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Thirty-eight patients who presented with diabetes and a changed state of consciousness satisfied the criteria for lactic acidosis. Sixteen patients were non-ketotic, and 15 of these were receiving phenformin on admission. In all but one of these 15 patients, however, additional renal or cardiovascular abnormalities, or both, could be identified, which supported a multifactorial aetiology for lactic acidosis. Advanced age and cardiovascular and renal disease are absolute contraindications to the use of phenformin in diabetics.  相似文献   

Measurements of the presynaptic fiber volley (PSFV), the population excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP), and the extracellular pH in the dendritic CA1 layer of rat hippocampal slices were used to evaluate the effects of lactacidosis on central synaptic transmission. Replacement of NaCl with sodium lactate (up to 30 mM) was found not to affect the PSFV; however, the EPSP was reversibly suppressed. Sodium citrate, with added CaCl2 to adjust for Ca2+ chelation, had the same effect as sodium lactate. Addition of lactic acid influenced the PSFV only when, at a concentration of 30 mM, the extracellular pH dropped to 6.6 or lower. With lactic acid concentrations of up to 20 mM, which produced pH levels of 6.8 in the slice, effects on the EPSP were reversible. However, 30 mM lactic acid suppressed both the PSFV and EPSP irreversibly. These results show that synaptic transmission is much more susceptible to lactacidosis than presynaptic axonal transmission. They also show that high levels of lactate, albeit causing suppression of synaptic transmission, do not cause irreversible damage. However, acidosis associated with lactic acid release may damage synaptic transmission irreversibly.  相似文献   

Lactic acidosis and hyperlactatemia are common metabolic disturbances in patients with severe malaria. Lactic acidosis causes physiological adverse effects, which can aggravate the outcome of malaria. Despite its clear association with mortality in malaria patients, the etiology of lactic acidosis is not completely understood. In this review, the possible contributors to lactic acidosis and hyperlactatemia in patients with malaria are discussed. Both increased lactate production and impaired lactate clearance may play a role in the pathogenesis of lactic acidosis. The increased lactate production is caused by several factors, including the metabolism of intraerythrocytic Plasmodium parasites, aerobic glycolysis by activated immune cells, and an increase in anaerobic glycolysis in hypoxic cells and tissues as a consequence of parasite sequestration and anemia. Impaired hepatic and renal lactate clearance, caused by underlying liver and kidney disease, might further aggravate hyperlactatemia. Multiple factors thus participate in the etiology of lactic acidosis in malaria, and further investigations are required to fully understand their relative contributions and the consequences of this major metabolic disturbance.  相似文献   

Due to their prokaryotic origins, mitochondria are susceptible to a number of antibiotics that target the bacterial ribosome, and this vulnerability is exacerbated by certain mutations of the mitochondrial genome.MELAS (mitochondrial encephalomyopathy, lactic acidosis and stroke-like episodes) syndrome is characterised by biochemical and structural abnormalities of the muscle mitochondria, in which episodes of lactic acidosis stem from dysfunction of assembled respiratory complex I.Linezolid is an oxazolidinone antibiotic that has been reported to induce lactic acidosis, especially after prolonged administration, through inhibition of the mitochondrially synthesised components of oxidative phosphorylation.We report a patient with longstanding MELAS who suffered a severe lactic acidosis of rapid onset, with associated features of mitochondrial failure, shortly after the commencement of linezolid therapy and in the context of an otherwise improving clinical picture.This case emphasises the importance of circumspection when utilising drugs known to be toxic to the mitochondrion in patients with mitochondrial disease. In particular, given the biochemically plausible interaction, it would seem prudent to avoid the use of linezolid in patients with MELAS whenever possible.  相似文献   

