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The use of the artificial defaunation of sediments is widespread among studies examining the disturbance and recovery of benthic macrofaunal communities. Standard methods of defaunation include driving the sediment to anoxia, freezing and sieving. In this study we performed a field experiment to test the assumption that the bacterial assemblages are unaffected by these methods of defaunation. Same-sized patches of sediment were defaunated by covering sediment with plastic sheeting (weighted by concrete blocks), freezing or sieving (1-mm mesh). Macrofaunal counts of sediment cores, taken to determine the effectiveness of each defaunation method, indicated that although none of the treatments removed 100% of macrofauna, all resulted in reduced macrofaunal presence, with the sieved treatment being the most effective. Bacterial samples were taken over the course of a month to determine both the initial and long-term effects of defaunation on bacterial community structure. Numerical effects were determined via epifluorescence microscopy, whereas differences in community composition were followed using PCR and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). The anoxic treatments resulted in significant numerical changes in both active and total cell counts over time, while the frozen and sieved treatments caused less apparent changes. All of the treatments initially changed the composition of the community; however, anoxic and sieved treatments resulted in subtle changes while the frozen treatment produced more notable and variable changes within the community. The composition of the bacterial community in all of the treatment plots trended towards recovery, or convergence towards that of ambient sediments, by the t = 25-day sampling period.  相似文献   

Littoral macrozoobenthos in the enclosed Rhine-Meuse Delta was investigated by taking 95 sediment samples from 17 sites between 1984 and 1990. In addition, a set of environmental parameters was determined. The aim was to identify the main assemblages and the environmental conditions under which they occur. By the use of TWINSPAN, three main littoral zoobenthic assemblages were distinguished, which were related to geographical zones and differences in sediment grain size distribution. The ‘litoral river sand’ assemblage was found in the most upstream part; it mainly consisted of ‘interstitial’ invertebrates, including the indicator speciesVejdovskiella comata, Propappus sp. andKloosia pusilla. The ‘littoral sedimentation area silt’ assemblage was dominated byGammarus tigrinus, Einfeldia dissidens andPisidium sp. It was found in several river sections and contained the indicator speciesEinfeldia dissidens, Potamopyrgus antipodarum andValvata piscinalis. The ‘littoral sandy basin’ assemblage was concentrated in the littoral fine sands of the Haringvliet and contained the indicator speciesPisidium henslowanum, P. moitessierianum, Cladotanytarsus sp. andLipiniella arenicola. These three assemblages are the reflection of an interaction between habitat, food and disturbance. Palaeoecological analysis of insect remains revealed that 14 out of the 24 insect taxa, that were formerly common in the river sand habitat, are now extinct from the Rhine. The river silt habitat seems less impoverished: two out of the 19 insect taxa found in palaeoecological analysis are now extinct from the Rhine and seven are rate. Exotic species (Corbicula fluminea, C. fluminalis andCorophium curvispinum) have recently colonized the Rhine-Meuse Delta, but their impact on the macrozoobenthos seems limited.Corbicula spp. have become abundant in the ‘littoral river sand’ assemblage only.  相似文献   

R. Fisher 《Hydrobiologia》2003,493(1-3):43-63
The changes in the community dynamics of infaunal nematodes associated with tropical Australian intertidal seagrasses at 4 estuarine sites were investigated through 3 seasons (autumn, winter and spring). Nematode densities were highest in winter in all but one of the sites, ranging from 1971 to 3084 inds./10 cm2, with one site showing a highest density of 3411 inds./10 cm2 in spring. Multiple regression revealed significant correlations between nematode density peaks and seasonal changes in temperature, salinity and surface seagrass cover. Non-metric Multi-Dimensional Scaling revealed that the communities were characterised by relatively low within-site spatial variability but relatively high temporal variability through the three seasons. This temporal variability was largely due to significant increases in abundance of epistrate-feeding species in winter and spring. An investigation of the dominant epistrate-feeding nematodes revealed that predominantly infaunal species were responsible for overall winter and spring density increases. This study provides further evidence of the role played by temperature in regulating tropical, intertidal meiobenthic communities but also indirectly provides evidence of micro-scale seagrass canopy effects (micro-algal supply and availability) that may further enhance the impacts of these larger-scale seasonal environmental changes on the infaunal nematode community.  相似文献   

