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The purpose of this study was to determine the morphological, morphometrical, karyological and palynological features of the endemic Centaurea kurdica Reichardt species from East Anatolian region. Some morphological features of the species like morphology of capitula, involucra, involucral leaves (phyllaries) and achene have been investigated. The chromosome number of Centaurea kurdica was found as 2n = 18 and haploid karyotype formula 6m+2sm+1M. Metaphase chromosome length ranged from 5.81 to 3.91 μm and the total haploid chromosome length was 41.09 μm. The results of the light microscope investigation of pollen revealed that it is radially symmetrical, isopolar tricolporate and has spheroid-type pollen, and exine ornamentation was also determined as scabrate.  相似文献   

Knowledge of pistachio genetic diversity is necessary for the formulation of appropriate management strategies for the conservation of these species. We analysed amplified fragment length polymorphisms in a total of 216 pistachio accessions, which included seven populations from three wild species (Pistacia vera, Pistacia khinjuk and Pistacia atlantica subsp. kurdica) and most of the important cultivars from Iran, together with some foreign cultivars. High levels of genetic diversity were detected within the Iranian cultivars, and they showed a clear separation from foreign cultivars, as revealed by unweighted pair group method with arithmetic averaging and supported by analysis of molecular variance. The lowest amount of polymorphism was observed in P. atlantica subsp. kurdica, which showed the lowest number of total bands as compared to the other species. This revealed strong genetic erosion of P. atlantica subsp. kurdica, which reflected a severe decline in habitat and over-exploitation. Based on these findings, strategies are proposed for the genetic conservation and management of pistachio species and cultivars.  相似文献   

Pollen morphology of 10 taxa from Turkey, four of them endemic, belonging to the genus Petrorhagia (Caryophyllaceae), P. alpina subsp. alpina, P. alpina subsp. olympica, P. cretica, P. dubia, P. hispidula, P. lycica, P. pamphylica, P. peroninii, P. prolifera and P. saxifraga, has been investigated using light (LM) and scanning electron (SEM) microscopy. Pollen morphology differences among these taxa have been determined. The pollen type of investigated taxa is polyporate (12–22-porate), sphaeroidal, the exine exhibits a tectate structure and a microechinate ornamentation. Petrorhagia alpina subsp. alpina has the smallest pollen grain diameter (18.57 μm) and P. dubia the largest one (37.80 μm). The number of pores ranges from 12 (in P. dubia and P. saxifraga) to 22 (in P. alpina subsp. alpina and P. alpina subsp. olympica and P. hispidula) with a minimum pore diameter of 2.37 μm in P. alpina subsp. alpina and a maximum pore diameter of 4.23 μm in P. peroninii. The exine thickness ranges from 1.73 μm in P. saxifraga to 3.78 μm in P. pamphylica. In this study, the systematic implications are discussed in the light of palynological results.  相似文献   

Although aerobiological data are often used in phenological research as an indicator of flowering, airborne pollen concentrations are influenced by a number of factors that could affect pollen curves. This paper reports on a study of various aspects of reproductive biology in Q. ilex subsp. ballota, together with environmental factors influencing pollen release and transport, with a view of achieving reliable interpretation of Quercus pollen curves in Ourense (NW Spain). Aerobiological data were recorded from 2002 to 2004 at two sites in the province of Ourense. From 1st February to the end of the flowering period, phenological observations were carried out on 19 trees from the Q. ilex subsp. ballota population found in the Ourense area. Pollen production was calculated for the same trees. The chilling and heating requirements for triggering development were also calculated. The mean flowering period lasted 11-15 days. Reduced pollen output per catkin and, especially, a reduced number of catkins per tree in 2003 and 2004, prompted a marked decline in overall pollen production. Major differences observed in Q. ilex subsp. ballota pollen curves were attributed to the considerable influence both of weather conditions during pollination and pollen production. In years with high pollen production and weather conditions favouring pollen release, Q. ilex subsp. ballota contributed almost 10% to the total Quercus pollen curve. Around 20% of the pollen trapped was captured before or after flowering periods.  相似文献   

