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Mutagenic activity of south Indian food items.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Dietary components and food dishes commonly consumed in South India were screened for their mutagenic activity. Kesari powder, calamus oil, palm drink, toddy and Kewra essence were found to be strongly mutagenic; garlic, palm oil, arrack, onion and pyrolysed portions of bread toast, chicory powder were weakly mutagenic, while tamarind and turmeric were not. Certain salted, sundried and oil fried food items were also mutagenic. Cissus quadrangularis was mutagenic, while 'decoctions' of cumin seeds, aniseeds and ginger were not. Several perfumes, essential oils and colouring agents, which are commonly used were also screened and many of them exhibited their mutagenic potential by inducing the 'reverse mutation' in Salmonella typhimurium tester strains.  相似文献   

A manganese containing superoxide dismutase was purified to homogeneity from the venom of scorpion Heterometrus fulvipes by ammonium sulfate fractionation followed by gel filtration on Sephadex G-100 and ion exchange chromatography on DEAE-cellulose. The enzyme has a molecular weight of 100,000. Optimum pH for enzyme activity was 8.5 and optimum temperature was 45 degrees C. The enzyme was not sensitive to either cyanide or hydrogen peroxide but was inhibited by chloroform-ethanol mixture and p-hydroxymercuribenzoate. Metal chelators, EDTA, o-phenanthroline and diethyldithiocarbamate inhibited the enzyme activity in decreasing order. The effect of 6 M urea, sodium dodecylsulfate, guanidinium chloride and nitroprusside on enzyme activity has been studied. An antiserum raised against H. fulvipes venom inhibited the superoxide dismutase activity.  相似文献   

Seven tribal (Konda Kammara - 2 samples; Koya Dora - 3 samples; Lambadi) and caste (Madiga) populations from Andhra Pradesh (South India) have been analyzed for the distribution of Gc subtypes. The observed heterogeneity in the distribution of Gc1F, Gc1S and Gc2 alleles was found to be statistically significant. Comparisons are made with North Indian populations as well as with those of other racial affiliation. The anthropological impact of the Gc subtype polymorphism is discussed.  相似文献   

During 1969, a total of 1,476 fecal and rectal swab specimens was collected from children with diarrhea and 249 strains of shigella were isolated. The incidence was 16.9%. The serotypes of 249 strains were: Shigella dysenteriae, 1.6% (4 strains); S. flexneri, 73.1% (182 strains); S. boydii, 3.2 (8 strains) and S. sonnei, 22.1% (55 strains). There was no marked difference of the isolation rate throughout the whole year. The susceptibility of shigella isolates to chemotherapeutic agents were also investigated. The percentage of the strains susceptible to gentamicin was 97.2%; to cephaloridine, 93.2%; to kanamycin, 91.9%; to colistin, 91.6%; to hetacillin, 88.4%; to ampicillin, 82.4% and to nalidixic acid, 79.9%. The other tested chemotherapeutic agents were less effective.  相似文献   

Data on 8,308 menstrual cycles from 1,740 South Indian women prospectively recorded were analyzed to identify the effect of age on menstrual cycle length. The distribution was skewed to the right with the mean (SD) cycle length of 31.8 (6.7) days. The range of 25-40 days constituted 10-82 per cent of menstrual cycle lengths. In no age group did 28-day cycles occur in more than 9 per cent of women. Variability as measured by the standard deviation was high among those below 19 years of age, stabilized during 25-39 years, and then increased in women aged 40 years or more. The findings are discussed in the light of other studies and possible implications in fertility control programs.  相似文献   

The association of bone lesions, polyarthritis and cutaneous nodules with pancreatic disease is being recognized and reported more frequently. In adults all forms of pancreatitis and carcinoma of the pancreas have been involved, but in the few children described these complications have been associated with acute traumatic pancreatitis. This paper describes two cases of acute traumatic pancreatitis in which polyarthritis and limb pains were noted after 2 to 3 weeks. In one child osteolytic lesions and periostitis were seen on roentgenograms 7 weeks after the onset of pancreatitis. In the other child minor roentgenographic changes were not seen until 5 months after the onset; however, bone scans showed clear-cut abnormalities after 1 month. Almost complete resolution could be expected within a year. Serum lipase and amylase concentrations remained elevated during the acute illness. Disseminated fat necrosis is apparently related to the excess amounts of circulating lipase.  相似文献   

