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Neocortical pyramidal neurons in vivo are subject to an intense synaptic background activity that has a significant impact on various electrophysiological properties and dendritic integration. Using detailed biophysical models of a morphologically reconstructed neocortical pyramidal neuron, in which synaptic background activity was simulated according to recent measurements in cat parietal cortex in vivo, we show that the responsiveness of the cell to additional periodic subthreshold stimuli can be significantly enhanced through mechanisms similar to stochastic resonance. We compare several paradigms leading to stochastic resonance-like behavior, such as varying the strength or the correlation in the background activity. A new type of resonance-like behavior was obtained when the correlation was varied, in which case the responsiveness is sensitive to the statistics rather than the strength of the noise. We suggest that this type of resonance may be relevant to information processing in the cerebral cortex.  相似文献   

Changes in connectivity between pairs of neurons can serve as a substrate for information storage and for experience-dependent changes in neuronal circuitry. Early in development, synaptic contacts form and break, but how these dynamics influence the connectivity between pairs of neurons is not known. Here we used time-lapse imaging to examine the synaptic interactions between pairs of cultured cortical pyramidal neurons, and found that the axon-dendrite contacts between each neuronal pair were composed of both a relatively stable and a more labile population. Under basal conditions, loss and gain of contacts within this labile population was well balanced and there was little net change in connectivity. Selectively increasing the levels of activated CaMKII in the postsynaptic neuron increased connectivity between pairs of neurons by increasing the rate of gain of new contacts without affecting the probability of contact loss, or the proportion of stable and labile contacts, and this increase required Calcium/calmodulin binding to CaMKII. Our data suggest that activating CaMKII can increase synaptic connectivity through a CaM-dependent increase in contact formation, followed by stabilization of a constant fraction of new contacts.  相似文献   

In cortical neurons, synaptic "noise" is caused by the nearly random release of thousands of synapses. Few methods are presently available to analyze synaptic noise and deduce properties of the underlying synaptic inputs. We focus here on the power spectral density (PSD) of several models of synaptic noise. We examine different classes of analytically solvable kinetic models for synaptic currents, such as the "delta kinetic models," which use Dirac delta functions to represent the activation of the ion channel. We first show that, for this class of kinetic models, one can obtain an analytic expression for the PSD of the total synaptic conductance and derive equivalent stochastic models with only a few variables. This yields a method for constraining models of synaptic currents by analyzing voltage-clamp recordings of synaptic noise. Second, we show that a similar approach can be followed for the PSD of the the membrane potential (Vm) through an effective-leak approximation. Third, we show that this approach is also valid for inputs distributed in dendrites. In this case, the frequency scaling of the Vm PSD is preserved, suggesting that this approach may be applied to intracellular recordings of real neurons. In conclusion, using simple mathematical tools, we show that Vm recordings can be used to constrain kinetic models of synaptic currents, as well as to estimate equivalent stochastic models. This approach, therefore, provides a direct link between intracellular recordings in vivo and the design of models consistent with the dynamics and spectral structure of synaptic noise.  相似文献   

