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Inrecentyears,severalstudieshaveindicatedthattheconductanceofwatervaporandrespiratorygases,estimatedfrommeasurementsofdinosaureggshellandporegeometry,canprovideevidencefortheenvironmentalconditionssurroundingembryosduringincubation(Seymour,1979;Williamsetal.,1984;Mou,1992).Inparticular,ithasbeensuggestedfromsomepapersaboutdinosaureggshellsthatthelastextinctionofdinosaurswou1dberelatedtotheirreproduction(Erben,1970;Erbenetal.,1979;Zhao,1978,1990,1994;Zhao,Yeetal.,1991;Zhao,Wangetal.,1993).T…  相似文献   

Thedinosaursburytheireggsinsandorearthforincubation.Assumingthatexertingexterna1forcesontheseeggswithinthenestareequa1distributionpressure,i.e.NQo=NBdi=O.Aftertreatingthestatisticalfiguresofthedinosaureggshe-lls,anon-dimensiona1contourcurveforinulacanbeobtained:inwhichUsingnumericalmethodsubstitutesthedifferentialwithcentraldifference:Thusthethreedifferenceexpressionsofcurvatureradiusoftheeggshe1lcanbeobtained:Usingnondimensionparameters:inwhichNoandNearenondimensi0nalinternalf0rcesal0ngth…  相似文献   

We tested the prediction that, if hoverflies are Batesian mimics, this may extend to behavioral mimicry such that their numerical abundance at each hour of the day (the daily activity pattern) is related to the numbers of their hymenopteran models. After accounting for site, season, microclimatic responses, and general hoverfly abundance at three sites in northwestern England, the residual numbers of mimics were significantly correlated positively with their models nine times of 17. Sixteen of 17 relationships were positive, itself a highly significant nonrandom pattern. Several eristaline flies showed significant relationships with honeybees even though some of them mimic wasps or bumblebees, perhaps reflecting an ancestral resemblance to honeybees. There was no evidence that good and poor mimics differed in their daily activity pattern relationships with models. However, the common mimics showed significant activity pattern relationships with their models, whereas the rarer mimics did not. We conclude that many hoverflies show behavioral mimicry of their hymenopteran models.  相似文献   

In this paper three species of Eumolpidae are described as new. All the type specimens were collected by the Comprehensive Scientific Expedition to the Hengduan Mountains, Academia Sinica, 1981;and deposited in the Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica.  相似文献   

Among the materials of minute freshwater snails collected from Guangxi and Huana Provinces, two species are considered to be new to science. Holotype and paratypes are kept in the Laboratory of Medical Malacology, Department of Parasitology, Hubei Medical College.  相似文献   

Anomala flavo femorata sp. nov. Length: 15-16mm, breadth : 8-8.5mm. Black brown, with a not very strong metallic lustre, lateral margins of prono-tum, a transverse zigzag band (sometimes broken into three spots) upon elytron,metathoracic episternum, a round spot on the side of each abdominal segment, entire  相似文献   

SudsrucodedMChy,1848OrderthytdaJaekd,1911wMarmpeytdaeEastman,l898beusHmpopsges'nov'Tpe~Hofrpetahchdnytonguaeasisgen'etSP'nov'~dsSmall-edmacropetalichthytd'Roedandpincalplatheincontac,completeymparahngthepreorbitalplaus'Posteriorpit-linesextendingposteri0riytothetal-line,and0SSficahoncenterofthenuchalplatesitUatalattheposteriorhalfoftheplate'Supia0rbitalsensorycanalnotconvergingwiththeposteri0rpit-lines'~gyHOl-(Gr')whole,enhre,COmPlete;-Petahchthy(G'),ofAnuedinthe.genencnamesofthePeta…  相似文献   

A major challenge in evolutionary biology lies in explaining patterns of high species numbers found in biodiversity hot spots. Tropical coral reefs underlie most marine hot spots and reef-associated fish faunas represent some of the most diverse assemblages of vertebrates on the planet. Although the standing diversity of modern reef fish clades is usually attributed to their ecological association with corals, untangling temporal patterns of codiversification has traditionally proved difficult. In addition, owing to uncertainty in higher-level relationships among acanthomorph fish, there have been few opportunities to test the assumption that reef-association itself leads to higher rates of diversification compared to other habitats. Here we use relaxed-clock methods in conjunction with statistical measures of species accumulation and phylogenetic comparative methods to clarify the temporal pattern of diversification in reef and nonreef-associated lineages of tetraodontiforms, a morphologically diverse order of teleost fish. We incorporate 11 fossil calibrations distributed across the tetraodontiform tree to infer divergence times and compare results from models of autocorrelated and uncorrelated evolutionary rates. All major tetraodontiform reef crown groups have significantly higher rates of diversification than the order as a whole. None of the nonreef-associated families show this pattern with the exception of the aracanid boxfish. Independent contrasts analysis also reveals a significantly positive relationship between diversification rate and proportion of reef-associated species within each family when aracanids are excluded. Reef association appears to have increased diversification rate within tetraodontiforms. We suggest that both intrinsic factors of reef habitat and extrinsic factors relating to the provincialization and regionalization of the marine biota during the Miocene (about 23-5 MY) played a role in shaping these patterns of diversity.  相似文献   

记述了采自闽南-台湾浅滩渔场的鲷科鱼类1新种,单长棘犁齿鲷Evynnis mononematos sp.nov..新种的犁骨有数颗圆锥状小齿,为犁齿鲷属所特有的特征.其背鳍仅第3鳍棘末端呈显著的丝状延长这一特征可与本属已知种E.cardinalis和E.tumifrons相区别.  相似文献   

1.TrachelomonasvolvocinaEIirenbergvarreUculataShi,varnov.Hg.l;lLOricaglobosa;superficiesloricaerehculisirmgularibuSinstrUcta.PorusflagelliannuloinsPissatocarens,collohurniliinstrUctUS.Loriadiametrocircal6um.Hubei:Wuhan,inPiscin4ocL3l,l973,LiYao-ing,fig.l;…  相似文献   

A new species Euchorthippus fusigeniculatus, collected from Changbai Mountains, Jilin Province has been described and illustrated. This new species is allied to Eu. cheui Hsia, but differs from the latter in: 1) lateral carinae of the pronotum weakly incurved in the prozona, 2) the hind femora with dark knees, 3) the sides of supra-anal plate in the male with brown carinae.  相似文献   

In recent years,only one species of the genus Heterotermes from Yunnanwas described by Tsai et Huang(1977),Heterotermes aculabialis(Tsaiet Huang).In April 1982,a new species was collected by one of the authorsfrom Simao,southern area of Yunnan.This new species named in honor ofDr.Yin Wenying.She is a famous entomologist in China. Heterotermes yinae,Zhu,Huang et Li,nov.sp.  相似文献   

The new ostracode Notodromas sinensis from a pool near Daqing City, Heilongjiang, Northeast China, is described. A full account of the morphology of this species is given in order to elucidate the terminology used in such studies. Attention is drawn to features that are regarded as important in the classification of freshwater ostracodes.  相似文献   

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