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Summary Plant resistance to insect herbivores may derive from traits influencing herbivore preference, traits influencing the suitability of the plant as a host, or both. However, the plant traits influencing host-plant selection by ovipositing insect herbivores may not completely overlap those traits that affect larval survival, and distinct traits may exhibit different levels of genetic vs. environmental control. Therefore, resource supply to the host plant could affect oviposition preference and larval performance differently in different plant genotypes. To test this hypothesis, the effects of resistance level, plant genotype, and resource supply to the host plant on oviposition preference and larval performance of a gallmaking herbivore, and on various plant traits that could influence these, were examined. Replicates of four genotypes of Solidago altissima, grown under low, medium, or high levels of nutrient supply in full sun or with medium levels of nutrients in shade, were exposed to mass-released Eurosta solidaginis. The number of plants ovipunctured was significantly affected by plant genotype and the interaction between genotype and nutrient supply to the host plant: one susceptible and one resistant genotype were more preferred, and preference tended to increase with nutrient supply in the more-preferred genotypes. The growth rate of ovipunctured plants during the oviposition period was significantly greater than that of unpunctured plants. Bud diameter (which was strongly correlated with plant growth rate), leaf area, and leaf water content were significant determinants of the percentage of plants ovipunctured, explaining 74% of the variance. The number of surviving larvae was significantly affected by plant genotype, but no effect of nutrient or light supply to the host plant was detected. The ratio of bud diameter to bud length was positively related to the percentage of ovipunctured plants that formed galls, suggesting that the accurate placement of eggs near the apical meristem by ovipositing females may be easier in short, thick buds. No significant correlation was observed between oviposition preference and larval survival at the population level. These results suggest that the plant traits affecting oviposition preference may exhibit different magnitudes of phenotypic plasticity than those affecting larval survival, and that the degree of phenotypic plasticity in plant traits affecting oviposition preference may differ among genotypes within a species.  相似文献   

Phenological differences between host plants can contribute to allochronic isolation of host races of phytophagous insects. Host races of the gallmaking fly, Eurosta solidaginis, that live on different species of goldenrod (Solidago altissima and S. gigantea) exhibit different emergence phenologies. These differences could result from adaptation to corresponding phenological differences between the hosts in periods of optimal suitability for gall formation and survival to adulthood. In order to test this, some flies of each host race were allowed to emerge naturally while the emergence times of others were manipulated to correspond to the emergence and oviposition periods of the other host race. Percent gall formation and survival to adulthood were examined for three oviposition periods: the peak time of emergence and oviposition of the earlier-emerging host race (that from S. gigantea), that of the later-emerging host race (that from S. altissima), and a week after the peak emergence of the host race from S. altissima. Flies of both host races were allowed to ovipuncture plants of the appropriate species during each of these periods. Plant relative growth rates were measured during each of these periods. The experiment was repeated twice over a two-year period. Relative growth rates of both host species were highest during the earliest oviposition period (the period during which the host race from S. gigantea normally emerges). Percent gall formation was significantly correlated with plant relative growth rate, but the coefficient of determination was low. In both years of the study, percent gall formation of both host races was highest during the earliest oviposition period (the period during which the host race from S. gigantea normally oviposits). Likewise, percent survival to adulthood in both host races was highest during the earliest oviposition period. There was no significant effect of oviposition period on the percent of larval death due to parasitism by Eurytoma gigantea or predation by Mordellistena unicolor. These results suggest that the host race from S. altissima does not emerge at the time that its host is optimally suited for gall formation or survival to adulthood. Therefore, differences in emergence phenologies do not appear to be due to corresponding phenological differences between the host species in suitability for gall formation or survival to adulthood.  相似文献   

