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In the kidney proximal tubule, NBCe1-A plays a critical role in absorbing HCO3 from cell to blood. NBCe1-A transmembrane segment 1 (TM1) is involved in forming part of the ion permeation pathway, and a missense mutation S427L in TM1 impairs ion transport, causing proximal renal tubular acidosis. In the present study, we examined the topology of NBCe1-A-TM1 in detail and its structural perturbation induced by S427L. We analyzed the N-terminal cytoplasmic region (Cys-389–Gln-424) of NBCe1-A-TM1 using the substituted cysteine scanning accessibility method combined with extensive chemical stripping, in situ chemical probing, and functional transport assays. NBCe1-A-TM1 was previously modeled on the anion exchanger 1 TM1 (AE1-TM1); however, our data demonstrated that the topology of AE1-TM1 differs significantly from NBCe1-A-TM1. Our findings revealed that NBCe1-A-TM1 is unusually long, consisting of 31 membrane-embedded amino acids (Phe-412 to Thr-442). The linker region (Arg-394–Pro-411) between the N terminus of TM1 and the cytoplasmic domain is minimally exposed to aqueous and is potentially folded in a helical structure that intimately interacts with the NBCe1-A cytoplasmic domain. In contrast, AE1-TM1 contains 25 amino acids connected to an aqueous-exposed cytoplasmic region. Based on our new NBCe1-A-TM1 model, Ser-427 resides in the middle of TM1. Leucine substitution at Ser-427 blocks the normal aqueous access to Thr-442, Ala-435, and Lys-404, implying a significant alteration of NBCe1-TM1 orientation. Our study provides novel structural insights into the pathogenic mechanism of S427L in mediating proximal renal tubular acidosis.  相似文献   

In Escherichia coli, FtsK is a large integral membrane protein that coordinates chromosome segregation and cell division. The N-terminal domain of FtsK (FtsKN) is essential for division, and the C terminus (FtsKC) is a well characterized DNA translocase. Although the function of FtsKN is unknown, it is suggested that FtsK acts as a checkpoint to ensure DNA is properly segregated before septation. This may occur through modulation of protein interactions between FtsKN and other division proteins in both the periplasm and cytoplasm; thus, a clear understanding of how FtsKN is positioned in the membrane is required to characterize these interactions. The membrane topology of FtsKN was initially determined using site-directed reporter fusions; however, questions regarding this topology persist. Here, we report a revised membrane topology generated by site-directed fluorescence labeling. The revised topology confirms the presence of four transmembrane segments and reveals a newly identified periplasmic loop between the third and fourth transmembrane domains. Within this loop, four residues were identified that, when mutated, resulted in the appearance of cellular voids. High resolution transmission electron microscopy of these voids showed asymmetric division of the cytoplasm in the absence of outer membrane invagination or visible cell wall ingrowth. This uncoupling reveals a novel role for FtsK in linking cell envelope septation events and yields further evidence for FtsK as a critical checkpoint of cell division. The revised topology of FtsKN also provides an important platform for future studies on essential interactions required for this process.  相似文献   

Energy-dependent uphill transport but not energy-independent downhill transport by lactose permease (LacY) is impaired when expressed in Escherichia coli cells or reconstituted in liposomes lacking phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) and containing only anionic phospholipids. The absence of PE results in inversion of the N-terminal half and misfolding of periplasmic domain P7, which are required for uphill transport of substrates. Replacement of PE in vitro by lipids with no net charge (phosphatidylcholine (PC), monoglucosyl diacylglycerol (GlcDAG), or diglucosyl diacylglycerol (GlcGlcDAG)) supported wild type transmembrane topology of the N-terminal half of LacY. The restoration of uphill transport in vitro was dependent on LacY native topology and proper folding of P7. Support of uphill transport by net neutral lipids in vitro (PE > PC ≫ GlcDAG ≠ GlcGlcDAG provided that PE or PC contained one saturated fatty acid) paralleled the results observed previously in vivo (PE = PC > GlcDAG ≠ GlcGlcDAG). Therefore, a free amino group is not required for uphill transport as previously concluded based on the lack of in vitro uphill transport when fully unsaturated PC replaced E. coli-derived PE. A close correlation was observed in vivo and in vitro between the ability of LacY to carry out uphill transport, the native conformation of P7, and the lipid headgroup and fatty acid composition. Therefore, the headgroup and the fatty acid composition of lipids are important for defining LacY topological organization and catalytically important structural features, further illustrating the direct role of lipids, independent of other cellular factors, in defining membrane protein structure/function.  相似文献   

