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安明态  杨瑞  苟光前 《植物研究》2009,29(2):129-130
报道了贵州忍冬科(Caprifoliaceae)六道木属(Abelia R. Br.)1个新种,即荔波六道木(Abelia lipoensis M. T. An et G. Q. GOU)。新种与糯米条(A. chinensis R. Br.)近缘,不同点在于小枝和叶背无毛,花序宽大,疏松,呈宽圆锥状,花萼裂片近无毛,花冠小,长6~9 mm,白色,与萼裂片近等长或稍长。  相似文献   

用荧光标记AFLP技术对东亚产六道木属六道木组作了系统关系分析。我们采用 5对AFLP引物 ,对六道木属 9个物种 ,锦带花属和猬实属各 1个物种共 16份样品进行分析 ,共获得 988个位点。不同引物所获得的结果具有很高的相容性 ,Mantel相关系数为 0 72 5~0 919,说明AFLP技术适用于六道木属的种间关系分析。用邻接法 (neighbor joining)对 16个样品 988个位点的分析生成的系统树获得很高的自展分析 (bootstrap)支持率。树系图表明 ,猬实属与六道木属管花六道木组有密切的关系。在六道啪组内 ,温州六道木与糯米条的关系密切 ,单花六道木与大花六道木差异很小 ,黄花六道木与日本产的近缘种组成一单系分支。本文认定 ,根据形态特征鉴定浙江永嘉的标本为黄花六道木 (AbeliaserrataSieb .etZucc .)是正确的 ,属中国分布新记录。文章最后补充描述了中国产的黄花六道木。黄花六道木在中国的发现进一步证明中国植物区系与日本植物区系的密切关系。  相似文献   

木霉属中国新记录种Trichoderma koningiopsis记述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李广记  陈捷  刘铜  刘力行 《微生物学通报》2010,37(11):1663-1665
在华东地区木霉菌资源调查中,利用内转录间隔区(ITS)序列分析和形态学鉴定方法,对从土壤中分离到的木霉菌进行鉴定,发现一个中国新纪录种,即拟康宁木霉。Trichoderma koningiopsis/Hypocrea koningiopsis Samuels,C.SuarezH.C.Evans sp. nov.。该种典型的形态特征是在PDA以及CMD(玉米粉琼脂)上有瓶梗层出现象,而在MA(麦芽提取物)培养基上没有此特征。  相似文献   

报道并描述了采自云南南部西双版纳具有1小叶的新分布种美脉木蓝Indigofera caloneura Kurz和采自广东具有单叶的新分布种心叶木蓝I. cordifolia Heyne ex Roth.。在中国还有另外3个具有单叶的种类, 即单叶木蓝I. linifolia、刺荚木蓝I. nummularifolia和远志木蓝I. squalida。通过从植物习性、茎、叶的形态与大小及毛被、托叶、花序、花冠形状与毛被、花药、子房毛被、果实的形态与大小、所含种子数目等特征的显微观察, 比较了国产单叶类木蓝属Indigofera植物的形态学特征差异, 并针对茎、叶、毛被、花冠旗瓣和果实形状等5个最重要的特征进行了讨论。  相似文献   

<正>1 INTRODUCTION Typically, Trichoderma spp. are free-living fungi most frequently isolated from soils and have been extensively studied due to their remarkable biocontrol and plant-growth promoting capacity.  相似文献   

【背景】木霉菌现存的Stromaticum进化支为Samuels等2012年定义,包括9个木霉种;国内目前仅报道子座木霉(Trichoderma stromaticum)、蠕状毛木霉(T.vermipilum)和絮状木霉(T.floccosum)3个种。【目的】报道2个木霉属中国新记录种。【方法】采用THSM选择性培养基,从北京和山东两地土壤中分离木霉菌株,通过形态学特征、TEF1-α和RPB2序列对菌株进行鉴定。【结果】通过对TEF1-α和RPB2的系统发育分析,2个菌株分别与T.ivoriense(科特迪瓦木霉)和T.barbatum(毛簇木霉)相近;且形态学特征上存在差异。综合鉴定2个菌株分别为科特迪瓦木霉(T.ivoriense)和毛簇木霉(T.barbatum)或其近缘种。【结论】在国内新发现科特迪瓦木霉(T.ivoriense)和毛簇木霉(T.barbatum)两个木霉种,它们属于Stromaticum进化支,该进化支国内木霉种类增加到5个。  相似文献   