1. Herbivorous insects often have close associations with specific host plants, and their preferences for mating and ovipositing on a specific host‐plant species can reproductively isolate populations, facilitating ecological speciation. Volatile emissions from host plants can play a major role in assisting herbivores to locate their natal host plants and thus facilitate assortative mating and host‐specific oviposition. 2. The present study investigated the role of host‐plant volatiles in host fidelity and oviposition preference of the gall‐boring, inquiline beetle, Mordellistena convicta LeConte (Coleoptera: Mordellidae), using Y‐tube olfactometers. Previous studies suggest that the gall‐boring beetle is undergoing sequential host‐associated divergence by utilising the resources that are created by the diverging populations of the gall fly, Eurosta solidaginis Fitch (Diptera: Tephritidae), which induces galls on the stems of goldenrods including Solidago altissima L. (Asteraceae) and Solidago gigantea Ait. 3. Our results show that M. convicta adults are attracted to galls on their natal host plant, avoid the alternate host galls, and do not respond to volatile emissions from their host‐plant stems. 4. These findings suggest that the gall‐boring beetles can orient to the volatile chemicals from host galls, and that beetles can use them to identify suitable sites for mating and/or oviposition. Host‐associated mating and oviposition likely play a role in the sequential radiation of the gall‐boring beetle.  相似文献   

1. For herbivorous insects, the incorporation of a novel host into the diet, and subsequent formation of distinct host associations (races), is thought to be a significant early step in the speciation process. While many studies have addressed this issue, virtually nothing is known about the evolutionary response of natural enemies to herbivore host‐race formation. 2. The hypothesis that the parasitoid wasp Eurytoma gigantea (Hymenoptera: Eurytomidae) has formed host races in direct response to the host shift and subsequent host‐race formation by its host, the gallmaker Eurosta solidaginis (Diptera: Tephritidae) was tested. Emergence time, mating preference, and female oviposition preference were determined for parasitoids derived from galls of each Eurosta host race. 3. Male and female E. gigantea overlap broadly in their emergence times from each Eurosta host race, suggesting that there is no phenological barrier to gene flow. 4. In choice experiments, female parasitoids did not mate assortatively: females that emerged from one Eurosta host race were equally likely to mate with males from either Eurosta host race. 5. Oviposition behaviour experiments revealed that female parasitoids do not prefer to oviposit on their host race of origin and that there is no overall preference for one host race, even though fitness is higher when parasitoids are reared from Eurosta galls of the Solidago gigantea host race than when reared from Eurosta galls of the Solidago altissima host race. 6. These results suggest that E. gigantea has not diverged in parallel with its host in response to the herbivore host‐plant shift. Further studies are needed before the ubiquity of this diversification mechanism can be evaluated fully.  相似文献   

Host-associated mating is crucial in maintaining the partial reproductive isolation between the host races of Eurosta solidaginis (Diptera: Tephritidae), a fly that forms galls on Solidago altissima and S. gigantea. (We refer to flies reared from S. gigantea as gigantea flies and those reared from S. altissima as altissima flies.) We measured the host preference of males and females of both host races, F1 hybrids between the host races, F2, and backcrosses to both host races. Male and female altissima flies and female gigantea flies had high host fidelity, whereas male gigantea flies had low host fidelity. This result suggests that there may be gene flow between the host races due to nonassortative mating that occurs when male gigantea mate with altissima females on S. altissima. This indicates assortative-mating mechanisms in addition to host-associated mating are required to produce the partial reproductive isolation between the host races that has been observed. Nongenetic factors had no influence on host preference. Larval conditioning did not influence host preference: reciprocal F1 hybrids reared in S. altissima and S. gigantea both preferred S. gigantea. Adult experience had no impact on host preference: females preferred their natal host plant regardless of which host they encountered first as an adult. The hypothesis that maternal effects influence preferences was rejected because male and female flies did not show a consistent preference for the host plant of their mother. We also found no evidence that preference was a sex-linked trait because F1 and backcrosses to the host races with different combinations of X chromosomes from the two host races preferred S. gigantea. Our results indicate that host preference is not determined by a large number of genes because preference of hybrids did not correspond to the proportion of the genome derived from each host race. The strength of the ovipuncture preference for S. gigantea by gigantea females, the females of both reciprocal F1 hybrids, the backcross to gigantea, and F2s indicates that preference is inherited nonadditively at a limited number of loci. The F1 female hybrids, however, had a weaker host preference for S. gigantea than the pure gigantea host race, indicating that there may be incomplete dominance or modifier loci. Males had different host preference patterns than females, with individual male gigantea and male F1 hybrids usually exhibiting preference exclusively for S. gigantea or S. altissima. One hypothesis explaining the difference in host preference between males and females is that the same gene influences both female and male host preference, but it is a sex-influenced gene. Thus, males carrying the gene for S. gigantea preference have an intermediate host preference, whereas females have a strong host preference to S. gigantea. In summary, we found that the host preference that produces host-associated mating is inherited nonadditively at a relatively small number of loci on autosomal genes. This mode of inheritance meets the assumptions of models of sympatric speciation, indicating that the host races could have evolved in sympatry.  相似文献   

