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The importance that the density of breeders has on the opportunity for extra-pair fertilisations (EPFs) is controversial. Some evidence supports the idea that population density and frequency of extra-pair paternity are positively associated, whereas other work does not. In the present paper we estimate EPF frequency in a dense House Sparrow Passer domesticus colony. We detected extra-pair nestlings in 9.3% of 54 broods studied, and 7% of 171 nestlings were sired by extra-pair fathers. The number of clutches laid per female, the change of male or female between two consecutive breeding attempts and the age of the partners showed no association with the presence or absence of extra-pair fertilisations. Morphometric variables of paired males and females did not discriminate broods with EPFs from those without. We detected a single case of a female laying a "parasitic" egg in the nest of a male that in a previous breeding attempt was the extra-pair genetic father of her entire brood. The frequency of extra-pair fertilisation recorded in this study was low compared with that in other House Sparrow populations breeding at lower densities, or other species that breed in colonies. This result does not support the claim that EPF frequency is associated with population density. We propose, as an explanation for this result, that under high intra-sexual competition for nest sites (1) males may have limited opportunities to search for females for extra-pair copulations and (2) the high quality of male nest-owners may reduce female propensity to search for additional sexual partners.  相似文献   

Extra-pair copulations (EPCs; copulations outside the pair bond) are widespread in birds and may result in extra-pair fertilizations (EPFs). To increase reproductive success, males should not only seek to gain EPFs, but also prevent their own females from gaining EPFs. Although males could reduce the number of EPCs by their mates, this does not necessarily mean that they reduce the number of EPFs; indeed several studies have found no association between EPCs and EPFs. Male Seychelles warblers (Acrocephalus sechellensis) follow their partner closely during the period when the pair female is most receptive (fertile period). We show that males that guarded their mates more closely were less likely to have extra-pair young in their nest. This study on the Seychelles warbler is the first to provide explicit experimental evidence that mate guarding is effective in reducing EPFs. First, in territories where free-living males were induced to stop mate guarding during the pair female's fertile period, extra-pair parentage was higher than in the control group. Second, in the experimental group, the probability of having an extra-pair nestling in the nest was positively associated with the number of days during the fertile period for which mate guarding was artificially stopped. Thus, male mate guarding was effective in reducing the risk of cuckoldry.  相似文献   

The genetic mating system is known for only a few species of owls. Most of them are genetically monogamous. The Lanyu scops owl Otus elegans botelensis breeds in high density in the forests of Lanyu (Orchid Island), southeast of Taiwan. Because extra-pair copulations (EPCs) have frequently been observed, we suspected a high degree of extra-pair fertilizations (EPFs). Through intensive field observations we quantified both within-pair and extra-pair copulations of this owl, and used a set of microsatellite loci to assign the parentage of 200 offspring from 108 families collected between 1999 and 2004. Among copulations for which we could identify both participants, 19.77% were EPC. However, no EPC was observed in the period just before egg laying. We found only two cases of parentage mismatch among 108 broods. The first case was most likely a case of brood usurpation, which would be the first case reported in the Strigidae. The second case was an EPF resulting in one offspring. Our study found that parentage mismatch in the Lanyu scops owls to be extremely low, therefore reproductive success can be estimated accurately by simply counting chicks in nests.  相似文献   

In the majority of socially monogamous bird species, females have offspring sired by males other than their social mate as the result of extra-pair copulations. While it is widely recognised that there is considerable variation in the frequency of extra-pair paternity between species, between populations of a species and between individuals of a population, determinants of this variation are surprisingly difficult to establish. With respect to individual variation within a population, it is an important step to test for male and female correlates of cuckoldry to better understand the patterns as well as the adaptive significance of extra-pair mating behaviour. Here, we analysed patterns of extra-pair paternity in relation to male age, female age and their interaction in the great tit Parus major, a socially monogamous passerine with a moderate frequency of extra-pair paternity. Based on a large sample of 316 genotyped first broods from five successive years, we failed to demonstrate interaction effects of male and female age on both the proportion of extra-pair offspring and the likelihood that at least one extra-pair offspring is present within a brood. However, both the proportion of extra-pair offspring and the likelihood of paternity loss were higher for yearling as compared to older males, while this was not the case for yearling vs. older females. Furthermore, the proportion of extra-pair offspring within a brood decreased with increasing age of the attending male in within-individual analyses. We found a comparable effect also for attending females in within-individual analyses, but only when excluding two individuals with 100% extra-pair paternity. A female (extra-pair) mating preference for older males and/or a limited ability of yearling males to prevent cuckoldry in their broods could explain these age-related patterns of paternity loss. Effect sizes, however, were not particularly large and substantial residual variation within age categories suggests the importance of further yet unidentified determinants of variation in paternity loss in the study population.  相似文献   

