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The phylogeny of Oedogoniales was investigated by using nuclear 18S rDNA sequences. Results showed that the genus Oedocladium, as a separated clade, was clustered within the clade of Oedogonium; whereas the genus Bulbochaete was in a comparatively divergent position to the other two genera. The relationship among the species of Oedogonium was discussed, focusing on ITS-2 phylogeny analyzed combining with some morphological characteristics. Our results showed that all the dioecious nannandrous taxa involved in this study were resolved into one clade, while all the monocious taxa were clustered into another clade as a sister group to the former. The report also suggests that the dioecious macrandrous taxa form a paraphyly and could be more basally situated than the dioecious nannandrous and the monoecious taxa by means of molecular phylogeny and morphotype investigations.  相似文献   

Newly emerging molecular phylogenetic hypotheses involving the sponge Order Haplosclerida (Class Demospongiae) are far removed from traditional views on their classification using morphology. In the new grouping of marine haplosclerid taxa by molecular data all members of one highly supported clade were found to have three large indels in the 18S rRNA gene. These indels were not found in this gene in other marine haplosclerids or in any other demosponges analysed. These indels were found in the variable V4 and V7 region of the gene, had high GC contents and formed stable double stranded helices in the 18S rRNA secondary structure. These indels are very important synapomorphies, provide high support for an alternative taxonomic scheme and could help resolve the phylogeny of this order in conjunction with other phylogenetically informative characters.  相似文献   

Eremias, or racerunners, is a widespread lacertid genus occurring in China, Mongolia, Korea, Central Asia, Southwest Asia and Southeast Europe. It has been through a series of taxonomic revisions, but the phylogenetic relationships among the species and subgenera remain unclear. In this study, a frequently studied region of the mitochondrial 16S rRNA was used to (i) reassess the phylogenetic relationships of some Eremias species, (ii) test if the viviparous species form a monophyletic group, and (iii) estimate divergence time among lineages using a Bayesian relaxed molecular-clock approach. The resulting phylogeny supports monophyly of Eremias sensu Szczerbak and a clade comprising Eremias, Acanthodactylus and Latastia. An earlier finding demonstrating monophyly of the subgenus Pareremias is corroborated, with Eremias argus being the sister taxon to Eremias brenchleyi. We present the first evidence that viviparous species form a monophyletic group. In addition, Eremias przewalskii is nested within Eremias multiocellata, suggesting that the latter is likely a paraphyletic species or a species complex. Eremias acutirostris and Eremias persica form a clade that is closely related to the subgenus Pareremias. However, the subgenera Aspidorhinus, Scapteira, and Rhabderemias seem not to be monophyletic, respectively. The Bayesian divergence-time estimation suggests that Eremias originated at about 9.9 million years ago (with the 95% confidence interval ranging from 7.6 to 12 Ma), and diversified from Late Miocene to Pleistocene. Specifically, the divergence time of the subgenus Pareremias was dated to about 6.3 million years ago (with the 95% confidence interval ranging from 5.3 to 8.5 Ma), which suggests that the diversification of this subgenus might be correlated with the evolution of an East Asian monsoon climate triggered by the rapid uplift of the Tibetan Plateau approximately 8 Ma.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships within the group of molting protostomes were reconstructed by comparing the sets of 18S and 28S rRNA gene sequences considered either separately or in combination. The reliability of reconstructions was estimated from the bootstrap indices for major phylogenetic tree nodes and from the degree of congruence of phylogenetic trees obtained by different methods. By either criterion, the phylogenetic trees reconstructed on the basis of both 18 and 28S rRNA gene sequences were better than those based on the 18S or 28S sequences alone. The results of reconstruction are consistent with the phylogenetic hypothesis classifying protostomes into two major clades: molting Ecdysozoa (Priapulida + Kinorhyncha, Nematoda + Nematomorpha, Onychophora + Tardigrada, Myriapoda + Chelicerata, and Crustacea + Hexapoda) and nonmolting Lophotrochozoa (Plathelminthes, Nemertini, Annelida, Mollusca, Echiura, and Sipuncula). Nematomorphs (Nematomorpha) do not belong to the clade Cephalorhyncha (Priapulida + Kinorhyncha). It is concluded that combined data on the 18S and 28S rRNA gene sequences provide a more reliable basis for phylogenetic inferences.__________Translated from Molekulyarnaya Biologiya, Vol. 39, No. 4, 2005, pp. 590–601.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Petrov, Vladychenskaya.  相似文献   