中国卫矛科新记录属—膝柄木属的木材解剖(简报)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
膝柄木(Bhesa sinica)为常绿乔木,高13m,胸径60cm,具板根,是一种稀有的热带珍贵用材树种。本文对膝柄木的木材构造进行解剖研究。材料采自广西合浦县南康乡大塘下檀屯的丘陵台地上,海拔50m,木材标本号7909217。用常规方法将材料切成三切面切片,厚约20μm,供微观特征观察及解剖分子测定之用。解剖分子的各项测定次数均为60次,取其平均值及标准差。  相似文献   

报道我国3个省5种海桐花属植物的新分布种,其中四川分布新记录是尖萼海桐Pittosporum subulisepalum Hu etF.T.Wang:云南分布新记录是管花海桐Ptubiflorum H.T.Chang & S.Z.Yah、光叶海桐P.glabratum Lindley和海金子Pillicioides Makino:广东分布新记录是木果海桐Pxylocarpum Hu & F.T.Wang。  相似文献   

The pollen morphology of 54 samples representing 12 genera and 31 species was investigated with the aid of scanning electron microscope. Observed were pollen grains of Sambucus, Viburnum, Lonicera, Leycesteria, Heptacodium, Linnaea, Abelia, Dipelta, Kolkwitzia, Symphoricarpos, Triosteum, Weigela. Based on the shape, size, position and number of aperture, exine sculpture, three types are recognized: 1. Pollen grains subprolate, less frequently prolate, rather small, 3-colporate, exine reticulate, as in Sambucus, Viburnum. 2. Mostly spheroidal, subolate, bigger than the former, also 3-colporate, exine spinulose as in Lonicera, Leycesteria, Heptacodium, Triosteum, Linnaea, Abelia, Dipelta, Kolkwitzia, Symphoriocarpos, Weigela. 3. Spheriodal, more or less flattend, exine scabrous as in Abelia section Zabelia and Lonicera section Isoxylosteum. 1. The systematic position of Caprifoliaceae: It has been generally treated as a member of the order Rubiales together with Rubiaceae, Valeriaceae and Dipsacaceae on floral characters. In respect to serological character, it has a close relationship with Cornaceae, and was placed in Araliales. The above stated 2nd and 3rd types of pollen grains are similar to those of Patrinia (Valerianaceae), Scabiosa (Adoxaceae), Cornus (Cornaceae), and the pollen grains of the 1st type are similar to those of Styraceae, Genetianaceae and Araliaceae. Taking the information so far available into consideration, the authors agree to the Cronquists treatment retaining Caprifoliaceae in the order Dipsacales together with Adoxaceae, Valerianaceae and Dipsacaceae. 2. The division of tribes: Formerly Sambuceae included the genera Sambucus and Viburnum. Fritsch (1891) segregated Viburnum from Sambuceae and suggested a new tribe Viburneae including Triosteum. There is distinct difference in palynological features between these two genera. The exine sculpture of Viburnum is reticulate, but that of Triosteum is spinulose. It is reasonable to separate another new tribe, Triosteae, from Viburneae. 3. The pollen morphorlogy of several Chinese endemic genera, such as Heptacodium, Dipelta, Kolkwitzia resembles that of Lonicera, Leycesteria, Linnaea, Symphoricarpos, Abelia, Triosteum. This evidence supports the foregoing treatment including them in Caprifoliaceae. 4. Two different exine sculptures are shown in sections of the genera Abelia and Lonicera. In Abelia the exine of the section Euabelia is spinulose, but that of the section Zabelia is scabrous. Likewise, in Lonicera, the exine of the section Isoxylosteum is scabrous, while that of other sections such as Nintooa, Isika, Lonicera, subgenus Caprifolium, is spinulose. It shows that pollen morphology is one of diagnostic characters for section division.  相似文献   