The distribution of ostracod valves was studied in seven short (< 50 cm) sediment cores collected from the sublittoral-profundal zones (depth > 12 m) of four lowland, dimictic lakes (Kamedu?, Szelment Ma?y, Szelment Wielki and Szurpi?y) situated in the Eastern Suwa?ki Lakeland of NE Poland. These postglacial channel lakes are still moderate in trophy level, but to some extent, they differ from each other in the increase of anthropogenic alterations, especially in their hypolimnion. The studied sediment sequences, corresponding roughly to the period of the last ca. 300 years, yielded ca. 5500 valves of 20 ostracod species, out of which only seven are here considered as the autochthonous profundal component of the fossil assemblages: Candona candida, C. neglecta, Fabaeformiscandona protzi, F. tricicatricosa, Bentocypria curvifurcata, Cytherissa lacustris and Limnocytherina sanctipatricii. Valves of the remaining species were most probably subjected to postmortem transport from shallow water deposits or from lakeside and/or subaqueous springs, and thus were not deposited in situ at the deep bottom. By clustering classification and multi-dimensional scaling ordination, three major assemblage types were recognised in the moderately eutrophicated parts of the studied lakes: (a) assemblage dominated by C. candida, (b) assemblage dominated by C. lacustris and (c) the most diverse assemblage, in which four species (C. lacustris, C. candida, F. protzi and C. neglecta) occur in more or less equal percentages. On the other hand, sediments of the most eutrophic basins of the lakes (especially in Kamedu? and Szelment Ma?y) are characterised by the decline of total valve abundances and complete extinction of C. lacustris, a species indicative of low trophy, so that, in extreme cases, a few valves (if any) of more eurytopic or only allochthonous species could be found in some of the uppermost layers. Successional transitions of the recognised assemblage types are discussed according to the generalised model of the deep lacustrine ostracod succession previously established for the Polish lakes on the country scale. The recorded assemblages correspond well with the trophic diversity of the studied lakes, confirming inferences based on previously published data on other trophy indices from this area. Finally, additional data on modern profundal ostracod fauna from dredge samples of the studied lakes are also provided.  相似文献   

Dittmann  Sabine 《Hydrobiologia》1998,383(1-3):41-47
The distribution of Platyhelminthes was surveyed along two transects in tidal flats of the northeast coast of Queensland, Australia, in May 1990 and September 1991. Species numbers and densities as well as individual abundances and diversity increased from the high towards the low intertidal in relation to sediment composition. Along this gradient, platyhelminth assemblages of low intertidal sandflats, muddy sandflats and mudflats were distinguished with multivariate analyses. The distribution pattern was affected by the sediment parameter, and also by interactions with macrofauna. Sampling and analysis of the platyhelminth assemblage in tidal flats of Hinchinbrook Channel over time (November 1988 to October 1991) revealed annual and interannual variation, but no seasonality. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

浅水湖泊污染负荷能力较低,对环境变化敏感,过度开发会导致生态功能明显退化甚至发生稳态转变.本研究通过提取云南18个浅水湖泊的表层沉积物枝角类信息,识别枝角类群落的空间分布特征并甄别其群落构建的环境驱动因子.结果表明:表层沉积物枝角类群落的地理分布存在显著的空间差异,滇西北的枝角类群落以底栖物种占绝对优势,而随着营养水平的增加,滇东南湖泊枝角类优势物种由底栖型向浮游型转变.统计分析表明,海拔和水体总磷水平是驱动群落分布空间差异的关键环境因子,分别独立解释了枝角类群落变化的22.0%和7.7%,反映了海拔梯度及其指示的气候环境过程是控制枝角类群落空间分布的重要因子.同时枝角类群落随营养水平的变化出现差异性的结构特征,可能指示了流域开发、污染物输入、水生植被变化等人类活动扰动的综合影响.同时,海拔和总磷水平表现出显著的相互作用并解释了枝角类群落变化的26.3%,指示了云南地区的人类活动强度随着海拔梯度呈现显著的空间差异,并通过营养盐输入等过程调控了枝角类群落的结构特征.  相似文献   

A comparison of the present chironomid fauna of four shallow, humic lakes with the subfossils of surficial sediments is made. The chemistry and benthos of the lakes investigated varied greatly. Results indicate a reasonable correlation between biocenoses and thanatocenoses, but a marked under-representation ofProcladius is apparent. It is suggested that, at least in shallow, humic lakes,Procladius be excluded in attempts to reconstruct chironomid communities from subfossils.  相似文献   

