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Dieffenbach  A.  Göttlein  A.  Matzner  E. 《Plant and Soil》1997,192(1):57-61
A new approach for non-destructive monitoring of soil solution chemistry in high spatial and temporal resolution for rhizosphere studies is presented. In a 5×10 mm grid, 30 micro suction cups (1mm) were installed in a rhizotron with Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) growing in low pH B-horizon soil. Roots grew through the grid, closely passing the suction cups. Soil solution composition before, during and after root passage was determined. For K+ and Mg2+ a significant decrease of soil solution concentration near root tips and elongation zones was observed, indicating a marked uptake of these elements. Mg2+ concentration was also significantly lowered when the root system aged, suggesting that this ion might also be taken up in older parts of the root system. No influence of growing roots was found on Na+-concentrations.  相似文献   

J. Seiler  E. Matzner 《Plant and Soil》1995,176(1):139-147
Our aims were to investigate the spatial variability of throughfall chemistry and soil parameters as influenced by stem distance and to evaluate the implication of the observed systematic and random patterns for the sampling strategy.One hundred throughfall samplers with a sampling area of 106 cm2 each were established in a systematic grid around 5 trees in a mature Norway spruce; site of the Fichtelgebirge (Germany). One hundred soil cores were taken with an auger of 50 cm2 next to the throughfall samplers. Soil samples were stratified according to genetic soil horizons and analysed for pH, exchangeable NH4 +, SO4 2– and total-S. Throughfall samples were collected over a period of 6 months. For each sampler an aliquod sample was mixed over the observation period and analysed for major ions.The spatial variability of the element concentrations in throughfall, expressed by the coefficient of variance, was 21–164%, depending on the element considered. For precipitation volume, the coefficient of variance was only 3%. The distance to the stem influenced most element concentrations in throughfall with increasing concentrations approaching the stem. Steepest gradients were observed in case of SO4 2– and H+.The spatial variability of the investigated soil parameters was also very high with the exception of pH. The SO4 2– content of the forest floor reflected the gradients observed in throughfall, while for the other investigated soil parameters and soil horizons no significant relations to stem distance were found.To determine site representative throughfall concentrations and soil properties with the sample volumes and time intervals we used, the number of samples required to get a statistical error of less than 10% (with 95% probability) can be very high. In case of throughfall, more than 100, and in case of the soil parameters, more than 300 replicates would be required.  相似文献   

This study attempted to detect the impact of ozone on adult trees of Norway spruce ( Picea abies [L.] Karst.) and European beech ( Fagus sylvatica L.) in an experimental mixed stand in Southern Bavaria, Germany. The aim was to examine whether there is a decrease in growth when trees are exposed to higher than atmospheric concentrations of ozone. This exposure was put into effect using a free-air fumigation system at tree crown level. Growth analysis was carried out on a group of 47 spruce and 36 beech trees, where radial stem increment at breast height - a sensitive index for stress - was measured. The ozone monitoring system allowed values to be obtained for the accumulated ozone exposure (SUM00) of each individual tree, so that their radial increment over three years could be correlated with the corresponding ozone exposure for the same time period. Correlation and regression analysis were then carried out to test the influence of ozone on diameter increment. In both spruce and beech, the initial stem diameter was the most influential factor on radial increment in the following year. A linear model was applied, including the diameter of the preceding year and the ozone exposure of the current year as predicting factors. For spruce trees, a significant negative influence of ozone exposure was found. In contrast, no significant ozone effect on diameter increment of beech was detected. The effect of ozone stress on a large spruce tree can lead to a decrease in potential radial increment of 22 %. The results are discussed in relation to other stress factors such as drought and lack of light.  相似文献   

Soil solution, xylem sap and needles of mature trees were sampled in three spruce stands over one vegetation period and analysed for major cations. Investigations of nutrient distribution between these three pools and evaluations of seasonal dynamics give the following results: The highest nutrient concentrations in the xylem sap occur at the time of bud break and become gradually lower during the vegetation period. The trees show similar trends of xylem sap concentrations with time for potassium, calcium and magnesium regardless of the nutritional status of the plots. No coupling of xylem sap to soil solution composition can be observed in spite of a high variability of soil solution chemistry in time. The major cations in the current needles exhibit a significantly different trend with time. No time-based correlations for nutrient contents could be found for the needles from the previous year.Despite mobilisation of storage pools in the deficient stand, trees are not able to increase the Ca and Mg contents in the needles up to the level of the other stands. Potassium could be retranslocated in sufficient extent for nutrition of current needles. Due to seasonal variability and dependence upon internal processes, such as retranslocation and mobilisation of nutrients, xylem sap does not seem to be a good tool for the estimation of the nutritional status of forest sites.It was concluded that only minor transport into new foliage via xylem sap will proceed after nutrient flush during the bud break and the nutrient content in the new biomass will be governed by dilution due to biomass growth or by nutrient transport by other means than xylem sap.  相似文献   