Eurosta solidaginis Fitch (Diptera: Tephritidae) has formed host races on Solidago altissima L. and Solidago gigantea Ait. (Asteraceae), and reproductive isolation between these host races is brought about in part by host‐associated assortative mating. Any non‐assortative mating creates the potential for gene flow between the populations, and we investigated the conditions that favored non‐assortative mating. We hypothesized that the frequency of non‐assortative mating would be influenced by differences in the behaviors of the host races and sexes and by the presence and pattern of distribution of the two host species. To test these hypotheses, we caged flies on four combinations of 32 potted host plants: all S. altissima, all S. gigantea, and cages with both host species arranged in either two pure species blocks or randomly dispersed. We recorded the number of flies of each host race that alighted on each host species and the frequency of mating within and between the host races. Males of both host races were observed on plants more frequently than females. Flies of the host race from S. gigantea (gig flies) were observed on plants in greater absolute numbers, and they mated more frequently than flies of the host race from S. altissima (alt flies). In all treatments, gig flies of both sexes were found on non‐natal host plants significantly more frequently than alt flies, and gig females showed a weaker preference for their host species than did gig males or alt flies of either gender for their respective natal hosts. Assortative mating predominated in all treatments, and flies from each host race mated more frequently in cages containing their own host plant. The frequency of non‐assortative mating varied among treatments, with the matings between alt ♀ × gig ♂ being more common in the pure S. altissima treatment and the gig ♀ × alt ♂ being more frequent in the pure S. gigantea and random treatments. Matings between gig ♂ × alt ♀ were more common overall than the reciprocal mating, because gig males were more active in pursuing matings and in alighting on the non‐natal host plant than alt flies. Non‐assortative matings were more frequent in the random than in the block treatments, but this difference was not significant. Because of strong selection against oviposition into the alternate host, we hypothesized that host plant distribution would not affect oviposition preference. We tested this hypothesis by examining the oviposition behavior of naïve, mated females in two treatments in which both host species were present: either arranged in blocks or randomly dispersed. Females oviposited only into their natal host, regardless of host plant distribution.  相似文献   

We studied the inheritance of survival ability in host-associated populations of the tephritid fly, Eurosta solidaginis, to test predictions of sympatric speciation models. Eurosta solidaginis induces galls on two species of goldenrod, Solidago altissima and S. gigantea. The host-associated populations have been hypothesized to be host races that originated in sympatry (Craig et al. 1993). We found evidence for disruptive selection for host use, which is a critical assumption of sympatric speciation models. Each host race had higher survival rates on their host plant than on the alternative host. F1 and backcross hybrids also had lower survival rates than the pure host-race flies on their host plant. Since assortative mating occurs due to host-plant preference (Craig et al. 1993) this would select for divergence in host preference. Low hybrid survival could have been due to strong genetic incompatibilities of the populations or due to host adaptation by each population. Strong genetic incompatibilities would result in poor survival on all host plants, while host adaptation could result in low overall survival with high hybrid survival on some host plants with particularly “benign” environments. High survival of F1, F2, and backcross hybrids on some plant genotypes in some years supported the host adaptation hypothesis. F1 flies mated and oviposited normally and produced viable F2 and backcross hybrids indicating gene flow is possible between the host races. A few flies developed and emerged on the alternative host plant. This demonstrates that genes necessary to utilize the alternative host exist in both host races. This could have facilitated the origin of one of the populations via a host shift from the ancestral host. The inheritance of survival ability appears to be an autosomal trait. We did not find evidence that survival ability was maternally influenced or sex linked.  相似文献   

