germline stem cells (GSCs) is vital for continuous production of gametes. In worms and insects, signaling from surrounding somatic cells play an essential role in the maintenance of GSCs by preventing premature differentiation. In addition, germ cell proteins such as the Drosophila Pumilio and Caenorhabditis elegans FBF, both members of the PUF family translational regulators, contribute to GSC maintenance. FBF functions by suppressing GLD-1, which promotes meiotic entry. However, factors that directly promote GSC proliferation, rather than prevent differentiation, are not known. Here we show that PUF-8, another C. elegans member of the PUF family and MEX-3, a KH domain translational regulator, function redundantly to promote GSC mitosis. We find that PUF-8 protein is highly enriched in mitotic germ cells, which is similar to the expression pattern of MEX-3 described earlier. The puf-8(−) mex-3(−) double mutant gonads contain far fewer germ cells than both single mutants and wild-type. While these cells lack mitotic, meiotic and sperm markers, they retain the germ cell-specific P granules, and are capable of gametogenesis if GLP-1, which normally blocks meiotic entry, is removed. Significantly, we find that at least one of these two proteins is essential for germ cell proliferation even in meiotic entry-defective mutants, which otherwise produce germ cell tumors. We conclude PUF-8 and MEX-3 contribute to GSC maintenance by promoting mitotic proliferation rather than by blocking meiotic entry.  相似文献   

The rhizobia-legume symbiosis requires a coordinated molecular interaction between the symbionts, initiated by seed and root exudation of several compounds, mainly flavonoids, that trigger the expression of nodulation genes in the bacteria. Since the role of flavonoids seems to be broader than the induction of nodulation genes, we aimed at characterizing genistein-induced proteins of Bradyrhizobium japonicum CPAC 15 (= SEMIA 5079), used in commercial soybean inoculants in Brazil, and of two genetically related strains grown in vitro. Whole-cell proteins were extracted both from induced (1 μM genistein) and from non-induced cultures of the three strains, and separated by two-dimensional electrophoresis. Spot profiles were compared between the two conditions and selected spots were excised and identified by mass spectrometry. Forty-seven proteins were significantly induced by genistein, including several hypothetical proteins, the cytoplasmic flagellar component FliG, periplasmic ABC transporters, a protein related to biosynthesis of exopolysaccharides (ExoN), and proteins involved in redox-state maintenance. Noteworthy was the induction of the PhyR-σEcfG regulon, recently demonstrated to be involved in the symbiotic efficiency of, and general stress response in B. japonicum. Our results confirm that the role of flavonoids, such as genistein, can go far beyond the expression of nodulation-related proteins in B. japonicum.  相似文献   

Sphingomonas species can be found ubiquitously in the environment and can be frequently found in surface biofilms. Some Sphingomonas strains are well known for metabolizing complex organic pollutants but some are opportunistic human pathogens. Despite the importance of the Sphingomonas species, a reliable system to isolate this group of bacteria from the environment has not been developed. In this study, a combined streptomycin-piperacillin selective growth medium/polymerase chain reaction (PCR) detection approach is developed to isolate and identify the Sphingomonas bacteria. A total of 72 known Sphingomonas strains (including 21 different Sphingomonas species type strains) and 14 non-Sphingomonas species were tested using a new Sphingomonas-specific growth medium containing 100 and 50 µg/ml streptomycin and piperacillin, respectively. All the Sphingomonas strains showed positive growth on the selective medium and no growth was shown by the non-Sphingomonas species. In addition, two sets of PCR primers targeting the serine palmitoyltransferase gene (spt), a crucial sphingolipid biosynthesis gene, were developed. With the exception of the Sphingomonas subarctica type strain, 71 of the 72 known Sphingomonas samples were amplified positively by either one or both of the spt-specific primers. None of the non-Sphingomonas bacteria were amplified by the spt primers. To verify the effectiveness of this novel approach for use in environmental screening applications the Sphingomonas selective medium was used to isolate 165 potential Sphingomonas isolates, including 101 yellow, 4 orange and 58 unpigmented isolates, from the influent water and biofilm samples of a pulp and paper mill in Northwestern Ontario. Screening of these isolates with the two Sphingomonas spt-PCR primer sets showed that 98% of the yellow isolates and 100% of the orange isolates were positive to the spt-PCR test. None of the unpigmented isolates was positive to the spt-PCR assay. The 16S rDNA of 17% of the spt + ve and − ve isolates were sequenced and analyzed. All of the yellow and orange pigmented isolates were Sphingomonas while none of the unpigmented isolates were Sphingomonas. REP-PCR was performed on 79 Sphingomonas samples randomly selected from the paper mill and hospital isolates and showed that a diverse group of Sphingomonas can be grown or isolated by our Sphingomonas selective growth medium. Therefore, by using the streptomycin-piperacillin selective growth medium in combination with the colour pigmentation and the positive spt-PCR reactions of the isolates, a diverse population of Sphingomonas strains can be isolated and identified from complex microbial communities with high accuracy.  相似文献   

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