In pure and mixed stands of Norway spruce ( Picea abies [L.] Karst.) and European beech ( Fagus sylvatica L.) we have analyzed crown allometry and growing space efficiency at the tree level and have scaled this from tree level to stand level production. Allometry is quantified by the ratio A between the relative growth rates of laterally and vertically oriented tree dimensions. Efficiency parameters, EOC for efficiency in space occupation, EEX for efficiency in space exploitation, and EBI for efficiency in biomass investment, were evaluated, based on quantity and quality of growing space and were measured using crown size and competition index. The evaluation reveals why pure stands of spruce are preferred by foresters, even though the natural vegetation would be dominated by beech. Spruce occupies its share of resources intensively by means of tightly packed pillar-like crowns, whereas beech seizes resources extensively by means of a multi-layered, veil-like canopy. With a given relative biomass increment, beech achieves a 57 % higher increment in crown projection area and a 127 % higher increment in height due to its particular capacity of lateral and vertical expansion. Beech trees are approximately 60 % more efficient in space occupation than spruce trees, however, on average, they are about 70 % less efficient in space exploitation. As a vertical fast growing tree, spruce is efficient in space exploitation under constant conditions, but far more susceptible to disturbances and less well equipped to overcome them when compared with beech. Beech is weaker in terms of space exploitation, while being superior in space occupation, where it encircles competitors and fills gaps after disturbances, which is a successful long-term strategy. A mixture of the two species reduces stand level production by 24 % in comparison to a pure spruce stand, however, when considering enhanced stabilization of the whole stand and risk distribution in the long term, the mixed stand may exceed the production level of pure spruce stands. EEX reflects a strong ontogenetic drift and competition effect that should be considered when scaling from tree to stand level production.  相似文献   

Relationships between tree parameters above ground and the biomass of the coarse root system were examined in six mixed spruce-beech stands in the Solling Mountain region in northwest Germany. The selected stands were located on comparable sites and covered an age range of 44 to 114 years. Coarse roots (d?\ge?2 mm) of 42 spruce and 27 beech trees were sampled by excavating the entire root system. A linear model with logarithmic transformation of the variables was developed to describe the relationship between the coarse root biomass (CRB, dry weight) and the corresponding tree diameter at breast height (DBH). The coefficients of determination (R 2) attained values between 0.92 for spruce and 0.94 for beech; the logarithmic standard deviation values were between 0.29 and 0.43. A significantly different effect of tree species on the model estimates could not be detected by an analysis of co-variance (ANCOVA). For spruce, the derived relationships were similar to those reported in previous studies, but not for beech. Biomass partitioning in the tree compartments above and below ground differs significantly between spruce (coarse root/shoot ratio 0.16±0.06) and beech (coarse root/shoot ratio 0.10±0.03) in the mixed stands. These results are similar to those given in other studies involving pure spruce and beech stands on comparable sites in the region, although the ratios of pure stands in other regions growing under different site conditions are somewhat higher. Comparing trees of the same DBH classes, root/shoot ratios of spruce are 1.2 to 3 times higher than those of beech. Dominant spruce trees (DBH>60 cm) attained the highest ratios, suppressed beech trees (DBH<10 cm) the lowest. Site conditions of varying climate and soils and interspecific tree competition are likely to affect root/shoot ratio and DBH-coarse root biomass relationships. The greater variability in beech compared with spruce indicates a high 'plasticity' and adaptability of beech carbon allocation. Thus, the derived equations are useful for biomass estimates of coarse roots involving trees of different ages in mixed stands of spruce and beech in the Solling Mountains. However, application of these relationships to stands in other regions would need further testing.  相似文献   


Key message

We review causes of synergies in mixed-species stands, develop guiding hypotheses for revealing their mechanisms and present a rainfall exclusion experiment along with a transect (KROOF) for exploring drought effects.