In order to examine the effects of activity on spine production and/or maintenance in the cerebral cortex, we have compared the number of dendritic spines on pyramidal neurons in slices of PO mouse somatosensory cortex maintained in organotypic slice cultures under conditions that altered basal levels of spontaneous electrical activity. Cultures chronically exposed to 100 μM picrotoxin (PTX) for 14 days exhibited significantly elevated levels of electrical activity when compared to neurons in control cultures. Pyramidal neurons raised in the presence of PTX showed significantly densities of dendritic spines on primary apical, secondary apical, and secondary basal dendrites when compared to control cultures. The PTX-induced increase in spine density was dose dependent and appeared to saturate at 100 μM. Cultures exhibiting little or no spontaneous activity, as a result of growth in a combination of PTX and tetrodotoxin (TTx), showed significantly fewer dendritic spines compared to cultures maintained in PTX alone. These results demonstrate that the density of spines on layers V and VI pyramidal neurons can be modulated by growth conditions that alter the levels of spontaneous electrical activity. 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The effect of constitutive expression of p21H‐rasVal12 in pyramidal neurons upon the establishment of afferent input has been investigated in the primary somatosensory cortex of transgenic mice. In these animals, relevant transgene expression is confined to cortical pyramidal neurons and starts postnatally at a period when neuronal morphogenesis has been largely completed. We have shown recently that overexpression of p21H‐rasVal12 in these cells results in considerable enlargement of their size and consequently in expansion of the cortex. In the present study we demonstrate that the density of terminals representing intra‐ or interhemispheric afferents within cortical layers II/III, however, is only slightly decreased. The density of thalamocortical boutons within layer IV is even higher and the number of afferent contacts to transgenic pyramidal neurons is significantly increased compared to the wild‐type. The number of catecholaminergic and cholinergic terminals is augmented proportionally to cortical size or even overproportionally, respectively. Along intercortical and striatal fibers arising from p21H‐rasVal12‐expressing pyramidal neurons, frequency of varicosities is significantly increased, but remains unchanged on cortical cholinergic and catecholaminergic axons originating from “nontransgenic” neurons. Additionally, a higher number of multiple synaptic bodies are found in transgenic mice, suggesting subtle effects on synaptic plasticity. It is concluded that the enlargement of pyramidal neurons due to transgenic expression of p21H‐rasVal12 is paralleled by significant changes in the quantity and pattern of afferent connections. Moreover, expression of p21H‐rasVal12 in pyramidal cells induces an enhanced establishment of efferent boutons. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Neurobiol 60: 263–274, 2004  相似文献   

Background activity of brain cortex neurons in ontogenesis appears very early, soon after completion of their migration. At the moment of its appearance, the background activity has several peculiarities, the most characteristic of which are its episodic character and synchronous bursts of adjacent neurons forming domains. This paper considers mechanisms determining the appearance and the most characteristic peculiarities of the background activity of cerebral cortex neurons in ontogenesis.  相似文献   

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GM2 ganglioside, although scarce in normal adult brain, is the predominant ganglioside accumulating in several types of lysosomal disorders, most notably Tay-Sachs disease. Pyramidal neurons of cerebral cortex in Tay-Sachs, as well as many other types of neuronal storage disorders, are known to exhibit a phenomenon believed unique to storage disorders: growth of ectopic dendrites. Recent studies have shown that a common metabolic abnormality shared by storage diseases with ectopic dendrite growth is the abnormal accumulation of GM2 ganglioside. The correlation between increased levels of GM2 and the presence of ectopic dendrites has been found in both ganglioside and nonganglioside storage disorders, the latter including sphingomyelin-cholesterol lipidosis, mucopolysaccharidosis, and -mannosidosis. Quantitative HPTLC analysis has shown that increases in GM2 occur in proportion to the incidence of ectopic dendrite growth, whereas, other gangliosides, including GM1, lack similar increases. Immunocytochemical studies of all nonganglioside storage diseases which exhibit ectopic dendritogenesis have revealed heightened GM2 ganglioside-immunoreactivity in the cortical pyramidal cell population, whereas neurons in normal adult brain exhibit little or no staining for this ganglioside. Further, studies examining disease development have consistently shown that accumulation of GM2 gangliosideprecedes growth of ectopic dendrites, indicating that it is not simply occurring secondary to new membrane production. These findings have prompted an examination for a similar relationship between GM2 ganglioside and dendritogenesis in cortical neurons of normal developing brain. Results show that GM2 ganglioside-immunoreactivity is consistently elevated in immature neurons during the period when they are undergoing active dendritic initiation, but this staining diminishes dramatically as the dendritic tress of these cells mature. Collectively, these studies on diseased and normal brain offer compelling evidence that GM2 ganglioside plays a pivotal role in the regulation of dendritogenesis in cortical pyramidal neurons.Special issue dedicated to Dr. Leon S. Wolfe.  相似文献   

Neuromodulation is a fundamental process in the brain that regulates synaptic transmission, neuronal network activity and behavior. Emerging evidence demonstrates that astrocytes, a major population of glial cells in the brain, play previously unrecognized functions in neuronal modulation. Astrocytes can detect the level of neuronal activity and release chemical transmitters to influence neuronal function. For example, recent findings show that astrocytes play crucial roles in the control of Hebbian plasticity, the regulation of neuronal excitability and the induction of homeostatic plasticity. This review discusses the importance of astrocyte-to-neuron signaling in different aspects of neuronal function from the activity of single synapses to that of neuronal networks.  相似文献   