Extrinsic, host-associated environmental factors may influence postmating isolation between herbivorous insect populations and represent a fundamentally ecological cause of speciation. We investigated this issue in experiments on hybrids between the host races of Eurosta solidaginis, a fly that induces galls on the goldenrods Solidago altissima and S. gigantea. To do so, we measured the performance of parental host races and their hybrids on five genotypes of S. gigantea and nine genotypes of S. altissima to test hypotheses about how variation in plant genotype affects performance (i.e., fitness) and potentially influences gene flow between these host races. We found that rates of gall induction and of survival to adult emergence by hybrid larvae were significantly lower than those of both parental host races on both host species, adding support to the hypothesis that there is partial postmating isolation between the host races. Hybrid flies significantly varied in their performance across plant genotypes of both host species. A significant interaction between the effects of plant genotype and mating treatment (parental vs. hybrid crosses) on larval performance indicated that the relative suitability of particular plant genotypes differed between the parental host races and their hybrids. These patterns illustrate a poor correspondence between optimal parental and hybrid environments, consistent with the hypothesis that these host races are partially isolated due to extrinsic (ecological) factors. Based on these findings, we discuss the possibility that plant genotypes in which hybrid performance is high can facilitate hybridization and gene flow between partially reproductively isolated populations of herbivorous insects, thus affecting the dynamics of ecological speciation.  相似文献   

Host‐race formation is promoted by genetic trade‐offs in the ability of herbivores to use alternate hosts, including trade‐offs due to differential timing of host‐plant availability. We examined the role of phenology in limiting host‐plant use in the goldenrod gall fly (Eurosta solidaginis) by determining: (1) whether phenology limits alternate host use, leading to a trade‐off that could cause divergent selection on Eurosta emergence time and (2) whether Eurosta has the genetic capacity to respond to such selection in the face of existing environmental variation. Experiments demonstrated that oviposition and gall induction on the alternate host, Solidago canadensis, were the highest on young plants, whereas the highest levels of gall induction on the normal host, Solidago gigantea, occurred on intermediate‐age plants. These findings indicate a phenological trade‐off for host‐plant use that sets up the possibility of divergent selection on emergence time. Heritability, estimated by parent–offspring regression, indicated that host‐race formation is impeded by the amount of genetic variation, relative to environmental, for emergence time.  相似文献   

Many insects face the challenge to select oviposition sites in heterogeneous environments where biotic and abiotic factors can change over time. One way to deal with this complexity is to use sensory experiences made during developmental stages to locate similar habitats or hosts in which larval development can be maximized. While various studies have investigated oviposition preference and larval performance relationships in insects, they have largely overlooked that sensory experiences made during the larval stage can affect such relationships. We addressed this issue by determining the role of natal experience on oviposition preference and larval performance relationships in a tritrophic system consisting of Galerucella sagittariae, feeding on the two host plants Potentilla palustris and Lysimachia thyrsiflora, and its larval parasitoid Asecodes lucens. We firstly determined whether differences in host‐derived olfactory information could lead to divergent host selection, and secondly, whether host preference could result in higher larval performance based on the natal origin of the insects. Our results showed that the natal origin and the quality of the current host are both important aspects in oviposition preference and larval performance relationships. While we found a positive relationship between preference and performance for natal Lysimachia beetles, natal Potentilla larvae showed no such relationship and developed better on L. thyrsiflora. Additionally, the host selection by the parasitoid was mainly affected by the natal origin, while its performance was higher on Lysimachia larvae. With this study, we showed that the relationship between oviposition preference and larval performance depends on the interplay between the natal origin of the female and the quality of the current host. However, without incorporating the full tritrophic context of these interactions, their implication in insect fitness and potential adaptation cannot be fully understood.  相似文献   

