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Romney ewes were injected intramuscularly once or twice daily for 3 days with 0, 0.1, 0.5, 1 or 5 ml of bovine follicular fluid (bFF) treated with dextran-coated charcoal, starting immediately after injection of cloprostenol to initiate luteolysis on Day 10 of the oestrous cycle. There was a dose-related suppression of plasma concentrations of FSH, but not LH, during the treatment period. On stopping the bFF treatment, plasma FSH concentrations 'rebounded' to levels up to 3-fold higher than pretreatment values. The mean time to the onset of oestrus was also increased in a dose-related manner by up to 11 days. The mean ovulation rates of ewes receiving 1.0 ml bFF twice daily (1.9 +/- 0.2 ovulations/ewe, mean +/- s.e.m. for N = 34) or 5.0 ml once daily (2.0 +/- 0.2 ovulations/ewe, N = 25) were significantly higher than that of control ewes (1.4 +/- 0.1 ovulations/ewe, N = 35). Comparison of the ovaries of ewes treated with bFF for 24 or 48 h with the ovaries of control ewes revealed no differences in the number or size distribution of antral follicles. However, the large follicles (greater than or equal to 5 mm diam.) of bFF-treated ewes had lower concentrations of oestradiol-17 beta in follicular fluid, contained fewer granulosa cells and the granulosa cells had a reduced capacity to aromatize testosterone to oestradiol-17 beta and produce cyclic AMP when challenged with FSH or LH. No significant effects of bFF treatment were observed in small (1-2.5 mm diam.) or medium (3-4.5 mm diam.) sized follicles. Ewes receiving 5 ml bFF once daily for 27 days, from the onset of luteolysis, were rendered infertile during this treatment period. Oestrus was not observed and ovulation did not occur. Median concentrations of plasma FSH fell to 20% of pretreatment values within 2 days. Thereafter they gradually rose over the next 8 days to reach 60% of pretreatment values where they remained for the rest of the 27-day treatment period. Median concentrations of plasma LH increased during the treatment period to levels up to 6-fold higher than pretreatment values. When bFF treatment was stopped, plasma concentrations of FSH and LH quickly returned to control levels, and oestrus was observed within 2 weeks. The ewes were mated at this first oestrus and each subsequently delivered a single lamb.  相似文献   

Ovulation rates were measured in 547 progeny of 24 rams in a Romney flock with a long history of high prolificacy. These sheep were from the same family line and the distribution of ovulation rates suggests the presence of a segregating major gene (FecW) that increases prolificacy. The phenotype differs from those previously described for major genes affecting prolificacy in sheep. The putative gene shows autosomal inheritance and one copy increases ovulation rate by 0.8-1.0 eggs per ewe ovulating. To date, we have found no evidence of infertility among putative homozygous ewes, as described in some autosomal major genes for prolificacy.  相似文献   

Major genetic differences in hormone-induced ovulation rate were not explained by strain differences in age at puberty, by maturation and ovulation of follicles by endogenous gonadotrophins, or by differential responses to gonadotrophins at different ages. The major genetic differences in hormone-induced ovulation rate were explained by strain differences in ovarian responsiveness to exogenous gonadotrophins.  相似文献   

In Exp. 1, ovulation rate was measured in three groups of Romanov ewes given two injections of 600 i.u. PMSG 3 weeks apart with the ewes intact (Group I, N = 8), a similar treatment with the ewes intact at the first injection and unilaterally ovariectomized at the second (Group II, N = 8), or unstimulated ewes which were hemispayed at the same time as Group II ewes (Group III, N = 6). In Exp. 2, the follicular population of one ovary was correlated with the number of ovulations induced by 600 i.u. PMSG in the contralateral ovary (10 Romanov ewes). From 8.4 +/- 1.8 (Group I) and 8.2 +/- 3.3 (Group II) CL at the first injection, PMSG-induced ovulation rate at the second injection decreased to 3.9 +/- 1.8 and 3.7 +/- 1.2 in Groups I and II respectively, a value similar for ewes with 1 or 2 ovaries. Furthermore, despite no major changes in the number of antral follicles after the first injection, there was no correlation (r = -0.09) between the response to the two successive injections in intact ewes. Comparison of the ovarian status of the ovary removed before the PMSG injection (Group II ewes of Exp. 1, ewes of Exp. 2) to the number of CL found in the remaining ovary demonstrated that PMSG-induced ovulation rate was not correlated with the overall antral follicle population (r = 0.62 in Exp. 1, r = 0.49 in Exp. 2).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The assumption that developing follicles communicate through circulating hormones has been used to obtain a class of interaction laws that describe follicle growth. A specific member of this class has been shown to control ovulation number. Although all interacting follicles obey the same growth law and are given initial maturities that are chosen at random from a uniform distribution, ovulatory and atretic follicles emerge. Changing the parameters in the growth law can alter the most probable ovulation number values, anovulatory states are also admitted as possible solutions of the growth law. The behavior of the model is examined for interacting follicle populations of different size. Methods are suggested for identifying growth laws in particular mammals. These can be used to test the model from experimental data.  相似文献   