Embryo rescue technique was used successfully to produce interspecific hybrids by crossing peach (P. persica) as a female parent with apricot (P. armeniaca) and plum (P. salicica). In those crosses that had ‘Yuhualu’ or ‘Zhonghuashoutao’ as female parents, hybrid embryos aborted from the 7th or 8th week after pollination mainly due to post-pollination incompatibility. An embryo rescue protocol was established to rescue such embryos and recover hybrid plants. Modified half-strength MS medium containing 4 mg l−1 6-BA and 0.5 mg l−1 IBA produced up to 90% germination in the embryos. Modified MS medium with 1.0 mg l−1 6-BA and 1.0 mg l−1 IBA gave the highest bud induction and multiplication whereas modified MS medium containing 0.5 mg l−1 IAA and 0.2 mg l−1 NAA gave the best rooting percentage. All the hybrids obtained using this embryo rescue technique were verified using simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. A series of pollen treatments were carried out to partially overcome pre-pollination incompatibility, and it was found accidentally that pollen treatment with electrostatic field not only improved pollen germination but also increased the multiplication coefficient of embryo-induced shoots.  相似文献   

The pollen morphology of six species ofKeiskea and three representative taxa ofCollinsonia was studied in detail using LM, SEM, and TEM. In both genera, pollen grains are monad, hexa-colpate, and mostly medium in size [P = 28.0 to 37.0 μm, E = 24.3 to 30.7 μm (Keiskea); P = 30.0 to 45.0 μm, E = 26.0 to 39.0 μm (Collinsonia)]. Polar outlines are of circular or ellipsoid form. Shapes range from primarily oblate-spheroidal to prolate-spheroidal to subprolate, and rarely prolate in the equatorial view. Their exine, including the inline characters, are clearly distinct from each other:Keiskea, well-developed bi-reticulate, often forming large lumina by supratectal ridges, unbranched columellae, one-third to one-half of the total exine thickness; versusCollinsonia, mostly perforate without supratectal ridges or a faint/very weak bi-reticulate appearance without supratectal ridges, seemingly branched columellae, ca. two-thirds of the total exine thickness. As demonstrated by these current data, the pollen morphology of the two genera is well distinguished, easily supporting the separation ofKeiskea fromCollinsonia.  相似文献   

The karyotypes of diploidP. fragilis subsp.villosus (2n = 2x = 14) and tetraploid subsp.secaliformis (2n = 4x = 28) were studied by Giemsa C- and N-banding, and AgNO3 staining and compared with the karyotype of subsp.fragilis (2x). The complements of subsp.villosus and subsp.fragilis were similar, with 8 metacentric and 6 SAT-chromosomes, one metacentric and two submetacentric pairs, with small to minute, polymorphic, heterochromatic satellites. The complement of subsp.secaliformis on the whole agreed with a doubling of the complement of diploidP. fragilis, suggesting autopolyploidy. Only the presence of 12 nucleoli in interphases identified 6 SAT-chromosome pairs. In subsp.villosus one or two extra micronucleoli indicated a chromosome pair with very low nucleolusforming activity, bringing the number of SAT-chromosome pairs to 4. This number may be a characteristc ofPsathyrostachys. Besides very small, inconsistently observed bands, the C-banding pattern consisted of 0–3 small bands per chromosome at intercalary and terminal locations, and at NORs. The level of banding pattern polymorphism was low, but enough to indicate that the taxa are outbreeders. Similarities in chromosome morphology and C-banding patterns identified homology of all chromosomes of subsp.villosus, but for 12 pairs only in subsp.secaliformis. Between plants, reliable identification of homology and homoeology (subsp.secaliformis) was possible only for the SAT-chromosomes and the shortest metacentrics. Chromocentres were very small and the amount of constitutive heterochromatin was low. N-banding stained chromosomes uniformly. The basic karyotypes of theP. fragilis taxa were similar to those ofP. juncea, P. lanuginosa, andP. stoloniformis supporting a close relationship and the presence of a common genome, N. NORs had different nucleolus-forming activities. Meiotic analysis demonstrated a high level of bivalent pairing in the three taxa. A chromosomal rearrangement was suggested in subsp.villosus. The low multivalent frequency in subsp.secaliformis indicates the presence of a pairing regulation mechanism. The majority of chiasmata were interstitial. Pollen grain size discriminated between diploid and tetraploid taxa. The existence of a diploid cytotype of subsp.secaliformis is supported by pollen measurements of herbarium material.  相似文献   