Abelia occidentalis, related to A. coriacea Hemsley and distinguished by its larger flowers, curved trichomes, and elliptic thin leaves, is described and illustrated.  相似文献   

Weigela coraeensis var. coraeensis is a deciduous shrub species distributed in Japan on the mainland, Honshu, whereas its variety W. coraeensis var. fragrans is endemic to the Izu Islands located south of Honshu. We isolated eight polymorphic microsatellite loci from the species and characterized these loci for 20 individuals from a population in Honshu. The number of alleles per locus ranged from 7 to 15 and the observed and expected heterozygosities ranged from 0.60 to 0.90 and from 0.65 to 0.90, respectively. These eight polymorphic microsatellites will be useful for examining intraspecific genetic differentiation in W. coraeensis.  相似文献   

The root anatomy of eight woody genera of the Caprifoliaceae cultivated in the British Isles was investigated. Special emphasis was placed on the characters that can most easily be used to identify roots from this family. These were found to be:(i) in the bark, the arrangement of phloem fibres or stone cells (if present) and (ii) in the xylem, the type (scalariform or simple) and shape of vessel perforation plates, type and arrangement of cells in rays and the presence or absence of spiral thickening (especially on fibre tracheids). Vessel characters were found to be inconstant in samples of some species grown in different environmental conditions.  相似文献   

长叶毛花忍冬的正确学名应是LoniceratrichosanthaBur.&Fr~ch.var.deflmqcdyx(Batal.)Hsu&H.J.Wang.列出了该变种的异名和常见文献.  相似文献   

To better understand the germination ecophysiology of the genus Lonicera , the dormancy class, temperature requirements for embryo growth and radicle emergence and phenology of seedling emergence were determined for Lonicera caerulea var. emphyllocalyx . At maturity, seeds have an underdeveloped embryo (approximately 28% of the length of full-grown embryos). Embryos in fresh seeds grew to full length at 15, 20, 20/10 and 25/15°C within 3 weeks, but failed to grow at ≤ 10°C and at 30°C. Radicles emerged from 86–100% of freshly matured seeds in light at 15, 20, 20/10 and 25/15°C within 28 days, but failed to emerge at 10°C. Radicles emerged equally well in a 12 h photoperiod and in continuous darkness at 25/15°C. Rapid embryo growth and germination over a range of conditions indicate that seeds of this taxon have morphological dormancy (MD); this is the first report of MD in a species of Lonicera . Seeds are dispersed in summer, at which time high temperatures promote embryo growth. Embryos grow to the critical length for germination in approximately 1 month; the peak of seedling emergence occurs in early autumn. Radicles emerged within 2 months from 98% of seeds buried at soil depths of 2 cm and 10 cm in the field in August in Sapporo, Japan; thus, seeds have no potential to form a persistent soil seed bank. However, seeds sown too late in autumn for embryos to grow remained viable and germinated the following summer when temperatures were high enough to promote embryo growth.  相似文献   

Process of architecture formation was comparatively analyzed usingViburnum dilatatum andV. wrightii (Caprifoliaceae). In both species, orthotropic primary axes emerge from the basal parts of mother plants near the ground level. The primary axes grow vigorously in the first and the subsequent few years of their development. Later on, they decrease their elongation rates gradually and many axillary buds stay in dormancy. A few of the axillary buds emerge after several years' dormancy and elongate vigorously forming orthotropic secondary axes. inViburnum dilatatum, nearly 50% of the primary axes develop the secondary axes. The secondary axes elongate as vigorous as the primary axes. Furthermore, more than 20% of the secondary axes form the tertiary axes, and only 10% of the tertiary axes form the quarternary axes. In contrast, inViburnum wrightii only less than 25% of the primary axes form the secondary axes, and there is no tertiary or quarternary axis. The secondary axes of this species elongate less vigorously than the primary axes. As the result of those differences in the axis formation,Viburnum wrightii forms a simpler architecture thanV. dilatatum.  相似文献   

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