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Major components of polar lipids of halophilic phototrophic Ectothiorhodospira species were PG, CL, PC and PE. PA was only present in minor amounts. According to 14C-incorporation, polar lipids approximated to 75%–93% of the total lipid carbon. With increasing salinity, a strong increase in the portion of PG and a decrease in that of PE (especially in Ectothiorhodospira mobilis BN 9903) and CL (especially in E. halophila strains) were observed. Moreover, there was a significant increase in the excess negative charges of phospholipids upon increasing medium salinity. This increase was most dramatic in the slightly halophilic E. mobilis BN 9903, but quantitatively less important in both strains of E. halophila which had, however, a higher percentage of negative charges of their lipids. During salt-shift experiments, E. halophila BN 9630 responded to suddenly increased salinity by promoting the biosynthesis of PG and decreasing that of PC, CL and PE. Upon dilution stress, responses were reversed and resulted in a strong increase in PE biosynthesis. The effects of lipid charges and bilayer forming forces in stabilizing the membranes of Ectothiorhodospira species during salt stress are discussed.Abbreviations PC phosphatidylcholine - PG, PG-1, PG-2 phosphatidylglycerol - CL, CL-1, Cl-2 cardiolipin - PE phosphatidylethanol-amine - PA phosphatidic acid - NL nonpolar lipids - ori origin - TLC thin layer chromatography  相似文献   

Sarcina marina (NCMB 778) grew over the temperature range 20–45°C but no growth was recorded at 15°C or 50°C. At the optimum growth temperature of 34°C the doubling time was 14.5 h.The major polar lipid components, tentatively identified as the diether analogues of phosphatidyl glycerophosphate (PGP), phosphatidyl glycerol (PG), diglycosyl diglyceride (DGD) and triglycosyl diglyceride (TGD), and the major neutral lipid components, tentatively identified as squalene, dihydrosqualene, tetrahydrosqualene, vitamin MK8, geranyl geraniol and di-O-phytanyl glycerol, are identical to those found in other extremely halophilic rods and cocci.The total lipid content varied with growth conditions from 0.6 – 3.2% of the dry cell weight, polar lipids accounted for between 94.3 and 83.6% of the total lipid, the remainder being neutral lipid.In response to both the transition from exponential to stationary phase and a reduction of 14°C in growth temperature, batch cultures showed: (i) an increase in total lipid content; (ii) a decrease in PG and (iii) an increase in PGP. Specific responses to the temperature decrease were (i) increased total lipid content; (ii) no decrease in neutral lipids in stationary phase; (iii) marked reduction in PG and (iv) raised DGD. (i) and (ii) could be mechanisms for increasing membrane fluidity.In common with all other extreme halophiles investigated the alkyl side chains of S. marina polar lipids were identified as the phytanyl (3R, 7R, 11R, 15-tetramethylhexadecyl) group. Its structure did not appear to vary with temperature so that the normal mechanisms for modifying the structure of lipid alkyl side chains to modulate membrane fluidity in response to temperature changes probably does not occur in this group of microorganisms.  相似文献   

Cetacean integument serves many functional roles, including contribution to whole body buoyancy. The blubber of the integument of different cetacean species contains varying concentrations of triacylglycerols (TAG) and wax esters (WE); generally, these lipid classes have different densities. Integument can also experience a wide range of temperatures during a dive, so its density may change with depth. The goals of this study were to measure integument density and isolated blubber lipid density in three deep‐diving odontocete species (n = 3–4)—short‐finned pilot whales (Globicephala macrorhynchus), pygmy sperm whales (Kogia breviceps), and Gervais' beaked whales (Mesoplodon europeaus)—at different temperatures (6°C–35°C), and to relate these densities to lipid content and composition. Kogia and Mesoplodon integument and isolated lipids had high WE content (78.7–99.5 wt%) and were less dense (by 1.7%–9.3%) than those of Globicephala, which were composed predominately of TAG. Generally, densities increased as temperature decreased. Changes in integument densities mirrored those of isolated lipid densities, suggesting that blubber lipids are largely responsible for the buoyant properties of cetacean integument. These data demonstrate that the contribution of the integument to whole body density depends on lipid class and temperature, and therefore may provide useful, species‐specific correction factors for diving energetics models.  相似文献   