Mutations in the NPHS2 gene are a major cause of steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome, a severe human kidney disorder. The NPHS2 gene product podocin is a key component of the slit diaphragm cell junction at the kidney filtration barrier and part of a multiprotein-lipid supercomplex. A similar complex with the podocin ortholog MEC-2 is required for touch sensation in Caenorhabditis elegans. Although podocin and MEC-2 are membrane-associated proteins with a predicted hairpin-like structure and amino and carboxyl termini facing the cytoplasm, this membrane topology has not been convincingly confirmed. One particular mutation that causes kidney disease in humans (podocinP118L) has also been identified in C. elegans in genetic screens for touch insensitivity (MEC-2P134S). Here we show that both mutant proteins, in contrast to the wild-type variants, are N-glycosylated because of the fact that the mutant C termini project extracellularly. PodocinP118L and MEC-2P134S did not fractionate in detergent-resistant membrane domains. Moreover, mutant podocin failed to activate the ion channel TRPC6, which is part of the multiprotein-lipid supercomplex, indicative of the fact that cholesterol recruitment to the ion channels, an intrinsic function of both proteins, requires C termini facing the cytoplasmic leaflet of the plasma membrane. Taken together, this study demonstrates that the carboxyl terminus of podocin/MEC-2 has to be placed at the inner leaflet of the plasma membrane to mediate cholesterol binding and contribute to ion channel activity, a prerequisite for mechanosensation and the integrity of the kidney filtration barrier.  相似文献   

To understand how YidC and SecYEG function together in membrane protein topogenesis, insertion and folding of the lactose permease of Escherichia coli (LacY), a 12-transmembrane helix protein LacY that catalyzes symport of a galactoside and an H+, was studied. Although both the SecYEG machinery and signal recognition particle are required for insertion of LacY into the membrane, YidC is not required for translocation of the six periplasmic loops in LacY. Rather, YidC acts as a chaperone, facilitating LacY folding. Upon YidC depletion, the conformation of LacY is perturbed, as judged by monoclonal antibody binding studies and by in vivo cross-linking between introduced Cys pairs. Disulfide cross-linking also demonstrates that YidC interacts with multiple transmembrane segments of LacY during membrane biogenesis. Moreover, YidC is strictly required for insertion of M13 procoat protein fused into the middle cytoplasmic loop of LacY. In contrast, the loops preceding and following the inserted procoat domain are dependent on SecYEG for insertion. These studies demonstrate close cooperation between the two complexes in membrane biogenesis and that YidC functions primarily as a foldase for LacY.  相似文献   

The high-affinity choline transporter CHT1 mediates choline uptake essential for acetylcholine synthesis in cholinergic nerve terminals. CHT1 belongs to the Na+/glucose cotransporter family (SLC5), which is postulated to have a common 13-transmembrane domain core; however, no direct experimental evidence for CHT1 transmembrane topology has yet been reported. We examined the transmembrane topology of human CHT1 using cysteine-scanning analysis. Single cysteine residues were introduced into the putative extra- and intracellular loops and probed for external accessibility for labeling with a membrane-impermeable, sulfhydryl-specific biotinylating reagent in intact cells expressing these mutants. The results provide experimental evidence for a topological model of a 13-transmembrane domain protein with an extracellular amino terminus and an intracellular carboxyl terminus. We also constructed a three-dimensional homology model of CHT1 based on the crystal structure of the bacterial Na+/galactose cotransporter, which supports our conclusion of CHT1 transmembrane topology. Furthermore, we examined whether CHT1 exists as a monomer or oligomer. Chemical cross-linking induces the formation of a higher molecular weight form of CHT1 on the cell surface in HEK293 cells. Two different epitope-tagged CHT1 proteins expressed in the same cells can be co-immunoprecipitated. Moreover, co-expression of an inactive mutant I89A with the wild type induces a dominant-negative effect on the overall choline uptake activity. These results indicate that CHT1 forms a homo-oligomer on the cell surface in cultured cells.  相似文献   