Extrapair paternity in hooded warblers   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5  
We examined the role of extrapair fertilizations (EPFs) in themating system of the hooded warbler (Wilsonia citrina), a monogamoussongbird. DNA fingerprinting revealed that 8 of 17 (47%) femaleshad extrapair young in their first or second brood, and 23 of78 (29%) nestlings were the result of EPFs. Extrapair youngwere signifkandy more likely to occur in first broods than insecond broods. The proportion of EPFs within a brood was stronglybirnodal among broods: nests had 50% or more extrapair youngor none. In seven of eight broods where EPFs occurred, an adjacentmale neighbor was identified as the actual father. Male-likecoloration in females did not reduce the likelihood of havingextrapair young. Females with extrapair young did not receiveless parental care from their mates. All males who obtainedEPFs were mated to fertile females or were feeding offspringat the time they most likely mated with the extrapair female.Our results are consistent with the female control hypothesis,which predicts that females benefit from extrapair copulations(EPCs) and have some control over which males, if any, obtainEPCs. However, we could not reject the alternative hypothesisthat some male neighbors are particularly dominant and aggressiveduring EPC attempts, so females accept these EPCs to minimizecosts.  相似文献   

Parentage analyses of broods of nestling red-winged blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus) revealed that extra-pair fertilizations (EPFs) accounted for 24% of the offspring. 8% of attempted copulations and 13% of male courtship displays during observations of focal females were by extra-pair males. In addition, mates and non-mates often chased and occasionally made physical contact with females; 34% of those chases in which contact was made were extra-pair chases. Females behaved variably during both within-pair and extra-pair events; females crouched less and resisted more frequently during extra-pair courtship than during within-pair courtship. All extra-pair events, whether natural or induced by male removal, were either resisted or accepted by the female. In 318 focal female-hours of observation during the fertilizable period, no female was ever seen in another male's territory soliciting a copulation. In addition, removal of females' mates resulted in frequent extra-pair courtship and copulation; all of these occurred on the removed male's territory. Some females left their mates' territories on occasion — these forays were nearly always off the study area, no female was ever seen copulating with an extra-pair male while on these forays, and neither the frequency nor the duration of female forays correlated with the frequency of extra-pair fertilizations within broods. There were no associations between extra-pair fertilizations and female age, settlement order, nest order, or clutch size. The number of fledglings produced from a nest was significantly positively associated with the number of sires of the brood. Fewer offspring apparently starved in broods that were multiply sired, yet males did not provide courtship feedings during either within-pair or extra-pair copulations, nor was any paternal care provided to young sired through extra-pair matings. The frequency of infertile eggs was low (< 1%); in those instances of infertile eggs the territory owner sired some young in the same nest or another nest on his territory. Fewer broods were a mixture of within-pair and extra-pair paternity than expected by chance. Clear evidence implicating a mixed strategy on the part of females could not be gathered. Because females behaved variably and because not all costs and benefits to females of extra-pair copulations could be measured, it remains possible that female behavior patterns are either (1) part of a mixed strategy, or (2) part of a strategy minimizing the costs of copulation.  相似文献   

Females of socially monogamous bird species frequently accept or solicit copulations from males other than their social mates. At the interspecific level, it has been proposed that species with few or no sexual plumage differences have lower levels of extra-pair fertilizations (EPFs) than more dichromatic species. This is because it is easier for females to assess the quality of extra-pair mates in dichromatic than monochromatic species. To test this, by using genetic profiling, we compared the occurrence of extra-pair young in nests of Tree Sparrows Passer montanus , a monochromatic species, in Switzerland and Spain, with published estimates for the House Sparrow Passer domesticus , a closely related dichromatic species. We found that 25% (10/40) of Tree Sparrow broods in Spain and 23% (8/35) in Switzerland had at least one extra-pair offspring, and that 8% (12/151) of nestlings in Spain and 10% (12/114) in Switzerland were sired by extra-pair mates. These proportions did not differ significantly between the two populations. Tree Sparrow EPF rates did not differ significantly from available data for the House Sparrow, either in the proportion of broods with EPF young (24%, 18/75 in Tree vs. 26%, 92/359 in House Sparrows) or the overall proportion of extra-pair young (9%, 24/265 in Tree vs. 11%, 142/1110 in House Sparrows). Our results suggest that a close taxonomic relationship and similarities in behaviour and ecology may be more important in determining levels of EPF in these species than sexual phenotypic differences.  相似文献   