Michelle H. Downey  Chris C. Nice 《Oikos》2011,120(8):1165-1174
A population of herbivorous insects that shifts to a novel host can experience selection pressures that result in adaptation to the new resource. Host race formation, considered an early stage of the speciation process, may result. The current study investigates host shifts and variation in traits potentially involved in the evolution of reproductive isolation among populations of the juniper hairstreak butterfly, Mitoura gryneus. Mitoura are closely associated with their host trees (Cupressaceae) and exhibit host plant fidelity: in addition to larval development and oviposition, host trees support male leks and mating. Female oviposition preference for the natal host, and differential fitness of larvae when reared on natal versus alternate hosts, are indications that specialization and local adaptation to the natal host plant are occurring. Populations with single host plant associations (Juniperus ashei, J. pinchotii and J. virginiana) as well as populations with multiple hosts (both J. ashei and J. pinchotii) were examined. Concordance between female preference and larval performance was found for J. ashei‐associated populations. Population‐level variation in the patterns of female preference and larval performance, both within and among host associations, may reflect differences in the timing and direction of colonization of hosts. For a single nominal species that otherwise exhibits no morphological or phenological differences, the experimental assessment of specialization and host fidelity in M. gryneus provides strong support for the hypothesis of ongoing host race formation in these butterflies.  相似文献   

Abstract.— We show that a predator, the tumbling flower beetle Mordellistena convicta (Coleoptera: Mordellidae), has formed host races in response to a host-plant shift and subsequent host-race formation by its prey, the gall-inducing fly Eurosta solidaginis (Diptera: Tephritidae). This fly has formed two host races, one that induces stem galls on the ancestral host plant, Solidago altissima (Compositae), and another that induces stem galls on the closely related S. gigantea . We found that subpopulations of M. convicta that attack E. solidaginis galls on the different host plants have significantly different emergence times and, although slight, these allochronic differences are consistent across a range of temperatures. More importantly, we found that beetles assortatively mate according to their natal host plants, and female M. convicta preferentially attack and/or their offspring have higher survival in galls on natal host plants. Our data suggest that subpopulations of M. convicta that attack E. solidaginis galls on S. altissima and S. gigantea have formed host races. This is one of the first studies to demonstrate that a host shift and subsequent host-race formation by an herbivorous insect may have resulted in subsequent diversification by one of its natural enemies.  相似文献   

We report behavioral evidence that Eurosta solidaginis, a stem-galling tephritid fly, has formed host races on its two goldenrod hosts, Solidago altissima and S. gigantea. Previous work has shown that flies from each host plant differ electrophoretically at the level of host races. The two host-associated populations were truly sympatric and were frequently found on host plants of the two species growing interdigitated with each other. Each host-associated population demonstrated a strong preference for ovipuncturing its own host. The S. gigantea–associated population emerged 10 to 14 d earlier than the S. altissima–associated population, contributing to the reproductive isolation between populations. Partial reproductive isolation is also maintained by a preference for mating on the host from which the fly emerged. The populations meet the criteria established for host races, suggesting that they may be in an intermediate stage of sympatric speciation.  相似文献   

The connection between adult preferences and offspring performance is a long‐standing issue in understanding the evolutionary and ecological forces that dictate host associations and specialization in herbivorous insects. Indeed, decisions made by females about where to lay their eggs have direct consequences for fitness and are influenced by interacting factors including offspring performance, defence and competition. Nonetheless, in addition to these attributes of the offspring, a female's choices may be affected by her own prior experience. Here we examined oviposition preference, larval performance and the role of learning in the monarch butterfly, Danaus plexippus, which encounters diverse milkweed host species across its broad range and over the course of migration. Monarch females consistently preferred to oviposit on Asclepias incarnata subspecies pulchra. This plant, however, was associated with poor caterpillar growth, low sequestration of toxins and the highest plant defences (latex and trichomes). We examined flexibility in this apparently maladaptive preference by testing the impact of previous experience and competition on preference. Experience laying on an alternative plant species enhanced preference for that species in contrast to A. i. pulchra. In addition, presence of a (competing) conspecific caterpillar on A. i. pulchra had a strongly deterrent effect and reversed host plant preferences. Thus, monarch butterflies exhibit preferences contrary to what would be expected based on offspring development and sequestered defences, but their preferences are altered by learning and competition, which may allow butterflies to shift preferences as they encounter diverse milkweeds across the landscape. Learning and perception of threats (i.e. competition or predation) may be critical for most herbivorous insects, which universally experience heterogeneity among their potential host plants.  相似文献   