While monocultures have dominated forest research and practice in the past, in face of growing resource scarcity and climate change, mixed-species stands are on the advance. Long-term observations show that mixed-species stands frequently over-yield monocultures, and they further suggest that the over-yielding is often higher on poor than on fertile sites and in low-growth than in high-growth years. However, the underlying causes have not yet been clarified. We start with a review of, among others, hydraulic redistribution, complementary eco-physiological traits, and ectomycorrhizal networks as possible causes behind the observed productivity gains in mixed-species stands. Then, we develop guiding hypotheses for further exploration of synergies in mixed-species stands. Finally, we introduce into the concept and model approach of the rainfall exclusion experiment for examining the role of water supply in mixed versus pure forest stands of spruce and beech. At the Kranzberg site, six plots are equipped with water retention roofs, which only close during rain events. The remaining six plots serve as non-roofed control. Together with the rainfall exclusion experiment, an ecological gradient with five sites extending through SE-Germany forms the “Kranzberg Roof Experiment” (in short KROOF). Kranzberg Forest is a part of this gradient from moist to dry conditions, with each site providing mixed and pure associations each of spruce and beech. The ecophysiological approach will be complemented by tree ring analysis and modelling of productivity of the tree associations under intense drought.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic nitrogen (N) deposition significantly affects forest soil microbial biomass and extracellular enzymatic activities (EEA). However, the influence of mixed N fertilizations on soil microbial biomass and EEA remains unclear. In this work, NH4NO3 was chosen as inorganic N, while urea and glycine were chosen as organic N. They were used to fertilize subtropical forest soil monthly for 1 year with different ratios (inorganic N : organic N?=?10 : 0, 7 : 3, 3 : 7 and 1 : 9 respectively.) and N inputs were equivalent to 7.2 g?N?m?2?y?1. Soil samples were harvested every 2 months. Subsequently, soil microbial biomass and enzymatic activities were assayed. Multiple regression analysis (MRA) and principle components analysis (PCA) were utilized to illustrate the relationship between soil microbial biomass and EEA. Results showed that soil EEA displayed different changes in response to various mixed N fertilizations. Invertase, cellulase, cellobiohydrolase, alkaline phosphatase, and catalase activities under mixed N fertilization were higher than those of single inorganic N (NH4NO3) fertilization. Polyphenol oxidase activities were depressed after inorganic N fertilization and accelerated after mixed N fertilization. Acid phosphatase activities were accelerated in all N fertilization plots, while the influence of various mixed N fertilizations were not significant. Soil microbial biomass was enhanced by mixed N fertilization, while no significant changes were observed after inorganic N fertilization. The result revealed that although N fertilization may alleviate soil N-limitation, single inorganic N fertilization may disturb the balance of inorganic N and organic N, and depress the increases of soil enzymatic activities and microbial biomass in the end. Soil enzymes activities and microbial biomass showed the highest activities after medium organic N fertilization (inorganic : organic N?=?3 : 7), which might be the most suitable N fertilizer for soil microbes. Meanwhile, PCA showed that the alleviation of N-limited reached a maximum after medium organic N fertilization. All results indicated that soil EEA, microbial biomass, and their relationship are all affected by N type and inorganic to organic N ratio.  相似文献   



In acidic forest soils, aluminium can alter tree health due to its potential toxicity. Aluminium phytotoxicity is mainly influenced by its chemical form and its availability.


As physical-chemical indicators of Al toxicity in soil, Al speciation in soil solutions and in the exchange complex was measured in the rhizosphere and the bulk soil of two tree species (Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) and European Beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) in an acidic soil and in 4 months (November, February, May and August) representing the four seasons in a year.


In the bulk soil, Al toxicity was generally higher under Norway spruce than under beech. Furthermore, temporal changes in Al behaviour were identified under Norway spruce but not under beech. The monomeric Al in the soil solutions and the exchangeable Al in the solid soil increased significantly in February under Norway spruce and were positively correlated with nitrate concentration, suggesting that nitrate influence Al speciation and mobility under Norway spruce. In the rhizosphere, Al toxicity was restricted through Al complexation by organic compounds and by nutrient contents independently from the season. The ecological importance of the rhizosphere in Al detoxification is discussed.


