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Dendritic cells in the enamel organ of rat incisors were examined with immunocytochemistry using an anti-cystatin C antibody for immature dendritic cells and macrophages, OX6 for MHC Class II, ED1 for macrophages and dendritic cells, and ED2 for macrophages. Single cells positive for anti-cystatin C appeared in the enamel organ in zones at which ameloblasts secrete enamel matrix proteins. They were also present in transition and enamel maturation zones. In addition, ameloblasts, osteocytes, and osteoclasts were labeled by anti-cystatin C. ED1 and ED2 immunocytochemistry revealed that there was no macrophage population in the enamel organ of secretion, transition, or enamel maturation zone. A double labeling study showed that most anti-cystatin C-positive cells in the enamel maturation zone were also positive for OX6, whereas anti-cystatin C-positive and OX6-negative cells were prevalent in the secretion zone. The results suggest that immature dendritic cells penetrate the enamel organ of the secretion zone and begin to mature in the zones of transition and enamel maturation. (J Histochem Cytochem 48:1243-1255, 2000)  相似文献   

Epidermal growth factor (EGF) is a peptide shown to effect precocious incisor tooth eruption in rat pups. Binding sites for EGF were visualized in the continuously erupting adult rat incisor by light and electron microscope radioautography after in vivo injection of 125I-EGF. These binding sites represented EGF receptors because of (i) competition between 125I-EGF binding at 2 min after injection and a coinjected excess of unlabeled EGF; (ii) the receptor-mediated endocytosis of 125I-EGF at 15 and 30 min after injection; and (iii) the demonstration of EGF receptor kinase activation in vivo. The stem and the mitotic cells in the epithelial odontogenic organ at the growing end of the tooth develop into two nondividing layers of the enamel organ: (i) ameloblasts which secrete enamel and are subsequently involved in the enamel maturation process, and (ii) papillary layer cells situated between the blood supply and the ameloblasts. Although few EGF receptors were present at the mitotic end, receptor density was highest at the mature end of the enamel organ. High levels of 125I-EGF binding were found on papillary layer cells and ruffle-ended, but not smooth-ended, ameloblasts. This implies a cyclical exteriorization and internalization of receptors during modulations between the two cell types. These data suggest that the EGF receptor mediates a major function of the enamel organ in the formation of enamel.  相似文献   

Summary To investigate the mechanisms whereby annular gap junctions in the papillary cells of the enamel organ are degraded intracellularly, continuously growing rat incisors were examined by electron microscopy of routine thin sections as well as for the cytochemical localization of inorganic trimetaphosphatase activity. Routine thin-section analysis revealed small flat or undulated gap junctions, hemi-annular gap junctions between an invaginated cell process and a cell body, and fully internalized cytoplasmic annular gap junctions. Both hemi-annular and annular gap junctions usually contain various organelles and/or inclusions, such as mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes, vesicles, and lysosomes in the cytoplasm confined by the junctional membranes. Annular gap junctions are sometimes fused with vesicular or tubulovesicular structures. Cytochemistry of inorganic trimetaphosphatase activity revealed an intense enzymatic reaction within a system of tubular structures and round or oval dense bodies. Both structures are believed to correspond to primary lysosomes. A part of the Golgi apparatus also shows a weak reaction. Although hemi-annular gap junctions never show enzymatic reaction, annular gap junctions sometimes contain reaction products throughout their interior cytoplasm and inclusions. Fusion of annular gap-junctional membranes with reaction-positive tubular structures is also observed. In one instance, revealed in serial sections, an annular gap junction was encircled entirely by a reaction-positive structure. These results suggest that cytoplasmic annular gap junctions are formed by endocytosis of hemi-annular gap junctional membranes from the cell surface and then degraded intracellularly by lysosomal enzymes.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the behavior of rat incisor tissues during the inhibition of tooth eruption. Twenty Sprague-Dawley rats were used in this study, and incisor eruption was inhibited by a screw pin. Animals were sacrificed 1, 3, 7 and 14 days after the start of the experiment. Cross-sections at the mesial point of the mandibular first molar and sagittal sections of the mandibular tooth germ area were examined using immunohistochemical and immunofluorescence methods. For morphometric analysis, numbers of TRAP-positive cells were calculated against the total number of cells. In cross-sections from the experimental group, dentin was thickened and pulp tissue was constricted day by day. On days 1, 3 and 7, nestin-positive cells were observed in all odontoblast cell bodies and processes, while on day 14 fewer nestin-positive cells were seen than in the control group. On day 14, the mesial area of the periodontal ligament was constricted and the number of TRAP-positive cells in the mesial area was significantly higher than in the control group. In sagittal sections, enamel formation was found to be increased on days 7 and 14. Furthermore, in the enamel matrix amelogenin was expressed more strongly than in the control group. PCNA-positive cells were significantly increased in cells of the tooth germ compared with the control group. These results suggest that inhibition of tooth eruption accelerates the apical elongation with resorption of the mesial area of the alveolar bone and stimulates cell proliferation with thickened enamel towards the apical end.  相似文献   