The N-terminal six-transmembrane domain (TM) bundle of lactose permease of Escherichia coli is uniformly inverted when assembled in membranes lacking phosphatidylethanolamine (PE). Inversion is dependent on the net charge of cytoplasmically exposed protein domains containing positive and negative residues, net charge of the membrane surface, and low hydrophobicity of TM VII acting as a molecular hinge between the two halves of lactose permease (Bogdanov, M., Xie, J., Heacock, P., and Dowhan, W. (2008) J. Cell Biol. 182, 925-935). Net neutral lipids suppress the membrane translocation potential of negatively charged amino acids, thus increasing the cytoplasmic retention potential of positively charged amino acids. Herein, TM organization of sucrose permease (CscB) and phenylalanine permease (PheP) as a function of membrane lipid composition was investigated to extend these principles to other proteins. For CscB, topological dependence on PE only becomes evident after a significant increase in the net negative charge of the cytoplasmic surface of the N-terminal TM bundle. High negative charge is required to overcome the thermodynamic block to inversion due to the high hydrophobicity of TM VII. Increasing the positive charge of the cytoplasmic surface of the N-terminal TM hairpin of PheP, which is misoriented in PE-lacking cells, favors native orientation in the absence of PE. PheP and CscB also display co-existing dual topologies dependent on changes in the charge balance between protein domains and the membrane lipids. Therefore, the topology of both permeases is dependent on PE. However, CscB topology is governed by thermodynamic balance between opposing lipid-dependent electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions.  相似文献   

The bacterial multidrug transporter EmrE is a dual-topology membrane protein and as such is able to insert into the membrane in two opposite orientations. The functional form of EmrE is a homodimer; however, the relative orientation of the subunits in the dimer is under debate. Using EmrE variants with fixed, opposite orientations in the membrane, we now show that, although the proteins are able to form parallel dimers, an antiparallel organization of the subunits in the dimer is preferred. Blue-native PAGE analyses of intact oligomers and disulfide cross-linking demonstrate that in membranes, the proteins form parallel dimers only if no oppositely orientated partner is present. Co-expression of oppositely orientated proteins almost exclusively yields antiparallel dimers. Finally, parallel dimers can be disrupted and converted into antiparallel dimers by heating of detergent-solubilized protein. Importantly, in vivo function is correlated clearly to the presence of antiparallel dimers. Our results suggest that an antiparallel arrangement of the subunits in the dimer is more stable than a parallel organization and likely corresponds to the functional form of the protein.  相似文献   

Membrane proteins constitute 20–30% of all proteins encoded by the genome of various organisms. Large amounts of purified proteins are required for activity and crystallization attempts. Thus, there is an unmet need for a heterologous membrane protein overexpression system for purification, crystallization, and activity determination. We developed a combinatorial method for overexpressing and purifying membrane proteins using Escherichia coli. This method utilizes short hydrophilic bacterial proteins, YaiN and YbeL, fused to the ends of the membrane proteins to serve as facilitating factors for expression and purification. Fourteen prokaryotic and mammalian membrane proteins were expressed using this system. Moderate to high expression was obtained for most proteins, and detergent solubilization combined with a short purification process produced stable, monodispersed membrane proteins. Five of the mammalian membrane proteins, overexpressed using our system, were reconstituted into liposomes and exhibited transport activity comparable with the native transporters.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli synthesize over 60 poorly understood small proteins of less than 50 amino acids. A striking feature of these proteins is that 65% contain a predicted α-helical transmembrane (TM) domain. This prompted us to examine the localization, topology, and membrane insertion of the small proteins. Biochemical fractionation showed that, consistent with the predicted TM helix, the small proteins generally are most abundant in the inner membrane fraction. Examples of both N(in)-C(out) and N(out)-C(in) orientations were found in assays of topology-reporter fusions to representative small TM proteins. Interestingly, however, three of nine tested proteins display dual topology. Positive residues close to the transmembrane domains are conserved, and mutational analysis of one small protein, YohP, showed that the positive inside rule applies for single transmembrane domain proteins as has been observed for larger proteins. Finally, fractionation analysis of small protein localization in strains depleted of the Sec or YidC membrane insertion pathways uncovered differential requirements. Some small proteins appear to be affected by both Sec and YidC depletion, others showed more dependence on one or the other insertion pathway, whereas one protein was not affected by depletion of either Sec or YidC. Thus, despite their diminutive size, small proteins display considerable diversity in topology, biochemical features, and insertion pathways.  相似文献   