This study suggests that plant specific differences as well as seasonal changes in plant physiology, microbial activity and microclimatology influence aluminum toxicity in acid forest soils.  相似文献   

Aluminium (Al), mobilized by acidic deposition, has been claimed to be a major threat to forest vitality. Fine root mortality, decreased root growth and reduced nutrient uptake have been observed in controlled laboratory experiments where roots of tree seedlings were exposed to elevated concentrations of Al. Yet, evidence for Al-induced root damage from forest stands is scarcely reported. Nevertheless, Al dissolved in soil water has received a key role in the critical load concept for forests. Here, we present effects of artificially elevated concentrations of Al in the soil solution on fine roots in a middle-aged stand of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.). Although the inorganic Al concentrations about 200 µM and Ca:Al ratio about 0.7 that were established in the soil solution within this experiment have been associated with reduction of root growth and root mortality for spruce seedlings in hydroponic studies, no acute damage on fine roots was observed. Three years of treatment did not cause visual root damage, nor were effects on fine root necromass observed. Fine root necromass made up about 10% of fine root biomass for all treatments. However, significantly lower molar Ca:Al and Mg:Al ratios in living and dead fine roots were found in the plots where Al concentrations were highest and ratios of Ca to Al in the soil solution were lowest. The lack of response on fine root biomass suggests that forest stands tolerate higher Al levels than results from laboratory experiments indicate. We conclude that effect studies in the laboratory have limited value for field conditions. The key role of Al toxicity, expressed as the Ca/Al ratio, in critical load calculations for forests may have to be reconsidered.  相似文献   

In this study we investigated the spatial and temporal variation in soil solution chemistry and of water and ion fluxes through the soil in a forest ecosystem. Our aim was to evaluate the relevance of these variations for the accuracy of average areal soil solution concentrations and ion fluxes with seepage at 90 cm depth.Twenty spatially distinct subcompartments of approximately 1 m2 were established within a mature stand of Norway spruce and ceramic suction lysimeters were installed at depths of 20, 35 and 90 cm. A tensiometer was placed close to each suction lysimeter, and one throughfall sampler was established for each subcompartment.Soil solution samples were analysed for major ions (H+, Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Mn2+, Fe3+, Al3+, Cl-, NO 3 - , SO 4 2- . We calculated water fluxes for each subcompartment separately by a numeric simulation of the soil water flux close to the lysimeters. The ion fluxes at each lysimeter were calculated by multiplying the simulated water fluxes with the ion concentrations on a fortnightly base. Averaging these 20 independent ion fluxes gave the areal average flux and an estimate of its statistical accuracy. The spatial variation of ion concentrations in the soil solution was high with coefficients of variance ranging from 5% to 128%. Part of the spatial variation was related to stem distance. Temporal variation of the concentrations was less than spatial for most ions. The spatial variation of water and ion fluxes with seepage was also substantial; for example the fluxes of SO 4 2- -S calculated for each subcompartment ranged from 21 to 119 kg ha-1 yr-1, with an arithmetic average of 47 kg ha-1 yr-1. For H2O, Mg2+, Cl-, and SO 4 2- , the spatial heterogeneity of seepage fluxes was largely explained by the heterogeneity of throughfall fluxes. No such relationship was found for nitrogen.Despite using 20 replicates, the 95% confidence intervals of the average annual areal fluxes with seepage were found to be 20–30% for most ions.  相似文献   

How tree morphology develops in mixed-species stands is essential for understanding and modelling mixed-stand dynamics. However, research so far focused on the morphological variation between tree species and neglected the variation within a species depending on intra- and interspecific competition. Our study, in contrast, addresses crown properties of nine mature Norway spruces (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) of a pure stand and compares them with ten spruces growing in mixture with European beech (Fagus sylvatica [L.]). The same was done with 11 pure stand beeches and 12 beeches growing in mixture with spruce. Through application of a terrestrial laser scanner and a new skeletonization approach, we deal with both species’-specific morphological traits such as branch angle, branch length, branch bending, crown volume and space occupation of branches within the crown, some of which were hardly accessible so far. Special attention is paid to distinct differences between trees growing in mixed and pure stands: for spruce, our study reveals significantly longer branches and greater crown volumes in the mixed stand when compared to the pure stand. In case of European beech, individuals growing in mixture show flatter branch angles, more distinct ramification, greater crown volumes and a lower share of a single branch’s space occupation in the total crown volume. The results show that the presented methods yield detailed information on the morphological traits analyzed in this study and that interspecific competition on its own may have a significant impact on crown structures. Implications for production ecology and stand dynamics of mixed-species forests are discussed.  相似文献   

