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Although it is well established that the Gdnf-Ret signal transduction pathway initiates metanephric induction, no single regulator has yet been identified to specify the metanephric mesenchyme or blastema within the intermediate mesoderm, the earliest step of metanephric kidney development and the molecular mechanisms controlling Gdnf expression are essentially unknown. Previous studies have shown that a loss of Eya 1 function leads to renal agenesis that is a likely result of failure of metanephric induction. The studies presented here demonstrate that Eya 1 specifies the metanephric blastema within the intermediate mesoderm at the caudal end of the nephrogenic cord. In contrast to its specific roles in metanephric development, Eya 1 appears dispensable for the formation of nephric duct and mesonephric tubules. Using a combination of null and hypomorphic Eya 1 mutants, we now demonstrated that approximately 20% of normal Eya 1 protein level is sufficient for establishing the metanephric blastema and inducing the ureteric bud formation but not for its normal branching. Using Eya 1, Gdnf, Six 1 and Pax 2 mutant mice, we show that Eya 1 probably functions at the top of the genetic hierarchy controlling kidney organogenesis and it acts in combination with Six 1 and Pax 2 to regulate Gdnf expression during UB outgrowth and branching. These findings uncover an essential function for Eya 1 as a critical determination factor in acquiring metanephric fate within the intermediate mesoderm and as a key regulator of Gdnf expression during ureteric induction and branching morphogenesis.  相似文献   

FGF signaling is required during multiple stages of inner ear development in many different vertebrates, where it is involved in induction of the otic placode, in formation and morphogenesis of the otic vesicle as well as for cellular differentiation within the sensory epithelia. In this study we have looked to define the redundant and conserved roles of FGF3, FGF8 and FGF10 during the development of the murine and avian inner ear. In the mouse, hindbrain-derived FGF10 ectopically induces FGF8 and rescues otic vesicle formation in Fgf3 and Fgf10 homozygous double mutants. Conditional inactivation of Fgf8 after induction of the placode does not interfere with otic vesicle formation and morphogenesis but affects cellular differentiation in the inner ear. In contrast, inactivation of Fgf8 during induction of the placode in a homozygous Fgf3 null background leads to a reduced size otic vesicle or the complete absence of otic tissue. This latter phenotype is more severe than the one observed in mutants carrying null mutations for both Fgf3 and Fgf10 that develop microvesicles. However, FGF3 and FGF10 are redundantly required for morphogenesis of the otic vesicle and the formation of semicircular ducts. In the chicken embryo, misexpression of Fgf3 in the hindbrain induces ectopic otic vesicles in vivo. On the other hand, Fgf3 expression in the hindbrain or pharyngeal endoderm is required for formation of the otic vesicle from the otic placode. Together these results provide important insights into how the spatial and temporal expression of various FGFs controls different steps of inner ear formation during vertebrate development.  相似文献   

Previous studies have suggested a role of the homeodomain Six family proteins in patterning the developing vertebrate head that involves appropriate segmentation of three tissue layers, the endoderm, the paraxial mesoderm and the neural crest cells; however, the developmental programs and mechanisms by which the Six genes act in the pharyngeal endoderm remain largely unknown. Here, we examined their roles in pharyngeal pouch development. Six1-/- mice lack thymus and parathyroid and analysis of Six1-/- third pouch endoderm demonstrated that the patterning of the third pouch into thymus/parathyroid primordia is initiated. However, the endodermal cells of the thymus/parathyroid rudiments fail to maintain the expression of the parathyroid-specific gene Gcm2 and the thymus-specific gene Foxn1 and subsequently undergo abnormal apoptosis, leading to a complete disappearance of organ primordia by E12.5. This thus defines the thymus/parathyroid defects present in the Six1 mutant. Analyses of the thymus/parathyroid development in Six1-/-;Six4-/- double mutant show that both Six1 and Six4 act synergistically to control morphogenetic movements of early thymus/parathyroid tissues, and the threshold of Six1/Six4 appears to be crucial for the regulation of the organ primordia-specific gene expression. Previous studies in flies and mice suggested that Eya and Six genes may function downstream of Pax genes. Our data clearly show that Eya1 and Six1 expression in the pouches does not require Pax1/Pax9 function, suggesting that they may function independently from Pax1/Pax9. In contrast, Pax1 expression in all pharyngeal pouches requires both Eya1 and Six1 function. Moreover, we show that the expression of Tbx1, Fgf8 and Wnt5b in the pouch endoderm was normal in Six1-/- embryos and slightly reduced in Six1-/-;Six4-/- double mutant, but was largely reduced in Eya1-/- embryos. These results indicate that Eya1 appears to be upstream of very early events in the initiation of thymus/parathyroid organogenesis, while Six genes appear to act in an early differentiation step during thymus/parathyroid morphogenesis. Together, these analyses establish an essential role for Eya1 and Six genes in patterning the third pouch into organ-specific primordia.  相似文献   