Rambouillet sheep were selected for high or low reproductive rate based on an index of reproductive rate, reproductive INDEX = dam's total lifetime lambs born/(age in years-1). Selected ewes were first born in 1969. A random bred control line was established from the remaining foundation ewes with the first ewes born in 1973. Genetic variances were estimated with REML procedures for reproductive index and number of lambs born or weaned either per ewe exposed for breeding or per ewe lambing. Heritability of reproductive index was 0.26. Heritability for number of lambs born were 0.11 and 0.12 and for number of lambs weaned were 0.04 and 0.04 per ewe exposed for breeding and per ewe lambing, respectively. Breeding values for the reproductive index were estimated using the full animal model (BLUP) with the complete numerator relationship matrix on reproductive index, with fixed effect of year of birth of ewe and breeding values for number of lambs born or weaned either per ewe exposed for breeding or per ewe lambing, estimated with the fixed effects of year of birth of ewe and age of ewe and the random effect of permanent environmental effect among repeated lambing records. Genetic change was estimated as the regression of breeding value for reproductive index and number of lambs born or weaned either per ewe exposed for breeding or per ewe lambing on year of birth of the ewe. High and low lines both responded to selection for reproductive index as compared to the control line (P<0.01). The high line increased at a rate of b = 0.0134 ± 0.0006 reproductive index units and the low line decreased at a rate of b = − 0.0098 ± 0.0005 reproductive index units per year. Response to selection for reproductive index resulted in b = − 0.0074 ± 0.0007 and b = 0.0163 ± 0.0006 lambs per ewe exposed for breeding, and b = − 0.0041 ± 0.0002 and b = 0.0075 ± 0.0002 lambs weaned per ewe exposed for breeding in the low and high lines, respectively. There was a greater response to selection in the high line compared to the low line. These results indicated that the reproductive index did respond to selection.  相似文献   

Treatment of ewes with a 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3 beta-HSD) inhibitor (Epostane) resulted in a significant increase in both ovulation rate and in the mean number of lambs per ewe lambing. The progestagen sponge plus 3 beta-HSD inhibitor treatment also caused a significant increase in oestrous cycle duration of approximately 1.5 days. Treatment of ewes with the 3 beta-HSD inhibitor caused a significant decrease in peripheral progesterone concentrations, which were reduced even further when 3 beta-HSD inhibitor treatment was given to ewes after insertion of a progestagen sponge. However, mean oestradiol concentrations were significantly higher in the two treatment groups, both at the end of the luteal phase and during the follicular phase of the oestrous cycle. These results demonstrate that ovulation rate and the production of lambs per ewe lambing can be significantly increased by 3 beta-HSD inhibitor treatment.  相似文献   

The number and growth rate of follicles within classes based on granulosa volume were determined for ovaries taken from groups of 4-5-year-old, fine-wool Merino ewes drawn at different times of the year from a single strain flock maintained at Armidale, N.S.W. The breeding season of the flock normally extends from February to October and the mean ovulation rate rises from about 0.5 in February to about 1.8-1.9 during April-May. Ewes sampled when they were anoestrous or had one (single-ovulatory) or two (twin-ovulatory) recent corpora lutea did not differ in respect to the mean total number of ovarian follicles, the mean number of follicles in individual classes, the time for follicles to complete their rapid growth stage, or the incidence of follicle atresia. However, the ovaries of twin-ovulatory ewes contained significantly more follicles in the two terminal classes within the rapid growth stage than did the ovaries of single-ovulatory or anoestrous ewes (2.2 v. 0.9 and 1.0). This difference was attributed to the differing numbers of follicles per day entering into the rapid growth stage (5.2, 4.5 and 3.7 respectively in twin-ovulatory, single-ovulatory and anoestrous ewes).  相似文献   