Nowotny  I.  Dähne  J.  Klingelhöfer  D.  Rothe  G.M. 《Plant and Soil》1998,199(1):29-40
Effects of soil acidification and liming on biomass responses and free Al, Ca, K, Mg, Mn and P contents of mycorrhizal roots of mature Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) were studied at Höglwald Forest in Southern Germany.At the untreated site, mycorrhizal root biomass was lower in the acid humus (pH = 3.3) than in the less acid upper (0–5 cm) mineral soil (pH 4.1). Mycorrhizal roots from the humus contained 10% of the level free Al in mycorrhizal roots from the upper mineral soil. During seven years of soil acidification the quantity of mycorrhizal roots remained unaffected in the humus and the upper mineral soil, perhaps due to the high buffering capacity of the humus which prevented a significant alteration of the nutrient status of the roots. However, two years after soil acidification had been terminated, the percentage of mycorrhizal roots in the humus decreased, possibly because the free root concentrations of K had decreased.On the other hand, six years after liming, there was a two-fold increase of the annual mean quantity of mycorrhizal roots in the humus. Compensatory liming (acid irrigation after liming) had a similar effect on mycorrhizal root production in the humus. However, two years after acid irrigation had been terminated a decrease of mycorrhizal roots in the upper mineral soil (0–5 cm) was observed. Since the total amount of mycorrhizal roots in the humus and upper mineral soil remained constant, compensatory liming produced a shift in fine roots to the humus layer.The higher mass of living mycorrhizal roots in the upper mineral soil (0–5 cm) as compared to the humus of the untreated plot as well as the increased mass of mycorrhizal roots in the humus after liming or compensatory liming are both attributed to an increase in pH to 4.5 rather than alleviation of Al toxicity.  相似文献   


Fine roots (<2 mm) are very dynamic and play a key role in forest ecosystem carbon and nutrient cycling and accumulation. We reviewed root biomass data of three main European tree species European beech, (Fagus sylvatica L.), Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst.) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), in order to identify the differences between species, and within and between vegetation zones, and to show the relationships between root biomass and the climatic, site and stand factors. The collected literature consisted of data from 36 beech, 71 spruce and 43 pine stands. The mean fine root biomass of beech was 389 g m?2, and that of spruce and pine 297 g m?2 and 277 g m?2, respectively. Data from pine stands supported the hypothesis that root biomass is higher in the temperate than in the boreal zone. The results indicated that the root biomass of deciduous trees is higher than that of conifers. The correlations between root biomass and site fertility characteristics seemed to be species specific. There was no correlation between soil acidity and root biomass. Beech fine root biomass decreased with stand age whereas pine root biomass increased with stand age. Fine root biomass at tree level correlated better than stand level root biomass with stand characteristics. The results showed that there exists a strong relationship between the fine root biomass and the above-ground biomass.  相似文献   

Species mixing is widely held to stabilize productivity, increase resilience and contribute to risk minimization in forest stands in need of special as a result of longevity. However, research on the effects of mixing on productivity and resource consumption so far yielded fairly incoherent results rather than general findings. We focused on the effects of the spatial mixing pattern and the annual climate conditions on the mixing effect, which to date have seldom been considered as modifiers of mixing effects. Nine years of intensive survey of four pure stands of Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) and European beech (Fagus sylvatica [L.]) and two mixed plots with different mixing pattern showed: (1) mixing hardly changed annual net primary productivity at stand level when Norway spruce and European beech are cultivated group-wise but increased by 37 % on account of a higher efficiency of water and light use in individual tree-wise mixture. (2) Favourable climatic conditions increased the superiority of mixed versus pure stands productivity, while, in particular, water stress cancelled the benefit of mixing considerably. (3) An interaction between the spatial pattern and variable climatic conditions was revealed. Both improved light and water use were found in favourable years in close inter-specific intermingling. However, in unfavourable years the spatial pattern played a less pronounced role in terms of productivity.  相似文献   