Summary Inverted pyramidal neurons are very abundant in the cerebral cortex of the adult reeler mutant mouse. Two types of inverted pyramid are found in rapid Golgi impregnations. In the first type the axon starts from the base of the cell body and bends towards the white matter. In the second type, which is more common, the axon emerges from the apical dendritic tree and descends directly towards the white matter.Despite its abnormal topography, the site of origin of the axon in pyramids of the second type displays a normal differentiation, when analysed with the electron microscopic Golgi technique, suggesting that the ectopic initial axon segment is able to fulfil its normal functions.  相似文献   

The goals of this research are to (1) determine the changes in the composition of NMDA receptor (NMDAR) subunits in GABAergic interneurons during critical period (CP); and (2) test the effect of chronic blockage of specific NR2 subunits on the maturation of specific GABAergic interneurons. Our data demonstrate that: (1) The amplitude of NMDAR mediated EPSCs (EPSCs(NMDAR) ) was significantly larger in the postCP group. (2) The coefficient of variation (CV), τ(decay) and half-width of EPSCs(NMDAR) were significantly larger in the preCP group. (3) A leftward shift in the half-activation voltages in the postCP vs. preCP group. (4) Using subunit-specific antagonists, we found a postnatal shift in NR2 composition towards more NR2A mediated EPSCs(NMDAR) . These changes occurred within a two-day narrow window of CP and were similar between fast-spiking (FS) and regular spiking (RSNP) interneurons. (5) Chronic blockage of NR2A, but not NR2B, decreased the expression of parvalbumin (PV), but not other calcium binding proteins in layer 2/3 and 4 of barrel cortex. (6) Chronic blockage of NR2A selectively affected the maturation of IPSCs mediated by FS cells. In summary, we have reported, for the first time, developmental changes in the molecular composition of NMDA NR2 subunits in interneurons during CP, and the effects of chronic blockage of NR2A but not NR2B on PV expression and inhibitory synaptic transmission from FS cells. These results support an important role of NR2A subunits in developmental plasticity of fast-spiking GABAergic circuits during CP.  相似文献   

Neurons in the auditory cortex are believed to utilize temporal patterns of neural activity to accurately process auditory information but the intrinsic neuronal mechanism underlying the control of auditory neural activity is not known. The slowly activating, persistent K+ channel, also called M-channel that belongs to the Kv7 family, is already known to be important in regulating subthreshold neural excitability and synaptic summation in neocortical and hippocampal pyramidal neurons. However, its functional role in the primary auditory cortex (A1) has never been characterized. In this study, we investigated the roles of M-channels on neuronal excitability, short-term plasticity, and synaptic summation of A1 layer 2/3 regular spiking pyramidal neurons with whole-cell current-clamp recordings in vitro. We found that blocking M-channels with a selective M-channel blocker, XE991, significantly increased neural excitability of A1 layer 2/3 pyramidal neurons. Furthermore, M-channels controled synaptic responses of intralaminar-evoked excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs); XE991 significantly increased EPSP amplitude, decreased the rate of short-term depression, and increased the synaptic summation. These results suggest that M-channels are involved in controlling spike output patterns and synaptic responses of A1 layer 2/3 pyramidal neurons, which would have important implications in auditory information processing.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) has been proposed to down-regulate NMDA receptors (NMDA-Rs) in a homeostatic manner. However, NMDA-R-dependent NO synthesis also can cause excitotoxic cell death. Using bicuculline-stimulated hippocampal and cortical cell cultures, we have addressed the role of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor-NO pathway in NMDA-R down-regulation. This pathway protected cortical cells from NMDA-induced death and led to NMDA-R inhibition. In contrast, no evidence was gained for the presence of this protective pathway in hippocampal neurons, in which NMDA-induced NO synthesis was confirmed to be toxic. Therefore, opposing effects of NO depended on the activation of different signalling pathways. The pathophysiological relevance of this observation was investigated in synaptosomes and post-synaptic densities isolated from rat hippocampi and cerebral cortices following kainic acid-induced status epilepticus. In cortical, but not in hippocampal synaptosomes, brain-derived neurotrophic factor induced NO synthesis and inhibited NMDA-R currents present in isolated post-synaptic densities. In conclusion, we identified a NO-dependent homeostatic response in the rat cerebral cortex induced by elevated activity. A low performance of this pathway in brain areas including the hippocampus may be related to their selective vulnerability in pathologies such as temporal lobe epilepsy.  相似文献   