The multiple transferable resistance (mTR) pump from Neisseria gonorrhoeae MtrCDE multidrug pump is assembled from the inner and outer membrane proteins MtrD and MtrE and the periplasmic membrane fusion protein MtrC. Previously we established that while there is a weak interaction of MtrD and MtrE, MtrC binds with relatively high affinity to both MtrD and MtrE. MtrD conferred antibiotic resistance only when it was expressed with MtrE and MtrC, suggesting that these proteins form a functional tripartite complex in which MtrC bridges MtrD and MtrE. Furthermore, we demonstrated that MtrC interacts with an intraprotomer groove on the surface of MtrE, inducing channel opening. However, a second groove is apparent at the interface of the MtrE subunits, which might also be capable of engaging MtrC. We have now established that MtrC can be cross-linked to cysteines placed in this interprotomer groove and that mutation of residues in the groove impair the ability of the pump to confer antibiotic resistance by locking MtrE in the closed channel conformation. Moreover, MtrE K390C forms an intermolecular disulfide bond with MtrC E149C locking MtrE in the open channel conformation, suggesting that a functional salt bridge forms between these residues during the transition from closed to open channel conformations. MtrC forms dimers that assemble into hexamers, and electron microscopy studies of single particles revealed that these hexamers are arranged into ring-like structures with an internal aperture sufficiently large to accommodate the MtrE trimer. Cross-linking of single cysteine mutants of MtrC to stabilize the dimer interface in the presence of MtrE, trapped an MtrC-MtrE complex with a molecular mass consistent with a stoichiometry of 3:6 (MtrE(3)MtrC(6)), suggesting that dimers of MtrC interact with MtrE, presumably by binding to the two grooves. As both MtrE and MtrD are trimeric, our studies suggest that the functional pump is assembled with a stoichiometry of 3:6:3.  相似文献   

The Lol system comprising five Lol proteins, LolA through LolE, sorts Escherichia coli lipoproteins to outer membranes. The LolCDE complex, an ATP binding cassette transporter in inner membranes, releases outer membrane-specific lipoproteins in an ATP-dependent manner, causing formation of the LolA-lipoprotein complex in the periplasm. LolA transports lipoproteins through the periplasm to LolB on outer membranes. LolB is itself a lipoprotein anchored to outer membranes, although the membrane anchor is functionally dispensable. LolB then localizes lipoproteins to outer membranes through largely unknown mechanisms. The crystal structure of LolB is similar to that of LolA, and it possesses a hydrophobic cavity that accommodates acyl chains of lipoproteins. To elucidate the molecular function of LolB, a periplasmic version of LolB, mLolB, was mutagenized at various conserved residues. Despite the lack of acyl chains, most defective mutants were insoluble. However, a derivative with glutamate in place of leucine 68 was soluble and unable to localize lipoproteins to outer membranes. This leucine is present in a loop protruding from mLolB into an aqueous environment, and no analogous loop is present in LolA. Thus, leucine 68 was replaced with other residues. Replacement by acidic, but not hydrophobic, residues generated for the first time mLolB derivatives that can accept but cannot localize lipoproteins to outer membranes. Moreover, deletion of the leucine with neighboring residues impaired the lipoprotein receptor activity. Based on these observations, the roles of the protruding loop of LolB in the last step of lipoprotein sorting are discussed.  相似文献   