Preconditions of phloem transport in conifers are relatively unknown. We studied the variation of needle and inner bark axial osmotic gradients and xylem water potential in Scots pine and Norway spruce by measuring needle and inner bark osmolality in saplings and mature trees over several periods within a growing season. The needle and inner bark osmolality was strongly related to xylem water potential in all studied trees. Sugar concentrations were measured in Scots pine, and they had similar dynamics to inner bark osmolality. The sucrose quantity remained fairly constant over time and position, whereas the other sugars exhibited a larger change with time and position. A small osmotic gradient existed from branch to stem base under pre‐dawn conditions, and the osmotic gradient between upper stem and stem base was close to zero. The turgor in branches was significantly driven by xylem water potential, and the turgor loss point in branches was relatively close to daily minimum needle water potentials typically reported for Scots pine. Our results imply that xylem water potential considerably impacts the turgor pressure gradient driving phloem transport and that gravitation has a relatively large role in phloem transport in the stems of mature Scots pine trees.  相似文献   

M. Kazda  L. Zvacek 《Plant and Soil》1989,114(2):257-267
Soil solution and needles of three mature spruce stands in Upper Austria were analysed in order to investigate the uptake and possible toxic effects of Mn and Al, as these two elements become highly mobilised in the soil due to increasing acidity. The Ca/Al molar ratio in the soil solution was below 0.2 in the most damaged stand during almost the whole vegetation period. Despite different dynamics, Al reaches almost identical values in all stands at the end of the vegetation period in both 1-year (current) and 2-year-old needles, respectively. Therefore, needle analysis is not a useful tool for estimation of free Al in the soil. Needle contents of other elements could provide a better information for understanding the forest decline. Mn in the needles correlates significantly with Mn concentrations in the soil solution. As soil Mn will be mobilised by acidic input, Mn needle content can increase to very high levels. Manganese distribution, its interaction with calcium, and possible toxic effects are discussed.  相似文献   

Qian  X.M.  El-Ashker  A.  Kottke  I.  Oberwinkler  F. 《Plant and Soil》1998,199(1):111-116
Recent tree decline was hypothesized to be connected to root damage caused by soil acidification and increased frequency of pathogenic root colonizing fungi. The rhizoplane is constituted by the mycorrhizal sheath and a high diversity of microfungi, some of which are known to behave antagonistically against pathogens. Disturbance of the balance between pathogens and antagonists by soil acidification may endanger the health of tree roots. Liming may stabilize the interactions. The microfungal populations connected to the mycorrhizoplane of Norway spruce (Picea abies) and beech (Fagus sylvatica) were, therefore, investigated on experimental Norway spruce plots that had been treated with acidified water or were limed. Beech presented the original forest and was left untreated. Eight microfungal species known as either pathogenic or antagonistic, Trichoderma viride, T. hamatum, T. polysporum, Cylindrocarpon destructans, Sesquicillium candelabrum, Mycelium radicis atrovirens, Tolyplocladium geodes and Oidiodendron maius, were isolated from the mycorrhizoplanes and their abundance in the five different plots compared. Acidification enhanced the frequency of Mycelium radicis atrovirens and Oidiodendron maius but reduced Trichoderma viride. Liming promoted Sesquicillium candelabrum and Cylindrocarpon destructans. Detailed analysis of the population patterns indicated that changes in the frequency of a particular fungal species may not only be caused by shift of chemical soil factors but also by antagonistic interactions between the microfungi, thus reducing pathogenic attacks on rootlets.  相似文献   

Against a backdrop of increasing climate change, the effects of site conditions, drought events and ozone stress on the size-growth relationship in Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) and European beech (Fagus sylvatica [L.]) stands are analyzed. The size-growth relationship is represented by a straight line defined by intercept and slope of a simple linear equation with stem diameter at height 1.30 m as independent variable and annual stem diameter increment at height 1.30 as dependent variable. On the basis of 64 long-term experimental plots dating back to 1871 and representing an ecological gradient from fertile to poor sites, it is shown that poorer sites exhibit shallower slopes of the linear size-growth relationships than fertile sites. Annual measurements of the size-growth relationship, including the extremely dry years of 1976 and 2003, also showed that lower stand growth rates result in shallower size-growth relationship slopes. By comparing stands with and without experimental twice-ambient ozone exposure between 2000 and 2007, it was found that ozone stress can significantly reduce the slope of the size-growth relationship. This indicates that limiting site condition, whether acute or chronic in nature, distinctly reduces the superiority of tall trees, and that a lower degree of resource limitation increases the steepness of the size-growth relationship. The causes for this behavior and the consequences for stand dynamics, silvicultural treatment and prognostication by models are discussed.  相似文献   

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