To understand the molecular basis of sensory organ development and disease, we have cloned and characterized the zebrafish mutation dog-eared (dog) that is defective in formation of the inner ear and lateral line sensory systems. The dog locus encodes the eyes absent-1 (eya1) gene and single point mutations were found in three independent dog alleles, each prematurely truncating the expressed protein within the Eya domain. Moreover, morpholino-mediated knockdown of eya1 gene function phenocopies the dog-eared mutation. In zebrafish, the eya1 gene is widely expressed in placode-derived sensory organs during embryogenesis but Eya1 function appears to be primarily required for survival of sensory hair cells in the developing ear and lateral line neuromasts. Increased levels of apoptosis occur in the migrating primordia of the posterior lateral line in dog embryos and as well as in regions of the developing otocyst that are mainly fated to give rise to sensory cells of the cristae. Importantly, mutation of the EYA1 or EYA4 gene causes hereditary syndromic deafness in humans. Determination of eya gene function during zebrafish organogenesis will facilitate understanding the molecular etiology of human vestibular and hearing disorders.  相似文献   

Vertebrate inner ear develops from its rudiment, otic placode, which later forms otic vesicle and gives rise to tissues comprising the entire inner ear. Although several signaling molecules have been identified as candidates responsible for inner ear specification and patterning, many details remain elusive. Here, we report that Paraxial Protocadherin (PAPC) is required for otic vesicle formation in Xenopus embryos. PAPC is expressed strictly in presumptive otic placode and later in otic vesicle during inner ear morphogenesis. Knockdown of PAPC by dominant-negative PAPC results in the failure of otic vesicle formation and the loss of early inner ear markers Sox9 and Tbx2, suggesting the requirement of PAPC in the early stage of otic vesicle development. However, PAPC alone is not sufficient to induce otic placode formation.  相似文献   

Tbx1 has been implicated as a candidate gene responsible for defective pharyngeal arch remodeling in DiGeorge/Velocardiofacial syndrome. Tbx1(+/-) mice mimic aspects of the DiGeorge phenotype with variable penetrance, and null mice display severe pharyngeal hypoplasia. Here, we identify enhancer elements in the Tbx1 gene that are conserved through evolution and mediate tissue-specific expression. We describe the generation of transgenic mice that utilize these enhancer elements to direct Cre recombinase expression in endogenous Tbx1 expression domains. We use these Tbx1-Cre mice to fate map Tbx1-expressing precursors and identify broad regions of mesoderm, including early cardiac mesoderm, which are derived from Tbx1-expressing cells. We test the hypothesis that fibroblast growth factor 8 (Fgf8) functions downstream of Tbx1 by performing tissue-specific inactivation of Fgf8 using Tbx1-Cre mice. Resulting newborn mice display DiGeorge-like congenital cardiovascular defects that involve the outflow tract of the heart. Vascular smooth muscle differentiation in the great vessels is disrupted. This data is consistent with a model in which Tbx1 induces Fgf8 expression in the pharyngeal endoderm, which is subsequently required for normal cardiovascular morphogenesis and smooth muscle differentiation in the aorta and pulmonary artery.  相似文献   

Fgf8 and Tbx1 have been shown to interact in patterning the aortic arch, and both genes are required in formation and growth of the outflow tract of the heart. However, the nature of the interaction of the two genes is unclear. We have utilized a novel Tbx1(Fgf8) allele which drives Fgf8 expression in Tbx1-positive cells and an inducible Cre-LoxP recombination system to address the role of Fgf8 in Tbx1 positive cells in modulating cardiovascular development. Results support a requirement of Fgf8 in Tbx1 expressing cells to finely control patterning of the aortic arch and great arteries specifically during the pharyngeal arch artery remodeling process and indicate that the endoderm is the most likely site of this interaction. Furthermore, our data suggest that Fgf8 and Tbx1 play independent roles in regulating outflow tract development. This finding is clinically relevant since TBX1 is the candidate for DGS/VCFS, characterized clinically by variable expressivity and reduced penetrance of cardiovascular defects; Fgf8 gene variants may provide molecular clues to this variability.  相似文献   

Genes of the Eya family and of the Six1/2 subfamily are expressed throughout development of vertebrate cranial placodes and are required for their differentiation into ganglia and sense organs. How they regulate placodal neurogenesis, however, remains unclear. Through loss of function studies in Xenopus we show that Eya1 and Six1 are required for neuronal differentiation in all neurogenic placodes. The effects of overexpression of Eya1 or Six1 are dose dependent. At higher levels, Eya1 and Six1 expand the expression of SoxB1 genes (Sox2, Sox3), maintain cells in a proliferative state and block expression of neuronal determination and differentiation genes. At lower levels, Eya1 and Six1 promote neuronal differentiation, acting downstream of and/or parallel to Ngnr1. Our findings suggest that Eya1 and Six1 are required for both the regulation of placodal neuronal progenitor proliferation, through their effects on SoxB1 expression, and subsequent neuronal differentiation.  相似文献   