Recent studies have suggested a genetic component to heart rate (HR) and HR variability (HRV). However, a systematic examination of the genetic contribution to the variation in HR and HRV has not been performed. This study investigated the genetic contribution to HR and HRV using a wide range of inbred and recombinant inbred (RI) mouse strains. Electrocardiogram data were recorded from 30 strains of inbred mice and 29 RI strains. Significant differences in mean HR and total power (TP) HRV were identified between inbred strains and RI strains. Multiple significant differences within the strain sets in mean low-frequency (LF) and high-frequency (HF) power were also found. No statistically significant concordance was found between strain distribution patterns for HR and HRV phenotypes. Genomewide interval mapping identified a significant quantitative trait locus (QTL) for HR [LOD (likelihood of the odds) score = 3.763] on chromosome 6 [peak at 53.69 megabases (Mb); designated HR 1 (Hr1)]. Suggestive QTLs for TP were found on chromosomes 2, 4, 5, 6, and 14. A suggestive QTL for LF was found on chromosome 16; for HF, we found one significant QTL on chromosome 5 (LOD score = 3.107) [peak at 53.56 Mb; designated HRV-high-frequency 1 (Hrvhf1)] and three suggestive QTLs on chromosomes 2, 11 and 15. In conclusion, the results demonstrate a strong genetic component in the regulation of resting HR and HRV evidenced by the significant differences between strains. A lack of correlation between HR and HRV phenotypes in some inbred strains suggests that different sets of genes control the phenotypes. Furthermore, QTLs were found that will provide important insight to the genetic regulation of HR and HRV at rest.  相似文献   

Ovulation rate records from 1311 female progeny of 50 Coopworth rams were used to study the inheritance of ovulation rate in a screened high prolificacy sheep flock. Breeding values (BV) for ovulation rate for 33 sires used within the screened flock and ovulation rate deviations for a further 17 sires progeny tested in commercial flocks suggest that a major gene (WOODLANDS: gene) for ovulation rate with a non-Mendelian inheritance pattern is segregating in a family line. Rams assigned as carriers of the putative gene did not produce carrier sons (zero of three), and this coupled with the observation that daughters of carrier rams had ovulation rates of 0. 39 (standard error of difference [SED] = 0.06) higher than contemporaries without a significant increase in the variance of log ovulation rate strongly suggests that the gene is on the X chromosome. The evidence suggests that the gene is also maternally imprinted because ovulation rate data indicate that it is expressed where females inherit a paternal allele but is silenced when inherited on a maternal allele. Maternal granddaughters of carrier rams had mean ovulation rates that were only 0.02 (SED = 0.06) higher than noncarrier ewes from the same flock. Furthermore, carrier dams expressing the gene (paternal allele) had 24 sons, none of which had female offspring that expressed the gene, whereas carrier dams not expressing the gene (maternal allele) had 7 out of 17 sons that had female progeny expressing the gene. There is no evidence of the infertility that occurs in homozygous ewes carrying the X-linked Inverdale gene. Collectively, these results suggest the existence of a novel gene for prolificacy located on the X chromosome that is maternally imprinted. The WOODLANDS: gene was only expressed upon paternal inheritance from carrier males that were the progeny of nonexpressing carrier dams. The gene was not expressed in ewes that received it from either carrier dams (expressing or nonexpressing) or from carrier males that were the progeny of expressing carrier dams.  相似文献   

A total of 1200 ewes, two hundred from each of six dairy breeds-the Karagouniko (K), the Serres (S), the Vlachiko (V), the Florinis (F), the Kimis (Km) and the Chios (Ch)-were used to examine the efficacy of a new immunogen (androstenedione-7a-HSA + DEAE-dextran) in improving reproductive performance. Ewes of each breed were randomly allotted to two groups, the control and the treated. Treated ewes were given two injections of 2 ml immunogen three weeks apart, while the control ewes were untreated. Rams were introduced to all ewes after the second injection. Twenty ewes in each group for each breed were laparotimized 7 to 10 days post-mating. Incidence of estrus and mating, the ovulation rate (OR), lambing percentage (Lp. 100), litter size (LS), and lamb (LbW) and litter weight (LW) were recorded. The OR was increased in immunized ewes compared to controls from 1.60, 1.46, 1.50, 2.50, 2.50 and 2.90 to 2.50, 2.06, 2.20, 3.20 (P<0.05), 4.20 and 4.80 (P<0.01), respectively, in K, S, V, F, Km and Ch breeds. No significant difference on Lp. 100 was observed between control and treated ewes of all breeds. The LS was increased in immunized ewes by 17, 20, 18, 28, 57 and 0 lambs compared to control ewes in K, S, V, F, Km and Ch breeds, respectively; however, the increase was statistically significant (P<0.05) only in Km and F breeds. The LbW was decreased in immunized ewes compared to controls; however, the decrease was statistically significant (P<0.05) only in the V breed. When compared to control ewes the LW was greater in immunized ewes of S, K, Km and F breeds while in Ch and V breeds LW was smaller. It was concluded that an increase in ovulation rate by active immunization against androstenedione may not be reflected in an increase of litter size in dairy sheep. Breed differences must be considered when producers intend to use this technique to improve litter size.  相似文献   

