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Dyckia pseudococcinea L.B.Sm. is endemic to the restingas of Maricá, State of Rio de Janeiro, in southeastern Brazil. However, since this area is under intense ecological stress, D. pseudococcinea is considered an endangered plant species. An important step toward the conservation of this species is establishing the developmental stage most favorable to in vitro propagation. Accordingly, the present study analyzed the androecium to establish the developmental stages of anthers, emphasizing anther wall development, androsporogenesis and androgametogenesis. The relationships between the size of flowers and anthers were also studied. Anther wall development follows the basic-type, while the tapetum, which is originated from the subepidermal layer (inner secondary parietal layer 2 and archesporial initials), follows the secretory-type. Androsporogenesis is successive and originates isobilateral and decussate tetrads. The oblate and monosulcate pollen grains exhibit microreticulate exine and are dispersed at the bicellular stage. At the vacuolated stage, the androspore (microspore) is still proliferating and not yet completely differentiated. Therefore, since the androspore has not yet lost its embryonic capacity, we suggest the preferential use of this developmental stage, which is present in flower buds 6.4–7.1 mm in length, in conservation protocols focused on the androgenesis of D. pseudococcinea.  相似文献   

Summary Experiments and observations conducted during the past 90 years have provided conflicting evidence concerning the existence of a size difference between pollen grains containing an X chromosome (female-determining) and those containing a Y chromosome (maledetermining) in dioecious Silene latifolia. Were such a size difference to exist, this might explain, at least in part, the observation that X-bearing pollen tubes reach the ovary more quickly, on average, than Y-bearing pollen tubes. We tested for such a size difference by separating pollen collected from single anthers into three size classes: small, large, and random. Fruit set (number of pollinated flowers that set fruit) and seed set (number of seeds per capsule) did not differ for these three pollination treatments. Progeny sex ratios resulting from these three pollen size classes also did not differ significantly. Thus, pollen grain size is not affected by which of the two sex chromosomes is present. Our experiment is the first direct test of this relationship. Based on our results, size differences should not be invoked to explain competitive differences in male- and female-determining microgametophytes.  相似文献   

Background and aimsThis paper is about pollen ecophysiology, anther opening, pollen dispersal and the timing of the male and female phases in Parietaria judaica (Urticaceae).MethodsEcophysiological (effects of different relative humidities (RHs) and osmotic relationships) and cytological methods (stigmatic receptivity, pollen viability, histology and histochemistry) were used to determine pollen and pollination features during the long blooming period of this species.Key resultsPollen is dispersed by rapid uncurling of the filament and anther opening. The filament and anther lack cells with lignified wall thickenings, which are usually responsible for anther opening and ballistic pollen dispersal. Instead, dispersal is the result of the sudden movement of the filament. Pollen is of the partially hydrated type, i.e. with a water content greater than 30% at shedding, and readily loses water, and hence viability, at low RH. Pollen carbohydrate reserves differ with season. Starchless grains germinate quickly and are less subject to water loss. Flowers are protogynous, pollen release occurring only after complete cessation of the female phase within an inflorescence.ConclusionParietaria has partially hydrated pollen which differs from typical pollen of this type because of its reduced size and the absence of callose. Because of its low water content at the time of shedding it survives better at higher RH. Dispersal and pollination are adapted to pollen features.  相似文献   

Seasonal morphs (spring and sumer forms) of Papilio xuthus L. are determined coincidentally with diapause and non-diapause in pupae by larval exposure to short days and long days respectively. The neuroendocrine principle underlying seasonal-morph determination was studied using surgical operations in P. xuthus.When recipient 0-day old or chilled diapause pupae were joined to donor 0-day old non-diapause pupae, the recipients developed into summer or intermediate morphs. When the same kinds of recipients used above were joined to 0-day old or chilled diapause pupae, there were no significant effects on the adult morph. In contrast, recipient non-diapause pupae all developed into summer morphs, regardless of groups of the type of donors.Furthermore, when the brain of 5th-instar larvae, pharate pupae or pupae, predetermined to be diapause, was transplanted into the abdomen of 0-day old, 30-day old or chilled diapause pupae, the recipients developed into summer or intermediate morphs.The results indicate that the brain of non-diapause pupae secretes a humoral factor producing the summer morph. In non-diapause pupae, the factor may be secreted at about the stage of larval-pupal ecdysis coincidentally with that of prothoracicotropic hormone.  相似文献   