The major excitatory neurotransmitter in the CNS, glutamate, can be released exocytotically by neurons and astrocytes. Glutamate released from neurons can affect adjacent astrocytes by changing their intracellular Ca2+ dynamics and, vice versa , glutamate released from astrocytes can cause a variety of responses in neurons such as: an elevation of [Ca2+]i, a slow inward current, an increase of excitability, modulation of synaptic transmission, synchronization of synaptic events, or some combination of these. This astrocyte-neuron signaling pathway might be a widespread phenomenon throughout the brain with astrocytes possessing the means to be active participants in many functions of the CNS. Thus, it appears that the vesicular release of glutamate can serve as a common denominator for two of the major cellular components of the CNS, astrocytes and neurons, in brain function.  相似文献   

1. The striatum is part of a multisynaptic loop involved in translating higher order cognitive activity into action. The main striatal computational unit is the medium spiny neuron, which integrates inputs arriving from widely distributed cortical neurons and provides the sole striatal output.2. The membrane potential of medium spiny neurons' displays shifts between a very negative resting state (down state) and depolarizing plateaus (up states) which are driven by the excitatory cortical inputs.3. Because striatal spiny neurons fire action potentials only during the up state, these plateau depolarizations are perceived as enabling events that allow information processing through cerebral cortex – basal ganglia circuits. In vivo intracellular recording techniques allow to investigate simultaneously the subthreshold behavior of the medium spiny neuron membrane potential (which is a reading of distributed patterns of cortical activity) and medium spiny neuron firing (which is an index of striatal output).4. Recent studies combining intracellular recordings of striatal neurons with field potential recordings of the cerebral cortex illustrate how the analysis of the input–output transformations performed by medium spiny neurons may help to unveil some aspects of information processing in cerebral cortex – basal ganglia circuits, and to understand the origin of the clinical manifestations of Parkinson's disease and other neurologic and neuropsychiatric disorders that result from alterations in dopamine-dependent information processing in the cerebral cortex – basal ganglia circuits.  相似文献   

Conditional mutagenesis permits the cell type-specific analysis of gene functions in vivo. Here, we describe a mouse line that expresses Cre recombinase under control of regulatory sequences of NEX, a gene that encodes a neuronal basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) protein. To mimic endogenous NEX expression in the dorsal telencephalon, the Cre recombinase gene was targeted into the NEX locus by homologous recombination in ES cells. The Cre expression pattern was analyzed following breeding into different lines of lacZ-indicator mice. Most prominent Cre activity was observed in neocortex and hippocampus, starting from around embryonic day 11.5. Within the dorsal telencephalon, Cre-mediated recombination marked pyramidal neurons and dentate gyrus mossy and granule cells, but was absent from proliferating neural precursors of the ventricular zone, interneurons, oligodendrocytes, and astrocytes. Additionally, we identified formerly unknown domains of NEX promoter activity in mid- and hindbrain. The NEX-Cre mouse will be a valuable tool for behavioral research and the conditional inactivation of target genes in pyramidal neurons of the dorsal telencephalon.  相似文献   

Postnatal development of glutamate decarboxylase was studied in the rat cerebral cortex. Two methods were used: estimation of the enzymatic activity of glutamate decarboxylase in homogenates of developing cortical tissue and visualization of structures containing glutamate decarboxylase-like immunoreactivity. Glutamate decarboxylase-like immunoreactivity appeared first in perikarya and dendrites and only later in axons and axon varicosities. The most rapid increase in the glutamate decarboxylase activity took place during the second postnatal week and this coincided with a rapid increase in the density of axon varicosities containing glutamate decarboxylase-like immunoreactivity but preceded the most rapid phase in the formation of GABAergic synapses by several days. However, there was a change in the characteristics of glutamate decarboxylase which correlated with GABA synaptogenesis: two fractions of glutamate decarboxylase with different sensitivities to the activating effects of Triton X-100 could be distinguished as from about the time when most of the GABAergic synapses are formed.  相似文献   

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