The human serotonin transporter (hSERT) is responsible for the termination of synaptic serotonergic signaling. Although there is solid evidence that SERT forms oligomeric complexes, the exact stoichiometry of the complexes and the fractions of different coexisting oligomeric states still remain enigmatic. Here we used single molecule fluorescence microscopy to obtain the oligomerization state of the SERT via brightness analysis of single diffraction-limited fluorescent spots. Heterologously expressed SERT was labeled either with the fluorescent inhibitor JHC 1-64 or via fusion to monomeric GFP. We found a variety of oligomerization states of membrane-associated transporters, revealing molecular associations larger than dimers and demonstrating the coexistence of different degrees of oligomerization in a single cell; the data are in agreement with a linear aggregation model. Furthermore, oligomerization was found to be independent of SERT surface density, and oligomers remained stable over several minutes in the live cell plasma membrane. Together, the results indicate kinetic trapping of preformed SERT oligomers at the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Nascent chains are known to be targeted to the endoplasmic reticulum membrane either by a signal recognition particle (SRP)-dependent co-translational or by an SRP-independent post-translational translocation route depending on signal sequences. Using a set of model and cellular proteins carrying an N-terminal signal anchor sequence of controlled hydrophobicity and yeast mutant strains defective in SRP or Sec62 function, the hydrophobicity-dependent targeting efficiency and targeting pathway preference were systematically evaluated. Our results suggest that an SRP-dependent co-translational and an SRP-independent post-translational translocation are not mutually exclusive for signal anchor proteins and that moderately hydrophobic ones require both SRP and Sec62 for proper targeting and translocation to the endoplasmic reticulum. Further, defect in Sec62 selectively reduced signal sequences inserted in an Nin-Cout (type II) membrane topology, implying an undiscovered role of Sec62 in regulating the orientation of the signal sequence in an early stage of translocation.  相似文献   

Outer membrane vesicles (OMVs) are spherical bilayered proteolipids released from the cell surfaces of bacteria, which have gained traction in the biotechnology fields. Bacterial cellular machinery can be genetically engineered to produce and package heterologous enzymes into OMVs, producing nanocarriers and nanoparticle catalysts. However, the productivity or efficiency of packaging the target protein into OMVs has not been quantitatively evaluated. In this study, we packaged green fluorescence protein (GFP) into the OMVs of Escherichia coli through N‐terminal fused expression to outer membrane protein W (OmpW). The OMV productivity and amount of OmpW‐GFP packaged in the OMVs were quantitatively compared between two hypervesiculating mutant strains ΔnlpI and ΔdegP. Both strains increased the OMV production, but the ΔnlpI strain additionally enhanced the packaging of OmpW‐GFP into OMVs. It was further confirmed that Spr, a peptidoglycan endopeptidase, plays an important role in the enhanced packaging of OmpW‐GFP into OMVs through the increased OmpW‐GFP expression on the ΔnlpI cells. Finally, the amount of OmpW‐GFP released in the OMV fraction of both mutants was determined in terms of the OMV productivity and the packaging efficiency of OmpW‐GFP into OMVs. © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 34:51–57, 2018  相似文献   

Blue native gel electrophoresis is a popular method for the determination of the oligomeric state of membrane proteins. Studies using this technique have reported that mitochondrial carriers are dimeric (composed of two ∼32-kDa monomers) and, in some cases, can form physiologically relevant associations with other proteins. Here, we have scrutinized the behavior of the yeast mitochondrial ADP/ATP carrier AAC3 in blue native gels. We find that the apparent mass of AAC3 varies in a detergent- and lipid-dependent manner (from ∼60 to ∼130 kDa) that is not related to changes in the oligomeric state of the protein, but reflects differences in the associated detergent-lipid micelle and Coomassie Blue G-250 used in this technique. Higher oligomeric state species are only observed under less favorable solubilization conditions, consistent with aggregation of the protein. Calibration with an artificial covalent AAC3 dimer indicates that the mass observed for solubilized AAC3 and other mitochondrial carriers corresponds to a monomer. Size exclusion chromatography of purified AAC3 in dodecyl maltoside under blue native gel-like conditions shows that the mass of the monomer is ∼120 kDa, but appears smaller on gels (∼60 kDa) due to the unusually high amount of bound negatively charged dye, which increases the electrophoretic mobility of the protein-detergent-dye micelle complex. Our results show that bound lipid, detergent, and Coomassie stain alter the behavior of mitochondrial carriers on gels, which is likely to be true for other small membrane proteins where the associated lipid-detergent micelle is large when compared with the mass of the protein.  相似文献   