Females are thought to gain better-quality genes for their offspring by mating with particular males. Genes of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) play a critical role in adaptive immunity, and several studies have examined female mate choice in relation to MHC variation. In common yellowthroats, females prefer males that have larger black facial masks, an ornament associated with MHC variation, immune function and condition. Here we also tested whether mating patterns are directly correlated with MHC diversity or similarity. Using pyrosequencing, we found that the presence of extra-pair young in the brood was not related to male MHC diversity or similarity between the female and her within-pair mate. Furthermore, extra-pair sires did not differ in overall diversity from males they cuckolded, or in their similarity to the female. MHC diversity is extremely high in this species, and it may limit the ability of females to assess MHC variation in males. Thus, mating may be based on ornaments, such as mask size, which are better indicators of overall male health and genetic quality.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   Little is known about the genetic mating systems of tropical passerines and how they vary among species. We studied the Lesser Elaenia ( Elaenia chiriquensis ) and the Yellow-bellied Elaenia ( E. flavogaster ) near Gamboa, Panama. These species breed in the same habitat, but Lesser Elaenias are intratropical migrants with seasonal territories and Yellow-bellied Elaenias are permanent residents that remain paired and defend territories throughout the year. Lesser Elaenias exhibited greater breeding synchrony (15–18 %) than Yellow-bellied Elaenias (9–10%). For Lesser Elaenias, 10 of 15 (67%) nests contained extra-pair young and 14 of 38 (37%) young resulted from extra-pair fertilizations (EPFs). In contrast, only one extra-pair nestling (4%, N = 24 nestlings) was found in 13 Yellow-bellied Elaenia nests. Neither species exhibited strong mate guarding. The higher rate of EPFs in Lesser Elaenias is consistent with the hypothesis that year-round territorial tropical passerines with low breeding synchrony have little or no extra-pair behavior compared with species that breed seasonally. Although the low singing rates of Lesser Elaenias (7 songs/h) suggest that this not an important cue for female extra-pair mate choice, the role of conspicuous male dawn song remains to be investigated. Further studies of tropical passerines are needed to help disentangle the effects of synchrony, density, and other ecological and behavioral factors that have influenced the evolution of extra-pair mating systems in passerines.  相似文献   

A striking but unexplained pattern in biology is the promiscuous mating behaviour in socially monogamous species. Although females commonly solicit extra-pair copulations, the adaptive reason has remained elusive. We use evolutionary modelling of breeding ecology to show that females benefit because extra-pair paternity incentivizes males to shift focus from a single brood towards the entire neighbourhood, as they are likely to have offspring there. Male-male cooperation towards public goods and dear enemy effects of reduced territorial aggression evolve from selfish interests, and lead to safer and more productive neighbourhoods. The mechanism provides adaptive explanations for the common empirical observations that females engage in extra-pair copulations, that neighbours dominate as extra-pair sires, and that extra-pair mating correlates with predation mortality and breeding density. The models predict cooperative behaviours at breeding sites where males cooperate more towards public goods than females. Where maternity certainty makes females care for offspring at home, paternity uncertainty and a potential for offspring in several broods make males invest in communal benefits and public goods. The models further predict that benefits of extra-pair mating affect whole nests or neighbourhoods, and that cuckolding males are often cuckolded themselves. Derived from ecological mechanisms, these new perspectives point towards the evolution of sociality in birds, with relevance also for mammals and primates including humans.  相似文献   