Loss of Hoxa1 function results in severe defects of the brainstem, inner ear, and cranial ganglia in humans and mice as well as cardiovascular abnormalities in humans. Because Hoxa1 is expressed very transiently during an early embryonic stage, it has been difficult to determine whether Hoxa1 plays a direct role in the precursors of the affected organs or if all defects result from indirect effects due to mispatterning of the hindbrain. In this study we use a Hoxa1-IRES-Cre mouse to genetically label the early Hoxa1-expressing cells and determine their contribution to each of the affected organs, allowing us to conclude in which precursor tissue Hoxa1 is expressed. We found Hoxa1 lineage-labeled cells in all tissues expected to be derived from the Hoxa1 domain, such as the facial and abducens nuclei and nerves as well as r4 neural crest cells. In addition, we detected the lineage in derivatives that were not thought to have expressed Hoxa1 during development. In the brainstem, the anterior border of the lineage was found to be in r3, which is more anterior than previously reported. We also observed an interesting pattern of the lineage in the inner ear, namely a strong contribution to the otic epithelium with the exception of sensory patches. Moreover, lineage-labeled cells were detected in the atria and outflow tract of the developing heart. In conclusion, Hoxa1 lineage tracing uncovered new domains of Hoxa1 expression in rhombomere 3, the otic epithelium, and cardiac precursors, suggesting a more direct role for Hoxa1 in development of these tissues than previously believed.  相似文献   

Regional differentiation along the dorsoventral (DV) axis of the Drosophila embryo primarily depends on a graded BMP signaling activity generated by Decapentaplegic (Dpp) and Screw (Scw). We have identified triplicated Dpp and Scw target genes Dorsocross1, 2 and 3 (Doc1, 2, 3) that have a conserved T-box domain related to the vertebrate Tbx6 subfamily and act redundantly to induce dorsal structures. Doc genes are expressed in the dorsal region in the early blastoderm. After gastrulation, newly expressed Doc appears in a segmental pattern in the ectoderm. This expression correlates spatially with the second phase of Dpp expression in the ectoderm. Doc expression in the early blastoderm is abolished in either dpp or scw mutant embryos, whereas the ectodermal segmented expression depends only on Dpp. Inactivation of Doc genes with RNAi dramatically affected the development of amnioserosa and wing disc primordia, both of which depend on high levels of BMP signaling, although leg disc primordium, which depends on low levels of BMP, remained intact. Doc1 mRNA expressed in Xenopus embryos induced ventral mesoderm, suppressed activin-induced events and induced Xvent genes, which are analogous to the effects of native Tbx6 and its upstream regulator, BMP-4. These results suggest that the Tbx6 subfamily act in the BMP signaling pathway required for embryonic patterning in both animals.  相似文献   

Genome-wide epigenetic reprogramming is required for successful preimplantation development. Inappropriate or deficient chromatin regulation can result in defective lineage specification and loss of genomic imprinting, compromising normal development. Here we report that two members of the RNA polymerase II associated factor, homolog (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) complex (PAF1 complex) components, Ctr9 and Rtf1, are required during mammalian preimplantation development. We demonstrate that Ctr9-deficient embryos fail to correctly specify lineages at the blastocyst stage. Expression of some lineage specific factors is markedly reduced in Ctr9 knockdown embryos, including Eomes, Elf5 and Sox2, while others are inappropriately expressed (Oct4, Nanog, Gata6, Fgf4 and Sox17). We also show that several imprinted genes (Mest, Peg3, Snrpn and Meg3) are aberrantly expressed although allele specific DNA methylation is not altered. We document a loss of histone H3 lysine 36 trimethylation (H3K36me3) in Ctr9-deficient embryos and confirm that knockdown of either Setd2 or Rtf1 results in similar phenotypes. These findings show that the PAF1 complex is required for mammalian development, likely through regulation of H3K36me3, and indicate functional conservation of the PAF1 complex from yeast to mammals in vivo.  相似文献   

The vertebrate inner ear develops from an ectodermal placode adjacent to rhombomeres 4 to 6 of the segmented hindbrain. The placode then transforms into a vesicle and becomes regionalised along its anteroposterior, dorsoventral and mediolateral axes. To investigate the role of hindbrain signals in instructing otic vesicle regionalisation, we analysed ear development in zebrafish mutants for vhnf1, a gene expressed in the caudal hindbrain during otic induction and regionalisation. We show that, in vhnf1 homozygous embryos, the patterning of the otic vesicle is affected along both the anteroposterior and dorsoventral axes. First, anterior gene expression domains are either expanded along the whole anteroposterior axis of the vesicle or duplicated in the posterior region. Second, the dorsal domain is severely reduced, and cell groups normally located ventrally are shifted dorsally, sometimes forming a single dorsal patch along the whole AP extent of the otic vesicle. Third, and probably as a consequence, the size and organization of the sensory and neurogenic epithelia are disturbed. These results demonstrate that, in zebrafish, signals from the hindbrain control the patterning of the otic vesicle, not only along the anteroposterior axis, but also, as in amniotes, along the dorsoventral axis. They suggest that, despite the evolution of inner ear structure and function, some of the mechanisms underlying the regionalisation of the otic vesicle in fish and amniotes have been conserved.  相似文献   

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