We have examined as a function of temperature the effect of changes in the composition of the fatty acid chains of membrane phospholipids on the rate of cell to cell adhesion in the neuronal cell line B103. The rate of cell to cell adhesion in this cell line is highly temperature dependent but is not influenced by changes in the fatty acid composition of the plasma membrane generated by growing the cells either in the presence of oleic acid or elaidic acid. In contrast the temperature dependence of the rate of cell to cell adhesion, measured in a monolayer adhesion assay, is highly dependent on the shear force used during the assay. A two-step model of cell to cell adhesion involving multiple adhesion ligands is presented which can be used to explain these observations.  相似文献   

Cultivation temperature is one of the major factors affecting the growth and lipid accumulation of microalgae. In this study, the effects of temperature on the growth, lipid content, fatty acid composition and biodiesel properties of the marine microalgae Chaetoceros sp. FIKU035, Tetraselmis suecica FIKU032 and Nannochloropsis sp. FIKU036 were investigated. These species were cultured at different temperatures (25, 30, 35 and 40 °C). The results showed that the specific growth rate, biomass and lipid content of all microalgae decreased with increasing temperature. With regards to fatty acids, the presence of saturated fatty acids (SFAs) in T. suecica FIKU032 and Nannochloropsis sp. FIKU036 decreased with increasing temperature, in contrast with polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). Moreover, Chaetoceros sp. FIKU035 was the only species that could grow at 40 °C. The highest lipid productivity was observed in Chaetoceros sp. FIKU035 when cultivated at 25 °C (66.73 ± 1.34 mg L?1 day?1) and 30 °C (61.35 ± 2.89 mg L?1 day?1). Moreover, the biodiesel properties (cetane number, cold filter plugging point, kinematic viscosity and density) of the lipids obtained from this species were in accordance with biodiesel standards. This study indicated that Chaetoceros sp. FIKU035 can be considered as a suitable species for biodiesel production in outdoor cultivation.  相似文献   

The effect of temperature on lipid-n-alkane interactions in lipid bilayers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The relationship between age-related alterations in the lipid composition of cultured rat-heart fibroblasts and several biochemical and biophysical parameters was investigated. Aged (14-15-day-old) cultures displayed higher mole ratios of sphingomyelin to phosphatidylcholine, as well as elevated cholesterol levels. A concomitant increase was observed in the total protein content of the cells and in the Vmax values of both membranal and cytoplasmic marker enzymes. Fluorescence photobleaching recovery was employed to study the lateral mobility of the lipid probe NBD-phosphatidylethanolamine and of membrane glycoproteins that bind succinylated concanavalin A. The mobile fractions of both probes were higher in aged cultures, while the lateral diffusion coefficients were lower. To further demonstrate the dependence of the above parameters on the cellular lipid composition, we have manipulated the lipid composition of old cultures by treatments with liposomes (small unilamellar vesicles) of specific compositions. Treatments which reversed the lipid composition towards that of young (5-6-day-old) cultures caused a concomitant reversal of the measured biochemical and biophysical parameters to the values observed in young cultures. These findings suggest that alterations in the organization and mobility of cell membrane constituents are involved in mediating changes in cellular functions. In view of our previous findings on cultures of rat-heart myocytes (Yechiel, E., Barenholz, Y. and Henis, Y.I. (1985) J. Biol. Chem. 260, 9132-9136), it appears that the modulation of cellular properties through the membrane lipid composition may be a general phenomenon in many cell types.  相似文献   

The effects of lipid composition on the relaxivity of gadolinium-diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (Gd-DTPA) entrapped in lipid vesicles has been examined for vesicles of different sizes composed of egg phosphatidylcholine and cholesterol in various molar ratios, as well as the stability of those same vesicles in human serum at 37 degrees C. It is found that the incorporation of cholesterol decreases the apparent relaxivity of the entrapped Gd-DTPA, concomitant with an increase in vesicle stability in serum. Cholesterol has little effect on relaxivity when incorporated at ratios up to 20 mole percent, but has an increasing effect at higher mole percentages. These results correlate with the known effects of cholesterol on the osmotic water permeability coefficients of various model membrane systems and suggest that it is the water flux across the vesicle bilayer that is limiting to the T1 relaxivity of the entrapped Gd-DTPA. The incorporation of up to 20 mole percent cholesterol has little effect on the stability of the vesicles in serum, whereas vesicles containing more than 20 mole percent cholesterol show greater increases in stability. It was also found that the stability of vesicles depends upon the size of the vesicles; smaller vesicles are less stable in human serum at 37 degrees C than larger vesicles.  相似文献   