An analysis of the phylogenetic relationships of the 13 orders of Demospongiae, based on 18S and C1, D1 and C2 domains of 28S rRNA (for, respectively, 26 and 32 taxa) has been performed. The class Demospongiae as traditionally defined is not found to be monophyletic. Instead, a clade comprising all demosponges except Homoscleromorpha is well-supported, and we define phylogenetically the name Demospongiae in this more restricted sense to preclude the possibility of drastic alterations of the meaning of Demospongiae in the future, depending on the position of Homoscleromorpha. Within this clade Demospongiae s.s., ceractinomorphs and tetractinomorphs are polyphyletic, implying homoplastic evolution of characters such as reproductive strategies (viviparity vs. oviparity) and skeleton architecture (reticulate vs. radiate). The topology derived from our molecular data provides a basis for proposing a new classification of Demospongiae s.s., and suggests a reverse polarity of some characters, with respect to traditional conceptions: viviparity, presence of monaxon spicules and of spongin appear to be ancestral, whereas oviparity, and presence of tetraxon spicules appear as derived characters.  相似文献   

鸡球虫18S rRNA基因序列的测定与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了利用18S rRNA基因进行鸡球虫系统进化分析,对巨型艾美耳球虫(Eimeria maxima)、柔嫩艾美耳球虫(E.tenella)、堆形艾美耳球虫(E.acervulina)3种共8个不同来源的虫株,分别提取总DNA进行18S rRNA基因的扩增和测序;将得到的序列登录GenBank进行同源性和趋异性分析,并结合GenBank中其它原虫的18S rRNA基因序列构建进化树.结果显示扩增获得8株鸡球虫18S rRNA基因长度为1746~1756 bp,序列比对显示同种不同株间的同源性大于不同种间的同源性,其中3株E.maxima株间同源性在98.7%~99.3%之间,4株E.tenella株间同源性在99.7%~99.9%之间;不同种间同源性为96.5%~98.1%,其中E.maxima与E.tenclla的遗传距离最大,为0.038;E.maxima与E.acervulina的遗传距离最小,为0.021.顶复器门9个不同属所构建的进化树结果显示,E.imeria和等孢属(Isospora)聚为一支,说明亲缘关系比较近.与GertBank中其它5株不同鸡球虫的18S rRNA基因共同构建的进化树显示,3株E.maxima聚为一支,与E.brunetti、E.mitis、E.mivati、E.praecox和E.acervulina聚为一大分支;4株E.tenella与1株E.necatrix共同形成一个分支,说明E.tenella与E.necattix的亲缘关系最近.本研究证实了在鸡球虫系统进化研究中,18S rRNA基因不仅可以区分不同种,而且有可能成为区分同种不同株的理想靶基因.  相似文献   

We utilize the secondary structural properties of the 28S rRNA D2–D10 expansion segments to hypothesize a multiple sequence alignment for major lineages of the hymenopteran superfamily Ichneumonoidea (Braconidae, Ichneumonidae). The alignment consists of 290 sequences (originally analyzed in Belshaw and Quicke, Syst Biol 51:450–477, 2002) and provides the first global alignment template for this diverse group of insects. Predicted structures for these expansion segments as well as for over half of the 18S rRNA are given, with highly variable regions characterized and isolated within conserved structures. We demonstrate several pitfalls of optimization alignment and illustrate how these are potentially addressed with structure-based alignments. Our global alignment is presented online at (http://hymenoptera.tamu.edu/rna) with summary statistics, such as basepair frequency tables, along with novel tools for parsing structure-based alignments into input files for most commonly used phylogenetic software. These resources will be valuable for hymenopteran systematists, as well as researchers utilizing rRNA sequences for phylogeny estimation in any taxon. We explore the phylogenetic utility of our structure-based alignment by examining a subset of the data under a variety of optimality criteria using results from Belshaw and Quicke (2002) as a benchmark.Access to on-line data: http://hymenoptera.tamu.edu/rna; username, ichs; password, ichzzz  相似文献   

Despite their traditional and continuing prominence in studies of interordinal mammalian phylogenetics, treeshrews (order Scandentia) remain relatively unstudied with respect to their intraordinal relationships. At the same time, significant morphological variation among living treeshrews has been shown to have direct relevance to higher-level interpretations of character state change as reconstructed in traditional interordinal studies, which have often included only a single species of treeshrew. Therefore, the importance of resolving relationships among treeshrews extends well beyond a better understanding of patterns of diversification within the order. A recent review highlighted several shortcomings in published studies of treeshrew phylogenetics based on morphology. Here we present the first investigation of treeshrew phylogenetics based on DNA sequences, utilizing previously published sequences from the mitochondrial 12S rRNA gene and combining them with newly generated sequence data from 15 species. Parsimony, likelihood, and Bayesian analyses all strongly support a sister relationship between Ptilocercus and the remaining species, further substantiating its recent elevation to familial status. Dendrogale is consistently recovered as the next taxon to diverge, but relationships among the remaining taxa are poorly supported by these data. We provide evidence for a relatively rapid radiation within the genera Tupaia and Urogale, but limited resolution precludes more than a cursory interpretation of biogeographic patterns.  相似文献   