Ameloblasts are unique epithelial cells, in that once they have deposited the entire thickness of enamel and the process of maturation begins, they reform a basal lamina-like structure at their apical surface. In order to characterize further this basal lamina, its composition was analysed using (1) lectin-gold cytochemistry for glycoconjugates, (2) high-iron diamine (HID) staining for sulfated glycoconjugates and (3) immunogold labeling for collagen type IV and laminin. The labeling patterns were compared to that of other more typical basement membranes found in the enamel organ. Sections of rat incisor enamel organs embedded in Lowicryl K4M were stained with Helix pomatia agglutinin (HPA), Ricinus communis I agglutinin (RCA), wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) and Ulex europaeus I agglutinin (UEA). Samples from the late maturation stage were also reacted en bloc with lectins and embedded in Epon for transmission electron microscopic examination or prepared for scanning electron microscopy. Such samples were also stained with HID and conventionally processed for Epon embedding. Tissue sections were then reacted with thiocarbohydrazide-silver proteinate (TCH-SP). Analysis of the lectin labeling suggested that the region of extracellular matrix immediately adjacent to ameloblasts, where the basal lamina is situated, was intensely reactive with HPA and RCA, moderately reactive with WGA, and weakly reactive with UEA. In general, other basement membranes were mildly reactive with all lectins used. No HID-TCH-SP staining was observed directly over the basal lamina while numerous stain deposits were present over other basement membranes of the enamel organ. Immunolocalization of collagen type IV and laminin yielded a weak and variable labeling over the basal lamina. These results are consistent with the concept of basement membrane heterogeneity and, although the precise nature and composition of the basal lamina associated with maturation stage ameloblasts remain to be determined, they suggest that it may possibly function as a specialized basement membrane with particular compositional characteristics.  相似文献   

Adult CDF albino rats were killed from 10 min to 6 hr after a single intravenous dose of HRP. Experimental and control tissues were reacted for peroxidase activity and processed for light and electron microscopy. At 10 min, all extracellular spaces of the secretion zone showed reaction product. A reaction was also seen around Tomes' processes and in a layer of enamel spaces in the region of thin enamel. At later time intervals, reactions around Tomes' processes were also seen in regions of thicker enamel. Tracer was located preferentially at the growth fronts of rod and interrod enamel, and also diffused for some distance into enamel. From 2 to 6 hr, the enamel over the transition zone became heavily labeled. The tracer penetrated for more than 90 μm into the enamel and was localized mainly in the interrod enamel. Droplets of dense stippled material in the extracellular spaces between Tomes' processes did not mix with tracer, but sites which contain a light stippled material in the controls (extracellular spaces, vesicles within ameloblasts) showed a reaction. It is concluded that (1) the basal terminal bars of secretory ameloblasts do not impede the flow of large molecules, (2) the apical terminal bars are permeable in early secretion, become increasingly tight as secretion progresses, and are again permeable in the transition zone, (3) ameloblasts can shuttle large extracellular molecules towards the enamel growth fronts, (4) large molecules can diffuse into enamel; rod and interrod enamel differ with regard to the diffusion of large molecules, (5) ameloblasts phagocytose significant amounts of light stippled material. The possibility is considered that extracellular enamel precursor molecules move preferentially towards the enamel growth fronts, perhaps by a mechanism involving membrane flow, and diffuse through enamel in similar fashion as HRP.  相似文献   

After tooth enamel has been secreted it undergoes maturation or hardening. This process is mediated by ruffled and smooth-ended ameloblasts and associated papillary layer cells. The cells of the papillary layer are characterized by large numbers of mitochondria, coated vesicles, microvilli, and gap junctions. These features have led numerous investigators to speculate that the papillary layer is an ion-transporting epithelium. We have conducted freeze-fracture studies of the rat papillary layer in order to better characterize the surface features of these cells. The cell membranes of the papillary cells contained large numbers of intramembrane particles of various sizes ranging from 4 to 9 nm in diameter. Gap junctions were present at the cell surface and in the cytoplasm in the form of annular gap junctions. The intramembrane particles or connexons of both types of gap junctions were about 8-9 nm wide and were either packed randomly or present in the so-called 'crystallized' state. At the interface between smooth-ended ameloblasts and papillary layer cells, a well-developed zonula occludens was present along the basal surfaces of the ameloblasts and several large gap junctions were formed between the two cell types. The capillary network associated with the papillary layer was characterized by a thin endothelium containing large numbers of fenestrations.  相似文献   