We compared responses of turtle heart at 20 degrees C to an anoxic lactic acidosis solution (LA) containing 35 mM lactic acid in an otherwise normal turtle Ringers equilibrated with 3% CO2/97% N2 at pH 7.0) to a solution simulating in vivo anoxic acidosis (VA), with elevated concentrations of lactate, Ca2+, Mg2+, and K+, and decreased Cl-, equilibrated with 10.8% CO2/89.2% N2 at pH 7.0. We examined mechanical properties on cardiac muscle strips and determined intracellular pH (pHi) and high energy phosphates on perfused hearts using 31P-NMR. Maximum active force (Fmax) and the maximum rate of force development (dF/dtmax) of muscle strips were significantly higher during VA than during LA superfusion. An elevation of Ca2+ alone (to 6 mM) in LA significantly increased both Fmax and dF/dtmax but the effects diminished toward the end of the exposure; however, hypercapnic anoxic lactic acidosis (addition of 20 mM HCO3- to LA, equilibrated with 10.8% CO2/89.2% N2, pH 7.0) did not significantly affect Fmax or dF/dtmax. During VA perfusion, pHi (6.73 +/- 0.01) was significantly higher than that during LA perfusion (pHi 6.69 +/- 0.013), but the difference is probably too small to have physiological significance. ATP, creatine phosphate, and inorganic phosphate were not significantly different in the two anoxic solutions. We conclude that the reduction of cardiac mechanical function in vivo is minimized by the integrated effects of changes of ionic concentrations, but the observed changes in Ca2+ and pHi cannot fully explain the effect.  相似文献   

The activation of complement and contact systems occurs in reperfusion injuries with initial tissue hypoxia, and lactic acidosis such as mycardial infarction and birth asphyxia. The aim of our experiment was the formal proof of activation by sole lactic acidosis. Lactic acid was added to blood and plasma samples from 10 healthy volunteers. C5a and factor XIIa were measured by EIA after incubation at 37 degrees C for 1 h. Both concentrations increased (P < 0.0001 by Friedman analysis) in blood and plasma samples with increasing amount of added lactic acid. Lactic acidosis can activate C5 from the complement system and factor XII from the contact system directly, even in the absence of cellular components.  相似文献   

A case of a 48-year male patient with chronic cor pulmonale is presented. Exacerbation of the chronic respiratory failure was caused by pneumonia. The patient was treated with artificial ventilation for 22 days and stimulating aggressive antibacterial therapy. An improvement was achieved. Indications to the use of respirator in the exacerbated chronic respiratory failure have been discussed together with problem of the potential reversibility of the cause, gas and lactic acidosis and an important clinical problem of the respiratory muscles exhaustion.  相似文献   

Lactic acidosis has been associated with a variety of clinical conditions and can be due to mutation in nuclear or mitochondrial genes. We performed mutations screening of all mitochondrial tRNA genes in 44 patients who referred as hyperlactic acidosis. Patients showed heterogeneous phenotypes including Leigh disease in four, MELAS in six, unclassified mitochondrial myopathy in 10, cardiomyopathy in five, MERRF in one, pure lactic acidosis in six, and others in 12 including facio-scaplo-femoral muscular dystrophy (FSFD), familial cerebellar ataxia, recurrent Reye syndrome, cerebral palsy with mental retardation. We measured enzymatic activities of pyruvate dehydrogenase complex, and respiratory chain enzymes. All mitochondrial tRNA genes and known mutation of ATPase 6 were studied by single strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP), automated DNA sequence and PCR-RFLP methods. We have found one patient with PDHC deficiency and six patients with Complex I+IV deficiency, though the most of the patients showed subnormal to deficient state of respiratory chain enzyme activities. We have identified one of the nucleotide changes in 29 patients. Single nucleotide changes in mitochondrial tRNA genes are found in 27 patients and one in ATPase 6 gene in two patients. One of four pathogenic point mutations (A3243G, C3303T, A8348G, and T8993G) was identified in 12 patients who showed the phenotype of Leigh syndrome, MELAS, cardimyopathy and cerebral palsy with epilepsy. Seventeen patients have one of the normal polymorphisms in the mitochondrial tRNA gene reported before. SSCP and PCR-RFLP could detect the heteroplasmic condition when the percentage of mutant up to 5, however, it cannot be observed by direct sequencing method. It is important to screen the mtDNA mutation not only by direct sequence but also by PCR-RFLP and the other sensitive methods to detect the heroplasmy when lactic acidosis has been documented in the patients who are not fulfilled the criteria of mitochondrial disorders.  相似文献   

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