Dormancy may be an important aspect influencing the ecology of riverine microfauna, yet fundamental knowledge concerning riverine egg bank communities is still scant compared with that for communities in floodplain habitats. We investigated the microfaunal egg bank communities in slackwater habitats of an Australian floodplain river, and compared them with the communities occurring in nearby floodplain wetlands. This was achieved by taking replicate sediment cores from paired examples of each habitat and later incubating the resting stages within these sediment cores. Results from the study indicated that the egg bank communities in each habitat differed in both composition and structure, with only 12 of the 31 taxa recorded being common to both habitat types. This suggests that in addition to supporting microfaunal persistence in the main channel, riverine egg bank communities represent an important source of microfaunal diversity together with floodplain egg bank communities in river–floodplain systems.  相似文献   

Sakson  Maire  Miller  Urve 《Hydrobiologia》1993,269(1):243-249
Twenty one superficial sediment samples from areas of high and moderate eutrophication in the Gulf of Riga were studied with respect to siliceous microfossils, mainly diatoms.The results seem to imply that the number of taxa and the abundance of the frustules are affected by runoff from rivers and the degree of eutrophication in different parts of the Gulf. Areas with high eutrophication, e.g. the river estuaries, have diatom assemblages of varying composition, while in areas with moderate eutrophication the composition is almost constant and the influx of freshwater diatoms and littoral periphyton small. The high abundance and low diversity of brackish-marine and brackish, planktonic diatoms seem to be a result of an influx of nutrients and pollutants in the water and bottom sediments. The sea ice diatoms occurring in the Baltic waters and also in the Gulf of Riga tend to be resistant to eutrophication or are even favoured by it.  相似文献   

Wrack (dead, washed-up seaweed and seagrass) buried in soft substrata may increase the organic content and alter the physical structure of sediments. These effects may influence the composition and structure of macrofaunal assemblages in the sediment. Such influences can be expected to vary according to the type and amount of wrack as well as the presence of invasive seaweeds in the wrack. In this study, we deliberately buried different amounts of the invasive species Sargassum muticum in isolation or mixed to the native species Ulva sp. and Fucus vesiculosus, in two intertidal sandflats to test some hypotheses about the response of macrofaunal assemblages. We tested whether (1) diversity of detritus (i.e. different mixtures), and (2) the amount of detritus of S. muticum influenced the composition and the relative abundance of macrofaunal assemblages. We also assessed whether the sediment organic carbon and the biomass of benthic microalgae varied depending on the diversity of detritus and the amount of detritus of S. muticum. Finally, we tested if these effects of wrack were consistent across sites. Results indicated that buried wrack affected the composition and structure of macrofaunal assemblages in short-term (i.e. 4 weeks), but there were no differences depending on detritus diversity or the amount of S. muticum. In addition, sediment organic matter and microalgal biomass were not affected by the addition of wrack. They instead varied greatly among small spatial scales (i.e. plots). Wrack composition or abundance of the invasive species S. muticum played thus a small role in shaping the structure of macrofaunal assemblages or the biomass of benthic microalgae in these intertidal sediments, probably because these sediments are frequently affected by various inputs of organic matter and benthic assemblages are already adapted to organically enriched sediments.  相似文献   

《Fungal biology》2020,124(6):601-611
We recovered 195 fungal isolates from the sediments of different lakes in the Antarctic Peninsula, which were screened to detect bioactive compounds. Forty-two taxa belonging to the phyla Ascomycota, Basidiomycota, and Mortierellomycota were identified. Thelebolus globosus, Antarctomyces psychrotrophicus, Pseudogymnoascus verrucosus, Vishniacozyma victoriae, and Phenoliferia sp. were found to be the most prevalent. The fungal assemblages showed high diversity and richness, but low dominance values. However, the diversity indices and fungal distribution ranged according to the different lake sediments. Sixty fungal extracts displayed at least one biological activity against the evaluated targets. Among them, Pseudogymnoascus destructans showed selective trypanocidal activity, Cladosporium sp. 1 and Trichoderma polysporum showed antifungal activity, and Pseudogymnoascus appendiculatus and Helotiales sp. showed high herbicidal activity. We detected a rich and diverse fungal community composed of cold cosmopolitan and psychrophilic endemic taxa recognized as decomposers, symbiotics, pathogens, and potential new species, in the sediments of Antarctic lakes. The dynamics and balance of this fungal community represents an interesting aquatic web model for further ecological and evolutionary studies under extreme conditions and potential climate changes in the regions. In addition, we detected fungal taxa and isolates able to produce bioactive compounds that may represent the source of prototype molecules for applications in medicine and agriculture.  相似文献   