We have systematically investigated the effect of variations in growth temperature, fatty acid composition and cholesterol content on the membrane lipid polar headgroup composition of Acholeplasma laidlawii B. Two important lipid compositional parameters have been determined from such an analysis. The first parameter studied was the ratio of the two major neutral glycolipids of this organism, monoglucosyldiacylglycerol (MGDG) and diglucosyldiacylglycerol (DGDG). As the former lipid prefers to exist in a reversed hexagonal phase at higher temperatures, with unsaturated fatty acyl chains or in the presence of cholesterol, the ratio of these two lipids reflects the phase state preference of the total A. laidlawii membrane lipids. Although we find that the MGDG/DGDG ratio is reduced in response to an increase in fatty acid unsaturation, increases in growth temperature or cholesterol content reduce this ratio only in cells enriched in a saturated but not an unsaturated fatty acid. The second parameter studied was the ratio of these neutral glycolipids to the only phosphatide in the A. laidlawii membrane, phosphatidylglycerol (PG); this parameter reflects the relative balance of uncharged and charged lipids in the membrane of this organism. We find that the MGDG + DGDG/PG ratio is lowest in cells enriched in the saturated fatty acid even though these cells already have the highest lipid bilayer surface charge density. Moreover, this ratio is not consistently related to growth temperature or changes in cholesterol levels, as expected. We therefore conclude that A. laidlawii strain B, apparently unlike strain A, does not possess coherent regulatory mechanisms for maintaining either the phase preference or the surface charge density of its membrane lipid constant in response to variations in growth temperature, fatty acid composition or cholesterol content.  相似文献   

Lin TH  Huang HB  Wei HA  Shiao SH  Chen YC 《Biopolymers》2005,78(4):179-186
The present study investigated the effect of temperature and lipid/peptide molar ratio on the conformational changes of the membrane peptide gramicidin A from a double-stranded helix to a single-stranded helical dimmer in 1,2-dimyristoyl-glycerol-3-phosphochloine (DMPC) vesicles. Tryptophan fluorescence spectroscopy results suggested that the conformational transition fitted a three-state (two-step) "folding" model. Rate constants, k(1) and k(2), were determined for each of the two steps. Since k(1) and k(2) increased with an increase in temperature, we hypothesized that the process corresponded to the breakage and formation of the backbone hydrogen bonds. The k(1) was from 10 to 45 folds faster than k(2), except for lipid/peptide molar ratios above 89.21, where k(2) increased rapidly. At molar ratios below 89.21, k(2) was insensitive to changes in lipid concentration. To account for this phenomenon, we proposed that while the driving interaction at high molar ratios is between the indole rings of the tryptophan residues and the lipid head groups, at low molar ratios there may be an intermolecular interaction between the tryptophan residues that causes gramicidin A to form an organized aggregated network. This aggregated network, caused by the tryptophan-tryptophan interaction, may be the main effect responsible for the slow down of the conformation change.  相似文献   

Cell suspension cultures of Catharanthus roseus were used to study the effect of temperature on plant cell lipids and indole alkaloid accumulation. Lowering the cultivation temperature increased the total fatty acid content per cell dry weight relative to that at higher temperatures, mainly because of increased accumulation of unsaturated C18 acids. In addition, an increase in the relative proportion of phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine was observed. Within individual lipids, the degree of unsaturation was increased and the mean fatty acid chain length decreased with reducing temperature. These changes may be interpreted as modifying the cell membrane fluidity to keep it optimal for growth and metabolism at each temperature. In spite of membrane modifications, the indole alkaloid content of the cells or the medium was not affected by temperature change.Abbreviations 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - PC phosphatidylcholine - PE phosphatidylethanolamine - PI phosphatidylinositol - PS phosphatidylserine - PG phosphatidylglycerol - CL cardiolipin - DGD digalactosyldiglyceride - MGD monogalactosyldiglyceride - NL neutral lipids - DU degree of fatty acid unsaturation - TLC thin-layer chromatography - FID-GC flame ionisation detector-gas chromatography - dw dry weight  相似文献   

The composition of the ether lipids of a strain of Caldariella acidophila, with respect to the different numbers of cyclizations of the biphytanyl components, is shown to differ between the various complex lipid classes, but the degree of cyclization increases systematically with the growth temperature in the range 75–89°. The problem of distinguishing adaptive from phyletic features in archaebacterial lipids is considered.  相似文献   