New chromosome numbers for two species from the Senecio nemorensis group: S. dacicus (2n = 40) and S. ucranicus (2n = 40) have been ascertained. The counts for S. germanicus Wallr. subsp. germanicus (2n = 40), S. hercynicus Herborg subsp. hercynicus (2n = 40), S. ovatus (P. Gaertn. et al.) Willd. subsp. ovatus (2n = 40) occurring in the Carpathians are also reported. The study confirmed only the known tetraploid chromosome number for the taxa of this group. The pollen fertility ranged from 82.09 to 92.99% in all examined species and subspecies, including their hybrids.  相似文献   

The pollen morphology of 19 species in the genera Potamogeton, Zannichellia and Triglochin from China was examined under light and scanning electron microscopes. 1. Pollen characteristics (1) Potamogeton L. (Plate 1, 2:1-8) Pollen grains spheroidal, subspheroidal, rarely oblate or ovoid, (17-35)24.41×27.76(18-45)μm in size; anaperturate; exine 1-2μm thick, 2layered or obscure; crass-reticulate, reticulate or finely-reticulate under LM, distinctly reticulate under SEM; muri uniform or not uniform, smooth or granular, rarely with processes; bacula thicker or thinner at the intersection of muri. (2) Zannichellia L. (Plate 2:9) Pollen grains spheroidal, ,(20-26)23.1×24.15(21-27) μm in size; anaperturate; exine 1 μm thick, stratification obscure; nearly reticulate under LM, shallowly reticulate under SEM; luminae shallow, large and irregular, muri very thin and not uniform; bacula absent. (3) Triglochin L. (Plate 2:10-11) Pollen grains spheroidal or subspheroidal; (20-30)23.65×23.7(20-30) μm in size; anaperturate; exine about 1μm thick, stratification obscure, finely reticulate under LM, distinctly reticulate under SEM; luminae rather large or minute; muri uniform, with 1-2 lines of granules, bacula present or absent. 2. Pollen types of Potamogeton L. (1) Thin muri--thick bacula: Potamogeton pectinatus, P. intramongolicus, P. filiformis, P. pamiricus; (2) Uniform muri and bacula: 1) Large pollen subtype: Potamogeton crespus; 2) Medium-sized pollen subtype: Potamogeton heterophyllus, P. perfoliatus, P. distinctus, P. malaianus; 3) Minute pollen subtype: Potamogeton oxyphyllus, P. obtusifolius, P. lucens, P. cristatus, P. gramineus, P. octandrus, P. pusillus  相似文献   

Pollen morphology of four Matricaria species and 28 Tripleurospermum species was investigated with light microscopies (LM) and scanning electron microscopies (SEM). Pollen slides were prepared using Wodehouse technique. Measurements were based on 20 or more pollen grains per specimen. For SEM studies, dried pollen grains were transferred on aluminum stubs and coated with gold for 4 min in a sputter-coater. The pollen grains of Matricaria and Tripleurospermum are radially symmetric and isopolar. The pollen grains of the Matricaria are oblate-spheroidal with the polar axes 16.6–31.2 μm and the equatorial axes 18.7–23.9 μm. Tripleurospermum is oblate-spheroidal, suboblate and prolate-spheroidal with the polar axes 15.6–32.2 μm and the equatorial axes 17.7-38.5 μm. The pollen grains of Tripleurospermum are operculate and tricolporate. Matricaria is operculate and usually tricolporate or rarely syncolporate, tricolpate and tetracolporate. The pollen grain of both taxa shows echinate ornamentation. The spines are commonly conical with a broadened base and a tapered apical portion. The spine length varies between 1.8–4 μm in Tripleurospermum and 2.3–3.3 μm in Matricaria. The width of spines varies between 2.8–4.6 μm in Tripleurospermum and 2.4–3.6 μm in Matricaria. Inter-spinal area shows granulate–perforate, reticulate–perforate, rugulate–perforate ornamentations and the tectum surrounding the spine base is micro perforate. Overall exine thickness ranges from 2.8 to 4.8 μm in Tripleurospermum, 3.6 to 5.2 μm in Matricaria. Intine is thicker under pores in Tripleurospermum (0.3–0.62 μm) than in Matricaria (0.6–0.8 μm). Inter-spinal ornamentations, pollen shape and the numbers of perforations at the spin base have been observed as important morphological characters.  相似文献   