Anther development, microsporogenesis and microgametogenesis in several species of Heliconia were investigated as part of a complementary embryological study of the Heliconiaceae. All studied Heliconia species present bithecate and tetrasporangiate anthers with fertile pollen grains; only H. rivularis, a natural hybrid, presented sterile pollen grains of variable size and no content. The anther wall has an uniseriate epidermis and endothecium, the latter with helicoidal thickenings, although some cells of the middle layers also showed thickenings; the biseriate tapetum is of amoeboid non-syncytial type, since the tapetum cells did not fuse together forming a true plasmodium. The microsporogenesis is successive leading to isobilateral tetrads. The inaperturate pollen grains had a very reduced exine consisting of a thin, more or less continuous layer with small spines upon; the pollen grain shape is variable among the species, all of them presenting heteropolar pollen, except H. angusta with isopolar ones. Most of these characteristics were shared with other studied Zingiberales, although more studies need to be done.  相似文献   

The Bittacidae are unique in Mecoptera for their adults being predaceous. However, their mouthparts have not been well documented for functional morphology to date. Here, we investigated the mouthpart morphology of the hangingflies Bittacus planus Cheng and Terrobittacus implicatus (Huang & Hua) using scanning electron microscopy. The mouthparts are of the mandibulate type and situated at the tip of an elongated rostrum. The labrum is greatly elongated, roughly twice as long as the subquadrate clypeus. The epipharynx is furnished with a row of basiconic sensilla arranged evenly as a median band extending from the apex to the base. The mandibles are slender and elongated, bearing a sharp lateral and a small mesal tooth. The maxillae are well developed, each consisting of a partially sclerotized cardo and a stipes, a hirsute galea and a lacinia, and a five-segmented maxillary palp. The sensillar pattern on the distal segment of the maxillary palp differs slightly between the two bittacid species. The labium is composed of a postmentum, a prementum, and a pair of two-segmented labial palps. The feeding mechanism of bittacids is briefly discussed in combination with the mouthpart morphology and their feeding habits.  相似文献   

We compared the reproductive and vegetative phenology and pollination ecology of sympatric Attalea phalerata and Bactris glaucescens palms (Arecaceae) in the Pantanal, Brazil, in a riparian forest area subject to periodic flooding. Attalea phalerata has a solitary stem and produces staminate, pistillate and rarely bisexuals inflorescences that open during the day. Bactris glaucescens has multiple stems and has bisexual flowers with crepuscular/nocturnal anthesis. Both species present bud break and leaf-budding during the year. Attalea phalerata shows continual annual flowering with ripening of fruits during the dry season. For B. glaucescens flowering occurs simultaneously with fruiting for about seven months, and fruit production can be influenced by temperature and level of flooding. The difference in the timing of anthesis of the flowers ensures production of floral resources during both day and night when both species of palms are flowering. The floral structures of both species have morphological characteristics associated with pollination by insects (mainly beetles), such as the presence of odor, stigmatic secretion, heat production, and adhesive substances (“pollenkitt”) in the pollen. In A. phalerata, the main pollinators were Mystrops sp. (Nitidulidae) and Madarini (Curculionidae). Derelomus sp. (Curculionidae) and Paratenetus sp. (Tenebrionidae) beetles visited B. glaucescens during the day and could have pollinated the flowers at these occasions.  相似文献   

Pollen limitation occurs when plants produce less fruits and/or seeds than they would with adequate pollen receipt. If the addition of cross-pollen to stigmas increases fruit/seed production, it is interpreted as an evidence of pollen limitation. Much of the limitation may be associated with the quality rather than quantity of pollen; however, most studies do not discriminate between the two, which may lead to misinterpretation of the results. We studied the effects of quality and quantity of pollen on the reproduction of a northern Spanish population of Crataegus monogyna. The treatments included self- and cross-pollination, and supplementation to open and bagged flowers. The response variables considered were number of pollen grains per stigma, pollen tubes per style, and initial and final fruit set. In the Cantabrian range, C. monogyna requires insect pollinators to set fruit and is partially self-incompatible. We found that the number of pollen tubes did not differ between cross- and self-pollination treatments; however, self-pollinated flowers set less fruits than flowers that received pure cross-pollen or were supplemented with both cross- and self-pollen. The experimental design allowed us to infer qualitative rather than quantitative pollen limitation. Comparison of the number of pollen grains and tubes, and initial and final fruit set among pollination treatments suggested post-zygotic embryo selection against selfed progeny.  相似文献   