The current morphological classification of the Demospongiae G4 clade was tested using large subunit ribosomal RNA (LSU rRNA) sequences from 119 taxa. Fifty-three mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase 1 (CO1) barcoding sequences were also analysed to test whether the 28S phylogeny could be recovered using an independent gene. This is the largest and most comprehensive study of the Demospongiae G4 clade. The 28S and CO1 genetrees result in congruent clades but conflict with the current morphological classification. The results confirm the polyphyly of Halichondrida, Hadromerida, Dictyonellidae, Axinellidae and Poecilosclerida and show that several of the characters used in morphological classifications are homoplasious. Robust clades are clearly shown and a new hypothesis for relationships of taxa allocated to G4 is proposed.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationship of Alexandrium monilatum to other Alexandrium spp. was explored using 18S rDNA sequences. Maximum likelihood phylogenetic analysis of the combined rDNA sequences established that A. monilatum paired with Alexandrium taylori and that the pair was the first of the Alexandrium taxa to diverge, followed by Alexandrium margalefii. All three are members of the Alexandrium subgenus Gessnerium Halim nov. comb.  相似文献   

基于16S rRNA和ND1基因序列的中国蚌科丽蚌属的系统发育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周春花  欧阳珊  吴小平  黎敏 《动物学报》2007,53(6):1024-1030

The nucleotide sequence of the small-subunit rRNA (18S rRNA) coding gene in the higher fungus Protomyces inouyei contains two group I introns. This is the first report of two group I introns in the 18S rRNA coding region. Based on the comparison of the two introns of Protomyces inouyei with those of the green alga Ankistrodesmus stipitatus, and the other two higher fungi Pneumocystis carinii and Ustilago maydis, the Protomyces introns are group I introns containing the highly conserved sequence elements P, Q, R, and S. Intron A of Protomyces inouyei is located in the same position as in Pneumocystis carinii while intron B shares the location with that in Ustilago maydis. The phylogenetic relationships strongly support horizontal transfer of these group I introns.Correspondence to: J. Sugiyama  相似文献   

Many scuticociliates are facultative parasites of aquatic organisms and are among the most problematic ciliate taxa regarding their systematic relationships. The main reason is that most species, especially taxa in the order Thigmotrichida have similar morphology and have not been studied yet using molecular methods. In the present work, two scuticociliate genera, represented by two rare parasitic species, Philasterides armatalis (order Philasterida) and Boveria subcylindrica (order Thigmotrichida), were studied, and phylogenetic trees concerning these two genera were constructed based on their 18 S rRNA gene sequences. The results indicate that: 1) Philasterides forms a sister group with Philaster, supporting the classification that these two genera belong to the family Philasteridae; 2) it is confirmed that the nominal species, Philasterides dicentrarchi Dragesco et al., 1995 should be a junior synonym of Miamiensis avidus as revealed by both previous investigations and the data revealed in the present work; and 3) the poorly known form B. subcylindrica, the only member in the order Thigmotrichida, of which molecular data are available so far, always clusters with Cyclidium glaucoma, a highly specialized scuticociliate, indicating a sister relationship between the orders Thigmotrichida and Pleuronematida.  相似文献   

Snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus spp.) are confined to isolated mountainous regions in China and North Vietnam. Their systematic classification and phylogenetic relationship has been controversial. The structures of mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b and 12S rRNA show that the 4 species of Rhinopithecus are quite different from other colobines. It is reasonable to regard them as an independent genus, as determined by external features, morphometric characters and behavior. However, whether or not there should be a subdivision between the Vietnamese and Chinese species at the subgeneric level remains to be clarified; more evidence from a large range of Asian colobine species is needed. The Guizhou species, Rhinopithecus brelichi, is a valid species, which is more closely related to Pygathrix than the other species ( R. roxellana, R. bieti and R. avunculus) are. Results also indicate that 3 species—Rhinopithecus roxellana, R. bieti and R. avunculus—might have diverged from R. brelichi, but the phylogenetic relationship of R. avunculus is not clear.  相似文献   