Patterns of mating and dispersal are key factors affecting the dynamics, viability and evolution of plant populations. Changes in mating system parameters can provide evidence of anthropogenic impacts on populations of rare plants. Tetratheca paynterae subsp. paynterae is a critically endangered perennial shrub confined to a single ironstone range in Western Australia. Mining of the range removed 25% of plants in 2004 and further plants may be removed if the viability of the remaining populations is not compromised. To provide baseline genetic data for monitoring mining impacts, we characterised the mating system and pollen dispersal over two seasons in T. paynterae subsp. paynterae and compared mating system parameters with two other ironstone endemics, T. paynterae subsp. cremnobata and T. aphylla subsp. aphylla that were not impacted by mining. T. paynterae subsp. paynterae was the only taxon showing evidence of inbreeding (t m = 0.89), although hand pollination revealed pre-zygotic self-incompatibility limits the production of seed from self-pollen. In a year of lower fruit set (2005), the estimate of correlated paternity increased from 20 to 35%. Direct estimates of realised pollen dispersal, made by paternity assignment in two small populations where all adult plants were genotyped, revealed a leptokurtic distribution with 30% of pollen dispersed less than 3 m and 90% less than 15 m. Restricted pollen dispersal maintains the strong genetic structuring of the adult populations in succeeding generations. As a consequence of preferential outcrossing, any reduction in effective population size, flowering plant density and/or the abundance and activity of pollinators may impact negatively on population viability through reduced seed set, increased inbreeding and increased correlated paternity.  相似文献   

María C Tellería 《Grana》2013,52(4):244-248
In order to determine the plants foraged by solitary Ptilothrix relata, the pollen content of food provisions was identified. The main pollen types confirm foraging by these bees on Malvaceae, Asteraceae and Onagraceae. Pollen sources belonging to Cucurbitaceae, Dipsacaceae and Portulacaceae families enrich the harvesting range of P. relata. According to the preliminary results, these bees can be considered more as narrowly polylectic than oligolectic because they collect pollen from a few unrelated species. Among the most abundant pollen collected, two major morphological types were recognized: (1) pollen with long spines (4–25?μm), many single apertures and large size (115–135?μm of diameter); and (2) tricolporate pollen with viscin threads.  相似文献   

Ya Tang  Jia-Sui Xie  Hui Sun 《Flora》2007,202(3):209-217
Pedicularis is one of few genera for which pollination ecology has been studied extensively. Although over half of the species of Pedicularis are found in the mountains of southwestern China, pollination ecology has been studied there on a few species only. The present paper reports pollination ecology of Pedicularis rex subsp. lipskyana and P. rex subsp. rex from Sichuan, southwestern China. The two subspecies are nectariferous, with sugar content 28% in P. rex lipskyana and 22% in P. rex, respectively. The flowers of the two subspecies are adapted to pollination by bumblebee workers. Bumblebees are the primary and effective pollinators although honeybees were also observed pollinating P. rex subsp. lipskyana at one studied population. Usually bumblebees entered the corolla tube from the right side in an upright or a nearly half-inverted position to imbibe nectar located at the base of the corolla tube. The stigma usually contacts the side region of the thorax and abdomen or occasionally directly contacted pollen loads, leading to pollination of flowers. Much less commonly, bumblebees foraged on flowers of P. rex subsp. rex in an inverted position for pollen, which pollinated flowers sternotribically. We suggest that pollination mechanism is closely associated with floral morphology. Some important differences were found from a previous study on P. rex in floral morphology and the primary pollination mechanism.  相似文献   