Dendritic cells are important for the induction of T-lymphocyte-mediated immunity by acting as antigen-presenting cells. We have previously reported that dendritic cells are prevalent in the chronic non-expanding phase of rat apical periodontitis. To characterize these cells further, immunoelectron microscopy with three dendritic cell markers (CD11c, OX6, OX62) was conducted for samples from rat models of apical periodontitis. Dendritic cells were divided into two types (type I or type II). Most of the type I dendritic cells expressed CD11c, showed an irregular large profile, had typical cytoplasmic processes, and were recognized as the major dendritic cell population. Most of the type II dendritic cells expressed OX62, showed oval small profiles with a few thin short processes, and were sometimes observed infiltrating from blood vessels. Cell-to-cell contacts between type I dendritic cells and lymphocytes were the most frequently observed associations. These results suggest that dendritic cells are composed of heterogeneous populations that exhibit different phenotypes, morphologies, and maturation/differentiation/activation. This study was supported by Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (no. 11470402 to T.O., and nos. 15791091 and 18791393 to T.K.) from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Sciences.  相似文献   

Summary In the transitional zone of the enamel organ (rat) some of the amelocytes perish. Their debris is phagocytized and digested by stratum intermedium cells and macrophages. These two cell types also seem to remove cytosegresomes expelled from those amelocytes which survive and redifferentiate into transporting amelocytes. Digestion of the amelocyte debris in the stratum intermedium cells is effected rapidly and completely. Degeneration of stratum intermedium cells was not observed in the transitional zone.This work was supported by grants from The Danish Medical Research Council (512-149/69 and 512-1008/71) and The Danish Science Research Council (512-1009/71).  相似文献   

The localization of calcium in the enamel organ of rapidly-frozen, freeze-substituted rat incisors in early-stage amelogenesis was examined by a histochemical calcium-staining method. In secretory ameloblasts, glyoxal bis(2-hydroxyanil) (GBHA) staining revealed intense red reactions in mitochondria and tubulovesicular structures located throughout the cytoplasm, while no reaction was seen in the nucleus and cytosol, nor along the plasma membranes of the respective cells. No significant GBHA reaction was observed in the intercellular compartment and other cells of the enamel organ. Some granular reactions were localized in the cells of the adjacent connective tissue. Control tests confirmed the specificity of GBHA reactions for calcium. Thus, the present observations provide histochemical evidence indicating an exclusive localization of calcium in mitochondria and tubulovesicular structures of the secretory ameloblast, and support their contributions to the translocation of calcium from the proximal to the distal pole of the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Morphologic examination of the developing enamel of rat incisors showed the presence of cell processes and remnants. Histochemical investigation of rapid-frozen freeze-substituted samples, using p-phenylenediamine or a phosphotungstic acid chromic acid mixture, revealed osmiophilic components which were extractable in chloroform-methanol solution and were located inside the tubule-like structures of the extracellular matrix. The presecretory cell-rich and developing enamel zones underwent quantitative and qualitative lipid analysis. Comparison of the biochemical data as well as of the morphological observations, suggests a cellular origin for enamel lipids randomly adsorbed by extracellular matrix components during enamel processing. The nature of the material which appeared as an osmiophilic intra-tubular filling is still unresolved.  相似文献   

The localization of alkaline phosphatases in dentinogenically active rat incisor odontoblasts was studied by means of subcellular fractionation and electron microscopical histochemistry. Subcellular fractionation revealed the predominant phosphatase activity to be present in the microsome fraction and to a lesser extent in the mitochondrial fraction. Adenosine triphosphate degrading enzyme activity was determined in the presence or absence of (+/-)-6(m-bromophenyl)-5, 6-dihydroimidazo(le) (2,1-b) thiazole oxalate (R 8231). Before the histochemical study, the effects on phosphatase activities by aldehyde fixation were studied by biochemical assay. A method of fixation for optimal preservation of phosphatase activity is presented. Phosphatase electron microscopic histochemistry was performed by using ATP as a substrate and with or without addition of the inhibitor R 82319 Precipitates were seen in the membranes of vesicles present in the odontoblast process and the Golgi region. When there were signs of insufficient fixation, precipitates were also seen in the outer membranes of mitochondria. No phosphatase activity was seen in the cell membrane. ATP degrading enzyme activities mediated by nonspecific alkaline phosphatase (APase) and Ca2+ -adenosine triphosphatase thus have the same morphological localization. This close association is consistent with earlier biochemical studies.  相似文献   

Summary Six rats were given intravascular injections containing 45Ca, killed by perfusion with fixative and the incisor teeth removed within 2 min. Direct autoradiography of the maturing enamel surface showed bands of 45Ca uptake at this short interval.  相似文献   

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