The present communication deals with drug-resistant Plasmodium falciparum malaria complicating hematologic malignancies (leukemias, n = 24, and lymphomas, n = 7) in children. Of 50 cases of hematologic malignancies, 31 patients were microscopically diagnosed as having P. falciparum infection (MP +). Initially, all the patients were treated with chloroquine. The results of primary treatment showed chloroquine resistance in 16 (51. 62%) cases. Of these 16 chloroquine-resistant cases, 13 were secondarily treated with a combination of pyrimethamine plus sulfamethopyrazine. The results of secondary treatment also revealed resistance to pyrimethamine plus sulfamethopyrazine in 6 of 13 (46. 10%) cases. The 6 pyrimethamine plus sulfamethopyrazine-resistant P. falciparum cases were finally cured by quinine therapy, against which no resistance was encountered. Conversely, in the control group comprising 38 cases of P. falciparum without malignancy, the incidence of chloroquine resistance was found in only 9 cases, which is rather low (23.70%). Of these 7 chloroquine-resistant cases, 5 were found to be sensitive to pyrimethamine plus sulfamethopyrazine treatment, while the 2 nonresponders were finally cured with quinine. The overall results of this study show a high prevalence of chloroquine resistance among clinical cases of falciparum malaria (25/69; 30.6%). Among the nonresponders (n = 20) 40% of cases were also resistant to the pyrimethamine plus sulfamethopyrazine combination. There was no resistance to quinine.  相似文献   

A quantitative analysis of 37 radiolarian species in 58 deep-sea surface-sediment samples from the subtropical to the polar regions of the Indian Ocean produced four geographically distinct faunal assemblages (transitional, antarctic, subtropical, subantarctic). Geographic distributions of these assemblages coincide with present-day patterns of sea-surface temperature and water masses. The antarctic factor is almost exclusively found south of today's Antarctic Polar Front. Highest concentrations of the transitional factor are recorded at sites positioned between today's Subtropical Convergence and the Polar Front. The subtropical factor is dominant in sites north of today's Subtropical Convergence.Values of these four faunal assemblages in the surface-sediment samples were regressed onto present-day summer and winter temperatures of the surface waters overlying each of the core-top sites. Resulting transfer functions yield temperature estimates which compare favorably with observed (present-day) summer and winter sea-surface temperatures, with low standard errors of estimate (< ± 1.9°C) and no clear geographic pattern in maps of the residuals (difference between observed and estimated sea-surface temperature).  相似文献   



UK Indian adults have higher risks of coronary heart disease and type 2 diabetes than Indian and UK European adults. With growing evidence that these diseases originate in early life, we compared cardiometabolic risk markers in Indian, UK Indian and white European children.


Comparisons were based on the Mysore Parthenon Birth Cohort Study (MPBCS), India and the Child Heart Health Study in England (CHASE), which studied 9–10 year-old children (538 Indian, 483 UK Indian, 1375 white European) using similar methods. Analyses adjusted for study differences in age and sex.


Compared with Mysore Indians, UK Indians had markedly higher BMI (% difference 21%, 95%CI 18 to 24%), skinfold thickness (% difference 34%, 95%CI 26 to 42%), LDL-cholesterol (mean difference 0.48, 95%CI 0.38 to 0.57 mmol/L), systolic BP (mean difference 10.3, 95% CI 8.9 to 11.8 mmHg) and fasting insulin (% difference 145%, 95%CI 124 to 168%). These differences (similar in both sexes and little affected by adiposity adjustment) were larger than those between UK Indians and white Europeans. Compared with white Europeans, UK Indians had higher skinfold thickness (% difference 6.0%, 95%CI 1.5 to 10.7%), fasting insulin (% difference 31%, 95%CI 22 to 40%), triglyceride (% difference 13%, 95%CI 8 to 18%) and LDL-cholesterol (mean difference 0.12 mmol/L, 95%CI 0.04 to 0.19 mmol/L).


UK Indian children have an adverse cardiometabolic risk profile, especially compared to Indian children. These differences, not simply reflecting greater adiposity, emphasize the need for prevention strategies starting in childhood or earlier.  相似文献   

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