Autotransporters are a superfamily of virulence proteins produced by Gram-negative bacteria. They consist of an N-terminal β-helical domain (“passenger domain”) that is secreted into the extracellular space and a C-terminal β-barrel domain (“β-domain”) that anchors the protein to the outer membrane. Because the periplasm lacks ATP, vectorial folding of the passenger domain in a C-to-N-terminal direction has been proposed to drive the secretion reaction. Consistent with this hypothesis, mutations that disrupt the folding of the C terminus of the passenger domain of the Escherichia coli O157:H7 autotransporter EspP have been shown to cause strong secretion defects. Here, we show that point mutations introduced at specific locations near the middle or N terminus of the EspP β-helix that perturb folding also impair secretion, but to a lesser degree. Surprisingly, we found that even multiple mutations that potentially abolish the stability of several consecutive rungs of the β-helix only moderately reduce secretion efficiency. Although these results provide evidence that the free energy derived from passenger domain folding contributes to secretion efficiency, they also suggest that a significant fraction of the energy required for secretion is derived from another source.  相似文献   

The x-ray structure of the prototypic MATE family member, NorM from Vibrio cholerae, reveals a protein fold composed of 12 transmembrane helices (TMHs), confirming hydropathy analyses of the majority of (prokaryotic and plant) MATE transporters. However, the mammalian MATEs are generally predicted to have a 13(th) TMH and an extracellular C terminus. Here we affirm this prediction, showing that the C termini of epitope-tagged, full-length human, rabbit, and mouse MATE1 were accessible to antibodies from the extracellular face of the membrane. Truncation of these proteins at or near the predicted junction between the 13(th) TMH and the long cytoplasmic loop that precedes it resulted in proteins that (i) trafficked to the membrane and (ii) interacted with antibodies only after permeabilization of the plasma membrane. CHO cells expressing rbMate1 truncated at residue Gly-545 supported levels of pH-sensitive transport similar to that of cells expressing the full-length protein. Although the high transport rate of the Gly-545 truncation mutant was associated with higher levels of membrane expression (than full-length MATE1), suggesting the 13(th) TMH may influence substrate translocation, the selectivity profile of the mutant indicated that TMH13 has little impact on ligand binding. We conclude that the functional core of MATE1 consists of 12 (not 13) TMHs. Therefore, we used the x-ray structure of NorM to develop a homology model of the first 12 TMHs of MATE1. The model proved to be stable in molecular dynamic simulations and agreed with topology evident from preliminary cysteine scanning of intracellular versus extracellular loops.  相似文献   

Cationic antimicrobial peptides/proteins (AMPs) are important components of the host innate defense mechanisms against invading microorganisms. Here we demonstrate that OprI (outer membrane protein I) of Pseudomonas aeruginosa is responsible for its susceptibility to human ribonuclease 7 (hRNase 7) and α-helical cationic AMPs, instead of surface lipopolysaccharide, which is the initial binding site of cationic AMPs. The antimicrobial activities of hRNase 7 and α-helical cationic AMPs against P. aeruginosa were inhibited by the addition of exogenous OprI or anti-OprI antibody. On modification and internalization of OprI by hRNase 7 into cytosol, the bacterial membrane became permeable to metabolites. The lipoprotein was predicted to consist of an extended loop at the N terminus for hRNase 7/lipopolysaccharide binding, a trimeric α-helix, and a lysine residue at the C terminus for cell wall anchoring. Our findings highlight a novel mechanism of antimicrobial activity and document a previously unexplored target of α-helical cationic AMPs, which may be used for screening drugs to treat antibiotic-resistant bacterial infection.  相似文献   

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