This study investigates the present geographical boundaries and environmental limits of the diatom flora in the Baffin Bay and Davis Strait area. Seventy-four sea floor surface samples were examined. The raw data were analyzed with the CABFAC factor analysis program. Five factor assemblages, explaining 87% of the observed variance, emerged from this test. The statistically most important assemblage is the “Baffin Current assemblage”, composed ofThalassiosira gravida spores. The second assemblage is the “summer pack ice assemblage”, consisting ofActinocyclus curvatulus, with a lesser contribution ofThalassiosira trifulta. A third assemblage, dominated byThalassiosira hyalina, is located along the southwest coast of Greenland, indicating low ice concentration. The fourth assemblage consists ofPorosira sp. spores and indicates fast ice conditions. The fifth assemblage is dominated byThalassionema nitzschioides andPorosira glacialis (vegetative cells), and indicates the coastal environment. Diatoms found in the sediment belong to discrete assemblages which reflect differences in water masses, such as salinity and ice conditions. These findings should assist in the interpretation of paleoceanographic conditions in the region when diatom assemblages are studied in piston core sediments.  相似文献   

Summary Late Arenigian biohermal reef mounds and biostromes within the shallow-marine platform facies of the upper San Juan Formation of the Precordillera (Western Argentina) represent a new Early Ordovician reef type. The meter-sized reefs are dominated byZondarella communis n.g. n. sp. The new taxon is characterized by domical, bulbous and laminar morphotypes exhibiting growth layers and thin horizontal and vertical as well as intermingled skeletal elements included within different sets. The fossil maybe compared with stromatolites and stromatoporoids but an interpretation as primitive stromatoporoids is favoured.  相似文献   

Diatom analysis of surface sediments and two sediment cores from different sedimentation areas of a small closed lake was undertaken with the aim of acquiring knowledge on the dependence of the distribution of diatom assemblages on lake bathymetry. Lake Juusa was selected for the study because we have for this lake a large data set about the lithological composition of sediments and macrofossil and cladoceran records for the Holocene. A high carbonate content (20–60%) in the sediment sequence indicates high carbonacity and relatively stable pH values during the Holocene. On the basis of comprehensive analysis, abrupt water-level fluctuations and changes in the trophic status were established. Results of this study showed that the fluctuations of the water-level were the leading factor determining the habitats of diatom assemblages in the lake. In the surface sediment samples planktonic species such as Cyclotella spp., Stephanodiscus spp. and Aulacoseira spp. had a depth optimum at 3–4 m and the most abundant periphytic taxa were distributed mostly at depths shallower than 3.5 m. The same regularity was established in sediment cores where a good correlation between planktonic species and lake water depth was found in sediments accumulated at water depths >4 m. Lake Juusa appears to be a proper site for detailed environmental reconstructions over the Holocene, and the results will give us a good opportunity to analyse the history of water-level fluctuations in other small Estonian lakes. Electronic Supplementary Material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Handling editor: K. Martens  相似文献   

This study of 24 surface sediment samples along longitude 175°E between latitudes 48°N and 14°S in the western Pacific Ocean documents the relationship between the modern distribution of radiolarian assemblages and present oceanographic conditions. Ninety-two species were classified into eight clusters by using R-mode cluster analysis. Q-mode cluster analysis was used to distinguish five geographical zones, which were interpreted to represent the Tropical, Southern Subtropical, Northern Subtropical, Transitional, and Subarctic climatic zones. Species richness, diversity, and equitability are highest in the Tropical and Transitional Zones. We attempted to formulate new regression equations considering ecological information on the vertical distribution of radiolarian species. Transfer functions were derived from regression analysis of radiolarian assemblages to observed Sea Surface Temperature (SST) values. The transfer functions have a standard error of 1.16 °C in the estimate of winter SST, 0.81 °C in that of summer SST.  相似文献   

Foraminiferal samples were taken from bottom sediments at Marian Cove, West Antarctica, in order to determine the depth zonation and foraminiferal species composition. Benthic foraminiferal communities are mainly composed of calcareous, agglutinated, and mixed associations. The Fisher-α diversity of the total assemblage groups is close to 6.0. The dominance/diversity patterns are characterized by low dominance and high diversity.Three zones are recognized at Marian Cove with depth boundaries at 22 and 65.5 m. Areas shallower than 22 m are nearly devoid of any toraminifera. Calcareous forms and/or calcareous forms mixed with agglutinated forms are relatively abundant between 22 and 65.5 m, while agglutinated forms dominate below 65.5 m.  相似文献   

Diatom and chrysophyte remains in recent sediments have been examined. The upper stratigraphy is dated by reference to phytoplankton records whilst the lower depends on dates from 210Pb analysis, which shows some unexplained variation. Recent changes, due to farming and domestic drainage, form part of the long term response of the lake to events upon the catchment.  相似文献   

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