Emine Alçitepe 《Biologia》2012,67(5):875-882
The pollen morphology of Turkish species belonging to sect. Quinqueloculares (Boiss.) Phitos (Campanulaceae) were investigated with a light microscope (LM) and scanning electron microscope (SEM). All examined species are endemic, except Campanula crispa Lam. According to the results of this study, pollen grains of the examined taxa were triporate and spheroidal. Their sculpture was spinose and baculate (C. crispa Lam.); spinulose and microperforate (C. tomentosa Lam.); microperforate (C. vardariana Bocquet) or more commonly, microechinate (C. iconia Phitos, C. lyrata Lam. subsp. lyrata, C. hagielia Boiss., C. sorgerae Phitos, C. betonicifolia SM., C. karadjana Bocquet, C. telmessi Hub.-Mor. & Phitos, C. davisii Turrill).  相似文献   

The luminous marine bacterium Photobacterium mandapamensis was synonymized several years ago with Photobacterium leiognathi based on a high degree of phenotypic and genetic similarity. To test the possibility that P. leiognathi as now formulated, however, actually contains two distinct bacterial groups reflecting the earlier identification of P. mandapamensis and P. leiognathi as separate species, we compared P. leiognathi strains isolated from light-organ symbiosis with leiognathid fishes (i.e., ATCC 25521T, ATCC 25587, lequu.1.1 and lleuc.1.1) with strains from seawater originally described as P. mandapamensis and later synonymized as P. leiognathi (i.e., ATCC 27561T and ATCC 33981) and certain strains initially identified as P. leiognathi (i.e., PL-721, PL-741, 554). Analysis of the 16S rRNA and gyrB genes did not resolve distinct clades, affirming a close relationship among these strains. However, strains ATCC 27561T, ATCC 33981, PL-721, PL-741 and 554 were found to bear a luxF gene in the lux operon (luxABFE), whereas ATCC 25521T, ATCC 25587, lequu.1.1 and lleuc.1.1 lack this gene (luxABE). Phylogenetic analysis of the luxAB(F)E region confirmed this distinction. Furthermore, ATCC 27561T, ATCC 33981, PL-721, PL-741 and 554 all produced a higher level of luminescence on high-salt medium, as previously described for PL-721, whereas ATCC 25521T, ATCC 25587, lequu.1.1 and lleuc.1.1 all produced a higher level of luminescence on low-salt medium, a characteristic of P. leiognathi from leiognathid fish light organs. These results demonstrate that P. leiognathi contains two evolutionarily and phenotypically distinct clades, P. leiognathi subsp. leiognathi (strains ATCC 25521T, ATCC 25587, lequu.1.1 and lleuc.1.1), and P. leiognathi subsp. mandapamensis (strains ATCC 27561T, ATCC 33981, PL-721, PL-741 and 554).Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at .  相似文献   

Summary In order to compare cell wall formation in gymnosperm pollen with that in angiosperm pollen, the distribution of cell wall constituents in the pollen grain and pollen tube ofPinus densiflora was studied immunocytochemically with monoclonal antibodies JIM 5 (against non- or poorly esterified pectin), JIM 7 (against highly esterified pectin), JIM 13 (against arabinogalactan proteins, AGPs), and LM 2 (against AGPs containing glucuronic acid). In the pollen grain wall, only the outer layer of the intine was labeled with JIM 5 and weakly with JIM 7. The tube wall was scarcely labeled with JIM 5 and very weakly labeled with JIM 7. In contrast, the whole of both the intine and the tube wall was strongly labeled with JIM 13 and LM 2, and the generative-cell wall was also labeled only with LM 2. The hemicellulose B fraction, which is the main polysaccharide fraction from the pollen tube wall, reacted strongly with JIM 13 and especially LM 2, but not with antipectin antibodies. These results demonstrate that the wall constituents and their localization inP. densiflora pollen are considerably different from those reported in angiosperm pollen and suggest that the main components of the cell wall ofP. densiflora pollen are arabinogalactan and AGPs containing glucuronic acid.Abbreviations AGPs arabinogalactan proteins - ELISA enzymelinked immunosorbent assay - MAbs monoclonal antibodies  相似文献   