Dioecy, a rather rare phenomenon in the plant kingdom seems to be more prevalent on oceanic islands. The high incidence of dioecy on these islands could result from dioecious colonists among which a small percentage show leaky dioecy, which is an ability to self-fertilise. In this study, we report the occurrence of leaky dioecy in one of the 11 extant Diospyros species endemic to Mauritius. Female flowers on the leaky dioecious plants were artificially pollinated and bagged. Populations of D. egrettarum, D. leucomelas, D. melanida, D. revaughanii, D. tessellaria were all male-biased with a ratio of at least 2:1. Leaky dioecy occurred only in one Diospyros species, D. egrettarum where hermaphrodite plants represented 2% of the populations studied. Seeds collected from them had the same germination rate (approximately 40%) as the ones obtained from strictly unisexual female plants of D. egrettarum. The fact that leaky dioecy led to the production of fertile seeds opens the possibility that a single pioneer Diospyros plant could have played a major role in the establishment of reproductively viable populations in Mauritius.  相似文献   

Four popular mulberry cultivars (Morus indica L. cvs.V-1, MR-2, S-36 and K-2) were assessed for drought tolerance with an integration of selective approaches. The potted plants were subjected to two watering treatments for 75 days: control pots were watered up to 100% field capacity (FC) and stressed pots were maintained at 25–30% FC. Net photosynthetic rate (Pn), stomatal conductance (gs), transpiration rate (E) and instantaneous water use efficiency (WUEi) were the key parameters to assess photosynthetic gas exchange performance. Drought caused marked down-regulation in leaf gas exchange in all cultivars (cvs) except V-1 which maintained better Pn, gs, E and higher WUEi under severe water deficit. All the four cvs also showed differential antioxidative responses under water stress. Higher concentrations of carotenoids, ascorbic acid, glutathione, α-tocopherol and proline were observed in the leaf extracts of V-1, while minimum accumulation of those metabolites was recorded with K-2 and S-36. An endogenous loss of α-tocopherol and higher lipid peroxidation were encountered in K-2, S-36 and MR-2, whereas V-1 showed minimum lipid peroxidation under water deficit regimes. Comparative morpho-anatomical analysis revealed a well-developed root system and a better anatomical architecture in V-1 which could further contribute tolerance during drought stress.  相似文献   

Floral color changes are common among Melastomataceae and have been interpreted as a warning mechanism for bees to avoid old flowers, albeit increasing long-distance flower display. Here the reproductive systems of Tibouchina pulchra and T. sellowiana were investigated by controlled pollinations. Their pollinators were identified, and experiments on floral color and fragrance changes were conduced to verify if those changes affect the floral visitation. Both Tibouchina species are self compatible. The flowers lasted three days or more, and the floral color changed from white in the 1st day to pink in the following days. Pollen deposition on stigma induced floral color change. The effectiveness of the pollination is dependent on bees’ size; only large bees were regarded as effective pollinators. In experimental tests, the bees in T. pulchra preferred the natural white flowers while the visitors of T. sellowiana were attracted by both natural and mimetic 1st-day flowers (2nd-day flowers with experimentally attached 1st-day flower petals). During the experiments on floral fragrance, the bees visited both natural and mimetic 1st-day flowers (2nd-day flowers with 1st-day flower scents). In both experiments, the bees avoided natural 2nd-day flowers, but seldom visited modified 2nd-day flowers. The attractiveness of T. pulchra and T. sellowiana flowers cannot be attributed exclusively to the color or the fragrance separately, both factors seemingly act together.  相似文献   

The morphology and ultrastructure of the male reproductive system of dwarfish males of the monoecious aphid species Glyphina betulae (subfamily Thelaxinae) and the heteroecious species Anoecia (Anoecia) corni (subfamily Anoeciinae) are described. The testicular follicle of these species has the form of a single sac, the proximal parts of the vasa deferentia are slightly (G. betulae) or strongly (A. (A.) corni) expanded, the accessory glands are sack-shaped, and in G. betulae asymmetric and strongly elongated, whereas the ejaculatory duct is short.In both species only mature spermatozoa have been found within the testicular follicles, i.e. the consecutive stages of spermatogenesis have not been observed in adult males. Our studies also show that the testicular follicle, vasa deferentia, accessory glands and ejaculatory duct are histologically very simple. They are composed of more-or-less flattened epithelium of a secretory type, and thin muscle fibres. The epithelial cells are rich in rough endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria and small vacuoles. The vasa deferentia, especially in G. betulae, are filled with an electron-dense secretion which, as was shown by histochemical staining, contains proteins and polysaccharides. We suggest that the maximum secretory activity of these epithelial cells occurs, as does spermatogenesis, during larval stages, so that the short living adult males are immediately ready for copulation as in other aphids with normal-sized males.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study is to localise non‐specific lipid transfer proteins (nsLTPs), obtained from Rosaceae (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch) in pollen grains of taxonomically distant plants, such as Iridaceae (Aristea latifolia G.J. Lewis), Platanaceae (Platanus acerifolia (Aiton) Willd.) and Urticaceae (Parietaria judaica L.), in order to compare pollen and nsLTP diversity. A combination of transmission electron microscopy, immunocytochemical techniques, and rabbit specific antiserum against peach nsLTPs (Pru p 3) were used. Abundant labelling to Pru p 3‐like proteins was observed in the cytoplasm, walls and pollenkitt of A. latifolia pollen grains. The presence of nsLTPs associated with the pollenkitt proves that it takes part in the defence mechanism of pollen grains. The labelling was less intense in the cytoplasm and walls of P. acerifolia. Immuno‐stained gold particles were associated with the vacuoles, lipid inclusions, endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi complex. No significant labelling was found in the P. judaica pollen grains incubated with anti‐Pru p 3 polyclonal antibodies. These results indicate important variations in the nsLTPs of different pollen species. Consequently, no taxonomic relationship between pollen grains and nsLTPs could be established.  相似文献   