Females of many species mate with multiple males within a single reproductive cycle. One hypothesis to explain polyandry postulates that females benefit from increasing within-brood genetic diversity. Two mechanisms may render sire genetic diversity beneficial for females, genetic bet-hedging vs. non-bet-hedging. We analysed whether females of the socially monogamous coal tit (Parus ater) benefit via either of these mechanisms when engaging in extra-pair (i.e. polyandrous) mating. To obtain a measure of within-brood genetic diversity as a function of paternal genetic contributions, we calculated a sire diversity index based on the established Shannon-Wiener Index. In 246 broods from two consecutive years, sire genetic diversity had no effect on either the mean or the variance in brood fitness measured as offspring recruitment within 4 years after birth. The hypothesis that benefits of increasing sire diversity contribute to selection for female extra-pair mating behaviour in P. ater was therefore not supported.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose a novel form of social control of mate choice. Through mother guarding, offspring can help in protecting the paternity of their father by preventing their mother from engaging in extra-pair matings. We present a model that predicts the circumstances under which mothers should be selected to seek or avoid extra-pair matings, and existing offspring should be selected to prevent or promote such matings. In its simplest form, our model shows that offspring are selected to mother guard as long as the viability of extra-pair young is less than twice that of within-pair young; when the relative viability is greater, offspring are selected to promote extra-pair mating by their mother. If the existing offspring are not necessarily sired by their mother's social mate, then the potential for conflict is further reduced. We also consider whether offspring have an interest in the extra-pair reproduction of their fathers. We show that when the costs of the father's infidelity to the mother's brood are high, existing offspring are selected to prevent extra-pair mating by their father; when such costs are low, offspring are selected to promote extra-pair mating by their father. In principle, our model applies to all species where offspring show delayed dispersal and where breeding pairs raise multiple broods or litters. This situation exists in, but is not limited to, the majority of cooperatively breeding species. The significance of this model with regard to our current understanding of the evolution of extra-pair behaviour in such species is discussed.  相似文献   

Although 90 % of all bird species are monogamous, many species practice alternative reproductive strategies as extra-pair copulations, intra-specific brood parasitism, and quasi-parasitism. In territorial monogamous species, both partners hold and defend the territory from intruders. Often, the intruders are males and usually the local male banishes the intruders. Indeed, many studies focused on the response of the local male toward intruder males. However, the benefits and costs associated with the responses of the local male toward intruder females have been largely overlooked. Focusing mainly on alternative reproductive strategies, we developed a model to predict the aggression a monogamous male may demonstrate toward an intruder female during the pre-egg laying stage of his local female partner. This model demonstrates that the intensity of aggression that the local male shows toward an intruder female depends on the extra-pair copulations that his local female partner may perform. Further, the aggression also depends upon intra-specific brood parasitism and quasi-parasitism that might be carried out by the intruder female. Our approach suggests that when considering mating strategies, there is a need to assess how these three alternative reproductive strategies may affect the local male's aggression toward intruder females.  相似文献   

Parental investment with a superior alien in the brood   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
When a parent's parentage differs across breeding attempts, established theory predicts that the parent should invest more in a brood when perceived parentage is high. We present a model of parental investment in which offspring unrelated to the parent have a competitive advantage over the parent's own offspring and take a larger share of investment. We show that this can weaken or, if the competitive advantage is great, reverse the predicted relationship between perceived parentage and parental investment. A moderate competitive advantage of extra-pair young over within-pair young could partly explain the lack of any clear relationship between paternal care and paternity in many studies, and could easily arise if females choose extra-pair partners for good genes. Our results are also relevant to interspecific avian brood parasitism. As parasites reared together with host offspring are often superior competitors, their hosts could benefit from increasing investment in response to suspected parasitism.  相似文献   

Monogamous male birds typically allocate less effort to courtship and more to parental behaviour than males of polygynous species. The seasonal pattern of testosterone (T) secretion varies accordingly. Monogamous males exhibit a spring peak in plasma T followed by lower levels during the parental phase, while males of polygynous species continue to court females and maintain T at higher levels. To determine whether testosterone underlies the trade-off between mating and parental effort, we treated male dark-eyed juncos (Junco hyemalis) with exogenous T and compared the reproductive success (RS) of T-treated males (T-males) to that of controls. T-males had lower apparent annual RS than controls, probably because elevated T reduced parental care. Nevertheless, annual genetic RS of the treatment groups was similar because (i) T-males suffered fewer losses in genetic RS due to extra-pair fertilizations (EPFs), and (ii) T-males gained more genetic RS through their own EPFs. This is the first hormonal manipulation of an avian phenotype shown to have influenced male RS through EPFs. Together with other studies, it suggests that testosterone may have mediated the evolution of inter- and intraspecific differences in allocation of reproductive effort to mate attraction and parental care.  相似文献   

Pre-dawn infidelity: females control extra-pair mating in superb fairy-wrens   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Despite great interest in the use of extra-pair mating as a tool for examining female choice and intersexual selection, the underlying assumption of female control has proved difficult to verify empirically. We combined microsatellite genotyping and radiotelemetry of fertile females in order to investigate mate choice in superb fairy-wrens Malurus cyaneus, the bird with the highest known rate of extra-pair fertilization. All five females radio tracked during the peak of fertility, two to four days before the first egg is laid, undertook pre-dawn forays. All extra-pair young produced by the female were sired by a male visited during their forays, indicating that females control extra-pair fertilizations. In a larger sample of paternity data, some broods were sired by two extra-group males. In virtually all the cases the territory of the two sires were on an identical linear trajectory from the female's territory. This again suggests that extra-group paternity in superb fairy-wrens is directly linked to female extra-territorial forays. In other species mixed paternity has been taken to indicate that females attempt to insure against infertile pairings or try to maximize the genetic diversity of their brood. However, in fairy-wrens the likelihood of multiple extra-group paternity increased greatly as females traversed more territories in order to mate, perhaps suggesting that females which foray further are more likely to have difficulties locating the preferred male.  相似文献   