The concentration of FSH and LH in peripheral plasma was studied in sheep from 8 h before to 17.5 h after injection (i.v.) with antisera to the steroids androstenedione, oestradiol, oestrone and testosterone. The fitted mean concentration of LH increases after all treatments and the increase was associated with a higher frequency of LH pulses. The greater concentration was evident for all groups by the period 3.5-6.5 h after injection, but by the end of the sampling period the concentration had returned to or towards the values in the controls. For FSH, significant change was limited to those animals given anti-oestrogen sera but it was more rapid than for LH, both groups receiving anti-oestrogen sera showing an increase during the period 0.5-3.0 h after injection. The ovulation rate was increased by treatment and an effect close to 0.75 corpora lutea per ewe was maintained by treatment in subsequent oestrous cycles. This declined to 0.25 corpora lutea after two oestrous cycles without treatment.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to explore the possibility of a recurrent increase in the ovulation rate of Malpura sheep, a non-prolific breed, by immunization against inhibin-based peptide immunogens over a period of 3 years. Adult ewes (4–7 years of age) and weighing between 28 and 38 kg were randomly allocated equally to three treatment groups. The immunization of the ewes was initiated during the autumn breeding season. Ewes were divided into three groups (n = 5 ewes/group) and actively immunized against the synthetic peptides from the αC [bIα(1–29)-Tyr30] (Group I) or αN [bI-43-Tyr152(153-167)Cys168] (Group II) area of the bovine inhibin α-subunit, conjugated to ovalbumin or against ovalbumin (control). Each ewe received a primary immunization of 400 μg immunogen and 3 booster injections, 200 μg immunogen each at 4-week intervals. Estrous was synchronized in all the ewes by administering two doses of PGF2α at 10-day intervals for three consecutive years. Ovaries of ewes were examined each year between days 4 and 6 of the synchronized cycle, with the aid of the laparoscope to determine the ovulation rate. Active immunization significantly (p < 0.05) increased the ovulation rate. The overall ovulation rate, irrespective of the treatment period was 5.2 ± 0.44, 2.3 ± 0.38 and 0.9 ± 0.11 in Group I, Group II and the control, respectively. Although the beneficial effect of immunization on ovulation rate persisted for the entire period of the study, the interaction between immunization treatment and the time period was non-significant. The results clearly indicate that the active immunization against inhibin peptides can induce multiple ovulations in Malpura ewes and its effect on multiple ovulations is sustained for a prolonged period of time after the initial immunization.  相似文献   

Microsatellite evolution in congeneric mammals: domestic and bighorn sheep   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
We compared genotypes at eight (AC)n microsatellite loci in domestic sheep (Ovis aries) and wild Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep (O. canadensis). The domestic sheep had greater genetic variation, higher allele-size variances, and larger allele sizes than the wild sheep. Accumulating evidence from higher taxonomic comparisons shows that these parameters are biased if microsatellite loci are selected in one taxon and used in another. Our results demonstrate similar biases between congeneric species. We compared standard measures of genetic variation, differentiation, and distance within and between species (H, D, FST) to newer measures based on allele-size variance (SW, SB, RST). The size-based distances better detected species-level divergence, but standard measures better distinguished allopatric populations. Empirical calibration of these measures at the subspecies level is needed to establish their useful ranges.   相似文献   

In a flock of highly prolific Romney ewes obtained from industry flocks, one ewe (A281), with a production record of 33 lambs born in 11 lambings, produced a number of female descendants with high ovulation rates. The mode of inheritance of this trait was determined in a series of four progeny tests of male descendants of this ewe. The first progeny test produced strong evidence for a new major gene affecting ovulation rate in this family line; this finding was supported by two subsequent progeny tests. The fourth progeny test was designed to test the hypothesis that this gene is carried on the X chromosome. The results showed that six sons of a carrier ram did not inherit the gene, but it was passed on to three of his five maternal grandsons. This finding, together with evidence of genetic segregation in the progeny of carrier females, demonstrates for the first time the presence of a major gene for prolificacy specifically located on the X chromosome. The effect of the gene is to increase ovulation rate by about one additional egg per ewe.  相似文献   

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