In this study we investigated the possibilities for host race formation in Galerucella nymphaeae. This is a chrysomelid beetle feeding on four different hosts, belonging to two different plant families, the Nymphaeaceae and Polygonaceae. Previous results showed that beetles living on the two different host families differ in morphology, i.e., body length, mandibular width, and color of the elytra. In the current study, the preference of G. nymphaeae for four hosts was investigated, together with larval performance on these hosts. In a multichoice experiment, both parents and offspring showed a strong feeding preference for their natal host plant family: between 88-98% of the total consumption consisted of the natal host plant family. Females preferred to lay eggs on their natal host family: 81-100% of the egg clutches were laid on the natal host family. Host preference was accompanied by differences in offspring performance. Offspring survival was 1.2-25 times as high on the host family from which their parents originated than on the hosts of the other plant family. Furthermore, larval development tended to progress faster on the natal than on the other host family. Since the beetles use their host plant as a mating place, positive assortative mating is a likely consequence of the beetles' host preference. Together, these results suggest that there are two host races of G. nymphaeae: one living on Nymphaeaceae and the other on Polygonaceae.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that forest and prairie populations of the gall-inducing fly, Eurosta solidaginis, have diverged in response to variation in selection by its host plant Solidago altissima, and its natural enemies. A reciprocal cross infection design experiment demonstrated that fly populations from the prairie and forest biomes had higher survival on local biome plants compared to foreign biome host plants. Flies from each biome also had an oviposition preference for their local plants. Each fly population induced galls of the size and shape found in their local biome on host plants from both biomes indicating a genetic basis to the differences in gall morphology. Solidago altissima from the prairie and forest biomes retained significant morphological differences in the common garden indicating that they are genetically differentiated, possibly at the subspecies level. The populations are partially reproductively isolated as a result of a combination of prezygotic isolation due to host-associated assortative mating, and postzygotic isolation due to low hybrid survival. We conclude that E. solidaginis is undergoing diversifying selection to adapt to differences between prairie and forest habitats.  相似文献   

Divergent host preference (i.e. host fidelity) plays a significant role in the speciation process in phytophagous insects. However, how and to what extent this divergence reduces gene flow between populations has rarely been measured. Here, we estimated the intensity of assortative mating caused solely by host fidelity in two host races of the phytophagous ladybird beetle Henosepilachna diekei, specialized on Mikania micrantha (Asteraceae) and Leucas lavandulifolia (Lamiaceae) in West Java, Indonesia. These host races mated randomly in the absence of host plants under laboratory conditions, but demonstrated nearly complete assortative mating in field cages with the two host plants, by spending almost all of their time on their respective host plants. The frequency of assortative mating in the field cages was not affected drastically by host plant patch structure. These results suggest that fidelity to the different host plants yields directly almost complete reproductive isolation between the host races by limiting the habitat on the respective host plant. In addition, the high host fidelity also ensures female oviposition on the original host plant. As larvae cannot survive on non‐host plants, a positive association between female oviposition preference and larval performance on the host plant on which the beetles are specialized will further facilitate the evolution of host fidelity. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 110 , 606–614.  相似文献   