庞俊秀  薛惠芬  刘婉秋  龙鸿 《广西植物》2021,41(12):1996-2003
三倍体丹参是以二倍体丹参为父本、人工染色体加倍的四倍体白花丹参为母本杂交选育的杂交种。为深入了解三倍体丹参花粉的特性,以及为三倍体种质利用提供孢粉学依据,该文以二倍体丹参为对照,研究了三倍体丹参杂交种花粉的形态变异规律。利用光学显微镜和扫描电镜对二倍体和三倍体丹参的花粉萌发沟、外壁纹饰、花粉粒形状等特征进行了显微和超微形态观察,综合进行了花粉形态差异比较,并对花粉大小和形状数据进行了差异显著性分析和正态检验。结果表明:(1)二倍体丹参为6沟花粉,三倍体花粉萌发沟有6沟和8沟两种类型,沟内疣状颗粒分布不匀,出现畸形萌发沟。(2)二倍体和三倍体花粉外壁均为网状雕纹。二倍体花粉网眼内具多个多边形穿孔,穿孔大; 6沟和8沟两种类型的三倍体花粉网眼无穿孔或仅有几个小穿孔,6沟和8沟花粉的外壁雕纹相同。(3)三倍体花粉的极轴长(P)和赤道宽(E)均值显著小于二倍体花粉,花粉大小呈偏正态分布,P*E的差异系数大于二倍体花粉,且有极值存在。三倍体和二倍体丹参的萌发沟和雕纹存在差异,而花粉形状差异不显著。综上结果表明三倍体丹参花粉在倍性效应和杂合性的双重影响下发生了形态变异,且有多种形态变化。  相似文献   

The size of pollen in the genus Hordeum (Poaceae) is correlated with ploidy level and breeding system. Generally, the pollen size increases with the ploidy level, and outbreeding species possess significantly larger pollen than inbreeders. In H. roshevitzii (2x), H. pusilplum (2x), H. murinum subsp. murinum (4x), and H. parodii (6x) pollen, heteromorphisms occur between the central and the lateral florets of the triplet. In all four taxa, pollen from florets in which the anthers are exserted is larger than pollen from florets where the anthers remain inside the floret. The biological consequences of heteromorphic pollen are discussed, and a model for the evolution of breeding strategies in Hordeum is suggested.  相似文献   

Zygophyllum fabago is a herbaceous plant withairborne pollen found widely in the MurciaRegion, in the Southeast of Spain. Although itsallergenicity has been recently reported,little is known of its involvement inpollinosis. Aerobiological study andsensitization in pollinotics weremeasured using a Hirst volumetric trap. Wehave measured the atmospheric concentrationsof this pollen and other allergenicpollen types in our region, between March 1993 andMarch 1997. Z. fabago pollen wascollected for a morphometric study of thepollen grain, and a lyophilized extract wasprepared for skin prick tests. We haveconducted skin tests with different pollen typesfrom our region and with Z. fabago in1736 patients with symptomssuggesting pollinosis. The size of the pollengrain averages 15.17 × 17.35 µm. Thepollination period extends from May to August,with a mean accumulated concentration of 448grains/m3. Out of 1736 pollinotics,263 (15.15%) showed a positive skin test forZ. fabago, 6 were monosensitized and 257were sensitized to other common pollen types fromour Region. Specific IgE to Z. fabago wasequal or higher than 0.35 ku/l in 86.56% ofsensitized patients. Chenopodiaceae pollinateduring spring and autumn and sensitize a largernumber of patients; Urticaceae reach thehighest pollen concentrations for a longerperiod but are not the primary cause ofpollinosis. This study shows that Z. fabagopollen becomes airborne, elicits an IgEresponse and, like other pollens, contributestowards triggering allergic symptoms.It should therefore be considered arelevant allergen and accordingly beincluded in skin test procedures.  相似文献   

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