Extra-pair copulations (EPCs) (copulations outside the pair bond) resulting in extra-pair fertilizations (EPFs) are widespread in birds. To increase reproductive success, males should not only seek EPCs, but also prevent their females from having EPFs. Male Seychelles warblers (Acrocephalus sechellensis) follow their partner closely during the period when these females are most receptive (fertile period). The Seychelles warbler is the first species to offer explicit experimental evidence that mate guarding functions as paternity guarding: in territories where free-living males were induced to stop mate guarding during the pair female''s fertile period, the rates of intrusions by other males and successful EPCs (male mounting female) were significantly higher than those observed in the control group and in the absence of mate guarding the frequency of successful EPCs increased significantly with local male density. Male warblers do not assure their paternity through frequent copulations to devalue any sperm from other males: males do not copulate with their partners immediately following a successful EPC obtained by their partners, the frequency of successful within-pair copulations does not increase with the frequency of successful EPCs and females initiate all successful copulations and are capable of resisting copulation attempts.  相似文献   

The lesser kestrel (Falco naumanni) is considered a socially monogamous species in which extra-pair copulation occurs at a low rate. A wide study of extra-pair mating behaviour carried out on this species found that mated females do not solicit extra-pair copulation and reject all copulation attempts elicited by extra-pair males. In fact, the infrequent instances of extra-pair fertilization found were attributed either to re-mating after divorce, or polygyny. Here I describe an observation indicating that females also promote and accept promiscuous mating, attaining and consummating extra-pair copulation. I suggest the possibility that promiscuous behaviour could vary among different populations in this species, as it has not yet been reported, in spite of the extensive work performed in this respect.  相似文献   

In socially monogamous species, pair-bonded males often continue to provide care to all offspring in their nests despite some degree of paternity loss due to female extra-pair copulation. Previous theoretical models suggested that females can use their within-pair offspring as ‘hostages'' to blackmail their social mates, so that they continue to provide care to the brood at low levels of cuckoldry. These models, however, rely on the assumption of sufficiently accurate male detection of cuckoldry and the reduction of parental effort in case of suspicion. Therefore, they cannot explain the abundant cases where cuckolded males continue to provide extensive care to the brood. Here we use an analytical population genetics model and an individual-based simulation model to explore the coevolution of female fidelity and male help in populations with two genetically determined alternative reproductive tactics (ARTs): sneakers that achieve paternity solely via extra-pair copulations and bourgeois that form a mating pair and spend some efforts in brood care. We show that when the efficiency of mate guarding is intermediate, the bourgeois males can evolve to ‘specialize'' in providing care by spending more than 90% of time in helping their females while guarding them as much as possible, despite frequent cuckoldry by the sneakers. We also show that when sneakers have tactic-specific adaptations and thus are more competitive than the bourgeois in gaining extra-pair fertilizations, the frequency of sneakers and the degrees of female fidelity and male help can fluctuate in evolutionary cycles. Our theoretical predictions highlight the need for further empirical tests in species with ARTs.  相似文献   

In polyandrous species females produce successive clutches with several males. Female barn owls (Tyto alba) often desert their offspring and mate to produce a 2nd annual brood with a second male. We tested whether copulating during chick rearing at the 1st annual brood increases the male''s likelihood to obtain paternity at the 2nd annual breeding attempt of his female mate in case she deserts their brood to produce a second brood with a different male. Using molecular paternity analyses we found that 2 out of 26 (8%) second annual broods of deserting females contained in total 6 extra-pair young out of 15 nestlings. These young were all sired by the male with whom the female had produced the 1st annual brood. In contrast, none of the 49 1st annual breeding attempts (219 offspring) and of the 20 2nd annual breeding attempts (93 offspring) of non-deserting females contained extra-pair young. We suggest that female desertion can select male counter-strategies to increase paternity and hence individual fitness. Alternatively, females may copulate with the 1st male to derive genetic benefits, since he is usually of higher quality than the 2nd male which is commonly a yearling individual.  相似文献   

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