以台中65及其7个F1花粉不育近等基因系为材料,对水稻亚种间杂种F1裂药性及其与小穗育性的关系进行了研究。结果表明,杂种F1的裂药性受花粉不育基因互作控制。不同杂合座位内等位花粉不育基因互作导致杂种F1花药不开裂的程度不同,S-b座位导致杂种F1部分花药不开裂;不同杂合座位问非等位花粉不育基因互作明显降低杂种F1的裂药程度;杂种F1中含杂合花粉不育基因座位数越多,其裂药指数越小,裂药程度越低,含三个杂合花粉不育基因座位的杂种F1裂药指数为2.27,35.3%的花药不开裂。杂种F1花药不开裂的原因随其所含的杂合花粉不育基因座位种类和数目不同而异。杂种F1裂药程度的下降显著减少落在其柱头上的花粉总数和萌发的花粉数。杂种F1裂药指数和结实率呈极显著的正相关关系。  相似文献   

Wolbachia is the most widespread bacterial endosymbiont in insects. It is responsible for a variety of reproductive alterations of the hosts. Wolbachia is transmitted through the germline from mother to offspring and, in rare cases, between individuals. This implies that acquired properties (through symbiosis with Wolbachia) can become heritable. We investigated the transovarial inheritance of Wolbachia in two phylogenetically distant insects, Drosophila melanogaster and Zyginidia pullula. We detected in both systems bacteriocyte-like cells, densely packed with Wolbachia endosymbionts, at the tip of the ovarioles. Bacteriocytes are cells specialized to harbour bacteria, typical of mutualistic insect symbiosis. Our observations of bacteriocyte-like cells harbouring Wolbachia in the ovary emphasize the plasticity of the female reproductive system of insects, which maintains its function while some cells are densely colonized by bacteria. In summary, there is evidence from different insects that bacteria which behave as parasites of reproduction are harboured by cells resembling bacteriocytes, which appear to mediate transmission of the bacteria to the progeny. It seems a valid hypothesis that the bacteriocyte-like cells that we observed are not the result of a co-evolution of host and symbiont, considering that Wolbachia is not an obligatory symbiont in Drosophila and Zyginidia.  相似文献   

Gender and the structure of the inflorescence and flowers of Pappea capensis (Sapindaceae) are investigated in a locality around Pretoria (22-27°S and 25-32°E). The trees flower over a long period (December to April) and are basically monoecious, starting with male flowers followed by female flowers towards the end of the flowering period, although some trees may be predominantly male and some predominantly female. The inflorescence is a reduced thyrse with small flowers. Male flowers have five ephemeral petals, eight stamens and a rudimental pistil. Female flowers comprise a 3-lobed ovary, a single style and stigma and eight staminodes.  相似文献   

Clusia hilariana (Clusiaceae), a dioecious tree, is an important nurse plant in the open, patchy restinga vegetation of coastal sandy plains in northern Rio de Janeiro (SE-Brazil). Although highly abundant locally, we found low production of fruit and viable seeds in open-pollinated as compared to hand-pollinated flowers. Reward from flowers of both sexes was resin, which was produced in higher quantities in male flowers. Flower visitors, including honeybees, were infrequent. We argue that low sexual reproductive success was due to inefficient pollen transport, and that vegetative propagation may contribute significantly to the high abundance of plants of this species.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the glandular trichomes and secretory ducts of Grindelia pulchella was studied. Plastids, mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum are involved in the secretory process of both, trichomes and ducts. A special tissue with “transfer cells” is associated with the duct epithelial cells. The secretion is produced in the transfer cells and then is transferred to the duct epithelial cells where it accumulates in the vacuoles. The occurrence of cavities within the cell walls of the trichome cells and duct epithelial cells is described. The secretion is accumulated between the cell wall and the cuticle of these cells. When the cuticle is broken the secretion is released. We conclude that granulocrine secretion operates in this species.  相似文献   

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