Effect of growth temperature on lipid composition of Streptococcus faecium   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The effect of growth temperature on the lipid and fatty acid composition of Streptococcus faecium has been studied. No differences in the qualitative composition of S. faecium lipids were observed. In all isolated fractions (neutral lipids, glycolipids, and phospholipids plus other polar lipids), the major fatty acids were palmitic (C-16:0), palmitoleic (C-16:1), octadecenoic (C-18:1), and cyclopropane (C-19:0). Changes in the fatty acid composition of the different fractions were observed which depended on growth temperature; the most significant one was the decrease of octadecenoic acid and the increase of palmitic acid in glycolipids and polar lipids as the temperature increased. The level of cyclopropane C-19:0 was approximately eightfold lower at 8 degrees C than at the other temperatures tested (20, 30, and 45 degrees C).  相似文献   

We have examined as a function of temperature the effect of changes in the composition of the fatty acid chains of membrane phospholipids on the rate of cell to cell adhesion in the neuronal cell line B103. The rate of cell to cell adhesion in this cell line is highly temperature dependent but is not influenced by changes in the fatty acid composition of the plasma membrane generated by growing the cells either in the presence of oleic acid or elaidic acid. In contrast the temperature dependence of the rate of cell to cell adhesion, measured in a monolayer adhesion assay, is highly dependent on the shear force used during the assay. A two-step model of cell to cell adhesion involving multiple adhesion ligands is presented which can be used to explain these observations.  相似文献   

Liposomes have been partitioned in aqueous two-phase systems consisting of water, dextran, poly(ethylene glycol), salt and buffer. Liposomes were used as a model system in order to determine the contribution of the lipids on the partition of membrane particles. The liposomes were composed of phospholipids with different polar head groups and different degrees of unsaturation. The role of cholesterol was also investigated.The polar head group of the phospholipid plays a dominant role in determining the partition of liposomes, while the degree of unsaturation is of less importance, thereby indicating that partition in two-phase systems is a surface dependent method. Incorporation of cholesterol in liposomes reduces differences in partition between liposomes of various composition.  相似文献   

Following a control period of 5 weeks, 3 female cats with chronic gastric and duodenal fistulae were given 37.5 micrograms of the progestin D-norgestrel for 15 weeks. The study was continued for 8 weeks after withdrawal of treatment. Bile was collected via the duodenal fistula at 7-10 day intervals. During treatment the combined molar percentage of biliary cholesterol of all cats (4.2 +/- 0.4, n = 34) was significantly lower than during the control period (8.2 +/- 1.3, n = 11) [P = 0.001], and remained depressed after treatment withdrawal (5.5 +/- 1.0, n = 11) [P = 0.02]. The molar percentage of phospholipids remained unchanged in all animals, and that of total bile acids increased during treatment in one animal. As assessed by triangular coordinate plotting, the bile of each animal became less saturated with cholesterol during norgestrel administration. These results support the concept that the oestrogen component may be a major factor in the development of increased biliary cholesterol saturation in users of mixed-type oral contraceptives.  相似文献   

This study was designed to examine the effect of thermal acclimation on the lipid composition of fat depot organs the liver and kidneys of larval sea lamprey, Petromyzon marinus. We found that 21 °C-acclimated larvae possessed lower total lipid amounts in the liver (39% lower) and kidneys (30% lower) than 13 °C-acclimated larvae. Relatively lower lipid contents in the liver and kidneys of 21 °C-acclimated lamprey primarily resulted from a reduction in stored lipid reserve, triacylglycerol, but not the structural lipid, phospholipid. Compared to 21 °C-acclimated larvae, 13 °C-acclimated larvae were found to possess fewer saturated fatty acids (SFAs) and more unsaturated fatty acids (USFAs) in renal triacylglycerol and phospholipid classes, while there were no significant differences in the SFAs and USFAs of hepatic triacylglycerol, phospholipid, cholesteryl ester, fatty acid, and monoacylglycerol classes. Fewer SFAs, found in the kidney triacylglycerol of 13 °C-acclimated lamprey, were due to lower 12:0 and 14:0 fatty acids, but those in the renal phospholipid class were characterized by fewer 14:0, 15:0, and 16:0 fatty acids. More USFAs in renal triacylglycerol, as indicated by a higher unsaturation index, primarily resulted from higher polyunsaturated fatty acids (18:2ω6, 18:3ω3, and 18:4ω3); whereas, in the renal phospholipid class, this was a result of higher monoenes (18:1, 20:1, and 22:1ω9) and ω3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (18:4ω3). These data suggest that the influence of thermal acclimation on the lipid composition of lamprey fat depot organs depends on tissue and lipid class.  相似文献   

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