In the past, 18S rRNA sequences have proved to be very useful for tracing ancient divergences but were rarely used for resolving more recent ones. Moreover, it was suggested that the molecule does not contain useful information to resolve divergences which took place during less than 40 Myr. The present paper takes littorinid phylogeny as a case study to reevaluate the utility of the molecule for resolving recent divergences. Two data sets for nine species of the snail family Littorinidae were analyzed, both separately and combined. One data set comprised 7 new complete 18S rRNA sequences aligned with 2 published littorinid sequences; the other comprised 12 morphological, 1 biochemical, and 2 18S rRNA secondary structure characters. On the basis of its ability to confirm generally accepted relationships and the congruence of results derived from the different data sets, it is concluded that 18S rRNA sequences do contain information to resolve ``rapid' cladogenetic events, provided that they occurred in the not too distant past. 18S rRNA sequences yielded support for (1) the branching order (L. littorea, (L. obtusata, (L. saxatilis, L. compressa))) and (2) the basal position of L. striata in the Littorina clade. Received: 6 February 1998 / Accepted: 20 March 1998  相似文献   

Molecular sequence data are often aligned on the basis of secondary and/or tertiary structure models. However, these models are regularly updated and sometimes differ depending on the way in which they were constructed. We examined whether the choice of a particular 18S rRNA secondary structure model as alignment basis influences phylogeny inference. We therefore compared 18S rRNA phylogenies derived from alignments based on different models. We used: 1. Maximum parsimony; 2. The neighbour-joining method; 3. The maximum-likelihood approach; and 4. Evolutionary parsimony. This demonstrated that the secondary structure model on which an alignment is based may influence: 1. The tree topologies found by these four methods; 2. The numbers of most parsimonious trees found; and 3. The statistical values calculated by the evolutionary parsimony method.  相似文献   

火丝菌科(盘菌目)部分属的系统学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘超洋  庄文颖 《菌物学报》2006,25(4):546-558
本文以核糖体小亚基(SSUrDNA)为分子标记,对28个属60个种的71个序列片段进行序列分析,探讨火丝菌科的属间亲缘关系。研究结果支持广义的火丝菌科概念,表明该科是单起源的,显示5个主要分支。腐生或与植物共生形成菌根、囊盘被表面具有毛状物的15个属构成A分支,该分支中仅部分属之间的关系比较明确;与苔藓植物生长在一起的4个属构成B分支;C分支包括Otidea和Otideopsis两属,后者与Otidea的成员混杂在一起;D分支仅包括Acervus的成员;E分支由Geopyxis,Tarzetta,Paurocotylis等5个属组成。分子系统学的研究结果与形态学分类系统之间存在一定差异,依据形态特征和超微结构建立的亚科和族均未获得支持。  相似文献   

为对比16S rRNA和rpo B基因分子系统发育分析与传统表型分类法对铜绿假单胞菌的鉴定,评估16S rRNA和rpo B基因序列分析在铜绿假单胞菌鉴定中的应用,用表型分类方法对临床自动微生物鉴定系统鉴定为铜绿假单胞菌的23株分离株进行再鉴定,PCR扩增23株分离株16S rRNA和rpo B基因片段,并测序进行系统发育分析。结果表明,表型再鉴定结果与自动微生物鉴定系统鉴定结果一致。基于两个基因的系统发育分析均显示分离株p22与不动杆菌属序列聚为一枝,其余22株分离株与铜绿假单胞菌序列聚为一枝。因此p22应鉴定为不动杆菌,16S rRNA和rpo B基因序列分析均能准确鉴定铜绿假单胞菌并能较好建立假单胞菌属内种间关系。  相似文献   

Analysis of nuclear small subunit ribosomal RNA gene (18S rDNA) sequence data from 123 samples of the red algal genus Bangia from mainland New Zealand has revealed diversity exceeding that reported for the genus from any other region in the world. Our study resolves two New Zealand Bangia taxa basal to the order Bangiales, and five clades of Bangia, four of which include New Zealand members. The basal taxa are separated from each other by 139 bp and differ from all other Bangia taxa in the New Zealand region by 103-163 bp over approximately 1750 bp 18S rDNA sequence data. Our results reveal a Bangia flora of previously unsuspected richness, and show that the simple morphology of these organisms obscures significant levels of genetic diversity. The presence of high diversity and retention of basal taxa in New Zealand Bangia raises the prospect that the southern hemisphere, and particularly eastern Gondwana, is not only a centre of diversity, but a centre of origin for the modern Bangiales.  相似文献   

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