Ecologists have labored to find an explanation for the lack of a positive correlation between host preference and offspring performance in herbivorous insects. This study focuses on how one herbivore species can influence another herbivore species’ ability to accurately assess the suitability of different host-plant genotypes for larval development. In particular, we examined the role that an early season xylem-feeding homopteran (meadow spittlebug, Philaenus spumarius) has on the preference-performance correlation of a late-season dipteran stem galler (Eurosta solidaginis) among different goldenrod genotypes. In a greenhouse, we released adult stem gallers into replicate cages that contained ramets from four different goldenrod genotypes crossed with three densities of spittlebugs (0, 1, or 8 nymphs placed 2 weeks previously on each ramet). Spittlebug feeding caused a density-dependent decline in ramet growth rates, which in turn caused a corresponding decrease in host-plant preference by the stem gallers (number of ovipunctures per bud or proportion of ramets attacked). Goldenrod genotype and the interaction between spittlebugs and genotypes also influenced host-plant preference by the stem galler. Goldenrod genotype had the greatest impact on stem galler offspring performance (gall size or survivorship). Spittlebug density also affected performance, but only through its interaction with goldenrod genotype. On some genotypes, the survivorship of stem-galler larvae decreased with increasing spittlebug density, while on other genotypes, survivorship remained unchanged, or actually increased, with increasing spittlebug density. This suggests that there was genetic variance among goldenrod genotypes in their norms of reaction for their suitability as a host to the stem gallers. One possible explanation for why spittlebugs caused a significant reduction in preference, but not in performance, was that spittlebugs had very few long-term effects on the host plant. Flower number, flowering phenology, and the allocation of the ramet’s biomass to different structures (below-ground organs, stems, leaves, and flowers) were unchanged with respect to spittlebug density. The only effect of spittlebugs was a 3–4% decrease in ramet height at the end of the growing season. We argue that the lack of a positive correlation between host-plant preference and larval performance may reflect a constraint on the discriminatory ability of female stem gallers. The damage to goldenrods caused by spittlebugs prior to attack by the stem gallers is similar in effect to potentially innumerable other causes of goldenrod stress (e.g., reduction in ramet growth rates). As a consequence, stem gallers may not be able to discern the subtle differences among stresses that identify those that will negatively affect the fitness of stem-galler offspring. The fact that goldenrod genotypes differ in their response to stresses would only further complicate the host-selection process. We propose that the stem gallers may have evolved a strategy that uses simple cues as the basis for rejecting similarly stressed plants, whether all of those plant genotype-stress combinations reduce performance or not. Received: 26 January 1999 / Accepted: 2 June 1999  相似文献   

The evolution of host range drives diversification in phytophagous insects, and understanding the female oviposition choices is pivotal for understanding host specialization. One controversial mechanism for female host choice is Hopkins’ host selection principle, where females are predicted to increase their preference for the host species they were feeding upon as larvae. A recent hypothesis posits that such larval imprinting is especially adaptive in combination with anticipatory transgenerational acclimation, so that females both allocate and adapt their offspring to their future host. We study the butterfly Pieris rapae, for which previous evidence suggests that females prefer to oviposit on host individuals of similar nitrogen content as the plant they were feeding upon as larvae, and where the offspring show higher performance on the mother's host type. We test the hypothesis that larval experience and anticipatory transgenerational effects influence female host plant acceptance (no‐choice) and preference (choice) of two host plant species (Barbarea vulgaris and Berteroa incana) of varying nitrogen content. We then test the offspring performance on these hosts. We found no evidence of larval imprinting affecting female decision‐making during oviposition, but that an adult female experience of egg laying in no‐choice trials on the less‐preferred host Be. incana slightly increased the P. rapae propensity to oviposit on Be. incana in subsequent choice trials. We found no transgenerational effects on female host acceptance or preference, but negative transgenerational effects on larval performance, because the offspring of P. rapae females that had developed on Be. incana as larvae grew slower on both hosts, and especially on Be. incana. Our results suggest that among host species, preferences are guided by hard‐wired preference hierarchies linked to species‐specific host traits and less affected by larval experience or transgenerational effects, which may be more important for females evaluating different host individuals of the same species.  相似文献   

Temporal variation in the acceptability or suitability of plant genotypes to an herbivore has seldom been considered as a possible constraint limiting the adaptation of herbivores to particular plant genotypes, or the occurrence of a positive correlation between host-plant preference and offspring performance. In this study, we used data spanning 12 yr from the same 20 clones of goldenrod ( Solidago altissima ) to examine the temporal variation in oviposition preference and offspring performance of a stem-galling fly, Eurosta solidaginis . We found that the stem galler's preference for, or performance on, the different clones was uncorrelated between years of this study. Furthermore, we found that the relative rankings of clones changed by an average of 31% between successive years. We suggest that these consistently high year-to-year fluctuations in preference and performance by E. solidaginis are likely due to environmental factors (e.g., water and nutrient levels, or abundance of interspecific herbivores) that fluctuate over time and are known to differentially affect the acceptability and suitability of clones to herbivores; i.e., genotype×environment interactions. These results are significant because temporal fluctuations in host-plant preference and performance are likely to favor a more generalized diet by herbivorous insects.  相似文献   

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